Spelling suggestions: "subject:"conduced effects"" "subject:"1induced effects""
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Study of Radiation Induced Effects in Semicondutor DevicesKulkarni, Shrinivasarao R 09 1900 (has links)
Radiation Induced effects
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Cinétiques photo-induites à l’échelle nanoseconde de composés à transition d’état de spin et propriétés optiques de nanoparticules à transition d’état de spinFouché, Olivier 16 January 2009 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude des propriétés optiques des composés à transition d'état de spin. Plus précisément, nous avons caractérisé le transition photo-induite de ce type de composé. Pour réaliser ces études, nous avons développé des montages basés sur la technique pompe-sonde résolue en temps. Nous avons alors caractérisé la cinétique de la transition photo-induite de composé du Fe(II) montant ainsi qu'un processus thermique est à l'origine de la transition et amorce un processus de type "nucléation/croissance". De plus, ces études ont été faites pour des poudres composées de particules dont la taille a été réduite. Par ailleurs, nous avons étudié les propriétés optiques de nanoparticules synthétisées sous forme de micelles. / This work deals with the study of optical properties of spin-state transition compounds. More precisely, we characterized the photo-induced transition of this complex. To make these studies, we have used two home-built experimental set ups based on time resolved pump-probe techniques. We have shown that thermal mechanism induces nucleation/growth process. Besides, we have studied the effect of particle size on the photo-induced transition. Finally, we have studied the optical properties of nanoparticles.
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Analytical Design and Numerical Verification of p-Channel Strained Silicon-Germanium Hetero MOSFETGopal, Mohan Krishnan January 2008 (has links)
Silicon Germanium (Si1-xGex) is an alloy semiconductor that has caught considerable attention of the semiconductor industry in the past decade. Effects of strain in thin films are the reason for this. Strain leads to considerable deformation of bands providing enhanced mobility for both electrons and holes. Another important aspect of SiGe is the reduction of band gap. This makes band gap engineering feasible in all silicon technology. Yet another attractive point is the adaptability and compatibility of SiGe to silicon process technology.In CMOS circuits the p-channel MOSFET needs more than double the area of the n-channel MOSFET due to the lower mobility of holes in silicon. Hence a p-channel hetero MOSFET (HMOSFET) is chosen as the object of this dissertation.A simple general device structure that can provide considerable enhancement in performance, compared to a conventional MOSFET, is selected. A one dimensional Poisson equation is solved for this hetero junction device. Using these results an Excel spreadsheet is used as a tool to design a complete analytical program that can provide internal as well as terminal parameters of this device. The analytical program is tested by comparing the results with ISE-TCAD numerical device simulator results. The results were found to match very well. This analytical program yields results in a fraction of the time compared to numerical programs. For the device of choice variable parameters are identified. It is found that these parameters are interconnected in many ways and trade offs between them need to be applied.From the front end of the spreadsheet input parameters can be varied and parameters like potentials, hole density and terminal characteristics can be plotted very easily while simultaneously computing other parameters like threshold voltage and saturation current.The main contribution of this dissertation research is(1) Development of a very efficient and accurate analytical program to interactively design and optimize a p-channel HMOSFET(2) A detailed understanding and explanation of various design parameters, their implications, interdependency and trade offs(3) Study and explanation of certain special characteristics ofp-HMOSFET like dual threshold voltage, low off-currents, structural limitations etc.
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Photo-réponses d'oxydes ferroélectriques / Photo-response of ferroelectric oxidesVolkova, Halyna 19 November 2018 (has links)
Il y a un besoin de nouvelles technologies photovoltaïques avec une efficacité de conversion lumière-électricité augmentée, qui puissent être des alternatives aux dispositifs plus traditionnels d’efficacité limitée et couteux à base de jonctions p-n. Dans ce contexte, la recherche sur les pérovskites ferroélectriques inorganiques ouvre des possibilités pour le développement de nouvelles approches pour augmenter l’efficacité, par exemple grâce à leur aptitude à séparer les charges électriques photoexcitées par le champ électrique intrinsèque (associé à leur polarisation) qui existe dans chaque maille élémentaire de ces matériaux. Pour profiter de cet avantage, un matériau doit posséder plusieurs propriétés comme la ferroélectricité, une bande interdite d’énergie relativement petite pour pouvoir absorber la lumière et une mobilité des porteurs de charges élevée. Ici, on a synthétisé et étudié des solutions solides Ba(Sn,Ti)O3, qui ont comme composants parents un ferroélectrique BaTiO3 et un paraélectrique BaSnO3. Les transitions de phases cristallographiques et la modification des états des dipôles sont caractérisées par les méthodes de diffraction et la spectroscopie diélectrique. La spectrométrie des photoélectrons X montre une corrélation entre l’évolution non-linéaire de la bande interdite pour les différentes compositions et entre l’évolution des charges locales dynamiques. Les propriétés optiques en température sont dominées par l’arrangement des dipôles dans les compositions ferroélectriques. Pour les autres compositions les propriétés sont plutôt guidées par les défauts. Il a été possible de déterminer les températures critiques des différents mécanismes à partir des caractérisations optiques. Dans ce système Ba(Sn,Ti)O3, les propriétés optiques et le photocourant sont fortement reliés à la structure locale particulière et la nature de la liaison chimique, comme nous avons mis en évidence par la spectroscopie Raman et la spectrophotométrie photoélectronique X. / There is an active search for new photovoltaic technologies with improved efficiency, since the traditional p-n junctions have either the limited efficiency or the increased cost. The research on inorganic ferroelectric perovskites offers opportunities to develop new approaches and increase photovoltaic efficiency, for instance due to capability of these materials to more efficiently separate the photoexcited charges due to the existence of an internal electric field within their unit cell. To profit from this advantage, the material must combine properties like ferroelectricity, relatively small band gap and high charge mobility. In this work, we have synthesized and studied compounds from Ba(Sn,Ti)O3 solid solution, having as end members ferroelectric BaTiO3 and paraelectric BaSnO3. Crystallographic phase transitions and changes of the polar states were characterized by diffraction techniques and dielectric spectroscopy. The non-linear evolution of the band gap for different compounds has been correlated to arise from evolution of the local dynamic charge existing in these compounds, as deduced from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The temperature-dependent optical properties are dominated by polar order in ferroelectric compositions, while for the other compositions the defect-related mechanisms prevail. The critical temperatures for different mechanisms can be determined from optical characterization. In these compounds, the optical properties and photocurrent are strongly related to particularities of the local structure and chemical bonding deduced from Raman and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies.
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Structure and Carrier Transport in Amorphous SemiconductorsAbtew, Tesfaye Ayalew 26 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Electric-field-induced dielectric and caloric effects in relaxor ferroelectricsPeräntie, J. (Jani) 13 May 2014 (has links)
In this thesis, dielectric and thermal behaviours due to the application of an electric field were studied in relaxor ferroelectric (1−x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT) and (1−x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PZN-PT) systems of great technological importance. Special attention was given to the behaviour of the electric-field-induced phase transitions and electrocaloric effect, which are closely related to the existing and potential applications. Reactive sintering or columbite methods were used to fabricate polycrystalline PMN-PT ceramics with various compositions (x=0−0.3). In addition, commercial PMN-PT single crystals with composition close to the morphotropic phase boundary region were used. A studied PZN-PT crystal composition was grown by solution gradient cooling technique. Materials were mainly studied by means of dielectric and direct temperature measurements.
The electrocaloric effect observed in a ceramic PMN-PT system was found to show distinct maximum values close to the thermal depolarization temperatures with low electric fields. The temperature range and magnitude of the electrocaloric effect was significantly expanded to high temperatures with increasing electric fields due to the contribution of polar nanoregions. The maximum electrocaloric temperature change was in the range of 0.77−1.55 °C under an electric field of 50 kV/cm. In addition, temperature change measurements on depoled PMN-0.13PT ceramics demonstrated that the electrocaloric effect is accompanied with an irreversible part below its depolarization temperature due to hysteresis loss and a possible phase transition type response related to the evolution of the macroscopic polarization.
An electric field application to the <001> and <011> directions in PMN-PT crystals was found to cause distinct anomalies in the dielectric and temperature change responses. These anomalies were attributed to the complex polarization rotation routes and different phase stability regions in the electric-field-temperature phase diagrams of PMN-PT. Furthermore, measurements on PMN-PT crystals provided the first direct indications of a temporarily reversed electrocaloric effect with an increasing electric field. In addition, the measured electrocaloric trends in PZN-PT crystal were reproduced by a simple lattice model and mean-field approximation around the transition temperature. This demonstrated that the electrocaloric effect is driven mainly by the dipolar entropy lowering. / Tiivistelmä
Tässä työssä tutkittiin dielektristen ominaisuuksien ja lämpötilan käyttäytymistä teknologisesti merkittävissä (1−x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT) ja (1−x)Pb(Zn1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PZN-PT) ferrosähköisissä relaksorimateriaaleissa sähkökentän vaikutuksen alaisena. Tutkimuksen erityishuomion kohteena olivat sähköisesti indusoidut faasimuutokset sekä sähkökalorinen ilmiö, jotka liittyvät läheisesti nykyisiin sekä tulevaisuuden sovellutuksiin. Monikiteisiä PMN-PT keraamikoostumuksia (x=0−0,3) valmistettiin sekä reaktiivisella sintrauksella että kolumbiittimenetelmällä. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa käytettiin kaupallisia PMN-PT erilliskiteitä, joiden koostumus on lähellä morfotrooppista faasirajaa. Työssä käytetty PZN-PT erilliskide kasvatettiin jäähdyttämällä korkean lämpötilan liuoksesta. Materiaaleja tutkittiin pääosin lämpötilan ja dielektristen ominaisuuksien mittauksilla.
Kun PMN-PT keraamisysteemiin kohdistettiin alhainen sähkökenttä, sähkökalorisen ilmiön selkeä maksimiarvo havaittiin lähellä materiaalin termistä depolarisaatiolämpötilaa. Suuremmilla sähkökentän arvoilla sähkökalorinen ilmiö voimistui ja sen lämpötila-alue laajeni korkeampiin lämpötiloihin polaaristen nanoalueiden kytkeytymisen vuoksi. Sähkökalorisen lämpötilamuutoksen maksimi vaihteli välillä 0,77−1,55 °C sähkökentän arvolla 50 kV/cm. Lisäksi lämpötilamittaukset depoolatulle PMN-0,13PT koostumukselle osoittivat, että sähkökalorisen ilmiön ohella materiaalissa esiintyy makroskooppisen polarisaation muodostumiseen liittyvä palautumaton lämpöenergia depolarisaatiolämpötilaa pienemmissä lämpötiloissa hystereesihäviön ja mahdollisen faasimuutoksen vaikutuksesta.
PMN-PT erilliskiteiden dielektrisyys- ja lämpötilavasteessa havaittiin selkeitä muutoksia sähkökentän vaikuttaessa <001> ja <011> kidesuuntiin. Nämä muutokset ovat selitettävissä PMN-PT:n polarisaation kompleksisten rotaatiosuuntien ja erityyppisten sähkökenttä-lämpötila -faasidiagrammien stabiilisuusalueiden avulla. PMN-PT kiteiden mittauksissa havaittiin myös ensimmäinen suora osoitus väliaikaisesti käänteisestä sähkökalorisesta ilmiöstä sähkökentän kasvaessa. Lisäksi mitatut PZN-PT erilliskiteen sähkökaloriset ominaisuudet transitiolämpötilan läheisyydessä pystyttiin pääpiirteittäin mallintamaan käyttämällä yksinkertaista hilamallia ja keskimääräisen kentän approksimaatiota. Mallinnuksen mukaan sähkökalorinen ilmiö aiheutuu pääasiassa sähköisesti indusoidusta dipolientropian alenemisesta.
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A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the department of economics, university of the Western CapeNtibanyurwa, Agnes 12 1900 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / The income and employment multiplier effects of tourism- The case of
Rwanda. A. NTIBANYURWA PhD Thesis, Department of Economics, University of the Western Cape. The growing popularity of developing countries as tourist destinations in recent years has stimulated a considerable body of research on the developmental benefits inherent in tourism. Developing countries have been attracting tourists mainly due to their natural resource endowments, considered a vital determinant in this newly-found source of their comparative advantage. After accounting for all the explicit and hidden costs linked to this natural resource-based tourism, the sustainable expansion of the tourism sector is claimed to be contributing substantially to economic growth. Studies to date have investigated the rising share of tourism in macroeconomic output, but have paid limited attention to the economic mechanisms through which tourism supposedly leads to broader development. This study seeks to contribute to filling this gap in our knowledge of the economic dynamics associated with tourism. More specifically, the goal is to shed light on the channels through which tourism contributes to economic growth and to derive tourism income and employment multipliers to estimate its developmental benefits for Rwanda. Our refined multipliers to capture the total effects of tourism to the economy confirm that through its powerful inter-sectoral linkages, tourism improves the economic wealth of many developing countries including Rwanda. Deeper analysis of the macroeconomic consequences of the expansion of the service sector however suggests that, under some conditions, this could exhibit “Dutch Disease” effects. Tourism generates substantial foreign earnings and its development is strongly correlated with the shrinkage of the traditional primary
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Regionalwirtschaftliche Effekte aus dem Betrieb von Photovoltaikanlagen: Methodenpapier zur WertschöpfungsanalyseKolb, Katharina, Springsklee, Maren, Hesse, Mario 20 December 2021 (has links)
Der voranschreitende Ausbau von erneuerbaren Energien (EE) Technologien bringt eine zunehmend dezentralisierte Energieproduktion mit sich. Hieraus ergeben sich unterschiedliche regionalwirtschaftliche Effekte und Wertschöpfungspotenziale für den ländlichen und den urbanen Raum. Ziel dieser Studie ist die Quantifizierung der Wertschöpfung im Kontext von Solarstromerzeugung durch Photovoltaik (PV)-Anlagen. Hierzu wird eine allgemeine Methodik zur Bestimmung der direkten, indirekten und induzierten Wertschöpfungseffekte erstellt, die aktuelle Entwicklungen berücksichtigt und zunächst auf das Praxisbeispiel der Stadt Leipzig im Jahr 2019 angewandt. Die Ergebnisse können Kommunen bei der Frage unterstützen, ob und inwiefern es sich im Hinblick auf veränderte regulatorische Rahmenbedingungen auch in Zukunft lohnt, den PV-Ausbau vor Ort voranzutreiben und geeignete Ansatzpunkte hierfür zu identifizieren. Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass die Wertschöpfungseffekte für verschiedene Anlagengrößen variieren. Während kleinere Anlagen eine höhere Wertschöpfung pro Kilowattpeak (kWp) generieren, zeigen große Dach- und Freiflächenanlagen durch ihre Skalierung einen größeren Effekt auf die Wertschöpfung in absoluten Werten. Gleichzeitig fließt ein erheblicher Anteil der generierten Wertschöpfung aus der Standortkommune ab. Insgesamt beziffert sich die kommunal verbleibende Wertschöpfung aus dem PV-Betrieb in der Stadt Leipzig 2019 auf rund 4,5 Mio. Euro.
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The Effects of Lightning on Low Voltage Power NetworksMontaño, Raul January 2006 (has links)
<p>The present society is highly dependant on complex electronics systems, which have a low damage threshold level. Therefore, there is a high risk of partial or total loss of the system’s electronics when they are exposed to a thunderstorm environment. This calls for a deep understanding on the mechanism related to the interaction of lightning generated electromagnetic fields with various large distributed/scattered systems. To accurately represent the interaction of lightning electromagnetic fields with electrical networks, it is necessary to have return stroke models capable to reproduce the electromagnetic field signatures generated by a lightning flash. Several models have been developed in the recent past to study the field-to-wire coupling mechanism. The most popular, simple and accurate among the available models is the Agrawal et al. model. On the other hand, ATP-EMTP is a well-known transient simulation package widely used by power engineers. This package has various built-in line models like Semlyen, Marti and Noda setups. There is a difficulty in applying the Agrawal et al. model with the built-in line models of ATP-EMTP, as the voltage source due to the horizontal component of electric field in Agrawal et al. model is in series with the line impedance and not in between two transmission line segments. Furthermore, when the electromagnetic field is propagating over a finite conducting ground plane, the soil will selectively attenuate the high frequency content of the electromagnetic field; causing a change in the field wave shape. A finite conducting ground will also produce a horizontal field component at the ground level. Several approximations are available in the literature to obtain the horizontal electric field; namely the wave-tilt and the Cooray-Rubinstein approximation. Consequently, it is important to investigate the change on the induced voltage signature when the power line is located over a finitely conducting ground. Additionally, to provide protection from lightning induced transients it is necessary to use Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) capable of diverting the incoming transients and provide protection level necessary to avoid damage in the equipment. However, standard test procedures of the SPDs do not take into account sub-microsecond structure of the transients. Therefore, to provide the required protection level to sensitive equipments connected to the low voltage power network, it is essential to understand the response of SPDs subjected to high current derivative impulses. This thesis is aimed to investigate the research problems as addressed above. Special attention will be given to a new proposed return stroke model, a simple circuit approach for efficient implementation of Agrawal et al. model using ATP-EMTP, the effect of the soil conductivity on the lightning induced overvoltage signatures and the response of surge protective devices subjected to high current derivative impulses.</p>
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The Effects of Lightning on Low Voltage Power NetworksMontaño, Raul January 2006 (has links)
The present society is highly dependant on complex electronics systems, which have a low damage threshold level. Therefore, there is a high risk of partial or total loss of the system’s electronics when they are exposed to a thunderstorm environment. This calls for a deep understanding on the mechanism related to the interaction of lightning generated electromagnetic fields with various large distributed/scattered systems. To accurately represent the interaction of lightning electromagnetic fields with electrical networks, it is necessary to have return stroke models capable to reproduce the electromagnetic field signatures generated by a lightning flash. Several models have been developed in the recent past to study the field-to-wire coupling mechanism. The most popular, simple and accurate among the available models is the Agrawal et al. model. On the other hand, ATP-EMTP is a well-known transient simulation package widely used by power engineers. This package has various built-in line models like Semlyen, Marti and Noda setups. There is a difficulty in applying the Agrawal et al. model with the built-in line models of ATP-EMTP, as the voltage source due to the horizontal component of electric field in Agrawal et al. model is in series with the line impedance and not in between two transmission line segments. Furthermore, when the electromagnetic field is propagating over a finite conducting ground plane, the soil will selectively attenuate the high frequency content of the electromagnetic field; causing a change in the field wave shape. A finite conducting ground will also produce a horizontal field component at the ground level. Several approximations are available in the literature to obtain the horizontal electric field; namely the wave-tilt and the Cooray-Rubinstein approximation. Consequently, it is important to investigate the change on the induced voltage signature when the power line is located over a finitely conducting ground. Additionally, to provide protection from lightning induced transients it is necessary to use Surge Protective Devices (SPDs) capable of diverting the incoming transients and provide protection level necessary to avoid damage in the equipment. However, standard test procedures of the SPDs do not take into account sub-microsecond structure of the transients. Therefore, to provide the required protection level to sensitive equipments connected to the low voltage power network, it is essential to understand the response of SPDs subjected to high current derivative impulses. This thesis is aimed to investigate the research problems as addressed above. Special attention will be given to a new proposed return stroke model, a simple circuit approach for efficient implementation of Agrawal et al. model using ATP-EMTP, the effect of the soil conductivity on the lightning induced overvoltage signatures and the response of surge protective devices subjected to high current derivative impulses.
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