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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

QTLs for oil content and their relationships to other agronomic traits in an European x Chinese oilseed rape population / QTL für Ölgehalt und deren Beziehung zu anderen agronomischen Eigenschaften in einer Europäisch x Chinesischen Winterraps-Population

Zhao, Jianyi 14 November 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Trematodes modulate aquatic food webs by altering host feeding behaviour

Vivas Muñoz, Jenny Carolina 01 November 2019 (has links)
Parasiten können den Energietransfer in Lebensgemeinschaften über trophische Kaskaden beeinflussen, indem sie Änderungen in den Konsumenten-Ressourcen-Interaktionen induzieren. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Rolle von Trematoden auf das Freßverhalten ihrer Wirte auf zwei trophischen Ebenen untersucht. Vier verschiedene Süßwasserschnecken-Trematoden-Systeme wurden verwendet, um zu testen, ob ein allgemeines Muster für die Auswirkung von Infektionen auf die Grazingaktivität von Schnecken auf das Periphyton nachgewiesen werden kann. Die Grazingraten auf Periphyton bei infizierten Schnecken entweder höher, niedriger oder ähnlich denen derjenigen von nicht infizierten Artgenossen. Augenparasiten können die Leistungsfähigkeit ihres Wirtes beeinträchtigen, was die Auswirkungen auf das Erkennen von Beutetieren, Raubtieren und Artgenossen hat. Mit Tylodelphys clavata experimentell infizierte Flussbarsche wurden mit zwei verschiedenen Beutetierarten eingesetzt, um das Fraßverhalten in Konkurrenz mit nicht infizierten Artgenossen zu untersuchen. Die Entfernung, aus der infizierte Fische die beiden Beutetierarten attackierten, war im Vergleich zu nicht infizierten Artgenossen signifikant kürzer. Die Tendenz war, dass nicht infizierte Fische mehr von den verfügbaren Beutetieren verzehrten. Um zu prüfen, ob der Fisch als Kompensation seine Beutepräferenz verändert, wurde die Beutezusammensetzung von Flussbarschen aus dem Müggelsees mittels Mageninhalts- und Stabilisotopenanalysen untersucht. Beide Methoden ergaben, dass sich die Fische mit zunehmender Intensität der Infektion selektiver ernährten, während sich geringer infizierte Fische Generalisten herausstellten. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie bestätigen, dass Trematoden eine wichtige Rolle in Nahrungsnetzen spielen können, indem sie das Freßverhalten ihres Wirtes verändern. Darüber hinaus können Trematoden so die Stärke der Interaktion ihrer Wirte mit anderen Arten auf verschiedenen trophischen Ebenen beeinflussen. / Parasites can influence energy transfer through communities via trophic cascades by inducing alterations on consumer-resource interactions. This study evaluated the role of trematodes on their host’s feeding behaviour at two trophic levels. Four different freshwater snail–trematode systems were used to test whether a general pattern can be detected for the impact of infections on snail periphyton grazing activity. Mass-specific periphyton grazing rates of infected snails were higher, lower, or similar to rates of non-infected conspecifics. The variation across systems may result from differences on how the parasites use the resources of the snail and thus affect its energy budget. Eye parasites can impair their host’s sensory performance with important consequences for the detection of prey, predators and conspecifics. European perch experimentally infected with Tylodelphys clavata were used to evaluate their feeding behaviour under competition with non-infected conspecifics, for two different prey species (Asellus aquaticus and Daphnia magna). The distance at which infected fish attacked both prey species was significantly shorter in comparison to non-infected conspecifics. Additionally, infected fish had more unsuccessful attacks and there was a general tendency that non-infected fish consumed more of the available prey. To evaluate whether fish alter their prey preference as a compensatory mechanism, perch from Lake Müggelsee were sampled and their diet was evaluated using both stomach content and stable isotope analyses. Both methods indicated that with increasing infection intensity fish had a more selective diet, while less intensively infected fish appeared to be generalist feeders. The results from this study confirm that trematodes can play a relevant role within food webs by altering their hosts’ feeding behaviour. Furthermore, in this way trematodes can affect the interaction strengths of their hosts with other species at various trophic levels.

Immune and metabolic processes jointly contribute to susceptibility to invasive parasites - The case of Anguillicola crassus in eels

Bracamonte, Seraina Emilia 06 March 2020 (has links)
Die Einschleppung gebietsfremder Parasiten durch den Menschen ist einer der Hauptgründe für das Auftreten neuer Krankheiten in the letzten Jahrzehnten. Neue Wirte sind oftmals anfälliger für diese invasiven Parasiten als die ursprünglichen Wirte. In schwerwiegenden Fällen können invasive Parasiten zu Massensterben und zum Aussterben ihrer neuen Wirte führen. Der ursprüngliche Wirt des Aalparasiten Anguillicola crassus ist der Japanische Aal. In den frühen 1980er Jahren wurde der Parasit in die Population des Europäischen Aals eingeschleppt. Er ist einer der Faktoren, die für den Populationsrückgang des Europäischen Aals verantwortlich sind. Die molekularen Prozesse, die zur stärkeren Anfälligkeit des Europäischen Aals im Vergleich zum Japanischen Aal führen, sind noch nicht zureichend bekannt. Die Analyse transkriptomweiter differenzieller Genexpression von Immungewebe ergab, dass im Europäischen Aal sowohl Immun- als auch Nichtimmungene differenziell exprimiert waren. Dies war im Japanischen Aal nicht der Fall und deutet darauf hin, dass der Europäische Aal eine ineffiziente und kostspielige Immunantwort auslöst. Die Resultate ensprechen jenen die schon in anderen Wirbeltierwirt-invasiven Parasiten-Systemen beobachtet wurden. Ausserdem stützen diese Resultate die Hypothese, dass neuen Wirten eine wirksame Immunantwort fehlt und sie deuten darauf hin, dass Nichtimmunprozesse wesentlich zur höheren Anfälligkeit von neuen Wirten beitragen. Als Reaktion of die negativen Fitnesseffekte können neue Wirte Abwehrmechanismen entwickeln. Im Europäischen Aal entspricht das der Einkapselung von A. crassus. Einkapselung führte zu eine niedrigere Abundanz adulter A. crassus. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass das Einkapseln sich positiv auf die Gesundheit infizierter Aale auswirkt. Jedoch war die Abundanz zweier nativer Parasiten höher in Aalen, die A. crassus einkapselten. Eine verbesserte Abwehr des eingeschleppten Parasiten könnte daher die Abwehr nativer Parasiten beeinträchtigen. / The human-mediated translocation of non-native parasites into foreign regions is one of the primary factors for the emergence of new diseases in recent decades. Novel hosts are often more susceptible to these invasive parasites than the native host. In severe cases, invasive parasites can lead to population declines and extinctions of their novel hosts. The eel parasite Anguillicola crassus is native to the Japanese eel. In the early 1980s it was introduced into the European eel population and is now considered to be one factor contributing to the population decline of its novel host. The underlying molecular processes determining higher susceptibility in the European eel compared to the Japanese eel are not well understood. Using whole-transcriptome differential gene expression analysis of immune organs, I found that genes involved in both immune and non-immune processes were differentially expressed in the European eel but not the Japanese eel, suggestive of an ineffective and costly immune response in the former. These results are in line with those observed between susceptible and resistant hosts in other vertebrate host-invasive parasite systems. Furthermore, the results support the hypothesis that novel hosts lack an effective immune response. The results also suggest that alteration of non-immune processes contributes substantially higher susceptibilities of novel hosts. In response to the negative fitness effects of invasive parasites, novel hosts can evolve coping mechanisms. The European eel has the capacity to encapsulate and kill A. crassus. Using natural infections, I found a lower abundance of adult A. crassus, the most costly parasitic stage in those eels encapsulating the parasite, suggesting that encapsulation can potentially improve health of infected eels. At the same time, the abundance of two native parasites was higher in those eels encapsulating A. crassus. Thus, coping with A. crassus may come at the expense of coping with native parasites.

Protein-protein interactions: impact of solvent and effects of fluorination

Samsonov, Sergey 16 November 2009 (has links)
Proteins have an indispensable role in the cell. They carry out a wide variety of structural, catalytic and signaling functions in all known biological systems. To perform their biological functions, proteins establish interactions with other bioorganic molecules including other proteins. Therefore, protein-protein interactions is one of the central topics in molecular biology. My thesis is devoted to three different topics in the field of protein-protein interactions. The first one focuses on solvent contribution to protein interfaces as it is an important component of protein complexes. The second topic discloses the structural and functional potential of fluorine's unique properties, which are attractive for protein design and engineering not feasible within the scope of canonical amino acids. The last part of this thesis is a study of the impact of charged amino acid residues within the hydrophobic interface of a coiled-coil system, which is one of the well-established model systems for protein-protein interactions studies. I. The majority of proteins interact in vivo in solution, thus studies of solvent impact on protein-protein interactions could be crucial for understanding many processes in the cell. However, though solvent is known to be very important for protein-protein interactions in terms of structure, dynamics and energetics, its effects are often disregarded in computational studies because a detailed solvent description requires complex and computationally demanding approaches. As a consequence, many protein residues, which establish water-mediated interactions, are neither considered in an interface definition. In the previous work carried out in our group the protein interfaces database (SCOWLP) has been developed. This database takes into account interfacial solvent and based on this classifies all interfacial protein residues of the PDB into three classes based on their interacting properties: dry (direct interaction), dual (direct and water-mediated interactions), and wet spots (residues interacting only through one water molecule). To define an interaction SCOWLP considers a donor–acceptor distance for hydrogen bonds of 3.2 Å, for salt bridges of 4 Å, and for van der Waals contacts the sum of the van der Waals radii of the interacting atoms. In previous studies of the group, statistical analysis of a non-redundant protein structure dataset showed that 40.1% of the interfacial residues participate in water-mediated interactions, and that 14.5% of the total residues in interfaces are wet spots. Moreover, wet spots have been shown to display similar characteristics to residues contacting water molecules in cores or cavities of proteins. The goals of this part of the thesis were: 1. to characterize the impact of solvent in protein-protein interactions 2. to elucidate possible effects of solvent inclusion into the correlated mutations approach for protein contacts prediction To study solvent impact on protein interfaces a molecular dynamics (MD) approach has been used. This part of the work is elaborated in section 2.1 of this thesis. We have characterized properties of water-mediated protein interactions at residue and solvent level. For this purpose, an MD analysis of 17 representative complexes from SH3 and immunoglobulin protein families has been performed. We have shown that the interfacial residues interacting through a single water molecule (wet spots) are energetically and dynamically very similar to other interfacial residues. At the same time, water molecules mediating protein interactions have been found to be significantly less mobile than surface solvent in terms of residence time. Calculated free energies indicate that these water molecules should significantly affect formation and stability of a protein-protein complex. The results obtained in this part of the work also suggest that water molecules in protein interfaces contribute to the conservation of protein interactions by allowing more sequence variability in the interacting partners, which has important implications for the use of the correlated mutations concept in protein interactions studies. This concept is based on the assumption that interacting protein residues co-evolve, so that a mutation in one of the interacting counterparts is compensated by a mutation in the other. The study presented in section 2.2 has been carried out to prove that an explicit introduction of solvent into the correlated mutations concept indeed yields qualitative improvement of existing approaches. For this, we have used the data on interfacial solvent obtained from the SCOWLP database (the whole PDB) to construct a “wet” similarity matrix. This matrix has been used for prediction of protein contacts together with a well-established “dry” matrix. We have analyzed two datasets containing 50 domains and 10 domain pairs, and have compared the results obtained by using several combinations of both “dry” and “wet” matrices. We have found that for predictions for both intra- and interdomain contacts the introduction of a combination of a “dry” and a “wet” similarity matrix improves the predictions in comparison to the “dry” one alone. Our analysis opens up the idea that the consideration of water may have an impact on the improvement of the contact predictions obtained by correlated mutations approaches. There are two principally novel aspects in this study in the context of the used correlated mutations methodology : i) the first introduction of solvent explicitly into the correlated mutations approach; ii) the use of the definition of protein-protein interfaces, which is essentially different from many other works in the field because of taking into account physico-chemical properties of amino acids and not being exclusively based on distance cut-offs. II. The second part of the thesis is focused on properties of fluorinated amino acids in protein environments. In general, non-canonical amino acids with newly designed side-chain functionalities are powerful tools that can be used to improve structural, catalytic, kinetic and thermodynamic properties of peptides and proteins, which otherwise are not feasible within the use of canonical amino acids. In this context fluorinated amino acids have increasingly gained in importance in protein chemistry because of fluorine's unique properties: high electronegativity and a small atomic size. Despite the wide use of fluorine in drug design, properties of fluorine in protein environments have not been yet extensively studied. The aims of this part of the dissertation were: 1. to analyze the basic properties of fluorinated amino acids such as electrostatic and geometric characteristics, hydrogen bonding abilities, hydration properties and conformational preferences (section 3.1) 2. to describe the behavior of fluorinated amino acids in systems emulating protein environments (section 3.2, section 3.3) First, to characterize fluorinated amino acids side chains we have used fluorinated ethane derivatives as their simplified models and applied a quantum mechanics approach. Properties such as charge distribution, dipole moments, volumes and size of the fluoromethylated groups within the model have been characterized. Hydrogen bonding properties of these groups have been compared with the groups typically presented in natural protein environments. We have shown that hydrogen and fluorine atoms within these fluoromethylated groups are weak hydrogen bond donors and acceptors. Nevertheless they should not be disregarded for applications in protein engineering. Then, we have implemented four fluorinated L-amino acids for the AMBER force field and characterized their conformational and hydration properties at the MD level. We have found that hydrophobicity of fluorinated side chains grows with the number of fluorine atoms and could be explained in terms of high electronegativity of fluorine atoms and spacial demand of fluorinated side-chains. These data on hydration agrees with the results obtained in the experimental work performed by our collaborators. We have rationally engineered systems that allow us to study fluorine properties and extract results that could be extrapolated to proteins. For this, we have emulated protein environments by introducing fluorinated amino acids into a parallel coiled-coil and enzyme-ligand chymotrypsin systems. The results on fluorination effect on coiled-coil dimerization and substrate affinities in the chymotrypsin active site obtained by MD, molecular docking and free energy calculations are in strong agreement with experimental data obtained by our collaborators. In particular, we have shown that fluorine content and position of fluorination can considerably change the polarity and steric properties of an amino acid side chain and, thus, can influence the properties that a fluorinated amino acid reveals within a native protein environment. III. Coiled-coils typically consist of two to five right-handed α-helices that wrap around each other to form a left-handed superhelix. The interface of two α-helices is usually represented by hydrophobic residues. However, the analysis of protein databases revealed that in natural occurring proteins up to 20% of these positions are populated by polar and charged residues. The impact of these residues on stability of coiled-coil system is not clear. MD simulations together with free energy calculations have been utilized to estimate favourable interaction partners for uncommon amino acids within the hydrophobic core of coiled-coils (Chapter 4). Based on these data, the best hits among binding partners for one strand of a coiled-coil bearing a charged amino acid in a central hydrophobic core position have been selected. Computational data have been in agreement with the results obtained by our collaborators, who applied phage display technology and CD spectroscopy. This combination of theoretical and experimental approaches allowed to get a deeper insight into the stability of the coiled-coil system. To conclude, this thesis widens existing concepts of protein structural biology in three areas of its current importance. We expand on the role of solvent in protein interfaces, which contributes to the knowledge of physico-chemical properties underlying protein-protein interactions. We develop a deeper insight into the understanding of the fluorine's impact upon its introduction into protein environments, which may assist in exploiting the full potential of fluorine's unique properties for applications in the field of protein engineering and drug design. Finally we investigate the mechanisms underlying coiled-coil system folding. The results presented in the thesis are of definite importance for possible applications (e.g. introduction of solvent explicitly into the scoring function) into protein folding, docking and rational design methods. The dissertation consists of four chapters: ● Chapter 1 contains an introduction to the topic of protein-protein interactions including basic concepts and an overview of the present state of research in the field. ● Chapter 2 focuses on the studies of the role of solvent in protein interfaces. ● Chapter 3 is devoted to the work on fluorinated amino acids in protein environments. ● Chapter 4 describes the study of coiled-coils folding properties. The experimental parts presented in Chapters 3 and 4 of this thesis have been performed by our collaborators at FU Berlin. Sections 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2 and Chapter 4 have been submitted/published in peer-reviewed international journals. Their organization follows a standard research article structure: Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results and discussion, and Conclusions. Section 3.3, though not published yet, is also organized in the same way. The literature references are summed up together at the end of the thesis to avoid redundancy within different chapters.

Grassland type and seasonal effects have a bigger influence on plant functional and taxonomical diversity than prairie dog disturbances in semiarid grasslands

Rodriguez-Barrera, Maria Gabriela, Kühn, Ingolf, Estrada-Castillón, Eduardo, Cord, Anna F. 21 May 2024 (has links)
Prairie dogs (Cynomys sp.) are considered keystone species and ecosystem engineers for their grazing and burrowing activities (summarized here as disturbances). As climate changes and its variability increases, the mechanisms underlying organisms' interactions with their habitat will likely shift. Understanding the mediating role of prairie dog disturbance on vegetation structure, and its interaction with environmental conditions through time, will increase knowledge on the risks and vulnerability of grasslands. Here, we compared how plant taxonomical diversity, functional diversity metrics, and community-weighted trait means (CWM) respond to prairie dog C. mexicanus disturbance across grassland types and seasons (dry and wet) in a priority conservation semiarid grassland of Northeast Mexico. Our findings suggest that functional metrics and CWM analyses responded to interactions between prairie dog disturbance, grassland type and season, whilst species diversity and cover measures were less sensitive to the role of prairie dog disturbance. We found weak evidence that prairie dog disturbance has a negative effect on vegetation structure, except for minimal effects on C4 and graminoid cover, but which depended mainly on season. Grassland type and season explained most of the effects on plant functional and taxonomic diversity as well as CWM traits. Furthermore, we found that leaf area as well as forb and annual cover increased during the wet season, independent of prairie dog disturbance. Our results provide evidence that grassland type and season have a stronger effect than prairie dog disturbance on the vegetation of this short-grass, water-restricted grassland ecosystem. We argue that focusing solely on disturbance and grazing effects is misleading, and attention is needed on the relationships between vegetation and environmental conditions which will be critical to understand semiarid grassland dynamics under future climate change conditions in the region.

Site-specific functionalization of antigen binding proteins for cellular delivery, imaging and target modulation

Schumacher, Dominik 09 November 2017 (has links)
Antikörper und Antigen-bindende Proteine, die an Fluorophore, Tracer und Wirkstoffe konjugiert sind, sind einzigartige Moleküle, welche die Entwicklung wertvoller diagnostischer und therapeutischer Werkzeuge ermöglichen. Allerdings ist der Konjugationsschritt sehr anspruchsvoll und trotz intensiver Forschung noch immer ein bedeutender Engpass. Zusätzlich sind Antigen-bindende Proteine oftmals nicht dazu in der Lage, die Zellmembran zu durchdringen und im Zellinneren nicht funktionsfähig. Daher ist ihre Verwendung auf extrazelluläre Targets beschränkt, was eine bedeutende Anzahl wichtiger Antigene vernachlässigt. Beide Limitierungen bilden Kernaspekte dieser Arbeit. Mit Tub-tag labeling wurde ein neuartiges und vielseitiges Verfahren für die ortsspezifische Funktionalisierung von Biomolekülen und Antigen-bindenden Proteinen entwickelt, und so die Palette der Proteinfunktionalisierungen bedeutend erweitert. Tub-tag wurde erfolgreich für die ortsspezifische Funktionalisierung verschiedener Proteine und Antigen-bindender Nanobodies angewendet, die für konfokale Mikroskopie, Proteinanreicherung und hochauflösende Mikroskopie eingesetzt wurden. In einem weiteren Projekt wurden zellpermeable Antigen-bindende Nanobodies hergestellt und somit das schon lange Zeit bestehende Ziel, intrazelluläre Targets durch in vitro funktionalisierte Antigen-bindende Proteine zu visualisieren und manipulieren, erreicht. Hierzu wurden zwei verschiedene Nanobodies an ihrem C-Terminus cyclischen zellpenetrierenden Peptiden unter Verwendung von Expressed Protein Ligation funktionalisiert. Diese Peptide ermöglichten die Endozytose-unabhängige Aufnahme der Nanobodies mit sofortiger Bioverfügbarkeit. Mit Tub-tag labeling und der Synthese von zellpermeablen Nanobodies konnten wichtige Bottlenecks im Bereich der Proteinfunktionalisierung und Antikörperforschung adressiert werden und neue Tools für die biochemische und zellbiologische Forschung entwickelt werden. / Antibodies and antigen binding proteins conjugated to fluorophores, tracers and drugs are powerful molecules that enabled the development of valuable diagnostic and therapeutic tools. However, the conjugation itself is highly challenging and despite intense research efforts remains a severe bottleneck. In addition to that, antibodies and antigen binding proteins are often not functional within cellular environments and unable to penetrate the cellular membrane. Therefore, their use is limited to extracellular targets leaving out a vast number of important antigens. Both limitations are core aspects of the presented thesis. With Tub-tag labeling, a novel and versatile method for the site-specific functionalization of biomolecules and antigen binding proteins was developed expanding the toolbox of protein functionalization. The method is based on the microtubule enzyme tubulin tyrosine ligase. Tub-tag labeling was successfully applied for the site-specific functionalization of different proteins including antigen binding nanobodies which enabled confocal microscopy, protein enrichment and super-resolution microscopy. In addition to that, cell permeable antigen binding nanobodies have been generated constituting a long thought goal of tracking and manipulating intracellular targets by in vitro functionalized antigen binding proteins. To achieve this goal, two different nanobodies were functionalized at their C-terminus with linear and cyclic cell-penetrating peptides using expressed protein ligation. These peptides triggered the endocytosis independent uptake of the nanobodies with immediate bioavailability. Taken together, Tub-tag labeling and the generation of cell-permeable antigen binding nanobodies strongly add to the functionalization of antibodies and their use in biochemistry, cell biology and beyond.

A quantitative interaction screen for neurodegenerative disease proteins

Hosp, Fabian 07 February 2013 (has links)
Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschreibt die Durchführung eines quantitativen Ansatzes zur Detektion von Protein-Protein-Interaktionen (PPI) mit einem Schwerpunkt für Proteine, die in vier häufigen neurodegenerativen Krankheiten eine Rolle spielen: die Alzheimer-, Parkinson- und Huntington-Krankheit, sowie die spinozerebelläre Ataxie Typ 1 (SCA1). Die Interaktionsstudie kombiniert die stabile Isotopen-Markierung von Aminosäuren in der Zellkultur mit der Affinitätsaufreinigung von Proteinen und hochauflösender Massenspektrometrie. Dieser Ansatz zielt darauf ab, systematisch die Interaktionspartner von gesunden und krankheitsassoziierten Proteinvarianten zu identifizieren und zu quantifizieren. Darüber hinaus wurde das quantitative Interaktionsverfahren genutzt, um zu prüfen ob PPI durch krankheitsassoziierte Mutationen beeinträchtigt werden. Neben der Validierung möglicher Nebeneffekte, sowie dem Vergleich mit Informationen über PPI aus der Literatur, wurde ein Teil der identifizierten Interaktoren durch zusätzliche Koimmunopräzipitations-Experimente in zwei verschiedenen Zelllinien bestätigt. Mit Hilfe von Drosophila SCA1-Krankheitsmodellen und in Kombination mit RNAi-basierter Stummschaltung identifizierter Interaktoren wurde festgestellt, dass ein großer Teil der Kandidaten Neurodegeneration in vivo beeinflusst. Zusätzlich wurden die Alzheimer-spezifischen PPI-Daten auf genomweite Assoziationsstudien übertragen. Bemerkenswerterweise waren Polymorphismen in einzelnen Nukleotiden in den Genen zugehöriger Interaktoren wahrscheinlicher mit solchen Genen assoziiert, die eine Prädisposition für die Alzheimer-Krankheit haben, als mit zufällig ausgewählten Genen. Schlussendlich konnten Folgeexperimente für zwei ausgewählte Interaktionspartner den Nachweis für eine bislang unbekannte Rolle der N-Glykosylierung und einen neuen Zusammenhang zwischen dem RNA-bindenden Protein LRPPRC und mitochondrialer Dysfunktion in der Alzheimer-Krankheit vorlegen. / The first part of the present thesis describes the establishment of a quantitative protein-protein interaction (PPI) screen with a focus on proteins involved in four common neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs): Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Huntington’s disease (HD) and spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 (SCA1). The interaction screen combines stable-isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) with protein affinity purification and high-resolution mass spectrometry. This approach aims to systematically identify and quantify interaction partners of normal and known disease-associated variants of proteins involved in NDDs. Moreover, the quantitative interaction screen was employed to study how PPIs are affected by disease-associated mutations. Along with validation of possible off-target effects and comparison of the data with literature-reported PPIs, a subset of identified interactors was validated by additional co-immunoprecipitation experiments in two different cell lines. Utilizing Drosophila models for SCA1 in combination with RNAi-mediated silencing of identified interactors, a large fraction of candidates was observed to also affect neurodegeneration in vivo. In addition, AD-specific PPI data was mapped to patient cohort data obtained from genome-wide associations studies. Notably, single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the genes of interactors of the disease-associated protein variants were more likely associated with susceptibility to AD than randomly selected genes. Finally, functional follow-ups for two selected interaction partners provided evidence for a yet unreported role of N-linked glycosylation in AD, and a novel link to mitochondrial dysfunction in AD by means of the RNA-binding protein LRPPRC.

Untersuchungen zur Morphologie, Biologie und Ökologie der räuberischen Weichwanze Dicyphus errans Wolff (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae) / Investigaciones sobre la morfología, biología y ecología del mírido depredador Dicyphus errans Wolff (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae) / Investigations of the morphology, biology and ecology of the predatory mirid bug Dicyphus errans Wolff (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae)

Voigt, Dagmar 15 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Die paläarktische omnivore Weichwanze Dicyphus errans Wolff (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae) zeichnet sich durch ein ausgesprochen breites Spektrum an besetzten Wirtspflanzen und konsumierten Beutetieren aus. Über 150 von D. errans akzeptierte Pflanzenarten sind erstmalig belegt worden. Der erfolgreiche Verzehr von 15 Beute-tierarten wurde quantitativ nachgewiesen. Eine weitere Besonderheit der Wanze besteht in der Präferenz für glandulär behaarte Pflanzen. Die Weichwanze besetzt somit von vielen anderen Insekten gemiedene Nischen. Untersuchungen im Botanischen Garten der Technischen Universität Dresden (2000 bis 2002) ließen auf eine bemerkenswerte räuberische Aktivität und Anpassungsfähigkeit an unterschiedliche Habitate, Beutetiere und Klimabedingungen schließen. Die fortführenden Studien im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation (2002 bis 2005) erbrachten umfassende Erkenntnisse über die Art D. errans im Hinblick auf deren Morphologie, Vermehrung und Haltung, Bionomie und Ökologie (Fekundität und Ontogenese in Abhängigkeit von ausgewählten Einflussfaktoren, Dormanz), Aufenthalt und Fortbewegung (räumliche Orientierung und strukturanalytische Studien zu den Interaktionen zwischen Wanze und Pflanzenoberflächen), den Nahrungserwerb (Verzehrleistung und Omnivorie) sowie Videodokumentationen der Lebensweise und des Verhaltens. Der Generalist und Opportunist D. errans integriert sich als Pflanzensaftsauger regulierendes Kompartiment neben echten Räubern und Parasitoiden in Biozönosen. Als omnivores Insekt übernimmt die Wanze eine intermediäre und supplementäre Position in Nahrungsnetzen. Die Lebensweise dieser Weichwanzenart erscheint sehr komplex. Die enge Assoziation mit Pflanzen tritt stark in den Vordergrund. Sie ist in jeglichen Betrachtungen von D. errans unbedingt zu berücksichtigen und bietet außerdem als ein Modellsystem ein spannendes Forschungsfeld im Hinblick auf die Adaptation partiell räuberisch lebender Insekten an behaarte Pflanzen. / The omnivorous mirid bug Dicyphus errans Wolff (Heteroptera, Miridae, Bryocorinae) lives on a wide range of host plants and feeds on various preys. Over 150 plant species accepted by the mirid bug have been identified. It was experimentally shown that 15 prey species are efficiently consumed. Another characteristical features of D. errans is that it preferes hairy plants. Thus, the mirid bug occupies unique niches avoided by many other insects. Investigations, carried out at the Botanical Garden of the Technical University of Dresden (2000-2002) gave evidence for a remarkable predatory activity and ability to adaptation to different habitats, preys and climate conditions. The studies presented in the dissertation (2002-2005) gave the comprehensive knowledge about the species D. errans, especially its morphology, rearing, bionomy and ecology (fecundity and ontogenesis depending on selected factors, dormancy), habitat preference and locomotion (spatial orientation and structural-analytical studies of the interactions between the bug and plant surfaces), foraging and food ingestion (predatory capacity and omnivory). In addition, video documentation of the modus vivendi and the behavior was performed. The generalist and opportunist D. errans lives together with predators and parasitoids and takes part in a biological control of phytophagous insects in biocenoses. The life history of this bug species appeared to be very complex. The close association to plants has to be considered. Dicyphus errans offers a model system for further research on omnivorous predatory insects connected with hairy plants.

Investigations on the effects of dietary insoluble and soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) on host-parasite interactions in laying hen chicks infected with Heterakis gallinarum or Ascaridia galli / Untersuchungen zum Einfluß löslicher und unlöslicher Nicht-Stärke-Polysaccharide (NSP) im Futter auf Parasit-Wirt-Interaktionen bei wachsenden Junghennen

Daş, Gürbüz 16 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Pflanze-Herbivore-Parasitoid Interaktionen auf Wildrosenarten und ihren Hybriden entlang eines geographischen Gradienten / Plant-herbivore-parasitoid interations on dog rose species and their hybrids along a geographic gradient

Klinge, Katrin 19 January 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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