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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kampen om särskolan : Carlbeck-kommitténs utredning av särskolan i fackliga tidningar / The struggle for special school : The Carlbeck Committee's investigation of the special school in union magazines

Bergfjord, Anders, Thorén, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla kunskap om hur diskussionerna kring avskaffandet eller behållandet av särskolan som skolform i relation till Carlbeck-kommitténs arbete har förts i Lärarförbundets (LF) tidningar. Studien ingår i forskningsprojektet From Salamanca to PISA. The professionalizations of special needs educators since 1990 from a comparative perspective. Projektet bedrivs i Stockholms universitets regi, lett av Wieland Wermke och Gabriella Höstfält.  Arbetet bygger på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av artiklar från fackliga tidskrifter. Det empiriska materialet utgörs dels av artiklar i Lärarförbundets tidskrifter Specialpedagogen och Specialpedagogik och dels av Carlbeck-kommitténs del-, och slutbetänkande. I arbetets historiska bakgrund och forskningsöversikt identifieras två historiska spår gällande synen på organisation av undervisning för elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Arbetets resultat påvisar att dessa historiska spår även fortlöper under den studerade tidsperioden. Vidare visar resultatet en tydlig avsaknad av engagemang i frågan om skolformens existens från professionen och fackliga företrädare. Möjliga orsaker till detta presenteras i diskussionsdelen. Studiens resultat indikerar hur särskolan blivit en säkerhetsventil för att avlasta den starkare målstyrda grundskolan. En av de slutsatser som framkommer i arbetets diskussion är att Carlbeck-kommitténs arbete utgjorde ett försök att föra samman Salamancadeklarationens tanke om en skola för alla med PISA:s mer målinriktade intention. / The aim of this study is to develop knowledge of how the discussions about the abolition or retention of special school in relation to the Carlbeck Committee have been conducted in the Swedish Teachers' Association's (LF) magazines. The study is part of the research project From Salamanca to PISA. The professionalizations of special needs educators since 1990 from a comparative perspective . The project is run under the auspices of Stockholm University, led by Wieland Wermke and Gabriella Höstfält.  This study is based on a qualitative content analysis of articles from LF member magazines. The empirical material consists partly of articles in LF member magazines Specialpedagogen and Specialpedagogik and partly of the Carlbeck Committee's partial and final report. In this study's historical background and research overview, two historical traces are identified regarding the view of the organization of teaching for students with intellectual disabilities. The results of the study show that these historical traces also continue during the studied period. Furthermore, the results show a clear lack of commitment to the issue of the existence of special schools for students with intellectual disability from the profession and union representatives. Possible reasons for this are presented in the discussion section. The results of the study indicate how the special school has become a safety valve to relieve the stronger goal-oriented primary school. One of the conclusions that emerges in the discussion of the work is that the work of the Carlbeck Committee was an attempt to bring together the Salamanca declaration's idea of a school for all with PISA's more goal-oriented intention. / From Salamanca to PISA. The professionalizations of special needs educators since 1990 from a comparative perspective .

Mathematische Schülerleistung / Struktur, Schulformunterschiede und Validität

Brunner, Martin 07 June 2006 (has links)
Im Rahmen von drei Teilstudien wurde mathematische Schülerleistung aus einer differentialpsychologischen Perspektive untersucht. Die hierfür verwendeten Daten stammten von 29.386 deutschen Neuntklässlern, die am Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) im Jahr 2000 teilnahmen. In Studie 1 wurden ausgehend von Strukturtheorien kognitiver Fähigkeiten verschiedene Strukturmodelle mathematischer Schülerleistung konfirmatorisch geprüft. So wurde mathematische Schülerleistung in Form eines Nested-Faktormodell als additive Funktion einer mathematikspezifischen Fähigkeit (M´) und der allgemeinen kognitiven Fähigkeit (g) spezifiziert. Dieses Modell wies einen besseren Modellfit auf als das in der psychologischen Forschung dominierende Standardmodell. Für Letzteres wurde angenommen, dass Maße mathematischer Schülerleistung nur von einer generellen mathematischen Fähigkeit (M) beeinflusst werden. In Studie 2 wurden Schulformunterschiede mit konfirmatorischen Mehrgruppen-Faktormodellen untersucht. Schulformspezifische Mittelwertunterschiede in M waren im Standardmodell wesentlich stärker ausgeprägt als bei M´ im Nested-Faktormodell. Weiterhin wurde eine schulformspezifische Differenzierungshypothese für M´ untersucht. Entgegen der Erwartung konnte diese nur sehr eingeschränkt von den Daten gestützt werden. In Studie 3 wurde die Validität mathematischer Schülerleistung im Hinblick auf soziodemografische und motivationale Schülermerkmale sowie Schulnoten analysiert. Bei Verwendung des Nested-Faktormodells resultierte ein im Vergleich zum Standardmodell wesentlich differenzierteres Befundmuster. So waren Geschlechterunterschiede (zu Gunsten der Jungen) in M´ im Nested-Faktormodell deutlich stärker ausgeprägt als bei M im Standardmodell. Implikationen und Perspektiven der drei Teilstudien werden für die psychologische Forschung, die Lehr-Lernforschung, die Konzeption von Schülerleistungsstudien sowie für die pädagogische Praxis diskutiert. / Three studies investigated mathematics achievement from an individual differences perspective, using data from 29,386 German ninth graders who participated in the 2000 cycle of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). In study 1, different structural models of mathematics achievement were derived from structural theories of cognitive abilities, and tested empirically using confirmatory methods. In a nested-factor model, mathematics achievement was specified to be an additive function of specific mathematical ability (M´) and general cognitive ability (g). This model provided a better fit than the standard model that predominates in psychological research, which assumes that measures of mathematical achievement are only influenced by general mathematical ability (M). In study 2, differences between types of schools were analyzed using confirmatory multigroup factor analytic models. Mean differences in M in the standard model were much stronger than in M´ in the nested-factor model. A school-type-specific differentiation hypothesis for M´ was also investigated. Contrary to predictions, the data provided only limited support for this hypothesis. Study 3 analyzed the validity of mathematics achievement with respect to sociodemographic and motivational student characteristics and school grades. The nested-factor model yielded a much more differentiated pattern of results than the standard model. For example, gender differences (in favor of boys) were much more pronounced in M´ in the nested-factor model than in M in the standard model. The implications and future perspectives of studies 1 to 3 are discussed with respect to psychological and educational research, design of large-scale achievement studies, and educational practice.

國際學生來臺趨勢、擇國擇校過程及滿意度之研究 / Tendency, decision-making processes, and satisfaction of international students in Taiwan

張琦, Chang, Chi Unknown Date (has links)
近來,臺灣教育部為招收更多國際學生而實行新政策。本研究分析政策實行的效果、學生來臺原因及在臺學生的滿意度。研究一以時間序列分析1954至2008年的國際學生人數,ARIMA模式的預測效果良好(RER=0.83%),未來三年內國際學生人數將突破二萬人。研究二以問卷調查分析學生選擇留學國家及學校的選擇因素,同時分析學生來臺動機、所遇困難及在臺滿意度間的關係 (N=210)。結果顯示容易的簽證程序及臺灣的學術聲望影響學生來臺讀書;此外,財務、後勤及生活條件影響學生選擇留學學校。學生因臺學術聲望來臺且無食物適應困難者,願意再次來臺念書;學生因具吸引力課程及方便生活環境來臺且無硬體設備及學習適應方面困難者,願意建議他人來臺留學。根據研究結果,政府應加強國內教學品質,並協助提升學校學術聲望;增加赴海外任教教師,以教學專業提升我國國際形象。有興趣吸引國際學生的學校應可從健全學校行政體制著手,並聚焦於完善學生招生、入學諮詢輔導工作及協助生活適應。 / Recently, the Taiwanese Ministry of Education has implemented a new policy to recruit more international students. This study analyzes the policy’s effects and the reasons motivating students to study in Taiwan. The number of international students in Taiwan from 1954 to 2008 was used to generate a time series model to estimate the number of international students before and after the policy implementation. This ARIMA model (RER=0.83%) demonstrated a dramatic increase in the number of international students over the years. Using a questionnaire designed to examine determinants that affect international students’ decisions for choosing Taiwan and their respective schools (N=210), this study then study the relationship between the students’ motivations, the challenges they faced, and their degree of satisfaction with their experiences. Results demonstrated that an easy visa application process and Taiwan’s acclaimed academic reputation attracted students. Furthermore, financial, logistical, and living reasons affected the students’ choices in schools. Students who found living and educational conditions favorable and who felt intellectually stimulated would choose again to study in Taiwan and would recommend others to do so. Based on these results, the government should strengthen the quality of instruction and further promote Taiwan’s universities abroad. Schools interested in attracting international students should develop structured administrative systems focused on recruiting students and helping them transition into a new environment.

Territoires éphémères : les réseaux sociaux des étudiants marocains en mobilité internationale / Temporary spaces : social networks of Moroccan students in international mobility

Marchandise, Sabrina 03 December 2013 (has links)
La thèse analyse les mobilités internationales étudiantes marocaines en France au regard de la configuration de leurs réseaux sociaux et de leur inscription territoriale. Le questionnement porte sur l’espace en mouvement ou plutôt les formes spatiales engendrées par des réseaux aux formes variées s’appuyant sur des lieux connectés. La thèse apporte un éclairage sur un type particulier de migration qualifiante, parce qu’éphémère, et insiste sur une appropriation des lieux basée sur le relationnel et la présence plurielle entre l’ici et le là-bas. La démarche combine méthodes quantitatives (analyse de données statistiques) et qualitatives (corpus d’entretien, observations) auquel s’ajoutent des techniques innovantes d’analyse des réseaux du web social (notamment par la mobilisation de graphes de réseaux Facebook). L’analyse des trajectoires de mobilité, des réseaux relationnels et des sociabilités, mais aussi des pratiques du quotidien des acteurs migrants, mettent à jour une territorialisation mobile et réticulaire qui permet de définir un territoire relationnel construit par les relations à partir des réseaux. Le territoire révèle ainsi des propriétés relationnelles, éphémères et dynamiques. Le web social est intégré comme un élément fondamental de cette territorialisation mobilitaire et réticulaire par la mise en relation des lieux et l’opérationnalité de la présence plurielle. En parallèle, les pratiques du web social dessinent un territoire des possibles permettant de réinterroger l’imaginaire migratoire. / This thesis analyzes the social networks and spatial mobility of Moroccan students in France. The main focus is on the socio-spatial practices and patterns generated by the students’ networks, and on the various spatialities and connected places they produce. The thesis provides insights into a particular type of short-term migration, and outlines how this form of migration leads to the appropriation of places and a relational, multi-nodal presence that situates students in a continuum between here (France) and there (Morocco). The research approach combines quantitative methods (statistical analysis) and qualitative methods (interviews, participant-observation) and introduces innovative techniques for analyzing online social networks (including the use of graphs to visualize Facebook networks). Analysis of mobility trajectories, relational networks and sociability, along with the daily practices of migrant actors, reveals a flexible spatial usage whichallows for the delineation of relational spaces, and leads to an understanding of the interconnections formed through online social networks. Moroccan students’ spatial patterns thus have relational, temporary and dynamic properties. The social web is an integral element of students’ mobility and multi-nodal spatial usage, and by linking a diversity of places and practices leads to a form of ‘plural presence’. At the same time, the online social networking practices of Moroccan students in France allows for a re-examination of the possible spatial imaginations (or, imaginaries) of migration.


Osborne, Michael C. 01 January 2019 (has links)
Even though the United States (U.S.) spends, on average, more money per student than most Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, it continues to lag behind its international peers in mathematics achievement. This study, which responded to the call for educational reforms that improve the mathematics achievement of U.S. students, aimed to examine the issue of student help-seeking behaviors and teacher instructional practices as they interact to affect student mathematics achievement. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) defines student help-seeking behaviors as the ways in which students have a propensity to depend on the knowledge and intellect of others, including both their peers and teachers, when attempting to solve problems. Because mathematics is perhaps the most difficult school subject, student help-seeking behaviors should be a critical component of mathematics learning and teaching. Unfortunately, the research literature is barren concerning this important educational issue. This study attempted to produce the first wave of empirical evidence and open up an avenue for future research in this less-charted academic field, with the ultimate goal being to use students’ help-seeking behaviors to improve their mathematics achievement. Using the U.S. sample of 15-year-old students from PISA 2012 (the most recent PISA assessment in which the main area of focus was mathematical literacy), this study intended to determine whether students’ help-seeking behaviors play a significant role in their mathematics achievement, whether this relationship varies from school to school, and whether teacher instructional practices contribute to the school-level variation. Due to the multilevel structure of the data, with students being nested within schools, a two-level hierarchical linear model (HLM) was employed in the analysis of the data. Multiple measures of mathematics achievement were used as the dependent variables for separate analyses. Student help-seeking behavior was used as the key student-level independent variable, while three teacher instructional practices were used as the key school-level independent variables. In addition, several student and school background characteristics were used as control variables. The findings from this study indicate that student help-seeking behavior has a statistically significant effect on all measures of student mathematics achievement, even after controlling for various student background characteristics. On the other hand, the study did not find statistically significant evidence that the effects of student help-seeking behavior on any measure of student mathematics achievement vary from school to school. Overall, the issue of student help-seeking behaviors should be considered a worthy topic to pursue in future educational research. From a practical standpoint, since students’ mathematics achievement is positively associated with their help-seeking behaviors, efforts should be made to educate mathematics teachers on how to encourage their students to be more proactive in seeking help in the learning of mathematics.

Migration for Education: Haitian University Students in the Dominican Republic

Miner, Jenny 01 April 2013 (has links)
Haitian university students represent a part of the increasing diversity of Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic. Using an ethnographic approach, I explore university students’ motivations for studying in the Dominican Republic, their experiences at Dominican universities and in Dominican society, Haitian student organizations, and their future plans. Additionally, I focus on Haitian students’ experiences with discrimination and how they relate to other Haitian migrants in the Dominican Republic. I find that most students come to the Dominican Republic due to the difficulty of gaining entrance to affordable Haitian universities and logistical convenience. The university is a unique setting where Haitian and Dominican students are clearly peers, which results in increased interactions between the two groups and decreased discrimination towards Haitian students. However, Haitian students remain a relatively isolated group within the university and in the larger Dominican society. Many students reported experiencing discrimination, although students identified class, rather than race or nationality, as the main reason for discrimination. Furthermore, I focused on the role of language in migrants’ experiences. I found that while a high command of Spanish allowed migrants to avoid identification as Haitian and subsequent discrimination, Kreyòl was used as a resource to create solidarity and maintain cultural ties to Haiti. My research suggests that it is important to keep in mind the distinct notions of race and nationality in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic when considering contemporary struggles for the rights of Haitian migrants and their descendants in the Dominican Republic.

從PISA 2003測試報告探究澳門中學生數學素養表現及個人因素影響之研究 / Study on the performance of the mathematical literacy and the influence of student factors of the secondary students in Macao from the report of PISA 2003;"從測試報告探究澳門中學生數學素養表現及個人因素影響之研究"

何慧榮 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

影響澳門學生數學素養表現之學校和家庭因素研究 / Effects of school and home factors on student's mathematical literacy performace in Macao

鍾健 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門十五歲學生學校歸屬感之相關因素研究 / Study of fifteen-year-old students' sence of belonging at school and its related factors in Macao;"Study of fifteen year old students' sence of belonging at school and its related factors in Macao"

黃曉玲 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

從PISA-2003測試結果探究影響澳門學生數學素養表現的學習特徵研究 / Study of learning characteristic affecting students' mathematical literacy performance in Macau : reanalysis of PISA-2003 data;"從測試結果探究影響澳門學生數學素養表現的學習特徵研究"

楊玉婷 January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

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