Spelling suggestions: "subject:"interrelations"" "subject:"lnterrelations""
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Asthma at night : observations on the interrelations of asthma and sleepCatterall, James Richard January 1986 (has links)
Part I of the thesis contains a brief review of the clinical importance of nocturnal asthma, and an account of the methods used to study breathing during sleep. The original work of the thesis is divided into three further parts: In Part II are described studies of breathing and oxygenation during sleep in normal subjects. These studies were performed to establish a normal range of apnoea, hypopnoea and oxygenation during sleep and to determine the effects of age and sex on these variables. Part III contains the results of similar studies in patients with asthma. Breathing patterns and oxygenation during sleep in asthmatic patients were compared with those of normal subjects and those of patients with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The studies described in Part IV were designed to explore the relationship between sleep and bronchoconstriction. I wished to establish whether sleep was essential for nocturnal bronchoconstriction and to determine whether bronchoconstriction was associated with one particular stage of sleep. The results are summarised at the end of each section, and the clinical implications of the results are discussed in Part V.
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Potassium and Sodium Interrelations in Alfalfa Phenotypes Grown on Calcareous SoilDhumal, Suresh S. 01 May 1991 (has links)
Three greenhouse experiments were conducted with three phenotypes of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) obtained from a potassium (K)-deficient field and with their diallel crosses grown on low K soil. The first experiment was conduc ted to study the partitioning and broad-sense heritability of K a nd sodium (Na) between leaves and stems of the three phenotypes which were deficient in K and exhibited normal (N), marginal chlorotic (M), and white spot chlorotic (W) leaflets. The second experiment was conducted to study the partitioning of K and Na in leaves, stems, and roots as influenced by 32 alfalfa crosses obtained from diallel crossing of the mother plants of the three phenotypes. The objectives of the third experiment were to study the effects and interactions of nine alfalfa crosses and three soil K and Na levels on transpiration, biomass, and elemental composition of alfalfa components.
The three phenotypes showed no variations in their leaf and stem K concentrations but varied in their ability to partition Na between the leaves and stems. Phenotype M accumulated more Na compared to N and W phenotypes. The Na trait was highly heritable in the broad sense.
The K and Na concentrations varied among the diallel crosses. Crosses with M as the maternal parent had high Na concentrations in leaves while stems and roots accumulated lesser amounts. In contrast, the remaining crosses had higher Na concentrations in roots and lower and least amounts in stems and leaves, respectively.
Significant genetic variation among alfalfa crosses from a single cultivar was observed for transpiration, biomass production, plant water-use efficiency, elemental concentrations, and K utilization efficiency. Leaf and stem biomass and K concentrations in alfalfa components increased in response to increasing soil K levels. The Na concentrations in stems and roots fell in response to increasing soil K levels and increased in response to Na application. The K utilization efficiency of alfalfa increased with increase in soil Na levels, indicating partial Na substitution for K.
The differences among alfalfa phenotypes and crosses from a single cultivar in their Na accumulation and translocation were thought to be governed by plant genetics rather than the direct effect of K availability.
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Reconstructing the Origins of the Coptic Church Through its LiturgyTadros, Emile R. 01 April 2015 (has links)
<p> This thesis is an initial attempt to shed light on mutual interaction between Coptic and Jewish traditions by demonstrating a Jewish impact on the early stage of the Alexandrian Church as seen in the Coptic Morning Service. It explores the possible influence of the Jewish liturgies and prayers including the writings of the late Second Temple era (200 BCE - 70 CE) on some of the origins of fundamental Coptic rituals. The Coptic Morning Service holds almost identical texts, order of prayers, and, many major Jewish thematic interrelations.</p> <p> This study argues for an important lacuna in the spirituality of the contemporary Coptic worshiper. The mystifications that surround many Coptic liturgical components prevent parishioners from praying with understanding (1 Cor. 14:15). The twenty-first century Copt needs a sort of "Halakah" guidance towards their worshipping practices.</p> <p> This thesis hopes to offer a potential reconstruction of the early history of the Alexandrian Church through liturgy that could open a new scholarly field of Judeo-Coptic studies.</p> / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)
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Systèmes de contrôle cardiovasculaire et respiratoire et leur interaction en période néonatale / Cardiovascular and respiratory control systems and their interaction in the neonatal periodAl Omar, Sally 19 December 2017 (has links)
Les objectifs de cette thèse sont: i) de mettre au point de nouvelles techniques adaptées à la période néonatale d'analyse automatique des signaux physiologiques cardiaque (ECG) et respiratoire (RESP) afin d'étudier la variabilité de la fréquence cardiaque (VFC) et respiratoire (VFR), ainsi que les interrelations cardiorespiratoires; ii) de les valider et de les utiliser sur des modèles ovins pour mieux comprendre les altérations du contrôle cardiorespiratoire dans des différentes situations expérimentales. Durant les expérimentations, les agneaux étaient non sédationnés et libres de leurs mouvements, ce qui rend le traitement des signaux ECG et RESP enregistrés durant plusieurs heures difficile, à cause des artefacts. D'abord, une chaîne de traitement semi-automatique des signaux a été proposée. Elle comprend l'élimination automatique des périodes artefactuelles, l'extraction des séries temporelles des segments propres de l'ECG et du signal RESP, l'application d'un test de stationnarité sur ces séries temporelles pour extraire les segments stationnaires et le calcul de différents indices de la VFC et la VFR obtenus en appliquant des analyses linéaires et non linéaires. Ces analyses ont été complétées par la mesure des interrelations cardiorespiratoires. Cette chaîne de traitement a permis d'étudier les effets de trois situations expérimentales sur le contrôle cardiorespiratoire. La première situation cherche à étudier l'exposition d'agneaux nouveau-nés à la fumée de cigarette durant les deux premières semaines de vie. Une importante altération des interrelations cardiorespiratoires a été mise en évidence, surtout au niveau de l'arythmie sinusale respiratoire et du couplage cardioventilatoire. Ce résultat inédit donne un éclairage nouveau sur la physiopathologie des effets de l'exposition à la fumée de cigarette en période néonatale, incluant en particulier le syndrome de la mort subite du nourrisson. La deuxième situation expérimentale examine l'hyperbilirubinémie (HB) des agneaux prématurés. Une HB modérée a été induite durant 17h par injection intraveineuse de bilirubine. Les effets de l'HB modérée sur la VFC, la VFR et les interrelations cardiorespiratoires ont été évalués sur 7 heures d'enregistrement au moment de l'HB (J0) et 72h plus tard (J3), après normalisation de la bilirubinémie. À J0, une augmentation de la variabilité accompagnée d'une augmentation des indices fréquentiels de la VFC a été observée indiquant une coactivation sympathovagale. Tous ces effets ont disparu à J3. Une diminution de la fréquence respiratoire a été retrouvé avec une augmentation de la VFR; ces effets étaient maintenus jusqu'à J3. Une augmentation de l'arythmie sinusale respiratoire, de la synchronisation et du nombre de RR dans une inspiration et une expiration a été observée. Ces deux derniers effets étaient toujours présents au jour 3. La troisième situation expérimentale concerne l'application nasale d'une pression positive continue (PPC) de 6 cmH2O à des agneaux nouveau-nés sains pendant 6 heures. Une augmentation de la fréquence cardiaque a été observée avec diminution des indices temporels et fréquentiels de la VFC et augmentation de la complexité des intervalles RR. De plus, un ralentissement de la respiration a été montré avec allongement de la durée de l'expiration et diminution de la VFR indiquant une stabilisation de la respiration. Enfin, la seule altération des interrelations cardiorespiratoires retrouvée était une augmentation du nombre de RR dans le cycle respiratoire attribuable à l'augmentation de la fréquence cardiaque et à la diminution de la fréquence respiratoire. L'interprétation des résultats a été approfondie en utilisant une approche à base de modèles pour représenter le comportement des systèmes cardiovasculaire, respiratoire et du baroréflexe artériel dans les conditions expérimentales. Celle-ci permet d'accéder à des variables physiologiques difficilement observables durant les expérimentations. / The objectives of this thesis are: i) to develop new techniques, adapted to the neonatal period, for the automatic analysis of cardiac (ECG) and respiratory (RESP) signals in order to study heart rate variability (HRV), respiratory rate variability (RRV), as well as cardiorespiratory interrelations; ii) to validate these techniques and use them on neonatal ovine models to better understand alterations in the cardiorespiratory control in experimental situations mimicking exposure to postnatal environmental tobacco smoke, hyperbilirubinemia in the premature infant and continuous positive airway pressure application. In the different experimental situations, the lambs were without sedation and moving freely; this makes the treatment of ECG and RESP signals recorded for several hours difficult because of artifacts. As a first step, a semi-automated signal processing approach has been proposed. It includes the automatic elimination of artefactual periods, the extraction of time series from the clean segments of the ECG and RESP signals, the performance of a stationarity test in order to extract stationary segments, the application of linear (in time and frequency domains) and nonlinear HRV and RRV analysis as well as the calculation of cardiorespiratory interrelations indices. This approach was validated and allowed to study the effects of three different experimental conditions on cardiorespiratory control. The first condition explored the effects of exposing newborn lambs to postnatal environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) for the first two weeks of life. Significant impairment of cardiorespiratory interrelations was demonstrated, particularly for respiratory sinus arrhythmia and cardioventilatory coupling. This novel result sheds new light on the physiopathology of the effects of ETS exposure in the neonatal period, particularly for sudden infant death syndrome. The second experimental situation corresponds to hyperbilirubinemia (HB) of premature lambs. Moderate HB was induced for 17h by intravenous injection of bilirubin. The effects of moderate HB on HRV, RRV and cardiorespiratory interrelationships were assessed over 7 hours of recording during acute HB (D0) and after 72h (D3), following normalization of bilirubinemia. On D0, an increase in HRV accompanied by an increase in frequency indices of HRV was observed, indicating sympathovagal coactivation. These effects were absent on D3. A decreased respiratory rate and an increase in RRV were noted on D0; these effects were maintained until D3. The study of cardiorespiratory interrelations showed an increase in respiratory sinus arrhythmia, phase synchronization and the number of RRs in inspiration and expiration. The latter effects were still observed on day 3. The third experimental situation concerns the nasal application of a continuous positive pressure (CPAP) of 6 cmH2O in healthy neonatal lambs for 6 hours. An increase in heart rate associated with a decrease in temporal and frequency indices of HRV and an increase in RR interval complexity was observed. In addition, we observed a decrease in respiratory rate accompanied by a prolonged expiration and a decreased RRV, indicating a stabilization of breathing. Finally, no alterations of cardiorespiratory interrelations were observed excepted an increase in the number of RRs in the respiratory cycle explained by the increased heart rate and decreased respiratory rate. To further understand these results, a model of cardiorespiratory coupling comprising three compartments mimicking the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the arterial baroreflex, was adapted to the conditions of the experiment. Results obtained with the model allowed to gain access to variables that were not measured during the experiments.
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Étude des interrelations entre les domaines numérique, algébrique et géométrique dans l’enseignement des mathématiques au secondaire : une analyse des pratiques enseignantes en classes de troisième et de seconde / Study of the interrelations between the different numerical-algebrical and geometrical fields within the teaching of mathematics in the 2nd in the 2nd form : the analysis of the teaching-practices in the 3rd and the 2nd Forms.Santos Farias, Luiz Marcio 18 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude des interrelations entre les domaines numérique-algébrique et géométrique (NAG) dans l'enseignement des mathématiques en classes de troisième et de seconde en France. L'objectif est de comprendre comment les enseignants utilisent et font travailler les élèves sur ces interrelations et d'étudier dans quelle mesure l'utilisation de telles interrelations peut favoriser le processus d'enseignement-apprentissage. En nous appuyant sur le cadre de la théorie de l'anthropologie du didactique développée par Yves Chevallard, nous partons de l'hypothèse qu'il y a un vide didactique pour ces interrelations en tant qu'outil et en tant qu'objet dans l'enseignement des mathématiques au secondaire. Malgré ce vide didactique, les interrelations sont présentes dans la pratique des enseignants, elles ont une place et un rôle important dans l'enseignement des mathématiques. Ce vide peut constituer un obstacle pour les élèves lors de la résolution de problèmes qui font appel, simultanément, aux domaines numérique-algébrique et géométrique et lors de la construction des nouvelles connaissances. La thèse présente les caractéristiques de pratiques enseignantes à propos du NAG dans le cadre de l'observatoire des pratiques sur le numérique initié par Alain Bronner. La méthodologie est de type clinique, elle s'appuie sur les données recueillies auprès de deux professeurs et de leurs élèves, dans une classe de troisième et une classe de seconde. Le travail comprend, à propos du NAG, une étude historique et épistémologique, une étude des programmes et de manuel, l'étude des pratiques de deux professeurs et la mise en évidence des conditions actuelles de l'enseignement. La recherche a mis en évidence un problème didactique qui semble non identifié, voire sous-estimé, par les enseignants à propos du rôle des interrelations entre les domaines mathématiques. / The focus of this work is the study of interrelations between the different numerical-algebrical and geometrical fields(NAG) – in the teaching of mathematics on the 3rd and 2nd Forms in France.The objective is to understand how the teachers use and make the pupils work on those interrelations and to study how much the use of those interrelations may favour the process of teaching – learning.Relying on the frame of the theory of didactic anthropology developed by Yves Chevallard, we begin with the hypothesis that, there is a didactic void in the interrelations as used as tools, as well as objects linked with the teaching of mathematics in the 2ND level. In spite of this didactic void, the interrelations are present in the practise of the teachers, they have a place and an important role in the teaching of mathematics. This void may represent an obstacle for the pupils when they are supposed to do a resolution of problems which call, at the same time, on the numerical-algebrical and geometrical fields and which are built on new knowledges.The thesis presents teaching practices characteristics about the NAG in the frame of the Observatory of practices linked with numerical initiated by Alain.Bronner. The methodology is of the clinical type, it relies on the data accumulated by teachers and their pupils in a 3rd and 2nd Classes. The work is made of several parts, about the NAG : a historical and epistemologic study, a study of programs and manuals, the study of the pracises of the two teachers and the obvious evidence of the present conditions of the teaching. The reseach has made it clear that, there was a didactic problem which seems not visibly determined, even underestimated by the teachers, about the role of the interrelations between the different mathematic fields.
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Um estudo ergonômico sobre a \'sistemática de posicionamento\' no quadro de concepção e desenvolvimento de produto. / An ergonomic study on the \"systematics of positioning\" in the setting of conception and development of product.Bifano, Amelia Carla Sobrinho 20 June 2007 (has links)
Este estudo se originou da necessidade de aprofundamento teórico nas reflexões sobre a dinâmica das relações entre os sujeitos envolvidos em um projeto. Optou-se em trabalhar com o conceito de atividade, sendo esta inserida num determinado contexto sócio-histórico. A proposição da inserção da temática das relações entre os sujeitos, parte do pressuposto de que as teorias que embasam os procedimentos de organização da equipe e de condução do projeto, por meio da definição de prescrições e do estabelecimento de requisitos a serem cumpridos, posicionam os indivíduos, que constituem o processo, distanciados de sua posição de sujeito agente e, por conseqüência, do caráter ativo dessa sua presença. Essas teorias não consideram que o contexto, as particularidades de uma dada situação e as contingências sejam aspectos importantes no desenvolvimento da atividade. A proposta deste estudo, ao contrário, parte do princípio de que para compreender o projeto é preciso compreender sua constituição, que, por sua vez, ocorre a partir das relações entre os sujeitos agentes em seu ambiente concreto e simbólico. Ou seja, o projeto em execução passa a ser visto como em constituição pelos sujeitos agentes em um determinado contexto espaço/temporal. O desafio é precisamente situar essa abordagem ao encontro de uma ergonomia que integre os aspectos organizacionais e sociais do trabalho ou das relações interpessoais, que são ainda pouco levados em consideração nas temáticas de pesquisa. O objetivo deste estudo, foi compreender como se dá a estruturação das relações entre empresas e seus desdobramentos no decorrer das atividades inerentes a um projeto contratado, por meio do olhar proporcionado pela teoria do \"agir organizacional\" e pela \"sistemática de posicionamento\". Conseguiu-se mostrar as organizações enquanto processos dinâmicos de ações e decisões que, como tal, se constituem, mudam e se transformam no decorrer do tempo; bem como que essa movimentação é dinâmica e relacional; é a partir das relações que os sujeitos agentes constituem suas posições e interagem, produzindo ações intencionais em direção ao alcance dos objetivos e metas, que são particulares e também coletivas, presentes e futuras. Pôde-se demonstrar, pelos resultados deste caso estudado, a constituição de uma organização - a equipe do projeto de concepção e desenvolvimento do programa de apoio à decisão, a partir da constituição individual de seus sujeitos em termos de suas identidades profissionais, seus valores e objetivos particulares, ou seja, de sua constituição individual a partir do coletivo que existe nele mesmo, e de suas inter-relações com outros sujeitos na estruturação da equipe de trabalho. O agir organizacional apresentou-se como uma confluência - não necessariamente sem conflitos - de vários processos em interdependência e ocorrendo simultaneamente. A idéia de posicionamento para descrever a dinâmica da movimentação dos sujeitos no decorrer do projeto se apresentou mais adequada em detrimento das noções de estatuto e papéis, devido ao seu caráter estático e à determinação a priori das funções a serem desempenhadas pelos indivíduos. / This study originated from the need of theoretical deepness in the reflections on the dynamics of the relationships among the subjects involved in a project. It was chosen in working with the activity concept, being this inserted in a certain socio-historical context. The proposition of the insert of the thematic of the relationships among the subjects, comes from the presupposition that the theories that base the procedures of organization of the group and of conduction of the project, through the definition of prescriptions and of the establishment of requirements to be accomplished, the position of the individuals, that constitute the process, distanced of its position of subject agent and, for consequence, of the active character of its presence. Those theories don\'t consider that the context, the particularities of a given situation and the contingencies to be important aspects in the development of the activity. The purpose of this study, on the contrary, starts from the beginning that to understand the project is necessary to understand its constitution, that is, it happens starting from the relationships among the subject agents in its concrete and symbolic environment.. In other words, the project in execution starts to be seen as in constitution by the subject agents in a certain context space/time. The challenge is precisely to place that approach to the encounter of an ergonomics that integrates the organizational and social aspects of the work or of the interrelations, which are still not taken into account in the thematic of research. The objective of this study, was to understand how the structuring of the relationships between companies and their unfoldings in elapsing from the inherent activities to a contracted project, through the proportionate glance by the theory of the organization acting \" and by the \" systematic of positioning. \". It was gotten to show the organizations while dynamic processes of actions and decisions that, as such, they are constituted, they change and they become elapsing of the time; as well as that that movement is dynamic and relational; it is starting from the relationships that the subject agents constitute their positions and they interact, producing intentional actions in direction to the reach of the objectives and goals, that they are private and also collective, present and future. It could be demonstrated, by the results of this studied case, the constitution of an organization - the staff of the conception project and development of the support program to the decision, starting from the individual constitution of its subjects in terms of their professional identities, values and private objectives, in other words, of its individual constitution starting from the collective that exists in itself, and of its interrelations with other subjects in the structuring of the group work. The organizational acting came as a confluence - not necessarily without conflicts - of several processes in interdependence and happening simultaneously. The positioning idea to describe the dynamics of the movement of the subjects in elapsing of the project, showed more appropriated in detriment of the statute notions and papers, due to its static character and to the determination a priori of the functions to be carried out by the individuals.
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ÉTUDE DES INTERRELATIONS ENTRE LES DOMAINES NUMÉRIQUE, ALGÉBRIQUE ET GÉOMÉTRIQUE DANS L'ENSEIGNEMENT DES MATHÉMATIQUES AU SECONDAIRE : Une analyse des pratiques enseignantes en classes de troisième et de seconde.Santos Farias, Luiz Marcio 18 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude des interrelations entre les domaines numérique-algébrique et géométrique (NAG) dans l'enseignement des mathématiques en classes de troisième et de seconde en France. L'objectif est de comprendre comment les enseignants utilisent et font travailler les élèves sur ces interrelations et d'étudier dans quelle mesure l'utilisation de telles interrelations peut favoriser le processus d'enseignement -apprentissage. En nous appuyant sur le cadre de la théorie de l'anthropologie du didactique développée par Yves Chevallard, nous partons de l'hypothèse qu'il y a un vide didactique pour ces interrelations en tant qu'outil et en tant qu'objet dans l'enseignement des mathématiques au secondaire. Malgré ce vide didactique, les interrelations sont présentes dans la pratique des enseignants, elles ont une place et un rôle important dans l'enseignement des mathématiques. Ce vide peut constituer un obstacle pour les élèves lors de la résolution de problèmes qui font appel, simultanément, aux domaines numérique-algébrique et géométrique et lors de la construction des nouvelles connaissances. La thèse présente les caractéristiques de pratiques enseignantes à propos du NAG dans le cadre de l'observatoire des pratiques sur le numérique initié par Alain Bronner. La méthodologie est de type clinique, elle s'appuie sur les données recueillies auprès de deux professeurs et de leurs élèves, dans une classe de troisième et une classe de seconde. Le travail comprend, à propos du NAG: une étude historique et épistémologique, une étude des programmes, l'étude des pratiques de deux professeurs et la mise en évidence des conditions actuelles de l'enseignement. La recherche a mis en évidence un problème didactique qui semble non identifié, voire sous-estimé, par les enseignants à propos du rôle des interrelations entre les domaines mathématiques.
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Trajetória profissional do fisioterapeuta: reconhecimento e inter-relações no campo da saúdeAraújo, Aliceana Ramos Romão de Menezes 22 April 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-04-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present study attempts to understand the construction of the trajectory of the physiotherapist in João Pessoa PB. The interest came from the uneasiness of being a physiotherapist and to attempt to understand through the perception of peers how the trajectory of this profession has been constructed, since, like others, its emergence occurred on the banks of the medical profession. Initially it became necessary to rescue concepts of sociology that promoted a base for discussion around the following axes: trajectory, recognition and interrelations in the field, where these were always linked to other concepts such as field, vocation and work market. Several sources were consulted, such as: books and scientific papers (printed and online) that had as extraction sources the academic databases (Lilacs, Scielo, Bireme, EBSCOhost e scholar Google), using publications that were in their full text. Several authors have subsidized this understanding, although some have become the pillars of the research, such as Parsons, Freidson, Bourdieu, Foucault, Honneth and Thaylor. Simultaneous to the theoretical base has been the empirical research that was constructed through the physiotherapists speech and the understanding of their working field that was assembled through visitations to the necessary locations for this understanding. The empirical research took place in the period of January of 2012 to September of 2013 with the interviews and the notes of the field diary. Initially the composition of the sample was made and this was possible through the construction of networks among the physiotherapists, totaling 17 physiotherapists of both genders with average of professional activity of 11.5 years. In a second stage the interviews were made in an environment, date and time that better suited the person being researched, following the guidance of a semi-structured survey. After every interview the researcher transcribed, read, reread, comprehended and analyzed it by the light of sociology. Thus, the trajectory of the physiotherapist in João Pessoa, as well as many other professionals, is steeped in a multitude of contexts, the dynamics of the world and of the subjects undergo changes every day, marked by uncertainties, which generate uncertainties about the future of the profession. / O presente estudo tenta compreender a construção da trajetória do fisioterapeuta em João Pessoa-PB. O interesse veio da inquietação em ser fisioterapeuta e em tentar compreender, a partir da percepção dos pares, como vem sendo construída a trajetória dessa profissão, já que, como outras, seu surgimento se deu às margens da profissão médica. Inicialmente, fez-se necessário resgatar conceitos da sociologia que promovessem um embasamento para a discussão em torno dos seguintes eixos: trajetória, reconhecimento e inter-relações no campo, em que os mesmos estiveram sempre interligados a outros conceitos como o de campo, vocação e mercado de trabalho. Diversas fontes foram consultadas, como livros e artigos científicos (impressos e online) que tiveram como fonte de extração as bases de dados acadêmicos (Lilacs, Scielo, Bireme, EBSCOhost e Google acadêmico), utilizando-se de publicações que estivessem em sua íntegra textual. Vários autores subsidiaram este entendimento, porém alguns se fizeram os pilares da pesquisa, com Parsons, Freidson, Bourdieu, Foucault, Honneth e Thaylor. Concomitante ao embasamento teórico esteve a pesquisa empírica que foi construída através dos discursos dos fisioterapeutas e do entendimento do seu campo de atuação que se montou a partir das visitas aos locais necessários para este entendimento. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada no período de janeiro de 2012 a setembro de 2013 com as entrevistas e as anotações do diário de campo. Inicialmente se fez a composição da amostra que foi possível através da construção de redes entre os fisioterapeutas, totalizando 17 fisioterapeutas de ambos os gêneros e com média de atividade profissional de 11,5 anos. Em um segundo momento foram realizadas as entrevistas em ambiente, data e horário que melhor conviesse ao pesquisado, seguindo a orientação de um roteiro semiestruturado. Após cada entrevista a mesma foi transcrita pela pesquisadora, lida, relida, compreendida e analisada à luz da sociologia. Dessa forma, a trajetória do fisioterapeuta em João Pessoa, assim como de tantos outros profissionais, está mergulhada em uma infinidade de contextos que, pela dinâmica do mundo e dos sujeitos, sofrem modificações a cada dia, marcada por incertezas, que geram inseguranças quanto ao futuro da profissão.
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Um estudo ergonômico sobre a \'sistemática de posicionamento\' no quadro de concepção e desenvolvimento de produto. / An ergonomic study on the \"systematics of positioning\" in the setting of conception and development of product.Amelia Carla Sobrinho Bifano 20 June 2007 (has links)
Este estudo se originou da necessidade de aprofundamento teórico nas reflexões sobre a dinâmica das relações entre os sujeitos envolvidos em um projeto. Optou-se em trabalhar com o conceito de atividade, sendo esta inserida num determinado contexto sócio-histórico. A proposição da inserção da temática das relações entre os sujeitos, parte do pressuposto de que as teorias que embasam os procedimentos de organização da equipe e de condução do projeto, por meio da definição de prescrições e do estabelecimento de requisitos a serem cumpridos, posicionam os indivíduos, que constituem o processo, distanciados de sua posição de sujeito agente e, por conseqüência, do caráter ativo dessa sua presença. Essas teorias não consideram que o contexto, as particularidades de uma dada situação e as contingências sejam aspectos importantes no desenvolvimento da atividade. A proposta deste estudo, ao contrário, parte do princípio de que para compreender o projeto é preciso compreender sua constituição, que, por sua vez, ocorre a partir das relações entre os sujeitos agentes em seu ambiente concreto e simbólico. Ou seja, o projeto em execução passa a ser visto como em constituição pelos sujeitos agentes em um determinado contexto espaço/temporal. O desafio é precisamente situar essa abordagem ao encontro de uma ergonomia que integre os aspectos organizacionais e sociais do trabalho ou das relações interpessoais, que são ainda pouco levados em consideração nas temáticas de pesquisa. O objetivo deste estudo, foi compreender como se dá a estruturação das relações entre empresas e seus desdobramentos no decorrer das atividades inerentes a um projeto contratado, por meio do olhar proporcionado pela teoria do \"agir organizacional\" e pela \"sistemática de posicionamento\". Conseguiu-se mostrar as organizações enquanto processos dinâmicos de ações e decisões que, como tal, se constituem, mudam e se transformam no decorrer do tempo; bem como que essa movimentação é dinâmica e relacional; é a partir das relações que os sujeitos agentes constituem suas posições e interagem, produzindo ações intencionais em direção ao alcance dos objetivos e metas, que são particulares e também coletivas, presentes e futuras. Pôde-se demonstrar, pelos resultados deste caso estudado, a constituição de uma organização - a equipe do projeto de concepção e desenvolvimento do programa de apoio à decisão, a partir da constituição individual de seus sujeitos em termos de suas identidades profissionais, seus valores e objetivos particulares, ou seja, de sua constituição individual a partir do coletivo que existe nele mesmo, e de suas inter-relações com outros sujeitos na estruturação da equipe de trabalho. O agir organizacional apresentou-se como uma confluência - não necessariamente sem conflitos - de vários processos em interdependência e ocorrendo simultaneamente. A idéia de posicionamento para descrever a dinâmica da movimentação dos sujeitos no decorrer do projeto se apresentou mais adequada em detrimento das noções de estatuto e papéis, devido ao seu caráter estático e à determinação a priori das funções a serem desempenhadas pelos indivíduos. / This study originated from the need of theoretical deepness in the reflections on the dynamics of the relationships among the subjects involved in a project. It was chosen in working with the activity concept, being this inserted in a certain socio-historical context. The proposition of the insert of the thematic of the relationships among the subjects, comes from the presupposition that the theories that base the procedures of organization of the group and of conduction of the project, through the definition of prescriptions and of the establishment of requirements to be accomplished, the position of the individuals, that constitute the process, distanced of its position of subject agent and, for consequence, of the active character of its presence. Those theories don\'t consider that the context, the particularities of a given situation and the contingencies to be important aspects in the development of the activity. The purpose of this study, on the contrary, starts from the beginning that to understand the project is necessary to understand its constitution, that is, it happens starting from the relationships among the subject agents in its concrete and symbolic environment.. In other words, the project in execution starts to be seen as in constitution by the subject agents in a certain context space/time. The challenge is precisely to place that approach to the encounter of an ergonomics that integrates the organizational and social aspects of the work or of the interrelations, which are still not taken into account in the thematic of research. The objective of this study, was to understand how the structuring of the relationships between companies and their unfoldings in elapsing from the inherent activities to a contracted project, through the proportionate glance by the theory of the organization acting \" and by the \" systematic of positioning. \". It was gotten to show the organizations while dynamic processes of actions and decisions that, as such, they are constituted, they change and they become elapsing of the time; as well as that that movement is dynamic and relational; it is starting from the relationships that the subject agents constitute their positions and they interact, producing intentional actions in direction to the reach of the objectives and goals, that they are private and also collective, present and future. It could be demonstrated, by the results of this studied case, the constitution of an organization - the staff of the conception project and development of the support program to the decision, starting from the individual constitution of its subjects in terms of their professional identities, values and private objectives, in other words, of its individual constitution starting from the collective that exists in itself, and of its interrelations with other subjects in the structuring of the group work. The organizational acting came as a confluence - not necessarily without conflicts - of several processes in interdependence and happening simultaneously. The positioning idea to describe the dynamics of the movement of the subjects in elapsing of the project, showed more appropriated in detriment of the statute notions and papers, due to its static character and to the determination a priori of the functions to be carried out by the individuals.
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Traits d’interprétations paysagères d’une ville touristique en mutation et évocation d’un tourisme de luxe applicable à une structure hôtelière implantée à la banlieue Nord de Tunis / Landscape interpretations' features of a toutist city and evocation of a luxury tourism applicable to a hotel structure located in the northern coast of TunisEssouaid, Dhia Elhak 20 December 2018 (has links)
Ce travail essaye de détecter les réelles potentialités apparentes et latentes d’un tourisme renouvelé dans deux sites remarquables de la Tunisie, d’une part, la chaine hôtelière de la ville de Sousse, en rapport avec la Médina, et d’autre part, le projet de restructuration convoitée pour une hôtellerie de luxe sis à la banlieue Nord de Tunis. Notons que, cette recherche soulève une démarche urgente pour répondre aux nouvelles exigences de développement et de durabilité des paysages touristiques. En l’occurrence, la Tunisie est un terrain d’application favori et annonciateur des horizons modernes plausibles pour des échelles spatiales différentielles, mais ils disposent tous les deux des ressources de richesses naturelles, patrimoniales, identitaires et socioéconomiques. Il a été question de saisir les différentes évolutions structurelles et institutionnelles du tourisme tunisien, ses atouts et ses contraintes, notamment, après la période du printemps arabe qualifiée d’une période « d’hésitation ». D’ores et déjà, il s’avère le rôle simpliste de l’Etat en s’articulant sur les relatives règles du contrôle et de l’assistance partielle pour le déroulement de cette ressource économique. Le secteur privé n’a pas révélé encore de réelles capacités de redressement et de reprise ; leurs actions restent globalement chimériques. C’est dans ce cadre que s’insère notre travail de recherche qui vise à mettre en place un nouveau modèle de tourisme de luxe qui renforce l’attraction de ces hôtels et leur permet d’attribuer un caractère culturel et patrimonial à travers un choix judicieux des sites d’étude. Au niveau de la ville de Sousse : la méthodologie suivie, se base sur une classification des hôtels qui ont vécu une démolition totale et reconstruction ; des hôtels qui ont eu une rénovation partielle ou intérieure en conservant les façades ; des hôtels qui ont gardé l’état initial et des hôtels qui ont changé d’activité principale. Le dysfonctionnement partiel observable de l’activité touristique exige des éléments de réponses urgentes quant aux aspirations et au développement des relations entre les structures hôtelières et les autres composantes de la ville, notamment, sa Médina. Le projet de réhabilitation de la Médina est un exemple peut offrir une autre image d’un paysage et d’une animation multi culturelle. De nos jours, la diversification des produits et des services touristiques est une nécessité et ce, pour esquiver au modèle uni fonctionnel basé sur un tourisme balnéaire de masse. Ce dernier doit être révisé tout en adoptant des stratégies de multifonctionnalité et de valorisation territoriale. Les enquêtes entreprises directement de la grille SERVQUAL, ont montré que l’effort déployé reste encore en dessous des normes, on enregistre des indicateurs significatifs. Pour la banlieue Nord de Tunis : Actuellement, le monde du tourisme est en évolution, ce qui nous a conduit à choisir une structure hôtelière en voie de reconversion en « hôtel de luxe ». Des déterminants ont été identifiés pour définir les composantes de conception et de création de ce nouveau tropisme touristique. Un essai de référentiel multi échelle est ainsi proposé pour qu’il soit un schéma d’aide à la décision pour tout programme de rénovation en « hôtellerie de luxe » en Tunisie. Une tentative de labélisation a été envisagée « nTulux » afin de prescrire des recommandations et des nouveaux repères à l’industrie du tourisme tunisien. / This work tries to detect the real apparent and latent potentialities of a renewed tourism in two remarkable sites of Tunisia. On the one hand, the hotel chain of the city of Sousse, in connection with the Medina, and on the other hand, the coveted restructuring project for a luxury hotel located in the northern cost of Tunis. It should be noted that this research raises an urgent approach to meet the new requirements for the development and sustainability of tourist landscapes. In this case, Tunisia is a favorite field of application and a predictor of plausible modern horizons for differential spatial scales. Both sites have resources of natural, patrimonial, identity and socio-economic wealth. It has been a question of grasping the various structural and institutional developments of Tunisian tourism, its strengths and its constraints, especially after the period of the Arab spring termed a period of "hesitation". Already, it turns out the simplistic role of the state by articulating the relative rules of control and partial assistance for the development of this economic resource. The private sector has not yet revealed real recovery and recovery capabilities; their actions remain globally chimerical. It is in this context that our research work, which aims to set up a new model of luxury tourism, reinforces the attraction of these hotels and allows them to attribute a cultural and heritage character through a choice of two judicious sites. At the level of the city of Sousse: the methodology followed, is based on a classification of the hotels which lived a total demolition and reconstruction; hotels that have had a partial or interior renovation while preserving the facades; hotels that have kept the original state and hotels that have changed main business. The partial observable dysfunction of the tourist activity requires elements of urgent answers regarding the aspirations and the development of the relations between the hotel structures and the other components of the city, in particular, its Medina. The Medina Rehabilitation Project is an example that can offer another image of a multi-cultural landscape and animation. Today, the diversification of tourism products and services is a necessity, to avoid the uni-functional model based on mass seaside tourism. The latter must be revised while adopting strategies of multifunctionality and territorial valorisation. Surveys undertaken directly from the SERVQUAL grid, have shown that the effort deployed remains below the norms, we record significant indicators. For the northern cost of Tunis: currently, the world of tourism is changing, which has led us to choose a hotel structure being converted into a "luxury hotel". Determinants have been identified to define the design and creation components of this new tourist tropism. A multi-scale benchmark test is proposed so that it is a decision-making scheme for a renovation program in "luxury hotels" in Tunisia. An attempt at labeling was considered "nTulux" to prescribe recommendations and new benchmarks to the Tunisian tourism industry.
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