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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Outils numériques et technologiques pour l'analyse de la qualité de l'air intérieur / Technological and numerical tools for indoor air quality monitoring

César, William 05 March 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est le développement d'outils technologiques et logiciels permettant un monitoring de la qualité de l'air intérieur. Cela comprend la conception de capteurs miniaturisés permettant la détection simultanée d'un grand nombre de polluants, ainsi que le développement de modèles numériques inverses utilisant les données issues de ces capteurs et permettant la reconstruction de sources de polluants. Ces travaux ont mené à l'élaboration d'un prototype fonctionnel de micro-chromatographe en phase gazeuse, système d'analyse chimique miniaturisé permettant la détection de multiples polluants. La colonne de séparation fabriquée en technologie MEMS a permis la séparation de divers composés organiques volatils en quelques dizaines de secondes. Le micro-détecteur TCD, fondé sur une mesure 4-pointes couplée à un circuit d'asservissement en température original, a permis la détection des composés séparés dans la colonne. Afin d'améliorer et de tirer au mieux parti des micro-chromatographes, des méthodes d'injections stochastiques ont été développées. Il a été démontré que ces méthodes ont plusieurs intérêts. D'une part, elles permettent facilement un gain de rapport signal/bruit de l'ordre de la décade, ce qui permet la détection de polluants plus faiblement concentrés. Il a été observé d'autre part qu'il est possible de suivre en temps réel l'évolution moyenne de la concentration des polluants alors que cela n'est pas possible lorsque le chromatographe est utilisé de manière standard. Enfin, une méthode d'injection et de traitement du signal permettant l'analyse simultanée de plusieurs échantillons avec un unique capteur a été développée. Enfin, ces travaux ont été complétés par le développement de modèles inverses 2D permettant, à partir de données issues de micro-chromatographes placés dans l'espace, la reconstruction de sources de polluants et de champs de vitesses par méthode des gaz traceur. Ces modèles sont fondés sur une approche de contrôle optimal et utilisent une résolution des équations de Navier-Stokes et de diffusion-advection par la méthode éléments finis. L'utilisation de bases orthonormées obtenues par POD a permis de régulariser ces modèles inverses / The goal of this thesis is the development of technological and numerical tools for the monitoring of indoor air quality. That comprises the design of miniaturized sensors capable of detecting a large number of pollutants, and the development of inverse models allowing the reconstruction of pollutant sources from concentration measurements. In this work we present the realization of a micro-gas chromatograph, miniaturized chemical-analysis system fabricated with silicon-based MEMS technology. The separation column can separate multiple volatile organic compounds in less than a minute. The integrated thermal conductivity detector, based on a 4-points measurement technique coupled with an original temperature control circuit, can detect compounds separated in the column. In order to improve the performances of such micro-chromatographs, stochastic injection techniques have been developped. We have shown that these techniques easily allow to reduce the detection noise by an order of magnitude so that low-concentrated pollutants can be detected. We also observed that it is possible to follow in real time the mean evolution of the concentration with such techniques. We finally developped an original multiplexing technique that allows to monitor multiple sample streams simultaneoulsy with a single sensor. Finally, this work is completed by the development of 2D inverse models that allow, from data measured by micro-chromatographs placed in a room, to reconstruct pollutant sources, concentration fields or airflow patterns. Those models are based on an optimal control approach and use the resolution of Navier-Stokes and diffusion-advection equations with the finite element method. POD orthonormal basis are used for the regularization of the problem

Photocatalytic oxidation of volatile organic compounds for indoor air applications

Bayless, Lynette Vera January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Chemical Engineering / Larry E. Erickson / Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is a promising and emerging technique in controlling indoor air contaminants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). It has broad air cleaning and deodorization applications in indoor environments ranging from residential and office buildings to healthcare and nursing facilities as well as spacecrafts, aircraft cabins and clean rooms in the agricultural and food industry. Numerous studies have been conducted to improve the effectiveness and performance of this technology. These include development of new configurations, energy-efficient catalysts and other parameters to control the process. However, only limited research has been conducted under realistic indoor environmental conditions. One of the most recent developments in photocatalysis is the synthesis of 2% C- and V-doped TiO[subscript]2, which is active under both dark and visible light conditions. However, like most research conducted in photocatalysis, the study on the reactivity of this catalyst has been performed only under laboratory conditions. This study investigated the possible application of the novel C and V co-doped TiO[subscript]2 in cleaning indoor air. Mathematical modeling and simulation techniques were employed to assess the potential use of some of the promising systems that utilize the catalyst (i.e., packed bed and thin films) as well as the effect of mass transfer limitations in the degradation of acetaldehyde, one of the VOCs that can be found in offices, residential buildings and other facilities.

Dépollution de l'habitacle automobile par photocatalyse et catalyse d'oxydation à froid / Cleaning the Vehicle Cabin Air by Photocatalysis and Room-Temperature Oxidation Catalysis

Bouhatmi, Marième 25 March 2019 (has links)
L’automobile étant le premier moyen de déplacement en France, la présence de Composés Organiques Volatils (COVs) et de monoxyde de carbone à l’intérieur de l’habitacle, constitue un problème de santé publique. Plusieurs systèmes de dépollution, basés sur des méthodes d'adsorption, existent sur le marché, mais ne permettent qu'une simple rétention des COVs en surface. Parallèlement, des méthodes moins conventionnelles telle que la photocatalyse utilisant le dioxyde de titane, permettent d'oxyder les COVs sous irradiation, en présence d'humidité et à température ambiante. Cependant, la photocatalyse ne permet pas l’oxydation de certains polluants comme le monoxyde de carbone sans ajout de co-catalyseur. Pour éliminer le CO, la catalyse d’oxydation à froid sur dioxyde de manganèse a été étudiée.L’objectif de cette thèse est de développer une solution économique permettant la dépollution de l’habitacle automobile. Ce projet vise à allier à terme l’oxydation photocatalytique d’un COV modèle le n-pentane sur TiO2 P25 et l’oxydation catalytique du monoxyde de carbone à température ambiante sur des MnO2 synthétisés. En photocatalyse, les résultats mettent en évidence que la vitesse de dégradation diminue avec le taux d’humidité relative et augmente avec la puissance lumineuse et la concentration en n-pentane. Les concentrations des intermédiaires réactionnels sont de l’ordre du ppbv pour des ppmv de n-pentane injectés. L’operando DRIFTS a mis en évidence la présence de carbonates à la surface du photocatalyseur. Parallèlement, les expériences de PTR-MS-TOF-SRI et GC-MS ont permis d’identifier la présence de composés carbonylés parmi lesquels du formaldéhyde et la pentan-2-one. Ces intermédiaires ont permis de proposer un mécanisme de la dégradation du n-pentane sur TiO2 P25. Il a également été démontré que l’oxydation photocatalytique du n-pentane par TiO2 P25 permet une minéralisation pratiquement complète quelles que soient les conditions de travail. Pour le système catalytique, des oxydes de manganèse ont été synthétisés par co-précipitation puis calcinés sous oxygène à trois différentes températures : 100°C, 200°C et 300°C. Les performances catalytiques pour l’oxydation du CO ont été évaluées à température ambiante en l’absence d’humidité relative. Des méthodes en température programmée (TPD, TPO, TPR) ont permis de caractériser l’impact de la température de calcination sur la surface du dioxyde de manganèse. Les caractérisations DRX et BET ont mis en évidence la formation de la phase γ-MnO2 stable de 100°C à 300°C et de grande surface spécifique (178-197 m²/g). Les résultats montrent que les catalyseurs permettent une oxydation du monoxyde de carbone à température ambiante. Le catalyseur calciné à 100°C (MnO2-100) présente les meilleures performances avec un taux de conversion initiale de 60% à température ambiante pour 500 ppmv de CO à 10 L/h, 20%O2, (VVH = 25 000 h-1). Les catalyseurs, notamment MnO2-100, se désactivent au cours du temps à température ambiante. Cette désactivation pourrait être due à la capacité du catalyseur à renouveler ses oxygènes du réseau, impliquer dans le processus catalytique / The presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and carbon monoxide in indoor air is a major health issue. The vehicle cabin air is also affected by this problem, being the first mode of transportation. Most of the current depollution systems are based on trapping using adsorption methods, while photocatalytic processes offer the potential to fully degrade VOCs at room temperature in presence of relative humidity. However, carbon monoxide cannot be degraded by photocatalysis without a co-catalyst. Consequently, the room temperature oxidation catalysis of carbon monoxide has been studied. This thesis aims to develop an economical solution for cleaning the vehicle cabin air. This solution is based on crossing the photocatalytic oxidation of a target molecule the n-pentane over by TiO2 P25 and the room temperature oxidation of CO over synthesized MnO2. Results show that the n-pentane degradation rate decreases with the humidity level, and linearly increases with the irradiance power and the VOC concentration. Intermediates species are lowed concentrates (ppbv order) for ppmv of n-pentane used. Operando DRIFTS experiments highlighted the presence of formates surface species during the photocatalytic degradation of n-pentane. PTR-MS-TOF-SRI and GC-MS experiments highlighted the presence of carbonyl compounds as formaldehyde and pentan-2-one in gas phase during the degradation. Those intermediates species allowed us to propose a mechanism for the photocatalytic oxidation of n-pentane over TiO2 P25. Moreover, the efficiency of the photocatalytic degradation of n-pentane over TiO2 has been proved given that an almost complete mineralization is obtained whatever the working conditions. In catalysis, manganese oxides were synthesized by a co-precipitation method then calcined under oxygen at three different temperature: 100°C, 200°C and 300°C. The catalyst performances were evaluated for CO oxidation at room temperature in dry conditions. Temperature programmed methods were used for probing the impact of the calcination temperature on the catalyst surface. DRX and BET characterizations confirmed the formation of the phase γ-MnO2 stable between 100°C and 300°C, and a large surface area (178-197 m²/g). Results highlighted that the synthesized catalysts can oxide the CO at room temperature. The catalyst calcined at 100°C (MnO2-100) show the best performances with an initial conversion rate of 60% for 500 ppmv CO, at 10 L/h at 20% O2 (VVH = 25 000 h-1). However, a deactivation over the time of all the catalysts was observed, especially for MnO2-100. This deactivation could be related to the capacity of the catalyst to renew the oxygen bulk implied in the catalytic process

Evaluation expérimentale des performances des systèmes de ventilation dans le bâtiment : efficacité de ventilation et confort thermique / Building ventilation performance assessement : ventilation efficiency and thermal comfort

Allab, Yacine 12 December 2017 (has links)
La performance d’un système doit être bien définie, atteignable et surtout mesurable. Ce n’est pas le cas aujourd’hui pour la ventilation. D’une part, les performances des systèmes de ventilation sont habituellement exprimées sur des considérations énergétiques ou tout simplement sur une estimation trop approximative des débits de ventilation. Les performances liées au confort thermique et à la qualité de l’air intérieur sont abordées séparément à travers des outils d’évaluation dédiés. D’autre part, les outils d’évaluation existants sont aujourd’hui limités dans leur mise en pratique pour des mesures in situ, notamment lorsqu’il s’agit de ventilation naturelle et mixte. L’objectif de cette thèse est alors d’examiner et d’expérimenter les techniques expérimentales existantes à échelle réelle afin de proposer des améliorations sur les méthodes d’évaluation et de commissionnement. La thèse aborde la performance de la ventilation en prenant en compte l’efficacité de ventilation comme performance intrinsèque et le confort thermique comme performance globale.La première partie est consacrée à l’évaluation in situ des performances intrinsèques de ventilation (taux de ventilation, âges moyens de l’air et efficacité de renouvellement d’air), en se basant sur des techniques de gaz traceurs. Après une analyse théorique des différents indicateurs de performance de ventilation et de leurs techniques de mesure correspondantes, une étude expérimentale a été menée dans une salle de cours sous différentes stratégies de ventilation (mécanique, naturelle et mixte). Les analyses ont démontré l’importance de la mise en application des techniques de décroissance de gaz traceurs sur l’incertitude des taux de renouvellement d’air avec notamment une forte influence des temps de mesure et des concentrations de gaz utilisées. Une méthodologie a été adaptée puis testée pour la mesure de l’efficacité de renouvellement d’air en ventilation mécanique, naturelle et mixte en s’affranchissant de mesures en bouches d’extraction (technique habituellement utilisée et préconisée par les normes).La deuxième partie est consacrée à l’évaluation expérimentale in situ du confort thermique sous différentes configurations de ventilation. Différentes méthodes, standards et techniques d’évaluation ont été testés et comparés avec la perception des occupants. Les résultats ont démontré la présence de plusieurs inadéquations lors de la mise en pratique des méthodes et normes existantes. Principalement, il s’agit de l’inadéquation des méthodes statiques (PMV PPD) pour l’évaluation du confort en présence de conditions thermiques fluctuantes, y compris en ventilation mécanique. Les analyses d’incertitudes liées aux erreurs de mesure ont démontré l’incohérence des normes actuelles dans la classification des catégories de confort. / The performance of a system must be well defined, attainable and above all measurable. This is not the case today for ventilation. On the one hand ventilation performance is usually declined on energy efficiency considerations or simply on a rough estimation of ventilation rates. The performance related to thermal comfort and IAQ are addressed separately through dedicated evaluation tools. On the other hand, the existing evaluation tools today are nowadays limited in their practical applications for in situ measurements, in particular in the case of natural and mixed ventilation. The aim of the present thesis is to examine the existing experimental technics, at full scale building in order to propose improvements on evaluation methods and commissioning protocols. The present thesis deals with ventilation performance taking into account ventilation efficiency as intrinsic performance and thermal comfort as overall performance.The first part is devoted to the in situ assessment of intrinsic ventilation performance (ventilation rates, mean age of air, and air exchange efficiency), based on decay tracer gas techniques. After a theorical analysis of the various performance indexes and their corresponding measurement techniques, an experimental study was carried out in a classroom under different ventilation strategies (mechanical, natural & mixed mode). The analysis proved the importance of the application of the tracer gas decay on ventilation rates accuracy with in particular a strong influence of measurement times and used tracer gas concentration. A methodology has been adapted and tested for the measurement of the air exchange efficiency in natural and mixed mode ventilation, by avoiding measurements in exhaust vents (a technique usually used and advocated by current standards).The second part is devoted to in situ assessment of thermal comfort under different ventilation strategies. Different methods, standards and evaluation techniques were tested and compared with occupants’ perception. The results demonstrated the presence of several inadequacies during the implementation of existing methods and standards. Mainly, it concerns the inadequacy of static methods (PMV PPD) for thermal comfort assessment in the presence of fluctuating thermal conditions, even with mechanical ventilation. Uncertainty analysis related to measurement errors has demonstrated the incoherence of current standards in the classification of comfort categories.

Inomhusluftföroreningar orsakade av matlagning eller uppvärmning med förorenade bränslen och dess påverkan på barns hälsa / Indoor air pollution caused by cooking or heating with polluted fuels and its impact on children's health

Brännmark, Marita, Steisjö, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Introduktion: Enligt WHO dör det per år ungefär 3,8 miljoner människor av exponering från inomhusluftföroreningar och ungefär 3 miljarder människor lagar mat och värmer upp sina hem med förorenade bränslen, så som trä, kol, fotogen och gödsel. Både genom kortvarig och långvarig exponering för dessa föroreningar så kan hälsoproblem uppstå.  Syfte: Vårt syfte med denna studie är att beskriva hälsoeffekterna för inomhusluftföroreningar hos barn som lever i hushåll där matlagning och uppvärmning sker med förorenade bränslen.  Metod: en kvalitativ systematisk litteraturstudie. Analysen genomfördes med tematisk analys. Databaserna som användes var PubMed och WorldCat. Tjugo artiklar inkluderades i studien. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i två teman och tre underteman. Prevalensen för förorenad bränsleanvändning var högre i hushåll där barn dog vid ålder 1-4 år. Barn som bor i de länder med högst förorenat bränsleanvändning hade en sjufaldig ökning av frekvensen av lunginflammation per barnår. Förorenad bränsleanvändning var signifikant i förhållande till låg födelsevikt. Två studier visade att risken för att drabbas av Acute respiratory infection (ARI) på grund av hushållens användning av förorenade bränslen var 1,5 gånger högre, än för barn från hushåll med renare bränslen.  Slutsats: Utifrån resultaten i dn här studien har det framkommit att respiratoriska symtom/sjukdomar är det vanligaste hälsoeffekterna som drabbar barn som bor i hushåll där förorenade bränslen används för matlagning eller uppvärmning. resultaten tyder även på tt platsen för användning av förorenade bränslen har stor betydelse, då matlagning inomhus utan ventilation har ett högre utfall av respiratoriska symtom hos barn, jämfört med barn som lever i hushåll där matlagning sker utomhus eller där det finns ventilationsmöjligheter i matlagningsområdet. / Introduction. According to WHO, about 3,8 million people die from indoor air pollution exposure each year and about 3 billion people cook and heat their homes with polluted fuels such as wood, coal, kerosene and manure. Both through short-term and prolonged exposure to these contaminants, health problems can arise. Aim. Our aim with this study is to describe the health effects for indoor air pollution in children living in households where cooking and heating takes place with polluted fuels. Method. A qualitative systematic review. The analysis was conducted with thematic analysis. The databases used were PubMed and WorldCat. Twenty articles were included in the study. Result. The analysis resulted in two themes and three sub-themes. Prevalence of polluted fuel use was higher in households where children died at age 1-4 years. Children living in countries with the highest levels of polluted fuel use experienced a sevenfold higher rate of pneumonia per child year. Polluted fuel use was also related to low birth weight. Two studies showed that the risk of suffering from Acute Respiratory infection (ARI) due to household use of polluted fuels was 1.5 times higher than for children from households using cleaner fuels. Conclusion. Based on the results of this study, it has emerged that respiratory symptoms and diseases are the most common health effects among children living in households where solid fuels are used for cooking or heating. Results also indicates that the location of the use of solid fuels is of great importance since indoor cooking without ventilation, has a higher outcome of respiratory symptoms in children, compared to children living in households where cooking takes place outdoors or where there are ventilation possibilities in the cooking area.

Avaliação da qualidade do ar de cabines de veículos automotores recém-manufaturados / Evaluation of new vehicles cabin indoor air quality

Valvassori Filho, Auzebio 23 September 2008 (has links)
Cabines de veículos automotores recém-manufaturados podem ser consideradas críticas quando se avalia a qualidade do ar interno, pois concentrações de compostos orgânicos voláteis encontram-se em níveis mais altos que os ambientes externos. Determinadas substâncias presentes no ar da cabine podem ser prejudiciais ao ser humano em função da sua toxicidade, pricipalmente nos grandes centros urbanos. A avaliação do ar da cabine automotiva se faz necessária. Nesse estudo, foi feita uma avaliação da qualidade do ar interno da cabine de 7 veículos populares recém-manufaturados contendo materiais de acabamento interno iguais. Um total de 46 compostos orgânicos voláteis foi identificado, sendo que 14 deles são compostos carbonílicos e 32 são hidrocarbonetos alifáticos e aromáticos, compostos halogenados e um nitrogenado. Os compostos carbonílicos foram identificados e quantificados por cromatografia a líquido e os outros VOCs apenas identificados por GC-MS. No ar interno da cabine dos veículos estudados, as concentrações médias encontradas para os compostos carbonílicos (µg/m3) em ordem decrescente foram: formaldeído (165,3); acetona (67,5); acetaldeído (56,8); isovaleraldeído (40,8); propionaldeído (21,1); butiraldeído (17,9); crotonaldeído (14,9); hexaldeído (14,9) valeraldeído (9,8); 2.5- dimetilbenzaldeído (9,3); otolualdeído (8,4); p/m tolualdeído (6,8); acroleína (4,2) e benzaldeído (3,8). Com relação aos outros VOCS foram identificados o metilbutano, que apresentou a maior porcentagem de abundância relativa, 8,5%, seguido de outros hidrocarbonetos com abundância relativa entre 5 e 2% , como, 2,7,10-trimetildodecano, 2,2,6-trimetildecano, ciclopentano, 2,3,4-trimetildecano, n-pentano, 3,6-dimetilundecano, 4-metildodecano, 4,6- dimetildodecano, 3,6-dimetildecano e 1,2-dimetilbenzeno. Dois derivados de hidrocarbonetos halogenados também foram encontrados, sendo que o triclorofluormetano foi o majoritário com 5,7%, e um composto nitrogenado, a acetonitrila com 5,4%. Os compostos derivados do benzeno identificados foram: 1,2-dimetilbenzeno, etilbenzeno, metilbenzeno, 1-etil-3- metilbenzeno, 1-etil-3-metilbenzeno e 1,3,5-trimetilbenzeno que perfazem 6,6 % de abundância relativa. O mais abundante entre os aromáticos foi o 1,2-dimetilbenzeno (2,5%). Os resultados experimentais revelaram também a liberação de VOCs pelos materiais de acabamento interno dos veículos automotores recém-manufaturados. / New motor vehicles cabins may be critical when considering the internal air quality, because concentrations of volatile organic compounds are at levels higher than the outdoors. Certain substances present in the cabin air can be harmful to humans according to their toxicity, mainly in the big cities. Assessment of the cabin air becomes necessary. In this study, cabin air quality was assessed and 7 popular new vehicles containing same interior trim materials were evaluated. A total of 46 volatile organic compounds were identified, with 14 of them were carbonylic compounds and 32 are aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated compounds and a nitrogenated compound. The carbonylic compounds were identified and quantified by the liquid chromatography and other VOCs only identified by GC-MS. Cabin air vehicles studied showed the following average concentrations found for carbonylic compounds ( µg/m3) in a descending order: formaldehyde (165.3), acetone (67.5); acetaldehyde (56.8); Isovaleraldehyde ( 40.8); propionaldehyde (21.1); butyraldehyde (17.9); crotonaldeído (14.9); hexaldeído (14.9) Valeraldehyde (9.8); dimetilbenzaldeído-2.5 (9.3); the - tolualdeído (8.4), p / m - tolualdeído (6.8); acrolein (4.2) and benzaldehyde (3.8). Concerning the other VOCs the following compounds were identified: methylbutane, which had the highest percentage of relative abundance, 8.5%, followed by other hydrocarbons with relative abundance between 5 and 2%, 2,7,10-trimetildodecano, 2.2 ,6- Trimetildecano, ciclopentano, 2,3,4-trimetildecano, n-pentane, 3.6-dimetilundecano, 4- metildodecano, dimetildodecano-4.6, 3.6 and 1.2-dimetildecano-dimetilbenzeno. Two halogenated hydrocarbons were also found, and triclorofluormetano had the biggest relative abundance percentage 5.7%, and a nitrogen compound, the acetonitrile with 5.4%. The benzene compounds identified were: 1.2-dimetilbenzeno, ethylbenzene, methylbenzene, 1- ethyl-3-methyl, ethyl-1-and 3-methyl 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene which comprise 6.6% of relative abundance. 1.2-dimetilbenzeno was the most abundant aromatic compound with relative abundance 2.5%. Results also showed that VOCs were released by studied vehicles interior trim materials.

Qualidade do ar interno com ênfase na concentração de aerodispersóides nos edifícios. / The indoor air quality in the buildings with an emphasis on the concentration of particulates matters.

Moraes, Alexandre Perri de 28 June 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho, é avaliada a qualidade do ar interno com ênfase na concentração de aerodispersóides presentes em edifícios comerciais e residenciais com sistema de ventilação natural ou condicionamento de ar. De fato, algumas doenças de origem ocupacional são causadas pela inalação de aerodispersóides nocivos à saúde. O método utilizado para avaliar a qualidade do ar interno nos edifícios comerciais e residenciais consistiu primeiramente em caracterizar os medidores de aerodispersóides e em seguida passou-se para a análise das concentrações e das características ambientais. A pesquisa mediu a concentração de aerodispersóides em edifícios com sistemas de ventilação diferentes (1a fase), e identificou as principais fontes de emissão de aerodispersóides em um apartamento residencial (2a fase). Observou-se que as concentrações obtidas na pesquisa estão acima dos valores recomendados na RE n° 9 (ANVISA, 2003) e por Morawska et al. (1999) que atribuem valores de 80 µg/m³ e 7.400 part./cm³, para concentrações médias em massa e em número, respectivamente. Com base nas observações acima, chegou à conclusão que as concentrações médias em massa e em número de aerodispersóides, durante as atividades domésticas (cozimento, reforma, limpeza, entre outras), foram várias vezes maiores do que as concentrações obtidas em ambientes com atividades profissionais ou com menor ocupação durante o dia. / This paper is the result of quality evaluation of indoor air quality with emphasis on the concentration of aerodispersoid in commercial and residential buildings with natural ventilation or air conditioning systems. In fact, some of the occupational diseases are caused by the inhalation of aerodispersoids hazardous to health. The method applied to evaluate the indoor air quality in commercial and residential buildings consisted firstly of characterizing the aerodispersoid measuring devices and subsequently analyzing the concentration levels and environmental characteristics. This research measured the concentration of aerodispersoids in buildings equipped with a variety of ventilation systems (phase1) and next it identified the main emission sources in a residential apartment (phase 2). It was observed that the concentration levels measured were above the specifications recommended by RE n° 9 (ANVISA, 2003) and by Morawska et al. (1999) which attribute values of 80 µg/m³ and 7.400 part./cm³, for average concentration in mass and number respectively. Based on the above information it was concluded that the average concentration levels of aerodispersoids in mass and number in home related activities (cooking, restoration, cleaning, etc) were many times higher than the concentration levels found in business environments or in environments with less occupation during the day.

Particulate matter inside residences of elderly in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo / Material particulado em residências de idosos na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo.

Segalin, Bruna 24 November 2017 (has links)
The elderly population is sensitive to damages caused by air pollution on health. They spend relatively more time indoors, however there is limited information on the air quality they breathe inside their residences. The objectives of this work are to characterise mass of sizesegregated particulate matter (PM) in elderly residences in Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP) in Brazil; assess the meteorological parameters influence; evaluate the indoor and outdoor relationship of PM; quantify the ions, trace elements and black carbon (rBC) in quasi-ultrafine particles (qUFP) and identify their sources, and estimate the respiratory deposition doses (RDD). To achieve these objectives, we measured during 24 hours the mass concentrations of PM in differents sizes (102.5, 2.51.0, 1.00.5, 0.50.25 and <0.25 µm (PM0.25, qUFP) in 59 elderly residences in MASP using a Personal Cascade Impactor Sampler. The PM10 is the sum of all size and PM2.5 is PM10 less PM102.5. The PM2.5 and PM0.25 contributed 78% and 38% of total PM10, respectively. About 77% and 40% of the residences had higher PM2.5 and PM10 than those in outdoor environments. About 13 and 43% of the measurements exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for PM10 and PM2.5, respectively. The PM0.25 exceeded the WHO guideline for PM2.5 in 8.3% of residences. Residences with higher PM concentration in all size bins are predominantly near the heavy traffic areas during the nonprecipitation days. About 68% of residences have the highest mass concentration in PM0.25. We analysed ions by chromatography, trace elements by x-ray fluorescence and rBC by reflectance. The major of ions concentrations in qUFP were found to be SO42- and NH4+, and the major trace elements were Si and Fe. Around 26% of the qUFP is rBC. Some residences have a high concentration of the toxic heavy metals Cu, Ni, Pb and Cr. We identified 6 dominant sources of the indoor qUFP by positive matrix factorization: vehicular emission (57%), secondary inorganic aerosol (21%), soil and construction (7%), wall painting (7%), cooking (5%) and industry (3%). The RDD for coarse and fine particles were found to be 20% and 24.6% higher for male than female elderly during seated position, respectively. The maximum RDD of qUFP and rBC are in the tracheobronchial part. It is important the control of PM sources in the elderly residences to limit adverse health effects of PM, especially fine particles. We suggest consider the rBC as one regulated air pollutant in terms of public control actions for air quality improvement in MASP. / A população idosa é sensível aos riscos da poluição do ar à saúde. Os idosos passam mais tempo dentro de suas casas, mas há pouca informação sobre a qualidade do ar dentro de suas residências. Os objetivos deste trabalho são caracterizar a massa do material particulado (PM) de diferentes tamanhos em residências de idosos na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) no Brasil; avaliar a influência dos parâmetros meteorológicos e a relação entre PM de ambiente interno e externo; quantificar os íons, elementos traços e black carbon (rBC) em partículas quasi-ultrafinas (qUFP) e identificar suas fontes, e estimar as doses de deposição de PM no trato respiratório (RDD). Para alcançar esses objetivos, medimos durante 24 horas as concentrações em massa de PM nos tamanhos 10-2,5; 2,5-1,0; 1,0-0,5; 0,5-0,25 e <0,25 m (PM0.25, qUFP) em 59 residências de idosos na RMSP usando o Personal Cascade Impactor Sampler. O PM10 é a soma da massa em todos os tamanhos e PM2.5 é o PM10 menos o PM10-2.5. O PM2.5 e PM0.25 contribuíram com 78% e 38% do total de PM10, respectivamente. Cerca de 77% e 40% das residências apresentaram maior concentração de PM2.5 e PM10 do que aqueles em ambientes externos. Cerca de 13 e 43% das medidas excederam as diretrizes da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) para PM10 e PM2.5, respectivamente. O PM0.25 excedeu o limiar da OMS para PM2.5 em 8.3% das residências. As residências com maior concentração de PM em todos os tamanhos estão próximas das áreas de intenso tráfego veicular e não houve precipitação durante a medição. Cerca de 68% das residências têm a maior concentração de massa em PM0.25. Analisamos os íons por cromatografia, elementos traços por fluorescência de raios-x e rBC por reflectância. A maior concentração de íons em qUFP foi SO42- e NH4+, e os principais elementos traços foram Si e Fe. Cerca de 26% do qUFP é rBC. Algumas residências têm uma alta concentração dos metais pesados tóxicos Cu, Ni, Pb e Cr. Identificou-se 6 fontes de qUFP por fatoração de matriz positiva: emissão de veículos (57%), aerossol inorgânico secundário (21%), solo e construção (7%), pintura de parede (7%), cozimento (5%) e indústria (3%). O RDD para PM10-2.5 e PM2.5 foi 20% e 24,6% maior para homens do que mulheres enquanto sentados, respectivamente. O RDD máximo de qUFP e rBC foi na parte traqueobrônquica. É importante o controle de fontes de PM nas residências de idosos para limitar os efeitos adversos à saúde, especialmente partículas finas. Sugerimos considerar o rBC como um poluente atmosférico regulado em termos de ações de controle público para a melhoria da qualidade do ar na RMSP.

Estudo de eficiência da ventilação em sistema de climatização com distribuição de ar pelo piso. / Ventilation effectiveness study of an underfloor air distribution system.

Marè, Renata Maria 21 May 2010 (has links)
A aplicação de sistemas de climatização com distribuição de ar pelo piso tem aumentado em países desenvolvidos, o que também tem ocorrido no Brasil. Em paralelo, tem crescido o interesse pela qualidade do ar interior e os seus efeitos no bem estar, saúde e produtividade dos ocupantes de uma edificação. Diversos estudos têm apontado para as vantagens deste sistema em relação à remoção de contaminantes do ambiente interior. Este sistema tem figurado nos programas de certificação ambiental de edificações como uma alternativa vantajosa para a melhoria da qualidade do ar interior e o conforto térmico com preservação da eficiência energética, recebendo pontuação adicional. Com o crescente interesse por este tipo de sistema, estudos que aprimorem o seu projeto visando à melhor eficiência global mostram-se essenciais. Este estudo tem como principal objetivo verificar experimentalmente a contribuição de um sistema de climatização com distribuição de ar pelo piso para a qualidade do ar interior de um ambiente, sendo este uma sala de aula para 48 alunos situada no Departamento de Engenharia de Construção Civil da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, em condições reais de uso. Para isso, foram medidas as concentrações de partículas em suspensão na zona de respiração para pessoas sentadas (a 1,10 m do piso), e no retorno do ar (a 2,60 m do piso) simultaneamente, sob seis diferentes valores de temperatura do ar na zona ocupada (a 0,60 m do piso), previamente escolhidos. Estas concentrações permitiram o cálculo e a análise do índice de efetividade na remoção de contaminantes IERC no ambiente, para partículas e CO2 (segunda etapa das medições). Simultaneamente, foram realizadas medições de variáveis de conforto térmico no ambiente, temperatura do ar e velocidade do ar, em seis diferentes alturas e quatorze pontos do ambiente. As baixas concentrações de partículas em suspensão (inferiores a 0,035 mg/m³) mostraram que este sistema não dispersa contaminantes no ar interior. Os IERC próximos ou superiores à unidade em todas as condições de operação do sistema, tanto para partículas em suspensão como para CO2, comprovaram a sua eficiência na remoção de contaminantes do ambiente interior. / The use of underfloor air distribution (UFAD) systems is growing in developed countries, and this is also observed in Brazil. Besides, the interest in indoor air quality and its effects on the well being, health and productivity of the occupants in a building is an important issue nowadays. Many studies have related the advantages of UFAD systems in removing indoor air contaminants from the ambient as compared to overhead systems. In the building certification systems, they figure as good alternatives to promote better indoor air quality and thermal comfort, preserving energy efficiency, which corresponds to additional points. With the expanding interest in this technology, studies that enhance its project, keeping as a goal its global efficiency, are very welcome. The aim is to experimentally verify the contribution of an UFAD system to the indoor air quality of a classroom used by 48 students at the Civil Construction Department of the Engineering School of the University of São Paulo Brazil. The study has been conducted in a non-steady state condition. In order to perform this evaluation, the levels of indoor air-borne particles were measured at the breathing zone for seated people (1.10m from the ground), and at the exhaust (2.60m from the ground) simultaneously, under six different pre-defined values of air temperature at the occupied zone (0.60m from the ground). These concentration levels have allowed calculating the contaminant removal effectiveness index, CRE, in many points of the ambient. A similar analysis was developed for the concentrations of CO2 in the second part of the experiment. At the same time, the air temperature and air velocity were measured in six different levels and at fourteen points of the ambient. The low concentration levels of total suspension particle (under 0.035 mg/m³) have shown that this system doesn\'t disperse air contaminants indoors. The CRE indexes near or above 1.0, for both total suspension particle and CO2, have confirmed the ventilation effectiveness of this underfloor air distribution system under all the operational conditions.

Um estudo sobre a simulação computacional da ventilação cruzada em habitações e sua aplicação no projeto arquitetônico. / A study on computer simulation of cross ventilation in dwellings and its application in architectural design.

Motezuki, Fabio Kenji 27 May 2009 (has links)
Nos últimos anos, devido à crescente preocupação com a sustentabilidade, foram despendidos mundialmente grandes esforços para a redução do consumo de energia pelos sistemas prediais. Em países tropicais como o Brasil, a ventilação natural é uma maneira efetiva e econômica para melhorar o conforto térmico dentro de habitações. Ela contribui para diminuir o uso do condicionamento de ar e renovar o ar da edificação, ajudando a reduzir as chances de se ter a Síndrome do Edifício Doente (Sick Building Syndrome SBS) e melhorando a qualidade do ar interno (Indoor Air Quality IAQ). Para tirar proveito destas vantagens da ventilação natural, o comportamento do fluxo de ar dentro da edificação deve ser analisado considerando o clima local. Existem diversos códigos computacionais baseados na Dinâmica de Fluidos Computacional (Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD) que podem ser utilizados para esta finalidade, no entanto, o CFD é um campo que requer conhecimentos altamente especializados e experiência prática para se obter bons resultados e este conhecimento geralmente está além da formação da maioria dos engenheiros e arquitetos. Com base nas dificuldades listadas e na necessidade de complementar a formação de engenheiros e arquitetos nesta área do conhecimento, este trabalho está focado em dois objetivos: o primeiro é implementar um simulador numérico computacional baseado no algoritmo Solution Algorithm for Transient Fluid Flows SOLA e as condições de contorno necessárias para a simulação da ventilação, sendo que a validação do simulador foi realizada por comparação com resultados numéricos e experimentais existentes na literatura. O segundo objetivo é propor uma ferramenta prática para a análise da ventilação natural na fase de projeto, com uma abordagem baseada na teoria de sistemas nebulosos, para identificar as melhores configurações de aberturas para um dado leiaute. Para isto, adotou-se a idéia utilizada por Givoni em seu estudo experimental: o espaço interno de uma sala é dividido em subdomínios onde a velocidade média do ar, sob diversas configurações de aberturas, é registrada. Como as velocidades médias refletem bem a eficácia da ventilação no subdomínio, elas formam a base para a definição espacial da função de pertinência para boa circulação de ar dentro da sala, considerando cada configuração de abertura. No entanto, ao invés de usar resultados experimentais, uma série de simulações computacionais baseadas em CFD, foram executadas para compor um banco de dados para avaliação das funções de pertinência. Por outro lado, temos o leiaute, que é produzido durante a concepção do projeto. Na medida em que o leiaute provê as informações para elaborar os requisitos do fluxo de ar, a função de pertinência relacionada ao fluxo de ar em cada subdomínio deve ser avaliada baseada no leiaute e nos requisitos do usuário. Acertando os requisitos providos pelo leiaute com a eficácia do fluxo de ar provido pela configuração de abertura, pode ser identificada a configuração que melhor se adapta ao leiaute. Nos casos analisados neste trabalho, o método mostrou-se promissor, indicando a configuração típica que melhor atende aos requisitos de projeto com uma boa conformidade com os resultados obtidos pela simulação da sala completa, incluindo a mobília. / In the last years, due to the concerns on sustainability, a great effort in energy saving of building systems is being carried out worldwide. In tropical countries such as Brazil, the natural ventilation is an effective and economical option to improve thermal comfort inside the dwellings, to avoid the use of costly HVAC systems, and to renew the indoor air, contributing to mitigate the Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and to improve the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ). In order to take advantage of the natural ventilation, the behaviors of the airflow inside the buildings must be analyzed considering the local climate. There are many computer simulation codes based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) that may be adopted for this purpose, however, CFD is a field that requires highly specialized knowledge and experience to achieve good results and this expertise, which is needed to obtain reliable numerical results, is generally beyond the formation of the most part of architects and engineers. Owing to these difficulties and on the necessity to form engineers and architects in this area of knowledge, this work is focused in two main objectives: The first one is to implement a numeric computational simulation program based on Solution Algorithm for Transient Fluid Flows (SOLA) and the boundary conditions needed to simulate ventilation. The validation of the code is made by comparing the numerical results with results obtained using numerical or experimental methods published by other authors. The second objective is to propose a practical tool for the analysis of natural ventilation in the design of dwellings, with an approach based on the concepts of the Fuzzy Systems Theory to identify the best configurations of the openings for a given layout. For this, the idea used by Givonis experimental study is adopted: the inner space of a room is divided in sub-domains whose mean air velocities under different opening configurations are recorded. As the mean velocities reflect very well the effectiveness of the ventilation in the sub-domain, they form the basis for the definition of spatial distribution of the membership function for good air circulation inside the room concerning each opening configuration. However, instead of the experimental ones, a series of computer simulations were carried out to build a database for the assessment of the membership functions. On the other hand, we have the sketch of the layout, which is produced during the conceptual stage of design. As the layout provides the information about the requirements for the airflow, the membership function regarding the desirable air flow for each sub-domain might be assessed based on the layout and considering the user\'s requirements. By matching the requirements provided by the layout with the effectiveness of the airflow provided by the opening configurations, the opening configuration that best fits the layout can be identified. In the cases analyzed in this work, the method shows promising results. The typical configuration that best fits the design requirements with a good conformity with the results was obtained by full room simulation, including the furniture.

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