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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the Use of Internal Marketing Within Non Profit Organisations : The example of the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

Rakevicius, Edgaras, Bert, Marjolaine January 2010 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore the potential of internal marketing within non profit organisations. Method: Qualitative case study of an NPO with the part of primary research based on fives interviews of workers.T heoretical framework: The framework consists of theories and models on internal marketing. Internal marketing is studied from the point of view of its tools of implementation, its purposes and also its limits. Conclusion: Internal marketing is revealed as a high potential for NPOs. However, this concept, developed for the profit area, requires some adaptations to fit well to NPOs.

Employer branding : Konsten att rekrytera och behålla kompetenta medarbetare / Employer branding : The art of retaining and recruiting competent employee

Elias, Joussef, Sandgren, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att kunna överleva på en modern konkurrensutsatt marknad som små och medelstora företag måste de ha kompetent och talangfull personal. Genom att ha ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke så blir det lättare att bibehålla den kompetenta personalen men även för att rekrytera nya. Det finns strategier som tas upp genom studiens gång som man kan implementera för att stärka sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke. Problemformulering: Ett problem som förekommer inom små- och medelstora företag är att resurserna alltid inte räcker till för att anställa exempelvis HR-personal som aktivt arbetar med att stärka arbetsgivarvarumärket. Det är dock oerhört viktigt att i små och medelstora företag att arbeta med detta då nyckelpersonerna blir än viktigare eftersom de får större ansvar för företagets olika uppdrag än i stora företag. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur väl små- och medelstora företag arbetar med intern- och extern employer branding. Författarna skall dessutom undersöka strategier som SME:s (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) använder sig av för att kunna rekrytera efterfrågad personal samt hur man bibehåller kompetent personal för att en ökad förståelse kring begreppet employer branding. Metod: Inom denna studie så har författarna valt att använda en kombinerad metod, både kvalitativ men även en kvantitativ med utgång från en deduktiv metod. Slutsats: Författarna inom denna studie har funnit att arbetsgivarna idag redan implementerar olika strategier inom intern employer branding (internal marketing) för att stärka sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke men som även bidrar till en positiv arbetsmiljö. Många menar på att de vill jobba med employer branding i allmänhet mer än vad som görs idag och har viljan för det, men resurserna räcker inte alltid till. Många arbetar idag även med sitt externa employer branding exempelvis genom sociala medier men där menar många att man behöver bli bättre. / Background: To be able to survive in a modern competitive market as a small and medium-sized enterprise, you must have talented and competent staff. With a strong employer brand comes benefits that help you hire talented employees but also retain them within the company. There are also strategies shown in this study that you can implement to strengthen your employer brand. Problem formulation: A problem that occurs in small and medium-sized companies is that the resources are not always enough to employ, for example, HR employees who actively work to strengthen the employer brand. However, it is extremely important in small and medium-sized companies to work with this as the key employees become even more important because they are given greater responsibility for the company's various tasks than in large companies. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate how well SMEs work with internal and external employer branding. The authors will also examine strategies that SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises) use to be able to recruit in-demand personnel and how to maintain competent personnel in order to increase understanding of the concept of employer branding. Method: Within this study, the authors have chosen to use a combined method, both qualitative but also quantitative based on a deductive method. Conclusion: The authors of this study have found that employers today already implement various strategies within internal employer branding (internal marketing) to strengthen their employer brand but which also contribute to a positive work environment. Employees say that they want to work with employer branding in general more than what is done today and have the ambition to do so, but where the resources are not always enough. Many employees today also work with their external branding, for example through social media, but where many believe that they need to do better.

Ut med det gamla, in med det nya! : En omprofilerings framgångsfaktorer vid ett samarbete mellan företag och byrå

Alsén, Amalia, Engström, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
More intense competition has meant that companies have to take new measures to cope on the modern market. Therefore, many companies choose to change their brand in some way. This is called rebranding and is however a risky process. To reduce the risk companies can hire external parties in form of design agencies. The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors that are required to achieve a successful rebranding, when carried out in collaboration with an external agency. The study will do so by asking the question "What are the success factors of a rebranding when carried out in collaboration with an external agency?". To do so the researchers assumed a qualitative case study where semi-­structured interviews have been implemented. The empirical data gathered was then analyzed using theories covering the areas of rebranding, internal marketing, and previous research on the cooperation between agency and company. The conclusions of this study shows that one success factor is found in the fact that agencies has greater experience of rebranding, compared to most companies. Another success factor is the outside perspective agencies add, which enables the companies to see new aspects of their brand. Companies should involve employees in the process to the point of collecting their opinions before the work begins, but the study shows that there should only be a few people involved in the actual rebranding process to achieve good results. The best result is  achieved when all final decisions are made by the company, the agency should only come up with guidelines and suggestions.

Motivation genom sponsring : En studie som utvärderar sponsringens möjligheter till ökad motivation bland personalen i en organisation

Robbins, Jacob, Hansson, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Sponsring är ett utbyte och en marknadsföringsmetod som används av allt fler organisationer. Med syftet att påverka personalen i en organisation är sponsring en relativt oanvänd metod för marknadsföring. Trots detta så påverkar sponsring personalen oavsett organisationens målsättning med sponsring. Syftet med studien är att utvärdera om sponsring fungerar som ett verktyg för motivation i en specifik organisation, sedan utvärderas hur sponsring bidrar till motivation. För att besvara syftet genomfördes en kvantitativ studie i form av en enkätundersökning. Denna genomfördes hos vårt studieobjekt Länsförsäkringar i Gävleborg. Analysen av den insamlade datan har genomförts med stöd av den teoretiska referensramen. Resultatet av studien visar att sponsring kan användas till att motivera personalen på Länsförsäkringar. Dock så är organisationens nuvarande sponsring något som inte tydligt motiverar personalen. Länsförsäkringar vill med sin sponsring bidra till samhället och på så sätt skapa engagemang och stolthet bland personalen. Sponsring får personalen att känna stolthet men däremot inget tydligt engagemang. Länsförsäkringar är bra på att informera personalen om sponsring, däremot så är organisationen inte lika bra på att lyssna till personalens värderingar kring sponsring. Det bristande engagemanget skulle då kunna bero på att personalen inte får tycka till om organisationens sponsring. / Sponsorship is an exchange and a marketing method that is used by more and more organizations. With the aim to influence the staff of an organization is sponsoring a relatively unused method of marketing. Despite this, sponsorship affects the staff regardless of the organization's goal of sponsoring. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if sponsorship serves as a motivational tool in a specific organization, then evaluate how the sponsorship contributes to motivation. To answer the purpose we conducted a quantitative study in the form of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was done at our research object, Länsförsäkringar Gävleborg. The analysis of the collected data was carried out with the support of the theoretical framework. The results of the study show that sponsorship can be used to motivate staff at Länsförsäkringar. However, the organization's current sponsorship is not clearly motivating their staff. Länsförsäkringar wants with its sponsorship to contribute to society and thus create commitment and pride among the staff. Sponsorship get staff to feel proud but no clear commitment. Länsförsäkringar is good at informing staff about sponsorship, however, the organization is not as good at listening to staff's values regarding sponsorship. The lack of commitment could then be due to staff being unable to speak up on the organization's sponsorship.

The Link between Internal Marketing and Customer Relationship Management : A Case Study of one Nordea Call Center in Sweden

Stenbeck, Joakim, Cabander, Robin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of the link between internal marketing and customer relationship management by conducting a case study of one Nordea call center.</p><p>Background: Keeping existing customers is less expensive than acquiring new ones. Nowadays, up to sixty percent of marketing budgets are being dedicated towards retaining customers. So forth customer relationship manage-ment is slowly beginning to penetrate the banking industry as sustaina-ble relationships between organizations and their customers are becom-ing more evident.</p><p>Theory: The case study is based on an internal marketing model by Bansal et al. (2001) which shows how managers can influence the job satisfaction of their employees through six dimensions. Based on the previously men-tioned model, customer relationship management theory and the service marketing triangle by Kotler et al. (2002), the researchers present their our own model, at the end of the theoretical section, which seeks to en-hance the understanding of the link between internal marketing and cus-tomer relationship management.</p><p>Method: Since there was lacking theoretical evidence in how to link internal marketing to customer relationship management, the study was of exploratory nature. Qualitative data was collected by conducting two fo-cus groups (independently of each other) at one Nordea call center. The first focus group was composed of five managers and the second focus group of three frontline employees.</p><p>Conclusion: Nordea has been used as an example to illustrate that customer relation-ship management, such as using sales opportunities to strengthen rela-tionships with customers, is dependent on managers‟ ability to “sell” the organization‟s customer relationship management ideas to its front-line employees. Moreover managers have the ability through the six dimensions of internal marketing to affect job satisfaction which in turn will determine how frontline employees make use of the sales opportu-nities provided by Nordea‟s content management system (CMS).</p>

The internal brand implementation : a study about which factors that affect the internal brand within organizations

Axelsson, Markus, Åkesson, Yasha January 2014 (has links)
Research Questions: Which factors affect the internal brand implementation? Which factors regarding the perception of internal branding are shared and differ between two geographical locations within an organization? Purpose: The aim of this study is to mark and analyze internal factors within an organization in order to get an understanding of how there can sustain and develop the internal brand. Further, the purpose is to describe and analyze the differences in how aspects of internal branding are perceived by two geographical locations. Method: The study has primarily a quantitative research method and a deductive approach where the results from the collected data was analyzed through various tests in the statistic program SPSS. Conclusions: Through various analysis methods, the authors were able to find out which factors that had the strongest effect on internal branding. The conclusion further on reveals that there are two specific factors with a positive effect on the internal branding implementation as a whole. These factors consist of internal marketing and internal communication. Lastly the results also culminate in the shared and divergent perceptions of internal branding among employees within an organization.

Intern kommunikation i växande organisationer - En fallstudie på Event AB / Internal communication in growing organizations - A case study on Event AB

Lindström, Olivia, Pedersén, Sanne, Kamph, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
Strukturella förändringar och uppdateringar blir allt vanligare och mer väsentligt för attföretag ska kunna överleva i en konstant föränderlig miljö. Men trots behovet av att uppdateraoch utveckla sin organisation är dessa förändringar inte alltid väl mottagna. Faktum är att upptill 70 procent av alla program som tar initiativ till förändring misslyckas, och en brist ikommunikation och förståelse uppges vara anledningen till att felfrekvensen är så pass hög.När en liten och självgående organisation växer kan det också växa fram ett behov av mertydlighet och struktur, vilket indirekt innebär en stor strukturell förändring. Denna studiefokuserar därför på att undersöka den interna kommunikationen på ett litet företag somgenomgår en förändring i form av tillväxt.Denna kandidatuppsats är utformad som en kvalitativ fallstudie på företaget Event AB. Syftetär att undersöka hur den interna kommunikationen ser ut i en liten, växande organisation ochhur de anställda upplever att de arbetar med kommunikation i samband med sin otroligatillväxt. All empiri är insamlad genom kvalitativa intervjuer med samtliga anställda på EventAB.Genom att tillämpa teorier på intern kommunikation på vårt insamlade material visarresultatet att tack vare den lilla storleken på Event AB etableras relationer på samma visoavsett vilket led det går. Detta ger ett naturligt och avslappnat, fritt flöde av kommunikation.Det saknas någon form av kommunikationsplan, och kommunikationen utgörs mestadels avinformell, verbal kommunikation. Företagets värderingar, visioner och mål kommunicerasdåligt vilket skapar en generell förvirring internt. Avsaknad av plan och rollbeskrivningskapar en viss ineffektivitet som gör att mycket av företagets arbete blir reaktivt snarare änproaktivt. De anställda upplever generellt att ju större företaget blir, desto sämre blirinformationsspridningen samtidigt som behovet av struktur blir större. Event ABs ledning ärmedvetna om gapet i kommunikationen och arbetar aktivt med att försöka förbättra deninterna kommunikationen. / Structural changes and updates are becoming more common and more substantial forcorporations to be able to compete in a constantly changing environment. Despite the need toinnovate the organization, these changes are not always well received. As a matter of fact, upto 70 percent of all programs that initiate change fails, and faulty communication and failingto understand the need of change is reported to be the main reason. When a small organizationgrows, the need for clarity and structure might grow too, which in turn means a palpablestructural change. Therefore, this study focuses on looking into the internal communication ofa small enterprise currently going through such growth.This bachelor thesis is designed as a qualitative case study on the agency Event AB. Thepurpose of the study is to investigate what the internal communication looks like in a smallbut growing organization, and how the employees perceive the internal communication inconnection to the growth process. The empiricism is gathered through interviews with allemployees of Event AB.Through applying theories on internal communication to our gathered empiricism the resultshows that thanks to Event AB’s small size, connections are made in the same way regardlesswhat direction - vertically or horizontal. This creates a natural and relaxed, free flow ofcommunication. There is no form of communication plan within the organization and thecommunication is mainly of the informal, verbal kind. Values, visions and objectives of thecompany is poorly communicated, which results in a general confusion internally. The lack ofplan and role description generates inefficiency, making a lot of the work reactive instead ofproactive. Employees generally perceive that the more the organization grows the worse thedistribution of the information gets, while the need for structure grows stronger. Event AB’smanagement is aware of the gap in communication and is actively working to improve theinternal communication.The language of this study is Swedish.

Enjeux et perceptions liés à la mise en place d'une démarche participative dans un contexte marketing interne : la RATP comme étude de cas / Issues and perceptions related to the establishment of a participatory approach in an internal marketing context : RATP as a case study

Ranchoux-Soulat, Charlotte 20 November 2015 (has links)
Ancré dans le champ du marketing interne, ce travail s’intéresse au phénomène de participation des salariés à la prise de décision. Inscrit dans le paradigme interprétativiste, il adopte une approche qualitative compréhensive et s’appuie sur une méthode d’étude de cas. Il est illustré par le cas de la démarche « Vision 2020 », mise en place auprès des salariés de la RATP en vue de la création du plan d’entreprise 2013-2020. Abordés dans une perspective systémique et interactionnelle, propre à l’approche communicationnelle de l’école de Palo Alto, les résultats émanent d’un raisonnement abductif et sont construits à l’aide d’un processus itératif d’allers retours entre la théorie, le recueil et l’analyse des données empiriques. Ainsi, l’analyse et l’interprétation des données recueillies par triangulation ont permis d’aborder la notion de participation selon trois angles, en se plaçant du point du vue des salariés : la conceptualisation du phénomène de participation, les objectifs et les effets de ce type d’initiative et les éléments pouvant exercer une influence sur l’attitude des employés envers celle-ci. Ce travail a par ailleurs souligné des enjeux majeurs inhérents à la participation des salariés, tels que le suivi de l’action participative, l’importance des supports, l’évolution de l’attitude des salariés lors de la mise en place de ce type d’action, ou encore le rôle particulier du manager dans ce type de démarche. Il constitue une théorisation de pratiques managériales existantes. / Anchored in the field of internal marketing, this work investigates the phenomenon of employee participation in decision-making. Inside an interpretivist paradigm, it adopts a qualitative and comprehensive approach, based on a case study method. We choose the case of the initiative "Vision 2020", set up with RATP employees in order to create the 2013 to 2020 business plan. Addressed in a systemic and interactional perspective, specific to the communication approach of Palo Alto, the findings result from an abductive reasoning and are built using an iterative process that goes back and forth between theory, collection and analysis of empirical data. The analysis and interpretation of data collected by triangulation thus allow us to address the notion of participation from three angles, adopting the point of view of employees: the conceptualization of the phenomenon of participation, the objectives and effects of this type of initiative and the elements influencing the attitude of employees towards it. This work highlights major challenges inherent in employee participation, such as the monitoring of participatory action, the importance of media, changing the attitude of employees during the implementation of this type action, or the special role of the manager in this type of initiative. It proposes a theorization of existing management practices.

An employee's perspective of co-branding separation on brand commitment

Munzhelele, Mukundi 11 July 2014 (has links)
The use of co-branding as a strategy has become increasingly important to managers due to saturation in mature markets and the search for growth in emerging nations (Chul, 2009; Helmig, Huber, & Leeflang, 2008; Uggla & Asberg, 2010). In this study, a co-branded joint venture strategy is seen as an enterprise or an organisation introducing a national brand into a foreign market using brands that are successful in that foreign market, thus creating a co-brand (Kuvykaite & Mascinskiene, 2010). Co-branded strategies do not necessarily last for an indefinite period of time and the companies involved may want to separate after some time, particularly when the multi-national firm wants to align subsidiaries under the same corporate identity and brands. This split leads to impacts on a number of different levels including internal stakeholders (e.g. employees), external stakeholders (suppliers, consumers etc.) and the reputation of the firms. It can be argued that employees are the most affected by co-branded ventures above all other stakeholders. Danone Southern Africa is a firm of French origin which entered the South African dairy market through a joint venture with Clover South Africa. The two companies formed the Joint venture, Danone-Clover in 1998 (Abratt & Motlana, 2002), to operate within the fresh dairy produce market (i.e. Yoghurt, Custard and Maas). Whilst the two organisations had formed a joint-venture, Clover South Africa continued to operate separately within the broader dairy and beverages market. Danone subsequently bought out Clover’s share in the joint-venture in 2010 (Danone, 2010), resulting in the two firms no longer having a joint venture operation and functioning as separate entities within the South African market. This study explored the effects of a co-branding joint-venture separation, on the brand commitment of employees of the separated organisation. The study explored the process of the separation from a case study perspective. One-to-one interviews were conducted, with the use of open-ended and semi-structured questions with the responses recorded. The population of the study were employees of Danone Southern Africa, based at the Roodepoort head office. There were two sets of respondents, the first being employees who were part of Danone-Clover and are now employees of Danone Southern Africa. The second were respondents that had only being under the employment of Danone Southern Africa, i.e. joining the organisation post the joint venture separation in 2010. The study made use of judgemental sampling where sample sizes are often determined on the basis of theoretical saturation, as a result 18 respondents were interviewed. The results of the study showed that a co-branding joint venture separation has a negative impact on brand commitment, in that brand commitment decreases after the dissolution of the joint venture. In this specific case study, Danone’s brand performance was not negatively impacted particularly in terms of market share, where Danone is the dominant player within its category. The corporate brand, however, was negatively impacted in terms of external brand recognition, as there is confusion between the Clover and Danone brands with consumers seeing Danone as part of Clover South Africa. The Danone brand, post dissolution, performed well in the marketplace due to the fact that there was high fit between the two organisations that had formed the joint venture, a restraint of trade agreement post the joint venture dissolution, Danone Southern Africa buying the dominant sub-brands from Clover, the inability of competitors to take advantage of the dissolution of the joint venture and manager performance in managing the brand post dissolution. Danone has however, been negatively impacted internally by the dissolution. The organisation has experienced high turnover across senior, middle and junior management, leading to a loss of institutional knowledge. The results also suggest that due to the high fit between the firms, brand promise and understanding of the brand were negated as issues, post dissolution, for Danone. The dominance of the sub-brands also made it somewhat easier for employees to continue to perform, as those brands were already well established within the organisation and the country. The Danone organisation also experienced a negative culture in the eyes of the internal stakeholder, which in part has been a large contributor to the higher turnover. The study also showed that employees who remained with the organisation post the co-branded joint venture separation had higher commitment than employees who joined post the joint venture separation. There were also informal processes for learning within the organisation post dissolution, it was recognised that a more formal and prioritised knowledge management process needed to be started by the organisation. This study has theoretical and managerial implications. Future research could include other geographic territories, industries and a consumer evaluation on the effects of the dissolution. Given that the two organisations will become competitors (from 2015 onwards), it offers an opportunity for a longitudinal study on the two organisations and how they interact (in the areas of brand standing, identity, employee perception, market share and brand interaction with consumers) over the coming years.

O Endomarketing voltado à melhoria da produtividade industrial: um estudo na empresa Mitsuba do Brasil LTDA

Rocha, Naêde Lima de Souza da 27 August 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:11:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NAEDE ROCHA.pdf: 3069142 bytes, checksum: a84ae50b54715733f9f78c532738db59 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As empresas vivem um dilema relacionado com a motivação dos seus recursos humanos e como estes podem melhorar a produtividade, em seu benefício e, especialmente em beneficio da empresa. Diante dessa declaração, foram analisados os resultados trazidos pela criação e aplicação de uma ferramenta voltada ao avanço da capacidade produtiva em uma empresa do segmento de componentes elétricos instalada no Pólo Industrial de Manaus PIM. O tema foi escolhido para desenvolver técnicas de Endomarketing e uma ferramenta metodológica para o envolvimento dos Recursos Humanos e na melhoria da produtividade industrial na empresa Mitsuba do Brasil Ltda., Como objetivo principal, desenvolver, com fulcro em técnicas de Endomarketing, proposta de um Programa, conjugando uma metodologia e uma ferramenta, que será desenvolvida e aplicada junto aos colaboradores da empresa; E como especifico analisar os programas e as metodologias aplicadas, os ganhos de produtividade na empresa, à criação e elaboração do PERC (Programa de Eficiência dos Resultados Criativos); Investigar onde o envolvimento dos Recursos Humanos pode contribuir para a redução de perdas e obtenção de ganhos no processo produtivo da organização em estudo; Descobriu-se que o retorno preterido na qualidade e efetividade nos processos produtivos em que devem se manifestar em ganhos em termos de clima organizacional e integração grupal e multifuncional em dos objetivos corporativos. Concluiu-se que a preocupação da empresa pesquisada com o desenvolvimento da criação de uma ferramenta e uma metodologia do Endomarketing voltados à motivação funcional no setor produtivo industrial, determina nos resultados organizacionais e no impulso ao melhor desempenho do colaborador. O estudo foi realizado através de dados coletados na empresa através de referências bibliográficas. A sua relevância está em conhecer o endomarketing voltado à melhoria da produtividade industrial. A elaboração do trabalho ira contribuir para futuros debate sobre a questão na área de estudos sobre Endomarketing proporcionando subsidio para novas pesquisas.

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