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韓國技術移轉商品化創新制度與政策研究 / The Research on Korean Innovation System, Policy and Technology Transfer Commercialization徐志姈, Seo Ji Young Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於1980年美國制定拜杜法案(Bayh-Dole Act)推動技術創新,台灣於1999年跟進制定「科技基本法」,而韓國亦於2000年制定「技術移轉促進法」,但根據統計資料顯示,韓國與台灣無論在技術移轉比例或技術資金規模皆不比美國拜杜法案帶來的經濟成效顯著。技術移轉收入,也較研究開發費用為低,技術移轉與推及商業化之預期效益,仍相當有限,顯見由於文化及產業環境上的差別,美國經驗在韓國、台灣並不能全然適用。
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大學技術授權契約設計之研究 / A Study on Designing University License Agreement翁千惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建議大學應制訂明文之技轉策略書,向廠商宣傳大學技術授權之使命,並儘快對現行使用契約之契約進行撤底檢視與修正,完備契約範本的內容,可以有效增進締約的效率,同時可以思考契約作為宣傳性質的工具,例如因應技術特性,設計技術移轉的定型化契約,讓潛在被授權人清楚瞭解大學技術授權契約的交易條件,透過網路將完整的資訊揭露與友善便宜的締約程序,以有效提高的授權活動的效率與成功率。 / In knowledge based economy, how to create and accumulate knowledge assets dominates the fortune-making. Taiwan is short of natural resources but full of technology human reseources. Hence, how to apply knowledge adequately become the key factor to improve Taiwan’s economic growth. The abundant funds and outstanding research professionals are the advantages of university. However, the researches usually belong to early-stage ones and hardly meet the practical needs of industries. Universities need foresighted industry partners who is willing to risk investing in technology commercialization. University-Industry Cooperation is the important mechanism that helps the industry development through knowledge transfer.
Thus, governments encourage enthusiastically the cooperation between university and industry. The target of Univeristy-Industry Cooperation is to assure the essential function of education and research of the university and build up an effective mechanism of technology licensing to introduce academic R&D energy into the industry. The cooperation can thus enhance the innovation competency of industry and create new value for the R&D results of academia, to build a win-win situation.
License agreement is the last mile of the whole technology transfer process but its importance is usually ignored. For the limited legal resources of university TTOs (technology transfer office), all Taiwan universities use a formulaic contract provided by NSC (National Science Council) and seldom amend the details to meet their own need for individual transactions. However, licensing approaches, even for comparable technologies, can vary considerably from case to case. This thesis will bring licensing strategy into contract design, analyze university licensing strategy, and elaborate the transformation from strategy to contract for the purpose of technology licensing.
This paper reviews literatures concerning university-industry cooperation and the technology transfer models and outlines university licensing strategy. The discussion further elaborate goals of licensing, possible licensing models and pathways, and find out the difficulties during license process. The design of contract also try to solve all these problems and fulfill the purpose of technology transfer. The thesis also compare the difference between the ideal and practice of licensing contract design through the study of contract format of Stanford University and National Taiwan University.
Through the studies, the thesis propose that the significance of licensing contract is much underestimated due to the immaturity of university-industry license transactions in Taiwan. Unlike universities in the U.S., Taiwan’s universities do not design licensing contracts according to their licensing strategy and academic developments. The disregard of contract design will cause the impracticality of licensing strategy and thus be unable to achieve the original goal of technology transfer. A mature contract design which corresponds to the licensing strategy will connect the technology transfer to the academic research purpose, which can be observed in the case of Stanford University.
This paper suggests that universities should set up a clear licensing strategy book of their own and widely announce to industry. Taiwan universities should reform the contract format as soon as possible and learn to take licensing contracts as a marketing tool, to promote a model contract for special technology licensing with detail information on it, to help potential licensee to understand the bargaining condition of the contract. Universities can provide complete information and easier contracting process through the internet, to improve the efficiency and prosperity of technology transfer.
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生技製藥產學合作之研究-以陽明大學新藥中心、寶齡富錦為例 / The Academic-Industrial Collaboration in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuitical Industry鄭雅文 Unknown Date (has links)
交相比較之後,建議國內大學之技術移轉中心需擬定明瞭易懂之政策 設計簡單易填之表格、重視商品化流程、經驗豐富之授權人才引進、設置「成功故事」區,來激勵想要新創公司之人。另外,也對國內生技製藥產業建議,台灣的切入點以植物藥為迅速且花費少、成功機會高,這是值得投入之領域。而產業之結構也應有所調整,台灣藥廠規模小,無法與國外大廠競爭開發新藥。開發新藥需投入大量時間及金錢,故國外藥廠之產業結構為垂直整合,亦即是將上市前所有試驗及上市後行銷一手包辦。國內藥廠需仿照科技業一般,將整個產業作水平分工,將核心能力保留,其餘皆可外包。這樣不但節省時間,也可減少對不熟悉領域之摸索,由仿製之學名藥廠,走向新藥開發,進而與國外大廠相互抗衡。 / The universities are long taken as the “knowledge engine” for industries. Through a well-designed cooperation or licensing system, that is, the academic-industry liaison, those intellectual property produced from academic researches should be applied in the industry and industrial competency can thus be improved. However, the academic-industry liaison concerning biotechnology and drug in Taiwan is deficient.
This thesis compares the cases of “Panion & BF Biotech Inc. PBF1681 Project,” “Research Center for Drug Discovery in National Yang-Ming University” in Taiwan with the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) of MIT in the U.S. Through the comparison, it can be found that techonology transfer office of universities in Taiwan needs to design a more friendly procedesure for licensee applicants and focuses on technology commercialization. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry needs to invest more in herbal drug development. The industry itself needs corporate reengineering. The structure of the industry should be a horizontal division instead of the vertical integration. They should focus on their core competency and strengthen the mutual cooperation between companies to form a network of efficient production divisions.
Key word: academic-industry liaison, biotechnology, drug discovery, pharmaceutical, Technology Licensing Office (TLO)
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