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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av ett inkassohanteringssystem / Development of a debt collection management program

Olsson, Johannes January 2006 (has links)
Denna uppsats beskriver arbetet med att utveckla ett inkassohanteringsprogram. Arbetet är utfört åt inkassobyrån Exactor International Debt Collection från Mariestad. Bakgrunden till projektet är att Exactor behöver en programvara för att hålla ordning på de inkassoärenden som de har. En programvara som passar deras sätt att arbeta. I programmet finns det möjlighet för användaren att registrera ärenden som var och en innehåller en klient, en eller flera betalningsskyldiga (gäldenärer) och en eller flera fakturor. Vidare finns det möjlighet att söka och redigera de olika delarna i ett ärende. Uppsatsen beskriver hur programmet är konstruerat och hur det fungerar. Den beskriver också grundligt hur det kommer sig att ett ärende kommer till inkassoförfarandet. Detta för att lättare få förståelse kring resterande del av uppsatsen. Vidare beskrivs databasens design samt hur information lagras i den. / This paper describes the work of developing a debt collection management program. The work was carried out as an assignment from Exactor, an international debt collection company in Mariestad. The motivation was that Exactor needed a program to manage the debt collection errands they have. The program would have to fit their way of working. In the program, it is possible for the user to register errands that each contains a client, one or more that is liable for payment (debtors), and one or more invoices. The program also implements a feature for searching and editing the different parts of an errand. The paper describes how the program is designed and how it works. The paper also describes the basic process from the beginning of a debt to the debt collection procedures. This description is for understanding the rest of the paper. Furthermore, the database design and how information is stored in the database is described.

Generell DDL-Generering: metodik för olika databashanterare : Undersökning av metoder för generisk DDL-kod-generering över olika databassystem

Gabrielsson, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla en generell applikation som kan generera DDL-skript från tre olika databaser: Oracle, SQL Server och DB2, genom att enbart använda en JDBC-uppkoppling. Behovet av denna studie kommer från att databasadministratörer och utvecklare effektivt ska kunna hantera databaser med olika system med varierande syntax och struktur. Processen genomfördes i IDEAn IntelliJ med java.sql-APIt för databasoperationer. Resultatet visade att trots skillnaderna mellan dessa databaser var det möjligt att utveckla en generell process för att extrahera DDL-kod med endast en JDBCuppkoppling. Dock krävdes vissa specifika anpassningar för varje databassystem. En observation var hanteringen av primärnycklar och index mellan systemen. Denna applikation har potential att vidareutvecklas till ett kraftfullt verktyg för databashantering, vilket sparar tid och resurser. Områden för framtida undersökning inkluderar hantering av komplexa datatyper och strukturer, samt prestanda med stora databaser. / This study was aimed at developing a generic application capable of generating DDL-code from three different databases: Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 by using JDBC. This research necessity origins from database administrators and developers need to effectively manage databases across different systems with different syntax and structure. The process was conducted in the IDEA IntelliJ using the java.sql-API for database operations. The result showed that despite the differences between these databases it was possible to develop a generic process for extracting DDL-code only using a JDBC connection. However, some specific adaptions were required for each database system. An observation was the managing of primary keys and indexes across the systems. This application has the potential to be developed further into a powerful tool for database management that saves time and resources. Areas for further investigation is handling of complex data types and structures and performance with large databases.

Arquitetura de um sistema para integração de bancos de dados com suporte a replicação utilizando tecnologia de grades computacionais. / A resource monitoring and parallel application cooperative scheduling environment on computing grids.

Mathias Santos de Brito 09 February 2009 (has links)
Grades computacionais tem a finalidade de oferecer meios para o compartilhamento de recursos distribuídos geograficamente para o uso em aplicações que necessitem. A integração de Bancos de Dados distribuídos geograficamente pode ser obtida através do compartilhamento de recursos provido pela tecnologia de grades. Este trabalho utiliza middlewares de grade computacional, especificamente Globus e OGSA-DAI bem como outras tecnologias como LDAP e JDBC, especificando uma arquitetura distribuída para possibilitar a integração de Bancos de Dados, oferecendo também suporte a replicação. A arquitetura proposta possibilita a configuração de níveis hierárquicos de replicação. O presente trabalho apresenta a implementação de um protótipo desta arquitetura. Um driver JDBC é apresentado para possibilitar o uso dos bancos de dados expostos na grade. Tem-se como resultado deste trabalho, a definição da arquitetura e o desenvolvimento de ferramentas culminando em um protótipo funcional, bem como uma versão estável do driver JDBC. A possibilidade de integração de bancos de dados na grade com suporte a replicação, torna possível aplicações de alto desempenho e alta disponibilidade sem comprometer a autonomia local dos bancos de dados integrados. / Grid Computing have the goal of providing means to share resources to be used by applications that need these resources. The integration of geographically distributed databases can be obtained by sharing resources using grid computing technology. This work uses grid middlewares, specifically Globus Toolkit and OGSA-DAI, as well as other technologies as LDAP and Java JDBC, specifying a distributed architecture to allow database integration, also offering support for replication. The proposed architecture offers also its configuration in hierarchical levels of replication. The work also presents the implementation of a prototype based on the proposed architecture. A JDBC driver is presented, it allows the ease access to databases exposed in the grid. The results of this work are the definition of the architecture, the development of a functional prototype and a stable version of the JDBC Driver. The possibility of integrating databases with replication support allows applications of high performance and high availability without interfering in the local autonomy of the databases.

Arquitetura de um sistema para integração de bancos de dados com suporte a replicação utilizando tecnologia de grades computacionais. / A resource monitoring and parallel application cooperative scheduling environment on computing grids.

Brito, Mathias Santos de 09 February 2009 (has links)
Grades computacionais tem a finalidade de oferecer meios para o compartilhamento de recursos distribuídos geograficamente para o uso em aplicações que necessitem. A integração de Bancos de Dados distribuídos geograficamente pode ser obtida através do compartilhamento de recursos provido pela tecnologia de grades. Este trabalho utiliza middlewares de grade computacional, especificamente Globus e OGSA-DAI bem como outras tecnologias como LDAP e JDBC, especificando uma arquitetura distribuída para possibilitar a integração de Bancos de Dados, oferecendo também suporte a replicação. A arquitetura proposta possibilita a configuração de níveis hierárquicos de replicação. O presente trabalho apresenta a implementação de um protótipo desta arquitetura. Um driver JDBC é apresentado para possibilitar o uso dos bancos de dados expostos na grade. Tem-se como resultado deste trabalho, a definição da arquitetura e o desenvolvimento de ferramentas culminando em um protótipo funcional, bem como uma versão estável do driver JDBC. A possibilidade de integração de bancos de dados na grade com suporte a replicação, torna possível aplicações de alto desempenho e alta disponibilidade sem comprometer a autonomia local dos bancos de dados integrados. / Grid Computing have the goal of providing means to share resources to be used by applications that need these resources. The integration of geographically distributed databases can be obtained by sharing resources using grid computing technology. This work uses grid middlewares, specifically Globus Toolkit and OGSA-DAI, as well as other technologies as LDAP and Java JDBC, specifying a distributed architecture to allow database integration, also offering support for replication. The proposed architecture offers also its configuration in hierarchical levels of replication. The work also presents the implementation of a prototype based on the proposed architecture. A JDBC driver is presented, it allows the ease access to databases exposed in the grid. The results of this work are the definition of the architecture, the development of a functional prototype and a stable version of the JDBC Driver. The possibility of integrating databases with replication support allows applications of high performance and high availability without interfering in the local autonomy of the databases.

Användbart bokningssystem till frisersalong / A usable booking system for a barbershop

Johansson, Robert January 2004 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingsprocessen av ett bokningssystem till en frisersalong. Bokningssystemet ska användasför att boka tider för kunder och också underlätta administrationen för de anställda. I rapporten beskrivs arbetsprocessen steg för steg med kravspecifikation, designspecifikation, gränssnitt och till sist resultat. Bokningssystemet täckte alla grundläggande krav som kunden hade. En förbättring vore att i utvecklingen av gränssnittet mer noggrant analysera användarens krav ur ett användbarhetsperspektiv. På så sätt skulle en del problem i användbarheten av systemet identifieras tidigare. Examensarbetet ledde fram till ett bokningssystem till en frisersalong som används dagligen för att sköta arbetet med bokningar av kunder. Systemet utvecklades i Java och använder databashanteraren MySQL.

Vytváření OLAP modelů reportů na základě metadat / OLAP Reports Model Creating Based on Metadata

Franek, Zdenko January 2010 (has links)
An important part of knowledge of report creator is knowledge of database schema and database query language, from which the data for report are extracted. In the reporting services for database systems and Business Intelligence systems initiative arises to separate the position of database specialist from the position of reports maker. One of the solutions offers using metadata interlayer between the database schema and report. This interlayer is called the report model. Its use is not currently supported in the process of reporting, or is only very limited. The aim of this thesis is to suggest the possibility of using the report model in the process of building reports with an emphasis on the OLAP analysis.

Konzeption und Implementierung eines Applikationsservers für linguistische Anwendungen

Böhm, Karsten 20 October 2017 (has links)
Das Projekt 'Deutscher Wortschatz' wurde Anfang der 90er Jahre am Institut für Informatik der Universität Leipzig begonnen und stellt mittlerweile eine der umfangreichsten korpuslinguistischen Datensammlungen zur deutschen Sprache dar. Der zunehmende Umfang der Sammlung und die wachsende Akzeptanz durch verschiedene Anwender aus Forschung und Wirtschaft zeigen deutlich die Grenzen der gegenwärtig verwendeten Architektur im Hinblick auf Skalierbarkeit, Performanz und Verfügbarkeit auf. Diese Diplomarbeit beschreibt die Konzeption und Implementierung eines linguistischen Applikationsservers, der als Plattform für korpuslinguistische Anwendungen eingesetzt werden kann und insbesondere auf die Bedürfnisse des Projektes ``Deutscher Wortschatz'' ausgerichtet ist. Dabei handelt es sich um eine auf mehrere Rechner verteilbare, plattformneutrale Anwendung, die skalierbar ist, eine hohe Verfügbarkeit aufweist und die transparente Integration neuer Anwendungen ermöglicht. Dabei stehen die Belange linguistischer Software im Vordergrund, obwohl der Einsatz des Systems auch in anderen Aufgabenbereichen denkbar ist. Der konzeptionelle Teil der Arbeit beschreibt zunächst die Besonderheiten und Eigenschaften, die linguistische Systeme, insbesondere solche, die mit großen Korpora arbeiten, besitzen und leitet daraus Forderungen ab, die eine Entwicklungsumgebung erfüllen muß, um diese Anwendungsklasse zu unterstützen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Analyse und Begriffsdefinition der Klasse der Applikationsserver -- eine neue Softwaregattung die sich in einer eigenen Schicht zwischen System- und Anwendungssoftware ausgebildet hat. Im Hinblick auf den Einsatz in einem PC-Cluster fließen in die Konzeption eines linguistischen Applikationsservers auch Aspekte verteilter Systeme ein, die beim Entwurf des Systems berücksichtigt werden. Die Vorstellung der Implementierung des vorgeschlagenen Konzepts bildet den zweiten, umfangreicheren Teil der Arbeit und stellt dem Projekt 'Deutscher Wortschatz' ein neues Werkzeug zur Verfügung, das die Entwicklung verteilter, linguistischer Anwendungen erleichtert und die hohe Leistungsfähigkeit der Clusterarchitektur ausnutzt. Außerdem wird mit der Realisierung des vorgeschlagenen Konzepts dessen Praktikabilität nachgewiesen und damit gezeigt, wie in der Zukunft komplexe linguistische Softwaresysteme aufgebaut sein könnten.

Sicherheitsmanagement für Dateisysteme in Windows NT-Netzwerken per Tivoli TME 10: Entwicklung eines Modellierungstools für die Nutzerverwaltung

Stallbaum, Bert 20 November 2017 (has links)
Das Hauptanliegen dieser Arbeit ist es, die Administration von Zugriffsberechtigungen für Ressourcen in Windows NT-Netzwerken aus der Perspektive des Netzwerk- und Systemmanagements heterogener IT-Landschaften zu betrachten.

An Evaluation of Spring WebFlux : With focus on built in SQL features

Dahlin, Karl January 2020 (has links)
In today’s society the need for more hardware efficient software since some people think that the doubling of computer power for the same price that Moore’s law predicted is no more. Reactive programming can be a step in the right direction, this has led to an increase in interest in reactive programming. This object of this thesis is to evaluate the possibility of using reactive programming and R2DBC in Java to communicate with a relation database. This has been done by creating two Spring applications one using the standards JDBC and servlet stack and one using R2DBC and the reactive stack. Then connecting them to a MySQL database and selecting and inserting values in to and from it and measuring the CPU usage, memory usage and execution time. In addition to this the possibilities to handle BLOBs in a good enough way were researched. The study shows that there are both advantages and disadvantages with using R2DBC it has basic support and it is based on good idea but at the time of this thesis it still needs more development before it can be used fully.

Technologie pro perzistenci objektů v Javě / Technologies for Persistent Objects in Java

Šenk, Zdeněk Unknown Date (has links)
This master thesis deals with technologies for persistence of objects in Java. It briefly describes options of persistence of objects into files and further especially modern technologies for persistence of objects into database systems, particularly relational. It describes JDBC technology, framework Hibernate, application interface JDO, SQLJ technology, frameworks OJB and TopLink in detail and briefly the other tools. The emphasis is especially put on their usage, which is illustrated by amount of examples, their properties comparison and recommendation for the application building. The other part of thesis deals with life phases of information system development, where the differences of usage of JDBC and Hibernate, their mutual comparison from different points of view, importance of software architecture and design patterns for the application development in J2EE are presented.

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