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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operating systems for resource constraint Internet of Things devices: An evaluation

Elvstam, Andreas, Nordahl, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) är ett område under omfattande utveckling, både vad det gäller hårdvara och mjukvara. När det gäller hårdvaruplattformar för IoT enheter finns det platt-formar som är kraftfulla nog att exekvera ett reguljärt OS som t.ex. Linux. Andra hårdvaru-plattformar är inte tillräckligt kraftfulla för att exekvera reguljära OS och för dessa plattformar finns ett behov av resurseffektiva små IoT OS. Dessa resurssnåla OS behöver kunna hantera många av de funktioner som reguljära OS erbjuder, men på ett betydligt mer effektivt sätt.Det har under de senaste åren släppts en uppsjö av olika IoT OS för resurssnåla enheter och därför är syftet med denna rapport en utvärdering av IoT OS för strömsnåla resurssvaga IoT enheter. Utvärdering genomförs på IoT OS:en Contiki, mbed, RIOT och Zephyr. Målet med utvärderingen är att fastställa viktiga egenskaper för ett IoT OS för strömsnåla resurssvaga IoT enheter, och att belysa svårigheter och erfarenheter relaterade till konstruktionsprocessen av en prototyp för IoT enheter. Utvärderingen genomfördes genom att samla in fyra olika typer av data relaterade till IoT OS:en, och sedan utvärdera denna data med hjälp av en kriteriebaserad utvärderingsmetod.Utvärderingen resulterade i en lista av sex viktiga egenskaper för små resurs snåla IoT operativsystem. Dess resultat belyser även svårigheter och erfarenheter som framkommit under byggprocessen av prototyperna baserade på IoT OS:en.Slutsatsen av denna rapport bidrar med erfarenheter från byggning av prototyper IoT OS för resurssnåla enheter, samt ett utvärderingsresultat för IoT OS:en med hänsyn till de sex viktiga IoT OS egenskaperna. / The Internet of Things (IoT) is a large and rapidly expanding area with regards to both hardware platforms and software. When it comes to hardware platforms for the IoT some are more powerful and able to run a traditional OS like Linux, while other platforms are too constraint to do so. To ease the development within the IoT area an appropriate IoT OS is needed for these constrained hardware platforms, which can handle most of the functionality a traditional OS offer.Therefore, we evaluate IoT OSs targeted for low performance battery powered devices. In this thesis Contiki, mbed, RIOT and Zephyr are evaluated. The aim of this evaluation is to determine important IoT OS characteristics for resource constrained devices, and to highlight difficulties and experiences related to the building process of prototypes for such IoT devices.The evaluation of the IoT OSs were conducted on four types of data with regards to several measurable OS characteristics according to a criteria based evaluation method.The evaluation resulted in a list of six IoT OS characteristics important for wireless, resource constrained and battery powered devices. Furthermore the evaluation highlights potential setbacks during the building process of a prototype system for such devices and it also explains what experiences that can be gained.The conclusion of this thesis contributes with experience related to IoT OS prototype construction and also an evaluation result with respect to the six IoT OS characteristics for constraint battery driven devices.

AI-Based Intrusion Detection Systems to Secure Internet of Things (IoT)

Otoum, Yazan 20 September 2022 (has links)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is comprised of numerous devices that are connected through wired or wireless networks, including sensors and actuators. The number of IoT applications has recently increased dramatically, including Smart Homes, Internet of Vehicles (IoV), Internet of Medical Things (IoMT), Smart Cities, and Wearables. IoT Analytics has reported that the number of connected devices is expected to grow 18% to 14.4 billion in 2022 and will be 27 billion by 2025. Security is a critical issue in today's IoT, due to the nature of the architecture, the types of devices, the different methods of communication (mainly wireless), and the volume of data being transmitted over the network. Furthermore, security will become even more important as the number of devices connected to the IoT increases. However, devices can protect themselves and detect threats with the Intrusion Detection System (IDS). IDS typically use one of two approaches: anomaly-based or signature-based. In this thesis, we define the problems and the particular requirements of securing the IoT environments, and we have proposed a Deep Learning (DL) anomaly-based model with optimal features selection to detect the different potential attacks in IoT environments. We then compare the performance results with other works that have been used for similar tasks. We also employ the idea of reinforcement learning to combine the two different IDS approaches (i.e., anomaly-based and signature-based) to enable the model to detect known and unknown IoT attacks and classify the recognized attacked into five classes: Denial of Service (DDoS), Probe, User-to-Root (U2R), Remote-to-Local (R2L), and Normal traffic. We have also shown the effectiveness of two trending machine-learning techniques, Federated and Transfer learning (FL/TL), over using the traditional centralized Machine and Deep Learning (ML/DL) algorithms. Our proposed models improve the model's performance, increase the learning speed, reduce the amount of data that needs to be trained, and reserve user data privacy when compared with the traditional learning approaches. The proposed models are implemented using the three benchmark datasets generated by the Canadian Institute for Cybersecurity (CIC), NSL-KDD, CICIDS2017, and the CSE-CIC-IDS2018. The performance results were evaluated in different metrics, including Accuracy, Detection Rate (DR), False Alarm Rate (FAR), Sensitivity, Specificity, F-measure, and training and fine-tuning times.

Design of Cellular and GNSS Antenna for IoT Edge Device

Broumas, Ioannis January 2019 (has links)
Antennas are one of the most sensitive elements in any wireless communication equipment. Designing small-profile, multiband and wideband internal antennas with a simple structure has become a necessary challenge. In this thesis, two planar antennas are designed, simulated and implemented on an effort to cover the LTE-M1 and NB-IoT radio frequencies. The cellular antenna is designed to receive and transmit data over the eight-band LTE700/GSM/UMTS, and the GNSS antenna is designed to receive signal from the global positioning system and global navigation systems, GPS (USA) and GLONASS. The antennas are suitable for direct print on the system circuit board of a device. Related theory and research work are discussed and referenced, providing a strong configuration for future use. Recommendations and suggestions on future work are also discussed. The proposed antenna system is more than promising and with further adjustments and refinement can lead to a fully working solution.

Implementace a vyhodnocení komunikační technologie LTE Cat-M1 v simulačním prostředí Network Simulator 3 / Implementation of Communication Technology LTE Cat-M1 Utilizing the Network Simulator 3

Drápela, Roman January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the implementation of LTE Cat-M1 technology in simulator NS--3 (Network Simulator 3). The theoretical part of the thesis summarizes key terms concerning IoT (Internet of Things), M2M (Machine-to-Machine) communication, LTE (Long Term Evolution) and LPWA (Low-Power Wide Area) networks. The practical part summarizes the possibilities of currently available modules for cellular technologies for NS-3, ie. the LENA module and the subsequent extension of LENA+ and ELENA. Simulation scenarios offer a comparison of LTE/LTE-A and LTE Cat-M1 (also known as eMTC - enhanced Machine Type Communication) technologies for M2M communication. The results of the simulations are well-arranged in the form of graphs and discussed at the end of the thesis.

Especificación y desarrollo de una pasarela física y virtual para interoperabilidad de dispositivos heterogéneos en el ámbito de Internet de las Cosas

Olivares Gorriti, Eneko 21 March 2022 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, Internet de las cosas (``Internet of Things'' o ``IoT'') ha evolucionado de ser simplemente un concepto académico, construido alrededor de protocolos de comunicación y dispositivos, a ser un ecosistema con aplicaciones industriales y de negocio con implicaciones tecnológicas y sociales sin precedentes. Gracias a las nuevas redes de acceso inalámbricas emergentes, sensores mejorados y sistemas embebidos con procesadores cada vez más eficientes y baratos, una gran cantidad de objetos (tanto de nuestra vida cotidiana como de sistemas y procesos industriales) están interconectados entre sí, trasladando la información del mundo físico a las aplicaciones y servicios de Internet. A través de las pasarelas IoT los dispositivos que interactúan con el mundo físico son capaces de conectarse a las redes de comunicación e intercambiar información. Son varios los retos que deben afrontar las pasarelas en su papel dentro del Internet de las Cosas, entre ellas, la escalabilidad, seguridad, la gestión de dispositivos y, recientemente, la interoperabilidad. La falta de interoperabilidad entre los dispositivos provoca importantes problemas tecnológicos y empresariales, tales como la imposibilidad de conectar dispositivos IoT no interoperables a plataformas IoT heterogéneas, la imposibilidad de desarrollar aplicaciones IoT que exploten múltiples plataformas en dominios homogéneos y/o cruzados, la lentitud en la introducción de la tecnología IoT a gran escala, el desánimo en la adopción de la tecnología IoT, el aumento de los costes, la escasa reutilización de las soluciones técnicas y la insatisfacción de los usuarios. El propósito de esta tesis doctoral es la búsqueda de una solución óptima para la interoperabilidad entre dispositivos de Internet de las Cosas mediante la definición de una pasarela IoT genérica, modular y extensible; sin dejar de lado aspectos esenciales como la seguridad, escalabilidad y la calidad de servicio. Se completa esta tesis doctoral con una implementación software de la pasarela IoT siguiendo la definición propuesta, así como el despliegue y la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en numerosos casos de uso pertenecientes a pilotos del proyecto de investigación Europeo ``INTER-IoT'' financiado a través del programa marco Horizonte 2020. / [CA] En els últims anys, Internet de les coses (``Internet of Things'' o ``IoT'') ha evolucionat de ser simplement un concepte acadèmic, construït al voltant de protocols de comunicació i dispositius, a ser un ecosistema amb aplicacions industrials i de negoci amb implicacions tecnològiques i socials sense precedents. Gràcies a les noves xarxes d'accés ``wireless'' emergents, sensors millorats i sistemes embeguts amb processadors cada vegada més eficients i barats, una gran quantitat d'objectes (tant de la nostra vida quotidiana com de sistemes i processos industrials) estan interconnectats entre si, traslladant la informació del món físic a les aplicacions i serveis d'Internet. A través de les passarel·les IoT els dispositius que interactuen amb el món físic són capaços de connectar-se a les xarxes de comunicació i intercanviar informació. Són diversos els reptes que han d'afrontar les passarel·les en el seu paper dins de la Internet de les Coses, entre elles, l'escalabilitat, seguretat, la gestió de dispositius i, recentment, la interoperabilitat. La falta d'interoperabilitat entre els dispositius provoca importants problemes tecnològics i empresarials, com ara la impossibilitat de connectar dispositius IoT no interoperables a plataformes IoT heterogènies, la impossibilitat de desenvolupar aplicacions IoT que exploten múltiples plataformes en dominis homogenis i/o croats, la lentitud en la introducció de la tecnologia IoT a gran escala, el descoratjament en l'adopció de la tecnologia IoT, l'augment dels costos, l'escassa reutilització de les solucions tècniques i la insatisfacció dels usuaris. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi doctoral és la cerca d'una solució òptima per a la interoperabilitat entre dispositius d'Internet de les Coses mitjançant la definició d'una passarel·la IoT genèrica, modular i extensible; sense deixar de costat aspectes essencials com la seguretat, escalabilitat i la qualitat de servei. Es completa aquesta tesi doctoral amb una implementació programari de la passarel·la IoT seguint la definició proposada, així com el desplegament i l'avaluació dels resultats obtinguts en nombrosos casos d'ús pertanyents a pilots del projecte d'investigació Europeu ``INTER-IoT'' finançat a través del programa marc Horitzó 2020. / [EN] In recent years, the Internet of Things (``IoT") has evolved from being simply an academic concept, built around communication protocols and devices, to an ecosystem with industrial and business applications with unprecedented technological and social implications. Thanks to new emerging wireless access networks, improved sensors and embedded systems with increasingly efficient and inexpensive processors, a large number of objects (both in our daily lives and in industrial systems and processes) are interconnected with each other, moving information from the physical world to Internet applications and services. Through IoT gateways, devices that interact with the physical world are able to connect to communication networks and exchange information. There are several challenges that gateways must face in their role within the Internet of Things, including scalability, security, device management and, recently, interoperability. The lack of interoperability between devices causes major technological and business problems, such as the impossibility of connecting non-interoperable IoT devices to heterogeneous IoT platforms, the impossibility of developing IoT applications that exploit multiple platforms in homogeneous and/or cross-domains, the slow introduction of IoT technology on a large scale, discouragement in the adoption of IoT technology, increased costs, low utilization of technical solutions and user dissatisfaction. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is the search for an optimal solution for interoperability between Internet of Things devices by defining a generic, modular and extensible IoT gateway; without neglecting essential aspects such as security, scalability and quality of service. This doctoral Thesis is completed with a software implementation of the IoT gateway following the proposed definition, as well as the deployment and evaluation of the results obtained in numerous use cases belonging to the pilots of the European research project ``INTER-IoT'' funded through the Horizon 2020 framework program. / Esta tesis doctoral se completa con una implementación software de la pasarela IoT siguiendo la definición propuesta, así como el despliegue y la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos en numerosos casos de uso pertenecientes a pilotos del proyecto de investigación Europeo “INTER-IoT” financiado a través del programa marco Horizonte 2020. / Olivares Gorriti, E. (2022). Especificación y desarrollo de una pasarela física y virtual para interoperabilidad de dispositivos heterogéneos en el ámbito de Internet de las Cosas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181492

“De är kompisar” : En studie om möjligheterna att utvinna affärsnytta utifrån den ökande mängd data Internet of Things genererar

Bjellman, Evelina, Gunnarsson, Anton January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Utveckling av produktprototyp för sortering av hushållsavfall / Development of a product prototype for sorting of household waste

Hamrin, Hamrin January 2015 (has links)
Abstract Embedded systems are involved more and more into our daily lives thanks to the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). An important step in this development is the communication between the systems that been used. The possibilities of sending data in a compressed format based on a protocol standard and use a server with built-in functions, can be a good basis for complex system solutions constructed in Internet of Things (IoT). The simple protocol Messages Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is described to be a protocol that minimizes any bottlenecks in the Machine - To - Machine (M2M) communications while it offers a number of implementing security solutions as data encryption, unique user credentials (username and password) And authentication thereof, and three different Quality of Service (QoS) levels since the data is transmitted over TCP / IP. Along with this server solution is examined in this report, the ability to implement the protocol in a real communication between the development board and an Android mobile application, where the data handled by the broker HiveMQ and stored in a MySQL database and then transferred via a web server to the mobile application. The purpose of the report is therefore to examine the implementations possibility for MQTT in a real scenario with the broker HiveMQ. Where the project resulted in a complete communications solution that corresponds to the protocol can be implemented as well as a theoretical explanation of the security solutions that can be taken to and how well the protocol can scale in a theoretical example. During the work, the development board CC3200 LaunchPad used as target platform. Keywords: CC3200 LaunchPad, HiveMQ, Broker, SQL, Android

The Impact of Internet of Things on Building Services Engineering

Ringvall, Robert January 2017 (has links)
Today communicating sensors are everywhere. There are sensors in our smart phones, in our vehicles, even in our homes. As the technology in electronics and wireless communication is developed more devices is installed all around us. The Internet connected network of physical objects is called the Internet of Things (IoT). The IoT devices send, receive and exchange data in order to control, monitor and optimize. The possible appliances for IoT spans industries, healthcare, cities, airports, and much more. This project targets the current state of IoT, how the development of IoT might affect building services engineering and possible future IoT appliances in buildings. The main appliances of IoT in buildings are energy saving procedures, maintenance improvements, chore automation and security enhancements. Energy saving in buildings has been a hot topic for many years due to global warming. IoT offers the possibility to reduce greenhouse gases, not only locally but also on a grander scheme. This project investigate possible energy savings by assuming that IoT can create an optimal ventilation and heating schedules. The analysis is carried out by simulating energy consumption in an apartment building using IDA ICE. The apartment building used as a reference model is located in Lycksele, Sweden. The result shows a modest energy saving of 100 kWh/apartment for heating and 250 kWh/apartment for ventilation optimization. The conclusion is that energy saving potential of IoT lies in interoperability between devices and the possibility to find correlations between data, not in individual optimizations. The main focus of IoT today in the building sector is to assist facility management with supervision of real estate. Sensors that send information about the state of devices decreases the supervision time of operating technicians. It's fundamental for facility management companies to cooperate with building engineering companies in order to avoid a constant change of batteries in IoT devices installed in buildings. By settle necessary power connections during the construction phase of a building the need for batteries is limited.

Wireless system design : NB-IoT downlink simulator

Krasowski, Piotr, Troha, Douglas January 2017 (has links)
The newly defined NB-IoT standard currently lacks a toolkit and simulator. In order to develop algorithms for this new standard there is a need for channels and signals as reference during tests. MATLAB is commonly used for testing LTE signals and therefore the toolkit was developed in this environment. The toolkit focuses primarily on the Layer 1-relevant functionality of NB-IoT, the grid generation, encoding, rate-matching and modulation of channels. The simulator focuses on testing the developed toolkit in a virtual LTE NB-IoT environment. The virtual environment attempts to emulate a base station and a terminal. The path followed is scheduling, channel processing, grid generation, QPSK and OFDM modulation through a modeled channel, OFDM demodulation, channel estimation, equalisation, QPSK demodulation and reversal of channel processing. The simulator tests primarily the NPDSCH channel implementations. Measurements of bit error and block error rates were made and it was concluded that they follow the expected trends. More testing is required to validate the remaining channels. A sector equaliser and an interpolating equaliser were tested by measuring block error rate and checking constellation diagrams and it was concluded that the performance of the interpolation equaliser is more consistent. In order to improve the equalisation further the noise estimation must be reworked.

A Distributed Security Scheme to Secure Data Communication between Class-0 IoT Devices and the Internet

King, James January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on securing data exchanged between highly constrained IoT devices and the internet. This thesis builds on existing research by combining elements of different research solutions to create a more secure solution. This solution helps to solve gaps in security left behind by existing solutions through the use of symmetric cryptography in data objects and IoT security gateways which act as intermediaries between devices and the internet. The goal of this research is to provide a security solution for devices which do not have the resources necessary to effectively implement the recommended TLS based protocols for secure communication over the internet. The solution provides confidentiality to data traveling between device and gateway while also providing confidentiality, integrity and authenticity to data traveling across the internet. The solution works by delegating demanding security processes to an IoT security gateway which securely processes communications to and from the internet using HTTPS (SSL/TLS). Security of data being passed between device and gateway is provided with AES symmetric encryption at the Data Link and Data Object layers. The performance of the solution is measured by timing the security process of the IoT device while also measuring the resource requirements of applying the solution to the device. / <p>Validerat; 20150622 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>

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