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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de alternativas para aplicação do metodo dos elementos de contorno para elasticidade / Study of alternatives for application of boundary elements method for elasticity

Gonçalves, Paulo Cesar, 1969- 25 August 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Leandro Palermo Junior / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T18:20:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Goncalves_PauloCesar_M.pdf: 702369 bytes, checksum: ed3744e613bcdec2cfeeb3545685db46 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O método dos elementos de contorno foi usado no estudo de problemas de estados planos. O objetivo deste trabalho é a introdução do operador diferencial tangente no núcleo das equações integrais de forças de superfície, como uma alternativa para a aplicação do método dos elementos de contorno. A singularidade forte do tipo 2 1 r , presente no núcleo da equação integral de contorno, foi reduzida a uma singularidade de ordem r 1 com o uso do operador diferencial tangente. A formulação trabalhou com elementos de contorno contínuos e descontínuos. Na determinação de deslocamentos e tensões para pontos próximos do contorno, trabalhou-se apenas com núcleos com uma singularidade de ordem r 1. A técnica da regularização indireta, quando se evitam expressões analíticas, foi aplicada na equação integral de deslocamentos. Quando o ponto de colocação foi levado ao contorno, a singularidade, presente nas equações integrais de contorno, foi tratada pelo valor principal de Cauchy para elementos lineares na obtenção de tensões internas e no contorno. A formulação do método dos elementos de contorno dual usou a equação integral de forças de superfície, com a aplicação do operador diferencial tangente, no tratamento de problemas com trinca em análises da mecânica da fratura elástico-linear. Os fatores de intensidade de tensão são obtidos através do método da extrapolação de deslocamentos / Abstract: The Boundary Element Method was used to study plane state problem. The aim of this study is an application of the tangential differential operator in the kernels of boundary integrals equations for tractions, as an alternative for the applications of Boundary Element Method. Strong singularity of order 2 1 r , present in the kernels of boundary integrals equations was reduced to a weakly singularity of order r 1 when the tangential differential operator was used. The formulation worked with continuous and discontinuous boundary elements. On determination of displacements and stresses for boundary near points, the equation worked only with kernels contained singularity of order r 1. The indirect regularization technique, with avoided analytic expressions, was applied on the boundary integral equations for displacements. When the collocation points was led to boundary, the singularity, present on the boundary integrals equations, was treated by the Cauchy principal value sense for linear boundary elements. The formulation of the dual boundary elements methods used a boundary integral equation for traction, with the application of the tangential differential operator, to treat plane problems with cracks of the linear elastic fracture mechanics. The stress intensity factors are obtained with the displacement extrapolation method / Mestrado / Estruturas / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

Obstrução tubária em mulheres com imunofluorescência indireta para clamídia / Tubal occlusion in women with indirect positive immunofluorescence for chlamydia

MAIA, Monica Canedo Silva 02 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:29:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Monica Canedo.pdf: 1399065 bytes, checksum: d8dbbf45d1c8e0d832e311c7d2c9c8f7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-02 / Background: Actually the Chlamydia trachomatis is responsible for the major number of cases of sexual transmitted bacterial infections. The likelihood of tubal damage in infertile women is associated to the evidence of chlamydia infection. Objectives: To evaluate the ability of indirect immunofluorescence for Chlamydia trachomatis on tubal occlusion and to establish the cutoff point (best sensitivity and specificity) of antibodies IgG titres (indirect immunofluorescence) to detect tubal occlusion (ROC curve). Methodology: This is a retrospective study with 204 electronic records of patients attended at a university and private infertility center in the city of Goiania, in the period of 2006 to 2009. Patients had 17 to 47 years old. To evaluate the risk of tubal occlusion the patients were divided into two groups: patients exposed to chlamydia (significant IFI &#8805; 1:16) e unexposed (no significant IFI < 1:16). It was verified patients who had the disease (tubal occlusion) and not sick (without tubal occlusion) in the hysterosalpingography. For the calculations the Chi-square (&#967;2) were used, corrected to small samples (Fisher Exact Test) when necessary. The p chosen level was 0.05. The ROC curve was calculated with BioEstat® software, using the standard methodology. This study was submitted and approved by Ethics Committee of Hospital Clinics of the Federal University of Goias.Results: Of the 72 patients with significant titres, 34 (47,2%) showed the occurrence of tubal occlusion. In relation the 132 patients with no significant titres, only 18 (13,7%) had tubal occlusion (p < 0,001). We also observed a progressive increase in the levels of antibodies and the likelihood of tubal occlusion (p < 0,001). The best cutoff point of the ROC curve with the titre was 1:64. However, we believe that we can continue using a cutoff titre to &#8805; 1:16 by interfering little in sensitivity and specificity and because it is currently used in the Clinical Laboratory of Hospital Clinics. Conclusions: The results indicate that serology for Chlamydia trachomatis (indirect immunofluorescence) is valid for screening of tubal damage. We also showed that the best cutoff (ROC) indirect immunofluorescence to detect tubal occlusion is 1:64, but between 1:16 and 1:64 there is a slight change in sensitivity and specificity. / Introdução: Atualmente, a Chlamydia trachomatis é responsável pelo maior número de casos de infecções bacterianas sexualmente transmissíveis. A probabilidade de lesão tubária em mulheres inférteis é relacionada com evidência de infeccção passada por clamídia. Objetivos: Avaliar a capacidade da imunofluorescência indireta para Chlamydia trachomatis em rastrear obstrução tubária e estabelecer o ponto de corte (melhor sensibilidade e especificidade) de títulos de anticorpos IgG imunofluorescência indireta) para detectar obstrução tubária (curva ROC). Métodos: Este é um estudo retrospectivo com 204 prontuários eletrônicos de pacientes atendidas em um centro universitário e particular de infertilidade na cidade de Goiânia, no período de 2006 a 2009, com faixa etária entre 17 e 47 anos. Para avaliar o risco de obstrução tubária as pacientes foram divididas em dois grupos: pacientes expostas à clamídia (IFI significativa &#8805; 1:16) e não expostas (IFI não significativa < 1:16). Verificou-se então, as pacientes que tiveram a doença (obstrução tubária) e não doentes (sem obstrução tubária) na histerossalpingografia. Para os cálculos foi utilizado o teste Qui-quadrado (&#967;2), corrigido para pequenas amostras (teste Exato de Fisher) quando necessário. O nível de p escolhido foi 0,05. A curva ROC foi calculada com o programa BioEstat® utilizando a metodologia usual. Este estudo foi submetido e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Resultados: Das 72 pacientes com titulação significativa, 34 (47,2%) apresentaram a ocorrência de obstrução tubária. Em relação as 132 pacientes com titulação não significativa, somente 18 (13,7%) apresentaram obstrução tubária (p < 0,001). Foi observado também um aumento progressivo entre os níveis de anticorpos e a probabilidade de obstrução tubária (p < 0,001). O melhor ponto de corte na curva ROC foi com a titulação de 1:64. Porém, consideramos que pode-se continuar utilizando como ponto de corte a titulação &#8805; 1:16, por interferir pouco na sensibilidade e especificidade e por ser a atualmente utilizada no Laboratório Clínico do Hospital das Clínicas. Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que a sorologia para Chlamydia trachomatis (imunofluorescência indireta) é válida para rastreamento de lesão tubária. Verificamos ainda que o melhor ponto de corte (curva ROC) da imunofluorescência indireta em detectar obstrução tubária é 1:64, mas, entre 1:16 e 1:64 há uma discreta mudança na sensibilidade e especificidade do teste.

Avaliação da resitência à flexão, dureza e grau de conversão de compósitos para a técnica indireta em função da cor\" / Evaluation of resistance to bending, hardness, degree of conversion of composites for The technique indirect depending on color

Luciane de Lima Franco 01 December 2005 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a resistência à flexão, microdureza e grau de conversão de 9 resinas compostas para uso indireto: Solidex (Sl), Epricord (Ep), Belleglass (Be), Signum (Sg), Sinfony (Sy), Tescera (Te), Cristobal (Cr), Targis (Ta) e Adoro (Ad); e uma resina para uso direto como controle, Esthet X (Et), em função da cor: esmalte (E), dentina (D) e translúcido (T). O teste de resistência à flexão (n=15) obedeceu ao método dos três pontos (Kratos) e, após a obtenção dos valores de carga, os corpos de prova fraturados eram posicionados em fita matriz de poliéster e fixados com resina quimicamente polimerizável (Adaptic) no paralelômetro. Em seguida, os corpos de prova eram levados ao microdurômetro (Shimadzu), para obtenção dos valores de microdureza Knoop (n=15), através da aplicação de uma carga de 50gramas por 30 segundos. Para o grau de conversão (n=3), os corpos eram construídos na mesma matriz usada para resistência à flexão, e posicionados em frente ao feixe de infravermelho do espectrofotômetro Raman (Bruker RFS 100/S - 64 scans) para leitura do grau de conversão. A análise de Variância e teste de Tukey foram usados para tratamento dos dados obtidos. A partir dos resultados, chegou-se às seguintes conclusões: 1. Resistência à flexão: O ranqueamento variou em função da cor e as resinas Cr, Sy, Be e Ta tiveram valores de resistência flexural estatisticamente superiores aos dos outros materiais. Os piores materiais foram o Ep, Sg e Sl. A cor não mostrou diferenças significantes (p=12), mas a interação (p<0,0001) e o material (p<0,0001) mostraram. Dois grupos intermediários entre estes foram encontrados. Um deles com valores muito próximos ao grupo com maiores médias de resistência flexural, os quais se encontram os materiais, Et e Te e, um terceiro grupo foi composto pelo material Ad. 2. Microdureza: As resinas Te > Cr > Be > Et, se destacaram com os maiores valores de dureza, (em ordem decrescente de valores de dureza, e com diferenças significantes entre elas). Os piores valores foram obtidos por Ad e Sy com diferenças significantes entre eles. Ep, Sg, Sl e Ta constituíram um grupo com valores intermediários. Portanto, o material (p<0,0001) e a interação (p<0,0001), obtiveram diferenças significantes. Em relação à cor (p<0,0002), a cor indicada para esmalte apresentou valores estatisticamente inferiores do que dentina e translúcido, e deve ser atribuída aos baixos valores em esmalte, em relação a outras cores do material Te. 3. Grau de conversão: Os maiores valores foram obtidos pelo material Te > Be > e = Cr > ou = Sy = Ad. Os materiais Ep e Ta apresentaram valores de grau de conversão logo abaixo destes materiais, e os piores valores de grau de conversão foram mensurados nos materiais Sg, Et e Sl, com diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre eles. Em relação à cor (p<0,0001), a cor indicada como translúcido apresentou valores estatisticamente superiores aos das duas outras cores. Estes resultados são devido aos altos valores apresentados pelos materiais Sy e Ep. Também tiveram valores significantemente diferentes o material (p<0,001) e a interação (p<0,0001). / Objectives: To characterize nine laboratory-processed composite systems (Adoro [Ad], Belleglass [Be], Cristobal [Cr], Epricord [Ep], Sinfony [Sy], Signum [Sg], Solidex [Si], Targis [Ta] andTescera [Te], ) and one composite for direct placement (Esthet-X [Et]) in terms of particle-size distribution and to compare the flexural strength (FS), Knoop hardness (KH) and degree of conversion (DC) of these composites. Materials and methods: Approximately 5 g of composite paste were dissolved in acetone pro analysi, mixed and centrifuged for 30 min at 3000 rpm. The remaining filler particles were dried (37 °C/12 h) and ultrasonically agitated. A computer-controlled apparatus using laser-diffraction technology was used to determine particle size distribution. Specimens (10 x 2 x 1 mm) were fractured with a 3-point bending test (n=15). KH was measured on fragments obtained after the flexural test (25g/30s). Raman spectra of both unpolymerized and polymerized resins were measured at room temperature in the backscattering geometry using the FT-Raman spectrometer. FS, KH and DC data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Tukey\'s post-hoc test (?=0.05). Results: The range of particle sizes was dramatically different for each composite. The composite Et showed the narrowest range of particle size while Sg showed the widest range. The highest DC means were observed for Te, Be and Cr. The lowest means were observed for Sg, Et and Si. Cr, Sy and Ta showed the highest FS values, while Ep, Sg and Si showed the lowest FS values. Te, Cr, Be and Et showed the highest KH means, while Ad and Sy the lowest. Conclusions: The composites Te, Cr and Be showed the best performance in all methods evaluated. On the other hand, the indirect composites Ep, Sg and Si demonstrated the worst performance.

O labirinto existencial-religioso: a dialética entre forma e conteúdo no estilo da obra Kierkegaardiana

Lopes, Paulo Henrique da Silva 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Geandra Rodrigues (geandrar@gmail.com) on 2018-06-14T13:54:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 paulohenriquedasilvalopes.pdf: 2153579 bytes, checksum: 8811110be1b62b021c3506aeb8ba3971 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-06-27T14:58:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 paulohenriquedasilvalopes.pdf: 2153579 bytes, checksum: 8811110be1b62b021c3506aeb8ba3971 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-27T14:58:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 paulohenriquedasilvalopes.pdf: 2153579 bytes, checksum: 8811110be1b62b021c3506aeb8ba3971 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / A dialética entre forma e conteúdo perpassa a obra kierkegaardiana desde a sua crítica aos sistemas filosóficos existenciais e à cristandade, até a tarefa que ela assume de suscitar a subjetividade em seu leitor em face de um critério absoluto religioso. Portanto, o que é dito está intimamente refletido no como se diz, e o como se diz é estritamente modulado pelo que se quer dizer. Neste contexto, defendo que a comunicação indireta se coloca não só como um recurso estilístico formal para a abordagem de um conteúdo existencial-religioso inefável, mas como uma exigência deste conteúdo sobre a formalidade da obra. Mediante esta exigência, exponho a tensão e a sua implicação para o questionamento da autoridade de Kierkegaard em meio aos recursos estilísticos demandados, como a ironia e a pseudonímia, ao passo que procuro exercer, no próprio texto, esta tensão. Com isso, além de indicar que tal dialética exige uma reconsideração do próprio fazer filosófico, quanto ao estudo da própria obra kierkegaardiana, inclusive, indico que o estilo kierkegaardiano não admite nenhum tipo de cartografia sem que, para isso, se incorra no erro de assassinar o seu conteúdo. / The dialectic between form and content runs through the Kierkegaardian work from its critique of existential philosophical systems and christendom, to the task that it assumes to arouse subjectivity in its reader before an absolute religious criterion. Therefore, what is said is closely reflected in how it is said, and how it is said is strictly modulated by what is meant. In this context, I argue that indirect communication is not only a formal stylistic resource for approaching an ineffable existential-religious content but, on the other hand, a requirement of this very content on the formality of the work. By means of this demand, I expose the tension and its implication to the questioning of Kierkegaard's author-ity amidst the stylistic resources demanded, such as irony and pseudonymy, while I try to exert this tension in the text itself. Thus, rather than indicating that such a dialectic requires a reconsideration of the philosophical practice itself, as for the study of the kierkegaardian authorship, I also indicate that the kierkegaardian labyrinthine style does not admit any kind of cartography without, for that, murder ing its subjective content.

Les subordonnées interrogatives dans la prose grecque classique : les questions constituantes / Embedded Interrogatives in Classical Greek Prose : constituent Questions

Faure, Richard 04 December 2010 (has links)
Les subordonnées interrogatives constituantes sont étudiées à l’interface syntaxe/sémantique. Trois domaines sont abordés : les termes introducteurs ; les prédicats introducteurs ; les modes et les temps. Les termes introducteurs appartiennent à trois paradigmes : ὅς (relatif), τίς (interrogatif direct) et ὅστις (relatif « indéfini »). Τίς/ὅστις ont la mêmedistribution syntaxique ; ὅς est isolé. Le critère sémantiquement distinctif est leur capacité (ὅς) ou leur incapacité(τίς/ὅστις) à trouver un antécédent pour interpréter la variable qu’ils représentent. On utilise les propositions en τίς/ὅστις dans les environnements où ce processus est bloqué (opérateurs non véridiques autorisant les TPN, et focus), alors que les propositions en ὅς sont présupposées et ont portée sur ces opérateurs. La notion-clé que nous avançons est celle d’identification, par ailleurs opératoire pour les exclamatives. Le sémantisme des prédicats introducteurs repose sur la combinaison de deux traits (réponse ouverte/fermée et rogatif/résolutif) : on aboutit à quatre classes. Les modes et les temps analysés sont le subjonctif délibératif et l’optatif oblique (un temps narratif selon nous).Les trois études ont des résultats convergents : seuls les prédicats résolutifs prennent des propositions en ὅς ; les verbes rogatifs ont une concordance des temps particulière ; l’optatif oblique est interdit dans les propositions en ὅς etc.Cette thèse est fondée sur le dialogue entre les linguistiques grecque et générale. Ainsi, au prix de modifications,l’approche cartographique explique bien le système de subordination grec. Nos résultats ont des conséquences sur la syntaxe et la sémantique des relatives. / This thesis investigates embedded constituent interrogatives at the syntax/semantic interface. Three areas areanalysed: interrogative terms; embedding predicates; moods and tenses. The interrogative terms belong to threeparadigms: ὅς (relative), τίς (direct interrogative) and ὅστις (so-called indefinite relative). Τίς/ὅστις pattern togetherdistributionally, while ὅς shows a different pattern. The distinctive semantic criterion is their ability (ὅς) or inability(τίς/ὅστις) to identify an antecedent for interpretation of the variable. Τίς/ὅστις clauses are licensed in environmentswhere this process is blocked, that is under non veridical (NPIs licensing) operators and in focus position, whereas ὅςclauses are presupposed and have scope over such operators. The key notion we propose is identification. It carries overto exclamatives. As for the embedding predicates, we propose two semantic features, open/closeness of the answer androgative/resolutiveness, whose ± setting yields four classes. The analysis of the moods and tenses focuses on thedeliberative subjunctive and its alternatives and on the oblique optative, which, we propose, is a narrative tense.Put together, these three studies display coherent results: only resolutive predicates embed ὅς-clauses; rogativeverbs behave differently w.r.t. the sequence-of-time phenomenon; oblique optatives do not show up in ὅς-clauses etc.More generally, the Greek data help enhance parts of the linguistic theory. With some modifications, the cartographicapproach provides good explanations for the Greek completive system. Our results also have important consequences onthe syntax and the semantics of relatives.

Gamma-ray and Neutrino Lines from Dark Matter: multi-messenger and dedicated smoking-gun searches

El Aisati, Chaimae 02 February 2018 (has links)
Identifying what makes up the Dark Matter is a long-standing problem to which the abundance of gravitational and cosmological evidence fails to answer. Indirect detection techniques have the aim to unveil the nature of Dark Matter by catching and identifying the products of potential decays and/or annihilations. The work exposed in this thesis is in line with this strategy and has for common thread the quest for line(-like) features in the extraterrestrial fluxes of gamma-rays and neutrinos. The motivation behind this specific interest is that, due to the absence of astrophysical counterparts beyond the GeV scale, these features constitute the ultimate probes (also called “smoking guns”) of the existence of Dark Matter.The thesis is organized in three Parts, the first of which is an introduction to the different facets of the Dark Matter conundrum and why it is not a trivial issue. The works involving gamma-ray line considerations are gathered in Part II, and those exclusively focusing on neutrino lines in Part III.Part II focuses on the effective field theory of Dark Matter decay, first in the context of millicharged particles decaying to gamma-ray lines, and then in the context of (neutral and millicharged) Dark Matter decays involving the simultaneous emission of gamma-ray and neutrino lines. In both cases, the simultaneous emission of cosmic rays is unavoidable and the decays are constrained in a multi-messenger fashion. The complementarity of the results obtained is used to derive model-independent constraints on the Dark Matter lifetime, and shows the possibility to exclude or distinguishsome specific scenarios on the basis of an explicit experimental conjecture.After an introduction to the neutrino detection principles and to the operation of the IceCube detector, Part III focuses on two careful searches for spectral features in the neutrino spectrum. The main goal behind these analyses, conducted in two different regions of the energy spectrum but using the same likelihood ratio procedure, is to popularize dedicated energy distribution studies by showing their ability to reach sensitivity levels comparable to—sometimes even going beyond—those obtained with angular distribution studies or even in the context of gamma-ray line searches. / Option Physique du Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Detecção de anticorpos anti-Leishmania infantum, Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii em cães necropsiados no hospital veterinário da UFSM / Detection of anti-Leishmania infantum antibody, Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in autopsied dogs in veterinary hospital UFSM

Ratzlaff, Fabiana Raquel 16 August 2016 (has links)
The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) can be infected by a variety of protozoa and may develop clinical signs or remain asymptomatic. Due to the proximity of this kind with the man some protozoa present zoonotic potential, as researchers studied, including Leishmania infantum, Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. L. infantum, it is responsible for causing visceral leishmaniasis in several species, including the dog and the man with deleterious impacts on public health. The dog is considered the urban reservoir of the parasite, and it is recommended the euthanasia of seropositive, including asymptomatic. N. caninum and T. gondii are widely distributed protozoa. These agents, when affecting dogs, can cause neurological, gastrointestinal, respiratory and muscle disturbs. N. caninum is a protozoan of great economic importance and may cause reproductive problems in farm animals and the dog is the definitive host of this agent. T. gondii is an opportunistic microorganism, a zoonotic potential, with world-occurrence. The dogs as well as humans, are considered intermediate hosts, infection may be more severe in pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals. This study aimed to research anti-Leishmania infantum antibodies, Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in autopsied dogs; and to determine the occurrence of infection in animals from Agudo, Jaguari, Júlio de Castilhos, Mata, Santa Maria, Santiago, São Martinho da Serra, São Vicente do Sul and Tupanciretã, towns in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul (RS). In addition, there were correlated epidemiological data on sex, age, race, origin and occurrence of these protozoa in the seasons, with the pathological lesions. The animals were necropsied during routine at Pathology Laboratory in the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, from November 2014 to April 2016. For detection of seropositive dogs, the Indirect Immunofluorescence Antibody Test (IFAT) was performed on stored samples in serum bank Analysis Laboratory in Veterinary Clinics. It analyzed 78 samples, where 53/78 (67.9%) were seropositive, demonstrating the presence of antibodies to one or more of the agents in the population studied. The occurrence of antibodies to L. infantum, N. caninum and T. gondii was 26/78 (33.3%) 29/78 (37.1%) and 34/78 (43.5%) respectively. Mono infections observed in 5/53 (9.4%) of L. infantum, 10/53 (18.8%) to N. caninum and 11/53 (20.7%) T. gondii, while the coinfection appeared in 27/53 (50.9%) of the dogs were detected in 4/53 (7.5%) L. infantum + N. caninum, 8/53 (15.0%) L. infantum + T. gondii, 6/53 (11.3%) N. caninum + T. gondii and 9/53 (16.9%) L. infantum + N. caninum + T. gondii, affecting animals of different ages, without predominance sex or race. There were no pathological characteristic lesions, featuring animals as asymptomatic, indicating a role for these sentinels of dogs these diseases. This study contributed to a better understanding of the epidemiology of protozoa and noted the emergence of visceral leishmaniasis in animals from areas considered harmless. In addition, this work can support the public health services in the adoption of preventive measures, avoiding possible cases of autochthonous leishmaniasis in central RS. / O cão (Canis lupus familiaris) pode ser infectado por uma variedade de protozoários, podendo desenvolver sinais clínicos ou permanecer assintomático. Devido à proximidade desta espécie com o homem e por alguns protozoários apresentarem potencial zoonótico, se realizou um estudo, incluindo Leishmania infantum, Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii. L. infantum, é responsável por causar a leishmaniose visceral em diversas espécies, abrangendo o cão e o homem, com impactos deletérios na Saúde Pública. O cão é considerado o reservatório urbano deste parasita, e recomenda-se a eutanásia dos soropositivos, inclusive os assintomáticos. N. caninum e T. gondii são protozoários de ampla distribuição geográfica. Estes agentes, quando acometem os cães, podem causar distúrbios neurológicos, gastrintestinais, respiratórios e musculares. N. caninum é um protozoário de grande importância econômica, podendo ocasionar problemas reprodutivos em animais de produção e o cão é o hospedeiro definitivo deste agente. T. gondii é um micro-organismo oportunista, de potencial zoonótico, com ocorrência mundial. Os cães, assim como o homem, são considerados hospedeiros intermediários, podendo a infecção ser mais grave em indivíduos imunocomprometidos ou gestantes. Este estudo teve por objetivo pesquisar anticorpos anti-Leishmania infantum, Neospora caninum e Toxoplasma gondii em cães necropsiados; bem como determinar a ocorrência da infecção em animais procedentes de Agudo, Jaguari, Júlio de Castilhos, Mata, Santa Maria, Santiago, São Martinho da Serra, São Vicente do Sul e Tupanciretã, municípios da região central do Rio Grande do Sul (RS). Adicionalmente, correlacionou-se os dados epidemiológicos referentes a sexo, idade, raça, procedência e a ocorrência destes protozoários nas estações do ano, com as lesões anatomopatológicas. Os animais foram necropsiados durante a rotina do Laboratório de Patologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, no período de novembro de 2014 a abril de 2016. Para detecção dos cães sororreagentes, foi realizada a Reação de Imunofluorescência Indireta (RIFI), nas amostras armazenadas no banco de soro do Laboratório de Análises Clínicas Veterinárias. Analisou-se 78 amostras, onde 53/78 (67,9%) apresentaram soropositividade, demonstrando a presença de anticorpos para um ou mais dos agentes na população estudada. A ocorrência de anticorpos para L. infantum, N. caninum e T. gondii foi de 26/78 (33,3%), 29/78 (37,1%) e 34/78 (43,5%) respectivamente. Observou-se mono infecções em 5/53 (9,4%) para L. infantum, 10/53 (18,8%) para N. caninum e 11/53 (20,7%) para T. gondii, enquanto que, as coinfecções apareceram em 27/53 (50,9%) dos cães, sendo detectados em 4/53 (7,5%) L. infantum + N. caninum, 8/53 (15,0%) L. infantum + T. gondii, 6/53 (11,3%) N. caninum + T. gondii e 9/53 (16,9%) L. infantum + N. caninum + T. gondii, acometendo animais de diferentes idades, sem predominância de sexo ou raça. Não verificaram-se lesões anatomopatológicas características, caracterizando os animais como assintomáticos, denotando um papel para estes cães de sentinelas destas enfermidades. Este estudo contribuiu para um maior conhecimento da epidemiologia destas protozooses e observou o surgimento da leishmaniose visceral em animais provenientes de áreas consideradas indenes. Além disso, este trabalho poderá subsidiar os serviços de Saúde Pública na adoção de medidas preventivas, evitando possíveis casos de leishmaniose autóctones na região central do RS.

Estimating Growth and Mortality in Elasmobranchs: Are we doing it correctly?

Moe, Brian J. 09 April 2015 (has links)
The instantaneous mortality rate (M) is an important parameter in elasmobranch management and conservation, but is difficult to estimate directly. Thus, indirect estimates based on relatively easily obtained life history parameters are commonly used. Many indirect methods incorporate one or more parameters from the von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM), which is often criticized for its inability to describe changes in growth associated with maturity. The Lester growth model (LGM) is a biphasic alternative to the VBGM that incorporates trade-offs between reproduction, growth, and survival, and may therefore more accurately estimate M. I used published data from 29 elasmobranch species to compare the performance of the LGM to four conventional growth models and nine conventional methods for indirectly estimating M. For three species (Heterodontus portusjacksoni, Rhizoprionodon taylori, and Carcharhinus limbatus), I obtained direct estimates of M to evaluate the accuracy of indirect M methods. According to AICc, the LGM was the best fitting model for 80.8% of datasets. Using one-sample t-tests, I found that five indirect M methods (two of which are dependent on the LGM) consistently generated estimates of M that were in close agreement with direct estimates. The most common methods in elasmobranch literature appear to be overestimating M by factors of 1.34 – 1.91. However, further research is needed to verify these results across a wider range of species. Overall, I recommend using the LGM to describe the lifetime growth of sharks, and estimating M by averaging across five indirect methods.

Překlady české literatury v Argentině ve 20. století / Translations of Czech Literature in 20th-century Argentina

Nováková, Magdaléna January 2015 (has links)
The present thesis investigates book translations of Czech literature into Spanish published in Argentina in the 20th and early 21st centuries. The theoretical part addresses indirect translation in combination with intralingual translation (translation between Peninsular Spanish and Argentinian Spanish), book translation for the Spanish-speaking market and Translator studies. The methodology draws upon historiographic research, critical discourse analysis of paratexts and oral history. The empirical part outlines the censorship of Czech literature, provides comprehensive information on the translations published in Argentina including information on translators, describes the life and work of Helena Voldan and delineates the reception of Notes from the Gallows by Julius Fučík in Argentina. The collected data is then analysed from various points of view (e.g. genre, source text language, distribution from Spain, year of publication of the original and translation). Key words: Argentina, Czech literature, indirect translation, 20th century, Voldan, censorship, Fučík

Indirect interactions between elephants (Loxodonta africana) and mopane caterpillars (Imbrasia belina) through their shared food resource – mopane trees (Colophospermum mopane)

De Nagy Koves Hrabar, Helena 07 November 2006 (has links)
Mopane (Colophospermum mopane) trees are browsed upon by two key species, namely mopane caterpillars (Imbrasia belina) and African elephants (Loxodonta africana), which each inflict a different type of damage while feeding, namely defoliation (leaf removal) and pruning (branch and/or stem breakage). Damage type can have a significant influence on plant responses, and these induced changes in morphological and chemical characteristics of regrowth can influence the subsequent feeding behaviour by each species. The objective of this study was therefore partly to investigate the differential effect of defoliation by mopane caterpillars and pruning by elephants on mopane trees, and then to investigate whether these two taxonomically different species interact through their shared food resource, by looking specifically at the effect of elephant utilisation of mopane on mopane caterpillar abundance. To determine the comparative effect of each browsing type, mopane trees were subjected to simulated mopane caterpillar or elephant utilisation treatments, at various frequencies and times within the year. Regrowth characteristics were then measured on treatment and control trees, as well as on naturally utilised and unutilised trees. Reproductive investment was also recorded on naturally utilised and unutilised trees. Additionally, the impact of mopane caterpillar defoliation and elephant pruning on plant stress was investigated by measuring the level of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in leaves. Then, to determine whether there is an interaction between elephants and mopane caterpillars, mopane caterpillar egg mass abundance in areas of high elephant impact was compared to that in areas of low elephant impact. Firstly, however, in areas without elephant damage, those tree characteristics determining host tree preference by ovipositing mopane moths were identified. From this, an understanding of how elephant utilisation may influence mopane caterpillar abundance could therefore be gained. Defoliation and pruning had a significant different effect on mopane regrowth responses. Shoot and leaf length were significantly longer on pruned trees than control trees, for both naturally utilised and simulated elephant treatment trees, while there was no difference in shoot density. Defoliation, however, resulted in shorter shoots and leaves, particularly on naturally defoliated trees, which also had leaves of a higher nutritional value (tannin:protein ratio and total polyphenolic content) than control trees. A similar increase in leaf nutritional value was recorded in areas of high elephant impact in the Kruger National Park, but not after simulated or natural elephant damage in Venetia, where natural elephant utilization was less intense. Time since damage (i.e. first versus second flush) had a significant influence on regrowth after pruning, as shoot and leaf length were significantly longer on trees flushing for the first time, while within-season timing of damage was important for defoliation, as late-season defoliation had a greater negative impact than mid-season defoliation. Late-season defoliation also had a negative effect on leaf carriage into the dry season, while pruning appeared to aid leaf retention. Reproductive investment was found to be unaffected by mopane caterpillar defoliation or elephant pruning, as mean pod density and pod mass on utilised trees was no different to unutilised trees. Defoliation also had no influence on a plant’s likelihood of flowering that same season, with flowering being determined more by tree height. Unlike pod production, however, mean leaf density was significantly reduced in the regrowth of defoliated trees, presumably due to the use of stored resources for reproduction prior to the onset of regrowth. Neither simulated nor natural defoliation by mopane caterpillars and pruning by elephants was found to affect the level of leaf FA in mopane trees, even though the degree of damage inflicted on trees was considerably higher than in studies on other species where increases in FA were observed. Mopane therefore appears to be extremely tolerant of herbivory in comparison to other species. A positive relationship between leaf nutritional value (higher protein and lower tannin and polyphenolic content) and FA was detected, but only when trees from all study areas (i.e. a wide range of environmental conditions) were considered simultaneously. Environmental conditions, rather than herbivory, therefore appear to have a greater stressing affect on mopane. In the absence of heavy elephant utilisation of mopane trees, tree size, rather than shoot length, leaf length, leaf FA or leaf nutritional value, was found to have the greatest influence on oviposition behaviour of mopane moths. Ovipositing moths showed a preference for the tall riverine habitat over the shorter woodland and scrub mopane. This preference for large trees was, however, not evident at the individual tree level, as even though egg mass number per tree was positively related to tree height, large trees were not utilised more than expected according to the available canopy volume in each size class (resource availability). Heavy elephant utilisation of mopane had a negative impact on the density of tall trees within an area, due to branch and stem breakage while feeding. Unsurprisingly then, mopane caterpillar egg mass abundance was also significantly reduced in these areas, even though the nutritional value of leaves was higher than in non-elephant impacted areas. Elephants therefore appear to have a negative effect on mopane caterpillar abundance, primarily due to their negative impact on the density of tall mopane trees. This megaherbivore and invertebrate do therefore interact through their shared food resource, mopane trees. / Thesis (PhD (Zoology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted

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