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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os PCN de matemática do ensino fundamental: um exame sobre o processo de elaboração e a divulgação em Sergipe

Matos, Raquel Rosário 14 May 2013 (has links)
This work presents the results of a research it had as objective to investigate the National Curricular Parameters - Mathematics PCN of the last two cycles of Primary Education in the period from 1996-2008, as regards the process of preparing and performed courses, for the dissemination of PCN in Sergipe it s offered by members of the technical team of the State Department of Education Sport and Leisure of Sergipe - SEED. Firstly were performed readings about curriculum from authors such as Sacristan (1998), Goodson (1995), Veiga Neto (2002) and Silva (2009), to understand the extent which the PCN can or cannot be categorized in relation to theories of curriculum. And from these analyses sources collected were taken as reference D Ambrosio (1989) and Mendes (2009) and for methodology trends, Valente (2007) for sources treatments. Semistructured interviews were also realized, especially made with Ruy Cesar Pietropaolo, one of the participants in the process of elaboration about initial and final version about PCN Mathematics. Even sources were taken as the opinions on the preliminary version of the PCN, the curriculum developed by Sergipian, planning teaching, ministering record, evaluation form and certificate courses about PCN, belonging to the archival Center Personal Qualification Prof. Antonio Garcia Filho. From these sources collected and examined, It‟s possible to include Sergipe in the map of the states with produced opinions on the preliminary version of the PCN, and declare that as it happened in other states, in Sergipe there was a Mathematics Curriculum Proposal dated 1995 with similar themes inserted in the PCN, as example: The problem solving and mathematical games. It was found that during almost a decade there was training courses with involved these and other issues that have gained force prescriptive orientation from the publication of the parameters. Finally, it was found during the stage of dissemination of topics related to PCN, there was a process of adaptation from the understanding that trainers have had in relation to: for example, the organization of content about the use of resources and methodologies. And probably because of that, the game was one of the most prominent thematic featured in the courses. / Neste trabalho e apresentado o resultado de uma pesquisa que teve por objetivo investigar sobre os Parametros Curriculares Nacionais . PCN de Matematica, dos dois ultimos ciclos do Ensino Fundamental, no periodo de 1996 a 2008, no que diz respeito ao processo de elaboracao e aos cursos realizados, para a divulgacao dos PCN em Sergipe e ofertados por membros da equipe tecnica da Secretaria de Estado da Educacao do Desporto e Lazer de Sergipe - SEED. Inicialmente foram efetuadas leituras sobre curriculo, a partir de autores como Sacristan (1998), Goodson (1995), Veiga Neto (2002) e Silva (2009), para compreender em que medida os PCN podem ou nao ser categorizados em relacao as teorias de e sobre curriculo. E para exame das fontes coletadas foram tomados como referentes D.Ambrosio (1989) e Mendes (2009) para as tendencias metodologicas e Valente (2007) para o tratamento das fontes. Tambem foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, com destaque para a efetuada com Ruy Cesar Pietropaolo, um dos participes do processo de elaboracao da versao inicial e final dos PCN de Matematica. Ainda foram tomados como fontes os pareceres sobre a versao preliminar dos PCN, a proposta curricular elaborada por sergipanos, planejamentos didaticos, ficha de ministrantes, ficha de avaliacao e certificados de cursos sobre os PCN pertencentes ao acervo do arquivo do Centro de Qualificacao Pessoal ¡°Prof.¨¬ Antonio Garcia Filho¡±. A partir dessas fontes coletadas e examinadas e possivel incluir Sergipe no mapa dos estados que produziram pareceres sobre a versao preliminar dos PCN, e afirmar que assim como aconteceu em outros estados, em Sergipe houve uma Proposta Curricular de Matematica datada de 1995 com tematicas semelhantes as postas nos PCN, a exemplo: da resolucao de problema matematico e dos jogos. Foi constatado ainda que durante quase uma decada houve cursos de formacao, envolvendo essas e outras tematicas que ganharam forca de orientacao prescritiva a partir da publicacao dos Parametros. Por fim, constatou-se que durante a etapa de divulgacao de tematicas vinculadas aos PCN, ocorreu um processo de adaptacao a partir dos entendimentos que os formadores ja possuiam em relacao a por exemplo, a organizacao dos conteudos, ao uso de recursos e as metodologias. E provavelmente, por conta disso, o jogo foi uma das tematicas mais destacada nos cursos.

Elaboração, realização e resultados da aplicação de uma proposta alternativa para o ensino de ciências em aulas experimentais

Santos, Edvaldo José dos 12 August 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this dissertation, linked to Curriculum Research, Teaching and Teaching Methods of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, consisted of preparing an alternative proposal for teaching physics lab, anchored by a new methodological possibility of teaching. The adopted theoretical perspective indicated the fundamentals that discuss the need to insert innovative methods to make this education more accessible and less intimidating. The study relied on the concepts of reflective teacher and interdisciplinary nature, used as a reference for developing an activity of investigative character. In order to build critical awareness of the student, the proposal was applied to a specific group of students, checking for changes in attitudes as a result of this process of teaching and learning. After application of the material in a Federal Institute of Education, the city of Aracaju / SE, the results show that the developed proposal trends to facilitate student learning and reasoning. / O principal objetivo desta dissertação, vinculada à linha de pesquisa Currículo, Didáticas e Métodos de Ensino das Ciências Naturais e Matemática, consistiu em elaborar uma proposta alternativa para o ensino de laboratório de Física, ancorada em uma nova possibilidade metodológica de trabalho docente. A perspectiva teórica adotada indicou os fundamentos que discutem a necessidade de se inserir métodos inovadores para tornar esse ensino mais acessível e menos intimidador. O estudo apoiou-se nos conceitos de professor reflexivo e da interdisciplinaridade, utilizados como referência para desenvolver uma atividade de caráter investigativo. Visando à construção da consciência crítica do aluno, a proposta foi aplicada a um grupo específico de alunos, verificando-se as mudanças de atitudes em decorrência deste processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Após a aplicação do material em um Instituto Federal de Ensino, no município de Aracaju/SE, os resultados mostram que a proposta desenvolvida tende a facilitar a argumentação e o aprendizado discente.

Mezioborové vztahy fyziky a chemie v přírodovědném vzdělávání / Interdisciplinary relations of physics and chemistry in science education

Konečný, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Title: Interdisciplinary relations of physics and chemistry in science education Abstract: This master's degree thesis deals with the topic of interdisciplinary relations of chemistry and physics in science education. According to the review, to conveniently integrate physics and chemistry the appropriate topics and approaches were selected. The thesis includes teaching materials and worksheets to the three topics (Evolution of the Universe and the Origin of Elements, Luminescence and Composition and Properties of Matter) that are suitable for integration of physics and chemistry. The teaching material "Evolution of the Universe and the Origin of the Elements" includes a study text for teachers and a shorter study text for pupils. The teaching material "Luminescence" is based on an independent research done by pupils with their own crafted UV-lamp, completed with the facts included in a powerpoint presentation. The teaching material "Composition and Properties of Matter" consists of three parts (The paraffin, The Candle and The Properties of Selected Organic Substances) and is designed for an independent research done by pupils. Listed study materials were checked by teachers during meetings and seminars. The thesis also includes an evaluation of listed study materials by an expert group of high school...

Literary texts and the ESOL reader : preparing for an inter-disciplinary approach to literature study in South African schools

Kilfoil, Wendy Ruth 09 September 2015 (has links)
D.Litt et Phil. / The aim of this study is to illustrate how literature study in English at secondary and teacher-training levels could be informed by an inter-disciplinary perspective which would transform the classroom methodology. The teaching of English literature to speakers of other languages focuses on data-driven decoding, low-level comprehension and literary criticism at the expense of reading experience, personal but informed response and the development of literary competence ...

Integrating the fine arts into a niddle school classroom

Herr, Kerry Ellen 01 January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

The X-33 and the X-38 experimental aircraft: environmental connections with aerospace science

Martin, Elandriel Jean 01 January 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this project fosters in students a sense of place and connection with their home area. It also provides students a real-world basis upon which to study the concepts of weather and geography.

Heidi Salaetsová a její přínos pro vývoj teorie tlumočení / Heidi Salaets and her Contribution to the Development of Interpreting Studies

Lerchová, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
This Master's thesis provides an overview of the work of the contemporary Belgian researcher, teacher and interpreter Heidi Salaets. It focuses on the prominent fields of her research, which is predominantly legal interpreting but also videoconference interpreting and interpreting in healthcare. The thesis introduces research projects the Belgian researcher was involved in as their coordinator or coresearcher. It includes a biography of Heidi Salaets, an overview of her didactic activities and reception of her research in the Czech Republic. The main motivation for this thesis was to introduce this important persona of Belgian interpreting studies to the Czech academic community. This is a theoretical descriptive study that was written as a follow-up to other theses dedicated to famous personalities of the international interpreting studies scene. Key words: Heidi Salaets, interpreting studies, interdisciplinary approach, legal interpreting, police interpreting, health care interpreting, interpreting for children, videoconference interpreting

Oбрада функције дате помоћу одређеног интеграла у процесу математичког моделирања / Obrada funkcije date pomoću određenog integrala u procesu matematičkog modeliranja / Treatment of function given by a definite integral in a proces of mathematical modelling

Milanović Ivana 23 January 2015 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији презентовано је педагошко истраживање које се односи на увођење<br />математичког моделирања као савременог методичког приступа учењу математике, његову примену у<br />наставној пракси, као и на могућност да се кроз математичко моделирање проблема, појава и процеса који<br />се обрађују у неком другом наставном предмету оствари модернији, интердисциплинарни приступ<br />средњошколској настави. Све то у циљу афирмације иновативног, креативног и напредног математичког<br />мишљења, квалитетног, структуираног и функционалногзнања, које се у овом истраживању односи на<br />одређене наставне садржаје математичке анализе. У наставни процес интегрисан је осмишљен и израђен<br />пројекат чија је реализација омогућила успостављањемеђупредметне корелације, изучавање функција и<br />њихових примена у научним проблемима кроз процесе математичког моделирања. Нарочита пажња<br />посвећена је реализацији когнитивних активности ученика у свакој етапи процеса математичког<br />моделирања и остваривању њиховог вертикално-кумулативног поретка. Као посебна активност усмерена на<br />потребе и циљеве одабраних процеса математичког моделирања и усклађена са наставним садржајима<br />који су изучавани, уведен је и примењен нови методички приступ у обради функција датих помоћу<br />одређеног интеграла, са посебним акцентом на анализу логаритамске функције дате помоћу одређеног<br />интеграла, а затим и анализу експоненцијалне функције, као инверзне логаритамској. Један део<br />истраживања фокусиран је на увођење и реализацију назначене нове методичке концепције у обради<br />функција датих помоћу одређеног интеграла и на високошколском нивоу учења математичке анализе.<br />Испитивање ефикасности примењених нових, савременихметодичких приступа у раду са ученицима,<br />односно студентима, уз планску и систематску употребу рачунара са одговарајућом софтверском<br />подршком, обрађено је компаративном анализом резултата педагошких експеримената. На основу<br />резултата истраживања утврђен је позитиван утицај предложених методичких приступа на квалитет<br />математичког знања ученика, односно студената, и оствареност оптималних резултата у учењу и изучавању<br />наставних садржаја из области функције.</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji prezentovano je pedagoško istraživanje koje se odnosi na uvođenje<br />matematičkog modeliranja kao savremenog metodičkog pristupa učenju matematike, njegovu primenu u<br />nastavnoj praksi, kao i na mogućnost da se kroz matematičko modeliranje problema, pojava i procesa koji<br />se obrađuju u nekom drugom nastavnom predmetu ostvari moderniji, interdisciplinarni pristup<br />srednjoškolskoj nastavi. Sve to u cilju afirmacije inovativnog, kreativnog i naprednog matematičkog<br />mišljenja, kvalitetnog, struktuiranog i funkcionalnogznanja, koje se u ovom istraživanju odnosi na<br />određene nastavne sadržaje matematičke analize. U nastavni proces integrisan je osmišljen i izrađen<br />projekat čija je realizacija omogućila uspostavljanjemeđupredmetne korelacije, izučavanje funkcija i<br />njihovih primena u naučnim problemima kroz procese matematičkog modeliranja. Naročita pažnja<br />posvećena je realizaciji kognitivnih aktivnosti učenika u svakoj etapi procesa matematičkog<br />modeliranja i ostvarivanju njihovog vertikalno-kumulativnog poretka. Kao posebna aktivnost usmerena na<br />potrebe i ciljeve odabranih procesa matematičkog modeliranja i usklađena sa nastavnim sadržajima<br />koji su izučavani, uveden je i primenjen novi metodički pristup u obradi funkcija datih pomoću<br />određenog integrala, sa posebnim akcentom na analizu logaritamske funkcije date pomoću određenog<br />integrala, a zatim i analizu eksponencijalne funkcije, kao inverzne logaritamskoj. Jedan deo<br />istraživanja fokusiran je na uvođenje i realizaciju naznačene nove metodičke koncepcije u obradi<br />funkcija datih pomoću određenog integrala i na visokoškolskom nivou učenja matematičke analize.<br />Ispitivanje efikasnosti primenjenih novih, savremenihmetodičkih pristupa u radu sa učenicima,<br />odnosno studentima, uz plansku i sistematsku upotrebu računara sa odgovarajućom softverskom<br />podrškom, obrađeno je komparativnom analizom rezultata pedagoških eksperimenata. Na osnovu<br />rezultata istraživanja utvrđen je pozitivan uticaj predloženih metodičkih pristupa na kvalitet<br />matematičkog znanja učenika, odnosno studenata, i ostvarenost optimalnih rezultata u učenju i izučavanju<br />nastavnih sadržaja iz oblasti funkcije.</p> / <p>In this PhD dissertation pedagogical research related to introduction of mathematical modeling as a<br />modern methodical approach to learning mathematics is presented, its application in teaching practice,as well<br />as possibilities to achieve modern, interdisciplinary approach to high school teaching, using mathematical<br />modeling of problems, phenomenons and processes which are being looked at in another ciruculum subject. The<br />intention is to affirm innovative, creative and advanced mathematical thinking, high quality, structured and<br />functional knowledge, which in this study refers tospecific areas of mathematical analysis. A well thought<br />project was designed and constructed in such a way&nbsp; to integrate within the teaching process, and its<br />implementation has enabled the establishment of interdisciplinary correlation and the study of functions and<br />their use in scientific problems through the process of mathematical modelling. Special attention is paid to the<br />realization of cognitive activities of pupils in each stage of the process of mathematical modelling, and acheiving<br />their vertically-cumulative order. As a separate activity focused on the goals and needs of selected processes of<br />mathematical modeling, harmonized with teaching content being studied, a new methodical approach was<br />introduced and applied to treat functions given by&nbsp; a definite integral, with special emphasis on treatment of<br />logarithmic function given by a definite integral,&nbsp; and followed by treatment of the exponential function as the<br />inverse logarithmic. A part of the research is focused on the introduction and implementation of new methodical<br />concept in treatment of functions given by a definite integral and on university level of studying mathematical<br />analysis. Efficiency of these new and modern methodical approaches was tested on pupils and students,&nbsp; with<br />planned and systematic usage of computers and appropriate software, and processed by comparative analysis of<br />results obtained by pedagogical experiments. Results have shown positive impact of proposed methodical<br />approaches to the quality of pupils&rsquo; and students&rsquo;&nbsp; mathematical knowledge, and the achievement of optimal<br />results in learning and studying of teaching content on mathematical functions.</p>

Teaching vocabulary through integrated curriculum improves reading comprehension

Cox, Linda Carol 01 January 2005 (has links)
This investigation was designed to determine if teaching vocabulary through integrating English and Social Studies curricula would provide tenth grade students who are poor readers with strategies to improve their reading comprehension. The strategies used were designed to support struggling readers and English language development students to connect denotative and connotative meanings of words found in the novel Animal Farm to their social studies class' content.

The influence of the social composition of a learner group on the results of cooperative learning tasks

Ramsay, Helen 31 December 2002 (has links)
The dynamics of the social interaction within the cooperative learning group are accepted and considered to be one of the aspects that will influence the individual learner's feelings regarding the group activity. The impact of the groupings on the quality and quantity of the observable learning within the class is considered. For this study the cooperative learning groupings were manipulated, considering aspects of the learner's social relationships uncovered with the use of a social questionnaire, which the learners completed. These details were summarised by means of a sociometric table and a sociogram. This study approaches the topic from two main perspectives. Primarily observation and naive sketches, from the learners, formed the source of the data and provided the initial perspective on the area of study. From the viewpoint provided in this information specific grouping paramaters were applied to later groups of learners, and a survey conducted. / Educational Studies / M. Ed (Socio-Education)

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