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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of case-based integrated learning as a part of dental curriculum reform

Nadershahi, Nader A. 01 January 2011 (has links)
There has been a growing call for change in the management of dental education programs, and, in response to this call, the faculty and staff at the University of the Pacific Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry developed the Pacific Dental Helix Curriculum management model. The first major component of this curriculum was the development of the Integrated Clinical Science Strand of the Helix focused on multidisciplinary and case-based andragogies. The mixed method research design was used to identify common aspects of Case-Based Learning and multi-disciplinary teaching through a qualitative analysis of curricular materials and to analyze their impact on selected student outcomes of pre and post-change through statistical analysis. The outcomes chosen for the quantitative portion were surrogate measures of National Board Scores and grade point averages to represent knowledge and skills. The overall analysis of the quantitative data shows negligible impact on the outcomes being measured. We know from the literature that active learning models motivate and engage students at a higher level in their learning and better prepare them to solve problems creatively versus a traditional educational model, so it is significant to see that there were no decreases in performance with a move to a more engaging curriculum. This study offers foundational information for future curriculum design, pedagogy, and assessment.

The value, place and method of teaching natural science in the foundation phase

Bosman, Linda 31 March 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The study aims at establishing whether Foundation Phase schooling provides a proper foundation for the promotion of scientific literacy. Natural Science in the Foundation Phase is understood as scientific knowledge, process skills, and values and attitudes, which together should foster scientific literacy. Influential perspectives on learning, and teaching methods appropriate to Natural Science education in the Foundation Phase, are reviewed, and the Natural Science Learning Area in the RNCS discussed in the context of global trends in curriculum development. Finally the findings of an empirical survey on the perceptions of Foundation Phase teachers with regard to Natural Science teaching and learning, are presented. Major findings include the following: (1) Scientific literacy is currently not a curriculum priority in the Foundation Phase, due mainly to meagre time allocation and lack of applicable Learning Outcomes. (2) Although teachers appear predominantly positive towards the Learning Area, significant shortcomings need to be addressed before Natural Science teaching in the Foundation Phase may claim to provide the required basis for promoting scientific literacy. OPSOMMING Die studie poog om vas te stel of Grondslagfase-onderrig `n geskikte basis lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. Natuurwetenskappe in die Grondslagfase word beskou as `n kombinasie van wetenskaplike kennis, prosesvaardighede, en waardes en ingesteldhede, wat gesamentlik wetenskaplike geletterdheid ten doel het. Invloedryke perspektiewe op leer, en gepaste onderrigmetodes vir die effektiewe fasilitering van Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase word onder die loep geneem voordat die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea in die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring bespreek word binne die konteks van wêreldwye neigings in kurrikulumontwikkeling. Laastens rapporterr die studie die bevindinge van `n empiriese ondersoek na die persepsies van Grondslagfase-onderwysers rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer. Belangrike bevinding sluit in: (1) Die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid word nie as kurrikulumprioriteit in die Grondslagfase beskou word nie, soos blyk uit die karige toedeling van tyd en aantal leeruitkomste aan die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea op hierdie vlak. (2) Alhoewel onderwysers se persepsies rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer oorwegend positief blyk te wees, is daar ernstige tekortkominge wat aangespreek moet word voordat Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase die vereiste grondslag sal kan lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.


林素美, Lin, Su-mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在調查九年一貫課程實施後,台北縣市國中英語教科書的使用現況及國中英語教師對這些教材的意見。   本研究主要探討的為:(1)國中英語教師選用新版教科書時所強調的標準,(2)各校英語教科書的評選委員與評選程序,(3)國中英語教師對新版英語教科書的滿意度與意見,包括學生習作與教師手冊,(4)更換教科書的原因與結果。   研究對象為五十七所國中的兩百五十三位英語教師。根據問卷調查,目前台北縣市的國中英語教科書有六個版本。   根據資料分析,得到以下主要的發現: 1. 在選教材時,英語教師所秉持的標準依序為合乎課程標準,教材內容,主題多元性,字彙數量,活動設計,插圖,版面,教師手冊,出版商的售後服務、聲望,教科書的第一印象,出版商為教師舉辦的研習,作者的學識等。 2. 各校的評選委員主要由英文老師組成,大多數學校評選教科書的程序為瀏覽各版本教科書,邀請出版商舉辦說明會,及舉行評選會議 。 3. 根據本研究所收集的資料顯示,大多數教師普遍上皆滿意九年一貫課程的新版教科書,但約有一半的教師認為內容太多、太難是他們所遭遇到的最大問題。 4. 根據所收集的資料顯示,有五所學校在第二學期更改教科書。教師們對第一學期所用的教科書不滿意的主要原因為教材內容非常難,內容組織不佳,及課與課之間缺乏連貫性。在更換新教科書後,大部分教師發覺之前教材所衍生的問題都解決了。因此大多數教師在更改教科書後覺得較滿意。 / This study aims to survey English textbook selection of junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County after the implementation of the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum and explore English teachers' opinions of these textbooks. This study focuses on the following issues: (1) the criteria highlighted by English teachers when evaluating the new textbooks, (2) the committees and the procedure of English textbook selection in each school, (3) the junior high school English teachers' satisfaction with and opinions about the contents of the new teaching materials, including students’ workbooks and teachers' manuals, (4)the reasons for teachers’ changing textbooks and its consequences. The recruited subjects are 253 junior high school English teachers from 57 schools. According to the questionnaires, there are 6 versions of textbooks used in junior high schools in Taipei City and Taipei County. After data analysis, the main findings are obtained as follows: 1.The criteria highlighted by English teachers when selecting the new textbooks are the correspondence to the curriculum standards, the contents, and a variety of themes. Considered important in sequence to the teachers who responded are the amount of vocabulary, the design of activities, the illustrations, the layout, the content of the teacher’s manual, and the level of service offered by the publisher, the publisher’s reputation, the first impression of the textbook, workshops provided for teachers by a publisher and the expertise of authors. 2.The selection committee in each school is mainly composed of the English teachers and the selection of English textbooks in most schools are done in the procedure of reviewing textbooks, inviting publishers to present their textbooks, and holding selection meetings. 3.According to the questionnaires collected in this study, most teachers were generally satisfied with the new textbooks developed for the Nine-year Integrated Curriculum. The most obvious problem with these new textbooks, according to the questionnaires, is that about half of the English teachers' dissatisfication with too much and too difficult content in the material. 4.Based on the questionnaires, five of the schools change textbooks in the second semester. The main reasons for the dissatisfaction with the first semester textbooks are that the textbooks are overly difficult, poorly organized, and lacking in continuity between lessons. After changing to new textbooks, most teachers find that the problems are solved. Therefore, most teachers are more satisfied after changing the textbooks.

國小英語教師對於台灣現行國小英語教科書之評析 / An evaluation of the current elementary english textbooks: Teachers’ perspectives

劉珊汝, Liu, Shan Ju Unknown Date (has links)
九年一貫課程實施以來,國小英語教育起初由五年級開始進行,許多國小英語教材陸續送審上市;三年後改由國小三年級開始實施正式英語教學後,各出版社無不積極改編、增編教科書以因應政策之改變,也因此,舉凡國內或進口之英語教材,版本相當繁多。 本研究旨在調查台灣現行國小英語教科書之使用現況、國小英語教師使用這些教材後的評鑑與建議以及國小英語教科書之選用情形。首先以問卷及訪談調查法針對全國國小英語教師進行研究,從而了解國小英語教師使用教材的意見;主要探討的為: (1) 國小英語教師對所使用之英語教材在整體方面、課本、習作、教師手冊以及輔助教具等五大部分進行評析;(2) 國小英語教師使用教材時之困難與建議;(3) 國小英語教科書之選用狀況。 研究對象為全國共兩百三十九位英語教師,根據問卷調查以及訪談結果所做的資料分析,得到以下主要的發現: 1.英語教師對於所使用之審定版教材,整體看來各版本之間並無顯著之 差異。而針對教材之課本內容,翰林版本教材在「字彙透過有意義、 真實的情境加以介紹及練習」該項目之評析結果優於康軒版,而另兩 版之教材在此評比項目無顯著之表現。 2.不論是何版本,大多數英語教師不滿意於學生習作與教師手冊。 3.大多數英語教師不論在使用何種版本教材,所遇到之最大之困難在於學 生英語程度差異太大。 4.對於選用教材所秉持之各項標準,英語教師們認為其重要性依序為出版 社服務態度、教材主題多樣性、活動設計、符合課程綱要及其編輯理 念、字彙量之多寡、文法之難易、出版社之規模與信譽、教師手冊以及 出版社是否舉辦教師研習及師訓活動。 5.各校英語教科書評選委員主要由英文老師組成,然而大多數學校評選教 科書時並未採用任何評選指標。 6.評選流程大致為瀏覽各版本教科書、邀請出版商舉辦說明會以及英語教 師評選之會議。 / Since 2001 when English education was introduced into elementary schools, all the publishers in Taiwan have been required to compile the appropriate textbooks for the elementary school students in a very short time. As a result, there are a great variety of teaching materials available on the market. Thus, textbook selection becomes crucial for elementary schools. In response to this situation, this study aims to survey teachers’ evaluation and selection of the elementary English textbooks by using questionnaires and conducting interviews. The study focuses mainly on the following issues: (1) teachers’ evaluation of the elementary English textbooks, including students’ books, workbooks, teachers’ manuals and the teaching aids,(2) problems teachers encounter when using those textbooks, and (3) the selection of the textbooks. The subjects are 239 elementary English teachers across Taiwan. In the survey, four versions of textbooks are observed, compared and evaluated by the respondents of the questionnaires. After data analysis, the main findings are obtained as follows: 1. Among the four textbooks in use, there is no significant difference between each version in     overall evaluation, except that the content of the textbook published by Hanlin is superior to that published by Kang Hsuan in terms of providing the meaningful and realistic learning situation in vocabulary learning and practices. 2. Most English teachers are dissatisfied with the students’ workbook and teacher’s manual. 3. A great diversity of students’ English proficiency levels is the greatest problem teachers encountered when using all those textbooks. 4. The service and attitude of the publishers is seen as the most important criterion for selecting the materials. 5. In most schools, textbooks are selected mainly by English teachers, but no checklists or criteria are used in selecting the textbooks. 6. The common procedure of selecting the textbook is a browse of the materials, an introduction seminar held by the publishers, and then a meeting for the decision of textbook selection.

The value, place and method of teaching natural science in the foundation phase

Bosman, Linda 31 March 2006 (has links)
ABSTRACT The study aims at establishing whether Foundation Phase schooling provides a proper foundation for the promotion of scientific literacy. Natural Science in the Foundation Phase is understood as scientific knowledge, process skills, and values and attitudes, which together should foster scientific literacy. Influential perspectives on learning, and teaching methods appropriate to Natural Science education in the Foundation Phase, are reviewed, and the Natural Science Learning Area in the RNCS discussed in the context of global trends in curriculum development. Finally the findings of an empirical survey on the perceptions of Foundation Phase teachers with regard to Natural Science teaching and learning, are presented. Major findings include the following: (1) Scientific literacy is currently not a curriculum priority in the Foundation Phase, due mainly to meagre time allocation and lack of applicable Learning Outcomes. (2) Although teachers appear predominantly positive towards the Learning Area, significant shortcomings need to be addressed before Natural Science teaching in the Foundation Phase may claim to provide the required basis for promoting scientific literacy. OPSOMMING Die studie poog om vas te stel of Grondslagfase-onderrig `n geskikte basis lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. Natuurwetenskappe in die Grondslagfase word beskou as `n kombinasie van wetenskaplike kennis, prosesvaardighede, en waardes en ingesteldhede, wat gesamentlik wetenskaplike geletterdheid ten doel het. Invloedryke perspektiewe op leer, en gepaste onderrigmetodes vir die effektiewe fasilitering van Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase word onder die loep geneem voordat die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea in die Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulumverklaring bespreek word binne die konteks van wêreldwye neigings in kurrikulumontwikkeling. Laastens rapporterr die studie die bevindinge van `n empiriese ondersoek na die persepsies van Grondslagfase-onderwysers rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer. Belangrike bevinding sluit in: (1) Die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid word nie as kurrikulumprioriteit in die Grondslagfase beskou word nie, soos blyk uit die karige toedeling van tyd en aantal leeruitkomste aan die Natuurwetenskappe-leerarea op hierdie vlak. (2) Alhoewel onderwysers se persepsies rakende Natuurwetenskaponderrig en -leer oorwegend positief blyk te wees, is daar ernstige tekortkominge wat aangespreek moet word voordat Natuurwetenskappe-onderrig in die Grondslagfase die vereiste grondslag sal kan lê vir die bevordering van wetenskaplike geletterdheid. / Educational Studies / M.Ed.

Estudo de caso avaliativo do currículo integrado do curso de refrigeração e climatização do PROEJA do IFCE / Evaluative case study integrated curriculum course of refrigeration and acclimatization PROEJA of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Ceará

SILVA, João Eudes Moreira da January 2013 (has links)
SILVA, João Eudes Moreira da. Estudo de caso avaliativo do currículo integrado do curso de refrigeração e climatização do PROEJA do IFCE. 2013. 197f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2013. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-08T11:47:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-TESE-JEMSILVA.pdf: 2275892 bytes, checksum: 011b6dd3b13c74448cfdeed750ee29de (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-08T12:00:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-TESE-JEMSILVA.pdf: 2275892 bytes, checksum: 011b6dd3b13c74448cfdeed750ee29de (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-08T12:00:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013-TESE-JEMSILVA.pdf: 2275892 bytes, checksum: 011b6dd3b13c74448cfdeed750ee29de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / This investigation is inserted in the Educational Evaluation line of research, curricular evaluation axis, which was developed together with the Graduate Program, School of Education, Federal University of Ceará (UFC). The problem to be investigated was the understanding of how the National Program Curriculum to integrate the Basic Education to the Professional Education for Young and Adults (PROEJA), was made effective in the Refrigeration and Acclimatization course at the Education, Science and Technology Institute of Ceará (IFCE), Fortaleza Campus. In general, this work aims to understand how the integrated curriculum is developing in the course of Refrigeration and Acclimatization at PROEJA, IFCE, Fortaleza Campus, where it has been prescribed and is currently in action, and to identify the socio-institutional and techno pedagogical conditions for making them effective. This research´s specific goal was to identify the context and techno-pedagogical elements from the curricular policies that has been nationally proposed to the PROEJA; to analyze the teacher´s training and their adequacy to the development of an integrated interdisciplinary teaching and analyze the Pedagogical Project of the Refrigeration and Acclimatization course at IFCE/Fortaleza. The theoretical references used were Silva (2007), Freire (1987), Frigotto, Ciavatta e Ramos (2005), Kuenzer (2005), Lewwi (1979), and Vianna (2000), among other researchers interested in Professional Education, education for Young and Adults, and curricular evaluation. This is a study case carried out within a methodological approach of qualitative-quantitative nature. The sources used for this research were teachers, managers, pedagogical consultants; current legislation documents related to professional education, basic education, young and adult education, as well as the Pedagogical Project of the Refrigeration and Acclimatization course. As for the data collection technics, it was used documental analysis, open interviews and structured surveys. The results of this investigation made it clear that IFCE/ campus Fortaleza should take over PROEJA in all its dimensions: structural, political and pedagogical, and a specific training for teachers. The data indicates that the PROEJA´s curricular proposal allows the integration of the syllabus of the general education with the specific education, however, it would not render concrete on its operational part; furthermore, there is not a continuous education policy for the IFCE campus Fortaleza´s professionals. The hypothesis of this work proves that the integrated curriculum for the Refrigeration and Acclimatization course, to be made effective in a satisfactory way in terms of the student´s learning process, requires a specific training for the teachers of the Integrated High School for young and adults and create institutional and structured conditions required for the teacher to mediate between the prescribed curriculum and the curriculum currently in action. / Esta investigação se insere na linha de pesquisa de Avaliação Educacional, Eixo avaliação curricular, desenvolvida junto ao programa de Pós Graduação da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Traz como problema de investigação o entendimento de como o Currículo do Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Básica à Educação Profissional na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (PROEJA) tem se efetivado no Curso de Refrigeração e Climatização, do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE), Campus Fortaleza. Seu objetivo geral foi compreender como se desenvolve o currículo integrado prescrito e em ação no curso de Refrigeração e Climatização do PROEJA no IFCE campus de Fortaleza, visando identificar as condições políticoinstitucionais e técnico pedagógicas necessárias à sua efetivação. Os objetivos específicos da pesquisa procurou identificar os elementos contextuais e técnico-pedagógicos das políticas curriculares propostas nacionalmente para o PROEJA; analisar a formação dos docentes e sua adequação ao desenvolvimento de um ensino integrado interdisciplinar e analisar o Projeto Pedagógico do curso de Refrigeração e Climatização do IFCE/Fortaleza. O referencial teórico utilizado apoiou-se em Silva (2007), Freire (1987), Frigotto, Ciavatta e Ramos (2005), Kuenzer (2005), Lewwi (1979), e Vianna (2000), entre outros pesquisadores que estudam a Educação Profissional, educação de Jovens e Adultos, e avaliação curricular. Trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado dentro de uma abordagem metodológica de natureza qualiquantitativa. As fontes utilizadas na pesquisa foram professores, gestores, assessores pedagógicos; os documentos da legislação vigente referente à educação profissional; a educação básica; educação de jovens e adultos; bem como o Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Refrigeração e Climatização. Quanto às técnicas de coleta foram utilizadas a análise documental, as entrevistas abertas e levantamento estruturado. Os achados da pesquisa evidenciaram que o IFCE campus de Fortaleza precisa assumir o PROEJA em todas as suas dimensões: estruturais, políticas e pedagógicas; uma formação específica para os professores. Os dados apontam que a proposta curricular do PROEJA permite a integração dos conteúdos de formação geral com a formação específica, no entanto, ela não se concretiza na sua operacionalização; além disso, falta uma política de formação continuada para os profissionais do IFCE campus de Fortaleza. A hipótese de trabalho comprova que o currículo integrado do curso de Refrigeração e Climatização, para ser efetivado de forma satisfatória em termos de aprendizagem dos alunos, demanda uma formação específica dos docentes para um Ensino Médio Integrado na modalidade de jovens e adultos e a criação de condições institucionais e estruturais necessárias para que se realize a mediação do professor entre o currículo prescrito e o currículo em ação.

A avaliação do curriculo integrado no PROEJA do IFCE: concepção e prática na percepção do docente / Evaluation of the integrated curriculum in IFCE PROEJA courses: design and practice in the perception of teachers

ARAÚJO, Ana Cláudia Uchôa January 2010 (has links)
ARAÚJO, Ana Cláudia Uchôa. A avaliação do curriculo integrado no PROEJA do IFCE: concepção e prática na percepção do docente. 2010. 121 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará. Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2010. / Submitted by Raul Oliveira (raulcmo@hotmail.com) on 2012-07-03T16:17:22Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_Dis_ ACUAraújo.pdf: 2560953 bytes, checksum: c0fc4066684afd538164ca750d9e1278 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-06T15:54:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_Dis_ ACUAraújo.pdf: 2560953 bytes, checksum: c0fc4066684afd538164ca750d9e1278 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-06T15:54:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010_Dis_ ACUAraújo.pdf: 2560953 bytes, checksum: c0fc4066684afd538164ca750d9e1278 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / This research was motivated by the initial need of a curriculum evaluation to understand how the curriculum of PROEJA (National Program for Integration of Basic Education with Professional Education for Youth and Adults) has been developed at IFCE (Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará) in the Campus of Fortaleza. It was developed under the Course Assessment axis, which is part of the Educational Evaluation line of research, and its general point is to understand the nature of the course curriculum of High School Courses integrated with the Telecommunications and Heating & refrigeration Technical Courses offered by IFCE to Youth and adults, analyzing their design and dynamic according to the teachers and identifying elements of that avaliation. The research objectives were to investigate the nature of the curriculum at prescriptive (documentary) and perceptual (vision of teachers) levels in order to analyze the perceptions of teachers and administrators on the curriculum of the courses mentioned above; and to investigate how the coordination of the courses guides the implementation of the existing curriculum taking in account the need to connect the workup training to the technical training and provides the necessary conditions to propose an ongoing curriculum evaluation. We adopted a qualitative methodology in a phenomenological approach, in which documents review and semi-structured interviews with a reflective proposal were used. The theoretical framework was supported by Silva (2007), Freire (1987), Frigotto et. al. (2005) and Vianna (2000), among other theorists who study Youth and Adult Education, the curriculum evaluation and curriculum issues. The findings of the research showed, among other data, that IFCE needs to prioritize PROEJA’s recognition. In order to achieve this goal, the implementation of structural actions, whose aim is the strengthening of PROEJA, as well as its consolidation as an institutional policy for Professional Education at this very institution are required. Therefore, special attention should be given to the active teacher training program and to the course curriculum, so that the training meets the peculiarities of Youth and Adults Education, high school and vocational training, without disregarding the interests of their students. / Esta pesquisa teve como motivação inicial a necessidade de se realizar uma pesquisa avaliativa, para compreender como o currículo do PROEJA (Programa Nacional de Integração da Educação Básica à Educação Profissional na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos) tem-se efetivado no IFCE (Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará), no Campus Fortaleza. Foi desenvolvida no âmbito do eixo de Avaliação Curricular, que se insere na linha de pesquisa de Avaliação Educacional. Sua questão geral é entender qual é a natureza do Currículo dos Cursos do Ensino Médio Integrado aos Cursos Técnicos em Telecomunicações e Refrigeração e Climatização, na modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos, ofertados pelo IFCE, analisando a sua concepção e dinâmica na percepção do docente e identificando elementos para a sua avaliação. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram investigar a natureza desse currículo nos níveis prescritivo (documental) e perceptivo (visão dos professores); analisar as percepções dos professores e dos gestores sobre a proposta curricular dos cursos supracitados; investigar como a coordenação dos cursos orienta a implementação da proposta curricular vigente, tendo em vista a necessidade de conectar a formação propedêutica à formação técnica e fornecer subsídios para realizar uma proposta avaliativa para o currículo em curso. Foi adotada uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa numa abordagem fenomenológica, na qual se utilizaram como procedimentos a análise de documentos e a entrevista semiestruturada, numa proposta reflexiva. O referencial teórico foi apoiado em Silva (2007), Freire (1987), Frigotto et al. (2005) e Vianna (2000), entre outros teóricos que estudam a Educação de Jovens e Adultos, a avaliação curricular e as questões curriculares. Os achados da pesquisa evidenciaram, entre outros dados, que o Instituto Federal precisa priorizar o reconhecimento do PROEJA. Para atingir tal objetivo, necessita da implementação de ações estruturais que visem ao seu fortalecimento e da consolidação como política institucional da Educação Profissional na instituição citada. Assim sendo, uma especial atenção deve ser dada à formação do professor atuante no programa e ao currículo do curso, de modo que se atenda às peculiaridades formativas da EJA, do Ensino Médio e da Formação Profissional, sem desconsiderar os interesses de seu aluno.

Currículo Integrado e Formação Continuada de Professores: Entre Desafios e Sonhos no PROEJA-IFPA / Integrated Curriculum and Continuing Education of Teachers: Challenges and Dreams of the IFPA-Proeja

SILVA, Maria Lusinete da January 2011 (has links)
SILVA, Maria Lusinete. Currículo integrado e formação continuada de professores: entre desafios e sonhos no PROEJA-IFPA. 2011. 162 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2011. / Submitted by Liliane oliveira (morena.liliane@hotmail.com) on 2012-08-06T15:21:20Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_DIS_MLSILVA.pdf: 1511294 bytes, checksum: b8adefe4aa80829b54228cf99ce0be21 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2013-09-23T16:26:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_DIS_MLSILVA.pdf: 1511294 bytes, checksum: b8adefe4aa80829b54228cf99ce0be21 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-09-23T16:26:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2011_DIS_MLSILVA.pdf: 1511294 bytes, checksum: b8adefe4aa80829b54228cf99ce0be21 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / The study investigated the course of training teachers of the National Integrated Vocational Education Mode in Basic Education for Youths and Adults, through the Continuing Education Policy effected within the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Para - IFPA, revealing the dynamics of educational policy, its relations and guidelines for the realization of such training included in the proposed program PROEJA established by Decree No. 5.840/06. The research with a qualitative approach, it constitutes a case study in the IFPA, Bethlehem headquarters, with the time frame from 2006, when it began a policy of continuing education in the institution. To achieve the objective of the research was carried out literature review and survey of the subject of documentary sources, analysis of documents relating to PROEJA and Specialization-PROEJA, decrees, orders, notices, educational proposal, minutes of meetings, reports of the Course, among others seeking legal and educational show. We carried out semistructured interviews with the coordination of continuing education, a teacher of each course of PROEJA (computers, buildings, electrical and mechanical) who attended the specialization course and serves on PROEJA, the director general (then) the IFPA; a teacher who participated in the implementation of the Programme at the Institute and educational coordinator of the specialization course PROEJA-IFPA. Took place, yet, focus group with students from PROEJA.The results showed that: a) The course program and specialization PROEJA were implanted because of a determination by the government published Decree 5.840/06. b) the continuing education of teachers from IFPA, despite not having met the expectations in relation to the specifics of EJA as a differentiated education, with reference to theoretical studies and the testimony of the teacher and learners, showed that , training is still the way to go to the improvement of teaching practice of educators in this pursuit of quality teaching and learning; c) In terms of value received training in the specialization and implications for pedagogical practice of teachers PROEJA, regarding the integration of high school with professional education and EJA, there was a series of obstacles to a qualitative change in this practice: lack of prioritization of the specifics of EJA, lack of faculty awareness regarding this type of education; disarticulation of integrated education, which only has integrated the registration that is unique and the inclusion of all disciplines in one period, lack of an emancipatory pedagogy that seeks a participative work, collaborative and dynamic, and meets the specific EJA; resistance to change, lack of an integrated curriculum, based on a political pedagogical project integrative, interdisciplinary, using a methodology consistent with reality and context of learners, comprising the organizational requirements of teaching, envisioning a socio-political emancipation of these subjects. d) the dilemma involved in this educational segment relates to a structural problem and history. The parallel drawn between the progress and /or setbacks to EJA in the FHC and Lula da Silva showed a complex situation that needs to be overcome - the duality inherent in an education class society. e) It is essential to a specific policy for initial and continuing training under the Eja / O trabalho investigou o percurso formativo dos professores do Programa Nacional de Educação Profissional Integrada à Educação Básica na Modalidade de Educação de Jovens e Adultos, por meio da Política de Formação Continuada efetivada no interior Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará - IFPA, desvelando a dinâmica da política educacional, suas relações e orientações para a efetivação dessa formação inseridas na proposta do Programa–PROEJA, instituído pelo Decreto nº 5.840/06. A pesquisa, com abordagem qualitativa, constitui-se um estudo de caso no IFPA, sede Belém, com recorte temporal a partir de 2006, data em que teve início a política de formação continuada na Instituição. Para consecução do objetivo da pesquisa foi realizada revisão bibliográfica do tema e levantamento de fontes documentais; análise documental referente ao PROEJA e ao Curso de Especialização-PROEJA, decretos, portarias, editais, proposta pedagógica, ata de reuniões, relatórios do Curso, dentre outros, buscando evidenciar aspectos legais e pedagógicos. Procedeu-se entrevistas semi-estruturadas com a coordenação da formação continuada; um professor de cada curso do PROEJA (informática, edificações, eletrotécnica e mecânica) que participou do curso de especialização e atua no PROEJA; o diretor geral (à época) do IFPA; uma professora que participou da implementação do Programa no Instituto e a coordenadora pedagógica do curso de especialização do PROEJA-IFPA. Realizou-se, ainda, grupo focal com alunos do PROEJA. Os resultados permitiram concluir que: a) O Programa e o curso de especialização do PROEJA foram implantados, em razão de uma determinação governamental publicada pelo Decreto n. 5.840/06; b) a formação continuada de professores/as do IFPA, apesar de não ter correspondido às expectativas em relação às especificidades da EJA como uma educação diferenciada, tendo como referência os teóricos estudados e os depoimentos dos ensinantes e aprendizes, demonstrou que, a formação ainda é o caminho a ser percorrido para a melhoria da prática pedagógica dos educadores e educadoras nessa busca da qualidade do ensino e da aprendizagem; c) No tocante à relação formação recebida na especialização e implicações na prática pedagógica dos professores do PROEJA, em relação à integração do ensino médio com a educação profissional e a EJA, evidenciou-se uma série de obstáculos para uma mudança qualitativa dessa prática: falta de priorização das especificidades da EJA; falta de sensibilização do corpo docente em relação a essa modalidade de ensino; desarticulação do ensino integrado, que, só tem de integrado a matrícula que é única e a inclusão de todas as disciplinas em um só período; falta de uma pedagogia emancipadora, que busque um trabalho participativo, colaborativo e dinâmico, e atenda às especificidades da EJA; resistências às mudanças; falta de um currículo integrado, pautado em um projeto político pedagógico integrador, interdisciplinar, com metodologia coerente e contextualizada com a realidade dos aprendentes, que contemple as especificidades organizativas de ensino, vislumbrando uma emancipação sociopolítica desses sujeitos. d) o dilema que envolve esse segmento educacional diz respeito a um problema estrutural e histórico. O paralelo traçado entre os avanços e/ou retrocessos da EJA nos governos FHC e Lula da Silva evidenciam uma situação complexa que precisa ser superada — a dualidade educacional inerente à uma sociedade de classes. e) É imprescindível uma política específica de formação inicial e continuada no âmbito da Eja

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