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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det osedda våldsoffret - Hur män som utsatts för våld i nära relation upplever mötet med hälso- och sjukvården : En litteraturstudie / The unseen victim of violence - How men who have been exposed to intimate partner violence experience the encounter with healthcare : A literature study

Herne, Elin, Johlin, Wilma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Män som utsatts för våld i nära relation har varierande erfarenheter av våldets olika dimensioner och former. Konsekvenserna av våld i nära relation påverkar de utsatta männens hälsa. Syfte: Att belysa hur män som utsatts för våld i nära relation upplever mötet med hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: En strukturerad allmän litteraturstudie genomfördes, där datainsamlingen ledde fram till tio vetenskapliga artiklar som bearbetades i tre steg. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier uppstod: negativa upplevelser av mötet med hälso- och sjukvården, positiva upplevelser av mötet med hälso- och sjukvården och förbättringspotential i bemötande av våldsutsatta män. I resultatet framkom det att de män som sökt sig till hälso- och sjukvården efter våld i nära relation hade övervägande negativa upplevelser som präglades av bland annat skam och skuldbeläggning, som till stor del grundade sig i stigmatisering och samhällets syn på maskulinitet. Däremot upplevde några män hälso- och sjukvården som positiv med bland annat betydelsefullt stöd. Konklusion: Vikten av ett empatiskt och öppensinnat bemötande framkom för att männen ska våga berätta om sina upplevelser. I och med detta krävs en ökad medvetenhet om att även män kan vara offer för våld i nära relation och hur dessa bemöts på bästa sätt. / Background: Men who have been exposed to intimate partner violence have varying experiences of the different dimensions and forms of violence. The consequences of intimate partner violence affect the health of the victimized men. Aim: To shed light on how men who have been subjected to intimate partner violence experience the encounter with healthcare. Method: A structured general literature study was conducted where the data collection led to ten scientific articles that were processed in three steps. Results: Three main categories emerged: negative experiences of the encounter with healthcare, positive experiences of the encounter with healthcare and potential of improvement in the encounter with abused men. The results showed that the men who sought healthcare after intimate partner violence had predominantly negative experiences that were characterized by for example shame and guilt, which were largely based on stigma and society's view of masculinity. Although some men experienced healthcare as positive with significant support. Conclusion: In this study, the significance of an empathic and openminded treatment by healthcare professionals of men who disclose their experiences emerged. Hence, increased awareness is required to show that men can be victims of intimate partner violence and how they can be treated in the best way.

Varför lämnar hon inte honom? : - En kvalitativ studie om våldsutsatta kvinnors beskrivning av sina erfarenheter i en våldsam relation / Why dosent she leave him? : - A qualitative study of abused women's description of their experiences in a violent relationship

Abdulreda, Zainab January 2021 (has links)
Men's violence against women in couple relationships is a global growing social problem that occurs in all countries regardless of religion, social class or social and economic conditions. The United Nations (UN) is constructing men's violence against women as a global pandemic that is constantly on the rise, and as the most widespread and socially accepted violation of human rights. Violence maintains individual positions of power and is thus a violation of women's human rights.The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate how women exposed to violence describe their experiences of violence in hetrosexual relationships, and whether the normalization of violence affects a woman's decision to leave a violent relationship. The study was based on the documentary series Våldsam kärlek",(”Violent love”) which depicts the subjective experiences of violence by four women exposed to violence. Theories about the gender power perspective, the normalization process and the breakup process were applied in the study for a deeper understanding for the subject. The results from the study show that men's violence against women involves physical, psychological and sexual violence, where violence escalates gradually. The results from the study show that the most common reason for domestic violence against women is due to manly power imbalance between men and women in society, but also because the woman normalizes violence in everyday life, which makes the breakup from the relationship more difficult.

"Dödsorsak: Kvinna" - En kvalitativ studie av polisanställdas och åklagares uppfattning om arbetet med kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relation

Jonsson, Moa, Steen, Emelie, Jakobsson, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Examensarbetets ämnesval fastställdes i samråd med en kontaktperson på Brottsoffer- och personssäkerhetssektionen region Syd. Trots tydlig ansvarsfördelning mellan polis-och åklagarmyndighet samt ett väl utarbetat metodstöd finns en problematik med att kvinnor inte upprätthåller sin initiala medverkan i utredningar. Studien ämnar därmed att belysa hur kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relation hanteras, vilket således handlar om att undersöka vilka verktyg polisanställda och åklagare har och på vilket sätt verktygen används. Frågeställningarna har besvarats genom semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med polisanställda och åklagare i Malmö. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att polisanställda och åklagare har verktyg att tillgå när kvinnan vill avbryta sin medverkan i utredning. De arbetsmetoder och verktyg som finns att tillgå när kvinnor inte längre vill medverka i utredningen används. Poliser i yttre tjänst är en viktig del för att kvinnorna ska upprätthålla sin initiala medverkan i utredningen. Motivation för kvinnans fortsatta medverkan krävs i de flesta ärenden, men när och i vilken utsträckning kan variera beroende på målsägandens inställning. Metodstöd används mer frekvent av vissa informanter och mer sällan av andra. Utifrån studiens resultat och med stöd av teoretiska utgångspunkter samt tidigare forskning har policyimplikationer tagits fram. Kunskap om normaliseringsprocessen anses vara en del i den ökade utredningskvaliteten som bedöms nödvändig för att få kvinnor att upprätthålla sin initiala medverkan. / The degree project was determined in consultation with a contact person in Region Syd’s Crime Victims and Personnel Security unit. Despite a clear designation of responsibilities between police employees and prosecutors, in addition to well- established guidelines, women not remaining as participants in the investigation is a problem. Therefore the study aims to elucidate how women subjected to intimate partner violence are treated by police employees and prosecutors. The study examines the tools police employees and prosecutors have and in the manner they are used. The questions have been answered through semi-structured telephone interviews with police employees and prosecutors in Malmö. In summary, new evidence shows that police employees and prosecutors have tools available to keep women in the investigation who wanted to remove themselves. The tools that are available when women no longer wish to participate in the study are used. Police officers are an important part of ensuring that women maintain their initial involvement in the investigation. Motivation to keep women in the investigation is required in most cases, but when and to what extent may vary depending on the plaintiff's attitude. The manual is used by the informants both frequently and less frequently. Policy implications have been developed based on the results of the study and with the support of theoretical perspectives as well as previous research. Knowledge of the ”normalization processes” is considered to increase the quality of investigation that enables women to maintain their participation.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta kvinnor som blivit utsatta för våld i nära relationer : En litteraturöversikt / Nurses experience of meeting women who been exposed to intimate partner violence : A literature review

Sandnes, Nathalie, Stöckel, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld i nära relationer är ett brott som leder till stora samhällsproblem. Fler kvinnor än män blir utsatta och 25 % av kvinnor i Sverige uppger att de någon gång har blivit utsatta för våld i nära relation. Kvinnor som råkar ut för våld söker oftare vård än andra kvinnor. Sjuksköterskorna har en betydande roll att upptäcka och identifiera våldsutsatta kvinnor. Syfte: Beskriva sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av att möta kvinnor som utsätts förvåld i nära relationer. Metod: En litteraturöversikt baserad på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar.Resultat: Består av tre huvudteman; skapa vårdande miljö, svårigheter i den professionella rollen samt förutsättningar och hinder i mötet med kvinnan. Dessa tre huvudteman skapades utifrån de åtta underteman som är; identifiera våld i nära relationer, skapa tillit och trygghet, behov av kunskap och kompetensutveckling, att inte kunna agera professionellt, osäker i det professionella ansvaret, att bära med sig arbetet hem, hinder som gör att frågan inte ställs och betydelsen av att vara erfaren. Resultatet visar att sjuksköterskor upplever bristande kunskap och träning i ämnet. Erfarenhet har betydelse i att identifiera kvinnor samt ställa frågan om våld. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskor får utbildning om våld i nära relationer samt kunskap i hur kvinnorna ska bemötas för att kunna erbjuda god vård. / Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a crime that lead to major societal problems. More women than men are exposed to intimate partner violence and 25% of women in Sweden says that they have been exposed to IPV. Women who suffers from violence seeks medical care more often than other women. Nurses have a significant role to find and identify women how have been exposed for intimate partner violence. Purpose: To describe nurses experiences of encountering women who are exposed to intimate partner violence. Method: A literary overview based on 14 scientific articles. Result: Consists of three main themes; create a caring environment, difficulties in the professional role and conditions and obstacles in the encounter with the women. These three main themes was created based on the eight sub themes that are; identify IPV, create trust and security, need for knowledge and skill development, not being able to act professionally, uncertain in the professional responsibility, carry the work home, obstacles that prevent the question from being asked and the impact of being experienced. The result indicates that nurses experience lack of knowledge and practice in IPV. More experienced nurses consider that they have the acilities to identify women and ask the question. Conclusion: It’s important that nurses receive education in IPV and knowledge about how to treat the women to provide good care.

”Jag ropade ut efter hjälp. Men de frågade aldrig… och jag berättade aldrig för dem” : Våldsutsatta kvinnors upplevelser av bemötandet i hälso- och sjukvården / ”I was crying out for help. But they never asked… and I never told them” : Battered women’s experiences of the response in health care

Eklund, Angela, Åkerblad, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Våld mot kvinnor i nära relationer är ett stort folkhälsoproblem. Vårdpersonal har en unik och viktig roll i kontakten med våldsutsatta kvinnor. Dessa kvinnor söker hjälp inom många olika delar av vården och är därmed en del av vårdpersonalens dagliga arbete. Syfte: Att belysa varför våldsutsatta kvinnor upplever bemötandet i hälso- och sjukvården bristfälligt och därigenom identifiera hur bemötandet kan förbättras. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på tio kvalitativa artiklar utifrån vilka tre teman identifierades: Att skapa en trygg miljö, Kommunikation samt Kompetens. Resultat: Kvinnor som utsätts för våld i nära relation upplevde bemötandet i hälso- och sjukvården som bristfälligt. De upplevde att vårdpersonalen inte lyssnade eller brydde sig tillräckligt om deras problem och de kände att de inte fick den tid de behövde. Kvinnorna önskade att frågan om våld skulle ställas i större utsträckning inom sjukvården. Slutsats: Vårdpersonal bör ställa frågan om våld mer frekvent för att fånga upp fler våldsutsatta kvinnor. Kvinnorna behöver känna sig sedda och hörda i mötet med vårdpersonal och därfor är det viktigt att ge dem tid och se utöver kvinnornas fysiska behov av vård. Det är även viktigt att det finns tillgång till tydlig och lättillgänglig skriftlig information om vart kvinnorna kan vända sig för att få hjälp. Klinisk betydelse: Resultatet visade att det finns ett behov av ytterligare utbildning för vårdpersonal inom området våld i nära relation. En nationell handlingsplan bör tas fram för att underlätta för vårdpersonal att förmedla hjälp. / Background: Intimate partner violence is a big public health issue. Health care professionals play a unique and important role in the contact with battered women. As these women seek help in many different care settings, they become a part of health care professionals’ everyday work. Aim: To describe why battered women experience the response in health care as inadequate, and by that identify how the response can be improved. Method: A literature review based on ten qualitative articles from which three main themes were identified: To create a safe environment, Communication and Competence. Result: Battered women experienced that the response in health care was insufficient. They experienced that health care professionals did not listen or care enough about their problems, and felt that they did not get enough time. The women wished that the question about intimate partner violence had been asked more frequently in health care. Conclusion: Health care professionals should ask about intimate partner violence more frequently in order to identify more battered women. The women need to feel that they are seen and heard when they encounter health care professionals and therefore it is important to give them time and look beyond their physical needs of care. It is also important that written information is easily available to let the women know where they can turn for help. Clinical implication: The results showed that there is a need for further education of health care professionals regarding intimate partner violence. National guidelines should be created as a support for health care professionals in their attempts to offer help.

Sexual Partnership-Level Correlates of Intimate Partner Violence Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Lima, Peru

Passaro, R. Colby, Segura, Eddy R., Gonzales-Saavedra, Williams, Lake, Jordan E., Perez-Brumer, Amaya, Shoptaw, Steven, Dilley, James, Cabello, Robinson, Clark, Jesse L. 01 January 2020 (has links)
To improve understanding of factors associated with intimate partner violence (IPV) and explore its role in sexually transmitted infection (STI) acquisition, we analyzed partnership-level correlates of IPV among men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TW) in Peru. In a 2017 cross-sectional study of rectal STI screening and HIV prevention, MSM/TW completed a sociobehavioral survey addressing demographic characteristics, sexual risk behaviors, and substance use, and were tested for rectal gonorrhea and chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV. Generalized estimating equations estimated individual- and partner-level correlates of IPV. Of 576 participants (median age, 27 years), 7.9% (36/456) of MSM and 15.0% (18/120) of TW reported IPV with ≥ 1 of their last three partners. MSM/TW reporting IPV were more likely to meet criteria for an alcohol use disorder (74.1%) than participants reporting no IPV (56.7%; p <.01). Physical violence (4.5% MSM; 9.2% TW) was associated with stable partnerships (aPR 3.79, 95% CI 1.79–8.04), partner concurrency (4.42, 1.19–16.40), and participant alcohol (4.71, 1.82–12.17) or drug use (5.38, 2.22–13.02) prior to sex. Psychological violence (4.5% MSM; 5.0% TW) was associated with stable partnerships (2.84, 1.01–7.99). Sexual IPV was reported by 1.1% of MSM and 5.0% of TW. Physical, psychological, and sexual IPV were reported in sexual partnerships of Peruvian MSM and TW, particularly with stable partners and in conjunction with substance use. / Revisión por pares

Trans-forming women's shelters: making transition houses safe and accessible for trans women

Temmel, Nicola 25 August 2020 (has links)
For over two decades, the inclusion of trans women in women’s spaces and organizations such as transition houses has been discussed and debated by women-only organizations, feminists, trans activists, and the broader public. Drawing on an interpretive description approach, my research examines the experiences of transition house counsellors (“counsellors”) who have worked with trans women accessing residential support. My research topic and questions emerged from my experience as a counsellor and are informed by a desire to better meet the needs of trans women affected by intimate partner violence (“IPV”), and to help fill gaps in available research, information, and practical resources to help service providers meet the needs of trans women affected by IPV. Specifically, my research questions are: (1) what challenges, opportunities, and insights do counsellors experience when working with trans women clients, and (2) how do counsellors adjust and adapt their practices in response to these challenges, opportunities, and insights when working with trans women accessing transition house support? Using purposive sampling, I recruited nine counsellors who have worked with trans women accessing transition house support. Data collection involved semi-structured in-depth-interviews of these participants to gain an understanding of their experiences and perspectives related to working with trans women accessing transition house support. Consistent with an interpretive description approach to research, I analyzed my data by drawing on both my experience as a counsellor and through thematic qualitative analysis. My research finds that participants unanimously supported the inclusion of trans women in transition house settings. While the majority of participants emphatically stated that they did not respond to trans women any differently than they did to cis women, my findings show that how participants responded to trans women was informed by how well they perceived a trans client’s gender expression to match her gender identity. As such, my analysis reveals that participants’ responses to trans women was mediated by their unconscious adoption of a broader dominant heteronormative cisgenderist IPV framework that operates at both an individual and institutional level. My research therefore highlights some of the limitations that affect trans women accessing transition house support when counsellors and organizations respond to IPV through a heteronormative cisgenderist framework. / Graduate

Mindfulness Meditation Among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence in a Community Program

Hernandez, Artemiza 01 January 2019 (has links)
This study aimed to assess the impact of an Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) intervention in a program serving women who survived Intimate partner violence (IPV). The biopsychosocial model, formulated by Engel, was the theoretical basis of this study. The impact of the MBSR intervention was assessed by qualitatively evaluating researcher notes and 5 participants' journals and reflections, and quantitatively evaluating 16 participants' self-reported stress, mindfulness, well-being, and optimism before and after the intervention. The themes that emerged from the qualitative data included participants' feelings of relaxation or balance, improved self-awareness, mindfulness exercises becoming easier over time, and improved intentionality. The Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS) self-report inventory was used to assess participants' mindfulness. The KIMS instrument is composed of four subscales: observe, describe, act, and accept. There were significant improvements in the describe and accept dimensions of mindfulness from pretest to posttest, after Bonferroni adjustment. The subscale describe measures how well the participants report being able to describe, identify, or observe mental phenomena in a nonjudgmental manner. There were no significant differences from pre to posttest on stress, well-being, and optimism, a non-equivalent dependent variable not expected to change as a result of the intervention, as optimism is presumed to be a stable personality trait. This study may provide a valuable link to the development of coping and treatment strategies for IPV survivors that can be integrated into therapy programs and individual treatment.

Kvinnors upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande angående våld i nära relationer

Degent, Adine, Leidö Høidahl, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer [VNR]söker ofta sjukvård, detta ger vårdpersonal en unik möjlighet och ett stort ansvar att fånga upp och hjälpa dem. Därför är det väsentligt att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av vården och identifiera önskat bemötande. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur kvinnor utsatta för våld i nära relationer upplever bemötandet av vårdpersonal, samt hur de önskar att bli bemötta angående sin situation. Metod: Detta är en deskriptiv litteraturstudie som granskat kvalitativa originalartiklar. Efter kvalitetsgranskning valdes tio studier som svarade mot studiens syfte. Efter noggrann genomläsning och diskussion utformades ett resultat med två teman och flera kategorier. Resultat: Kvinnorna beskrev främst barriärer de upplevt i mötet med vårdpersonal. Dessa barriärer började redan innan mötet med rädsla för vad som kunde hända om de sökte hjälp. Stress, tidsbrist och bristande kontinuitet i mötet med vården förhindrade uppbyggnad av den förtroendeingivande relation som beskrevs som essentiell för att kvinnan skulle känna trygghet. Kvinnorna upplevde även olika faser i hur redo de var att berätta och hantera våldsutsattheten. Skam, skuld och informationsbrist var andra barriärer. Rätt information vid rätt tidpunkt begränsade informationsbristen. Planscher och broschyrer på toaletter, i väntrum och i mottagningsrum upplevdes väldigt uppskattat. Direkta frågor och en motivering till varför frågan ställdes uppskattades av majoriteten av de studerade kvinnorna. Slutsats: I bemötandet av vården upplevde kvinnorna en mängd barriärer. Dessa kan överkommas med rätt information, en trygg miljö och en icke dömande och kontinuerlig personal-patientrelation, där kvinnans autonomi respekteras. / Introduction: Women exposed to Intimate Partner Violence [IPV] often seek medical care, which gives healthcare providers [HCP] a unique opportunity and a great responsibility to help. The aim of this study was to describe how women exposed to IPV experience encounters with HCP and how they want these encounters to be. Method: This is a descriptive study that examines qualitative original articles. After quality reviewing, ten articles that met the study criteria were chosen. The articles were independently read and then discussed to form a result, consisting of two themes and several categories. Result: The women primarily described experiences of different obstacles they faced in the encounter with HCP. These obstacles started with fear for what could happen if they disclosed the violence. Shame, guilt and lack of information were other barriers. Stress, lack of continuity and of time hindered the essential patient-provider relationship from growing. The women also experienced different stages of readiness in dealing with the IPV. Adequate information at the right time and in the right way could reduce the lack of information. Posters and brochures in waitingrooms, bathrooms and meeting rooms were appreciated. A majority of the studied women appreciated direct questions as well as a motivation why they were asked. Conclusion: The women experienced obstacles when meeting HCP. These obstacles could be overcome through correct information, a safe environment, and a safe, non-judgemental patient-provider relationship, where the women’s autonomy is respected.

Setting fire to our bed: a look at narrative persuasion through investigating depictions of intimate partner violence

Masterson, Desirae Sarah 09 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This thesis sought to attain a greater understanding of persuasion through narrative. First, a rhetorical analysis was conducted. The rhetorical analysis identified fantasy themes represented in two original music video artifacts. These themes formed what the author calls Symbolic Convergence Cycle of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Next, an experiment was conducted to provide further evidence that realistic narrative presentations have a greater ability to shape perceptions than more abstract presentations. Findings included that women were more likely to identify subtle abusive behaviors as abusive then men. However, after exposure to conditions containing the visual portion of the music video “Love the Way You Lie”, both female and male participants were less likely to identify subtle abusive behavior as abusive. This revealed that even though two messages can contain the same themes about the subject of IPV, the way that these messages were presented effected the way in which viewers interpreted the messages.

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