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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of Digital Enablement of Business-to-Business Exchange on Customer Outcomes: The Role of Information Systems Quality and Relationship Characteristics

Du, Stephen M 08 January 2010 (has links)
This study extends our understanding of how information systems impact business value creation by examining the effect of digital enablement of business-to-business exchange on customer outcomes. We shed light on the connection between information technology investment and firm performance by focusing on how information technology is used (Devaraj and Kohli 2003) in an industrial services context and by highlighting the importance of indirect effects (Mittal and Nault 2009). A conceptual model is developed that combines a customer centric perspective (Sheth et al. 2000) with elements from the information systems success framework (DeLone and McLean 1992, DeLone and McLean 2003). Mediating factors are identified in the chain of effects from information technology specific business-to-business service quality characteristics to customer outcomes. In addition, we consider two contextual factors, relationship duration and customer dependence, which are known to alter the nature of buyer-supplier relationships but which have received little attention in research on digital enablement of business-to-business exchange. An empirical test of hypothesized relationships was performed using subjective and objective archival data from business-to-business exchange relationships for a logistics services vendor. All expected main effects were confirmed. Customer satisfaction was found to be a significant mediator in the chain of effects from information technology specific business-to-business service quality characteristics to customer outcomes. In addition, logistics service quality was found to mediate the relationships between system quality and customer satisfaction and between information quality and customer satisfaction. The hypothesized moderating effects, however, were not found to be significant. Robustness of the findings was confirmed by testing model hypotheses using data from exchange relationships with customers in two different industries, manufacturing and wholesale trade. Differences in analysis results are consistent with industry differences. This study contributes to the literatures on interorganizational information systems (Rai et al. 2006) and information technology business value (Melville et al. 2004) by identifying mediating mechanisms in the chain of effects from digital enablement of exchange to customer outcomes. Explication of mediating mechanisms improves our understanding about the indirect nature of impacts from information technology. This study also contributes to the literature on information systems by extending DeLone and McLean's (2003) model of information systems success to the context of business-to-business exchange relationships. In addition, this study contributes to the literature on services marketing (Zeithaml and Bitner 2003, Berry and Parasuraman 1993) by showing how system quality and information quality impact logistics service quality and customer satisfaction in a business-to-business exchange context.

Integreringsanalys av robot och arbetsstation på ITT Water & Wastewater

Arnesson, Fredrik January 2010 (has links)
ITT Water & Wastewater ställer höga krav på kostnadseffektiv produktion vilket är en starkt bidragande orsak till att företaget är världsledande på sin marknad. För att erhålla kostnadseffektiv produktion har kombinationen människa robot visat sig vara framgångsrik. Examensarbetets syfte var att ta fram underlag åt ITT Water & Wastewater för att ta beslut om frigörande av indirekt personal vid line 15:s isoleringsstation på Elmotorverkstaden. Syftets uppfyllande stöttades av de underbyggande syftena att försöka höja robotens utnyttjandegrad samt reducera isoleringsmaskinens omställningstid. Arbetet bygger på kvalitativa och kvantitativa data i form av mätningar, intervjuer och egna observationer. Med stöd av erhållen data lyftes fyra olika förslag fram. Förslagen understryktes bland annat av integrering av arbetsmoment, förhöjd automatiseringsgrad och outsourcing. / ITT Water & Wastewater place high demands on cost-effective production which is a major contributing factor to the company enact as a world leader in its market. In order to obtain cost-effective production, the combination man robot proved to be successful. The thesis purpose was to provide data for ITT Water & Wastewater to take decisions concerning the release of indirect staff in line 15´s isolation station at the electric motor workshop. The purpose of the implement supported by the reinforced purposes to increase the utilization of the robot and reduce the adaptation time at the isolation machine. The work builds on qualitative and quantitative data in the shape of measurements, interviews and own observations. On the reliance of data four different suggestions were presented. The suggestions emphasized among integration of working moment, increased automation level and outsourcing.

Basalmetabolism hos barn och ungdomar med cystisk fibros : En jämförande studie av uppmätta och beräknade basalmetabolismvärden

Andersson, Emilie, Edbom, Elisabet January 2011 (has links)
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare equations used to calculate BMR to values of BMR obtained from measurements in order to determine the most suitable equation to be used on children and adolescents with CF. Design: The participants where children and adolescents with CF. Data was collected from the division of Clinical Nutrition at Uppsala Akademiska Sjukhus. Age, weight, height, BMI, BMR, FFM and FM was recorded from 27 measurements. BMR from the participants collected from the indirect respiratory calorimetry was compared to the results obtained from five equations used to obtain a calculated value of BMR. Results: Tverskayas equation was best correlated with the measured BMR for the whole group. The equation underestimated BMR for the participants with a measured BMR over 1400 kcal/24h and overestimated BMR for participants with a measured BMR under 1400 kcal/24h. Similar results could be seen in the subgroups boys, girls and adolescents. Maffeis equation can be applied on the subgroup children. However, larger studies are needed to guarantee the results. Conclusion: It is desirable that an equation for calculating BMR would be developed that is specifically developed for children and adolescents with a low to normal BMI that takes into consideration a heightened metabolism and is therefore suitable for children and adolescents with CF. / Syfte: Att utifrån uppmätt BMR jämföra olika ekvationer för att hitta den mest lämpliga ekvationen för beräknandet av ett förutsätt värde av basalmetabolism hos en grupp barn och ungdomar med cystisk fibros. Metod: Deltagarna var barn och ungdomar med CF. Data till arbetet hämtades från enheten för klinisk nutrition vid Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus. Ålder, vikt, längd, BMI, BMR, FFM och FM samlades in från totalt 27 mättillfällen. Deltagarnas BMR, som uppmätts genom indirekta respiratorisk kalorimetri, jämfördes med fem ekvationer som räknar ut BMR utifrån olika antropometriska mått. Resultat: Tverskayas ekvation överensstämde bäst med uppmätt BMR i gruppen som helhet. Ekvationen underskattade dock BMR hos deltagare med ett BMR-behov över 1400 kcal/dygn och överskattade BMR hos deltagare med ett BMR-behov lägre än 1400 kcal/dygn. Liknande resultat sågs i undergrupperna pojkar, flickor och ungdomar. Maffeis ekvation skulle möjligen kunna tillämpas på gruppen barn, dock behöver större studier utföras för att kunna dra säkra slutsatser. Slutsats: Det vore önskvärt att det utvecklas en ekvation för BMR, särskilt utvecklad för barn och ungdomar med lågt till normalt BMI, som tar hänsyn till förhöjt BMR och som därmed lämpar sig särskilt för barn och ungdomar med CF.

Indirekt miljöpåverkan inom tjänstesektorn : En intervjustudie om hanteringen av indirekt miljöpåverkan inom några organisationers miljöledningssystem / Indirect Environmental Impact within the Service Industry : An Interview Study about the Management of Indirect Environmental Impact within a Few Organisations Environmental Management System

Sharifian, Ladan January 2008 (has links)
I och med samhällets utveckling från ett jordbrukssamhälle till ett industriellt samhälle, och vidare till ett tjänste- och kunskapssamhälle har antalet tjänsteföretag växt, och därmed även miljöpåverkan från denna sektor. Tjänstesektorns miljöpåverkan kan delas upp i två delar, en direkt miljöpåverkan kopplat till kontorsverksamheten, såsom energianvändning, samt en indirekt miljöpåverkan, som är ett resultat av tjänstens framtida nytta och bestående värde. Ett vanligt verktyg som svenska företag, och andra typer av organisationer, använder sig av för att strukturera upp sitt miljöarbete är miljöledningssystem enligt den internationella standarden ISO 14001. Miljöledningssystem är dock inte lika vanligt förekommande i tjänstesektorn som inom tillverkningsindustrin. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att studera hur indirekt miljöpåverkan hanteras, och kan bli mer hanterbart, inom tjänstesektorn. Detta belyses genom att diskutera varför organisationer har valt att certifiera sina verksamheter, hur organisationer definierar, och hanterar, indirekt miljöpåverkan, samt vilken roll ledningen och medarbetarna har vid hanteringen av den indirekta miljöpåverkan. Studien utfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med miljöansvariga på fyra tjänsteföretag samt fyra myndigheter. Resultatet av intervjuerna sammanställdes, analyserades och kopplades samman med tidigare studier. Därefter drogs ett antal slutsatser. Slutsatserna visar att organisationerna har valt att certifiera sina verksamheter p.g.a. efterfrågan och intresse hos kunder, samt för att visa på att företaget besitter en hög miljökompetens. De flesta av de medverkande organisationerna har format egna definitioner av begreppet indirekt miljöpåverkan. Gemensamt för dessa definitioner är att samtliga kopplas ihop med kundernas miljöpåverkan. Slutsatserna visar även att hanteringen av organisationernas indirekta miljöpåverkan sker inom ramen för deras miljöledningssystem. Det upplevs dock mycket svårt att formulera mätbara miljömål som berör den indirekta miljöpåverkan vilket troligen beror på att ISO 14001 bl.a. ställer krav på att det ska finnas mätbara mål och att möjligheterna till att formulera ickekvantifierbara miljömål har undgått organisationerna. Ett alternativ för att underlätta hanteringen av den indirekta miljöpåverkan skulle kunna vara att låta bli att dela in miljöpåverkan i kategorierna direkt och indirekt, och istället se till den totala miljöpåverkan med hjälp av ett processbaserat tillvägagångssätt. Det kan även diskuteras huruvida begreppet ”mätningar” är lämpligt vid arbetet med miljömål då termen leder till tankar kring kvantifierbarhet. Vidare visar slutsatserna att ledningens och medarbetarnas kompetens samt engagemang är två nyckelfaktorer för att organisationerna ska lyckas med miljöarbetet.

Yanayoudhi kuyaona mafumbo na vijembe vya Kiswahili

Sheikh, Sauda 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In Swahili language proficiency is measured in terms of a speakers knowledge and use of methali (proverbs), misemo (sayings), mafumbo (riddles) and vijembe (sharp comments). The aim of the paper is to show the different uses of mafumbo and vijembe. Their meanings are at first sight hidden to the addressee, but understood in the context of their use. Mafumbo can be used as teasing, as circumscription for parts of the body of which it is taboo to speak of, as moral reprimands and warnings, and as a secret language between intimate partners or groups of people. Vijembe - `What cuts more than a knive? - the tongue´ - are used on kanga and in newspapers. An important feature of vijembe is that it always asks for an answer, therefore has a strong aspect of competition.

Protein-DNA Binding: Discovering Motifs and Distinguishing Direct from Indirect Interactions

Gordan, Raluca Mihaela January 2009 (has links)
<p>The initiation of two major processes in the eukaryotic cell, gene transcription and DNA replication, is regulated largely through interactions between proteins or protein complexes and DNA. Although a lot is known about the interacting proteins and their role in regulating transcription and replication, the specific DNA binding motifs of many regulatory proteins and complexes are still to be determined. For this purpose, many computational tools for DNA motif discovery have been developed in the last two decades. These tools employ a variety of strategies, from exhaustive search to sampling techniques, with the hope of finding over-represented motifs in sets of co-regulated or co-bound sequences. Despite the variety of computational tools aimed at solving the problem of motif discovery, their ability to correctly detect known DNA motifs is still limited. The motifs are usually short and many times degenerate, which makes them difficult to distinguish from genomic background. We believe the most efficient strategy for improving the performance of motif discovery is not to use increasingly complex computational and statistical methods and models, but to incorporate more of the biology into the computational techniques, in a principled manner. To this end, we propose a novel motif discovery algorithm: PRIORITY. Based on a general Gibbs sampling framework, PRIORITY has a major advantage over other motif discovery tools: it can incorporate different types of biological information (e.g., nucleosome positioning information) to guide the search for DNA binding sites toward regions where these sites are more likely to occur (e.g., nucleosome-free regions). </p><p>We use transcription factor (TF) binding data from yeast chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-chip) experiments to test the performance of our motif discovery algorithm when incorporating three types of biological information: information about nucleosome positioning, information about DNA double-helical stability, and evolutionary conservation information. In each case, incorporating additional biological information has proven very useful in increasing the accuracy of motif finding, with the number of correctly identified motifs increasing with up to 52%. PRIORITY is not restricted to TF binding data. In this work, we also analyze origin recognition complex (ORC) binding data and show that PRIORITY can utilize DNA structural information to predict the binding specificity of the yeast ORC. </p><p>Despite the improvement obtained using additional biological information, the success of motif discovery algorithms in identifying known motifs is still limited, especially when applied to sequences bound in vivo (such as those of ChIP-chip) because the observed protein-DNA interactions are not necessarily direct. Some TFs associate with DNA only indirectly via protein partners, while others exhibit both direct and indirect binding. We propose a novel method to distinguish between direct and indirect TF-DNA interactions, integrating in vivo TF binding data, in vivo nucleosome occupancy data, and in vitro motifs from protein binding microarrays. When applied to yeast ChIP-chip data, our method reveals that only 48% of the ChIP-chip data sets can be readily explained by direct binding of the profiled TF, while 16% can be explained by indirect DNA binding. In the remaining 36%, we found that none of the motifs used in our analysis was able to explain the ChIP-chip data, either because the data was too noisy or because the set of motifs was incomplete. As more in vitro motifs become available, our method can be used to build a complete catalog of direct and indirect TF-DNA interactions.</p> / Dissertation

Effective contact of cattle and feral swine facilitating potential foot-and-mouth disease virus transmission in southern Texas, USA rangeland

De La Garza, Guadalupe Ray, III 15 May 2009 (has links)
For the second study, a web-based survey was developed and distributed to all members of four major health education organizations. A total of 1,925 HEs’ completed the survey and 1,607 responses were utilized in the final analysis. This study indicated that participants had deficient knowledge and unfavorable attitudes toward the CDCproposed genomic competencies. In the third study, a theoretical model was developed to predict HEs’ likelihood to incorporate genomic competencies into their practice. Using techniques from Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the model was tested with the same data of the second study. Findings supported the proposed theoretical model. While genomic knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy were significantly associated with HEs’ likelihood to incorporate genomic competencies into their practice, attitudes was the strongest predictor of likelihood. In summary, these studies indicated that participating HEs had deficient genomic knowledge, unfavorable attitudes toward a set of CDC-proposed genomic competencies, and low likelihood to adopt genomic competencies into health promotion. Relevant training should be developed and advocated. As the SEM analysis results indicated the survey findings supported the proposed theoretical model, which can be utilized to steer future training for HEs. statistics, 2) unadjusted inferential statistics, 3) stratified analysis, and 4) multivariable models. My investigation produced results in accord with generally accepted notions in addition to significant findings that interestingly counter current preconceptions. Intraspecies contact was more common than inter-species, with indirect contact occurring more frequently than direct. Direct contact between species occurred extremely rarely. The most important factors that influenced the rate of contact for both species were water, winter, and cultivated fields. Information regarding probability of infectious agent survival and transfer will be used in the future to advance current epidemiological models, including geographicautomata (Ward et al. 2007: In Press) and cellular automata models (Doran and Laffan 2005) to better understand and manage integrated domestic cattle and free-ranging wildlife populations. Such modeling provides essential and necessary knowledge for developing prevention, detection, response, and recovery strategies – employed in advance, during, and after a disease outbreak, respectively.

Laboratory Evaluation of Hot-Mix Asphalt Concrete Fatigue Cracking Resistance

Jamison, Brandon Parker 2010 December 1900 (has links)
The recent changes in the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) hot mix asphalt (HMA) mix design procedures to ensure that the mixture types routinely used on Texas highways are not prone to rutting raised concerns that these mixture types are now more susceptible to fatigue cracking. The primary goal of this study was to evaluate fatigue cracking test methods and recommend that which is both simple and robust, especially in qualifying commonly used Texas mixture types. One way to minimize fatigue cracking is through material screening and selection of appropriate mix designs that are representative of fatigue-resistant HMA mixes. However, there are not many standardized laboratory fracture resistance tests that have been universally adopted for routine mix design and/or screening purposes for HMA fatigue resistance. In this study, four different fracture test methods: the Overlay Tester (OT), Direct Tension (DT), Indirect Tension (IDT), and Semicircular Bending (SCB) tests were comparatively evaluated for their potential application as surrogate tests for routine fracture resistance evaluation and screening of HMA mixes in the laboratory. The evaluation criteria included: rationality of the test concept and correlation to field performance, repeatability and variability, simplicity and practicality of the sample fabrication process, and simplicity of data analysis. Results and key findings based on the laboratory fatigue resistance characterization of various commonly used Texas coarse- and fine-graded HMA mixes (Type B, C, and D) are presented in this paper. Overall, preliminary findings indicated that no monotonically-loaded test would be appropriate as a surrogate fatigue resistance test; however, the SCB test showed potential as a repeated-loading test. Suggested SCB test improvements include developing the repeated SCB test protocol, determining the appropriate failure criterion, and correlating laboratory performance to field performance.

Development Of In Vitro Micropropagation Techniques For Saffron (crocus Sativus L.)

Yildirim, Evrim 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In vitro micropropagation of saffron (Crocus sativus L.) by using direct and indirect organogenesis was the aim of this study. Also, the effect of plant growth regulators on growth parameters, such as corm production, sprouting time and germination ratio were investigated in ex vitro conditions. For in vitro regeneration of saffron, the effects of 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) and BAP (6-benzylaminopurine) were tested initially. It was observed that 0,25 mg/L 2,4-D and 1 mg/L BAP combination was superior for indirect organogenesis while 1 mg/L 2,4-D and 1 mg/L BAP combination was favorable for direct organogenesis. During the improvement of direct organogenesis experiments, BAP (1 mg/L) without 2,4-D stimulated further shoot development. For adventitious corm and root induction, NAA (naphthaleneacetic acid) and BAP combinations were tested. Although a few corm formations were achieved, root development was not observed with these treatments. Further experiments with the culture medium supplemented with 1 mg/L IBA (indole-3-butyric acid) and 5% sucrose was effective on obtaining contractile root formation and increasing corm number. As a result, the overall efficiency was calculated as 59.26% for contractile root formation, 35.19% for corm formation and 100% for shoot development. In ex vitro studies, 50 mg/L IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) , 50 mg/L kinetin and 200 mg/L GA3 (gibberellic acid) were used. These applications were not as efficient as expected on assessed growth parameters.

On the representation of aerosol-cloud interactions in atmospheric models

Barahona, Donifan 01 July 2010 (has links)
Anthropogenic atmospheric aerosols (suspended particulate matter) can modify the radiative balance (and climate) of the Earth by altering the properties and global distribution of clouds. Current climate models however cannot adequately account for many important aspects of these aerosol-cloud interactions, ultimately leading to a large uncertainty in the estimation of the magnitude of the effect of aerosols on climate. This thesis focuses on the development of physically-based descriptions of aerosol-cloud processes in climate models that help to address some of such predictive uncertainty. It includes the formulation of a new analytical parameterization for the formation of ice clouds, and the inclusion of the effects of mixing and kinetic limitations in existing liquid cloud parameterizations. The parameterizations are analytical solutions to the cloud ice and water particle nucleation problem, developed within a framework that considers the mass and energy balances associated with the freezing and droplet activation of aerosol particles. The new frameworks explicitly account for the impact of cloud formation dynamics, the aerosol size and composition, and the dominant freezing mechanism (homogeneous vs. heterogeneous) on the ice crystal and droplet concentration and size distribution. Application of the new parameterizations is demonstrated in the NASA Global Modeling Initiative atmospheric and chemical and transport model to study the effect of aerosol emissions on the global distribution of ice crystal concentration, and, the effect of entrainment during cloud droplet activation on the global cloud radiative properties. The ice cloud formation framework is also used within a parcel ensemble model to understand the microphysical structure of cirrus clouds at very low temperature. The frameworks developed in this work provide an efficient, yet rigorous, representation of cloud formation processes from precursor aerosol. They are suitable for the study of the effect of anthropogenic aerosol emissions on cloud formation, and can contribute to the improvement of the predictive ability of atmospheric models and to the understanding of the impact of human activities on climate.

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