Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ischemia / reperfusion"" "subject:"lschemia / reperfusion""
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Signalisation intercellulaire et rôle du récepteur purinergique P2Y11 en réponse à l'Ischémie/Reperfusion myocardique : entre immunomodulation et cardioprotection / Intercellular signaling and P2Y11 purinoceptor implication after myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injuryLefort, Claudie 12 October 2018 (has links)
Les lésions d’Ischémie/Reperfusion (I/R) contribuent à la physiopathologie de l’infarctus du myocarde. Le stress induit par l’I/R entraîne la mort des cardiomyocytes, une forte réponse inflammatoire de type stérile et la mise en place d’un processus de réparation impliquant les fibroblastes cardiaques. Il a précédemment été montré au laboratoire que l’activation du récepteur purinergique P2Y11 par l’ATP diminuait la sécrétion d’IL-6 et d’IL- 12 par la cellule dendritique (DC), permettant une diminution de la polarisation vers une réponse adaptative Th1. Nous avons donc émis l’hypothèse que la signalisation purinergique pouvait également moduler la mortalité des cardiomyocytes et l’activation des fibroblastes cardiaques après I/R, en diminuant la mise en place de réponses cellulaires délétères à long terme pour l’organe. L’objectif de cette thèse a été de déterminer in vitro le rôle de la signalisation purinergique sur la réponse des cardiomyocytes et des fibroblastes cardiaques à l’Hypoxie/Réoxygénation (H/R). Nous avons pu montrer que l’activation des récepteurs purinergiques au moment de la réoxygénation, en particulier du récepteur P2Y11, permettait de réduire la mortalité des cardiomyocytes après H/R. Nous avons ensuite montré que la stimulation de P2Y11 au moment de la réoxygénation diminue la prolifération des fibroblastes cardiaques et leur switch phénotypique en myofibroblastes, mais aussi diminue leur sécrétion de facteurs pro-inflammatoires. Le sécrétome des fibroblastes cardiaques a également induit une diminution de la sécrétion d’IL-6 et d’IL-12 par les DC, ainsi qu’une diminution de la mortalité des cardiomyocytes soumis à une H/R. Ces effets immunomodulateurs et cardioprotecteurs étaient dépendants de l’activation du récepteur P2Y11 sur les fibroblastes cardiaques. Ces résultats suggèrent fortement que le récepteur P2Y11 est au centre des réponses cellulaires post-H/R, et que le cibler in vivo à la reperfusion pourrait améliorer le pronostic clinique des patients atteints d’infarctus du myocarde. / Ischemia/Reperfusion injuries are involved in the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction. I/R-induced stress leads to massive cardiomyocyte death, an acute inflammatory response and the establishment of a repair process by cardiac fibroblasts. Previous work in the laboratory showed that P2Y11 purinergic receptor activation by ATP decreased IL-6 and IL-12 secretion by dendritic cells (DC), inducing a decrease in polarization towards Th1 response. We hypothesized that purinergic signaling could also modulate cardiomyocyte death and activation of cardiac fibroblasts responses to hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R). We showed that the activation of purinergic receptors at the onset of reoxygenation, especially P2Y11 receptor, improved cardiomyocytes survival following H/R. We then showed that P2Y11 stimulation at the onset of reoxygenation decreased cardiac fibroblasts proliferation and their phenotypic switch into myofibroblasts, but also decreased their secretion of pro-inflammatory factors. Cardiac fibroblasts secretome reduced IL-6 and IL-12 secretion by DC, and cardiomyocyte mortality. These immunomodulatory and cardioprotective effects were dependent on P2Y11 receptor activation in cardiac fibroblasts. These results suggest that P2Y11 receptor is strongly involved in post- H/R cellular responses, and that targeting this receptor in vivo could improve the clinical prognosis of patients with myocardial infarction.
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Translocação bacteriana na isquemia-reperfusão hepática com e sem estase venosa intestinal: estudo experimental em ratos / Bacterial translocation in liver ischemia-reperfusion injury with and without intestinal venous stasis: experimental model in ratsHeijden, Karin Marie Van Der 31 August 2007 (has links)
Atualmente, define-se como translocação bacteriana o deslocamento de bactérias e/ou seus produtos, como as endotoxinas, da luz do TGI para sítios estéreis. A ocorrência de translocação bacteriana tem sido sugerida em diversos estudos experimentais e clínicos. Apesar de todos estes estudos sustentarem a hipótese da ocorrência de translocação bacteriana, eles não demonstram que a bactéria detectada no sangue e em sítios estéreis tem efetivamente origem no TGI do animal ou paciente. Portanto, o objetivo da primeira fase deste trabalho, consistiu no desenvolvimento de um modelo experimental que comprovasse que bactérias isoladas em sítios estéreis são realmente de origem intestinal e que pudesse posteriormente viabilizar o estudo da translocação bacteriana. Para isto, realizou-se a colonização de ratos através da inoculação, via gavagem, de solução de Enterococcus faecalis resistente a vancomicina (ERV) e E. coli produtora de Beta-lactamase de espectro estendido (ESBL). O perfil de resistência destas cepas foi utilizado como marcador. Posteriormente, este estudo avaliou a translocação bacteriana em ratos submetidos a isquemia-reperfusão hepática com e sem estase venosa intestinal, utilizando o modelo de colonização. Quarenta e seis animais foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: Grupo I (n=15) ratos submetidos a isquemia hepática e estase intestinal por 30 minutos, e 1h de reperfusão; Grupo II (n=15) ratos submetidos a 30 minutos de isquemia hepática parcial sem estase intestinal, e 1h de reperfusão;Grupo III (n=8) ratos controle que apenas sofreraam manipulação cirúrgica e Grupo IV (n=8) ratos controle não cirúrgico. Os grupos foram analisados em relação: a ocorrência de translocação bacteriana; proporção de animais com crescimento da cepa pré-definida de ERV e E. coli ESBL, por órgão ou tecido; Concentração de LPS no sangue portal e sistêmico. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram presença marcante de crescimento microbiológico positivo para cepas inoculadas na maioria dos órgãos ou tecidos analisados nos diferentes grupos. Desta forma, conseguimos comprovar que a bactéria detectada em sítios estéreis tem efetivamente origem no TGI daquele animal. A translocação de bactérias, para os órgãos sólidos, ocorreu com maior freqüência nos ratos submetidos a isquemia e reperfusão com estase intestinal. A translocação bacteriana para o pulmão ocorreu com maior freqüência nos grupos cirúrgicos, inclusive controle, do que no controle não cirúrgico. A translocação de endotoxinas, medida pela concentração sangüínea sistêmica, ocorreu com maior intensidade nos ratos submetidos a isquemia e reperfusão hepática com estase intestinal. Não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto a proporção de animais com cultura positiva no sangue sistêmico e porta e concentração de endotoxinas no sangue porta. / Bacterial translocation is defined as the passage of viable bacteria and/or their products, such as endotoxins, from inside the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to normally sterile sites. Experimental studies demonstrate that increase of the permeability of the intestinal mucosa and other conditions such as intestinal bacterial overgrowth or host immune deficiency may be associated with this phenomenon. The occurrence of bacterial translocation has been suggested in some experimental and clinical studies. Although all these studies sustained the occurrence of the bacterial translocation but they did not demonstrate that it has effectively origin in the TGI of the animal or patient. The first objective of this study was to develop a GIT colonization experimental model in rats with resistant Enterococcus faecalis (E.faecalis) and E.coli, to be used in further studies of bacterial translocation intending, The resistance profile of these strains is used as a marker. Afterwards, this study evaluated the bacterial translocation in rats submitted to hepatic ischemic-reperfusion with or without intestinal vein stasis. Forty six animals were used as follows: Group I (n=15) mice submitted to ischemic hepatica and intestinal stasis for 30 minutes, and 1h of reperfusion; Group II (n=15) mice submitted to partial ischemic hepatica for 30 minutes without intestinal stasis, and 1h of reperfusion; Group III (n=8) control of mice which only suffered surgical manipulation and Group IV (n=8) Group of mice without surgical control. The groups were analyzed concerning: the occurrence of bacterial translocation; proportion of animals with predefined ERV and E.Coli ESBL growth increase per organ or tissue; LPS concentration in the portal and systemic blood. The results demonstrated remarkable appearance of positive microbiological growth for inoculated stains mostly in the analyzed tissues within the different groups. By this way, we were able to prove that the bacteria present in sterile sites have effectively their origin in the TGI of that animal. The bacteria translocation in solid organs occurred frequently in group I submitted to the ischemia-reperfusion with intestinal stasis. The bacterial translocation in lung occurred more frequently in the surgical groups including chirurgical control. The endotoxin in systemic blood concentration occurred more intensively in group I submitted to the ischemia-reperfusion with intestinal stasis.
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Die Bedeutung der toxischen Sauerstoffradikale beim Ischämie/Reperfusionsschaden nach Lebertransplantation in der RatteLehmann, Thorsten 04 November 2004 (has links)
Einleitung: Der Ischämie/Reperfusionsschaden (I/R) ist die wesentliche Ursache des frühen Transplantatversagens nach Lebertransplantation (LTx). Fettlebern sind dabei besonders betroffen. Freie Sauerstoffradikale spielen bei der Pathogenese eine zentrale Rolle. Die Morphologie der so versagenden Transplantatleber ist charakterisiert durch Entzündung, Nekrose und Apoptose. Endogene Radikalfänger wie die Superoxiddismutase (SOD), nicht aber exogen zugefuhrte, bauen freie Radikale ab. Das Ziel der vorgelegten Studien war es, im Modell der LTx von gesunden und verfetteten Lebern in der Ratte mittels adenoviralem Gentransfer von SOD den I/R zu vermindern, die Überlebensrate zu erhöhen und zugrunde liegende Mechanismen aufzuzeigen. Methoden: Bei Experimenten mit verfetteten Lebern wurde eine ausgeprägte Steatose der Spenderlebern durch Füttern einer Ethanol- und fettreichen Diät (Lieber-DiCarli) erzeugt. Explantierte Lebern wurden für 24 h konserviert und orthotop transplantiert. Einigen Spendern wurde 72 h vor Organentnahme Cu/Zn-SOD enthaltendes Adenovirus (Ad.SOD1) i.v. appliziert. Als Kontrollen dienten Fettlebern, welche mit dem Gen von b-Galaktosidase (Ad.lacZ) transfiziert wurden, oder aber gesunde Lebern. Untersuchungsparameter waren neben Transfektionsparametern die Transaminasen, histopathologische Morphologie, Überlebensraten, sowie die Aktivierung von Transkriptionsfaktoren und deren Kinasen. Freie Radikale wurden in der Galle mittels Elektronenspin-Resonanz-Spektroskopie nachgewiesen. In weiteren Experimenten wurden auch die mitochondriale und die extrazelluläre Isoform hinsichtlich ihrer protektiven Wirkung untersucht. Ebenso wurde die Auswirkung der freien Radikale auf die Regeneration nach Teillebertransplantation untersucht. Ergebnisse: 72 h nach Injektion von Ad.lacZ exprimierten etwa 80% aller Hepatozyten die b-Galaktosidase. In der Ad.SOD1 Gruppe war die Genexpression 3-fach, die Aktivität 12-fach erhöht. Im Vergleich zu den unbehandelten oder Ad.lacZ infizierten Empfängern von Fettlebern, stiegen die Transaminasen um etwa 50% bei der Ad.SOD1 Gruppe an. Alle Empfänger von Ad-SOD1 behandelten Fettlebern überlebten, hingegen nur 10% der Ad.lacZ Gruppe. Etwa 35% der Hepatozyten von Fettlebern waren nekrotisch, jedoch nur 10% in Ad.SOD1-behandelten Fettlebern. Ad.SOD1 halbierte die Freisetzung von freien Radikalen und minimierte die Aktivierung von NF-kB. Die Aktivität der Kinase IKK wurde nicht reduziert, der Anstieg der Aktivität von JNK jedoch komplett inhibiert. Die Freisetzung von TNFa wurde nicht beeinflußt. Als wirksamste Isoform hat sich die zytosolische erwiesen, die extrazelluläre ist nach Überexpression ohne protektive Wirkung. Die Leberregeneration läßt sich nach Transplantation durch SOD-Überexpression massiv anregen und das Organversagen bei kritischer Leberzellmasse vermeiden. Schlußfolgerung: Diese Studie zeigt erstmals die Wirksamkeit einer neuen Strategie zur Organprotektion fur gesunde Lebern und Fettlebern. Die Eliminierung von Sauerstoffradikalen spielt bei der Pathogenese eine Schlüsselrolle. Der adenoviraler Gentransfer von SOD stellt ein gangbares therapeutisches Verfahren für die Zukunft dar, um auch marginale, verfettete Organe vor reperfusionsbedingtem Versagen zu schützen. Dabei ist die zytosolische SOD am effektivsten. Auch bei der Teilleber-Transplantation ist diese Therapieform erfolgversprechend. / Background: Oxygen-derived free radicals play a central role in pathomechanisms of reperfusion injury after organ transplantation, and fatty livers are particularly susceptible. Endogenous radical scavenger systems such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) degrade toxic radicals; however, SOD is degraded rapidly when given exogenously. Therefore, the hypothesis that treatment of the donor liver with an adenoviral vector encoding the Cu/Zn-SOD gene (Ad.SOD1), or the Mn-SOD gene or the ec-SOD gene would lead to permanent gene expression and therefore protect the organ against injury and increase survival in a rat model of liver transplantation including fatty livers was tested. Transplantation of reduced-size livers may lead to a hypermetabolic state and increased production of oxygen radicals. Since oxygen radicals may cause liver injury and impair liver regeneration, we tested the hypothesis that overexpression of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in reduced-size livers (RSL) would accelerate regeneration and reduce injury in a rat model of transplantation of RSL. Methods: Donors received chow diet (untreated), high-fat diet, or ethanol-containing high-fat diet. Some donors were infected with Ad-SOD1, while untreated grafts and livers infected with the indicator gene lacZ encoding bacterial b-galactosidase (Ad.lacZ) served as controls. Some livers were harvested 72 hours later, reduced to 45% of weight, and transplanted. After liver transplantation, SOD activity and protein expression in liver, survival, histopathology, release of transaminases, free radical adducts in bile and activation of NF-kB, IkB kinase (IKK), Jun-N-terminal kinase (JNK) and TNFa were evaluated. Moreover, in transplanted split-livers regeneration was evaluated by Brdu-staining, and measurement of cyclinD1 and p21. Results: Approximately 80% of hepatocytes expressed b-galactosidase 72h after injection of Ad-lacZ. Moreover, SOD1 gene expression and activity were increased 3- and 10-fold in the Ad-SOD1 group, respectively. Following transplantation, 20-25% of rats treated with Ad.lacZ survived. In contrast, all SOD1-treated animals survived. Transaminases measured 8h after transplantation in Ad-SOD1 rats were only 40% of those in controls which increased 40-fold above normal values. Approximately 20% of hepatocytes in untreated and Ad.lacZ-infected organs were necrotic 8h after reperfusion, whereas necrosis was nearly undetectable in grafts from rats treated with Ad.SOD1. Free radical adducts were increased 2-fold in the ethanol group compared to untreated controls. Ad.SOD1 blunted this increase and reduced the activation of NF-kB, which was similar in untreated and ethanol-treated groups. Ad.SOD1 did not affect activity of IKK, but JNK activity was blunted. Release of TNFa was not affected. In recipients of Ad.SOD1-RSL survival was dramatically increased (100% vs. 20% in Ad.lacZ-RSL), and peak levels of AST/ALT and bilirubin levels were reduced by 75% and 87.5%, respectively (p
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Efeito cardioprotetor do hormônio tireoidiano no modelo de isquemia/reperfusão: participação do sistema renina-angiotensina. / The cardioprotective effect of thyroid hormone in ischemia reperfusion experimental model: role of renin angiotensin system.Silva, Ivson Bezerra da 20 May 2016 (has links)
Uma estreita relação entre a ação dos hormônios tireoidianos (HT) no sistema cardiovascular sendo mediada por componentes do sistema renina-angiotensina (SRA) tem sido descrita na literatura. Já foi demonstrado que o processo de isquemia/reperfusão (I/R) promove diminuição na expressão do receptor de angiotensina II do tipo 2 (AT2) no miocárdio, com consequente prejuízo funcional, enquanto o aumento de sua expressão melhorou a recuperação da função cardíaca. A hipótese do presente estudo é que o papel cardioprotetor exercido pelos HT ocorre com a participação do receptor AT2. Esta hipótese foi testada utilizando o modelo de I/R com a perfusão de coração isolado de camundongos selvagens e nocautes para o AT2, submetidos a tratamento por 14 dias com T3. Ainda foi avaliado o SRA mitocondrial, assim como o papel do óxido nítrico (NO) na recuperação pós-isquêmica. Os resultados apontam que a cardioproteção induzida pelo T3 é mediada pelo AT2, com consequente aumento na produção de NO e modulação de parâmetros do metabolismo mitocondrial. / Some authors have shown a close relationship between the action of thyroid hormone (TH) on cardiovascular system and renin angiotensin system (RAS) activation. Have been shown that ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) promotes decrease on angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2) expression in the myocardium, with functional worsening, on the other hand the AT2R increased improves the cardiac function after ischemia episodes. So, we have hypothesized that the cardioprotective effect of TH in I/R model may occur with the participation of AT2. This hypothesis was tested using I/R model in isolated hearts AT2 knockout and wild-type mice submitted to high levels of T3 by 14 days. The mitochondrial RAS was evaluated, as well as the nitric oxide (NO) role in post-ischemic recovery. The results show that TH induces cardioprotection through AT2 receptor, some mitochondrial metabolism parameters were modulated by TH and the NO production was increased.
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Untersuchungen zur Nierenfunktion bei der Behandlung angeborener HerzfehlerDittrich, Sven 17 July 2001 (has links)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich tierexperimentell und klinisch mit Aspekten der Nierenfunktion bei der Behandlung angeborener Herzfehler. Von Patientenseite sind das Neonatal- und Säuglingsalter und ab der Adoleszenz eine chronische Zyanose, von Behandlungsseite Röntgenkontrastmittelgaben, Dauer, Blutviskositätsänderungen und Kreislaufstillstand am kardiopulmonalen Bypass Risikofaktoren. Cortikosteroidgaben, Optimierung von Blutviskosität und Hydratation sowie eine prophylaktische Peritonealdialyse sind Ansätze zur Behandlung eines Nierenschadens. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Verbesserungen der Plasmaviskosität Nierenschäden am hypothermen kardiopulmonalen Bypass vermindern während eine Cortikosteroidgabe vor Kreislaufstillstand bei Ferkeln nicht nephroprotektiv wirkt. Bei Risikopatienten erweist sich der prophylaktische Einsatz einer Peritonealdialyse als günstig. Bei chronisch zyanotischen Patienten mit einer Glomerulopathie und einem erhöhtem Risiko für Röntgenkontrastmittelexposition und kardiopulmonale Byppassoperationen muss der Nierenstatus die Operationsplanung und postoperative Therapie beeinflussen. Nephroprotektion und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten der Blutviskosität am kardiopulmonalen Bypass müssen weiter untersucht werden. / This work focusses on clinical aspects of kidney function in the treatment of congenital heart disease. Neonates and infants as well as adolescents with cyanosis may be especially at risk. Contrast agents, duration, blood viscosity changes, and circulatory arrest in cardiopulmonary bypass may be risk factors. Corticosteroids, optimized blood viscosity and hydration, and early onset of peritoneal dialysis are considerations of treatment. Our results demonstrate a reduction of renal damage with optimized plasma viscosity during hypothermia in cardiopulmonary bypass, while corticosteroids have no advantage in young pigs after circulatory arrest. Prophylactic treatment with peritoneal dialysis has advantages in patients at risk. In chronicly cyanotic patients with glomerulopathy the risk of contrast agents and cardiopulmonary bypass is elevated. Thus, renal status should influence operative procedures and postoperative treatment. The possibilities of nephroprotection and improvement of blood viscosity should be further evaluated.
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Die Bedeutung von intraepithelialen Lymphozyten, oxidativen Streß und endogenen Schutzmechanismen für die Integrität der intestinalen MukosaNüssler, Natascha C. 22 November 2001 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Bedeutung von intraepithelialen Lymphozyten (IEL), oxidativem Streß und endogenen Schutzmechanismen bei GvHR, Dünndarmtransplantation, Sepsis, Morbus Crohn sowie intestinalem Ischämie/Reperfusionsschaden (I/RS) analysiert. Die Bestimmung der phänotypischen und funktionellen Charaktistika der IEL im Rahmen der o. g. Erkrankungen wies auf eine Selektion bestimmter T-Zell Subpopulationen in der Darmschleimhaut hin. Zusätzlich konnte gezeigt werden, daß IEL nicht nur als Effektorzellen zur mukosalen Barrierefunktion beitragen, sondern auch regulierende Funktionen bei weiteren Abwehrmechanismen der Darmschleimhaut, wie z.B. der NOS-2 Expression besitzen. Die Untersuchungen zum intestinalen I/RS zeigten eine Gewebeschädigung nicht nur im Darm sondern auch der Leber nach selektiver intestinaler Ischämie. Dabei konnte in beiden Organen oxidativer Streß als ein Faktor der Gewebeschädigung nachgewiesen werden. Bei der Modulation des I/RS durch Gabe von Zytokinen konnte eine Zunahme des I/RS durch Gabe von IL-10 und eine Abnahme des I/RS durch IL-2 erreicht werden. Der positive Effekt der IL-2 Gabe war von einer verstärkten und verlängerten NOS-2 mRNA Expression sowie einer gesteigerten NO-Freisetzung begleitet. Im Gegensatz dazu fehlte nach IL-10 Gabe die Zunahme der NOS-2 Epxression ebenso wie ein Anstieg der NO-Metabolite im Serum. Die verminderte NO-Produktion könnte somit den negativen Effekt des anti-inflammatorischen IL-10 auf den I/RS erklären. / In this study, the role of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) was analyzed in Graft-versus-Host disease, small bowel transplantation, sepsis and inflammatory bowel disease. Furthermore, the influence of oxidative stress and endogenous protective mechanisms on the development of intestinal ischemia/reperfusion injury was determined. The phenotypic and functional characteristics of IEL in these diseases indicated that only specific T-cell subsets selectively migrate and/or survive in the intestinal mucosa. In addition, it was demonstrated that IEL display several functions in the intestinal barrier system: they are cytolytic effector cells, but do also exert regulatory functions on the expression of mucosal host defense mechanisms such as NOS-2 expression. The investigations on intestinal ischemia / reperfusion injury revealed that selective intestinal ischemia induces tissue injury not only in the intestine, but in the liver as well. In both organs, oxidative stress plays a predominant role in the development of tissue destruction. Modulation of I/RS by administration of cytokines lead to increased tissue damage after IL-10 administration and reduced tissue injury after IL-2 administration. The beneficial effect of IL-2 may have been due to an increased NOS-2 mRNA expression and the subsequently increased NO production. In contrast, IL-10 administration failed to induce an increased NOS-2 mRNA expression or NO production in the intestine and liver.
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Translocação bacteriana na isquemia-reperfusão hepática com e sem estase venosa intestinal: estudo experimental em ratos / Bacterial translocation in liver ischemia-reperfusion injury with and without intestinal venous stasis: experimental model in ratsKarin Marie Van Der Heijden 31 August 2007 (has links)
Atualmente, define-se como translocação bacteriana o deslocamento de bactérias e/ou seus produtos, como as endotoxinas, da luz do TGI para sítios estéreis. A ocorrência de translocação bacteriana tem sido sugerida em diversos estudos experimentais e clínicos. Apesar de todos estes estudos sustentarem a hipótese da ocorrência de translocação bacteriana, eles não demonstram que a bactéria detectada no sangue e em sítios estéreis tem efetivamente origem no TGI do animal ou paciente. Portanto, o objetivo da primeira fase deste trabalho, consistiu no desenvolvimento de um modelo experimental que comprovasse que bactérias isoladas em sítios estéreis são realmente de origem intestinal e que pudesse posteriormente viabilizar o estudo da translocação bacteriana. Para isto, realizou-se a colonização de ratos através da inoculação, via gavagem, de solução de Enterococcus faecalis resistente a vancomicina (ERV) e E. coli produtora de Beta-lactamase de espectro estendido (ESBL). O perfil de resistência destas cepas foi utilizado como marcador. Posteriormente, este estudo avaliou a translocação bacteriana em ratos submetidos a isquemia-reperfusão hepática com e sem estase venosa intestinal, utilizando o modelo de colonização. Quarenta e seis animais foram divididos nos seguintes grupos: Grupo I (n=15) ratos submetidos a isquemia hepática e estase intestinal por 30 minutos, e 1h de reperfusão; Grupo II (n=15) ratos submetidos a 30 minutos de isquemia hepática parcial sem estase intestinal, e 1h de reperfusão;Grupo III (n=8) ratos controle que apenas sofreraam manipulação cirúrgica e Grupo IV (n=8) ratos controle não cirúrgico. Os grupos foram analisados em relação: a ocorrência de translocação bacteriana; proporção de animais com crescimento da cepa pré-definida de ERV e E. coli ESBL, por órgão ou tecido; Concentração de LPS no sangue portal e sistêmico. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram presença marcante de crescimento microbiológico positivo para cepas inoculadas na maioria dos órgãos ou tecidos analisados nos diferentes grupos. Desta forma, conseguimos comprovar que a bactéria detectada em sítios estéreis tem efetivamente origem no TGI daquele animal. A translocação de bactérias, para os órgãos sólidos, ocorreu com maior freqüência nos ratos submetidos a isquemia e reperfusão com estase intestinal. A translocação bacteriana para o pulmão ocorreu com maior freqüência nos grupos cirúrgicos, inclusive controle, do que no controle não cirúrgico. A translocação de endotoxinas, medida pela concentração sangüínea sistêmica, ocorreu com maior intensidade nos ratos submetidos a isquemia e reperfusão hepática com estase intestinal. Não houve diferenças entre os grupos quanto a proporção de animais com cultura positiva no sangue sistêmico e porta e concentração de endotoxinas no sangue porta. / Bacterial translocation is defined as the passage of viable bacteria and/or their products, such as endotoxins, from inside the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) to normally sterile sites. Experimental studies demonstrate that increase of the permeability of the intestinal mucosa and other conditions such as intestinal bacterial overgrowth or host immune deficiency may be associated with this phenomenon. The occurrence of bacterial translocation has been suggested in some experimental and clinical studies. Although all these studies sustained the occurrence of the bacterial translocation but they did not demonstrate that it has effectively origin in the TGI of the animal or patient. The first objective of this study was to develop a GIT colonization experimental model in rats with resistant Enterococcus faecalis (E.faecalis) and E.coli, to be used in further studies of bacterial translocation intending, The resistance profile of these strains is used as a marker. Afterwards, this study evaluated the bacterial translocation in rats submitted to hepatic ischemic-reperfusion with or without intestinal vein stasis. Forty six animals were used as follows: Group I (n=15) mice submitted to ischemic hepatica and intestinal stasis for 30 minutes, and 1h of reperfusion; Group II (n=15) mice submitted to partial ischemic hepatica for 30 minutes without intestinal stasis, and 1h of reperfusion; Group III (n=8) control of mice which only suffered surgical manipulation and Group IV (n=8) Group of mice without surgical control. The groups were analyzed concerning: the occurrence of bacterial translocation; proportion of animals with predefined ERV and E.Coli ESBL growth increase per organ or tissue; LPS concentration in the portal and systemic blood. The results demonstrated remarkable appearance of positive microbiological growth for inoculated stains mostly in the analyzed tissues within the different groups. By this way, we were able to prove that the bacteria present in sterile sites have effectively their origin in the TGI of that animal. The bacteria translocation in solid organs occurred frequently in group I submitted to the ischemia-reperfusion with intestinal stasis. The bacterial translocation in lung occurred more frequently in the surgical groups including chirurgical control. The endotoxin in systemic blood concentration occurred more intensively in group I submitted to the ischemia-reperfusion with intestinal stasis.
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Perfil temporal da inflamação pulmonar induzida pela isquemia/reperfusão intestinal em ratos. Estudo do papel do sistema linfático. / Time profile of lung inflammation induced by intestinal ischemia/reperfusion in rats. Role of the lymphatic system.Vitoretti, Luana Beatriz 17 May 2010 (has links)
A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal (I/R-i) se associa ao desenvolvimento de inflamação pulmonar aguda, que pode ser modulada por mediadores inflamatórios presentes na linfa. Avaliamos os efeitos da I/R-i sob a inflamação pulmonar e a participação do sistema linfático. Wistar machos foram submetidos a 45 min de isquemia intestinal e 24, 72 ou 120 h de reperfusão. Outro grupo teve o ducto linfático bloqueado antes da isquemia. Os resultados revelaram maior inflamação pulmonar nos animais reperfundidos por 120 h em relação aos outros períodos de reperfusão estudados. Os animais apresentaram aumento de MPO e permeabilidade. Aumento de VEGF e de IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">β e diminuição de IL-10 no explante pulmonar. Diminuição de vWf e aumento de integrina <font face=\"Symbol\">⓵, PECAM-1 e colágeno I e IV no endotélio pulmonar. Os dados indicam que mecanismos temporais modulam a resposta inflamatória decorrente da I/R-i. Mediadores na linfa e na circulação participam do desencadeamento/manutenção da inflamação pulmonar alterando a integridade do endotélio e ativando o pulmão que libera mediadores adicionais. / Intestinal ischemia/reperfusion (i-I/R) is associated with the development of acute lung inflammation, which can be modulated by inflammatory mediators present in the lymph. We evaluated the effects of i-I/R in lung inflammation and the involvement of the lymphatic system. Wistar rats were subjected to 45 min of intestinal ischemia and 24, 72 or 120 h of reperfusion. Another group had the lymphatic duct blocked before ischemia. The results revealed greater lung inflammation in animals reperfused for 120 h in comparison to other periods studied. These animals showed increased MPO and permeability. Increased VEGF and IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">β and decreased IL-10 in lung explants. Decreased vWf and increased <font face=\"Symbol\">⓵ integrin, PECAM-1 and collagen I and IV in the pulmonary endothelium. These data indicate that temporal mechanisms modulate the inflammatory response due to i-I/R. Mediators in the lymph and circulation participate in the initiation / maintenance of lung inflammation by altering the integrity of the endothelium and activating the lung which release additional mediators.
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Mecanismos reguladores da resposta inflamatória aguda sitêmica produzida pela isquemia e reperfusão intestinal em camundongos geneticamente selecionados para alta ou baixa reatividade inflamatória. / Regulatory mechanisms of systemic acute inflammation produced by intestinal ischemia and reperfusion in mice genetically selected for high or low inflammatory reactivity.Suppa, Alessandra Paes 19 June 2015 (has links)
Alterações no mecanismo de transporte de oxigênio (O2) frequentes em inflamações, infecções, tumores, transplantes e isquemia, levam a hipóxia tecidual. Espécies reativas do O2 são produzidas e citocinas inflamatórias são liberadas engatilhando uma série de eventos, os quais são amplificados após a restituição do fluxo sanguíneo resultando em inflamação sistêmica. No presente estudo, caracterizamos a regulação da Resposta Inflamatória Aguda (AIR) após indução de isquemia e reperfusão intestinal (I/Ri) e a participação do HIF-1α neste fenótipo. Camundongos selecionados para alta (AIRmax) e baixa (AIRmin) AIR foram submetidos a I/Ri e avaliados em diferentes períodos de reperfusão (0, 1, 4 e 24h). Nossos resultados demonstraram maior sensibilidade da linhagem AIRmax frente a I/Ri, confirmada por: 1) maior mobilização de neutrófilos para circulação periférica; 2) maior adesão celular e aumento da migração granulocítica no intestino e pulmão; 3) aumento da expressão de genes de citocinas e daqueles expressos em hipóxia (Tnfa, Il1, Il6 e Hif1a); 4) Translocação Bacteriana (TB); 5) maior expressão pulmonar da proteína HIF-1α e de proteínas envolvidas em processos inflamatórios tais como S100A9, Anexina 1, Profilina 1, Tropomiosina. Por outro lado, a linhagem AIRmin foi considerada pouco responsiva aos efeitos da I/Ri. Diante do exposto, nós concluímos que a sensibilidade dos camundongos AIRmax à injuria após indução de IRi está associada ao agravamento da inflamação sistemica, a qual foi determinada pela indução de HIF-1α atrelada à expressão de proteínas pró- inflamatórias e TB, indicando o compartilhamento ou a co- segregação entre os genes envolvidos na AIR e na hipóxia. / Changes in oxygen transport mechanism (O2) frequent in inflammation, infection, tumors, transplantation and ischemia, lead to tissue hypoxia. Reactive species of O2 are produced and inflammatory cytokines are released triggering a series of events, which are amplified after blood flow refund resulting in systemic inflammation. In the present study, we characterized the regulation of Acute Inflammatory Response (AIR) after intestinal ischemia and reperfusion (I/Ri) induction and the involvement of HIF-1α in this phenotype. Mice selected for high (AIRmax) and low (AIRmin) AIR were subjected to I/Ri and evaluated in different periods of reperfusion (0, 1, 4 and 24h). Our results show sensitivity of AIRmax front line I/Ri, confirmed by: 1) higher neutrophils mobilization to peripheral circulation; 2) increase in cell adhesion and granulocyte migration in lung and intestine; 3) higher expression of cytokine genes and those expressed in hypoxia (TNFa, IL-1, IL-6 and HIF1a); 4) Bacterial Translocation (BT), 5) increase in HIF-1α pulmonary protein expression and those involved in inflammatory processes such as S100A9, Annexin 1, profilin 1 Tropomyosin. On the other hand, the AIRmin line was considered unresponsive to effects of I/Ri. We concluded that the I/Ri sensitivity of the AIRmax mice were associated with worsening of systemic inflammation, which was determined by HIF-1α induction linked to the expression of pro- inflammatory proteins and TB, indicating the share and/or co-segregation of the genes involved in AIR.
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Nouveaux mécanismes de protection des cardiomyocytes contre les lésions d'ischémie / reperfusion / New mechanisms of protection of cardiomyocytes from ischemia / reperfusion injuryIvanes, Fabrice 30 September 2013 (has links)
Les maladies cardiovasculaires constituent un problème de santé publique. Les pré et postconditionnement ischémiques mais aussi pharmacologiques constituent autant d‘avancées qui permettront l‘amélioration de la prise en charge des malades en situation d‘ischémie/reperfusion myocardique. Néanmoins, la morbi-mortalité des maladies cardiovasculaires reste importante et nécessite le développement de nouvelles techniques. Les premiers résultats de la thérapie cellulaire myocardique ont été décevants, et s‘il est désormais établi que l‘on ne peut régénérer le myocarde, les effets bénéfiques observés, notamment avec les cellules souches mésenchymateuses semblent en rapport avec un effet paracrine qui passe par l‘activation de la voie de signalisation PI3kinase/Akt sur un mécanisme comparable à celui du postconditionnement ischémique. Les médiateurs de cet effet sont vraisemblablement des facteurs de croissance comme le VEGF ou l‘IGF-1 même si un effet individuel direct de l‘une ou l‘autre de ces molécules n‘a pu être mis en évidence. La modulation de l‘activité de l‘ATP synthase mitochondriale est également une cible thérapeutique prometteuse. Cette enzyme inverse son activité et hydrolyse l‘ATP durant l‘ischémie, conduisant à dépléter le pool d‘ATP intracellulaire et accélérer la survenue de la mort cellulaire. De nouvelles molécules ayant un effet similaire à l‘IF1 permettent de bloquer cette inversion d‘activité de l‘ATP synthase, de préserver l‘ATP et donc d‘améliorer la survie cellulaire par un effet de type préconditionnement ischémique. Ces 2 techniques, très différentes mais non antinomiques, pourraient faire partie de l‘arsenal thérapeutique dans les années à venir / Cardiovascular diseases are a major problem of public health management. Ischemic and pharmacological pre and postconditioning should significantly improve the prognosis of patients suffering from myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. However, the morbi-mortality of these patients is still high and research must remain active. The first results of myocardial stem cell therapy show that we cannot regenerate myocardium but a recent meta-analysis reported positive effects that can be explained through a paracrine mechanism. Mesenchymal stem cells protect ischemic cardiomyocytes from reperfusion injury through a paracrine activation of the PI3kinase/Akt pathway in a similar way to ischemic postconditioning. The mediators of this protection could be growth factors such as VEGF or IGF-1 though we couldn’t demonstrate a direct effect of one or the other. Modulating the activity of the ATP synthase during ischemia is another promising therapeutic target. This enzyme reverses its activity and hydrolyses ATP when the supply in oxygen is impaired. This leads to the reduction of the cellular pool of ATP and accelerates cell death. We identified new small molecules with a similar effect to IF1 that can selectively inhibit the reverse activity of the ATP synthase, preserve ATP and thus increase cell survival in a preconditioning-like effect. These two different techniques could be part of the therapeutic arsenal against ischemia/reperfusion in the next decades.
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