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香港IPO中超额配售选择权实际效用的实证研究January 2019 (has links)
abstract: 本文采用2010年1月1日至2017年12月31日在香港主板IPO上市的共574家公司作为研究样本,系统采集包括与发行人、承销商、投资人、发行热度、市场每日交易数据等相关的数据近100项,对超额配售选择权在香港IPO中的实际效用进行实证研究,研究发现:1)超额配售选择的确可以起到提高发行价格,降低IPO抑价率的作用,但是同时也是破发的主要原因。2)由超额配售选择权赋予承销商稳价行为中,市场买入量越大,最大回撤越大,市场下跌风险越大同时超额配售选择权还导致了最大回撤日的推后,增大了稳价结束后的市场风险,而这很有可能是由于承销商追求更高利益造成的。3)没有证据显示,超额配售选择权会降低承销商的佣金比例,但是,超额配售选择权却为承销商带来非常高的额外收益,而这个收益与市场下跌幅度和承销商从市场购买股份的比例直接相关。
根据研究结果,本文首先建议发行人要客观对待超额配售选择权提升发行价格的作用,以免引起破发。其次建议市场投资人要客观认识超额配售选择权的作用,不要由于超额配售选择权的存在给与发行过高的认同价格。再次建议发行人要能够认识到超额配售选择权是承销商零成本获得的一个有固定收益保障的看空期权,是承销商在承销IPO时的收益之一,而股价下跌幅度与承销商的收益正相关。因此要对承销商的稳价行为进行一定管控,同时可以因为超额配售选择权的存在而要求更低的承销佣金比例。最后建议承销商要维护市场公平,爱护自己的声誉,尽可能避免因超额配售选择权的使用对市场造成不应有的干扰。 / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Business Administration 2019
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Abnormal Returns around Lock-Up Expiration Date and the Explanatory Power of Insider Trading for Technology FirmsSavard, John 01 January 2019 (has links)
This paper examines the lockup expiration date event for technology firms post Global Financial Crisis to investigate the existence of abnormal returns around this date and determine the explanatory power that insider trading and the increase in available shares have on the abnormal return. Contributions to literature include using an updated sampling, targeting the technology industry, and constructing unique variables such as the dollar value of insider trades around the lockup expiration date. There exists statistically significant three-day cumulative abnormal returns of -1.33%. Firms with higher percentages of insiders who sell their positions tend to experience a further decrease in cumulative abnormal returns (CAR). The supply effect of these shares being opened to the market is not significant at the 95% confidence level. Thus, insider trading rather than increased supply accounts for variations in the abnormal returns across technology firms.
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Empirical Tests of the Signaling and Monitoring Hypotheses for Initial Public OfferingsGordon, Sean Anthony Garnet 05 1900 (has links)
The research questions investigated are: 1. Are the expected post-issue fractional holdings of the directors and officers, venture capitalists and institutions signals of firm value? 2. Are the expected post-issue fractional holdings of the directors and officers, venture capitalists and institutions signals of underpricing? and 3. Are the directors and officers, venture capitalists and institutions monitors of IPO investments? The signaling theory developed by Grinblatt and Hwang (1989) (GH) and the monitoring theory for IPO investments have been used to develop the hypotheses for this dissertation. Four factors make my methodology unique. These factors are: 1. I apply and test the GH IPO signaling model over a unique data set collected from the IPO prospectuses, proxy statements and annual reports; 2. I disaggregate the expected post-issue holdings of the different groups of pre-issue blockholders and insiders and hypothesizes that these individual groups represents signals of firm value and underpricing; 3. I hypothesize that these groups, in aggregate and separately, monitor IPO investments over the long term; And 4. I develop signaling and monitoring hypotheses to make predictions at the two stages of the IPO. The results show that firm value is positively related to the level of underpricing, at a given variance of the firms cash flows; the level of underpricing is positively related to the holdings of the directors and officers as a group and the aggregate of the directors and officers, VCs and institutions, at given variances of the firm's cash flows; the firm value is not related to the level of underpricing, at a given level of capital outlay and holdings of either the aggregate blockholders, directors and officers, VCs or institutions. For the monitoring hypotheses, the results show that the long-run buy-and-hold-returns are positively related to the investment bank reputation and the gross spread. Also, the results do not support the theories that the holdings of the VCs, institutions and the aggregate holdings of the different groups, represent the level of monitoring. Therefore, these groups do not increase the value of IPO investments over the long-run.
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Evidence on short and long run returns for equity offerings on the stock exchange of ThailandPamornmast, Chayongkan, Banking & Finance, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
Two important findings in the IPO literature, IPO's underpricing and poor long run stock returns, are investigated by using the sample of IPOs completed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) from 1994 to 1999. The evidence suggests that Thai IPOs are underpriced and have poor long run stock returns. Rock 's (1986) model is employed to explain the underpricing of Thai IPOs. Rock's model is supported by the evidence of Thai IPOs. Past market conditions and the stock liquidity of the IPOs' industries are the main factors which affect investor demand for IPO shares. IPOs which go public in the hot market conditions (periods with high past market return) and IPOs which come from liquid industries (industries which have high stock turnover) attract more investor demand. These two factors are also positively correlated with IPO first day return. This suggests that investors have higher demand for IPOs which go public in the hot market conditions and IPOs which come from liquid industries because these IPOs are underpriced, and the underpricing of these IPOs is corrected during the first trading day. IPOs with low investor demand underperform their benchmarks in the long run. On the contrary, the long run returns of IPOs with high investor demand are not significantly different from their benchmarks. One possible explanation for the underperformance of IPOs with low investor demand is that these IPOs may be illiquid. The lack of demand during the first trading day may cause their first closing price to be different from their intrinsic value. This difference is gradually adjusted in the long run leading to the underperformance of these IPOs. This hypothesis is supported by the evidence. The sample of rights offerings announced in the SET between 1994 and 1999 also supports the role of liquidity in explaining the poor long run performance of issuers. The change in operating performance of IPOs from the IPO-year to the post-IPO years also has some power in explaining the long run underperformance of IPOs. IPOs which perform more badly after going public have poor long run returns.
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台灣新上市股票超額報酬及其影響因素之實證研究 / An Empirical Investigation of Underpricing of New issues in Taiwan張慎, Chang, Sen Unknown Date (has links)
由實證結果得知:內部人持股比例高,超額報酬高。此結果和Leland & Pyle (1977)結果相同。而承銷價格及公司股本則與超額報酬呈負相關,且達顯著水準。承銷價格與公司價值之關係與Allen & Faulhaber (1989)結果一致;而小型股效應(規模效應)與Reinganum (1991)結果一致。同期市場報酬與超額報酬呈負相關,且達顯著水準,與胡致仁君(1988)結果不一致,推測可能係因大盤下跌時,公司之內部人(董事、監察人及大股東)可能基於面子問題不願股價下跌,而有護盤逆勢操作之行為,若於大盤上漲時,公司之內部人反而較不在意股價表現,甚至可能利用盤面較佳的時機出貨,造成超額報酬與同期市場報酬呈反向關係。
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Valuation Models for Australian Biotechnology CompaniesJens, Paul Justin, paul.jens@csl.com.au January 2007 (has links)
Biotechnology generated solutions have been hailed as potential cures to many of the problems facing the world today. New therapeutics will eradicate disease, new agricultural products will solve food shortages, and industrial application will improve productivity with reduced environmental impact. Despite the much anticipated benefits of biotechnology, the industry faces significant challenges that must be overcome in the coming decades. Biotechnology is an inherently complex field with a high degree of uncertainty and associated risks. In addition to the risk associated with project development and delivery, businesses looking to extract an economic return from the provision of biotechnology products and services face significant financial risk. This is exacerbated by the long lead times in biotechnology product development and the expensive nature of research and development. This thesis looks investigates the multi faceted problem of biotechnology valuation in Australia using a multi method approach designed to provide greater insight into the valuation challenges facing the industry and identify key value drivers. The approach incorporates a broad qualitative investigation, complimented by more focused quantitative studies into specific valuation issues surrounding IPO and project valuation. Australian biotechnology firms face a significant challenge to raise sufficient capital in order to remain internationally competitive. The current industry structure and funding mechanisms encourage creation of small firms with narrow pipelines, exacerbating the risk of company failure and acting as an impediment to sustainability and, therefore, investment in the sector. Despite the challenges facing the Australian biotechnology industry, the nation possesses a competitive advantage in the strength of local science which, if fully leveraged, should see the development of an internationally competitive industry. Through improved funding mechanisms which encourage the creation of sustainable business models, increased investor participation in the industry should see a greater portion of the value generated through biotechnology retained by local participants. An IPO is likely the largest single capital raising in a company's history. A quantitative investigation into the factors influencing the amount of underpricing and money left on the table for Australian biotechnology IPOs found that the amount of money left on the table was more critical than the level of underpricing. Additionally the impact of market sentiment on biotechnology IPOs was investigated with increased media coverage found to be positively related to the amount of money left on the table. Using project valuation models, the drivers of value over the life of a typical biotechnology project were identified. Key drivers of biotechnology value are commercial viability, coupled with development cost and time. The ability of management to control these elements is crucial. Analysis of project valuations using a traditional DCF model found value estimates exhibited a greater level of uncertainty than those calculated using more contemporary methods of decision tree and real option analysis. Additionally, incorporation of management flexibility into valuation assessment using real options techniques increased the perceived value of biotechnology projects. The value of management flexibility was found to be most relevant for early stage projects where the option to abandon was found to greatly influence values.
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Vad händer med aktiepriset efter en nyintroduktion? : En kvantitativ analys av nyintroduktionerna på Stockholmsbörsen mellan åren 2000 och 2005.Lindstein, Hanna, Öh, Linnea January 2006 (has links)
<p>En börsintroduktion innebär att företag erbjuds en marknadsplats för handel av företagets aktier. I denna uppsats undersöks vad som händer med en aktie då den har introducerats på börsen. Undersökningen baseras främst på två kvantitativa undersökningar, varav den första är en eventstudie som undersöker effekten av hur en specifik händelse påverkar ett företags värde. Den andra undersökningen består i att med hjälp av företagens prospekt granska företagens bakomliggande motiv för en nyintroduktion. Studien fokuserar specifikt på Stockholmsbörsen och på alla företag som nyintroducerats på börsens A- och O-listor mellan åren 2000 och 2005.</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen är dels att uppmärksamma aktiers svängningar i samband med och efter en nyintroduktion samt att undersöka vilket samband det har med prissättningen av aktierna och bakomliggande motiv för introduktionen.</p><p>Vi har undersökt avvikelseavkastningen vid tre olika tillfällen för att se hur aktien har utvecklats efter introduktionen. Motivundersökningen gjordes för att kunna sammanställa en regressionsanalys som beskriver sambandet mellan motiven och avvikelseavkastningen, för att försöka hitta anledningar till avvikelseavkastningens resultat. Vi kontrollerar även eventstudien genom att undersöka underprissättningen av aktierna i samband med nyintroduktionen.</p><p>Enligt tidigare studier tycks råda ett särskilt mönster vid börsintroduktioner, vilket våra resultat bekräftar. Resultaten visar att företags aktier går upp väldigt mycket kring nyintroduktioner främst pga. underprissättning, för att sedan på sikt sjunka. Undersökningen ger inga entydiga förklaringar till detta men vi har hittat möjliga sådana utifrån litteraturen. I vårt resultat ser vi inget speciellt samband mellan företagens motiv till börsintroduktionerna och avvikelseavkastningen. Men man kan ändå se tendenser till att det har gått bättre för företag med vissa motiv t ex. motivet att få tillgång till kapital för att kunna investera i forskning och utveckling. Man kan även se mönstret att en klar majoritet av företagen med högst initial avvikelseavkastning och företagen med en initial underavkastning har sjunkit betydligt efter tre månader.</p>
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Introduktionskurs, underprissättning och institutionellt ägande : samband mellan prissättning och ägande vid en börsintroduktion / Offer price, underpricingand institutional owners : the relationship between pricing and ownership in an IPOAbrahamson, Martin, Skoghage, Göran January 2008 (has links)
<p>Who would not like a profit of more then 95 % in a day? Investors in Sweden had thatopportunity, if they had bought a certain stock on the primary market and sold it on the firsttradable day at the Stock Exchange. Most of that profit fell into the hands of institutionalinvestors. The reason for this extraordinary profit was the underpricing of that specific stockduring its initial public offering (IPO).Our report aims to analyze the relationship between offer price, underpricing and theownership structure of stocks. Our investigation is based on all IPO’s on the Stockholm stockexchange during the years between 2000 and 2005. Through our analysis we have found factssaying that companies can determine their ownership structure by setting their introductionprice high or low. A high offer price will have more institutional investors than if the price islow. On the other hand the high offer price will also create a greater underpricing which leadsto a higher initial return and greater transformation of wealth between old and new shareholders.</p> / <p>Vilken investerare skulle tacka nej till en positiv avkastning motsvarande drygt 95 % under enbörsdag? Den möjligheten fanns för investerare som köpte aktier i ”nya” bolag och såldedensamma under introduktionsdagen på Stockholmsbörsen. Underprissättningen av aktier iSverige är normalt inte så stor, men trots det kan vinster göras genom investeringar i företagsom kommer att introduceras på börsen. Mellan åren 2000 och 2005 noterades 116 nya bolagpå Stockholmsbörsen. Av dessa nya bolag var 30 stycken faktiska börsintroduktioner, vilkadärmed ingår i undersökningen. Bland de introducerade bolagen var den genomsnittligainitiala avkastningen + 3,43 %. Skillnaden mellan aktien med högst och den med lägst initialavkastning var under perioden 165,38 procentenheter och introduktionskursen varierademellan 7,50 och 161 kronor per aktie.Undersökningen fokuserar på sambandet mellan introduktionskurs och underprissättningkopplat till ägarstruktur vid börsintroducerande företag och de efterföljande arton månadernaefter introduktion. Syftet är att analysera dels introduktionskursens påverkan påintroduktionsrabatt och ägarstruktur, och dels samband mellan ägarstruktur ochunderprissättning vid börsintroduktion. Genom att undersöka samtliga börsintroduktioner påStockholmsbörsen mellan åren 2000 och 2005 har undersökningen skapat en bild av dessasamband. Då ingen tidigare känd studie undersökt hur introduktionskurs och underprissättningpåverkar ägarstrukturen vid en börsintroduktion samt tiden därefter, anser vi därför dennauppsats vara unik.Vi har med vår undersökning kommit fram till att det finns ett samband mellanintroduktionskurs, underprissättning och andelen institutionellt ägande. Debörsintroducerande företagen kan påverka ägarstrukturen och därmed också påverka hur storandel av den välfärdsöverföring som uppstår vid en börsintroduktion som skall fördelas tillprivata investerare respektive institutionella ägare. Vår undersökning visar att ägarstrukturenpåverkas i första hand genom det pris som fastställts på primärmarknaden. Vi förklararsambandet mellan introduktionskurs och ägarstruktur med att en hög introduktionskurs ger enrelativt hög andel institutionellt ägande. Vår undersökning visar även att samma antagandenger en hög introduktionsrabatt.</p>
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Essays on Information Disclosure : Content, Consequence and RelevanceStröm, Niklas January 2006 (has links)
This thesis provides new insight into the information environments of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and analysts’ equity reports. The thesis consists of four essays that address the issues of firm disclosure and the relevance of information for analysts and investors in the capital market. The research question concerns the role of accounting information on the capital market. The present thesis entails the following analyses: (i) An analysis of the content in IPO prospectuses (ii) Cross-sectional analyses on factors affecting prospectus disclosure (iii) An analysis of the short- and long-run returns of IPOs (iv) An analysis of the relevance of IPO disclosure on IPO valuation (v) An analysis of non-financial information content in analysts’ reports (vi) An analysis of the valuation relevance of non-financial information The first essay examines prospectus disclosure and looks at explanations as to the factors that drive the disclosure. The findings reveal that IPO firms provide more information in their prospectus in comparison with non-IPO firms. The second essay analyzes how prospectus disclosure affects IPO valuation in the secondary market. It is hypothesized that increased disclosure in the prospectus decreases valuation uncertainty, which implicates lower underpricing for the IPO firm. The essay shows that Swedish IPOs are underpriced. However, disclosure is not found to be related to underpricing. The third essay examines the extent and type of forecasts provided in the prospectuses and the value relevance of this information. The study reveals a reduction in profit and sales forecast disclosures while at the same time shows an increase in sales growth forecasts for the period 1996-2004. The essay finds that forecast information is particularly relevant to investors and analysts. Forecast disclosing firms demonstrate a significantly lower underpricing and lower long-run return compared with non-forecast disclosing firms. The fourth essay concerns the valuation relevance of non-financial information contained in analysts’ equity reports. The essay notes that valuation relevance of non-financial information is positively related to the size of the target firm. Moreover, analysts were observed to rely more heavily on forward-looking non-financial information than historical non-financial information in their valuation.
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