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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beschreibung des Ermüdungsverhaltens von Asphaltgemischen unter Verwendung von ein- und mehraxialen Zugschwellversuchen / Characterization of the fatigue behaviour of asphalt mixes using uni- and multiaxial tension tests

Weise, Christiane 19 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Für die Ermittlung der Ermüdungsfunktion sowie der E-Modul-Funktion sind in den europäischen Normen verschiedene Versuchsarten vorgesehen. In Deutschland werden bisher der Einaxiale Zugschwellversuch und der Spaltzugschwellversuch angewandt. Diese vergleichsweise einfachen Versuche können das Ermüdungsverhalten eines Asphaltgemisches in situ nur mit Einschränkungen (z.B. hinsichtlich des vorherrschenden Spannungszustandes) wiedergeben. Der Triaxialversuch mit Zug-/Druckschwellbelastung kann zur realitätsnahen Untersuchung des Ermüdungsverhaltens (Ermüdungsfunktion in Verbindung mit der E-Modul-Funktion) angewandt werden, da neben der frei wählbaren Zugbeanspruchung zusätzlich beliebige Druckbeanspruchungen normal zur Zugspannung auf den Probekörper aufgegeben werden können. Aufgrund der aufwändigen Versuchsdurchführung findet der Versuch bisher nur in der Forschung Anwendung. Die für die Dissertation ausgewerteten Daten umfassen die Ergebnisse von Einaxialen Zugschwellversuchen, Spaltzugschwellversuchen und Triaxialversuchen mit Zug-/Druckschwellbelastung an insgesamt sechs verschiedenen Asphaltgemischen. Die Einflüsse aus dem Hohlraumgehalt, der Belastungsfrequenz sowie der Mischgutart und -sorte auf das Ermüdungsverhalten konnten herausgearbeitet werden. Weiterhin gelang aus den Ergebnissen aller Versuchsarten die Aufstellung von Ermüdungsflächenfunktionen in Abhängigkeit von Dehnungsanteilen infolge verschiedener Spannungskomponenten (mehraxialer Spannungszustand) unter Berücksichtigung der in den Probekörpern der verschiedenen Ermüdungsversuche auftretenden Spannungskombinationen Zug- zu Druckspannung. Die Gültigkeit der ermittelten Ermüdungsflächenfunktion für andere, über die in den angewendeten Versuchsarten hinausgehende Spannungskombinationen muss mit Hilfe geeigneter (noch zu entwickelnder) Versuche überprüft werden.

The Duke of Uncertainty -Aspects of Professional Skill

Alsterdal, Lotte January 2001 (has links)
<p><i>The Duke of Uncertainty - Aspects of Professional Skill</i>is a dissertation whose title is a literary metaphor designedto draw attention to encounters with unforeseen problems anddilemmas at work.</p><p>The first part of the dissertation presents the skill andtechnology tradition that has developed over the last twentyyears through explorative case studies. These have covered theskills of various occupational groups, such as processoperators in the paper-and-pulp and chemicals industries,managers and systems engineers working on real timeapplications in specialized knowledge intensive firms as wellas doctors and nurses.</p><p>The theoretical perspective is the epistemology of skillfocusing on the phenomenon of tacit knowledge. This has itsroots in Wittgenstein's philosophy of language as developed bythe philosophers Allan Janik and Kjell S. Johannessen.</p><p>The methodological framework develops indirect analogicalthinking which is a prerequisite for knowledge based onexperience, through exemplification.</p><p>The empirical part of the work shows knowledge offamiliarity among members of an occupational group with lowformal training but extensive practical experience, namelyassistant nurses. A comparative analysis is undertaken inrelation to previous case studies in the field of skill andtechnology aimed at occupational groups with high formaleducational qualifications.</p><p>A particular aspect to which attention is drawn is therhythm in work that unites occupational groups regardless ofeducational background. Occupational skill is treated as acapacity developed to find rhythm in action when confrontedwith situations that are hard to handle. The dissertationconsiders aspects that can be tried out in other occupationalarenas and paves the way for identifying phenomena in workinglife that hinder the development of rhythm in work.</p><p>The dissertation contributes to the setting-up ofundergraduate-level training for groups of people who have notpreviously had access to higher education, and aims tointroduce new aspects into the development of analoguethinking.</p><p><b>Key words</b>: practical versus theoretical knowledge, skillof epistemology, tacit knowledge, comparative case study,literary metaphor, analogical thinking, indirect method,occupational training.</p>

Indirekt miljöpåverkan inom tjänstesektorn : En intervjustudie om hanteringen av indirekt miljöpåverkan inom några organisationers miljöledningssystem / Indirect Environmental Impact within the Service Industry : An Interview Study about the Management of Indirect Environmental Impact within a Few Organisations Environmental Management System

Sharifian, Ladan January 2008 (has links)
<p><p>I och med samhällets utveckling från ett jordbrukssamhälle till ett industriellt samhälle, och vidare till ett tjänste- och kunskapssamhälle har antalet tjänsteföretag växt, och därmed även miljöpåverkan från denna sektor. Tjänstesektorns miljöpåverkan kan delas upp i två delar, en direkt miljöpåverkan kopplat till kontorsverksamheten, såsom energianvändning, samt en indirekt miljöpåverkan, som är ett resultat av tjänstens framtida nytta och bestående värde. Ett vanligt verktyg som svenska företag, och andra typer av organisationer, använder sig av för att strukturera upp sitt miljöarbete är miljöledningssystem enligt den internationella standarden ISO 14001. Miljöledningssystem är dock inte lika vanligt förekommande i tjänstesektorn som inom tillverkningsindustrin. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att studera hur indirekt miljöpåverkan hanteras, och kan bli mer hanterbart, inom tjänstesektorn. Detta belyses genom att diskutera varför organisationer har valt att certifiera sina verksamheter, hur organisationer definierar, och hanterar, indirekt miljöpåverkan, samt vilken roll ledningen och medarbetarna har vid hanteringen av den indirekta miljöpåverkan.</p><p>Studien utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med miljöansvariga på fyra tjänsteföretag samt fyra myndigheter. Resultatet av intervjuerna sammanställdes, analyserades och kopplades samman med tidigare studier. Därefter drogs ett antal slutsatser. Slutsatserna visar att organisationerna har valt att certifiera sina verksamheter p.g.a. efterfrågan och intresse hos kunder, samt för att visa på att företaget besitter en hög miljökompetens. De flesta av de medverkande organisationerna har format egna definitioner av begreppet indirekt miljöpåverkan. Gemensamt för dessa definitioner är att samtliga kopplas ihop med kundernas miljöpåverkan. Slutsatserna visar även att hanteringen av organisationernas indirekta miljöpåverkan sker inom ramen för deras miljöledningssystem. Det upplevs dock mycket svårt att formulera mätbara miljömål som berör den indirekta miljöpåverkan vilket troligen beror på att ISO 14001 bl.a. ställer krav på att det ska finnas mätbara mål och att möjligheterna till att formulera ickekvantifierbara miljömål har undgått organisationerna. Ett alternativ för att underlätta hanteringen av den indirekta miljöpåverkan skulle kunna vara att låta bli att dela in miljöpåverkan i kategorierna direkt och indirekt, och istället se till den totala miljöpåverkan med hjälp av ett processbaserat tillvägagångssätt. Det kan även diskuteras huruvida begreppet ”mätningar” är lämpligt vid arbetet med miljömål då termen leder till tankar kring kvantifierbarhet. Vidare visar slutsatserna att ledningens och medarbetarnas kompetens samt engagemang är två nyckelfaktorer för att organisationerna ska lyckas med miljöarbetet.</p></p>

La continuité référentielle en moyen français règles syntactico-sémantiques /

Dupuy-Parant, Estele. Marchello-Nizia, Christiane. Blanchard, Joël January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Linguistique : Le Mans : 2006. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr. p. 673-687.

Environmental Policy Space and International Investment Law

Romson, Åsa January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the implications of international investment law on host states’ legal ability to protect the environment, regulate sustainable use of natural resources, and develop new approaches to manage environmental risks and uncertainties. ‘Environmental policy space’ is found to be a useful term when exploring the regulatory autonomy in this context. On one hand, investment law aims to ensure stability of the investment environment. On the other hand, environmental law needs flexibility to react to the degradation of the environment. It is found that those different aims do not have to be in conflict. There are useful mechanisms in national environmental law which provide for accessible, transparent and predictable decisions for the private actor. These mechanisms can fulfill the aim of stability in investment law. It is, however, concluded that core provisions of international investment treaties risk to put constraints to environmental law in a variety of ways. To diminish these risks, states, when concluding investment treaties, should make clear that constraining environmental regulation is not compatible with the overarching aim of sustainable development. Furthermore, the interpretation of provisions of investment protection must respect principles and instruments of environmental law not to continue being unbalanced towards investor interests. It is also concluded that allowing for investor – state arbitration, without the investor exhausting local remedies, will ignore the important national administrative review system of public environmental measures.

Ontogenetic bottlenecks : effects on intraguild predation systems and ecosystem efficiency

Reichstein, Birte January 2015 (has links)
Size-dependent differences between individuals in size-structured organisms have fundamental effect on population and community dynamics. Intraguild predation (IGP) is one specifically interesting constellation that often arises when two size-structured populations interact. Ontogenetic bottlenecks that determine population size-structure are affected by both population intrinsic as well as population extrinsic factors, and are therefore context-dependent. Surprisingly, size-structured IGP systems have mainly been investigated theoretically and especially long-term empirical studies are widely lacking. In this thesis I investigate empirically how habitat complexity, interaction strength, and stage-specific resource availabilities affect population processes and their effects on the dynamics of a size-structured IGP system. I conducted multi-generation experiments in a size-structured IGP system, with the Least Killifish (Heterandria formosa) as IG prey and the Common Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) as IG predator. With no alternative resource next to the shared resource, IG predator and IG prey could not coexist. Weak interactions only increased IG prey and IG predator persistence times and observed exclusion patterns depended on habitat complexity. An alternative resource for either the juvenile IG predator or the juvenile IG prey on the other hand promoted coexistence. However, this coexistence was context-dependent. Ontogenetic bottlenecks played a central role in the dynamics of the size-structured IGP system in general. In the final study I show that an ontogenetic bottleneck can, through changes in stage-specific resource availabilities, be affected in a way that leads to increased trophic transfer efficiency with potential effects on higher trophic levels. Overall, the results emphasize importance of the broader context in which size-structured communities are embedded. Especially, when managing natural communities it is important to account for the combined effects of size-structure, stage-specific resource availabilities, and habitat structure. Specifically, when managing species that connect habitats or ecosystems all life-stages’ environmental conditions must be consider in order to ensure strong predictive power of tools used for ecosystem management planning.

Glossed lips and glossed over : relational aggression in adolescent girls

Salas-Tull, Tamara Jean 25 July 2011 (has links)
Relational aggression is an indirect type of aggression used to damage relationships with others. Adolescent girls frequently encounter this issue, and the ubiquity of technology has expanded the ways in which girls can attack one another, i.e. cyber-bullying. The causes of relational aggression are unknown and could involve a combination of factors, including victim and/or bully psycho-social adjustment, social expectations, or the implicit structure of female friendships in adolescence. The effects range from social anxiety to impacted school performance to depression and suicidality. Groups of friends act much like a family for adolescents in terms of support and intimacy. Using Murray Bowen’s family systems theory as a template, an intervention is proposed where girls are taught techniques that will strengthen relationships with others and themselves. / text

Mechanisms Maintaining Additive Genetic Variance in Fitness in Red Squirrels

McFarlane, Samantha Eryn 16 August 2012 (has links)
A trait must genetically correlate with fitness in order to evolve, however, theory suggests that strong directional selection should erode additive genetic variance (Va) in fitness and limit future evolutionary potential. Sexual antagonism and temporal fluctuations in selection are mechanisms that could maintain Va in fitness. Maternal genetic effects could be an additional source of adaptive genetic variation. I used ‘animal models’ to examine a long-term population of red squirrels to determine 1) if either sexual antagonism or temporal fluctuations in selection were maintaining direct Va in fitness or 2) if maternal genetic effects were a source of indirect Va in fitness. While there were environmental trade-offs on juvenile survival, neither sexual antagonism nor temporal fluctuations in selection maintained Va in fitness. Maternal genetic effects on fitness were significant and provide the Va in fitness needed for rapid microevolution. This is the first instance of maternal genetic effects demonstrated as the only genetic variance available for microevolution. / Northern Scientific Training Program, the Arctic Institute of North America, American Society of Mammologists, Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science and Technology, NSERC Discovery (to Andrew McAdam), NSF (to Andrew McAdam)

Sélection des substrats lors de l’exercice prolongé avec ingestion de glucides : études par traçage au 13C

Tremblay, Jonathan 09 1900 (has links)
Les principaux substrats oxydés à l’exercice, soit les glucides, les lipides et les pro- téines ne contribuent pas tous au même niveau à la fourniture d’énergie lors de l’effort prolongé. De plus, le glucose peut provenir de différentes sources endogènes (muscle, foie) et exogènes. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent influencer leur contribution respective incluant : la masse musculaire impliquée et l’entraînement préalable, le sexe, l’état nutritionnel et les conditions environnementales. L’utilisation d’isotopes stables, tels que le carbone 13 (13C), combinée à la calorimétrie indirecte respiratoire corrigée pour l’excrétion d’urée dans l’urine et la sueur, permet de différencier les substrats endogènes et exogènes et d’évaluer la contribution de leur oxydation à la fourniture d’énergie. Ces méthodes d’investigation permettant d’apprécier la sélection des substrats lors de l’exercice prolongé avec ingestion de glucose ont permis d’effectuer les comparaisons qui ont fait l’objet des trois études de cette thèse. Dans la première étude, la sélection des substrats au cours d’un effort prolongé effectué avec les membres inférieurs ou les membres supérieurs a été comparée avec et sans ingestion de glucose. Une différence modeste fut observée entre la sélection des substrats selon le mode d’exercice avec l’ingestion d’eau, celle-ci favorisant légèrement l’oxydation des glucides lors de l’effort avec les membres supérieurs. La quantité de glucose exogène oxydée était plus faible lors de l’exercice avec les membres supérieurs qu’avec les membres supérieurs, mais sa contribution plus importante, conséquence d’une dépense énergétique plus faible. Dans la deuxième étude, on a comparé la sélection des substrats chez des sujets mas- culins et féminins et les effets d’une alimentation enrichie en glucides ou de l’ingestion de glucose, au cours d’un exercice prolongé d’une durée de deux heures. On reconnaît généralement que, pour une même puissance relative, les femmes utilisent moins de glucides et davantage de lipides que les hommes. Les effets séparés d’une alimentation riche en glucides ou de l’ingestion de glucose pendant l’exercice sur la sélection des substrats furent pourtant similaires chez les deux sexes. L’effet combiné des deux procédures de supplémentation est toutefois plus important chez la femme que chez l’homme, soutenant l’hypothèse qu’un léger déficit en glucides soit présent chez les femmes. Dans la troisième étude, l’oxydation des substrats et particulièrement celle d’amidon exogène au cours d’une marche prolongée à une faible puissance de travail a été décrite. Les individus qui pratiquent des activités physiques prolongées à des intensités faibles (< 40 %VO2max) sont encouragés à ingérer des glucides et de l’eau pendant l’effort, mais la contribution de leur oxydation à la fourniture d’énergie est relativement peu connue. Nous avons montré que, contrairement aux observations précédemment effectuées à jeun sans ingestion de glucides pendant l’effort, les glucides (incluant de source exogène) peuvent fournir une très grande partie de l’énergie lorsqu’ils sont ingérés à des intervalles réguliers au cours de l’exercice prolongé. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats des études expérimentales présentées dans cette thèse montrent que les glucides ingérés peuvent fournir une grande proportion de l’énergie pendant l’exercice prolongé. Toutefois, le mode d’exercice, le sexe et la puissance de travail mènent à des variations qui sont en grande partie liées à une dépense énergétique variable selon les conditions et les groupes d’individus ayant des caractéristiques différentes. / The main substrates oxidized during prolonged exercise, whether carbohydrates, fats or proteins, do not contribute equally to the energy supply. In addition, glucose can originate from different endogenous (muscle, liver) and exogenous sources. Many factors can affect their respective contribution including: active muscle mass, training, sex, nutritional state and environmental conditions. The use of stable isotopes, such as carbon 13 (13C), combined with indirect respiratory calorimetry corrected for urea excretion in urine and sweat, allows the differentiation of endogenous and exogenous substrates and the estimation of their contribution to the energy yield. These methods, allowing the measurement of fuel selection during prolonged exercise with glucose ingestion, enabled the comparisons found in the three experimental studies part of this thesis. In the first study, fuel selection was compared during prolonged upper- and lower-body exercise with or without glucose ingestion. The difference in fuel selection between upper- and lower-body exercise when water was ingested was modest with a slightly higher reliance on carbohydrate oxidation during upper-body exercise. The amount of exogenous glucose oxidized was lower but its contribution to the energy yield was higher during upper-body exercise due to the lower energy expenditure. In the second study of the thesis, the effects on fuel selection in women and men of a diet rich in carbohydrate and glucose ingestion during prolonged exercise were compared. It is generally recognized that for a given relative workload, women rely less on carbohydrates and more on fat than men. The separate effects of a diet rich in carbohydrates or glucose ingestion during exercise on fuel selection were indeed similar in men and women. However, the combined effects of both procedures were larger in women than in men, supporting the suggestion that a small carbohydrate deficit could be present in women. In the third study, substrate oxidation and particularly that of exogenous starch during prolonged walking at a low workload was described. Subjects engaged in prolonged exercise at low workload (<40 %VO2max) are encouraged to ingest carbohydrate along with water before and during exercise but there is currently few data on the contribution to the energy yield of ingested carbohydrate in this situation. In contrast to what is observed in fasted subjects without carbohydrate ingestion during exercise, we have shown that carbohydrate (including exogenous starch) can supply a very large proportion of the energy yield when ingested before and at regular interval during prolonged exercise. Taken together, the results of the experimental studies show that ingested carbohydrates can supply a large fraction of the energy yield during prolonged exercise. However, the exercise mode, the sex and the workload sustained has shown some differences that are mostly due to variations in energy expenditure between experimental conditions or groups of individuals with different characteristics.

Modeling the Direct and Indirect Effects of Atmospheric Aerosols on Tropical Cyclones

Lee, Keun-Hee 2011 December 1900 (has links)
The direct and indirect effects of aerosols on the hurricane ‘Katrina’ have been investigated using the WRF model with a two-moment bulk microphysical scheme and modified Goddard shortwave radiation scheme. Simulations of the hurricane ‘Katrina’ are conducted under the three aerosol scenarios: 1) the clean case with an aerosol number concentration of 200 cm-1, 2) the polluted case with a number concentration of 1000 cm-1, and 3) the aerosol radiative effects (AR) case with same aerosol concentration as polluted case but with a modified shortwave radiation scheme. The polluted and AR cases have much larger amounts of cloud water and water vapor in troposphere, and the increased cloud water can freeze to produce ice water paths. A tropical cyclone in dirty and dusty air has active rainbands outside the eyewall due to aerosol indirect effects. The aerosol direct effect can lead to the suppressing of convection and weakening of updraft intensity by warming the troposphere and cooling the surface temperature. However, these thermal changes in atmosphere are concerned with the enhanced amounts of cloud hydrometeors and modification of downdraft and corresponding the low level winds in rainband regions. Thus, the AR case can produce the enhanced precipitation even in the weakest hurricane. When comparing the model performance between aerosol indirect and direct effect by ensemble experiments, the adjustment time of the circulation due to modification of the aerosol radiative forcing by aerosol layers may take a longer time than the hurricane lifetime, and the results from the simulated hurricane show that it is more sensitive to aerosol indirect effects which are related to the cloud microphysics process changes. From this aerosol study, we can suggest that aerosols can influence the cloudiness, precipitation, and intensity of hurricanes significantly, and there may be different results in the meso-scale convective clouds cases. The hurricane system is a large and complex convective system with enormous heating energy and moistures. Moreover, relationships between various hydrometeors in hurricane systems are difficult to isolate and thus, it needs further study with more realistic cloud microphysical processes, aerosol distributions, and parameterizations.

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