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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Real-Time Simulation for System Integration

Allen, Michael P. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1993 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Functional integration and validation of complex systems in an operational environment, prior to delivery or installation, can be expensive. Real-time simulation, in a lab environment, can replace hardware subsystems to provide the interfaces necessary to validate and or integrate the test article. The test article can be hardware, software or firmware. Multitasking simulations can provide modeling of subsystems and environmental sensor data for complex system integration. The simulation presented provides the capability to integrate 1553 remote terminals and provide validation of 1553 bus controller software.

Myten om machokulturen i byggbranschen / The myth of the macho culture

Arvidsson, Elin, Malmström, Helena January 2016 (has links)
Byggbranschen har länge varit kraftigt mansdominerad. I dagsläget finns intresse, både från samhället i stort och bland företagen i branschen, att öka andelen kvinnor. Svårigheterna med att få kvinnor att söka sig till, men framför allt stanna inom branschen beror till viss del på den djupt rotade machokulturen. Syftet med den här studien är att finna och belysa faktorer som får kvinnor att stanna i den mansdominerade branschen. Studien undersöker också hur ledaren bör agera och vilken typ av ledarskap som lämpar sig bäst för att integrera kvinnor i verksamheten och samtidigt motverka machokulturen. Studien visar att kvinnorna väljer att stanna i branschen då de är nöjda med de grundläggande faktorerna som arbetsuppgifter, arbetskamrater, lön och arbetstider. För att kvinnorna ska integreras i verksamheten krävs att de ges samma möjligheter på arbetsplatsen som de manliga kollegorna och att det är kompetensen hos individen som står i fokus. Machokulturen motverkas bäst med ett demokratiskt och situationsanpassat ledarskap med fokus på omtanke om de anställda.

Integrering av ensamkommande flyktingbarn, hur fungerar den? : En kritisk granskning ur boendepersonalens perspektiv / Integrating unaccompanied refugee children, how does it work?

Ohlsson, Jonas, Savolainen, Hampus January 2016 (has links)
Title: Integrating unaccompanied refugee children, how does it work? A critical survey from the staff’s perspective [Translated title]   Authors: Hampus Savolainen & Jonas Ohlsson   Supervisor: Melker Labory Assessor: Kerstin Arnesson   The aim of this study is to examine and analyze social workers perceptions on integrating unaccompanied refugee children. A raport published by UNHCR states that over 60 million people has been forced to leave their homes under the last few years due to war and tensions. The number of unaccompanied refugee children fleeing to Sweden has increased drastically, Now more than ever, questions about how to integrate these people in the most efficient way is important to study. In a qualitative approach, the study was conducted through seven interviews with representatives from residential care homes housing unaccompanied refugee children. By using semi-structured interviews to study the perceptions of integration among social workers at residential care homes we anticipated to find out what kind of perceptions they had on integration, and if they could identify any possibilities or obstacles regarding the integration of unaccompanied refugee children.   The study shows that linguistic knowledge was considered as the key component when it comes to integrating unaccompanied refugee children. The study also showed that social workers felt forced to change work procedures from a qualitative way of working to a quantitative way, resulting in less contact with the children. According to our study, social workers at residential care homes for unaccompanied refugee children felt they didn’t have enough time to connect, build and nurture relations with the children on a daily basis.  Our results underlines the importance of developing family like relations and friendships in order for to increase the unaccompanied refugee children’s possibilities to integrate into the Swedish society. The study shows that these kinds of relations are important for having a sense of well- being and purpose of life which strengthens the children and their will to move forward in life. Keywords: Integration, Unaccompanied Refugee Children, Residental care homes, Social work

Sveriges bästa svensk : En kvalitativ studie av filmens potential i undervisning om integration

Widing, Robin, Melin, Kristine January 2016 (has links)
Abstract   In the light of the political debate that takes place today – how refugees should be integrated into the Swedish society ­– the film Sveriges bästa svensk was created on the initiative of Arbetarnas bildningsförbund (ABF) and Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan (SV) to prevent racism and xenophobia through discussion, which the film aims to contribute with. The initiators of the film have said that it can work in multiple applications; one such area is in school. The main purpose of this study was to examine if the short-film Sveriges bästa svensk could be used as an educational tool, according to teachers, when they talk about integration issues with students. To get answers out of the investigation, qualitative interviews with teachers and students from the sixth and ninth grade were conducted. The study is based on three theoretical frameworks: the multimodal approach, which addresses how digital media has been given a greater purpose - how students' knowledge, learning and meaning evolve; the progressivistic perspective, which describes how students attain new knowledge based on specific educational activities, and finally the socio-scientific perspective, which through a teaching method called “SSI-projects” exemplifies how schools can work with social issues. The results of the study show that the teachers are positive in using Sveriges bästa svensk as a part of their education material. However, for it to have an influencing effect on students' attitudes and opinions, it should be used as a tool for discussion and/or be part of a larger project. The teachers’ statements can be linked to a progressivistic approach on teaching, and to the socio-scientific model of "SSI projects" that is based on how social issues can be explored. Furthermore, the teachers prefer to use film in their teaching because it mediates visual messages that can facilitate students' meaning, which the multimodal approach treats. The film raised new thoughts and ideas of the students through assimilation and accommodation, which can develop new insights and experiences about how society looks like.  Film as a medium, and in this case specifically exemplified by Sveriges bästa svensk can be expected to contribute to a change in society when it comes to including the broad concept of integration. Despite the values that students get from home about refugees and social issues in society, Sveriges bästa svensk has the potential to work as a tool for discussion about the issues of integration, and possibly begin to change the mindset of students. / Sammanfattning Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka huruvida lärare upplever att filmen Sveriges bästa svensk kan användas i skolundervisningen vid integrationsfrågor. Ytterligare ett syfte är att undersöka vad elever tycker om filmen och om den på något sätt har berört och givit dem en större insikt och förståelse i ämnet – detta för att se om eleverna på något vis bekräftar eller motsäger lärarnas upplevelser av filmens potential i undervisningen. Frågeställningarna är:   Hur bedömer lärare filmen Sveriges bästa svensk som resurs för undervisning om integrationsfrågor? Vilken betydelse har just mediet film i undervisning, ur lärarnas perspektiv? Vilka tankar och lärdomar beskriver ett urval elever som får se filmen?   Studien är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med fem lärare och fyra elever från årskurs 6 och 9. Studien utgår från tre teoretiska ramverk: ett multimodalt perspektiv, som behandlar hur digitala medier har fått en ny innebörd för hur elevers kunskap, lärande och meningsskapande utvecklas; det progressivistiska perspektivet, som beskriver hur elever uppnår ny kunskap utifrån specifika pedagogiska verksamheter, och slutligen det sociovetenskapliga perspektivet, vilket genom modellen ”SSI-projekt” konkretiserar hur skolor kan arbeta med breda samhällsproblem. Resultatet visar att lärarna är positiva till att använda Sveriges bästa svensk som undervisningsmaterial. För att den ska ha en påverkande effekt på elevers attityder och åsikter bör den användas som ett diskussionsunderlag och/eller vara en del av ett större arbete. Lärarnas utsagor kan anknytas till en progressivistisk syn på undervisningen, och till den sociovetenskapliga modell, “SSI-projekt” som bygger på hur samhällsfrågor kan undersökas. Resultatet visar att klimatet på skolan har en chans att förändras om eleverna får i grupp diskutera integrationsfrågor. Lärarna använder gärna film som undervisningsmaterial, om filmutbudet tillåter, då film förmedlar ett visuellt budskap som kan underlätta elevernas meningsskapande, vilket det multimodala perspektivet behandlar. Filmen väcker nya tankar och idéer hos eleverna genom assimilation och ackommodation (progressivistiska perspektivet) som kan utveckla nya insikter och erfarenheter kring hur samhället ser ut.   Nyckelord: Sveriges bästa svensk, integration, film, meningsskapande, lärande, kunskap

Den rumsliga strategin för nyanlända inom Kalmar kommun : En studie om Kalmar kommuns integrationsstrategier i förhållande till rum

Enarsson, Emil January 2017 (has links)
This essay provides a study of the plans for the spaces that is used to integrate newly arrived immigrants that occurs within the society of Kalmar. A qualitative analysis consisting of two official documents provided by the local authorities of Kalmar have been used, to examine what kind of strategy the local government use, when it comes to creating space to host and integrate newly arrived immigrants to the local society. Recent researches in the field of human geography and immigrants have shown that previously focus has been with the immigrants travel and what occurs at the borders. Recently the focus has shifted towards what happens on a regional scale when the immigrants settle down. This study provides results that show the desired spaces are constructed as places for integration both in action and in thought. Although many of the spaces that are constructed are with the intention to both integrate the new immigrants and create a multicultural society that benefits from the many cultures that flourish in it. The focus is not only on integration but also on a perspective of growth to be able to use the immigrants as work resources. And by doing so, the local government assure not only an integrated city but also makes the immigrants fill the gap in an economic and growth perspective. Conclusions that are drawn from this study shows that most spaces that is planned to be created will indeed help to bring different groups closer and bond to each other, but some of the plans may backfire and create segregation instead of integration.

Idrottsplatsen som målpunkt och mötesplats : En studie av idrottande ungdomars rörelsemönster och kontaktskapande mellan områden

Holmquist, Liz January 2017 (has links)
This research aimed to study how athletic adolescents move between different areas; what the nodes are and to which extent sports fields are of importance. Furthermore, the study was constructed to investigate if sports could be a factor in increasing the movement between residential areas and produce social integration. The methodology includes surveys with four football teams in Stockholm, a group interview with three adolescents and a spatial analysis of the two sport clubs’ (to which the teams belong) catchment areas. The findings show that friends are the most significant reason for young people to move between areas, closely followed by leisure activities and school. In addition, new friends from different residential areas are made through football. Girls, in contrast to boys, spend more time at the new friend’s homes in other residential areas. To athletic adolescences the sport field is a major node even outside practices. Though the sample is too narrow to generalise, the results from this study indicate that sport fields and sport both can act as a node and produce social integration.

Sammanhållen stad : En studie om förtätningsstrategier och social integration i Malmö

Sandqvist, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Ett vanligt förekommande drag i aktuella policys gällande stadsplanering är inriktningen mot att bygga tätt och funktionsblandat. Teorier om den täta staden menar att den fysiska närheten främjar socialt deltagande i samhället och att blandning av funktioner och bostadsformer kan generera socioekonomiskt utjämnande effekter. Dessa teorier har dock blivit kritiserade på olika sätt av forskning som menar att de saknar empiriska belägg. Med utgångspunkt i en fallstudie av Malmö stads förtätningsstrategier undersöker denna studie hur förtätning av bostadsområden kan påverka aspekter av den sociala sammanhållningen och social integration. Resultatet tyder på att det finns ett behov av att förhålla sig kritiskt till generella antaganden om hur en tät stadsstruktur kan påverka sociala processer. För att förtätningsprojekt ska fungera socialt hållbart krävs goda och breda kunskaper om den lokala kontexten och invånarnas tillvaro inom bostadsområdet och i staden som helhet. Med väl grundad kunskap om vilka behov och värden som finns i ett bostadsområde tycks dock förtätningsåtgärder ha förutsättningar att komplettera med funktioner och platser som kan främja aspekter av social sammanhållning och social integration.

Strategic integration in the Swedish nutritional online and offline market

Alexandersson, Fredrik, Said, Lobna January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how e-business might be integrated into a strategical framework. The strategical framework was based on the Nilsson and Rapp (2005) strategical framework, and e-business strategies were mainly based on customer relationship management strategies that are used in e-commerce companies. We selected Gröndals Apotek, Nu3 and Apotek Hjärtat as our sample, semi-structured interviews as our method and we found that given the external factors in the business environment, retaining and extending online marketing strategies could be integrated into the corporate strategy without taking into consideration of the firm-size. In addition, we found that e-business acquisition strategies such as SEM and blogs were more useful for different firm-sizes in order to create strategic congruence of integrating e-business into the corporate strategy. Lastly, online customer service and pricing were two features that could be appropriate features in the integrated online marketing strategies that aim’s in displaying the competitive advantage.

Integration and intercultural improvement in Araby/Dalbo : A pilot study about experiences and possibilities

Ramadhan, Delgash January 2016 (has links)
In the Swedish political debate there is a general agreement about the problems with the integration process regarding especially third country nationals from Africa and Asia. In various SOU reports,1 there are testimonies about flaws in the interaction between the majority community and minority groups (where newly arrived third-country nationals are an especially prevalent group). Thus, Sweden has for several decades been in transformation from a culturally relatively homogeneous nation into a multicultural society. There have of course been cultures like the Sami, Finnish, Roma and German present alongside the Swedish majority culture. However, today there are neighborhoods where people with a “traditional” Swedish cultural background are a minority. Furthermore in almost all parts of society, like school, health, media etc., there are indications of discrimination (SOU 2006:73). This seems to be in line with a general tendency within the European Union where increased multiculturality has been fueling anti-immigrant movements of which some has even gained enough popular support to gain seats in the EU-parliament.

Det är så exkluderande som det kan bli : En studie om arbetet med nyanlända elever i förberedelseklass

Markham, Sara, Happach, Jessica January 2016 (has links)
I dagens mångkulturella Sverige har begreppet integration kommit att bli ett hett ämne i många olika sociala och politiska sammanhang i takt med en ökad migration. Vår studie syftade till att undersöka hur arbetet kring nyanlända barn och ungdomar i förberedelseklasser fungerade utifrån de som arbetade kring dem. Vi intresserade oss då för hur lärare och ansvariga för stöd till nyanlända (STN-ansvariga) reflekterade kring sitt arbete med att främja en god integration hos eleverna. Detta gjorde vi med hjälp av kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och med en hermeneutisk metodansats. Vidare använde vi oss av teorier om inklusion och exklusion (Jönhill), etablerade och outsiders (Elias) och organisationsteori (Ahrne & Papakostas) för att analysera vårt empiriska material. Resultatet visar på att en god integration är något som måste ske ömsesidigt. Resultatet visar även hur det finns ett behov av att nyanlända till en början undervisas avskilt i förberedelseklasser innan de klass placeras för att ge dem så bra förutsättningar som möjligt. Det visar också på olika strukturer som på olika sett kan motverka en god integration.

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