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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Heavy Graphene Analogue amongst the Bismuth Subiodides as Host for Unusual Physical Phenomena

Rasche, Bertold 16 January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis was inspired by the discovery of Bi14Rh3I9, the first so-called weak three-dimensional topological insulator (3D-TI) and has been concerned with the topic of TIs in general. Two aspects were tackled to gain a deeper understanding of this new state of matter. On one hand, the expansion of the material’s basis and on the other hand developing a simple model of the structure and analysing it via density-functional theory (DFT) based methods. To discover new materials, a systematic investigation of the metal-rich parts of the bismuth–platinum-metal–iodine phase systems was conducted. It led to six new phases among the bismuth subiodides. Some of which, e.g. Bi14Rh3I9, share a honeycomb network of platinum-metal-centred bismuth-cubes and are the seed of a family of materials with this structural motive. The others show strand-like structures or layered structures with platinum-platinum bonds. The latter were so far unknown amongst bismuth subiodides. The honeycomb network was separately analysed and shown to host the TI properties. Structurally and electronically it can be seen as a “heavy graphene analogue”, which refers to the fact that graphene with hypothetical strong spin-orbit coupling (“heavy graphene”) was the first TI put forward by theoreticians. Apart from DFT-calculations, physical experiments confirmed the TI properties. Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) was used to verify the electronic structure and scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM and STS) to reveal the protected 1D edge states present at the cleaving surface of this material. As the arrangement of the honeycomb layer varies between the different known and newly discovered materials within this family of structures, this influence was also investigated. All further materials were also characterised by DFT-calculations and physical experiments, e.g. magnetisation and transport measurements. This thesis might give an experimental and theoretical basis for a deeper understanding of the TI state of matter. The 1D edge states on the surface of Bi14Rh3I9 could be a chance to handle spins and therefore propel spintronic research, or they could host Majorana fermions, which could be used as qubits in quantum computing.

Vliv vysokého napětí na různé materiály v nízkém a vysokém vakuu / Investigation of high voltage influence on different materials in high and low vacuum

Šedivý, Matúš January 2017 (has links)
The beginning of this thesis contains an overview of properties of the insulators, and description of insulators that were used for in depth research of surface breakdown in vacuum. Furthermore, this work focuses on mechanisms of an electric breakdown initiation at the interface of the solid insulator and surrounding low pressure gas. Multiple methods for measurements of dielectric strength are examined. The experimental part describes the measurements performed in the vacuum chamber. The results of these measurements are then analysed. In conclusion, used insulators are compared and suggestions for further work are given.

Zvýšení úrovně spolehlivosti dodávky elektrické energie z hydrocentrály Jasenie do Železiarní Podbrezová / Increasing of reliability of power supply from the Jasenie hydropower plant to Železiarně Podbrezová

Budovec, Michal January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with operation of the Jasenie hydroelectric power plant, which supplies electricity to Železiarne Podbrezová Inc. This thesis describes actual operation, devices and equipment in all substations. The second chapter briefly describes company’s history and activities of the company. The next chapter mentions an overview of the sources of own electricity production. The fourth chapter in detail deals with actual situation of the hydroelectric power plant operation, describes devices and equipment in all substations. It also outlines what measures should be taken to increase the reliability of electricity supply. Next part deals with replacing insulators on the 22 kV line. Sixth chapter is focused on protection this line by multifunctional protection relay and data transfer from HC Jasenie to the building of power engineering. In the next step is designed a backup transformer with bus control for thermal and dynamic effects of the short-circuit current. The last chapter is focused on surge protection in HC Jasenie as well as in the area of Stary závod substation. The results and benefits of this work are summarized in the conclusion. The attachment contains schemes of substations and overall overview scheme, which are used for better understanding of this problem.

Návrh a optimalizace speciálního nízkoúrovňového zesilovače pro měření vzdušných iontů / Design and optimization of special low-level amplifier for measurement of air ions

Zdražil, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
This Master thesis deals with low-current measurement in order of picoamps up to a few tens of femtoamps. Such low currents measuring is necessary for determination of air ions concentration. Disturbances, which are otherwise negligible for ordinary measurements must be considered. For example, leakage currents and noise generated in measuring device circuit. The choice of a precise operation amplifier with low input bias current is as important as the selection of low noise passive components. The aim of the thesis is to design and implement a precise low-level amplifier for the purposes of air ions concentration measurements.

Diagnostika vlastností elektroizolačních kapalin / Diagnostics of electroinsulating liquids properties

Makówka, Tomasz January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the liquid insulators, their properties and their use in the electrical industry. The general aim is to study the physical essence of the dynamic viscosity, the electric conductivity and the diagnostic methods for monitoring these variables. The experimental part contains measuring the dynamic viscosity and the electric conductivity of the mineral transformer oils ESTO BNX, RENOLIN ELTEC and the biodegradable oil MIDEL 7131 during the degradation. The Walden rule is applied on measured results.

Pulsed Laser Deposition of Substituted thin Garnet Films for Magnonic Applications / Croissance par ablation laser de films ultrafins de grenats substitués pour les applications magnoniques

Soumah, Lucile 22 January 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de doctorat porte sur la croissance par ablation laser pulsée de films ultrafins de Grenat de Fer et d’Yttrium dopés au Bismuth (BiYIG). Ces films d’épaisseur nanométriques sont caractérisés puis utilisés pour des applications magnon-spintroniques. Cette thèse englobe deux thématiques différentes de la physique : la science des matériaux et les applications magnon-spintroniques.La motivation de cette thèse repose sur le besoin, venant de la communauté magnon-spintronique, d’un nouveau matériau magnétique ultrafin à anisotropie ajustable. En effet, au court des dernières années, une avancée majeure dans le domaine a été l’obtention d’auto-oscillations magnétiques induites par un courant de charge dans un isolant magnétique. Ce résultat a été rendu possible grâce à l’utilisation d’un film ultrafin (20 nm) de Grenat de Fer et d’Yttrium (YIG) possédant de très faibles pertes magnétiques. Ces films ultrafins de YIG sont également intéressants pour la magnonique puisqu’il est aussi possible d’y propager et de manipuler des ondes de spin sur de grandes distances. Cependant, la direction facile d’aimantation dans ces films est fixée par l’anisotropie de forme et n’est pas un paramètre ajustable. Pour pousser plus loin les possibilités dans le domaine de la magnon-spintronique un matériau ultrafin, présentant des pertes magnétiques similaires au YIG, dans lequel il serait possible de stabiliser une anisotropie perpendiculaire serait désirable.La croissance par épitaxie en phase liquide de films de YIG substitués de plusieurs microns d’épaisseur a permis de mettre en évidence que l’anisotropie magnétique pouvait être modifiée par dopage. Notamment que la substitution des atomes d’Yttrium par les atomes de Bismuth sur les sites atomiques dodécaédriques permet d’obtenir une direction facile d’aimantation hors du plan, le BiYIG est également reconnu pour sa forte activité magnéto-optique. Cette thèse présente la croissance par ablation laser pulsée de films ultrafins (7 à 50 nm d’épaisseur) de BiYIG. Dans ces films l’anisotropie magnétique a deux origines : l’anisotropie de croissance et l’anisotropie de contrainte. Dans ces films grâce à la contrainte les deux types anisotropies magnétique (planaire ou perpendiculaire) peuvent être obtenues. La caractérisation dynamique des films montre que la substitution d’Yttrium par le Bismuth n’augmente pas les pertes magnétiques et que l’amortissement de Gilbert dans le BiYIG est comparable à celui du YIG. De plus l’augmentation de l’activité magnéto optique du BiYIG par rapport à celle du YIG rend ce nouveau matériau très intéressant pour des techniques expérimentales impliquant l’interaction lumière/ moment magnétique (BLS, Kerr microscope…).Pour observer des phénomènes spintronique nous avons déposé une couche de Pt. Des mesures de transport comme la magnetoresistance Hall de spin, l’effet Hall de spin inverse ou l’effet Hall anormal témoignent d’un transfert de courant de spin a l’interface BiYIG-Pt. Grâce à l’anisotropie perpendiculaire, il est également possible d’observer de nouveaux phénomènes comme la génération d’onde de spin cohérent à partir d’auto-oscillations. Ce nouvel isolant magnétique combinant une faible épaisseur, un faible amortissement magnétique et une anisotropie magnétique modifiable est donc un matériau prometteur pour des applications magnon-spintroniques et ouvre de nouvelles possibilités pour le domaine. / This PhD work focuses on the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) growth of Bismuth doped Iron Garnet nanometer thick films. Those films are charcterised and used for magnon-spintronics applications. This PhD has two main focuses : material science and magnon-spintronics applications.The aim of this PhD is to fill up the need in the magnon-spintronics community of an ultrathin magnetic material combining low magnetic losses and tunable magnetic anisotropy. Indeed the recent breakthrough in the domain was the ability of generating magnetic auto-oscillations from a charge current in a magnetic insulator. This result has been obtained by using an 20 nm thick film of Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) with low magnetic losses (α=2⋅〖10〗^(-4) ). Those ultrafin films of YIG can also be used for spin waves propagation over micrometeter distances. However the easy magnetic axis in those films is set to in plane due to the shape anisotropy and it is not a tunable parameter. To go further in terms of magnon-spintronics applications a perpendicularly easy magnetized low losses ultra-thin magnetic material would be desirable. Liquid Phase Epitaxy growth of micrometer thick doped YIG during the 70’s evidenced that the magnetic anisotropy could be modified by doping or substitution. Especially the substitution of Yttrium atoms by Bismuth ones on the dodecaedric atomic sites allows to stabilise out of plane magnetic anisotropy. Morevover the BiYIG is also known to posses high magneto optical activity.This PhD presents the growth by Pulsed Laser Deposition of ultrathin BiYIG films (7 to 50 nm thick). In those films the uniaxial magnetic anisotropy has two main origins : the magneto elastic and the growth induced anisotropy. Using the strain in those films it is possible to obtain both out of plane and in plane magnetic anisotropy. The dynamical characterisation shows that magnetic losses in the perpendicular easy magnetized films are comparable to the one of YIG ultrathin films. The high magneto optical activity in those films makes the BiYIG ultrathin films suitable for ligth based detection technics involving ligth/magnetism interaction. By sputtering a Pt sublayer on the top of BiYIG ultra thin films we could observ different spintronic phenomena evidencing the transfer of spin current from the metal to the insulator. Low losses and nanometer thickness in perpendicularly easy magnetized BiYIG films allow to observ current induced magnetic auto oscillation in the same fashion as what was previously done with ultrathin YIG. The perpendicular magnetic anisotropy allows however to couple those auto oscillation to spin waves, which was not possible for in plane magnetized YIG fims. This new phenomena is related to the unique properties of the ultrathin BiYIG.BiYIG ultrathin films are thus opening new perspectives in the magnon spintronic commnutiy due to their low thickness and tunable magnetic anisotropy.

Foto-Hallovská spektroskopie a laserem indukované tranzientní proudy v polovodičových detektorech na bázi CdTe / Photo-Hall effect spectroscopy and laser-induced transient currents in CdTe-based semiconductor radiation detectors

Musiienko, Artem January 2018 (has links)
Title: Photo-Hall effect spectroscopy and laser-induced transient currents in CdTe-based semiconductor radiation detectors Author: Artem Musiienko Department / Institute: Institute of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Supervisor of the doctoral thesis: Prof. RNDr. Roman Grill, CSc, Institute of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University Abstract: Cadmium Telluride, Cadmium Zinc Telluride, and Cadmium Manganese Telluride are important semiconductors with applications in radiation detection, solar cells, and electro-optic modulators. Their electrical and optical properties are principally controlled by defects forming energy levels within the bandgap. Such defects create recombination and trapping centers capturing photo- created carriers and depreciating the performance of the detector. Simultaneously, the changed occupancy of levels leads to the charging of detector's bulk, which results in the screening of applied bias and the loss of detector's sensitivity. Detailed knowledge of crystal defect structure is thus necessary for the predictable detector work and also for the possibility to reduce the structural defects concentration. This thesis reports on the investigation of deep energy levels in CdTe-based high resistivity and detector-grade materials by...

Quantum Transport Study in 3D Topological Insulators Nanostructures

Veyrat, Louis 25 May 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate the quantum transport properties of disordered three dimensional topological insulator (3DTI) nanostructures of BiSe and BiTe in detail. Despite their intrinsic bulk conductivity, we show the possibility to study the specific transport properties of the topological surface states (TSS), either with or without quantum confinement. Importantly, we demonstrate that unusual transport properties not only come from the Dirac nature of the quasi-particles, but also from their spin texture. Without quantum confinement (wide ribbons), the transport properties of diffusive 2D spin-helical Dirac fermions are investigated. Using high magnetic fields allows us to measure and separate all contributions to charge transport. Band bending is investigated in BiSe nanostructures, revealing an inversion from upward to downward bending when decreasing the bulk doping. This result points out the need to control simultaneously both the bulk and surface residual doping in order to produce bulk-depleted nanostructures and to study TSS only. Moreover, Shubnikov-de-Haas oscillations and transconductance measurements are used to measure the ratio of the transport length to the electronic mean free path ltr/le. This ratio is measured to be close to one for bulk states, whereas it is close to 8 for TSS, which is a hallmark of the anisotropic scattering of spin-helical Dirac fermions. With transverse quantum confinement (narrow wires or ribbons), the ballistic transport of quasi-1D surface modes is evidenced by mesoscopic transport measurements, and specific properties due to their topological nature are revealed at very low temperatures. The metallic surface states are directly evidenced by the measure of periodic Aharonov-Bohm oscillations (ABO) in 3DTI nanowires. Their exponential temperature dependence gives an unusual power-law temperature dependence of the phase coherence length, which is interpreted in terms of quasi-ballistic transport and decoherence in the weak-coupling regime. This remarkable finding is a consequence of the enhanced transport length, which is comparable to the perimeter. Besides, the ballistic transport of quasi-1D surface modes is further evidenced by the observation of non-universal conductance fluctuations in a BiSe nanowire, despite the long-length limit (L > ltr) and a high metallicity (many modes). We show that such an unusual property for a mesoscopic conductor is related to the limited mixing of the transverse modes by disorder, as confirmed by numerical calculations. Importantly, a model based on the modes' transmissions allows us to describe our experimental results, including the full temperature dependence of the ABO amplitude.

Applications of plasmonics in two dimensional materials & thin films

Prabhu Kumar Venuthurumilli (10203191) 01 March 2021 (has links)
<p>The demand for the faster information transport and better computational abilities is ever increasing. In the last few decades, the electronic industry has met this requirement by increasing the number of transistors per square inch. This lead to the scaling of devices to tens of nm. However, the speed of the electronics is limited to few GHz. Using light, the operating speed of photonic devices can be much larger than GHz. But the photonic devices are diffraction limited and hence the size of photonic device is much larger than the electronic components. Plasmonics is an emerging field with light-induced surface excitations, and can manipulate the light at nanoscale. It can bridge the gap between electronics and photonics. </p> <p>With the present scaling of devices to few nm, the scientific community is looking for alternatives for continued progress. This has opened up several promising routes recently, including two-dimensional materials, quantum computing, topological computing, spintronics and valleytronics. The discovery of graphene has led to the immense interest in the field of two-dimensional materials. Two dimensional-materials have extraordinary properties compared to its bulk. This work discusses the applications of plasmonics in this emerging field of two-dimensional materials and for heat assisted magnetic recording.</p> <p>Black phosphorus is an emerging low-direct bandgap two-dimensional semiconductor, with anisotropic optical and electronic properties. It has high mobility and is promising for photo detection at infrared wavelengths due to its low band gap. We demonstrate two different plasmonic designs to enhance the photo responsivity of black phosphours by localized surface plasmons. We use bowtie antenna and bowtie apertures to increase the absorption and polarization selectivity respectively. Plasmonic structures are designed by numerical electromagnetic simulations, and are fabricated to experimentally demonstrate the enhanced photo responsivity of black phosphorus. </p> <p>Next, we look at another emerging two-dimensional material, bismuth telluride selenide (Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>2</sub>Se). It is a topological insulator with an insulating bulk but conducting electronic surface states. These surface states are Dirac like, similar to graphene and can lead to exotic plasmonic phenomena. We investigated the optical properties of Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>2</sub>Se and found that the bulk is plasmonic below 650 nm wavelength. We study the distinct surface plasmons arising from the bulk and surface state of the topological insulator, Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>2</sub>Se. The propagating surface plasmons at a nanoscale slit in Bi<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>2</sub>Se are imaged using near-field scanning optical microscopy. The surface state plasmons are studied with a below band gap excitation of 10.6 µm wavelength and the surface plasmons of the bulk are studied with a visible wavelength of 633 nm. The surface state plasmon wavelength is 100 times shorter than the incident wavelength in sharp contrast to the plasmon wavelength of the bulk. </p> <p>Next, we look at the application of plasmonics in heat assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). HAMR is one of the next generation data storage technology that can increase the areal density to beyond 1 Tb/in<sup>2</sup>. Near-field transducer (NFT) is a key component of the HAMR system that locally heats the recording medium by concentrating light below the diffraction limit using surface plasmons. In this work, we use density-based topology optimization for inverse design of NFT for a desired temperature profile in the recording medium. We first perform an inverse thermal calculation to obtain the required volumetric heat generation (electric field) for a desired temperature profile. Then an inverse electromagnetic design of NFT is performed for achieving the desired electric field. NFT designs for both generating a small heated spot size and a heated spot with desired aspect ratio in recording medium are demonstrated. The effect of waveguide, write pole and moving recording medium on the heated spot size is also investigated. </p>

In situ studies of Bi2Te3 thin films and interfaces grown by molecular beam epitaxy

Mota Pereira, Vanda Marisa 14 March 2022 (has links)
Three-dimensional topological insulators (TIs) are a class of materials for which the bulk is insulating, while the surface is necessarily metallic. A band inversion that occurs in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, and conduction and valence bands with opposite parities are necessary conditions for the existence of this class of materials. The metallicity of the surface states appears as a consequence of the topology of the bulk and these states are characterized by massless Dirac dispersions and helical spin polarization that protect the surface states against backscattering. The robustness of the topological surface states further implies that they are not destroyed by non-magnetic impurities or defects. Since their initial conception, a vast amount of theoretical studies have predicted very interesting features stemming from the topological surface states. An example of that can be found when breaking the time-reversal symmetry by introducing magnetic order in the system, which can lead to exotic phenomena such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect. The properties exhibited by these systems are expected to be of high importance both in fundamental research as well as in technological applications. However, the major difficulty remains the access to purely topological surface states. The remaining bulk conductivity of the TIs such as Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3 or Sb2Te3 still hinders the experimental realization of some of the predicted phenomena. This highlights the need of high-quality bulk-insulating materials with ultra-clean surfaces and interfaces, which can only be achieved with delicate sample preparation and characterization methods. The present work is part of the effort to fabricate high-quality TI films in a controlled manner. This shall then allow more complex investigations, such as interface effects and possibilities to engineer the band structure of the TIs. The former will be explored mainly in the form of heterostructures of Bi2Te3 and magnetic insulating layers, whereas the latter will focus on the fabrication of Sb2Te3/Bi2Te3 heterostructures. Most of the important properties of the samples are measured under ultra-high vacuum conditions, ensuring reliable results. Furthermore, in situ capping with ordered Te also allows for more sophisticated ex situ experiments. In a first step, the optimization of Bi2Te3 thin films grown on Al2O3 (0001) substrates was explored. Spectroscopic and structural characterization measurements showed that it is possible to obtain consistently bulk-insulating TI films with good structural quality, despite the lattice mismatch between Bi2Te3 and Al2O3 (0001). Magnetoconductance measurements showed a prominent weak anti-localization effect, confirming the existence of two-dimensional surface states. In order to explore the consequences of breaking the time-reversal symmetry characteristic of TIs, Bi2Te3 was interfaced with several ferro- or ferrimagnetic insulating (FI) layers in heterostructures. EuO, Fe3O4, Y3Fe5O12 and Tm3Fe5O12 were chosen as possible candidates. Systematic optimization and characterization studies showed that interfaces of Bi2Te3 and EuO, as well as Fe3O4 on top of Bi2Te3, yield poor quality samples with significant chemical reactions between the layers. Nevertheless, high-quality Bi2Te3 could be grown on Fe3O4 (001), Fe3O4 (111), Y3Fe5O12 (111) and Tm3Fe5O12 (111). Clean interfaces and intact top topological surface states were confirmed by photoemission spectroscopy. Moreover, transport signatures of a gap opening in the topological surface states were found, namely a suppression of the weak anti-localization effect and the observation of the anomalous Hall effect. However, x-ray circular magnetic dichroism (XMCD) was not observed for any of the heterostructures. A key conclusion from this study is that the ferromagnetism induced by the magnetic proximity effect is too weak to be detected by XMCD. On hindsight, one can infer that the magnetic proximity effect cannot be strong since the bonding between the TI and the magnetic insulator substrate is of the van der Waals type, and not covalent like in transition metal oxides or metallic heterostructures. It is known that a charge compensation between electron- and hole-doping can be achieved when combining Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3, which can also tune the position of the Dirac point. With this goal in mind, the fabrication of ternary (Bi(x)Sb(1−x))2Te3 compounds and Sb2Te3/Bi2Te3 heterostructures was explored in the next step. Although pure Sb2Te3 and (Bi(x)Sb(1−x))2Te3 did not yield good quality samples, the fabrication of Sb2Te3/Bi2Te3 heterostructures emerged as a promising alternative route. Photoelectron spectroscopy allowed not only to identify the crucial role of the first few Sb2Te3 top layers, which modulate the topological surface states, but also to characterize the intermixing of the TI layers at the interface. In a final study, Fe(1+y)Te thin films were grown on MgO (001) substrates employing a Te-limited growth method. This allowed to obtain nominally stoichiometric films, as evidenced by reflection high-energy electron diffraction, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, XMCD and x-ray diffraction measurements. This preliminary study opens the way for the investigation of TI/superconductor interfaces and to delve into the topological superconductivity arising from the proximity effect.

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