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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Disparate Activation of the Inflammasome by Chitin and Chitosan: A Dissertation

Bueter, Chelsea L. 25 September 2013 (has links)
Chitin is an abundant polysaccharide found in fungal cell walls, crustacean shells, and insect exoskeletons. The immunological properties of both chitin and its deacetylated derivative chitosan are of relevance due to frequent natural exposure and their increasing use in translational applications. Depending on the preparation studied and the endpoint measured, these compounds have been reported to induce allergic responses, inflammatory responses, or no response at all. Highly purified chitosan and chitin were prepared and the capacity of these glycans to stimulate the release of the inflammasomeassociated cytokine IL-1β was examined. Chitosan was shown to be a potent inflammasome activator in mouse bone marrow macrophages, macrophages polarized towards a M1 or M2 phenotype, dendritic cells, peritoneal cells, and human PBMCs. Acetylation of the chitosan to chitin resulted in a near total loss of IL-1β activity in all cell types tested. The size of the chitosan particles played an important role, with small particles eliciting the greatest activity. An inverse relationship between size and stimulatory activity was demonstrated using chitosan passed through size exclusion filters as well as with chitosan-coated beads of defined size. Partial digestion of chitosan with pepsin resulted in a larger fraction of small phagocytosable particles and more potent inflammasome activity. Inhibition of phagocytosis with cytochalasin D abolished the IL- 1β stimulatory activity of chitosan, offering an explanation for why the largest particles were nearly devoid of activity. Thus, the deacetylated polysaccharide chitosan potently activates the NLRP3 inflammasome in a phagocytosis-dependent manner. The reason for chitin’s inability to elicit IL-1β is unknown, but it does not appear to be due to active inhibition of the inflammasome and while chitin appears to be more readily digested by macrophage cell lysates, it does not occur at a rate which would likely impact inflammasome activation. There are three proposed mechanisms for NLRP3 inflammasome activation: K+ efflux, ROS, and lysosomal destabilization. The contributions of these mechanisms were tested and it was revealed that each of these pathways participated in optimal NLRP3 inflammasome activation by chitosan. Finally, the laminin receptor was evaluated as a potential chitin receptor. These studies provide insight into the activating properties of chitin and chitosan and highlight the importance of matching particle size and degree of acetylation to the level of activity desired for translational applications.

Synergistische, TLR- und NLR-vermittelte IL-1beta-Sekretion in Gliazellen sowie in Östrogen-inkubierten Peritonealmakrophagen

Lundvall, Linn 21 October 2015 (has links)
Toll-like Rezeptoren (TLR) und Nod-like Rezeptoren (NLR) sind Muster-erkennende Rezeptoren des angeborenen Immunsystems, die bakterielle Zellwandbestandteile erkennen können. Interleukin (IL)-1beta ist ein streng reguliertes Zytokin. Durch eine erste Stimulation wird der TLR-Rezeptor ausgelöst und führt zur Expression des Vorläuferproteins proIL-1beta. Durch einen zweiten Stimulus wird ein zytoplasmatischer NLR-Rezeptor zur Caspase1-Aktivierung angeregt. Dies führt zur post-translationalen Reifung von proIL-1beta zu reifem IL-1beta und zur Aktivierung weiterer Mechanismen der Pathogen-Eliminierung während einer bakteriellen Meningitis. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die synergistische Beziehung zwischen TLRs und NOD2 in Bezug auf die IL-1beta-Sekretion in Astrozyten und Mikroglia untersucht. Primäre murine WT-Astrozyten und eine humane Zelllinie, die mit Lipopolysaccharid (LPS) oder Lipopeptid sowie Muramyldipeptid (MDP) stimuliert wurden, zeigten signfikant erhöhte IL-1beta-Werte. IL-1beta war in NOD2-/- Astrozyten nicht erhöht. NOD2 trägt demnach als MDP-ausgelöster Rezeptor in Astrozyten, vermutlich zusammen mit dem Inflammasom-Komplex, zur Caspase-1-Aktivierung bei. In Mikrogliazellen lässt sich der bei Astrozyten gezeigte Effekt nicht reproduzieren. Zum ersten Mal wurde gezeigt, dass die TLR-abhängige IL-1beta-Antwort durch NOD2-Beteiligung in murinen und humanen Astrozyten synergistisch erhöht wird. In einem weiteren Versuchsteil wurde in primären murinen Peritonealmakrophagen von adulten Mäusen der TLR/NLR-Synergismus untersucht. Es stellte sich überraschenderweise heraus, dass weibliche NOD2-/- Mäuse zu einer synergistisch erhöhten IL-1beta-Sekretion fähig waren. SiRNA-Versuche mit in Östrogen vorinkubierten RAW264.7-NOD2-/- Zellen zeigten eine eindeutige Synergie der TLR4- und NOD2-Rezeptoren in der IL-1beta-Ausschüttung. Östrogen scheint weiblichen Individuen einen protektiven Vorteil vor Infektionen bei NOD2-Defizienz zu verschaffen. / Toll-like receptors (TLR) and nod-like receptors (NLR) are pattern-recognition receptors that recognize lipopolysaccharide (LPS), lipopeptides and myramyldipeptide (MDP) derived from bacterial cell wall. We focus our question on the regulation of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-1beta during bacterial meningitis in primary murine astrocytes and microglia as well as cell lines and the synergism of TLR4 or TLR2 and NOD2 to amplify IL-1beta-expression. ProIL-1beta is expressed by TLR-stimulation and activation of NF-kB signal transduction. Through the activation of Caspase-1, possibly through NOD2 and the inflammasome, proIL-1beta is cleaved on post-translational level and obtains its activated status, leading to pathogen elimination during bacterial meningitis. Primary murine WT-astrocytes and a human cell line primed with LPS or lipopeptide and stimulated with MDP show significantly increased IL-1beta levels in the supernatant. NOD2-/- astrocytes do not show elevated IL-1beta levels. After screening of cytoplasmic proCaspase-1 and activated Caspase-1 by Western blot it became clear, that stimulation of NOD2 with MDP led to Caspase-1 activation and thus to IL-1beta maturation in primary murine WT-astrocytes. We demonstrate for the first time that the synergism between TLR4 and NOD2 leads to significantly elevated IL-1beta levels and that NOD2 is capable of activating caspase-1 in primary murine astrocytes. Another part of the work was to test the TLR/NLR-synergism on primary peritoneal macrophages from adult mice. Surprisingly, female NOD2-/- mice showed significantly elevated IL-1beta levels. SiRNA- and stimulation-experiments with RAW264.7-NOD2-/- cells pre-incubated in estrogen show a clear synergy in IL-1beta secretion through TLR4 and NOD2 receptors. Estrogen seems to protect females from infection when having a NOD2 deficiency.

Regulation von Hepatoma-derived Growth Factor durch Zytokine / Regulation of Hepatoma-derived growth factor by cytokines

Riehle, Verena January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Darstellung der Einflüsse verschiedener Interleukine auf die HDGF-Expression in verschiedenen Kolonzelllinien. HDGF stellt einen Wachstumsfaktor dar, der nicht nur physiologisch bei der Entwicklung einiger Gewebe wie der Niere, der Leber und des Darms von Be-deutung ist, sondern auch eine wichtige Rolle in der Karzinogenese verschie-dener Tumoren spielt. Hierzu zählen unter anderem das hepatozelluläre Karzi-nom, das NSCLC und das Melanom. Von besonderer Relevanz ist seine Rolle in der Pathogenese des kolorektalen Karzinoms. Die verwendeten Interleukine (1beta, 4, 5, 8 und 13) zeigen sowohl inhibierende als auch fördernde Eigenschaften in Bezug auf die Karzinogenese von kolorektalen Tumoren. Dies steht im Einklang mit früheren Resultaten der Literatur. Die vier verschiedenen Zelllinien, eine Adenomzelllinie, zwei Adenokarzinomzelllinien sowie eine Zelllinie aus Lymphknotenmetastasenzellen wurden mit den verschiedenen Interleukinen inkubiert und mittels REAL TIME-RT-PCR analysiert. Die Ergebnisdarstellung in Blockdiagrammen zeigt semiquantitativ die relative HDGF-Expression. So lassen sich Aussagen über Anstieg oder Abfall der Expression durch den Einfluss der verschiedenen Interleukine machen. Die hier gezeigten Ergebnisse lassen, wie auch schon teilweise in der Literatur beschrieben, für alle Interleukine außer für IL 1beta, sowohl hemmende als auch tumorunterstützende Effekte beobachten. Interleukin 1beta zeigt in Kongruenz der vorbeschriebenen Studien, im Gegensatz zu den anderen Zytokinen, in allen Zelllinien tumorfördernde Eigenschaften. Für IL 4 ist zunächst in den Adenomzellen ein antitumoröser Effekt zu erkennen, dieser kehrt sich in der Metastasenzelllinie in eine förderndene Wirkung um. In den Adenokarzinomzelllinien sind weder eindeutige suppressive noch unterstützende Wirkungen zu verzeichnen. Über einen Zusammenhang zwischen dem Grad der malignen Transformation und unterschiedlichem Ansprechen auf IL 4 lässt sich jedoch bisher nur spekulieren. Für IL 5 ist ein ähnliches Verhalten zu beobachten. Eine anfängliche inhibitorische Wirkung auf die HDGF-Expression in den Adenomzellen sowie Adenokarzinomzellen kehrt sich in der Metastasenzelllinie in den gegenteiligen Effekt um. Auch hier lässt sich eine Umkehr der ausgelösten Effekte mit fortschreitender maligner Transformation vermuten. IL 8 zeigt kongruente Effekte zu IL 4 und IL 5, jedoch lassen sich für IL 8 in der Literatur bisher nur tumorunterstützende Wirkungen finden. Hier lässt sich in den Adenomzellen eine suppressive Wirkung verzeichnen, wohingegen in den beiden Adenokarzinomzelllinien fördernde Effekte beobachtet werden. In der Metastasenzelllinie lassen sich jedoch weder positive noch negative Auswirkungen feststellen. Des Weiteren spiegeln auch die Ergebnisse des Einflusses von IL 13 die Vielgestaltigkeit der Wirkweisen dieses Interleukins dar, mit tumorhemmenden Effekten in den Adenom- sowie Metastasenzellen und fördernder Wirkung in den HT29-Zellen. Über die genauen Mechanismen, inwiefern ein Interleukin die Expression von HDGF hochreguliert oder supprimiert, kann zum momentanen Zeitpunkt nur spekuliert werden. Es kann jedoch vermutet werden, dass ein gewisser Zu-sammenhang zwischen dem Grad der malignen Transformation und der Wirk-weise der Interleukine existiert. Entscheidend sind hier sicherlich klonal erwor-bene Alterationen einzelner Signalkaskaden. Festzuhalten ist zum einen, dass bis auf IL 1beta für alle Zytokine der Einfluss auf HDGF vom jeweiligen Zellsystem abhängt. Diese Ergebnisse machen eine Schlüsselrolle von HDGF eher unwahrscheinlich, vielmehr scheint seine Regulation hier in teilweise komplexe Regulationsmechanismen mit eingebunden zu sein. Dass diese Alterationen möglicherweise auch im Rahmen der Karzinogenese bzw. der Akquise der Metastasierungsfähigkeit entstehen könnten, zeigen die teilweise bestehenden Unterschiede zwischen der verwendeten Adenomzelllinie und den Karzinomzelllinien respektive zwischen Karzinom- und Metastasenzelllinie. Die beschriebenen Ergebnisse geben einen Anhaltspunkt, in welche Richtung die einzelnen Interleukine wirken, zumindest in wie weit hier ein Einfluß auf die Transkription von HDGF als Surrogatmarker der Mitogenese erfolgt. Um die Komplexität und Vielfalt der Effekte von Interleukinen in Bezug zu Tumorstadium, Invasivität sowie Metastasierungsfähigkeit in Einklang zu bringen, bedarf es jedoch weiterführender Studien. Es lies sich zeigen, dass die angewendeten Interleukine generell Einfluss auf die Expressionshöhe von HDGF in verschiedenen Kolonzelllinien haben und als exogene Faktoren in die Regulation eingreifen können. Dies könnte ein weiterer Ansatz zur Etablierung immunmodulatorischer Therapieoptionen in soliden Neoplasien in der Zukunft sein. / Hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) is a growth factor which plays a role in physiological development of some organ tissues and in the carcinogensis of a few tumors like colorectal cancer, hepatocellular cancer, NSCLC. For this study especially the role of HDGF with regard to colorectal cancer is important. The main focus is set on the influences that different interleukins have on the expression of HDGF in different gut-tissues and colon cancer-tissues. To this end, five interleukins (1beta, 4, 5, 8 and 13) with different effects on the carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (inhibition/promotion) were investigated. It is known from the literature that all five interleukins show different behavior. Four cell lines–one adenoma cell line, two different cell lines of adenoma carcinoma of intestine, one cell line of lymph node metastase of adenoma carcinoma of intestine–were incubated with the five interleukins and analyzed with Real Time-RT-PCR. This method allows for an observation of changes of the relative HDGF-expression. The results show that all interleukins have an influence on the HDGF-expression. The most pronounced effects are observed in dependency of the concentration of the interleukins under investigation. Interleukin 1beta exhibits throughout a tumor supporting behavior. In contrast to this, all other interleukins showed that their influence depends on the probed cell line. This suggests that there is a connection between the effect of the interleukin and the degree of malign differentiation. This complex interplay manifests itself, for instance, in a totally inversion of the effects, with depression of the HDGF-expression in the cell line of adenoma and a promotion in the cell line of metastasis in some experimental runs. These findings are partly concurrent with known properties described in the literature related to colorectal cancer. ln summary the results show that interleukins as exogenous factor can influence the HDGF-expression. However, the data do not allow to derive final statements on the mechanism of regulation. It is imaginable that an alteration of the signal pathways, presumably acquired clonal, determine whether an interleukin shows effects of inhibition or promotion on the cell lines. Therefore, further studies are required to clarify in how far interleukins influence the HDGF-expression.

Complex Roles of Macrophages in Lipid Metabolism and Metabolic Disease: A Dissertation

Negrin, Kimberly A. 16 April 2014 (has links)
The worldwide prevalence of obesity and metabolic disease is increasing at an exponential rate and current projections provide no indication of relief. This growing burden of obesity-related metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), highlights the importance of identifying how lifestyle choices, genetics and physiology play a role in metabolic disease and place obese individuals at a greater risk for obesity-related complications including insulin resistance (IR). This increased risk of IR, which is characterized by a decreased response to insulin in peripheral tissues including adipose tissue (AT) and liver, is associated with a chronic, low grade inflammatory state; however, the causative connections between obesity and inflammation remains in question. Experimental evidence suggests that adipocytes and macrophages can profoundly influence obesity-induced IR because adipocyte dysfunction leads to ectopic lipid deposition in peripheral insulin sensitive tissues, and obese AT is characterized by increased local inflammation and macrophage and other immune cell populations. Attempts to delineate the individual roles of macrophage-derived pro-inflammatory cytokines, like tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), have demonstrated causative roles in impaired systemic insulin sensitivity, adipocyte function and hepatic glucose and lipid metabolism in obese animal models. Thus, the attenuation of macrophage-derived inflammation is an evolving area of interest to provide insight into the underlying mechanism(s) leading to obesity-induced IR. Thus, in the first chapter of this thesis, I describe experiments to refine the current paradigm of obesity-induced AT inflammation by combining gene expression profiling with computational analysis of two anatomically distinct AT depots, visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) to address whether the inflammatory signature of AT is influenced by diet-induced obesity (DIO). Microarray and qRT-PCR analysis data revealed that DIO mouse SAT is resistant to high fat diet (HFD)-induced inflammation and macrophage infiltration, and our data support the current model of obesity-induced visceral adipose tissue macrophage (VATM) enrichment. Our data demonstrated robust increases in VAT pro-inflammatory cytokine expression, which are consistent with the significant increases in macrophage-specific gene expression and consistent with previous reports in which VAT inflammation is enhanced and attributed to classically activated (M1) macrophage infiltration. However, these data are only observed relative to the expression of invariant housekeeping gene expression. When M1-specific genes are expressed relative to macrophage-specific standards like F4/80 expression, these inflammatory makers are unchanged. These data indicate that the changes in the overall inflammatory profile of DIO mouse VAT is because of quantitative changes in adipose tissue macrophage (ATM) number and not qualitative changes in activation state. These observations are consistent with the idea that infiltrating ATMs may have roles other than the previously described role in mediating inflammation in obese adipose tissue. Hepatic IR occurs partly as a consequence of adipocyte dysfunction because the liver becomes a reservoir for AT-derived fatty acids (FAs), which leads to obesity-related non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In the second part of my thesis, I used clodronate liposome-mediated macrophage depletion to define the role of macrophages in hepatic lipid metabolism regulation. We discovered that i.p. administration of clodronate liposomes depletes Kupffer cells (KCs) in ob/ob mice without affecting VATM content, whereas clodronate liposomes depletes both KCs and VATMs in DIO mice. To this end, we established that clodronate liposome-mediated KC depletion, regardless of VATM content in obese mice, abrogated hepatic steatosis by reducing hepatic de novo lipogenic gene expression. The observed reductions in hepatic inflammation in macrophage-depleted obese mice led to the hypothesis that IL-1β may be responsible for obesity-induced increased hepatic triglyceride (TG) accumulation. We determined that IL-1β treatment increases fatty acid synthase (Fas) protein expression and TG accumulation in primary mouse hepatocytes. Pharmacological inhibition of interleukin-1 (IL-1) signaling by interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) administration recapitulated these results by reducing hepatic TG accumulation and lipogenic gene expression in DIO mice. Thus, these data highlight the importance of the inflammatory cytokine IL-1β in obesity-driven hepatic steatosis and suggests that liver inflammation controls hepatic lipogenesis in obesity. To this end, the studies described herein provide new insight and appreciation to the multi-functional nature of macrophages and clinical implications for anti-inflammatory therapy in obesity and NAFLD treatment. We demonstrate the complexities of macrophage-mediated functions in insulin sensitive tissues and a role for obesity-induced inflammatory cytokine IL-1β in hepatic lipid metabolism modulation, which is reversed via IL-1Ra intervention. The use of anti-inflammatory therapy to ameliorate obesity-associated NAFLD was perhaps the most important contribution to this body of work and is full of promise for future clinical application. It is likely that the future of therapeutics will be multi-faceted and combine therapeutic approaches to enhance glucose tolerance and overall health in obese, IR and T2DM patients.

Avaliação das concentrações das interleucinas 1-beta e 6 e da proteína amilóide A, no líquido peritoneal e no soro de pacientes com endometriose pélvica / Seric and peritoneal assessment of interleukin 1ß, 6 and protein amyloid A concentrations in patients with pelvic endometriosis.

Ejzenberg, Dani 30 August 2007 (has links)
Objetivo: determinar as concentrações séricas e peritoneais das interleucinas 1ß (IL-1ß) e 6 (IL-6) e da proteína amilóide A (SAA) em pacientes com endometriose pélvica. Métodos: foram avaliadas 97 pacientes submetidas à videolaparoscopia, 57 com endometriose (A), 27 com sintomas sugestivos porém sem endometriose (B) e 13 sem sintomas e doenças (C). Foram coletados no ato cirúrgico líquido peritoneal e sangue. As concentrações dos mediadores foram determinadas em pg/ml (IL-1 e 6) e ng/ml (SAA) por método imunoenzimático e leitura óptica. Resultados: (líquido peritoneal e sangue medianas) IL-1ß: A- 11,22 and 1,83; B- 15,62 and 1,16; C- 1,92 and 0,80; IL-6: A- 6,80 and 3,70; B- 8,60 and 3,90; C- 3,40 and 2,0; SAA- A- 310,30 and 14,01; B- 306,20 and 10,39; C- 53,4 e 9,5. Conclusão: as concentrações dos mediadores de inflamação avaliados estão elevadas no líquido peritoneal e no soro das mulheres com endometriose. Estas concentrações foram semelhantes às das pacientes com sintomas sugestivos porém sem a doença. A fase do ciclo menstrual, o tipo histológico envolvido e o local de acometimento da doença não influíram de forma significante nas concentrações séricas ou peritoneais de IL-1ß, IL-6 e SAA. / Objective: to assess peritoneal and seric interleukin-1ß (IL-1ß), 6 (IL-6), and protein amyloid A (SAA) concentrations in patients with pelvic endometriosis. Methods: 97 patients were submitted to video laparoscopic surgery, 57 with endometriosis (A), 27 with suggestive symptoms but no endometriosis (B), and 13 without symptoms and diseases (C). Peritoneal fluid and blood were collected during the procedure. Mediator s concentration was determined in pg/ml (IL-1ß and IL-6) and ng/ml (SAA) through immunoenzimatic test and optic measure. Results: (peritoneal fluid and blood -medians) IL-1ß: A- 11,22 and 1,83; B- 15,62 and 1,16; C- 1,92 and 0,80; IL-6: A- 6,80 and 3,70; B- 8,60 and 3,90; C- 3,40 and 2,0; SAA- A- 310,30 and 14,01; B- 306,20 and 10,39; C- 53,4 e 9,5. Conclusion: the inflammation mediators are increased in the peritoneal fluid and blood of women with pelvic endometriosis. The concentrations are similar to those found in patients with suggestive symptoms but no endometriosis. The place of the disease, the histological type and the day of the menstrual cycle didn t alter peritoneal or seric concentration of these cytokines.

Avaliação das concentrações das interleucinas 1-beta e 6 e da proteína amilóide A, no líquido peritoneal e no soro de pacientes com endometriose pélvica / Seric and peritoneal assessment of interleukin 1ß, 6 and protein amyloid A concentrations in patients with pelvic endometriosis.

Dani Ejzenberg 30 August 2007 (has links)
Objetivo: determinar as concentrações séricas e peritoneais das interleucinas 1ß (IL-1ß) e 6 (IL-6) e da proteína amilóide A (SAA) em pacientes com endometriose pélvica. Métodos: foram avaliadas 97 pacientes submetidas à videolaparoscopia, 57 com endometriose (A), 27 com sintomas sugestivos porém sem endometriose (B) e 13 sem sintomas e doenças (C). Foram coletados no ato cirúrgico líquido peritoneal e sangue. As concentrações dos mediadores foram determinadas em pg/ml (IL-1 e 6) e ng/ml (SAA) por método imunoenzimático e leitura óptica. Resultados: (líquido peritoneal e sangue medianas) IL-1ß: A- 11,22 and 1,83; B- 15,62 and 1,16; C- 1,92 and 0,80; IL-6: A- 6,80 and 3,70; B- 8,60 and 3,90; C- 3,40 and 2,0; SAA- A- 310,30 and 14,01; B- 306,20 and 10,39; C- 53,4 e 9,5. Conclusão: as concentrações dos mediadores de inflamação avaliados estão elevadas no líquido peritoneal e no soro das mulheres com endometriose. Estas concentrações foram semelhantes às das pacientes com sintomas sugestivos porém sem a doença. A fase do ciclo menstrual, o tipo histológico envolvido e o local de acometimento da doença não influíram de forma significante nas concentrações séricas ou peritoneais de IL-1ß, IL-6 e SAA. / Objective: to assess peritoneal and seric interleukin-1ß (IL-1ß), 6 (IL-6), and protein amyloid A (SAA) concentrations in patients with pelvic endometriosis. Methods: 97 patients were submitted to video laparoscopic surgery, 57 with endometriosis (A), 27 with suggestive symptoms but no endometriosis (B), and 13 without symptoms and diseases (C). Peritoneal fluid and blood were collected during the procedure. Mediator s concentration was determined in pg/ml (IL-1ß and IL-6) and ng/ml (SAA) through immunoenzimatic test and optic measure. Results: (peritoneal fluid and blood -medians) IL-1ß: A- 11,22 and 1,83; B- 15,62 and 1,16; C- 1,92 and 0,80; IL-6: A- 6,80 and 3,70; B- 8,60 and 3,90; C- 3,40 and 2,0; SAA- A- 310,30 and 14,01; B- 306,20 and 10,39; C- 53,4 e 9,5. Conclusion: the inflammation mediators are increased in the peritoneal fluid and blood of women with pelvic endometriosis. The concentrations are similar to those found in patients with suggestive symptoms but no endometriosis. The place of the disease, the histological type and the day of the menstrual cycle didn t alter peritoneal or seric concentration of these cytokines.

Prostaglandin E₂ in brain-mediated illness responses /

Elander, Louise, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2010. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Análise de fatores socioeconômicos, clínicos, genéticos e de cárie dentária em crianças com anemia falciforme no estado de Sergipe

Gutierrez, Gabriela Mancia de 30 May 2014 (has links)
Sickle cell anemia (HbSS) is a mendelian genetic disorder caused by a point mutation (A/T) on hemoglobin’s beta globin gene, originating an abnormal hemoglobin called hemoglobin S (HbS). People with HbSS have more susceptibility to develop infections, inflammation, ischemia, episodes of pain and tissue necrosis, as well as changes in the stomatognathic system and its associated structures. The aim of this study was to evaluating socioeconomic, clinical, genetic and caries in children with HbSS in the State of Sergipe. This cross-sectional case-control study involved 210 volunteers, 70 HbSS composing the study group (SG) and 140 composing the group of control (CG). The SG was paired with CG on age and gender. Data collection included interviews with the parent/guardian, verification of medical records and clinical examination. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS version 20, considering a confidence interval of 95% (p <0.05). The mean age of the sample was 6.73 ± 2.62. The majority (74.3%) of the patient’s parents of SG had little schooling, and 45.7% are in the lower economic classes (D and E). In SG were observed coadjuvant systemic diseases and comorbidities of HbSS. Regarding dental caries, 29 (41.4%) of the volunteers of SG and 46 (36.9%) of the CG showed zero decay. The caries indices in permanent teeth showed no statistical difference between groups, although the decay component (C) performed statistically different between the groups, for teeth (p=0.028) and to surfaces (p=0.035). The frequencies of genotypes and alleles of SNPs rs1143641, rs1143633, rs1143634 showed no similarity to the European (CEU) and Sub-Saharan African (YRI) populations. The proinflammatory genotypes for SNP rs1143634 presented: additive [TC (32.8%) and CC (3.0%)], dominant [TC + CC (35.8%)] and recessive [CC (3.0%)]. With the data it can be concluded that SG showed lower socioeconomic profile compared to the CG. The descriptive analysis of systemic diseases and complications demonstrated harm to health and quality of life in the population with HbSS. The groups had a similar experience of tooth decay, no statistical difference between caries indices. The genetic profile frequencies of genotypes and alleles indicate ethnic mix of the population studied between CEU and YRI populations. The pro-inflammatory genotypes didn’t show high prevalence in SG and can’t evaluate their impact, this evoluation just can be possible with indreased sample size. The results demonstrate that the patients with HbSS have a health impairment arising because of the systemic and oral aspects, requiring prioritized monitoring and early monitoring. / A anemia falciforme (AF) é uma doença genética mendeliana causada por uma mutação originando uma hemoglobina anormal (HbS). Pessoas com AF apresentam susceptibilidade aumentada as infecções, inflamações, isquemias, episódios de dor e necroses teciduais, bem como alterações no sistema estomatognático e em suas estruturas anexas. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar fatores socioeconômicos, clínicos, genéticos e de cárie dentária em crianças com anemia falciforme no Estado de Sergipe. Este estudo epidemiológico transversal controlado envolveu 210 voluntários, 70 indivíduos com AF compondo o grupo de estudo (GE) e 140 controles (GC). O GE foi pareado com o GC em idade e gênero. A coleta de dados incluiu entrevista com os responsáveis, verificação de prontuários e exame clínico odontológico. As análises estatísticas foram feitas no SPSS versão 20, considerando um intervalo de confiança de 95% (p<0,05). A média de idade da amostra foi 6,73±2,62. A maioria (74,3%) dos pais do GE possuía escolaridade baixa, além de 45,7% estarem nas classes econômicas mais baixas (D e E). No GE foram observadas doenças sistêmicas coadjuvantes a AF e comorbidades da AF. No que se refere a cárie dentária, 29 (41,4%) dos voluntários do GE e 46 (36,9%) do GC apresentaram cárie zero. Os índices de cárie na dentição permanente não demonstram diferença estatística entre os grupos, porém o componente cariado (C) apresentou diferença estatística entre os grupos, tanto para dentes (p=0,028) quanto para superfícies (p=0,035). As frequências dos genótipos e alelos dos SNPs rs1143641, rs1143633, rs1143634 não apresentaram semelhança com as populações africana subsaariana (YRI) ou europeia (CEU). Os genótipos pró-inflamatórios do SNP rs1143634 apresentou baixa prevalência no GE: modelo aditivo [TC (32,8%) e TT (3,0%)], recessivo [TT (3,0%)] e dominante [TC+TT (35,8%)]. Com os dados pode-se concluir que o GE demonstrou perfil socioeconômico mais baixo em comparação ao GC. A análise descritiva de doenças sistêmicas e complicações demonstra prejuízos à saúde e qualidade de vida nos indivíduos com AF. Os grupos apresentaram uma experiência de cárie dentária semelhante, sem diferença estatística entre os índices de cárie, porém o componente cariado com valor mais alto em pacientes com AF na dentição permanente. Com relação ao perfil genético, as frequências dos genótipos e alelos indicam miscigenação étnica da população estudada entre as populações YRI e CEU. Os genótipos pró-inflamatórios não apresentaram alta prevalência no GE e não se pode avaliar o seu impacto, sendo esta avaliação somente possível com número amostral aumentado. Os resultados demonstram que os pacientes com AF tem um prejuízo da saúde advindo do quadro sistêmico e oral, necessitando de acompanhamento priorizado e precoce.

Estudo da participação do inflamassoma NLRP3 na resposta inflamatória induzida pelo fungo dimórfico Paracoccidioides brasiliensis / NLRP3 inflammasome participation in the inflammatory immune response induced by the dimorrphic fungi Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

Castro, Lívia Furquim de, 1990- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ronei Luciano Mamoni / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T05:56:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Castro_LiviaFurquimde_M.pdf: 5966667 bytes, checksum: bd25c56ae25a8825069884bedd9ca8ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: Diversos estudos demonstram que a resposta inflamatória é de extrema importância para o controle da Paracoccidioidomicose (PCM). Essa resposta inflamatória é iniciada pelo reconhecimento das células fúngicas por receptores expressos por células do sistema imunológico inato. Dentre esses receptores, o NLRP3 foi associado com o reconhecimento de fungos patogênicos em modelos experimentais, atuando em conjunto com o TLR2 e a dectina-1. O NLRP3 atua na formação de um complexo multiproteico denominado inflamassoma, o qual ativa a caspase-1, que é responsável pela produção das formas ativas de duas importantes citocinas inflamatórias: a IL-1? e a IL-18. Esse estudo teve por objetivo investigar o envolvimento do NLRP3 na ativação da resposta inflamatória de macrófagos e células dendríticas humanas (DCs) derivadas de monócitos em resposta ao Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), além de avaliar a participação do NLRP3 na indução da resposta imunológica adaptativa. Nossos resultados demonstraram que células de lesões de pacientes com PCM (mucosa oral ou linfonodos) apresentam produção de IL-1beta, IL-18 e IL-37 e que macrófagos dessas lesões são positivos para Caspase-1 e NLRP3. Também fomos capazes de demonstrar que o reconhecimento de células leveduriformes por DCs e macrófagos humanos leva à ativação do inflamassoma NLRP3 e consequente produção de IL-1 e IL-18. Esse reconhecimento envolve a participação de receptores de superfície (TLR2 e Dectina-1), sendo que a produção dessas citocinas é dependente da sinalização via dectina-1 e fosforilação da proteína Syk. Além disso, observamos que a ativação do inflamassoma NLRP3, após o reconhecimento do fungo, envolve como principais mecanismos a produção de ROS e o efluxo de K+. Nossos dados também demonstraram que o inflamassoma NLRP3 é essencial para a diferenciação de células Th17 e Th1 e que sua inibição leva à um aumento de células Th2 e Treg. Em conjunto nossos dados indicam que a ativação do NLRP3 desempenha um papel importante, tanto na indução de uma resposta inflamatória inicial, quanto no desenvolvimento de uma resposta adquirida que pode ser associada à resistência à infecção pelo P. brasiliensis / Abstract: Several studies have shown that the inflammatory response is crucial for the control of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). This inflammatory response is initiated by the recognition of fungal yeast cells by receptors expressed by cells of the innate immune system. Among these receptors, NLRP3 was associated with the recognition of pathogenic fungi in experimental models, working in conjunction with TLR2 and dectin-1. The NLRP3 acts forming a multiproteic complex called inflammasome, which activates caspase-1, and the production of the active forms of two important cytokines: IL-1? and IL-18. This study aimed to investigate the involvement of NLRP3 activation in the inflammatory response of macrophages and human dendritic cells (DCs) derived from monocytes, in response to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb), and to evaluate the participation of NLRP3 in the induction of the subsequent adaptive immune response. Our results demonstrated that cells of lesions from PCM patients (oral mucosa and lymph nodes) express IL-1beta, IL-18 and IL-37, and that macrophages in these lesions are positive for caspase-1 and NLRP3. We were also able to demonstrate that the recognition of Pb yeast cells by human macrophages and DCs leads to the NLRP3 inflammasome activation and production of IL-1 and IL-18. This recognition involves the participation of surface receptors (TLR2 and Dectin-1), and the production of these cytokines was dependent on signaling via dectin-1 and phosphorylation of Syk. In addition, we observed that the activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome, after recognition of the fungus, involves as main mechanisms the ROS production and the K+ efflux. Our data also demonstrate that the NLRP3 inflammasome are essential for the differentiation of Th1 and Th17 cells and its inhibition leads to an increased frequency of Th2 and Treg cells. Taken together our data indicated that activation of NLRP3 present an important role in both the induction of an initial inflammatory response, and in the development of an acquired immune response, which can be associated with the resistance to the P. brasiliensis infection / Mestrado / Ciencias Biomedicas / Mestra em Ciências Médicas

The Characterization of Iron and Zinc Redistribution in Pancreatic Beta-Cells Under Conditions of Low-Grade Inflammation

Counts, Grace P. 28 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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