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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Corporate Social Irresponsibility (CSI): Everything you say, or not say, can be held against you

Jonsson, Veronica, Stéen, Josefine January 2016 (has links)
Corporate social irresponsibility (CSI), as an opposite of corporate social responsibility (CSR), refers to corporation’s failure to act responsibly. To address the actions connected to CSR and CSI, corporations need to overcome the challenges of communicating to their stakeholders and to be transparent. Stakeholders have become more skeptical regarding if the corporations are actually living up to the communicated standards. In other words, if corporations are ‘doing as they say’ and if they are ‘walking the talk’.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how top-listed corporations communicate CSR, as compared with what is communicated in media.  Method: This study used a qualitative content analysis method, by studying sustainability reports from 12 corporations over a five-year period. The study also examined media reports concerning the chosen corporations in order to get another view of the corporation’s CSR activities.  Findings: The findings showed that most of the corporation’s reports regarding CSR were in line with what media reports. There were some corporations, however, which were more aligned with media than others. This differences might be due to the fact that the corporations are acting in different industries which can affect how the corporations are focusing their CSR activities. Practical Implementations: This study can aid the understanding of how well corporations are communicating its CSR activities. It can help the corporations included in the study to understand how well its communication is perceived, as well as, to help stakeholders see if the corporations are ‘doing as they say’.

A responsabilidade penal do psicopata delinquente ante a legislação penal brasileira: qual o tratamento dispensado ao psicopata criminoso, como resposta ao seu ilícito praticado? / La responsabilita penale del psicopatico delinqüente davanti La legge penale brasiliana: quale trattamento applicato al psicopatico criminale come risposta al suo illecito praticato? / The criminal reponsibility of the delinquent psychopathy towards the brazilian criminal legislation: what is the treatment dispensed to the criminal psychopath, as an answer to their practiced illicit?

Ferro, Rodrigo Cavalcante 20 October 2016 (has links)
SOMMARIO: Um tema abbastanza controverso nel Diritto Penale risiede nella possibilita di imponersi uma pena al vertido no Direito Penal risiede nella possibilità di imporre una sanzione penale per il criminale possesso di un disturbo di personalità, lo psicopatico. In Brasile, la dottrina classica insiste sulla tassazione di questi soggetti come persone titolari dei benefici previsti nel comma unico dell'articolo 26 del codice penale, trattandoli come semi-attribuibili. Un'altra linea di pensiero che ha acquistato slancio, gli giudica come elementi pericolosi, ma sani. Quindi, in grado di rispondere penalmente come chiunque altro. Infine, ci sono quelli che li trattano come soggetti in possesso di una malattia, e perciò meritevoli di trattamento piuttosto che punizione. Qui, faremo un bel giro su queste tre linee della dottrina, elegendo alla fine, a una di loro. Gita che è fatta necessariamente, tenendo conto i principi costituzionali. / ABSTRACT: A very controvertial theme in criminal law is the possibility to impose a sanction to a guilty which has a personality disorder, the psychopath. In Brazil, the classic doctrine insists to put these people as a holder of the benefits fixed in the single paragraph, of the article 26, of the Criminal Code, treating them as semi imputable. Other group that has been attaining expression adjudge them as risky people, but healthy, therefore, able to respond criminally as anyone. Lastly, there are those who treat them as diseased people, and, for this, treatment deserving and does not have any punishment. Here, we will do a tour in these three doctrinal lines, filing, in the final, to one of them. This trip will be done, necessarily, taking in count the limites constitucional principles of the state power to punish. / Um tema bastante controvertido no Direito Penal reside na possibilidade de se impor uma pena ao criminoso portador de um transtorno de personalidade, o psicopata. No Brasil, a doutrina clássica insiste em tachar esses sujeitos como pessoas detentoras dos benefícios previstos no parágrafo único do artigo 26 do Código Penal, tratando os como semi-imputáveis. Outra corrente que vem ganhando expressão os julga como elementos perigosos, mas sãos, portanto, aptos a responder penalmente como qualquer outra pessoa. Por fim, há aqueles que os tratam como sujeitos detentores de uma moléstia, e, por isso, merecedores de tratamento e não de punição. Aqui, farse-á um passeio nestas três linhas doutrinárias, filiando-se, ao final, a uma delas. Passeio que é feito, necessariamente, levando-se em conta os princípios constitucionais limitadores do poder de punir estatal.

Encostas, extremos climáticos e riscos: um estudo da irresponsabilidade organizada nas ocupações irregulares na Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / Mountains, climate change and risks: an approach on organised irresponsibility on irregular buildings in the Região Serrana of Rio de Janeiro.

Pedro Curvello Saavedra Avzaradel 13 December 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A hipótese de doutoramento aqui proposta consiste na necessidade teórica de repensar o conceito de irresponsabilidade organizada, oriundo da obra do sociólogo alemão Ulrich Beck, a partir da realidade do Município de Teresópolis, localizado na Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, cenário de uma tragédia ocorrida em janeiro de 2011. Serão ainda considerados os debates envolvendo a revogação do segundo Código Florestal pela Lei 12.651/2012, especialmente os relativos às áreas de preservação permanente nos topos de morro, faixas marginais de proteção e encostas com declividade superior a 45 graus. A hipótese da presente tese é que o conceito de irresponsabilidade organizada seja repensado diante da necessidade de explicar a organização jurídica de riscos reconhecidos a partir de processos políticos. Inclui-se na hipótese a análise de situações nas quais, mesmo ante a existência de normas jurídicas validamente editadas e aplicáveis, persiste a omissão na gerência dos riscos por elas disciplinados. A pesquisa trabalhará com a análise crítica da teoria da sociedade de risco e do conceito em questão, considerando estudos, relatórios e demais documentos referentes à tragédia teresopolitana e à edição da atual legislação florestal. / The hypothesis proposed in this doctoral research is the need to rethink the concept of organized irresponsibility, derived from the work of the german sociologist Ulrich Beck, on the grounds of the reality of the city of Teresópolis, located in the mountainous region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where a tragedy occurred in January 2011. It will also consider the discussions involving the repeal of the Brazilian Second Forest Code by the law 12.651/2012, particularly those concerning the so called permanent preservation areas on the tops of hills, river bands and slopes with an inclination angle higher than 45 degrees. The hypothesis of this thesis is that organized irresponsibility should be reconsidered, given the need to explain the legal organization of recognized risks by political processes. Includes, also, the analysis of situations in which, even on the existence of legal rules validly issued and enforceable, persists the omission in the management of disciplined risks. This research, with a critical analysis of the theory of the risk society and the concept mentioned above, considers studies, reports and other documents relating to the local tragedy and the current forest legislation.

Encostas, extremos climáticos e riscos: um estudo da irresponsabilidade organizada nas ocupações irregulares na Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / Mountains, climate change and risks: an approach on organised irresponsibility on irregular buildings in the Região Serrana of Rio de Janeiro.

Pedro Curvello Saavedra Avzaradel 13 December 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A hipótese de doutoramento aqui proposta consiste na necessidade teórica de repensar o conceito de irresponsabilidade organizada, oriundo da obra do sociólogo alemão Ulrich Beck, a partir da realidade do Município de Teresópolis, localizado na Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, cenário de uma tragédia ocorrida em janeiro de 2011. Serão ainda considerados os debates envolvendo a revogação do segundo Código Florestal pela Lei 12.651/2012, especialmente os relativos às áreas de preservação permanente nos topos de morro, faixas marginais de proteção e encostas com declividade superior a 45 graus. A hipótese da presente tese é que o conceito de irresponsabilidade organizada seja repensado diante da necessidade de explicar a organização jurídica de riscos reconhecidos a partir de processos políticos. Inclui-se na hipótese a análise de situações nas quais, mesmo ante a existência de normas jurídicas validamente editadas e aplicáveis, persiste a omissão na gerência dos riscos por elas disciplinados. A pesquisa trabalhará com a análise crítica da teoria da sociedade de risco e do conceito em questão, considerando estudos, relatórios e demais documentos referentes à tragédia teresopolitana e à edição da atual legislação florestal. / The hypothesis proposed in this doctoral research is the need to rethink the concept of organized irresponsibility, derived from the work of the german sociologist Ulrich Beck, on the grounds of the reality of the city of Teresópolis, located in the mountainous region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where a tragedy occurred in January 2011. It will also consider the discussions involving the repeal of the Brazilian Second Forest Code by the law 12.651/2012, particularly those concerning the so called permanent preservation areas on the tops of hills, river bands and slopes with an inclination angle higher than 45 degrees. The hypothesis of this thesis is that organized irresponsibility should be reconsidered, given the need to explain the legal organization of recognized risks by political processes. Includes, also, the analysis of situations in which, even on the existence of legal rules validly issued and enforceable, persists the omission in the management of disciplined risks. This research, with a critical analysis of the theory of the risk society and the concept mentioned above, considers studies, reports and other documents relating to the local tragedy and the current forest legislation.

Le comportement irresponsable, conceptualisation et motivations : application dans le champ de la sécurité maritime / Irresponsable behavior, conceptualization and motivations : application in the maritime security context

Lavaud, Christelle 29 November 2017 (has links)
Chaque année, une augmentation des opérations des sauveteurs en mer est observée. En 2015, une hausse de plus de 5% est constatée par rapport à l'année précédente. Des études révèlent que "la prudence n'est pas systématique" et qu'il existe un réel "déficit de conscience du danger". Il est souvent fait état de comportements qualifiés "d'irresponsables". Malgré de multiples actions de prévention déjà engagées depuis plusieurs années, le nombre d'accidents ne cesse de croître. Il semble donc qu'il faille d’abord comprendre et prévenir cette irresponsabilité, avant de faire appel de manière efficace à la responsabilité des plaisanciers. Or, la connaissance du concept même d’irresponsabilité, extrêmement parcellaire en Sciences de gestion, notamment en marketing, reste à réaliser ainsi que la compréhension des motivations à s’engager dans un comportement irresponsable. Cette recherche a pour objectif d’expliquer l’adoption de comportements irresponsables par les motivations qui les soustendent. Le premier chapitre présente le contexte maritime actuel ainsi qu’une revue de littérature pluridisciplinaire sur la notion d’irresponsabilité. Un cadre conceptuel de l’irresponsabilité est ensuite présenté dans le second chapitre permettant d’aboutir à un premier modèle théorique. Ce dernier sera progressivement enrichi dans un troisième chapitre par une analyse thématique de contenu de 16 entretiens semi-directifs. Le quatrième chapitre traite de la méthodologie employée pour tester ce modèle et le cinquième chapitre est consacré à la création d’une échelle de mesure des motivations à s’engager dans un comportement irresponsable ainsi qu’à la validation des autres instruments de mesure. Enfin, le sixième chapitre s’attèle au test du modèle et à l’approfondissement des résultats à travers une analyse typologique notamment. Les principaux apports théoriques et méthodologiques de notre recherche consistent en un enrichissement de la littérature du concept d’irresponsabilité et en la création d’une échelle de mesure des motivations à s’engager dans un comportement irresponsable. Sur le plan managérial, cette recherche permet une meilleure compréhension des plaisanciers et l’élaboration de préconisations dans le domaine du marketing stratégique et opérationnel afin d’améliorer l’efficacité des campagnes de prévention maritime. / Every year, rescue operations at sea are increasing. In 2015, there was 5% more rescues than the previous year. Studies reveal that "caution is not systematic" and that there is a real “dangerconsciousness deficit". Usually, they are often referred to "irresponsible" behaviours. Despite of many prevention actions over the past several years, the number of accidents continues to grow. Therefore, it seems important to understand and prevent this irresponsibility first, in order to use the responsibility of boaters more efficiently. The concept of irresponsibility and its motivations are poorly understood in management sciences, and especially in marketing. The purpose of this research is to explain irresponsible behaviours of sailors through their motivations. A review of the literature and two empirical studies have been conducted. The first chapter presents the current maritime context as well as a multidisciplinary literature review on irresponsibility. A conceptual framework of irresponsibility is presented in the second chapter, explaning how it leads to a first theoretical model. This model is improved in the third chapter through the qualitative study : a thematic analysis of content of 16 semidirective interviews. The fourth chapter presents the methodology used to test the model. The fifth chapter is about the creation of « the motivations to irresponsible behaviours » scale, and the validation of the other measuring instruments. The final chapter presents the test of the model and a typological analysis. This research brings a contribution to the literature about the concept of irresponsibility and the measurement of its motivations. This research allows a better understanding of boaters behaviours and suggests some improvements of the maritime prevention campaigns.

Representations of loss in Charles Dickens's Bleak house

Cameron, Susan Patricia 06 1900 (has links)
The nineteenth century was a time of rapid change, brought about by increasing industrial development and changing patterns of thought and belief. Dickens's attitude to industrialism was ambivalent. He was not averse to progress, but feared that the ills of society would remain overshadowed. This dissertation explores representations of loss in Bleak House and examines some of the challenges the subject presents. The first chapter concentrates on examples of the wide range of losses with which Dickens deals in the novel to create the cumulative impression of individuals and a nation existing in a state of chaos and decay. Chapter Two focuses on the loss of physical life and the state of death-in-life. Chapter Three deals with the narrative techniques which Dickens uses to represent loss in the novel. / English Studies / M.A.

Doing Well by Avoiding Bad : consumers' Perceptions of CSR and the Effect on Consumer-Based Brand Equity

Alex, Bengtsson, Fanny, Sundquist January 2019 (has links)
Problem Formulation: The clothing industry is characterised by fierce competition and booming growth. Since the start of the century, clothing consumption has increased tremendously. While consumers are demanding more clothes at cheaper prices, interest for sustainable sourced clothes is also on the rise, especially amongst the younger population. Thus, engaging in CSR could offer potential brand advantages for companies competing in the clothing industry. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explain the relationship between consumers’ perceptions of the organisational actions that are perceived as “doing good”, “avoiding bad” and “doing bad”, and Consumer-Based Brand Equity. Methodology: This thesis adopts a quantitative research method with questionnaires distributed physically at universities and shared in student Facebook-groups. The data collected from the questionnaire consists of 205 valid answers from students at Swedish universities. Findings/Conclusions: The findings based on multiple regression analyses on the results of the distributed questionnaire suggest that organisational actions that are perceived as “avoiding bad” can positively affect Consumer-Based Brand Equity. Furthermore, the findings did not support that engagement in activities that are perceived as “doing bad” is detrimental to Consumer-Based Brand Equity, nor that philanthropic activities that are perceived as “doing good” positively affect Consumer-Based Brand Equity.

Representations of loss in Charles Dickens's Bleak house

Cameron, Susan Patricia 06 1900 (has links)
The nineteenth century was a time of rapid change, brought about by increasing industrial development and changing patterns of thought and belief. Dickens's attitude to industrialism was ambivalent. He was not averse to progress, but feared that the ills of society would remain overshadowed. This dissertation explores representations of loss in Bleak House and examines some of the challenges the subject presents. The first chapter concentrates on examples of the wide range of losses with which Dickens deals in the novel to create the cumulative impression of individuals and a nation existing in a state of chaos and decay. Chapter Two focuses on the loss of physical life and the state of death-in-life. Chapter Three deals with the narrative techniques which Dickens uses to represent loss in the novel. / English Studies / M.A.

O tratamento jurídico dos desastres urbano-ambientais na perspectiva da sociedade de risco: o caso do Vale do Reginaldo em Maceió/AL / The legal treatment of urban-environmental disasters in view of the risk society: the case of vale do Reginaldo in Maceió/AL

Calixto , Fernanda Karoline Oliveira 16 December 2013 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the risk society in the context of urban- environmental risks and their legal treatment, to evaluate the state practice validation of organized irresponsibility in matters of urban- environmental risks. For this, it begins by presenting the case of Vale do Reginaldo , a region located in the city of Maceió/AL , which includes a number of features typical of the legal texts and doctrinal names " risk area" , sometimes called "poor community" or "favela" . Among these characters is the massive human interference in natural processes, the low purchasing power of the population and the periodic occurrence of environmental disasters. Examines the site since its abiotic system to the human system, including the history of population density of the region, in order to analyze the recent interventions Vale Reginaldo’s Revitalization Program, which integrates the activities of the Union , State and City . Each took loved some basic responsibilities, which should be integrated and contribute to the mitigation of flood risks , slip and landslides , safeguarding the population that currently inhabits housing risk . Years before this project, others were developed and proceeded to the mapping of risk areas in the region. Presented the case, is considered the legal treatment of urban and environmental risks from the international context to the content of constitutional legislation, noting the ineffectiveness in the case of several standards exposed . The theory of risk society, modeled initially by Ulrich Beck , and evaluated in the third part of the work , is the basis to explain and justify the observed situations . / Esta dissertação aborda a sociedade de risco no contexto dos riscos urbano-ambientais e seu tratamento jurídico, visando avaliar a prática estatal de validação da irresponsabilidade organizada em matéria de riscos urbano-ambientais. Para isso, inicia-se o trabalho apresentando o caso do Vale do Reginaldo, região situada no Município de Maceió/AL, que comporta uma série de características típicas do que os textos legais e doutrinários nomeiam “área de risco”, outras vezes designada “comunidade carente” ou “favela”. Entre estes caracteres se encontra a massiva interferência humana nos processos naturais, o baixo poder aquisitivo da população e a periódica ocorrência de desastres ambientais. Examina-se o local desde seu sistema abiótico até o sistema humano, incluindo o histórico de adensamento demográfico da região, para poder analisar as recentes intervenções do Programa de Revitalização do Vale do Reginaldo, que integra a atuação da União, Estado e Município. Cada um dos entes assumiu algumas responsabilidades básicas, que deveriam estar integradas e concorrer para a mitigação dos riscos de inundação, deslizamento e desbarrancamentos, salvaguardando a população que atualmente habita moradias de risco. Anos antes deste projeto, outros foram desenvolvidos e procedeu-se ao mapeamento das áreas de risco na região. Apresentado o caso concreto, é analisado o tratamento jurídico dos riscos urbano ambientais, desde o contexto internacional até o conteúdo da legislação infraconstitucional, observando-se a inefetividade no caso concreto de diversas normas expostas. A teoria da sociedade de risco, modelada inicialmente por Ulrich Beck, e avaliada na terceira parte do trabalho, serve de base para explicar e justificar as situações observadas.

Institut zabezpečovací detence: poslání, cíle a meze nového ochranného opatření / The institute of preventive detention: comission, goals and limitations of the new preventive measure

Koláříková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The institute of preventive detention is a new protective measure in our penal law. The theme of this thesis is an analysis of the comission and goals of the new protective measure and focusing on a comparation of theoretical and practical function of this protective measure. The folowing chapters provide the characterization of the preventive detention and its legal framework in the Czech republic. The component part of the thesis is also a description of the preventive detention in a legal framework of other state, concretely Slovakia. At the end of the work there are explicated knowledges obtained during the visit of the Institute for preventive detention Brno. In this chapter not only functional equipment is described but also the compositon of the inmates and employees and their most important competencies. Programms, by which are the medical goals fullfiled are described at the end of the thesis.

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