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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A influência das instituições formais na internacionalização de empresas : um estudo de caso nas vinícolas da Serra Gaúcha

Monticelli, Jefferson Marlon 22 October 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-05-07T14:33:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Jefferson Monticelli.pdf: 1702243 bytes, checksum: e7b4152f9f3d2ab6e267446fb2a18f71 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T14:33:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jefferson Monticelli.pdf: 1702243 bytes, checksum: e7b4152f9f3d2ab6e267446fb2a18f71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-22 / Nenhuma / A internacionalização das empresas tem propiciado oportunidades de negócios e desafios diante de um contexto global. Nesse cenário, as instituições são relevantes para formular um arranjo institucional frágil ou robusto, ainda mais nos mercados emergentes, fornecendo fontes de competitividade às firmas inseridas nesse campo organizacional. Essas premissas são encontradas na indústria vinícola da Serra Gaúcha, caracterizada pela importância das instituições formais em promover a internacionalização do vinho brasileiro. Logo, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar como as instituições formais influenciam no processo de internacionalização das vinícolas da Serra Gaúcha. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de estudo de caso com entrevistas semiestruturadas, junto a vinte e uma instituições, utilizando-se de análise de conteúdo para análise dos dados. Entre as diversas instituições citadas como atuantes na internacionalização na indústria vinícola, destacam-se o Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (Ibravin), a Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos (Apex-Brasil) e o Projeto Setorial Integrado Wines of Brasil. Foram constatadas influências positivas por parte das três instituições em relação à internacionalização das vinícolas da Serra Gaúcha. O Ibravin atua como líder institucional do setor, organizando e coordenando a indústria vinícola; a Apex-Brasil funciona, primordialmente, como um agente de captação e investimento de recursos, mas também realiza pesquisas e estudos técnicos sobre negócios internacionais. O Wines of Brasil é responsável por promover a imagem do vinho brasileiro no mercado internacional, realizando ações de posicionamento e de capacitação das firmas que participam desse projeto. No entanto, sua influência positiva foi restringida de vido ao favorecimento às vinícolas de maior representatividade no setor. / The internationalization of companies provides business opportunities and challenges before a global context. In this setting, institutions are relevant in elaborating either a fragile or a robust institutional arrangement, mainly in emerging markets, while providing sources of competitiveness to the companies that are part of this organizational field. These premises are found in the wine industry of the Serra Gaúcha region, Southern Brazil, which is characterized by the importance of formal institutions in promoting the internationalization of the Brazilian wine. Thus, this study aims to analyze how formal institutions influence the process of internationalization of Serra Gaúcha Region Wineries. The research was developed using a case study with semi-structured interviews with 21 institutions, using content analysis to analyze the data. Among the several institutions cited as being active in the internationalization of the wine industry, the following stand out: the Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (Ibravin), the Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos (Apex-Brasil), and the Integrated Sectorial Project called Wines of Brasil. Positive influences by these three institutions in relation to the internationalization das Serra Gaúcha Region Wineries were detected. Ibravin acts as an institutional leader of the sector, by organizing and coordinating the wine industry; Apex-Brasil works, primarily, as an agent for funds raising and investment, but also performs research and tech nical studies on international business. Wines of Brasil is responsible for promoting the image of the Brazilian wine in the international market, carrying out positioning and training actions for the companies participating in this project. However, its positive influence was limited due to the favoritism given to wineries with more representativeness in the sector.

Arbetsgivarperspektiv på arbetspraktik för nyanlända akademiker : konceptualisering av motivbilder och resultat / Employer perspectives on internships for newcomer academics : conceptualization of motives and outcomes

Kilstam, Jonna January 2019 (has links)
Som en följd av flyktingvågen 2015 inleddes en satsning som syftade till att underlätta integrationsprocessen samtidigt som det skulle effektivisera matchningen mellan kompetens och efterfrågan på arbetsmarknaden. Ett av de projekt som initierades inriktades på att förmedla praktikplatser till nyanlända akademiker med kompetens inom vissa bristområden.   Studien har inriktats på arbetsgivarmotiv för att delta i praktikaktiviteter för nyanlända akademiker samt resultatet av dessa. Syftet har varit att konceptualisera arbetsgivarmotiv till och resultat av arbetspraktiken. Undersökningen har genomförts med en metodkombination av sekundärdata från arbetsgivarundersökningar samt egen insamlad empiri från intervjuer med arbetsgivarrepresentanter. Resultat presenteras under flera steg där motiven förklaras utifrån en teoretiserad motivmodell för att sedan användas för att tolka arbetsgivarmotiv ur både ett retoriskt och ett mer erfarenhetsbaserat perspektiv. Motivens relation till det ursprungliga arbetsmarknadspolitiska syftet har undersökts och slutligen har ett önskvärt resultat av arbetspraktiken identifierats och förklarats. / As a result of the refugee wave of 2015 an effort was initiated to facilitate the integration process and at the same time improve the matching efficiency of competence and demand at the labour market. One of the initiated projects focused on mediating internships for newcomer academics with competence from certain shortage areas. The study focused on employer motives for participating in internship activities targeting newcomer academics and their outcomes. The purpose was to conceptualize employer motives for and outcomes of internships. The study was carried out with a combination of methods of secondary data from employer polls and own collected empirics from interviews with employer representants. The result was presented in multiple steps where the motives was explained from a theorized model of motives to be used for analysing employer motives from a rhetorical and more experience-based perspective. The motives relation with the initial labour market policy purpose was examined and finally a desirable outcome was identified and explained.

Swedish Aid Policy and development projects in Kenya : An analysis of Strategy and organization

Mohamed, Hussein, Oyoko, Millicent January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The research investigates the sustainability and effectiveness of the projects that are funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) in Kenya. SIDA is the Swedish central state agency responsible for planning, implementing and managing Aid. The research applies both the absorptive capacity and the institutional theory to explain the phenomenon of Aid projects failures in Kenya. The research has used a qualitative research method, a literature study that blend with structured open-ended interview questions which we have formulated.</p><p>By studying the various Actors involved in Swedish foreign Aid, their operations and deliverance, it will facilitate our study to establish the major causes and origins of development projects failures in Kenya. The main and current Swedish development goals are “improving the standard of living for poor people”, the sub goals are Economic growth, Economic and social equality, Economic and Political Independence, Democratic Development and Protection of human rights, Sustainable use of natural resources, protection of Environment Conflict management and Security. The reason why Aid projects are not producing the intended results could be divided into two parts; the planning problem that emanate from the donors side. The irony is that development partners are viewed to be aiming at alleviating poverty without proper planning and even their priorities are not always right. The other major reason is attributed to the recipients’ side and could be summarized as lack of democracy, corruption, weak institutions, lack of absorptive capacity and mismanagement.</p>

Organisering och styrning av kultursektorn : Kulturutredningens betänkande ur ett institutionellt perspektiv

Hanell Strand, Klara, Dynesius, Sara January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera vilka idéer som ligger till grund för 2009 års Kulturutredning och om den genomsyras av de idéer som inför de administrativa förändringar som kopplas till New Public Management. Detta undersöktes genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Kulturutredningens betänkande. New Public Management (NPM) är en uppsättning idéer om hur man organiserar och styr offentlig verksamhet och har påverkat verksamheter inom bland annat vård, omsorg och skola de senaste decennierna. Dessa idéer innebär ökat fokus på uppföljning och utvärdering samt att kvalitet kopplas till kostnadseffektivitet. Man sätter upp mål, operationaliserar dem till mätbara prestationer som kopplas till finansiering. Vi har tagit ett institutionellt perspektiv på dessa idéer. Reformförslaget som presenteras kan relateras till de idéer som finns inom NPM. Aktörerna är inte medvetna om den institutionella kontexten, utan tror att de handlar rationellt. Vi menar att de har utgått från ett positivistiskt modernistiskt perspektiv.</p><p> </p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to examine the ideas behind the rethinking of Sweden’s cultural policy (Kulturutredningen) and if the ideas are related to the abstract management system "New Public Management". In the quest to do this we performed a qualitative content analysis. In the last decades, New Public Management (NPM) has been a popular style in the organization of the Swedish public service. NPM indicates a shift towards an increase of evaluations and control of the public sphere by operational, measureable goals that sets the terms for the financial allowance. In this paper we are trying to understand ideas through an institutional perspective. In our conclusion we describe the reform the rethinking suggests as under influence of NPM-ideas. The rethinking doesn’t recognize its institutional context and the influence of the NPM-ideas. Instead we are asserting that they are suggesting a rational reform. We claim that they have a perception of the world as right and wrong choices, and that one rationally can choose the right.</p>

Debaser : en "ångvält" på Stockholms livemusikscen

Isaksson, sara, Ihrstedt, Camilla January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en deskriptiv studie av drivkrafter bakom Debasers uppkomst och utveckling på Stockholms livemusikscen samt försöka identifiera dominerande idéer på fältet som kan ha påverkat Debaser och livemusikscenens utveckling. Med fält syftar vi på fältet för musikbranschen. Inom fältet ryms bland andra olika aktörer på livemusikscenen, boknings- och skivbolag, musiker och kulturpolitiker.</p><p>Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie som till stor del baseras på primärdata från intervjuer med Debasers grundare och med personer inom fältet för musikbranschen. Vid intervjuerna har vi utgått ifrån en semistrukturerad intervjuguide som tar upp vissa teman och förslag på specifika frågor baserade på syftet och den givna referensramen för studien. Referensramen består av teorier inom det institutionella perspektivet, organisationsidentitet, entreprenörskap och tillväxt.</p><p>De slutsatser som vi kommit fram till är bland annat att Debasers uppkomst till stor del möjliggjordes av tre dominerande idéer inom fältet som kommit att påverka Stockholms livemusikscen. Till att börja med fanns en idé om att det fanns en brist på Stockholms livemusikscen, vilket var något som konstaterats från många håll. Debasers grundare som redan var aktiva inom fältet kände av denna brist som i sin tur skapade ett utrymme för dem som intentionellt handlande entreprenörer att starta sin verksamhet. Även den andra idén om att det skedde ett så kallat attitydskifte från politiskt håll gentemot pop och rock men även mot själva livemusikscenen skapade ytterligare möjligheter för Debasers grundare att förverkliga sin affärsidé. Attitydskiftet påverkade inte bara Debaser utan även andra entreprenörer inom fältet vars möjligheter att skapa nya livemusikscener ökade i kölvattnet av Debasers uppkomst, så kallade svärmar. Den tredje idén var att det skett ett fokusskifte inom fältet då livemusik fått allt större utrymme vilket kan ha påverkat den positiva tillväxt som Debaser haft sedan sin start. Debaser har kommit att bli en stark aktör inom fältet som kämpat för sina intressen och har skapat organisering kring idén om behovet av en levande livemusikscen i Stockholm.</p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis is to do a descriptive study of driving forces behind the origin and development of Debaser on the live music scene in Stockholm and also the dominating ideas within its field. The field is the music business field within which different actors operate, such as booking agents, record companies, musicians, politicians and the live scene itself. <strong></strong></p><p>The study is based on qualitative primary data from interviews with the founders of Debaser and with persons within the field for the music business. When executing the interviews we used a semi-structured template, focusing on specific themes with suggestions for questions based on the purpose and the given frame of reference. The frame of reference of the study consists of theories regarding the institutional perspective, organizational identity, entrepreneurship and growth in small companies. <strong></strong></p><p>The conclusions we have come to is for one that the origin of Debaser was made due to three dominating ideas within the field that has come to affect the scene for live music in Stockholm. The first was an idea of a gap on the scene for live music and that there was a need for a concert venue of middle-size. This idea was confirmed from various actors. The founders of Debaser who were already active within the field were aware of the gap, which in turn enabled them as intentionally acting entrepreneurs to establish their business. The second idea deals with a change of attitude among politicians towards pop and rock music and the scene for live music which also created possibilities for the founders to realize their business. This change of attitude also affected other entrepreneurs within the field, so called swarms that were able to start up new scenes for live music in the wake of Debaser. The third idea deals with a focus shift in the music business that gives live music more space, which could have affected the growth of Debaser in a positive way. As we see it, Debaser has become a powerful actor within the field who works hard to gain its interests and has created organization around the idea of the need of a dynamic scene for live music in Stockholm.</p>

Institutional perspectives of local development in Germany and England : a comparative study about regeneration in old industrial towns experiencing decline

Lang, Thilo January 2008 (has links)
This research is about local actors' response to problems of uneven development and unemployment. Policies to combat these problems are usually connected to socio-economic regeneration in England and economic and employment promotion (Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung) in Germany. The main result of this project is a description of those factors which support the emergence of local socio-economic initiatives aimed at job creation. Eight social and formal economy initiatives have been examined and the ways in which their emergence has been influenced by institutional factors has been analysed. The role of local actors and forms of governance as well as wider regional and national policy frameworks has been taken into account. Socio-economic initiatives have been defined as non-routine local projects or schemes with the objective of direct job creation. Such initiatives often focus on specific local assets for the formal or the social economy. Socio-economic initiatives are grounded on ideas of local economic development, and the creation of local jobs for local people. The adopted understanding of governance focuses on the processes of decision taking. Thus, this understanding of governance is broadly construed to include the ways in which actors in addition to traditional government manage urban development. The applied understanding of governance lays a focus on 'strategic' forms of decision taking about both long term objectives and short term action linked to socio-economic regeneration. Four old industrial towns in North England and East Germany have been selected for case studies due to their particular socio-economic background. These towns, with between 10.000 and 70.000 inhabitants, are located outside of the main agglomerations and bear central functions for their hinterland. The approach has been comparative, with a focus on examining common themes rather than gaining in-depth knowledge of a single case. Until now, most urban governance studies have analysed the impacts of particular forms of governance such as regeneration partnerships. This project looks at particular initiatives and poses the question to what extent their emergence can be understood as a result of particular forms of governance, local institutional factors or regional and national contexts. / Viele Klein- und Mittelstädte in Ostdeutschland und Nordengland stehen derzeit vor großen Herausforderungen, die durch demographische und ökonomische Umbrüche hervorgerufen worden sind. Insbesondere die altindustriell geprägten Städte außerhalb der großen Agglomerationsräume sind unter Zugzwang, weil ihre ökonomische Basis in Zeiten verschärfter Globalisierungsprozesse nicht mehr wettbewerbsfähig ist. Gleichzeitig können diese Städte nicht von den Standortvorteilen der Agglomerationsräume profitieren und müssen daher eigene Qualitäten entwickeln. Welche Chancen haben diese Städte vor dem Hintergrund anhaltend hoher Arbeitslosenzahlen und stetiger Rationalisierungsprozesse in der lokalen Industrie? Mit welchen Strategien können neue Potenziale erschlossen werden, die die Stadtentwicklung insgesamt voranbringen? Wie gehen Entscheidungsträger mit den Problemen um und inwiefern passen sie aktuelle Entwicklungsstrategien an neue Rahmenbedingungen an? Wie kann die soziale und ökonomische Entwicklung langfristig stabilisiert werden? Welchen Beitrag können dabei lokale Initiativen der Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung leisten, und wie können solche Initiativen verstärkt gefördert werden? Diese Fragen stehen im Zentrum der empirischen Arbeit "Institutional perspectives of local development in Germany and England", die anhand von vier altindustriell geprägten Beispielstädten in Nordengland und Ostdeutschland Entstehungsfaktoren dieser Initiativen untersucht. In allen vier Städten gibt es eine Vielzahl lokaler Initiativen der Wirtschafts- und Beschäftigungsförderung (insgesamt über 40). Durch diese Initiativen verändert sich die lokale Wirtschaftsstruktur und wird dadurch weniger anfällig für negative Begleiterscheinungen der Globalisierung. Neben einer direkten Förderung solcher Initiativen liegen entscheidende Unterstützungsfaktoren vor allem im informellen Bereich. So tragen Netzwerke, die auf gemeinsamen Zielen und Wertvorstellungen basieren, maßgeblich zum Erfolg lokaler Initiativen bei. Die Arbeit zeigt dabei, dass für die Entstehung lokaler Initiativen vor allem auch lokale Faktoren ausschlaggebend sind und der Einfluss nationaler Politik letztlich weniger entscheidend ist. Allerdings kann die nationale Ebene wichtige Debatten anstoßen, die dann auch auf die lokale Ebene einwirken. Dies zeigt sich beispielsweise im Bereich der sozialen Ökonomie, wo die größere Zahl an Initiativen in Großbritannien mit einer verstärkten Förderung auf nationaler Ebene einhergeht, wohingegen die geringe Relevanz solcher Initiativen in Deutschland auf eine fehlende nationale Förderung der sozialen Ökonomie zurückgeführt werden kann.

An institutional analysis of cross-border hostile takeovers : shareholder value, short-termism and regulatory arbitrage on the Swedish stock market during the sixth takeover wave

Nachemson-Ekwall, Sophie January 2012 (has links)
Taking a sociological perspective on the market for corporate control this thesis calls into question financial capitalism with its preference for clear shareholder-value governance of the corporation. The institutional setting chosen to show this is Sweden, with its particularly shareholder friendly governance regime and its very active takeover market. To this is added three longitudinal case studies of cross-border hostile takeover processes during the sixth takeover wave in Europe. These reveal that the success of cross-border hostile bids has little to do with the theory of the market for corporate control, as a market where contests enable “good managers” to win over “bad managers”, with the overarching goal of enhancing wealth creation for society at large. Instead the most successful actors on a market for corporate control are those who best understand that market’s power dynamics – including the use of regulatory and moral arbitrage between different national frameworks and the leveraging of short-termism of institutional investors. The case studies are then analyzed in relation to the revised Swedish takeover rules of 2009. This shows that the revision did not address the problems detected, focusing instead on enhancing deal making and further limiting the board’s ability to work for long term value creation. As a whole this thesis calls for a development of a theory of a market for corporate control that in a more sustainable way will enable board of directors to focus on the corporation as value accretive entity. Sophie Nachemson-Ekwall has conducted her PhD work at the Stockholm School of Economics and is today a researcher
at the Center for Management and Organization at the Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research (SIR). She has a background as a prize winning financial journalist for over 20 years and has co-authored three books about delicate issues in large Swedish corporations. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2012</p>

Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning : ur ett roll- och ansvarsperspektiv / The Swedish Code of Corporate Governance : from a role and responsibility perspective

Gustavsson, Annette, Stenquist, Lina January 2007 (has links)
Bakgrund Under de senare åren har ett flertal länder drabbats av bolagsskandaler som bidragit till en snabb utveckling inom corporate governance. För att förhindra liknande skandaler har mer eller mindre frivilliga regler för bolagsstyrning införts, så kallade koder. Bolagsskandaler har även inträffat i Sverige och 1 juli år 2005 infördes svensk kod för bolagsstyrning. Koden skall bidra till förbättrad styrning av bolag, stärka konkurrenskraften och främja förtroendet på kapitalmarknaden. Syfte Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva och analysera om roll- och ansvarsfördelningen har förändrats mellan bolagsorganen efter införandet av svensk kod för bolagsstyrning. Genomförande Denna studie bygger på kvalitativ metod och tio intervjuer har genomförts. Intervjuer har skett med representanter från ägare, styrelse, bolagsledning, revisor samt respondenter med god kunskap inom bolagsstyrning. Resultat Studien visar att svensk kod för bolagsstyrning inte har haft någon större effekt på roll- och ansvarsfördelningen. Detta beror dels på att ABL redan har en tydlig fördelning mellan bolagsorganen och att behovet av en roll- och ansvarsförändring inte är lika stort i Sverige som i andra länder. Koden har dock stärkt ägarnas inflytande i bolag och ökat fokus på styrelsen. / Background During last years numerous countries have been hit by corporate scandals which have contributed to a rapid development within corporate governance. To prevent similar scandals, more or less volontary rules for corporate governance have been introduced, so called codes. Corporate scandals have also occurred in Sweden and July 1st 2005 a Swedish code for corporate governance was introduced. The code shall contribute to an improved control of corporations, strengthen competitiveness and promote trust in the capital market. Purpose This papers purpose is to describe and analyse if the role- and responsibility distribution have changed between corporate bodies after the introduction of a Swedish code for corporate governance. Implementation This study is based on qualitative method and ten interviews have been conducted. Interviews have taken place with representatives from owners, board of directors, corporate management, accountants and respondents with good knowledge within corporate governance. Result The study shows that Swedish code for corporate governance have not had any greater affect on the role- and responsibility distribution. Part of this is because ABL already has a clear distribution between the corporate bodies and the need for a role- and responsibility change is not as necessary as in other countries. However, the code have strengthened the owners influence in corporations and increased the focus on the board of directors.

Swedish Aid Policy and development projects in Kenya : An analysis of Strategy and organization

Mohamed, Hussein, Oyoko, Millicent January 2008 (has links)
Abstract The research investigates the sustainability and effectiveness of the projects that are funded by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) in Kenya. SIDA is the Swedish central state agency responsible for planning, implementing and managing Aid. The research applies both the absorptive capacity and the institutional theory to explain the phenomenon of Aid projects failures in Kenya. The research has used a qualitative research method, a literature study that blend with structured open-ended interview questions which we have formulated. By studying the various Actors involved in Swedish foreign Aid, their operations and deliverance, it will facilitate our study to establish the major causes and origins of development projects failures in Kenya. The main and current Swedish development goals are “improving the standard of living for poor people”, the sub goals are Economic growth, Economic and social equality, Economic and Political Independence, Democratic Development and Protection of human rights, Sustainable use of natural resources, protection of Environment Conflict management and Security. The reason why Aid projects are not producing the intended results could be divided into two parts; the planning problem that emanate from the donors side. The irony is that development partners are viewed to be aiming at alleviating poverty without proper planning and even their priorities are not always right. The other major reason is attributed to the recipients’ side and could be summarized as lack of democracy, corruption, weak institutions, lack of absorptive capacity and mismanagement.

Organisering och styrning av kultursektorn : Kulturutredningens betänkande ur ett institutionellt perspektiv

Hanell Strand, Klara, Dynesius, Sara January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera vilka idéer som ligger till grund för 2009 års Kulturutredning och om den genomsyras av de idéer som inför de administrativa förändringar som kopplas till New Public Management. Detta undersöktes genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av Kulturutredningens betänkande. New Public Management (NPM) är en uppsättning idéer om hur man organiserar och styr offentlig verksamhet och har påverkat verksamheter inom bland annat vård, omsorg och skola de senaste decennierna. Dessa idéer innebär ökat fokus på uppföljning och utvärdering samt att kvalitet kopplas till kostnadseffektivitet. Man sätter upp mål, operationaliserar dem till mätbara prestationer som kopplas till finansiering. Vi har tagit ett institutionellt perspektiv på dessa idéer. Reformförslaget som presenteras kan relateras till de idéer som finns inom NPM. Aktörerna är inte medvetna om den institutionella kontexten, utan tror att de handlar rationellt. Vi menar att de har utgått från ett positivistiskt modernistiskt perspektiv. / The purpose of this paper is to examine the ideas behind the rethinking of Sweden’s cultural policy (Kulturutredningen) and if the ideas are related to the abstract management system "New Public Management". In the quest to do this we performed a qualitative content analysis. In the last decades, New Public Management (NPM) has been a popular style in the organization of the Swedish public service. NPM indicates a shift towards an increase of evaluations and control of the public sphere by operational, measureable goals that sets the terms for the financial allowance. In this paper we are trying to understand ideas through an institutional perspective. In our conclusion we describe the reform the rethinking suggests as under influence of NPM-ideas. The rethinking doesn’t recognize its institutional context and the influence of the NPM-ideas. Instead we are asserting that they are suggesting a rational reform. We claim that they have a perception of the world as right and wrong choices, and that one rationally can choose the right.

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