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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efficiency droop mitigation and quantum efficiency enhancement for nitride Light-Emitting Diodes

Li, Xing 25 July 2012 (has links)
In the past decade, GaN-based nitrides have had a considerable impact in solid state lighting and high speed high power devices. InGaN-based LEDs have been widely used for all types of displays in TVs, computers, cell phones, etc. More and more high power LEDs have also been introduced in general lighting market. Once widely used, such LEDs could lead to the decrease of worldwide electrical consumption for lighting by more than 50% and reduce total electricity consumption by > 10%. However, there are still challenges for current state-of-the art InGaN-based LEDs, including ‘efficiency droop’ issues that cause output power quenching at high current injection levels (> 100 A/cm2). In this dissertation, approaches were investigated to address the major issues related to state-of-the-art nitride LEDs, in particular related to (1) efficiency droop investigations on m-plane and c-plane LEDs: enhanced matrix elements in m-plane LEDs and smaller hole effective mass favors the hole transport across the active region so that m-plane LEDs exhibit 30% higher quantum efficiency and negligible efficiency droop at high injection levels compared to c-plane counterparts; (2) engineering of InGaN active layers for achieving high quantum efficiency and minimal efficiency droop: lower and thinner InGaN barrier enhance hole transport as well as improves the quantum efficiencies at injection levels; (3) double-heterostructure (DH) active regions: various thicknesses were also investigated in order to understand the electron and hole recombination mechanism. We also present that using multi-thin DH active regions is a superior approach to enhance the quantum efficiency compared with simply increasing the single DH thickness or the number of quantum wells (QWs, 2 nm-thick) in multi-QW (MQW) LED structures due to the better material quality and higher density of states. Additionally, increased thickness of stair-case electron injectors (SEIs) has been demonstrated to greatly mitigate electron overflow without sacrificing material quality of the active regions. Finally, approaches to enhance light extraction efficiency including using Ga doped ZnO as the p-GaN contact layer to improve light extraction as well as current spreading was introduced.

Design and Characterization of InGaN/GaN Dot-in-Nanowire Heterostructures for High Efficiency Solar Cells

Cheriton, Ross 20 July 2018 (has links)
Light from the sun is an attractive source of energy for its renewability, supply, scalability, and cost. Silicon solar cells are the dominant technology of choice for harnessing solar energy in the form of electricity, but the designs are approaching their practical efficiency limits. New multijunction designs which use the tunable properties of the more expensive III-V semiconductors have historically been relegated to space applications where absolute power conversion efficiency, resilience to radiation, and weight are more important considerations than cost. Some of the more recent developments in the field of semiconductor materials are the so-called III-nitride materials which mainly use either indium, aluminum or gallium in combination with nitrogen. Indium gallium nitride (InGaN) is one of these III-nitride semiconductor alloys that can be tailored to span the vast majority of the solar spectrum. While InGaN growth traditionally requires expensive substrate materials such as sapphire, three-dimensional nanowire growth modes enable high quality lattice mismatched growth of InGaN directly on silicon without a metamorphic buffer layer. The absorption and electronic properties of InGaN can also be tuned by incorporating it into quantum confined regions in a GaN host material. This opens up a route towards cost-effective, high efficiency devices such as light emitted diodes and solar cells which can operate over a large range of wavelengths. The combination of the two material systems of InGaN/GaN and silicon can marry the low cost of silicon wafers with the desirable optoelectronic properties of III-nitride semiconductors. This thesis investigates the potential for highly nanostructured InGaN/GaN based devices using quantum-dot-in-nanowire designs as novel solar cells which can enable intermediate band absorption effects and multiple junctions within a single nanowire to absorb more of the solar spectrum and operating more efficiently. Such semiconductor nanostructures can in principle reach power conversion efficiencies of over 40\% on silicon, with a cost closer to conventional silicon solar cells as opposed to methods which use non-silicon substrates. In the primary strategy, the nanowires contain InGaN quantum dots which act as photon absorption/carrier generation centres to sequentially excite photons within the large band gap semiconductor. By using this intermediate band of states, large operating voltages between contacts can be maintained without sacrificing the collection of long wavelength solar photons. In this work, we characterize the properties of such nanowires and experimentally demonstrate sub-bandgap current generation in a large area InGaN/GaN dot-in-nanowire solar cell. Experimental characterization of InGaN / GaN quantum dots in nanowires as both LEDs and solar cells is performed to determine the nanowire material parameters to understand how they relate to the nanowire device performance. Multiple microscopy techniques are performed to determine the nanowire morphology and contact effectiveness. Optical characterization of bare and fabricated nanowires is used to determine the anti-reflection properties of nanowire arrays. Photoluminescence and electroluminescence spectroscopy are performed. Illuminated current-voltage characteristics and quantum efficiencies are determined. Specular and diffuse reflectivities are measured as a function of wavelength. Technology computer-aided design (TCAD) software is used to simulate the performance of the overall nanowire device. The contribution from quantum dots or quantum wells is simulated by solving for the carrier wavefunctions and density of states with the quantum structures. The discretized density of states from the quantum dots is modelled and used in a complete drift-diffusion device simulation to reproduce electroluminescence results. The carrier transport properties are modified to demonstrate effects on the overall device performance. An alternate design is also proposed which uses an InGaN nanowire subcell on top of a silicon bottom subcell. The dual-junction design allows a broader absorption of the solar spectrum, increasing the operating voltage through monolithically grown series-connected, current-matched subcells. The performance of such a cell is simulated through drift-diffusion simulations of a dual-junction InGaN/Si solar cell. The effects of switching to a nanowire subcell based on the nanowires studied in this thesis is discussed.

Engineering III-N Alloys and Devices for Photovoltaic Progress

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: The state of the solar industry has reached a point where significant advancements in efficiency will require new materials and device concepts. The material class broadly known as the III-N's have a rich history as a commercially successful semiconductor. Since discovery in 2003 these materials have shown promise for the field of photovoltaic solar technologies. However, inherent material issues in crystal growth and the subsequent effects on device performance have hindered their development. This thesis explores new growth techniques for III-N materials in tandem with new device concepts that will either work around the previous hindrances or open pathways to device technologies with higher theoretical limits than much of current photovoltaics. These include a novel crystal growth reactor, efforts in production of better quality material at faster rates, and development of advanced photovoltaic devices: an inversion junction solar cell, material work for hot carrier solar cell, ground work for a selective carrier contact, and finally a refractory solar cell for operation at several hundred degrees Celsius. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Materials Science and Engineering 2016

Localization, disorder, and polarization fields in wide-gap semiconductor quantum wells

Mayrock, Oliver 18 January 2001 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden verschiedene Aspekte des Einflusses von Lokalisation, Unordnung und Polarisationsfeldern auf Elektron-Loch Zustände in Quantengräben (QWs von engl. quantum wells) aus Halbleitern mit großer Bandlücke theoretisch untersucht. Unter Verwendung eines Schwerpunktseparationsansatzes wird das Verhalten von QW Exzitonen und Biexzitonen im Grenzfall schwacher Lokalisation beschrieben. Es zeigt sich, daß die Lokalisationsenergie des Biexzitons mehr als doppelt so groß ist wie die des Exzitons. Dies wird verursacht durch ein universelles Gesetz der Lokalisation in schwachen zwei-dimensionalen Potentialen, welches lediglich durch das "Potentialvolumen" und die Masse des lokalisierten Teilchens bestimmt wird. Ein einfaches Modell des QW Biexzitons wird entwickelt, dessen Ergebnisse gut mit jenen übereinstimmen, die man mit Hilfe eines aufwendigeren numerischen Modells erhält. Der Grenzfall starker Lokalisation von QW Exzitonen und höheren Exzitonenkomplexen wird mittels einer Dichtefunktionalrechnung untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, daß Zustände bis mindestens zum X4 in den nm-großen Potentialminima lokalisieren können, die durch Phasenseparation in (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs enstehen. Es wird das Übergangsspektrum des sukzessiven Zerfalls eines lokalisierten X4 berechnet. Auf Grundlage der selbstkonsistenten Lösung von Poisson- und Schrödinger-Gleichung wird der Einfluß des Probendesigns von (In,Ga)N/GaN QW-Strukturen auf den makroskopischen Verlauf des Polarisationsfeldes in Wachstumsrichtung und somit auf optische Übergangsenergie und Oszillatorstärke systematisch untersucht. Besondere Bedeutung kommt dabei der Abschirmung der Felder durch Raumladungszonen zu. Es wird gezeigt, daß die Position des QW bezüglich einer ausgedehnten Oberflächen-Verarmungszone - die in n-dotierten, Ga-polarisierten Proben auftritt - erheblichen Einfluß auf Übergangsenergie und Oszillatorstärke hat. Durch die räumliche Variation der Polarisationsfeldstärke in dieser Verarmungszone kann das optische Übergangsspektrum eines Mehrfach-QW Schultern oder mehrere Maxima aufweisen. Indium Oberflächen-Segregation ruft eine Blauverschiebung der Übergangsenergie hervor, die bis zu einem Drittel der vom Polarisationsfeld verursachten quantum confined Stark-Verschiebung kompensiert. Diese Blauverschiebung wird von einer Verringerung des Elektron-Loch Überlapps begleitet. Die Polarisationsfelder in (In,Ga)N/GaN Mehrfach-QWs verschmieren das stufenförmige Einteilchen-Absorptionsspektrum. Durch die Aufhebung der näherungsweisen Diagonalität von Inter-Subband Übergängen und durch die Miniband-Dispersion in höheren, gekoppelten Zuständen haben diese Felder, neben dem Beitrag von Potentialfluktuationen, einen entscheidenden Einfluß auf die Form des Absorptionsspektrums. Ein in der Literatur diskutierter Mechanismus, der allein durch Polarisationsfelder eine Verbreiterung optischer Spektren hervorruft, kann nicht bestätigt werden. Unter Annahme einer unkorrelierten Zusammensetzung von (In,Ga)N und einer lateral korrelierten Grenzflächenrauhigkeit von einer Monolage in jeder Grenzfläche zeigt die spektrale Breite des Exzitonen-Schwerpunktpotentials eine Verschmälerung mit zunehmendem Feld. Diese wird verursacht durch das Eindringen der Teilchen in die binären Barrieren und durch ein vergrößertes Exzitonenvolumen. Im Fall einer langreichweitigen Grenzfächenrauhigkeit findet man eine Aufspaltung des Spektrums in einzelne Linien. / In this thesis, various aspects of the influence of localization, disorder, and polarization fields on electron-hole states in wide-gap semiconductor quantum wells (QWs) are investigated theoretically. A theoretical treatment of quantum well exciton and biexciton states in the limit of weak localization is presented, using a center-of-mass separation ansatz. It shows that the localization energy of the biexciton is more than twice as large as that of the exciton due to the universal behaviour of localization in weak two-dimensional potentials which is ruled only by the potential "volume" and the mass of the localized particle. A useful simple model of the QW biexciton wavefunction is developed which provides good agreement with the results obtained with an extensive numerical solution. The limit of strong localization of QW excitons and higher exciton complexes is investigated with a density functional calculation. It is demonstrated that states at least up to X4 may localize in nm-scale potential boxes caused by indium phase separation in (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs. The transition spectrum of the successive recombination of a localized X4 is calculated. A systematic investigation of the influence of the sample design of (In,Ga)N/GaN QW structures on optical transition energy and oscillator strength reveals the importance of space charge layers with regard to screening of polarization fields along the QW-axis. Based on a self-consistent solution of the Schrödinger-Poisson equations, the overall situation of the macroscopic spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization fields is discussed in dependence on various substantial sample parameters. It is found that the position of a QW in the sample with respect to an extended surface depletion layer - which is shown to exist in n-type Ga-face grown material - severely affects transition energy and electron-hole overlap. Due to the spatial variation of the field strength in this surface depletion layer, the optical transition spectrum of a Ga-face grown multiple-QW can display shoulders or even a multiple-peak structure. Indium surface segregation results in a blueshift of the transition energy compensating up to one third of the quantum confined Stark shift produced by the polarization field. This blueshift is accompanied by a decrease of the electron-hole overlap. Polarization fields in (In,Ga)N/GaN multiple-QWs result in a smoothing of the step-like single-particle absorption spectrum. Apart from the contribution of compositional fluctuations, the fields have significant influence on the shape of the spectrum via the abrogation of the nearly diagonality of inter-subband transitions and via the mini-band dispersion of higher coupled states in case of a periodic structure. A line broadening-mechanism due to polarization fields in (In,Ga)N/GaN QWs, as sometimes discussed in literature, could not be confirmed. Assuming uncorrelated (In,Ga)N alloy and in-plane-correlated interface roughness of one monolayer in each interface, the calculation of the spectral width of the QW exciton center-of-mass potential yields a narrowing with increasing average field. This is a result of the penetration of the carriers into the barriers and of an increasing exciton volume. In case of a long-range interface roughness, a splitting of the spectrum into individual lines can be predicted.

Optoelectronic simulation of nonhomogeneous solar cells

Anderson, Tom Harper January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the possibility of enhancing the efficiency of thin film solar cells by including periodic material nonhomogeneities in combination with periodically corrugated back reflectors. Two different types of solar cell are investigated; p-i-n junctions solar cells made from alloys of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) (containing either carbon or germanium), and Schottky barrier junction solar cells made from alloys of indium gallium nitride (InξGa1-ξN). Material nonhomogeneities are produced by varying the fractions of the constituent elements of the alloys. For example, by varying the content of carbon or germanium in the a-Si:H alloys, semiconductors with bandgaps ranging from 1:3 eV to 1:95 eV can be produced. Changing the bandgap alters both the optical and electrical properties of the material so this necessitates the use of coupled optical and electrical models. To date, the majority of solar cell simulations either prioritise the electrical portion of the simulation or they prioritise the optical portion of the simulation. In this thesis, a coupled optoelectronic model, developed using COMSOL Multiphysics®, was used to simulate solar cells: a two-dimensional finite-element optical model, which solved Maxwell's equations throughout the solar cells, was used to calculate the absorption of incident sunlight; and a finite-element electrical drift-diffusion transport model, either one- or two-dimensional depending on the symmetries of the problem, was used to calculate the steady state current densities throughout the solar cells under external voltage biases. It is shown that a periodically corrugated back reflector made from silver can increase efficiency of an a-Si:H alloy single p-i-n junction solar cell by 9:9% compared to a baseline design, while for a triple junction the improvement is a relatively meagre 1:8%. It is subsequently shown that the efficiency of these single p-i-n junction solar cells with a back reflector can be further increased by the inclusion of material nonhomogeneities, and that increasing the nonhomogeneity progressively increases efficiency, especially in thicker solar cells. In the case of InξGa1-ξN Schottky barrier junction solar cells, the gains are shown to be even greater. An overall increase in efficiency of up to 26:8% over a baseline design is reported.

Caractérisations de matériaux et tests de composants des cellules solaires à base des nitrures des éléments III-V / Material characterizations and devices tests of solar cells based on III-V elements nitrides

Gorge, Vanessa 02 May 2012 (has links)
Parmi les nitrures III-V, le matériau InGaN a été intensément étudié depuis les années 2000 pour des applications photovoltaïques, en particulier pour des cellules multi-jonctions, grâce à son large gap modulable pouvant couvrir quasiment tout le spectre solaire. On pourrait alors atteindre de hauts rendements tout en assurant de bas coûts. Cependant, l’un des problèmes de l’InGaN est l’absence de substrat accordé en maille provoquant une grande densité de défauts et limitant ainsi les performances des composants. Nous avons donc étudié la faisabilité de cellules solaires simples jonctions à base d’InGaN sur des substrats alternatifs comme le silicium et le verre afin de baisser les coûts et d’avoir de larges applications. Afin d’adapter l’InGaN sur ces substrats alternatifs, nous avons utilisé une couche tampon en ZnO. Ce travail a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet ANR NewPVonGlass. Plus particulièrement, dans ce projet, mon travail avait pour objectifs de réaliser des caractérisations électriques et optiques des matériaux et des composants. Les deux premières parties de cette thèse introduisent le matériau InGaN et l’effet photovoltaïque. Les techniques de caractérisation utilisées sont expliquées dans le troisième chapitre. Ensuite, les résultats obtenus lors de la caractérisation cristalline du matériau InGaN sont présentés en fonction du substrat, de la concentration d’indium et de l’épaisseur de la couche. Puis, la cinquième partie développe les caractérisations des premières cellules à base d’InGaN sur saphir. Enfin, dans le dernier chapitre, des simulations de cellules solaires à base d’InGaN ont été réalisées. Le modèle développé nous a permis d’optimiser la structure et le dopage du composant et de déterminer les paramètres critiques. Nous montrons donc, dans ce travail, le développement d’une cellule solaire à base d’InGaN : des caractérisations des matériaux de base à celles des cellules solaires, en passant par la modélisation. / Among III-V nitrides, the InGaN material has intensively been studied since the year 2000 for photovoltaic applications, in particular for multi-junction solar cells, thanks to its large tunable band gap covering almost the entire solar spectrum. Then, it will be possible to reach high efficiency and low cost. However, one of the problems of InGaN material is the absence of lattice-matched substrate leading to high defect density which limits device performances. We have thus studied the feasibility of single junction InGaN based solar cells on alternative substrate such as silicon and glass in order to lower the price and to benefit from their wide application fields. To adapt InGaN material on these new substrates, we have utilized ZnO buffer layer. This work has been carried out within the framework of the ANR project NewPVonGlass. More particularly, in this project, I was in charge of the electrical and optical characterizations of the materials and devices. In the two first parts of this manuscript, the InGaN material and the photovoltaic effect are introduced. Then, the characterization techniques are explained in the third chapter. In the fourth part, the results obtained during crystalline characterization of the InGaN materials are presented depending on the substrate, the indium percentage and the InGaN layer thickness. Then, the fifth chapter presents the first InGaN-based solar cell characteristics on sapphire substrate. Finally, in the last part, simulations of InGaN-based solar cell have been performed. The developed model was able to optimize the structure and to determine the critical parameters. Thus, we have shown in this work the development of an InGaN-based solar cell from the base material characterizations to the device tests, through modeling.

Optical studies of InGaN/GaN quantum well structures

Davies, Matthew John January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I present and discuss the results of optical spectroscopy performed on InGaN/GaN single and multiple quantum well (QW) structures. I report on the optical properties of InGaN/GaN single and multiple QW structures, measured at high excitation power densities. I show a correlation exists between the reduction in PL efficiency at high excitation power densities, the phenomenon so-called ``efficiency-droop'', and a broadening of the PL spectra. I also show a distinct change in recombination dynamics, measured by time-resolved photoluminescence (PL), which occurs at the excitation power densities for which efficiency droop is measured. The broadening of the PL spectra at high excitation power densities is shown to occur due to a rapidly redshifting, short-lived high energy emission band. The high energy emission band is proposed to be due to the recombination of weakly localised/delocalised carriers occurring as a consequence of the progressive saturation of the local potential fluctuations responsible for carrier localisation, at high excitation power densities. I report on the effects of varying threading dislocation (TD) density on the optical properties of InGaN/GaN multiple QW structures. No systematic relationship exists between the room temperature internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and the TD density, in a series of nominally identical InGaN/GaN multiple QWs deposited on GaN templates of varying TD density. I also show the excitation power density dependence of the PL efficiency, at room temperatures, is unaffected for variation in the TD density between 2 x107 and 5 x109 cm-2. The independence of the optical properties to TD density is proposed to be a consequence of the strong carrier localisation, and hence short carrier diffusion lengths. I report on the effects of including an InGaN underlayer on the optical and microstructural properties of InGaN/GaN multiple QW structures. I show an increase in the room temperature IQE occurs for the structure containing the InGaN underlayer, compared to the reference. I show using PL excitation spectroscopy that an additional carrier transfer and recombination process occurs on the high energy side of the PL spectrum associated with the InGaN underlayer. Using PL decay time measurements I show the additional recombination process for carriers excited in the underlayer occurs on a faster timescale than the recombination at the peak of the PL spectrum. The additional contribution to the spectrum from the faster recombination process is proposed as responsible for the increase in room temperature IQE.

Microstructural characterisation of novel nitride nanostructures using electron microscopy

Severs, John January 2014 (has links)
Novel semiconductor nanostructures possess a range of notable properties that have the potential to be harnessed in the next generation of optical devices. Electron microscopy is uniquely suited to characterising the complex microstructure, the results of which may be related to the growth conditions and optical properties. This thesis investigates three such novel materials: (1) GaN/InGaN core/shell nanowires, (2) n-GaN/InGaN/p-GaN core/multi-shell microrods and (3) Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles, all of which were grown at Sharp Laboratories of Europe. GaN nanowires were grown by a Ni-catalysed VLS process and were characterised by various techniques before and after InGaN shells were deposited by MOCVD. The majority of the core wires were found to have the expected wurtzite structure and completely defect free – reflected in the strong strain-free photoluminescence peak –with a- and m- axis orientations identified with shadow imaging. A small component, <5%, were found to have the cubic zinc-blende phase and a high density of planar faults running the length of the wires. The deposited shells were highly polycrystalline, partially attributed to a layer of silicon at the core shell interface identified through FIB lift-out of cross section samples, and accordingly the PL was very broad likely due to recombination at defects and grain boundaries. A high throughput method of identifying the core size indirectly via the catalyst particle EDX signal is described which may be used to link the shell microstructure to core size in further studies. An n-GaN/InGaN/p-GaN shell structure was deposited by MOCVD on the side walls of microrods etched from c-axis GaN film on sapphire, which offers the possibility of achieving non-polar junctions without the issues due to non-uniformity found in nanowires. Threading dislocations within the core related to the initial growth on sapphire were shown to be confined to this region, therefore avoiding any harmful effect on the junction microstructure. The shell defect density showed a surprising relationship to core size with the smaller diameter rods having a high density of unusual 'flag' defects in the junction region whereas the larger diameter sample shells appeared largely defect free, suggesting the geometry of the etched core has an impact on the strain in the shell layers. The structure of unusual 'flag' defects in the m-plane junctions was characterised via diffraction contrast TEM, weak beam and atomic resolution ADF STEM and were shown to consist of a basal plane stacking faults meeting a perfect or partial dislocation loop on a pyramidal plane, the latter likely gliding in to resolve residual strain due to the fault formed during growth. Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> has the required bandgap energy to be utilised as a phosphor with the additional advantage over conventional materials of its constituent elements not being toxic or scarce. The first successful synthesis of Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles appropriate to this application was confirmed via SAD, EDX and HRTEM, with software developed to fit experimental polycrystalline diffraction patterns to simulated components suggesting a maximum Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> composition of ~30%. There was an apparent decrease in crystallinity with decreasing particle size evidenced in radial distribution function studies with the smallest particles appearing completely amorphous in 80kV HRTEM images. A rapid change in the particles under the electron beam was observed, characterised by growth of large grains of Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> and ZnO which increased with increasing acceleration voltage suggesting knock-on effects driving the change. PL data was consistent with the bandgap of Zn<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> blue shifted from 1.1eV to around 1.8eV, confirming the potential of the material for application as a phosphor.

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