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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What Facilitates Academic Knowledge Absorption in eTop Platform? A Practitioner Perspective.

Jhuang, Yi-Jyun 17 July 2012 (has links)
This study presents a conceptual model, based on absorptive capacity and affordance theory, for investigating the e-Top facilitation and knowledge representation required by the e-Top platform and the impact of such functions in enhancing knowledge assimilation and then knowledge exploitation. A scale that measures above constructs is developed and validated. Survey data from e-Top platform members is tested. The partial least squares (PLS) method is empirically used to test the conceptual model and hypotheses using the collected survey data. The empirical results support the proposed model. The analysis provides evidence that the e-Top facilitation and knowledge representation positively effect on knowledge assimilation; the knowledge assimilation has a positive effect on knowledge exploitation. This study provides initial insights into factors that are likely to be significant antecedents of knowledge exploitation for the e-Top platform. Besides, the consultant support positively amplified the effect of e-Top facilitation on knowledge assimilation. The findings are particularly valuable to the e-Top platform development team and administrators. The e-Top platform development team can develop the e-Top platform in accordance with these findings to ensure better knowledge assimilation and exploitation through the exploitation of e-Top platform. Thereby, with this platform the effectiveness of industry-university collaboration will be enhanced.

Barriers and outcomes of the collaboration between industry and academia in a new approach: the Living Labs

Englund, Mikael, Felice, Quentin January 2010 (has links)
The importance for companies in knowledge or technology intensive industries to take part in research partnerships has been thoroughly researched, and the gain of collaboration with external parties has been proven. One of these most influential collaboration types is the one between academia and industry, where the US Bayh-Dole Act provided a break-through policy change for the transfer, conversion and commercialization of knowledge and innovations. To counter this, the European Union has implemented a policy around a facilitating, user-centered milieu for innovation called Living Labs. In this article, the purpose is to identify potential collaboration barriers in the university-industry collaboration when implemented in this milieu. This is done by using a multiple case study where the respondents are seven individuals, from three Living Lab entities and two companies. The findings show that the inclusion of users give the setting its advantage, but also gives additional management needs, something that applies to all participants in the setting – the company representatives must have a diverse set of abilities, the researchers should be standalone and independent from the Living Labs management, the management must establish a shared physical context for all parties to interact within and there must be a very clear agreement between all parties what there are expecting from the collaboration regarding outcomes, process and structure.

From the Clusters to the Interaction between High-Technology Industries and Universities

Chen, Yu-Chin 21 July 2003 (has links)
The coming of knowledge-based economy age leads to the competitive advantage of high-technology industries strongly depend on human capital and intellectual capital. In order to rise the capacity of self-innovation and obtain new technologies, for high-technology industries, in-house research and development is necessary, but acquiring technology from outside, especially from academe, becomes more and more important. The phenomena of cluster, high-technology industries build factories near by universities, is the beginning of the interaction between industries and universities¡]1951 Silicon Valley¡^. Until the 1980¡¦s, the United States government didn¡¦t start to draft the policy about promoting industry-university collaboration and technology transfer, and in Taiwan, it started at 1991. Good interaction between industries and universities can arrange the resources and make a win-win situation. By reviewing the literatures on the development of scientific parks and mechanism of industry-university collaboration of Taiwan and other advanced countries¡]the United States ,Japan, and German¡^, especially focus on technology transfer, patent management, related laws, national innovation system, etc., I found some problems and defects and have some suggestions that may help.

Digitala system för samverkan mellan högskolor och företag: En mixed methods studie om studenters behov och förväntningar

Petersson, Ivan, Belé, Lukas January 2023 (has links)
Problem - Problemet som den här studien utgår ifrån är den kunskapslucka som finns om hur ett digitalt system kan underlätta samverkan mellan högskolor och studenter inom ramen för högskolestudier. Forskningsfrågan - Forskningsfrågan som formulerades lyder: vilka förväntningar har studenter på ett digitalt system för samverkan med företag inom ramen för högskolestudier?. Bakgrund - Den litterära bakgrunden målar en bild av samverkan mellan högskolor och företag som fördelaktig för alla parter. Den tidigare forskningen pekar också på att samverkan mellan högskolor och företag är utmanande att utföra på ett bra sätt. Det finns med andra ord många hinder och framgångsfaktorer för utvecklarna av digitala system att ta i beaktande. Metod - I studien användes en mixed methods approach där 17 studenter från Stockholms universitet fick genomföra användartester och System usability scale för att först mäta användarupplevelsen av ett digitalt system för samverkan mellan högskolor och företag. Sedan genomfördes fokusgrupper med samma studenter för att ta fram mer djupgående och förklarande kvalitativa data om deras tankar om systemet i frågan och det övergripande ämnet. Resultat - Det undersökta systemet fick ett SUS-värde på 73,4 vilket är “Bra”. Det kvalitativa resultatet visade i likhet med SUS att studenterna tyckte systemet var bra , men att det fanns utrymme för förbättring. Studenterna sa att de tyckte designen var snygg och att systemet var relativt enkelt att använda. Resultatet visade att studenterna efterlyser enkelhet, vägledande design och goda kommunikationskanaler hos ett digitalt system för samverkan mellan högskolor och företag. Datainsamlingens kvalitativa del gav också studenterna möjlighet att komma med flera förbättringsförslag. Diskussion och slutsats - I likhet med flera tidigare studier gjorda inom ämnet samverkan mellan högskolor och företag, visade resultatet att studenterna inte uppfattar samverkan som något självklart eller enkelt. Studenterna upplever några av de system som finns idag som undermåliga och är positiva till att testa nya, mer specialiserade system. Resultatet pekade även på det intressanta faktumet att det saknades en enighet i hur studenterna går tillväga för att hitta ett företag att samverkan med. Man kan argumentera för att det finns en möjlighet för ett specialiserat system att hjälpa till att föra samma studenter och företag som vill samverka. Om systemet i fråga också möjliggör samverkan baserat på kursämne istället för personliga kontakter kan man tänka sig att fler studenter kan få chansen att samverka oavsett bakgrund och kontaktnät. / Problem - The problem this study addresses is the knowledge gap that exists about how a digital system can facilitate collaboration between universities and students within the framework of higher education studies. Research question - The research question that was formulated reads: what expectations do students have of a digital system for collaboration with companies within the framework of higher education? Background - The literary background paints a picture of industry-university collaboration as beneficial for all parties. Earlier studies also point to industry-university collaboration as being challenging to execute well. There are many obstacles and success factors for the developers of digital systems to consider. Methodology -The study used a mixed methods approach where 17 students from Stockholm University had to complete user tests and the System usability scale to first measure the user experience of a digital system for industry-university collaboration. Focus groups were then conducted with the same students to elicit more in-depth and explanatory qualitative data on their thoughts about the system in question and the overall topic. Findings - The investigated system received a SUS-score of 73.4 which is "Good". The qualitative result showed, similarly to the SUS score, that the students thought the system was good, but that there was room for improvement. The students said they thought the design was neat and that the system was relatively easy to use. The result showed that the students call for simplicity, guiding design, and good communication channels in a digital system for industry-university collaboration. The qualitative part of the data collection also gave the students the opportunity to come up with several suggestions for improvement. Discussion and conclusion - Similar to several previous studies carried out on the subject of industry-university collaboration, the results showed that the students do not perceive industry-university collaboration as something obvious or simple. The students feel that some of the systems that exist today are substandard and are positive towards testing new, more specialized systems. The result also pointed to the interesting fact that there was a lack of agreement on how the students in this study go about finding a company to collaborate with. One could argue that there is an opportunity for a specialized system to help bring together students and businesses that want to collaborate. If the system in question also enables collaboration based on course subjects instead of personal contacts, one can imagine that more students can get the chance to collaborate regardless of background and contact network.

商管產學合作之關鍵成功因素與績效評估–以文化創意產業為例 / Key Success Factors and Performance Evaluation of Managerial industry-university cooperation – A Study of Cultural and Creative Industries

李天瑟, Lee,tien se Unknown Date (has links)
自金融風暴之後,不論是政府或是企業,皆意識到產業結構轉型之重要與迫切性,而產學合作於其中扮演不可或缺之角色。事實上,政府推動產學合作多年,過去產學合作之投入與產出、衍生效益不符,經探究,發現主要原因在於大學研發成果與市場端中間存有缺口(Gap),研究與技術對企業來說不具誘因,中間需要商管知識協助技術之商品化;此外,隨著產業結構之轉型,很大契機來自於商業模式之創新。 然而,過去學術界與實務業皆鮮少談論商管領域之產學合作,成功案例更是少之又少。商管知識相對無形,要執行產學合作勢必有所困難,但是,一旦成功將對企業甚至是社會作出貢獻。 是以,本研究透過文獻回顧探討促成產業界與學術界成功合作之主要因素,以及影響產學合作績效之重要要素,並藉由個案研究組織之分析提出關於商管領域產學合作之關鍵成功要素,作為未來執行商管產學合作之參考。此外,本研究更以關鍵成功因素為基礎,由現行產學合作相關績效評估模式中選取適合之模式,以商管學者於文化創意產業之產學合作為例,探究合作過程中商管學者應有之功能與角色,據以說明績效評估構面與關鍵績效指標應如何訂定,希冀架構一系統化之商管領域產學合作之績效評估模式,驅動更多之商管學者投入產學合作,為台灣產業之突破與創新做出貢獻。 / After the financial crisis,both government and enterprises are aware of the importance and urgency of industry structure transformation, and the industry-university collaboration in which plays essential roles. In fact, the government has promoted industry-university collaboration for many years. However, there is a discrepancy in the inputs and outputs of industry-university collaboration. From related researches’, the main problem is the gap between universities’ R & D results and market side. In other words, enterprises have no incentives to buy universities’ research results. Indeed, business and management knowledge can minimum the gap. In addition, with the transformation of industry structure, there’s a huge need for innovation of business model. However, academic and industry rarely talk about the managerial industry-university collaboration. And there are few success cases about it. In fact, managerial knowledge is more invisible than technology. It is difficult to implement managerial industry-university collaboration cases. But, if it succeeds, it will make great contribution to enterprise and industry. Therefore, this research is to explore the key success factors and performance evaluation of industry-university collaboration from literatures review, and to establish the key success factors and performance evaluation of managerial industry-university collaboration by case study. Hope of the research is to provide some guidance for related parties. Moreover, this research takes the key success factors of managerial industry-university collaboration as a basis of building up performance evaluation. Because of a lack of industry-university collaboration in cultural and creative industries, the research explores managerial scholars’ function and role in it, and then designs the structure and index of performance evaluation. The main object of the research is to systematize performance evaluation for managerial scholars in implementing managerial industry-university collaboration cases. Without right performance evaluation, managerial scholars have no incentives to help industry improve and solve practical problems.

大學技術授權契約設計之研究 / A Study on Designing University License Agreement

翁千惠 Unknown Date (has links)
知識經濟時代的來臨,財富的創造已不是來自土地與勞工等傳統生產要素,而是在於知識的創造與累積,台灣土地貧瘠、缺乏天然資源,但擁有豐富的科技人力資源,能有效運用這些知識資本,將是台灣經濟發展的重要關鍵。大學研究經費豐足、聚集博士級以上頂尖研究人才、其研究領域多屬前瞻、初期階段的發現,雖具開發成為新產品或服務之潛力,但現階段未必為業界所青睞的應用科技解決方案。如何尋求具備遠見,願擔風險投入早期技術研發的合作廠商,建立長期的合作關係,將大學強大的研發能量擴散、釋放到民間,有效地將政府資助大學所得的研發成果,移轉予產業界進行商業化的步驟,是促進產業升級經濟發展的重要機制。 是以近年來各國極力推動產學間的合作,希冀在大學知識傳授與探索研究之基本任務仍得確保的前提下,建立有效的技術授權機制,將學界創新研發的能量,引導入產業界,協助產業提升創新研發之競爭力,同時也能為學校的研發成果創造新的價值,而達產學雙贏的局面。 授權契約是技術移轉流程的最後一步,但往往為人忽視,前階段的評估協商與最後的擬約訂約被切割處理,特別在欠缺法務資源的大學技轉單位,簽訂授權契約時,僅使用制式、簡陋之契約範本,填入授權時間、授權金、權利金、授權標的等項目,少就契約文字進行訂正,並檢視契約範本設計之用字遣詞是否符合該次授權協議談判之內容。在此背景下,本研究即欲將策略思考帶進契約的設計,探討大學技術授權之策略考量,以及如何將之轉化成契約文字,使技術授權之目的能被落實。 本研究試圖從探討產學合作之機制與困難、大學技術移轉模式相關之豐富文獻中,整理出大學技術移轉授權的策略考量,並進一步分析在確定策略考量與策略目標之下,可能的授權模式為何,各種授權模式在實際運用時常遭遇何種的困難,這些困難是否能透過契約設計之安排,使技術移轉的策略目標順利達成。接著將進一步以美國技轉績效傲人的史丹福大學,與台灣研發能量最豐、學術資源最足的台灣大學兩校之授權契約範本作為研究個案,比較契約設計的應然與實然。 本研究透過對我國與美國技術授權相關文獻的分析,並以美國史丹佛大學與國立台灣大學之契約範本作為個案研究對象,歸納整理後得出結論為台灣各大學因為技轉的風氣未盛,契約的使用量與重要性自然被嚴重低估,我國大學並未設計與其策略與發展領域、特色相符的契約範本,大部分都直接沿用國科會提供之契約範本,契約條款的設計不夠細緻,容易流於只是策略的宣示,未能透過交易條件的安排達到授權策略預設的目標。相較美國史丹福大學因技轉風氣興盛,契約的類型發展成熟,契約內容與授權策略高度呼應,使授權的進行與大學原始的教學研究使命可以相輔相成。我國大學之技術授權契約存在很大的改善空間。 本研究建議大學應制訂明文之技轉策略書,向廠商宣傳大學技術授權之使命,並儘快對現行使用契約之契約進行撤底檢視與修正,完備契約範本的內容,可以有效增進締約的效率,同時可以思考契約作為宣傳性質的工具,例如因應技術特性,設計技術移轉的定型化契約,讓潛在被授權人清楚瞭解大學技術授權契約的交易條件,透過網路將完整的資訊揭露與友善便宜的締約程序,以有效提高的授權活動的效率與成功率。 / In knowledge based economy, how to create and accumulate knowledge assets dominates the fortune-making. Taiwan is short of natural resources but full of technology human reseources. Hence, how to apply knowledge adequately become the key factor to improve Taiwan’s economic growth. The abundant funds and outstanding research professionals are the advantages of university. However, the researches usually belong to early-stage ones and hardly meet the practical needs of industries. Universities need foresighted industry partners who is willing to risk investing in technology commercialization. University-Industry Cooperation is the important mechanism that helps the industry development through knowledge transfer. Thus, governments encourage enthusiastically the cooperation between university and industry. The target of Univeristy-Industry Cooperation is to assure the essential function of education and research of the university and build up an effective mechanism of technology licensing to introduce academic R&D energy into the industry. The cooperation can thus enhance the innovation competency of industry and create new value for the R&D results of academia, to build a win-win situation. License agreement is the last mile of the whole technology transfer process but its importance is usually ignored. For the limited legal resources of university TTOs (technology transfer office), all Taiwan universities use a formulaic contract provided by NSC (National Science Council) and seldom amend the details to meet their own need for individual transactions. However, licensing approaches, even for comparable technologies, can vary considerably from case to case. This thesis will bring licensing strategy into contract design, analyze university licensing strategy, and elaborate the transformation from strategy to contract for the purpose of technology licensing. This paper reviews literatures concerning university-industry cooperation and the technology transfer models and outlines university licensing strategy. The discussion further elaborate goals of licensing, possible licensing models and pathways, and find out the difficulties during license process. The design of contract also try to solve all these problems and fulfill the purpose of technology transfer. The thesis also compare the difference between the ideal and practice of licensing contract design through the study of contract format of Stanford University and National Taiwan University. Through the studies, the thesis propose that the significance of licensing contract is much underestimated due to the immaturity of university-industry license transactions in Taiwan. Unlike universities in the U.S., Taiwan’s universities do not design licensing contracts according to their licensing strategy and academic developments. The disregard of contract design will cause the impracticality of licensing strategy and thus be unable to achieve the original goal of technology transfer. A mature contract design which corresponds to the licensing strategy will connect the technology transfer to the academic research purpose, which can be observed in the case of Stanford University. This paper suggests that universities should set up a clear licensing strategy book of their own and widely announce to industry. Taiwan universities should reform the contract format as soon as possible and learn to take licensing contracts as a marketing tool, to promote a model contract for special technology licensing with detail information on it, to help potential licensee to understand the bargaining condition of the contract. Universities can provide complete information and easier contracting process through the internet, to improve the efficiency and prosperity of technology transfer.

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