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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude d'états de surface topologiques en vue de leur intégration dans des dispositifs d'électronique de spin / Study of topological surface states for spintronic devices

Barbedienne, Quentin 10 December 2019 (has links)
La spintronique classique utilise généralement des matériaux magnétiques pour produire un courant de spin à partir d’un courant de charge. Un autre moyen, plus récemment étudié, consiste à utiliser le couplage spin-orbite (SOC). Il permet de produire un courant de spin pur selon une direction transverse au courant de charge en tenant compte des principes de la mécanique quantique relativiste. Dans les matériaux à fort couplage spin-orbite, les courants de spin ainsi produits sont suffisamment importants pour imaginer les utiliser pour la commutation magnétique dans les dispositifs spintroniques. Le couplage spin-orbite, correspondant à une correction relativiste dans les équations du mouvement de l’électron, particule de spin 1/2, peut être grand dans des matériaux contenant des atomes lourds. Cela signifie qu’une conversion du courant de charge en courant de spin peut être obtenue en utilisant les propriétés de systèmes à fort SOC tel que le platine (Pt), le tungstène (W) ou le tantale (Ta), par exemple. Depuis peu, des systèmes électroniques bidimensionnels (2DEG), obtenus au niveau d’interfaces ou de surfaces particulières, ont démontré des propriétés permettant des effets d’inter-conversion particulièrement efficaces. En particulier des états Rashba ou des systèmes d’isolants topologiques, suscitent actuellement un fort engouement dans la communauté de la spintronique pour cette faculté d’inter-conversion spin-charge.Dans ce cadre particulier, depuis une dizaine d’années, les isolants topologiques ont été étudiés pour leurs propriétés électroniques non conventionnelles qui prennent racine dans la définition théorique de l’effet Hall quantique entier donnée par Thouless, ainsi que dans les travaux de Haldane dans le graphène et de Kane dans des systèmes semi-conducteurs à faible bande interdite pourvus d’un SOC fort. Ces systèmes 2D présentent des propriétés électriques intrigantes : ils sont isolants en volume et conducteurs en surface. Ces états de conductions sont pourvus d’une dispersion linéaire en énergie en fonction du vecteur d’onde k, comme dans le cas du graphène, avec une hélicité en spin déterminée.De nombreuses questions restent néanmoins ouvertes quant à la compréhension des mécanismes à l’origine de ces états de conduction en surface, mais également quant à la manière la plus simple de détecter ces états topologiques. En vue de leur intégration dans des dispositifs spintroniques et de la réalisation d’interface TI/Matériaux ferromagnétiques un certain nombre de questions se posent : comment préserver la nature des états topologiques à l’interface ? Quels matériaux utiliser et quelle est la nature atomique de l’interface (diffusion atomique) ? Quels sont les échanges électroniques à l’interface ? Etc.L’une des applications utilisant les propriétés des isolants topologiques, est d’utiliser les propriétés de conversion du courant de charge en courant de spin (et vice versa) afin de modifier ou commuter l’aimantation d’un élément ou mémoire ferromagnétique déposé directement (ou séparé par une couche tampon) sur le matériau topologique lui-même. Un tel système de bicouches ou multi-couches devrait être capable de s’intégrer dans une mémoire vive magnétique (MRAM) ou d’accroître le potentiel des disques électroniques (SSD) en raison du caractère permanent et non volatile de l’état d’aimantation du matériau. C’est dans ce cadre que s’inscrit cette thèse. / Conventional spintronics generally uses magnetic materials to produce a spin current from a current of charge. Another means, more recently studied, is the use of spin-orbit coupling (SOC). It makes possible to produce a pure current of spin in a direction transverse to the charge current, taking into account the principles of relativistic quantum mechanics. In materials with strong spin-orbit coupling, the spin currents are large enough to imagine using them for magnetic switching in spintronic devices. The spin-orbit coupling, corresponding to a relativistic correction in the equations of motion of the electron, a spin 1/2 particle, can be large in materials containing heavy atoms. This means that a conversion from charge current to spin current can be obtained using the properties of SOC systems such as platinum (Pt), tungsten(W) or tantalum (Ta) for example. Recently 2 dimensionnal electronic gas (2DEG), obtained at particular interfaces or surfaces, have demonstrated properties allowing particularly effective inter-conversion effects. In particular Rashba states or topological insulator systems, are currently arousing a strong interest in the spintronics community for this faculty of spin-charge conversion.In this particular context, over the last ten years or so, topological insulators have been studied for their electronic properties which are rooted in the theoretical definition of the integer quantum Hall effect given by Thouless, as well as in the work of Haldane in graphene and Kane in low bandgap semiconductor systems with a strong SOC. These systems have intriguing electrical properties: they are insulating in volume and conductive on the surfaces. These conductivity states have a linear energy dispersion as a function of the k-wave vector, as in the case of the graphene, with a determined spin helicity.Nevertheless, many questions remain open as the understanding of the mechanisms at the origin of these states of surface conduction, but also as to the simplest way to detect these topological states. In order to integrate in spintronic devices and to realize TI/Ferromagnetic materials interface, a number of questions arise: how to preserve the nature of the topological states at the interface? What materials should be used and what is the atomic nature of the interface (inter-mixing) ? What are the electronic exchanges at the interface? Etc.One of the applications using the properties of topological insulators, is to use the conversion properties of the charge current to spin current in order to modify or switch the magnetization of a ferromagnetic element or memory deposited directly (or separated by a buffer layer) on the topological material itself. Such a two-layer system or multilayer should be capable of integration into a magnetic random access memory (MRAM) or of increasing the potential of disks (SSD) due to the permanent and non-volatile nature of the magnetisation state of the material. This is framework of this thesis.

Knitting quantum knots-Topological phase transitions in Two-Dimensional systems

Radha, Santosh Kumar 07 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Quantum transport investigations of low-dimensional electron gases in AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs- and Bi2Se3-based materials

Riha, Christian 30 August 2019 (has links)
Die Transporteigenschaften eines Elektronengases mit reduzierter Dimensionalität werden von den Welleneigenschaften der Elektronen bestimmt. Dies ermöglicht es, verschiedene Quanteneffekte, wie Quanteninterferenz, zu beobachten. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit werden geätzte Quantenringe und eindimensionale (1D) Verengungen, basierend auf AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs-Heterostrukturen, hinsichtlich ihrer Transporteigenschaften untersucht. Messungen des thermischen Rauschens im Gleichgewichtszustand zeigen, dass der Erwartungswert mit den Rauschspektren aller 1D Verengungen übereinstimmt, jedoch um bis zu 60 % bei allen Quantenringen überschritten wird. Rauschmessungen im thermischen Nichtgleichgewicht ergeben, dass der Wärmefluss in Quantenringen mithilfe einer globalen Steuerelektrode (Topgate) an- und ausgeschaltet werden kann. Die magnetische Widerstandsänderung der Quantenringe zeigt Oszillationen, die dem Aharonov-Bohm-Effekt zugeordnet werden. Die Beobachtbarkeit dieser Oszillationen hängt stark von dem Abkühlvorgang der Probe ab und die Oszillationen zeigen Hinweise auf ein Schwebungsmuster sowie auf Phasenstarre. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden die Oberflächenzustände von exfolierten Bi2Se3 Mikroflocken untersucht. Für Mikroflocken mit metallischen Temperaturabhängigkeiten des Widerstandes wurde schwache Anti-Lokalisierung beobachtet. Diese Beobachtung deutet darauf hin, dass sich die magnetische Widerstandsänderung weniger ausschließlich aus den 2D Oberflächenkanälen als vielmehr aus einem geschichtetem Transport von 2D Kanälen im Volumenkörper zusammensetzt. Eine Mikroflocke mit halbleitenden Eigenschaften zeigt keine Hinweise auf solch einen geschichteten 2D Transport und es wird angenommen, dass ihre magnetische Widerstandsänderung ausschließlich von den 2D Oberflächenzuständen verursacht wird. / The transport properties of an electron gas with reduced dimensionality are dominated by the electron’s wave nature. This allows to observe various quantum effects, such as quantum interference. In the first part of this thesis etched quantum rings and one-dimensional (1D) constrictions, based on AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs heterostructures, are investigated with respect to their transport properties. Thermal noise measurements in equilibrium show that the expectation value agrees with the noise spectra of all 1D constrictions but is exceeded by up to 60 % for the noise spectra of all quantum rings. Noise measurements in thermal non-equilibrium reveal that the heat flow can be switched on and off for a quantum ring by a global top-gate. The measured magnetoresistance of the quantum rings shows oscillations that are attributed to the Aharonov-Bohm effect. The observability of these oscillations strongly depends on the cooling process of the sample and the oscillations show indications of a beating as well as phase rigidity. In the second part of the thesis the surface states of exfoliated Bi2Se3 microflakes are studied. For microflakes that show a metallic temperature dependence of the resistance weak anti-localization is observed. This observation suggests that the magnetoresistance is a result of layered transport of 2D channels in the bulk rather than just the surface 2D channels. A microflake with semiconducting characteristics does not show indications of such a 2D layered transport and its magnetoresistance is considered to be carried by the 2D surface states only.

Tailoring non-classical states of light for applications in quantum information processing

Tschernig, Konrad 26 October 2022 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wird das Design und die Präparation von nicht-klassischen Zuständen von Licht in verschiedenen Szenarien untersucht. Zunächst wird die theoretische Beschreibung eines Interferometers entwickelt, welches für die Messung der Teilchenaustauschphase von Photonen entworfen wurde. Die Analyse der experimentellen Daten offenbart den bosonischen Charakter von Photonen, sowie die geometrische Phase, welche mit dem physischen Austausch zweier Quantenzustände assoziiert ist. Nach dieser Feststellung der Austauschsymmetrie von Zweiphotonenzuständen folgt die Ausarbeitung der Theorie über die Propagation von Mehrphotonenzuständen in Multiportsystemen. Dabei offenbaren sich hoch-dimensionale, synthetische, gekoppelte Strukturen die sich aus der Mehrphotonenanregung von diskreten Systemen ergeben. Basierend auf diesen Resultaten wird eine konkrete Anwendung der Theorie im Kontext von nicht-hermitischen Systemen formuliert. Dabei ergeben sich sogenannte “exceptional points” höherer Ordnung, welche Anwendungen im Bereich der Sensorik finden und ferner nur im Raum der Photonenanzahlzustände von diskreten Systemen realisiert werden können. Neben der Sensorik ist der Transport von Lichtzuständen ein wichtiger Aspekt in der Verarbeitung von Quanteninformationen. In dieser Hinsicht werden hier Photonische Topologische Isolatoren untersucht, welche eine rückstreuungsfreie Propagation entlang ihrer Ränder erlauben. Es wird gezeigt, dass partiell kohärentes Licht, Gaussisch und Nicht-Gaussisch verschränkte Zweiphotonenzustände einen solchen topologischen Schutz genießen können. Dies gilt unter der Vorraussetzung, dass die Anfangsanregung in einem wohldefinierten Bereich des topologischen Schutzes liegt, wodurch das “klassische” Bandlücken-kriterium erweitert und gestärkt wird. / In this work we study the design and preparation of non-classical states of light in several scenarios. We begin by developing the theoretical description of an interferometer, which is designed to measure the particle exchange phase of photons. The analysis of the experimental data reveals the bosonic nature of photons, as well as the geometric phase associated with the physical exchange of the quantum states of two photons. Having established the exchange symmetry of two-photon states, we proceed to develop the theory of multi-photon states propagating in multi-port systems. We unveil the high- dimensional synthetic coupled structures that arise via the multi-photon excitation of discrete systems. Using these results, we formulate an application of the theory in the context of non-hermitian systems. We find so-called high-order exceptional points, which find applications in sensing and can only be achieved in the photon-number space of discrete systems. Apart from sensing, an important ingredient for the processing of quantum information is the transport of light states. In this regard, we consider photonic topological insulators, which allow the back-scattering-free propagation along their edges. We show that partially coherent light, Gaussian- as well as non-Gaussian two-photon entangled states can enjoy such a topological protection, provided that the initial excitations fit inside a well defined topological window of protection, which strengthens the “classical” band-gap protection criterion.

Bismuth Subiodides with Chains of Transition Metal-Stabilised Clusters

Herz, Maria Annette 26 February 2024 (has links)
Topological insulators are a novel class of quantum materials wherein the bulk of the material is an insulator, while the surface or edge states are quantum mechanically protected and conducting. This class of materials offers a lot of promise in the fields of quantum computing and spintronics due to their inherent ability to conduct electrons without the loss of any energy over longer distances, thereby theoretically being able to solve the problems of heat accumulation and leaking of electrons due to tunnelling in current devices. To this end, this work focussed on three main objectives: (a) investigate known bismuth structures as hosts for topological and quantum effects, in particular as potential topological insulators; (b) exploring the possibilities of magnetic substitutions in both known weak 3D topological insulators and further bismuth subhalide structures; and (c) gaining an understanding of the formation processes of the aforementioned substitutions into the bismuth subhalide compounds through extensive thermal analyses. This was realised by investigating Bi2[PtBi6I12]3 and Bi14Rh3I9 as host structures, with the former being a topologically trivial compound and the latter a weak 3D topological insulator. Due to previous difficulties in substituting magnetic cations into Bi14Rh3I9, the initial focus of this work lay in substituting magnetic cations into Bi2[PtBi6I12]3. This work then showed that not only could infinite cluster strands containing the [PtBi6I12]2- clusters be formed with Pb, Sn and Sb in the counter-cation site between them, but that magnetic cations such as Mn, Fe and Co could also be substituted into bismuth subhalide structures. The latter in particular gave rise to novel physical properties in this class of compounds and illuminated and helped explain the previous challenges in substituting magnetic cations into the bismuth subhalides.

Topological properties of flat bands in generalized Kagome lattice materials / Topologiska egenskaper hos platta band i generaliserade Kagome gittermaterial

Pinto Dias, Daniela January 2021 (has links)
Topological insulators are electronic materials that behave like an ordinary insulator in their bulk but have robust conducting states on their edge. Besides, in some materials the band structure presents completely flat bands, a special feature leading to strong interactions effects. In this thesis we present a study of the edge states of three particular two-dimensional models presenting flat bands: the honeycomb-Kagome, the $\alpha$--graphyne and a ligand decorated honeycomb-Kagome lattice models. We extend earlier work done on these lattice models by focusing on the topological nature of the edge states involving flat bands. We start by giving a review of the band structure theory and the tight-binding approximation. We then present several main topics in two-dimensional topological insulators such as the notion of topological invariants, the Kane-Mele model and the bulk-edge correspondence. Using these theoretical concepts we study the band structure of these lattices firstly without taking into account the spin and spin-orbit interations. We finally add these interactions to get their bulk band structures as well as the edge states. We observe how these spin-orbit interactions relieve degeneracies and allow for the emergence of edge states of topological nature. Since the lattices studied have an arrangement based on the honeycomb-Kagome lattice, two-dimensional materials having the structures of these lattices can be designed assembling metal ions and organic ligands. Therefore the results obtained could be used as a first hint to create new two-dimensional materials presenting topological properties. / Topologiska isolatorer är elektroniska material som uppför sig som en vanlig isolator i sin bulk men har robusta ledande stater på kanten. Dessutom presenterar bandstrukturen i vissa material helt platta band, en speciell egenskap som leder till starka interaktionseffekter. I denna avhandling presenterar vi en studie av kanttillstånden för tre speciella tvådimensionella modeller som presenterar platta band: bikakan-Kagome, $\alpha$-grafynen och en liganddekorerad honungskaka-Kagome modeller. Vi utökar tidigare arbete med dessa gittermodeller genom att fokusera på den topologiska karaktären hos kanttillstånd som innefattar platta band. Vi börjar med att ge en genomgång av bandstruktursteorin och den tätt bindande approximationen. Vi presenterar sedan flera huvudämnen i tvådimensionella topologiska isolatorer såsom begreppet topologiska invarianter, Kane-Mele modellen och bulk-kant korrespondensen. Med hjälp av dessa teoretiska begrepp studerar vi bandstrukturen för dessa gitter först utan att ta hänsyn till spinnen och spinnsorbital interaktioner. Vi lägger sedan till dessa interaktioner för att få sina bulkbandstrukturer såväl som kanttillstånden. Vi observerar hur dessa spinnsorbital interaktioner lindrar degenerationer och möjliggör uppkomsten av kanttillstånd av topologisk naturen. Eftersom de undersökta gitterna har ett arrangemang baserat på honungskaka-Kagome gitteren, kan tvådimensionella material med strukturerna hos dessa gitter utformas genom att montera metalljoner och organiska ligander. Därför kan de erhållna resultaten användas som en första ledtråd för att skapa nya tvådimensionella material med topologiska egenskaper.

Physics of quantum fluids in two-dimensional topological systems / Physique des fluides quantiques dans des systèmes topologiques bidimensionnels

Bleu, Olivier 27 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la description de la physique à une particule ainsi qu'à celle de fluides quantiques bosoniques dans des systèmes topologiques. Les deux premiers chapitres sont introductifs. Dans le premier, nous introduisons des éléments de théorie des bandes et les quantités géométriques et topologiques associées : tenseur métrique quantique, courbure de Berry, nombre de Chern. Nous discutons différents modèles et réalisations expérimentales donnant lieu à des effets topologiques. Dans le second chapitre, nous introduisons les condensats de Bose-Einstein ainsi que les excitons-polaritons de cavité.La première partie des résultats originaux discute des phénomènes topologiques à une particule dans des réseaux en nid d'abeilles. Cela permet de comparer deux modèles théoriques qui mènent à l'effet Hall quantique anormal pour les électrons et les photons dû à la présence d'un couplage spin-orbite et d'un champ Zeeman. Nous étudions aussi l'effet Hall quantique de vallée photonique à l'interface entre deux réseaux de cavités avec potentiels alternés opposés.Dans une seconde partie, nous discutons de nouveaux effets qui émergent due à la présence d'un fluide quantique interagissant décrit par l’équation de Gross-Pitaevskii dans ces systèmes. Premièrement, il est montré que les interactions spin anisotropes donnent lieu à des transitions topologiques gouvernées par la densité de particules pour les excitations élémentaires d’un condensat spineur d’exciton-polaritons.Ensuite, nous montrons que les tourbillons quantifiés d'un condensat scalaire dans un système avec effet Hall quantique de vallée, manifestent une propagation chirale le long de l'interface contrairement aux paquets d'ondes linéaires. La direction de propagation de ces derniers est donnée par leur sens de rotation donnant lieu à un transport de pseudospin de vallée protégé topologiquement, analogue à l’effet Hall quantique de spin.Enfin, revenant aux effets géométriques linéaires, nous nous sommes concentrés sur l’effet Hall anormal. Dans ce contexte, nous présentons une correction non-adiabatique aux équations semi-classiques décrivant le mouvement d’un paquet d’ondes qui s’exprime en termes du tenseur géométrique quantique. Nous proposons un protocole expérimental pour mesurer cette quantité dans des systèmes photonique radiatifs. / This thesis is dedicated to the description of both single-particle and bosonic quantum fluid Physics in topological systems. After introductory chapters on these subjects, I first discuss single-particle topological phenomena in honeycomb lattices. This allows to compare two theoretical models leading to quantum anomalous Hall effect for electrons and photons and to discuss the photonic quantum valley Hall effect at the interface between opposite staggered cavity lattices.In a second part, I present some phenomena which emerge due to the interplay of the linear topological effects with the presence of interacting bosonic quantum fluid described by mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation. First, I show that the spin-anisotropic interactions lead to density-driven topological transitions for elementary excitations of a condensate loaded in the polariton quantum anomalous Hall model (thermal equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium quasi-resonant excitation configurations). Then, I show that the vortex excitations of a scalar condensate in a quantum valley Hall system, contrary to linear wavepackets, can exhibit a robust chiral propagation along the interface, with direction given by their winding in real space, leading to an analog of quantum spin Hall effect for these non-linear excitations. Finally, coming back to linear geometrical effects, I will focus on the anomalous Hall effect exhibited by an accelerated wavepacket in a two-band system. In this context, I present a non-adiabatic correction to the known semiclassical equations of motion which can be expressed in terms of the quantum geometric tensor elements. We also propose a protocol to directly measure the tensor components in radiative photonic systems.

Unitary aspects of Hermitian higher-order topological phases

Franca, Selma 01 March 2022 (has links)
Robust states exist at the interfaces between topologically trivial and nontrivial phases of matter. These boundary states are expression of the nontrivial bulk properties through a connection dubbed the bulk-boundary correspondence. Whether the bulk is topological or not is determined by the value of a topological invariant. This quantity is defined with respect to symmetries and dimensionality of the system, such that it takes only quantized values. For static topological phases that are realized in ground-states of isolated, time-independent systems, the topological invariant is related to the properties of the Hamiltonian operator. In contrast, Floquet topological phases that are realized in open systems with periodical pumping of energy are topologically characterized with a unitary Floquet operator i.e., the time-evolution operator over the entire period. Topological phases of matter can be distinguished by the dimensionality of robust boundary states with respect to the protecting bulk. This dissertation concerns recently discovered higher-order topological phases where the difference between dimensionalities of bulk and boundary states is larger than one. Using analytical and numerical single-particle techniques, we focus on instances where static higher-order topology can be understood with insights from the mature field of Floquet topology. Namely, even though static systems do not admit a Floquet description, we find examples of higher-order systems to which certain unitary operators can be attributed. The understanding of topological characteristics of these systems is therefore conditioned by the knowledge on topological properties of unitary operators, among which the Floquet operator is well-known. The first half of this thesis concerns toy models of static higher-order topological phases that are topologically characterized in terms of unitary operators. We find that a class of these systems called quadrupole topological insulators exhibit a wider range of topological phases than known previously. In the second half of this dissertation, we study reflection matrices of higher-order topological phases and show that they can exhibit the same topological features as Floquet systems. Our findings suggest a new route to experimental realizations of Floquet systems, the one that avoids noise-induced decoherence inevitable in many other experimental setups.

All in situ ultra-high vacuum study of Bi2Te3 topological insulator thin films

Höfer, Katharina 29 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The term "topological insulator" (TI) represents a novel class of compounds which are insulating in the bulk, but simultaneously and unavoidably have a metallic surface. The reason for this is the non-trivial band topology, arising from particular band inversions and the spin-orbit interaction, of the bulk. These topologically protected metallic surface states are characterized by massless Dirac dispersion and locked helical spin polarization, leading to forbidden back-scattering with robustness against disorder. Based on the extraordinary features of the topological insulators an abundance of new phenomena and many exciting experiments have been proposed by theoreticians, but still await their experimental verification, not to mention their implementation into applications, e.g. the creation of Majorana fermions, advanced spintronics, or the realization of quantum computers. In this perspective, the 3D TIs Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3 gained a lot of interest due to their relatively simple electronic band structure, having only a single Dirac cone at the surface. Furthermore, they exhibit an appreciable bulk band gap of up to ~ 0.3 eV, making room temperature applications feasible. Yet, the execution of these proposals remains an enormous experimental challenge. The main obstacle, which thus far hampered the electrical characterization of topological surface states via transport experiments, is the residual extrinsic conductivity arising from the presence of defects and impurities in their bulk, as well as the contamination of the surface due to exposure to air. This thesis is part of the actual effort in improving sample quality to achieve bulk-insulating Bi2Te3 films and study of their electrical properties under controlled conditions. Furthermore, appropriate capping materials preserving the electronic features under ambient atmosphere shall be identified to facilitate more sophisticated ex-situ experiments. Bi2Te3 thin films were fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). It could be shown that, by optimizing the growth conditions, it is indeed possible to obtain consistently bulk-insulating and single-domain TI films. Hereby, the key factor is to supply the elements with a Te/Bi ratio of ~8, while achieving a full distillation of the Te, and the usage of substrates with negligible lattice mismatch. The optimal MBE conditions for Bi2Te3 were found in a two-step growth procedure at substrate temperatures of 220°C and 250°C, respectively, and a Bi flux rate of 1 Å/min. Subsequently, the structural characterization by high- and low-energy electron diffraction, photoelectron spectroscopy, and, in particular, the temperature-dependent conductivity measurements were entirely done inside the same ultra-high vacuum (UHV) system, ensuring a reliable record of the intrinsic properties of the topological surface states. Bi2Te3 films with thicknesses ranging from 10 to 50 quintuple layers (QL; 1QL~1 nm) were fabricated to examine, whether the conductivity is solely arising from the surface states. Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) demonstrates that the chemical potential for all these samples is located well within the bulk band gap, and is only intersected by the topological surface states, displaying the characteristic linear dispersion. A metallic-like temperature dependency of the sheet resistance is observed from the in-situ transport experiments. Upon going from 10 to 50QL the sheet resistance displays a variation by a factor 1.3 at 14K and of 1.5 at room temperature, evidencing that the conductivity is indeed dominated by the surface. Low charge carrier concentrations in the range of 2–4*10^12 cm^−2 with high mobility values up to 4600 cm2/Vs could be achieved. Furthermore, the degradation effect of air exposure on the conductance of the Bi2Te3 films was quantified, emphasizing the necessity to protect the surface from ambient conditions. Since the films behave inert to pure oxygen, water/moisture is the most probable source of degeneration. Moreover, epitaxially grown elemental tellurium was identified as a suitable capping material preserving the properties of the intrinsically insulating Bi2Te3 films and protecting from alterations during air exposure, facilitating well-defined and reliable ex-situ experiments. These findings serve as an ideal platform for further investigations and open the way to prepare devices that can exploit the intrinsic features of the topological surface states. / Der Begriff "Topologischer Isolator" (TI) beschreibt eine neuartige Klasse von Verbindungen deren Inneres (engl. Bulk) isolierend ist, dieses Innere aber gleichzeitig und zwangsläufig eine metallisch leitende Oberfläche aufweist. Dies ist begründet in der nicht-trivialen Topologie dieser Materialien, welche durch eine spezielle Invertierung einzelner Bänder in der Bandstruktur und der Spin-Bahn-Kopplung im Materialinneren hervorgerufen ist. Diese topologisch geschützten, metallischen Oberflächenzustände sind gekennzeichnet durch eine masselose Dirac Dispersionsrelation und gekoppelte Helizität der Spinpolarisation, welche die Rückstreuung der Ladungsträger verbietet und somit zur Stabilisierung der Zustände gegenüber Störungen beiträgt. Auf Grundlage dieser außergewöhnlichen Merkmale haben Theoretiker eine Fülle neuer Phänomene und spannender Experimente vorhergesagt. Deren experimentelle Überprüfung steht jedoch noch aus, geschweige denn deren Umsetzung in Anwendungen, wie zum Beispiel die Erzeugung von Majorana Teilchen, fortgeschrittene Spintronik, oder die Realisierung von Quantencomputern. Aufgrund ihrer relativ einfachen Bandstruktur, welche nur einen Dirac-Kegel an der Oberfläche aufweist, haben die 3D TI Bi2Te3 und Bi2Se3 in den letzten Jahren großes Interesse erlangt. Weiterhin besitzen diese Materialien eine merkliche Bandlücke von bis zu ~0,3 eV, welche sogar Anwendungen bei Raumtemperatur ermöglichen könnten. Dennoch ist deren experimentelle Umsetzung nachwievor eine enorme Herausforderung. Das Haupthindernis, welches bis jetzt insbesondere die elektrische Charakterisierung the topologischen Oberflächenzustände behindert hat, ist die zusätzliche Leitfähigkeit des Materialinneren, welche durch Kristalldefekte und Beimischungen, sowie die Verunreinigung der Probenoberfläche durch Luftexposition bedingt wird. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zu aktuellen den Anstrengungen in der Verbesserung der Probenqualität der TI um die Leitfähigkeit des Materialinneren zu unterdrücken, sowie die anschließende Untersuchung der elektrischen Eigenschaften unter kontrollierten Bedingungen durchzuführen. Weiterhin sollen geeignete Deckschichten identifiziert werden, welche die besonderen elektronischen Merkmale der TI nicht beeinflussen sowie diese gegen äußere Einflüsse schützen, und somit die Durchführung anspruchsvoller ex situ Experimente ermöglichen können. Die untersuchten Bi2Te3 Schichten wurden mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie (MBE) hergestellt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass es allein durch Optimierung der Wachstumsbedingungen möglich ist Proben herzustellen, die gleichbleibend isolierende Eigenschaften des TI Inneren aufweisen und Eindomänen-Ausrichtung besitzen. Die zentralen Faktoren sind hierbei die Aufrechterhaltung eines Flussratenverhältnisses von Te/Bi ~8 der einzelnen Elemente, sowie die Wahl einer ausreichend hohen Substrattemperatur, um ein vollständiges Abdampfen (Destillation) des überschüssigen Tellur zu erreichen. Weiterhin müssen Substrate mit gut angepassten Gitterparametern verwendet werden, welches bei BaF2 (111) gegeben ist. Optimales MBE Wachstum konnte durch ein Zwei-Stufen Prozess bei Substrattemperaturen von 220°C und 250°C und einer Bi-Verdampfungsrate von 1 Å/min erreicht werden. Die nachfolgende Charakterisierung der strukturellen Eigenschaften, Photoelektronenspektroskopie, sowie temperaturabhängige Leitfähigkeitsmessungen wurden alle in einem zusammenhängenden Ultrahochvakuum-System durchgeführt. Auf diese Weise wird eine zuverlässige Erfassung der intrinsischen Eigenschaften der TI sichergestellt. Zur Überprüfung, ob die Leitfähigkeit der Proben tatsächlich nur durch die Oberflächenzustände hervorgerufen wird, wurden Filme mit Schichtdicken im Bereich von 10 bis 50 Quintupel-Lagen (QL; 1QL~ 1 nm) hergestellt und charakterisiert. Winkelaufgelöste Photoelektronenspektroskopie (ARPES) belegt, dass das chemische Potential (Fermi-Niveau) in allen Proben innerhalb der Bandlücke der Bandstruktur des Materialinneren liegt und nur von den topologisch geschützten Oberflächenzuständen gekreuzt wird, welche die charakteristische lineare Dirac Dispersionsrelation aufweisen. Die temperaturabhängigen Widerstandsmessungen zeigen ein metallisches Verhalten aller Proben. Bei der Variation der Schichtdicke von 10 zu 50QL wird eine Streuung des Flächenwiderstandes vom Faktor 1,3 bei 14K und 1,5 bei Raumtemperatur beobachtet. Dies beweist, dass die gemessene Leitfähigkeit vorrangig durch die topologisch geschützten Oberflächenzustände hervorgerufen wird. Eine geringe Oberflächenladungsträgerkonzentration im Bereich von 2–4*10^12 cm^−2 und hohe Mobilitätswerte von bis zu 4600 cm2/Vs wurden erreicht. Weiterhin wurden die negativen Auswirkungen auf die Eigenschaften der TI durch Luftexposition quantifiziert, welches die Notwendigkeit belegt, die Oberfläche der TI vor Umgebungseinflüssen zu schützen. Die Proben verhalten sich inert gegenüber reinem Sauerstoff, daher ist Wasser aus der Luftfeuchte höchstwahrscheinlich der Hauptgrund für die beobachtbare Verschlechterung. Darüber hinaus konnte epitaktisch gewachsenes Tellur als geeignete Deckschicht ausfindig gemacht werden, welches die Eigenschaften der Bi2Te3 Filme nicht beeinflusst, sowie gegen Veränderungen durch Luftexposition schützt. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse stellen eine ideale Grundlage für weiterführende Untersuchungen dar und ebnen den Weg zur Entwicklung von Bauelementen welche die spezifischen Besonderheiten der topologischen Oberflächenzustände.

Blurring the boundaries between topological and non-topological physical phenomena in dots / Borrando a fronteira entre fenômenos físicos topológicos e não topológicos em poços quânticos

Candido, Denis Ricardo 28 June 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate the electronic structure and transport properties of topologically trivial and non-trivial cylindrical quantum dots (QDs) defined by further confining InAs1-xBix/AlSb quantum wells (QWs). First we predict that common III-V InAs0.85Bi0.15/AlSb QWs can become 2D topological insulators (TIs) for well thicknesses dc > 6.9 nm with a topologically non-trivial gap of about 30 meV (> kBT), which can enable room temperature TI applications. Furthermore, we investigate the cylindrical QDs defined from these Bi-based wells by additional confinement, both in the topologically trivial (d < dc) and non-trivial (d > dc) regimes. Surprisingly, we find that topologically trivial and non-trivial QDs have similar transport properties in stark contrast with their 2D counterparts (i.e., a strip). More specifically, through detailed calculations, which involve an analytical solution of the quantum-dot eigenvalue problem, we demonstrate that both trivial and non-trivial cylindrical QDs possess edge-like states, i.e., helical spin-angular-momentum-locked quantum states protected against non-magnetic elastic scattering. Interestingly, our trivial QDs exhibit these geometrically robust helical states, similarly to topologically non-trivial QDs, over a wide range of system parameters (e.g., dot radius). We also calculate the circulating currents for the topologically trivial and non-trivial QDs and find no substantial differences. However, we note that ordinary III-V or II-VI cylindrical QDs (i.e., QDs not formed from a BHZ model + confinement) do not feature robust edge-like helical states. We further consider topologically trivial and non-trivial QDs with four edge-like states and calculate their two-terminal conductance G via a standard Green-function approach. For both trivial and non-trivial QDs we find that G shows a double-peak resonance at 2e2/h as a function of the dot radius R and gate voltage Vg controlling the dot energy levels. On the other hand, both trivial and non-trivial QDs can have edge-like and bulk state Kramers pairs coexisting at the same energy within the bulk part of their discrete spectra. In this case, G displays a single-peak resonance at 2e2/h as the four levels (two edge states and two bulk states now) become degenerate at some particular parameter values R = Rc and Vg = Vgc for both topologically trivial and non-trivial QDs. We also extend our investigation to HgTe-based QDs and find similar results. / Nesta tese investigamos a estrutura eletrônica e as propriedades de transporte de pontos quânticos cilíndricos topologicamente triviais e não-triviais, definidos por confinamento de poços quânticos (QWs) InAs1-xBix/AlSb. Primeiramente, nós prevemos que os QWs usuais baseados em InAs1-xBix/AlSb podem se tornar isolantes topológicos 2D para largura de poço dc > 6.9 nm, com um gap topologicamente não-trivial de aproximadamente 30 meV (> kBT), o que pode permitir aplicações em temperatura ambiente. Além disso, investigamos pontos quânticos cilíndricos definidos a partir de confinamento desses poços contendo Bi, em ambos os regimes trivial (d < dc) e não-trivial (d > dc). Surpreendentemente, descobrimos que os pontos quânticos topologicamente triviais e não triviais têm propriedades de transporte semelhantes, um resultado em grande contraste com as suas versões semiinfinitas, como por exemplo uma fita. Mais especificamente, através de cálculos detalhados, que envolvem uma solução analítica do problema de autovalores dos pontos quânticos, demonstramos que pontos quânticos cilíndricos triviais e não-triviais possuem estados de borda semelhantes, isto é, estados quânticos helicoidais protegidos contra espalhamento elástico não magnético. Curiosamente, nossos pontos quânticos triviais exibem estados helicoidais geometricamente robustos, similarmente aos pontos quânticos topologicamente não-triviais, em uma ampla faixa de parâmetros do sistema, como por exemplo, o raio do ponto quântico. Nós também calculamos as correntes circulantes para os pontos quânticos topologicamente triviais e não-triviais e não encontramos diferenças substanciais entre elas. No entanto, notamos que os pontos quânticos cilíndricos feitos de materiais ordinários III-V ou II-VI (isto é, pontos quânticos não descritos pelo Hamiltoniano BHZ com confinamento) não apresentam estados helicoidais robustos. Consideramos ainda pontos quânticos triviais e não-triviais com quatro estados de borda e calculamos sua condutância entre dois terminais G através de uma abordagem padrão das funções de Green. Para os pontos quânticos triviais e não-triviais, encontramos que G mostra uma ressonância de pico duplo em 2e2/h como função do raio do ponto quantico R e da tensão Vg que controla os níveis de energia do ponto quântico. Por outro lado, tanto os pontos quânticos triviais como os não-triviais podem ter pares de Kramers localizados na borda (edge) e em todo seu volume (bulk) coexistindo em uma mesma janela de energia na região dos estados de valência. Nesse caso, G exibe uma ressonância de pico único em 2e2/h, já que os quatro níveis (dois estados de borda e dois estados de volume bulk) se tornam degenerados para alguns valores de parâmetros particulares R = Rc and Vg = Vgc, em pontos quânticos topologicamente triviais e não triviais. Nós também estendemos nossa investigação para os pontos quanticos de HgTe onde encontramos resultados similares.

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