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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SOSLite: Soporte para Sistemas Ciber-Físicos y Computación en la Nube

Pradilla Ceron, Juan Vicente 16 January 2017 (has links)
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) have become one of the greatest research topics today; because they pose a new complex discipline, which addresses big existing and future systems as the Internet, the Internet of Things, sensors networks and smart grids. As a recent discipline, there are many possibilities to improve the state of the art, interoperability being one of the most relevant. Thus, this thesis has been created within the framework of interoperability for CPS, by using the SOS (Sensor Observation Service) standard, which belongs to the SWE (Sensor Web Enablement) framework of the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). It has been developed to give rise to a new line of research within the Distributed Real-Time Systems and Applications group (SATRD for its acronym in Spanish) from the Communications Department of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV for its acronym in Valencian). The approach, with which the interoperability in the CPS has been addressed, is of synthetic type (from parts to whole), starting from a verifiable and workable solution for interoperability in sensor networks, one of the most significant CPSs because it is integrated in many other CPSs, next adapting and testing the solution in more complex CPS, such as the Internet of Things. In this way, an interoperability solution in sensor networks is proposed based on the SOS, but adapted to some requirements that makes of this mechanism a lighter version of the standard, which facilitates the deployment of future implementations due to the possibility of using limited devices for this purpose. This theoretical solution is brought to a first implementation, called SOSLite, which is tested to determine its characteristic behavior and to verify the fulfillment of its purpose. Analogously, and starting from the same theoretical solution, a second implementation is projected called SOSFul, which proposes an update to the SOS standard so that it is lighter, more efficient and easier to use. The SOSFul, has a more ambitious projection by addressing the Internet of Things, a more complex CPS than sensors networks. As in the case of the SOSLite, tests are performed and validation is made through a use case. So, both the SOSLite and the SOSFul are projected as interoperability solutions in the CPS. Both implementations are based on the theoretical proposal of a light SOS and are available for free and under open source licensing so that it can be used by the research community to continue its development and increase its use. / Los Sistemas Ciber-Físicos (CPS) se han convertido en uno de los temas de investigación con mayor proyección en la actualidad; debido a que plantean una nueva disciplina compleja, que aborda sistemas existentes y futuros de gran auge como: la Internet, la Internet de las Cosas, las redes de sensores y las redes eléctricas inteligentes. Como disciplina en gestación, existen muchas posibilidades para aportar al estado del arte, siendo la interoperabilidad uno de los más relevantes. Así, esta tesis se ha creado en el marco de la interoperabilidad para los CPS, mediante la utilización del estándar SOS (Sensor Observation Service) perteneciente al marco de trabajo SWE (Sensor Web Enablement) del OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). Se ha desarrollado para dar surgimiento a una nueva línea de investigación dentro del grupo SATRD (Sistemas y Aplicaciones de Tiempo Real Distribuidos) del Departamento de Comunicaciones de la UPV (Universitat Politècnica de València). La aproximación con la cual se ha abordado la interoperabilidad en los CPS es de tipo sintética (pasar de las partes al todo), iniciando desde una solución, verificable y realizable, para la interoperabilidad en las redes de sensores, uno de los CPS más significativos debido a que se integra en muchos otros CPS, y pasando a adaptar y comprobar dicha solución en CPS de mayor complejidad, como la Internet de las Cosas. De esta forma, se propone una solución de interoperabilidad en las redes de sensores fundamentada en el SOS, pero adaptada a unos requerimientos que hacen de este mecanismo una versión más ligera del estándar, con lo que se facilita el despliegue de futuras implementaciones debido a la posibilidad de emplear dispositivos limitados para tal fin. Dicha solución teórica, se lleva a una primera implementación, denominada SOSLite, la cual se prueba para determinar su comportamiento característico y verificar el cumplimiento de su propósito. De forma análoga y partiendo de la misma solución teórica, se proyecta una segunda implementación, llamada SOSFul, la cual propone una actualización del estándar SOS de forma que sea más ligero, eficiente y fácil de emplear. El SOSFul, tiene una proyección más ambiciosa al abordar la Internet de las Cosas, un CPS más complejo que las redes de sensores. Como en el caso del SOSLite, se realizan pruebas y se valida mediante un caso de uso. Así, tanto el SOSLite como el SOSFul se proyectan como soluciones de interoperabilidad en los CPS. Ambas implementaciones parten de la propuesta teórica de SOS ligero y se encuentran disponibles de forma gratuita y bajo código libre, para ser empleados por la comunidad investigativa para continuar su desarrollo y aumentar su uso. / Els sistemes ciberfísics (CPS, Cyber-Physical Systems) s'han convertit en un dels temes de recerca amb major projecció en l'actualitat, a causa del fet que plantegen una nova disciplina complexa que aborda sistemes existents i futurs de gran auge, com ara: la Internet, la Internet de les Coses, les xarxes de sensors i les xarxes elèctriques intel·ligents. Com a disciplina en gestació, hi ha moltes possibilitats per a aportar a l'estat de la qüestió, sent la interoperabilitat una de les més rellevants. Així, aquesta tesi s'ha creat en el marc de la interoperabilitat per als CPS, mitjançant la utilització de l'estàndard SOS (Sensor Observation Service) pertanyent al marc de treball SWE (Sensor Web Enablement) de l'OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium). S'ha desenvolupat per a iniciar una nova línia de recerca dins del Grup de SATRD (Sistemes i Aplicacions de Temps Real Distribuïts) del Departament de Comunicacions de la UPV (Universitat Politècnica de València). L'aproximació amb la qual s'ha abordat la interoperabilitat en els CPS és de tipus sintètic (passar de les parts al tot), iniciant des d'una solució, verificable i realitzable, per a la interoperabilitat en les xarxes de sensors, un dels CPS més significatius pel fet que s'integra en molts altres CPS, i passant a adaptar i comprovar aquesta solució en CPS de major complexitat, com la Internet de les Coses. D'aquesta forma, es proposa una solució d'interoperabilitat en les xarxes de sensors fonamentada en el SOS, però adaptada a uns requeriments que fan d'aquest mecanisme una versió més lleugera de l'estàndard, amb la qual cosa es facilita el desplegament de futures implementacions per la possibilitat d'emprar dispositius limitats a aquest fi. Aquesta solució teòrica es porta a una primera implementació, denominada SOSLite, que es prova per a determinar el seu comportament característic i verificar el compliment del seu propòsit. De forma anàloga i partint de la mateixa solució teòrica, es projecta una segona implementació, anomenada SOSFul, que proposa una actualització de l'estàndard SOS de manera que siga més lleuger, eficient i fàcil d'emprar. El SOSFul té una projecció més ambiciosa quan aborda la Internet de les Coses, un CPS més complex que les xarxes de sensors. Com en el cas del SOSLite, es realitzen proves i es valida mitjançant un cas d'ús. Així, tant el SOSLite com el SOSFul, es projecten com a solucions d'interoperabilitat en els CPS. Ambdues implementacions parteixen de la proposta teòrica de SOS lleuger, i es troben disponibles de forma gratuïta i en codi lliure per a ser emprades per la comunitat investigadora a fi de continuar el seu desenvolupament i augmentar-ne l'ús. / Pradilla Ceron, JV. (2016). SOSLite: Soporte para Sistemas Ciber-Físicos y Computación en la Nube [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/76808 / TESIS


Nanto, Darack B 05 April 2018 (has links)
I noticed that the workers had the same itinerary when emptying trashcans, meanwhile trashcans needed urgently to be emptied. Traditionally, ETSU maintenance operate on daily routes to pick trash on designated time, regardless the level of the containers. This leads to overflown trashcan in busy areas or during rush hours in certain areas. This overflown trashcan result in an unclean environment for the community and an unpleasant look of our beautiful campus. The time, resources and labor invested in collecting the trash could be saved. Therefore, I decided to use the Internet of Things (IoT) to create a device that will optimize trash collection, to reduce costs and pollution. The Eco-Smart Can will contain a renewable source of energy such as the solar panel. Furthermore, it will have a compactor as well to decrease the trash volume. The system in the Eco-Smart can will give prior information of the trash level to maintenance facility so that they can empty the trash in a timely manner and preserve the environment.

The Privacy Paradox: Factors influencing information disclosure in the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in South Africa

Davids, Natheer 21 January 2021 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) has been acknowledged as one of the most innovative forms of technology since the computer, because of the influence it can have on multiple sectors of physical and virtual environments. The growth of IoT is expected to continue, by 2020 the number of connected devices is estimated to reach 50 billion. Recent developments in IoT provide an unprecedented opportunity for personalised services and other benefits. To exploit these potential benefits as best as possible, individuals are willing to provide their personal information despite potential privacy breaches. Therefore, this paper examines factors that influence the willingness to disclose personal information in the use of IoT in South Africa (SA) with the use of the privacy calculus as the theoretical underpinnings of this research. The privacy calculus accentuates that a risk-benefit trade off occurs when an individual decides to disclose their personal information, however, it is assumed that there are more factors than perceived risks and perceived benefits that influence information disclosure. After analysing previous literature, this study identified the following factors; information sensitivity, privacy concerns, social influence, perceived benefits, (perceived) privacy risks and privacy knowledge as possible key tenants in relation to willingness to disclose personal information. This research took on an objective ontological view, with the underlying epistemological stance being positivistic. The research incorporated a deductive approach, employing the use of a conceptual model which was constructed from a combination of studies orientated around privacy, the privacy calculus and the privacy paradox. Data for this research was collected using the quantitative research approach, through the use of an anonymous online questionnaire, where the targeted population was narrowed down to the general public residing within SA that make use of IoT devices and/or services. Data was collected using Qualtrics and analysed using SmartPLS 3. SmartPLS 3 was used to test for correlations between the factors which influence information disclosure in the use of IoT by utilising the complete bootstrapping method. A key finding was that the privacy paradox is apparent within SA, where individuals pursue enjoyment and predominantly use IoT for leisure purposes, while individuals are more likely to adopt self-withdrawal tendencies when faced with heightened privacy concerns or potential risks.

A realistic named data networking architecture for the Internet of things / Une Architecture NDN realiste pour l'Internet des Objets

Abane, Amar 02 December 2019 (has links)
L’Internet des objets (IdO) utilise l’interconnexion de milliards de petits appareils informatiques, appelés «Objets», pour fournir un accès à des services et à des informations partout dans le monde. Cependant, la suite de protocoles IP a été conçue il y a plusieurs décennies dans un but totalement différent, et les fonctionnalités de l’IoT soulignent désormais les limites de l’IP. En parallèle aux efforts d’adaptation de l’IP à l’IdO, des architectures alternatives basées sur les réseaux orientés information promettent de satisfaire nativement les applications Internet émergentes. L’une de ces architectures est appelée réseau de données nommées (NDN). Nos objectifs à travers le travail rapporté dans ce manuscrit peuvent êtrerésumés en deux aspects. Le premier objectif est de montrer que NDN est adapté à la prise en charge des systèmes IdO. Le deuxième objectif est la conception de deux solutions de communication légères pour les réseaux sans fil contraints avec NDN. / The Internet of Things (IoT) uses the interconnection of billions of small computing devices, called “Things”, to provide access to services and information all over the world. However, the IP protocol suite has been designed decades ago for a completely different purpose, and IoT features now highlight the limitations of IP. While adapting IP for the IoT might be seen as cutting corners, alternative architectures based on the Information Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm promise to natively satisfy emerging Internet applications. One of these architectures is Named Data Networking (NDN). Our objectives through the work reported in this manuscript can be summarized in two aspects. The first objective is to show that NDN is suitable to support IoT networking. The second objective is the design of two solutions for lightweight forwarding in constrained wireless networks.


NATHALIA MORAES DO NASCIMENTO 01 June 2016 (has links)
[pt] A ideia principal da Internet das Coisas (IoT) é conectar bilhões de coisas à Internet nos próximos anos, a exemplo de carros, roupas e comidas. Entretanto, muitos problemas precisam ser resolvidos antes que essa ideia possa ser concretizada. Alguns desses problemas estão relacionados à necessidade de construir sistemas para IoT que sejam auto-organizáveis e autoadaptativos. Este trabalho, portanto, apresenta a elaboração do Framework para Internet das Coisas (FIoT), que oferece suporte ao desenvolvimento de aplicações para IoT com essas características. Ele é baseado nos paradigmas de Sistemas Multiagente (SMA) e algumas técnicas abordadas em Aprendizado de Máquina, a exemplo de redes neurais e algoritmos evolutivos. Um agente pode ter algumas características, como autonomia e sociabilidade, que tornam SMAs compatíveis com sistemas que requerem auto-organização. Redes neurais e algoritmos de evolução vêm sendo comumente usados nos estudos de robótica, no intuito de prover autonomia e adaptação à agentes físicos (ex.: robôs, sensores). Para demonstrar o uso do FIoT, dois grupos de problemas em IoT serão instanciados: (i) Cidades Inteligentes e (ii) Quantificação de Coisas. / [en] The agreed fact about the Internet of Things (IoT) is that, within the coming years, billions of resources, such as cars, clothes and foods will be connected to the Internet. However, several challenging issues need to be addressed before the IoT vision becomes a reality. Some open problems are related to the need of building self-organizing and self-adaptive IoT systems. To create IoT applications with these features, this work presents a Framework for Internet of Things (FIoT). Our approach is based on concepts from Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) and Machine Learning Techniques, such as a neural network and evolutionary algorithms. An agent could have characteristics, such as autonomy and social ability, which makes MAS suitable for systems requiring self-organization (SO). Neural networks and algorithms of evolution have been commonly used in robotic studies to provide embodied agents (as robots and sensors) with autonomy and adaptive capabilities. To illustrate the use of FIoT, we derived two different instances from IoT applications: (i) Quantified Things and (ii) Smart Cities. We show how exible points of our framework are instantiated to generate an application.

Wireless Beehive Monitoring : Using edge computing and TinyML to classify sounds

Holmgren, Mattias, Holmér, Elias January 2022 (has links)
As an essential and indispensable contributor to pollinating the world's crops and plants, the honey bee is key to the sustainability of humans' and our ecosystems' continued survival. Following in the footsteps of the companies TietoEvry and Beelabs project, this report also works towards monitoring bees during their daily activities. This project aims to investigate the feasibility of using wireless, battery-driven devices inside beehives to detect the sound of bees using machine learning for edge devices. Beelab has focused on measurements in and around the beehive regarding weight, temperature, barometric pressure and humidity. Sound analysis is still in its infancy with few finished working alternatives; therefore, this project will focus on the sound attribute by implementing machine learning and classification algorithms and applying it to a prototype—the progress is thoroughly documented in this report. The device records a snippet of sound and prepares to send it over a wireless transmission medium. By streamlining the code and optimizing the hardware, the device runs continuously for a month using a small, cheap battery.

Especificación y desarrollo de una pasarela física y virtual para interoperabilidad de dispositivos heterogéneos en el ámbito de Internet de las Cosas

Olivares Gorriti, Eneko 21 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, Internet de las cosas (``Internet of Things'' o ``IoT'') ha evolucionado de ser simplemente un concepto académico, construido alrededor de protocolos de comunicación y dispositivos, a ser un ecosistema con aplicaciones industriales y de negocio con implicaciones tecnológicas y sociales sin precedentes. Gracias a las nuevas redes de acceso inalámbricas emergentes, sensores mejorados y sistemas embebidos con procesadores cada vez más eficientes y baratos, una gran cantidad de objetos (tanto de nuestra vida cotidiana como de sistemas y procesos industriales) están interconectados entre sí, trasladando la información del mundo físico a las aplicaciones y servicios de Internet. A través de las pasarelas IoT los dispositivos que interactúan con el mundo físico son capaces de conectarse a las redes de comunicación e intercambiar información. Son varios los retos que deben afrontar las pasarelas en su papel dentro del Internet de las Cosas, entre ellas, la escalabilidad, seguridad, la gestión de dispositivos y, recientemente, la interoperabilidad. La falta de interoperabilidad entre los dispositivos provoca importantes problemas tecnológicos y empresariales, tales como la imposibilidad de conectar dispositivos IoT no interoperables a plataformas IoT heterogéneas, la imposibilidad de desarrollar aplicaciones IoT que exploten múltiples plataformas en dominios homogéneos y/o cruzados, la lentitud en la introducción de la tecnología IoT a gran escala, el desánimo en la adopción de la tecnología IoT, el aumento de los costes, la escasa reutilización de las soluciones técnicas y la insatisfacción de los usuarios. El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es la búsqueda de una solución óptima para la interoperabilidad entre dispositivos de Internet de las Cosas mediante la definición de una pasarela IoT genérica, modular y extensible; sin dejar de lado aspectos esenciales como la seguridad, escalabilidad y la calidad de servicio. Se completa esta tesis doctoral con una implementación software de la pasarela IoT siguiendo la definición propuesta, así como el despliegue y la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en numerosos casos de uso pertenecientes a pilotos del proyecto de investigación Europeo ``INTER-IoT'' financiado a través del programa marco Horizonte 2020. / [CA] En els últims anys, Internet de les coses (``Internet of Things'' o ``IoT'') ha evolucionat de ser simplement un concepte acadèmic, construït al voltant de protocols de comunicació i dispositius, a ser un ecosistema amb aplicacions industrials i de negoci amb implicacions tecnològiques i socials sense precedents. Gràcies a les noves xarxes d'accés ``wireless'' emergents, sensors millorats i sistemes embeguts amb processadors cada vegada més eficients i barats, una gran quantitat d'objectes (tant de la nostra vida quotidiana com de sistemes i processos industrials) estan interconnectats entre si, traslladant la informació del món físic a les aplicacions i serveis d'Internet. A través de les passarel·les IoT els dispositius que interactuen amb el món físic són capaços de connectar-se a les xarxes de comunicació i intercanviar informació. Són diversos els reptes que han d'afrontar les passarel·les en el seu paper dins de la Internet de les Coses, entre elles, l'escalabilitat, seguretat, la gestió de dispositius i, recentment, la interoperabilitat. La falta d'interoperabilitat entre els dispositius provoca importants problemes tecnològics i empresarials, com ara la impossibilitat de connectar dispositius IoT no interoperables a plataformes IoT heterogènies, la impossibilitat de desenvolupar aplicacions IoT que exploten múltiples plataformes en dominis homogenis i/o croats, la lentitud en la introducció de la tecnologia IoT a gran escala, el descoratjament en l'adopció de la tecnologia IoT, l'augment dels costos, l'escassa reutilització de les solucions tècniques i la insatisfacció dels usuaris. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi doctoral és la cerca d'una solució òptima per a la interoperabilitat entre dispositius d'Internet de les Coses mitjançant la definició d'una passarel·la IoT genèrica, modular i extensible; sense deixar de costat aspectes essencials com la seguretat, escalabilitat i la qualitat de servei. Es completa aquesta tesi doctoral amb una implementació programari de la passarel·la IoT seguint la definició proposada, així com el desplegament i l'avaluació dels resultats obtinguts en nombrosos casos d'ús pertanyents a pilots del projecte d'investigació Europeu ``INTER-IoT'' finançat a través del programa marc Horitzó 2020. / [EN] In recent years, the Internet of Things (``IoT") has evolved from being simply an academic concept, built around communication protocols and devices, to an ecosystem with industrial and business applications with unprecedented technological and social implications. Thanks to new emerging wireless access networks, improved sensors and embedded systems with increasingly efficient and inexpensive processors, a large number of objects (both in our daily lives and in industrial systems and processes) are interconnected with each other, moving information from the physical world to Internet applications and services. Through IoT gateways, devices that interact with the physical world are able to connect to communication networks and exchange information. There are several challenges that gateways must face in their role within the Internet of Things, including scalability, security, device management and, recently, interoperability. The lack of interoperability between devices causes major technological and business problems, such as the impossibility of connecting non-interoperable IoT devices to heterogeneous IoT platforms, the impossibility of developing IoT applications that exploit multiple platforms in homogeneous and/or cross-domains, the slow introduction of IoT technology on a large scale, discouragement in the adoption of IoT technology, increased costs, low utilization of technical solutions and user dissatisfaction. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is the search for an optimal solution for interoperability between Internet of Things devices by defining a generic, modular and extensible IoT gateway; without neglecting essential aspects such as security, scalability and quality of service. This doctoral Thesis is completed with a software implementation of the IoT gateway following the proposed definition, as well as the deployment and evaluation of the results obtained in numerous use cases belonging to the pilots of the European research project ``INTER-IoT'' funded through the Horizon 2020 framework program. / Esta tesis doctoral se completa con una implementación software de la pasarela IoT siguiendo la definición propuesta, así como el despliegue y la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en numerosos casos de uso pertenecientes a pilotos del proyecto de investigación Europeo “INTER-IoT” financiado a través del programa marco Horizonte 2020. / Olivares Gorriti, E. (2022). Especificación y desarrollo de una pasarela física y virtual para interoperabilidad de dispositivos heterogéneos en el ámbito de Internet de las Cosas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181492 / TESIS

PAN-Analys av IKEA TRÅDFRI. : En fördjupning av säkerhetsrisker kopplade till OTA-uppdateringar inom IKEA TRÅDFRI:s PAN.

Jönsson, Linus, Schenström, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to elaborate security risks with OTA updates within TRÅDFRI:s PAN. To ensure that today’s IoT devices maintains a high and robust standard to protect end-user’s integrity. Method – To answer the questions and to provide research-based evidence the study was carried out as a case study and two methods were applied in the study. An initial literature review in which the Zigbee protocol and it´s process for certification as well as OTA updates was studied. The literature review was followed by a qualitative experiment with focus on how IKEA implemented the PAN-security in practice. Findings – The findings show reduced security within the TRÅDFRI:s PAN when a third party device performs the OTA update. The experiments also questions parts of the certificate issued by Zigbee Alliance. Implications - Due to the increasing popularity of IoT devices, requirements are increasing from a data security perspective. The data security perspective is more important than ever and take up significantly more space during the development process as well as during the life cycle. This study discusses the OTA updates impact on integrity as well as how an established IoT company, such as IKEA, has implemented this necessary feature to maintain its products during the products life cycle. Limitations – Data gathered from the experiment was limited to TRÅDFRI E27 LED Bulb and therefore the result cannot be seen as a generalization of all TRÅDFRI products.

Where Did The Car Go? : Smart cities, calm technology and the future of autonomous cars

Masséus, Jonatan January 2020 (has links)
Urbanization has been a growing trend in the past fifty years. Cities are now transforming into smart cities, spaces whose infrastructure comprises an embedded digital layer. Hardware collects real-time data in the urban environment and software elaborates it to improve all types of services, from traffic to waste management to well-being. One technology that is expected to use this digital layer to further change the urban environment is the autonomous car. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore what key design attributes future autonomous cars should possess if they have not only to co-exist with and be accepted by people in the landscape of tomorrow’s smart cities, but also what they should not possess in order not to cause any harm. In this sense, the dissertation recognizes calm technology to be necessary in the design of a future autonomous car to support a human-centered, as opposed to a car- or technology-centered, environment. A socio-technical and systemic lens is applied to the phenomenological investigation of nine companies carried out by means of twelve in-depth semi-structured interviews with experts working within the automotive sector, the smart city industry, and calm technology. Eight attributes (safety, on-demand, geo-tracking, sharing, multiple purposes, communication through smart devices, electrical care and IoT/connectedness) are identified as necessary for future autonomous cars to implement in order to take advantage of the smart city infrastructure and provide a human-centered experience. Additionally, six out of the eight calm technology principles recognized in literature are considered necessary when designing future autonomous cars.

Sécurisation de l'Internet des objets / Securing the Internet of things

Hammi, Mohamed Tahar 17 September 2018 (has links)
L'Internet des Objets ou en anglais the Internet of Things (IoT) représente aujourd'hui une partie majeure de notre vie quotidienne. Des milliards d'objets intelligents et autonomes, à travers le monde sont connectés et communiquent entre eux. Ce paradigme révolutionnaire crée une nouvelle dimension qui enlèveles frontières entre le monde réel et le monde virtuel. Son succès est dû à l’évolution des équipements matériels et des technologies de communication notamment sans fil. L’IoT est le fruit du développement et de la combinaison de différentes technologies. Il englobe presque tous les domaines de la technologie d’information (Information Technology (IT)) actuels.Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil représentent une pièce maîtresse du succès de l'IoT. Car en utilisant des petits objets qui sont généralement limités en terme de capacité de calcul, de mémorisation et en énergie, des environnements industriels, médicaux, agricoles, et autres peuvent être couverts et gérés automatiquement.La grande puissance de l’IoT repose sur le fait que ses objets communiquent, analysent, traitent et gèrent des données d’une manière autonome et sans aucune intervention humaine. Cependant, les problèmes liés à la sécurité freinent considérablement l’évolution et le déploiement rapide de cette haute echnologie. L'usurpation d’identité, le vols d’information et la modification des données représentent un vrai danger pour ce système des systèmes.Le sujet de ma thèse consiste en la création d'un système de sécurité permettant d’assurer les services d’authentification des objets connectés, d’intégrité des données échangées entres ces derniers et de confidentialité des informations. Cette approche doit prendre en considération les contraintes des objets et des technologies de communication utilisées. / Internet of Things becomes a part of our everyday lives. Billions of smart and autonomous things around the world are connected and communicate with each other. This revolutionary paradigm creates a new dimension that removes boundaries between the real and the virtual worlds. Its success is due to the evolution of hardware and communication technologies, especially wireless ones. IoT is the result of the development and combination of different technologies. Today, it covers almost all areas of information technology (IT).Wireless sensor networks are a cornerstone of IoT's success. Using constrained things, industrial, medical, agricultural, and other environments can be automatically covered and managed.Things can communicate, analyze, process and manage data without any human intervention. However, security issues prevent the rapid evolution and deployment of this high technology. Identity usurpation, information theft, and data modification represent a real danger for this system of systems.The subject of my thesis is the creation of a security system that provides services for the authentication of connected things, the integrity of their exchanged data and the confidentiality of information. This approach must take into account the things and communication technologies constraints.

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