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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A efetividade do programa de interven??o pedag?gica: um estudo de caso na Escola Estadual professor Leopoldo Miranda em Diamantina - MG

Fernandes, Xymene Trindade 08 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Alexandre Soares (alexandredesoares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-19T13:36:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 xymenes_trindade_fernandes.pdf: 2411935 bytes, checksum: 8b4995774a6e87506c27f7b2f3d13cc2 (MD5) / Rejected by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br), reason: Rever: Refer?ncia ABNT Tipo Nota de disserta??o/Tese Resumos Palavra Chave Ag?ncia Financiadora http://acervo.ufvjm.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/559 on 2016-07-21T16:41:45Z (GMT) / Submitted by Alexandre Soares (alexandredesoares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-25T11:55:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 xymenes_trindade_fernandes.pdf: 2411935 bytes, checksum: 8b4995774a6e87506c27f7b2f3d13cc2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2016-08-25T14:24:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 xymenes_trindade_fernandes.pdf: 2411935 bytes, checksum: 8b4995774a6e87506c27f7b2f3d13cc2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T14:24:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 xymenes_trindade_fernandes.pdf: 2411935 bytes, checksum: 8b4995774a6e87506c27f7b2f3d13cc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / O Programa de Interven??o Pedag?gica II (PIP II) ? tem?tica dessa pesquisa que materializou-se na Escola Estadual Professor Leopoldo Miranda (EEPLM), em Diamantina ? MG, vinculada ? Linha de Pesquisa Pol?ticas P?blicas e Educacionais, teve, como objetivo geral analisar a efetividade do Programa de Interven??o Pedag?gica II na Escola Estadual Professor Leopoldo Miranda, no per?odo de 2011 a 2013. Os objetivos espec?ficos oportunizaram: conhecer o Programa de Interven??o Pedag?gica II na Escola Estadual Professor Leopoldo Miranda no per?odo de 2011 a 2013; analisar a efetividade do PIP II com base no Guia de Organiza??o e Reorganiza??o do PIP 2013; e analisar os elementos que dificultaram a efetividade do PIP II na EEPLM. Quanto ? natureza e abordagem metodol?gica, essa pesquisa ? qualitativa, possuindo caracter?sticas metodol?gicas descritivas e anal?ticas. Apresenta-se por um estudo de caso, tendo, como t?cnica, a pesquisa documental, utilizando a an?lise de conte?do para interpreta??o dos dados. A delimita??o da pesquisa deu-se no 9? ano do Ensino Fundamental por ser nessa fase de ensino a ocorr?ncia de avalia??o pelo Programa de Avalia??o da Rede P?blica da Educa??o B?sica (PROEB) que subsidia a organiza??o e reorganiza??o do PIP II nas escolas. Os resultados obtidos mostram o desenvolvimento de a??es pela escola, visando atender as necessidades para que o ensino-aprendizagem acontecesse com ?xito, por?m evidenciaram-se quest?es dificultadoras do processo de ensino-aprendizagem relacionadas ? falta de comprometimento dos alunos com os estudos e a pouca participa??o da fam?lia, ? indisciplina, ? viol?ncia e ao comprometimento do professor, ? orienta??es pedag?gicas equivocadas por parte de inspetor escolar, ? dificuldade na utiliza??o do Curr?culo B?sico Comum, ao fracasso na efetiva??o da interdisciplinaridade, ao privil?gio no atendimento ?s disciplinas de Matem?tica e L?ngua Portuguesa em detrimento das demais, ?s dificuldades na participa??o dos alunos na avali??o do PROEB, ao grande quantitativo de alunos em progress?o parcial, ?s a??es do PIP II voltadas para o treinamento de habilidades e compet?ncias, ao n?mero reduzido de analistas para o atendimento ?s escolas, ?s dificuldade de acesso aos munic?pios pelos analistas, ?s caracter?sticas e dimens?es territoriais, ?s condi??es socioecon?micas dos alunos, ? falta de recursos para o desenvolvimento do trabalho, ? aus?ncia de diagn?stico da realidade para implementa??o de pol?ticas p?blicas, a desvaloriza??o dos profissionais da educa??o, ?s condi??es prec?rias de trabalho nas escolas, ? viol?ncia dos alunos contra professores, diretores e colegas de classe, ? valoriza??o de avalia??o quantitativa em detrimento da qualitativa, ? aus?ncia de forma??o interdisciplinar para os professores e equipe pedag?gica, e, ainda, sobrecarga de trabalho, tanto para os professores, quanto para os analistas do PIP II. A hip?tese levantada nessa pesquisa confirmou-se, ou seja, o Programa de Interven??o Pedag?gica II n?o se mostrou efetivo, uma vez que n?o houve melhoria para os alunos do 9? ano em rela??o ao ensino de qualidade, / Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Gest?o de Institui??es Educacionais, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015. / The Educational Intervention Program II (PIP II), is theme of this research that materialized at the State School Professor Leopoldo Miranda (EEPLM) in Diamantina - MG, linked to the Research Line of Public Policy and Education, aimed to: analyze the effectiveness of Pedagogical Intervention Program II at the State School Professor Leopoldo Miranda in the period from 2011 to 2013. The specific objectives gives opportunity to know the Pedagogical Intervention Program II at the State School Professor Leopoldo Miranda in the period from 2011 to 2013; analyze the effectiveness of PIP II based on the Organization and Reorganization guide of the PIP 2013; and analyze the elements that hampered the effectiveness of PIP II in EEPLM. About the nature and methodological approach this research is qualitative, having descriptive and analytical methodological characteristics. It is presented by a case study, with the documentary research technique using the content analysis to analysis and interpretation of data. The delimitations of the research took place in the 9th grade of elementary school to be in this educational stage the occurrence of evaluation by the evaluation program of the Public Network in the Basic Education (PROEB) that supports the organization and reorganization of the PIP II in schools. The results show the development of actions by the school, to meet the needs for the teaching and learning happen successfully, but it became clear cause difficulties issues of the teaching-learning process related to the lack of commitment of students with the studies and the little family participation, the indiscipline , violence and the teacher commitment, misleading pedagogical guidelines by the school inspector, the difficulty in using the Common Basic Curriculum to fail in the execution of the interdisciplinarity, the privilege in attendance ace of math and Portuguese to the detriment of others, the difficulties in students' participation in the Evaluation of the PROEB, the large quantitative of students in partial progress, the actions of PIP II focused to the training of skills and competences, the small number of analysts to attend the schools, the difficult of access to municipalities by analysts, the characteristics and territorial dimensions, the socio economic conditions of the students, lack of resources to the development work, the absence of diagnostic of the reality for implementation of public policies, devaluation of education professionals, the poor working conditions in schools, violence by the students against teachers, principals and classmates, the appreciation of quantitative evaluation over the qualitative, the lack of interdisciplinary training for teachers and teaching staff and also work overload for both teachers and analysts of PIP II. The raised hypothesis in this study was confirmed. So The Pedagogical Intervention program II was not effective, since there was no improvement to the students of the 9th grade in relation to quality education

Geometrizando no segundo ciclo :relato de uma interven??o pedag?gica voltada ? constru??o de conceitos geom?tricos no ensino fundamental

Azevedo, Ivanilka Lima de 05 September 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:35:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IvanilkaLA.pdf: 537971 bytes, checksum: b388c120f2ad7a12fc399265a64b6bd4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-09-05 / This work has proposed to relate the experience product of a pedagogical intervention, performed in a public institution of teaching situated in this capital. It had as objective to validade the applying of a teaching module of geometry, more specifically about the conceptions of perimeter and ?rea in the second cycle of fundamental teaching. This dissertation has presented the problematic which involves the teaching of geometry in different contexts. It has adopted the broach of the radical constructivism while methodological theoretical referencial through which it has tried to explain the phenomena that involves the teaching and the apprenticeship. It appropriates Jean s Piaget contributions related to the development stages, while referencial that will dialogue in the search by sense and comprehension of the geometric apprenticeship process and it runs over Richard s Skemp (1980) theory in order to explicit the student s apprenticeship according to the levels of instrumental comprehesion and relacional comprehension . The research has presented datum related to initial diagnosis evaluantion, the pedagogical intervention and analysis of the activities and students perfomance displaying still the results of the final evaluation. According to the results got, we could check the students group growth front to the acquisition of the concepts of perimeter and ?rea in comparison with the previous knowledges presented in the initial diagnosis evoluation of the students participants of the research. We have concluded evaluating the objectives of the research, connecting the strategies and reasoning employed by the students in order to resolve the questions and then to reach the objectives proposed by the teaching module. We have presented still the main obstacles to the apprenticeship of such concepts / Este trabalho se prop?e a relatar a experi?ncia fruto de uma interven??o pedag?gica, realizada em uma institui??o p?blica de ensino situada nesta capital. Teve por objetivo validar a aplica??o de um m?dulo de ensino de geometria, mais especificamente sobre os conceitos de per?metro e ?rea no segundo ciclo do ensino fundamental. Esta disserta??o apresenta a problem?tica que envolve o ensino de geometria em diferentes contextos. Adota a abordagem do construtivismo radical enquanto referencial te?rico-metodol?gico atrav?s do qual busca explicar os fen?menos que envolvem o ensinar e o aprender. Apropria-se das contribui??es de Jean Piaget relativas aos est?gios de desenvolvimento, enquanto referencial que dialogar? na busca por sentido e compreens?o do processo de aprendizagem geom?trica e recorre a teoria de Richard Skemp (1980) a fim de categorizar a aprendizagem dos alunos segundo os n?veis de compreens?o instrumental e compreens?o relacional . A pesquisa apresenta dados relativos a avalia??o diagnostica inicial, a interven??o pedag?gica e analise das atividades e desempenho dos alunos explicitando ainda os resultados da avalia??o final. Conforme os resultados obtidos, pudemos verificar o crescimento dos alunos da turma frente ? aquisi??o dos conceitos de per?metro e ?rea em compara??o aos conhecimentos pr?vios demonstrados na avalia??o diagn?stica inicial dos alunos participantes da pesquisa. Conclu?mos avaliando os objetivos da pesquisa, relacionando as estrat?gias e racioc?nios empregados pelos alunos a fim de resolverem as quest?es e consequentemente atingirem os objetivos propostos pelo m?dulo de ensino. Apresentamos ainda os principais obst?culos ? aprendizagem de tais conceitos

A (re)significa??o conceptual nas pr?ticas colaborativas com professores do Ensino Fundamental

Andrade J?nior, Francisco Vitorino de 03 October 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoVAJ.pdf: 629905 bytes, checksum: 10236bfb776b80446077c21a89515791 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-10-03 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The work objectified to apprehend the degree of the teachers' concept concerning the territory concept and to intervene with situations of critical reflections to accompany and to analyze the process of conceptual elaboration. It contemplates on the (new)meaning of knowledge and (new)elaboration of the concept in study done inside a pedagogic intervention. The Municipal School Dr. Julio Senna - Cear?-Mirim/RN and six (6) teacher-collaborators that taught in the 3rd and 4th grades of the fundamental teaching, constitutes the empiric field of the research. Its theoretical-methodological contributions are built in the studies of Vigotski (2000a, 2000b and 2001) on the formation process and development of concepts; in the methodology colaborate (Ibiapina (2004), Bartom? (1986), Kemmis and Mctaggart (1988), Arnal, Del Ricon and Latorre (1992), Pepper and Ghedin (2002), among others) and in the critical-reflexive conception of the Geography (Soares J?nior (2000 and 1994), Silva (1998), Raffestin (1993), Santos (1994), Felipe (1998), among others). The accomplishment of the work presupposed starting from the reflections on the following subjects: which the teachers' understanding in the school space concerning the territory concept? How does happen the process of conceptual construction territory for the teachers? The analysis of the teachers' previous knowledge on the concept in study, evidenced that its apprehensions on the attributes of the referred concept went mentioned the to light of the perceptible dimension of the real-concrete relationships of the reality linked to the degree of the spontaneous concepts and followed by the ideas of the traditional, humanistic and cultural geographical conceptions (positivism and phenomenology), restricting the territory meaning the notion of State-Nation and place of the men's dwelling. In the intervention process, it was verified to real possibility of the acquisition of indispensable scientific concepts to the process of (new)meaning conceptual of geographical knowledge through the continuous practice of the educational formation, when it was evidenced that the teacher-collaborators acquired high degrees of attributions of the significance of the territory concept to the they elaborate generalizations by means of analyses and syntheses of the concept-attribute (essential and multiples) of the reference conceptual in study / O trabalho objetivou apreender o grau de conceitualiza??o dos professores acerca do conceito de territ?rio e intervir com situa??es de reflex?es cr?ticas para acompanhar e analisar o processo de elabora??o conceitual. Reflete sobre a (re)significa??o de conhecimentos e (re)elabora??o do conceito em estudo efetivado no interior de uma interven??o pedag?gica. A Escola Municipal Dr. Julio Senna Cear? Mirim/RN e seis (6) professores-colaboradores que lecionavam nas 3? e 4? s?ries do ensino fundamental, constitui o campo emp?rico da pesquisa. Os seus aportes te?rico-metodol?gicos edificam-se nos estudos de Vigotski (2000a, 2000b e 2001) sobre o processo de forma??o e desenvolvimento de conceitos; na metodologia colaborativa (Ibiapina (2004), Bartom? (1986), Kemmis e Mctaggart (1988), Arnal, Del Ricon e Latorre (1992), Pimenta e Ghedin (2002), entre outros) e na concep??o cr?tico-reflexiva da Geografia (Soares J?nior (2000 e 1994), Silva (1998), Raffestin (1993), Santos (1994), Felipe (1998), entre outros). A realiza??o do trabalho pressup?s a partir das reflex?es sobre as seguintes quest?es: qual a compreens?o dos professores no espa?o escolar acerca do conceito de territ?rio? como ocorre o processo de constru??o conceptual de territ?rio pelos professores? A an?lise dos conhecimentos pr?vios dos professores sobre o conceito em estudo, evidenciou que as suas apreens?es sobre os atributos do referido conceito foram referenciados ? luz da dimens?o percept?vel das rela??es real-concretas da realidade vinculados ao grau dos conceitos espont?neos e norteado pelas id?ias das concep??es geogr?ficas tradicional, human?stica e cultural (positivismo e fenomenologia), restringindo o significado de territ?rio a no??o de Estado-Na??o e lugar de moradia dos homens. No processo de interven??o foi constatado a real possibilidade da aquisi??o de conceitos cient?ficos indispens?veis ao processo de (re)significa??o conceptual de conhecimentos geogr?ficos atrav?s da pr?tica cont?nua da forma??o docente, quando foi evidenciado que os professores-colaboradores adquiriram graus elevados de atribui??es da significa??o do conceito de territ?rio ao elaborarem generaliza??es por meio de an?lises e s?nteses dos conceitos-atributo (essenciais e m?ltiplos) da refer?ncia conceptual em estudo

Proposta de interven??o pedag?gica para estudo e uso dos pronomes relativos e das senten?as relativas/adjetivas no ensino fundamental / Proposal of pedagogical intervention for study and use of relative pronouns and relative / adjective sentences in elementary education

Cunha, Viviane Mendes 20 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-08T14:19:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Viviane Mendes da Cunha.pdf: 9118947 bytes, checksum: b33e6b4db67ab4e500e4703d51240b75 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-08T14:19:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2015 - Viviane Mendes da Cunha.pdf: 9118947 bytes, checksum: b33e6b4db67ab4e500e4703d51240b75 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-20 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This work aims to present a proposal for a pedagogical intervention for the study and use of relative pronouns and relative sentences - traditionally considered adjective subordinate clauses. This proposal was drafted from a diagnosis made in 2014 in an elementary public school in the municipality of Itagua? / RJ, with three segments: teacher, student and textbook. Compared to the first segment, we relied on responses from a questionnaire applied to the school teachers, to get to know their beliefs and attitudes regarding the use and study of this linguistic phenomenon; with the students, all of them ninth graders, we proceeded to the analysis of essays produced by them in 2014 to verify the actual use made of these pronouns and clauses; regarding the textbook of Portuguese, adopted by the school unit, we examined the methodological basis underlying the didactic proposal offered by this feature with regard to pronouns and mentioned sentences. The results obtained from the diagnosis showed that teachers recognize that among the sentences prescribed by the standard norm, students use frequently in speech and writing, the structures that do not require preposition, such as "The book which I bought is torn" and "I know the guy who appeared in the newspaper," but they do not know, and therefore do not use constructs such as "That's the teacher whom I like best", in whose place they produce sentences like "This is the teacher I like best" and "This is the teacher that I like better him", which diverge from this idealized standard. The essays used for the diagnosis confirm this teachers? intuition, not occurring, in these texts, just the kind of relative of the last example. The analysis of textbooks has shown that this teaching resource hardly explores the actual use of such syntactic structures, focusing on normative precept. As for pedagogical intervention itself, we relied on the model of Bortoni-Ricardo continuous (2004 e 2005), with emphasis on continuous monitoring stylistic, situated in the perspective of the language in use (Mollica and Roncarati, 2014; Oliveira and Coelho, 2003; Melo, Cyranka and Silva, 2010; Martins and Moura, 2014; Bortoni-Ricardo, 2005), and in the didactic proposal for collaborative learning of Moran, Masetto and Behrens (2013). / Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de interven??o pedag?gica para o estudo e uso dos pronomes relativos e das senten?as relativas ? consideradas tradicionalmente ora??es subordinadas adjetivas. Tal proposta foi elaborada a partir de um diagn?stico realizado no ano de 2014, em uma escola p?blica de ensino fundamental do munic?pio de Itagua? / RJ, com tr?s segmentos: professor, aluno e livro did?tico. Em rela??o ao primeiro segmento, baseamo-nos nas respostas de um question?rio, aplicado aos docentes da referida escola, para conhecer as cren?as e atitudes deles quanto ao uso e estudo desse fen?meno lingu?stico; com os discentes, todos do nono ano, procedemos ? an?lise de reda??es produzidas por eles em 2014, para verificar o real uso que fazem desses pronomes e dessas ora??es; no tocante ao livro did?tico de L?ngua Portuguesa, adotado pela unidade escolar, examinamos a fundamenta??o metodol?gica que subjaz ? proposta did?tica oferecida por esse recurso no que se refere aos pronomes e senten?as mencionados. Os resultados obtidos a partir do diagn?stico mostraram que os professores reconhecem que, entre as senten?as prescritas pela norma padr?o, os alunos usam com frequ?ncia, na fala e na escrita, as estruturas que n?o exigem preposi??o, como ?O livro que comprei est? rasgado? e ?Conhe?o o rapaz que apareceu no jornal?, mas n?o conhecem, e, por isso, n?o utilizam constru??es como ?Esse ? o professor de que / do qual mais gosto?, no lugar da qual produzem per?odos do tipo ?Esse ? o professor que mais gosto? e ?Esse ? o professor que mais gosto dele?, que destoam dessa norma idealizada. As reda??es usadas para o diagn?stico confirmam essa intui??o dos professores, n?o ocorrendo, nesses textos, apenas o tipo de relativa do ?ltimo exemplo. A an?lise do livro did?tico mostrou que esse recurso did?tico pouco explora o uso real de tais estruturas sint?ticas, privilegiando a prescri??o normativa. Quanto ? interven??o pedag?gica propriamente dita, apoiamo-nos no modelo dos cont?nuos de Bortoni-Ricardo (2004 e 2005), com ?nfase no cont?nuo de monitora??o estil?stica, situado na perspectiva da linguagem em uso (Mollica e Roncarati, 2014; Oliveira e Coelho, 2003; Melo, Cyranka e Silva, 2010; Martins e Moura, 2014; Bortoni-Ricardo, 2005), e na proposta did?tica de aprendizagem colaborativa de Moran, Masetto e Behrens (2013).

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