Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lack"" "subject:"back""
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Caution ��� ideological mechanisms at work : interpellation and the melancholic turn in Jack Kerouac's On the Road and Ernest Hemingway's The Garden of EdenTravers, Jessica D. 03 December 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I examine the ideological mechanisms that work to constitute, construct, and maintain subject identity. Such mechanisms include repetition, performativity, identification, and interpellation. I incorporate structuralist, post-structuralist, and psychoanalytic theories as a means to discuss the ways in which gender, sexuality, and identity are performative masquerades. Furthermore, these ideological mechanisms and heteronormative paradigms have the paradoxical power to produce both incurable melancholia and unrealized possibilities alike. Given this conversation, I turn to theorists such as Louis Althusser, Slavoj ��i��ek, and Judith Butler; these theorists employ different theoretical approaches and consequently their explanations regarding how and why identity is manufactured frequently differ. From this productive point of difference, I apply the theories to a literary analysis of Jack Kerouac's On the Road and Ernest Hemingway's The Garden of Eden. Paired together, the critical theories and literary works act to complicate and nuance each other, and collectively introduce valuable insights regarding who or what is subject. / Graduation date: 2013
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Champions noirs dans une Amérique blanche : la politisation de l'image raciale de Jack Johnson et Joe LouisPilon, Guillaume January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, nous entendons démontrer, par le biais d'une étude comparative, la résonance raciale et politique des carrières de Jack Johnson (1908-1915) et Joe Louis (1937-1949). Ces deux hommes furent non seulement les deux premiers athlètes afro-américains à transcender la barrière raciale dans la boxe pour s'élever au titre convoité de champion du monde des poids lourds, ils influencèrent aussi l'avènement d'un symbolisme identitaire directement lié au sport. À travers l'image raciale stimulée par ces deux athlètes, nous voulons analyser le processus de politisation qui a accompagné leur présence sur la scène publique et le rôle prépondérant qu'il a joué dans le contrôle de leur représentativité au sein de la société, plus particulièrement auprès des Noirs américains. Cette notion de représentativité, qui occupera une place importante tout au long de ce mémoire, vise d'abord et avant tout à mettre en lumière l'influence directe des deux athlètes sur la population noire et sur le déroulement des relations raciales américaines. Ainsi, à travers le concept de politisation, la présente recherche vise d'abord et avant tout à souligner le rôle marquant de certaines instances gouvernementales et législatives qui, sous le couvert d'une rhétorique à la fois moraliste et propagandiste, ont directement interféré dans le conditionnement de l'image raciale des deux athlètes. En ce sens, notre recherche superpose au cadre purement sportif une approche interprétative qui englobe les différents facteurs contextuels qui ont joué un rôle décisif dans l'émergence de l'image véhiculée par les protagonistes à l'étude. Si la carrière sportive des deux athlètes est bien détaillée dans l'historiographie, en revanche, peu d'études ont démontré le lien direct entre l'image que ceux-ci véhiculaient à l'extérieur du domaine sportif et l'ambivalence qui a entouré la répression et la récupération du symbolisme racial des deux hommes à des fins de propagande et de contrôle social. Par ailleurs, la dichotomie qui s'est opérée dans le conditionnement politique et racial de leur image respective est un aspect qui a été largement négligé par la littérature existante. En ce sens, à défaut d'être purement descriptive, cette recherche propose un regard nouveau sur les différents éléments ayant pu conduire ou influencer la construction du paradigme représentatif des deux athlètes au sein même du système sportif, mais aussi en dehors de celui-ci. De ce fait, nous soutenons que Johnson et Louis, malgré leur séparation chronologique dans le temps, sont interreliés par des facteurs qui ont eu une incidence directe sur la projection de leur identité singulière. Le présent mémoire vise aussi à analyser le rôle de la conduite sociale adoptée par Johnson et Louis pour expliquer les motifs qui ont stimulé l'édification du processus de politisation extra-sportif dont ils furent l'objet. D'autre part, parallèlement à l'importance prépondérante de l'image raciale projetée par les deux hommes, nous soutenons qu'à travers l'internationalisation progressive du sport comme vecteur d'une nouvelle représentativité nationale, se trouve une composante primordiale quant à l'explication des divergences ayant entouré le symbolisme sportif des deux athlètes. Ainsi, la relation intime entre la boxe et l'identité nationale, relation qui s'est forgée au gré du renforcement évolutif de la globalisation du sport comme culture de masse au cours des années 1930, permet d'établir, du moins en partie, une compréhension plus profonde de l'impact national des deux athlètes. Bref, à travers les différents moyens utilisés par le gouvernement américain pour contrôler la répression de l'image de Jack Johnson et pour favoriser la promotion de celle de Joe Louis à des fins de propagande raciale, nous voulons mettre en perspective la rupture qui s'est opérée dans le modelage de leur valeur représentative. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Boxe, Suprématie raciale, Répression, Propagande, Identité raciale, Identité nationale.
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Euthanasia : A study of its origin, forms and aspectsRockman, Priscilla January 2012 (has links)
The death-and-dying debates, especially where they focus on euthanasia is now a global debated issue and this act (euthanasia) is now practiced in a lot of countries worldwide despite some countries have not legalized it. Some religious groups and individuals are in line with the arguments for euthanasia because it provides a way to relieve extreme pain, provides a way of relief when a person’s quality of life is low and it frees up medical funds to help other people while on the other hand, other religious groups and individual base their arguments against euthanasia because such act and practice devalues human life, and because there is a "slippery slope’ effect that has occurred where euthanasia has been first been legalized for only the terminally ill and later laws are changed to allow it for other people or to be done non-voluntarily. A current debated issue is whether effective palliative care laws are changed to allow it for other people or to b e done non-voluntarily. A current debated issue is whether effective palliative care can have an influence over people’s choices towards euthanasia.
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Essays on Segregation, Gender Economics, and Self-employmentNeuman, Emma January 2015 (has links)
This thesis consists of four empirical essays on the topics of ethnic segregation, gender economics, and self-employment. Essay I investigates how the residential mobility of Sweden's native population contributes to ethnic segregation, by applying regression discontinuity methods. The results show that the growth in the native population in a neighbourhood discontinuously drops as the share of non-European immigrants exceeds the tipping point. Tipping is driven by the departure of natives and their avoidance of tipped neighbourhoods. Tipping behaviour is selective in the sense that highly educated and high earning natives are more likely to leave neighbourhoods that have tipped. Essay II studies the relationship between the childhood neighbourhood's ethnic composition and economic outcomes in adulthood for second-generation immigrant sand natives. The results reveal that a high concentration of immigrants in aneighbourhood is associated with a lower probability of second-generation immigrants continuing to higher education. Natives' earnings and educational attainment are negatively correlated with, and the probability of social assistance and unemployment are positively associated with a high immigrant concentration. Among non-Nordic second-generation immigrants, reliance on social assistance and unemployment are negatively correlated with the share of co-ethnics and positively associated with the proportion of other ethnic groups. Essay III explores the role of social norms and attitudes about gender for labour market outcomes of immigrant men and women in Sweden. The results show that immigrants originating from countries with large gender disparities in labour force participation also have large gender gaps in labour force participation within their immigrant group on the Swedish labour market. In contrast, source country gender differences in earnings are not correlated with gender gaps in earnings within immigrant groups in Sweden. In addition, gender gaps in labour force participation among immigrants assimilate towards the corresponding gap among natives as time inSweden increases. Essay IV empirically tests the Jack-of-all-trades theory, which states that individuals who are more balanced in their abilities are more suitable for self-employment. Using Swedish Military Enlistment data, a measure of balance in endowed abilities is constructed and this balance measure is, in relation to previous research, less likely tobe endogenous. The results support the Jack-of-all-trades theory, in the sense that propensity for being or becoming self-employed is greater for individuals with abalanced set of abilities. In addition, earnings from self-employment tend to be higher among individuals with a balanced set of skills.
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Cold War Playboys: Models of Masculinity in the Literature of PlayboyMitchell, Taylor Joy 01 January 2011 (has links)
"Cold War Playboys: Models of Masculinity in the Literature of Playboy" emphasizes the literary voices that emerged in response to the Cold War's redefinitions of space and sexuality and, thus, adds to the growing national discourse of Cold War literary and masculinity studies. I argue that the literature Playboy includes has always been a necessary feature to creating its masculinity model; however, that very literature often destabilizes the magazine's grand narrative because it presents readers with alternative models of masculinity. To make that argument, I presume five things: 1) masculinity, like femininity, is a construct; 2) the mid-century masculinity crisis should be attributed to redefinitions of space and sexuality; 3) the crisis generated a variety of masculinity models; 4) Playboy presents its own, unified model of masculinity through its editorial features; and 5) finally, that Playboy should be considered an early Cold War artifact because the space Playboy magazine represents, dually domestic and privatized, is hardly trivial--decade after decade, it has absorbed society's shifts and reflected them back to readers.
Citing biographical, historical, critical, and textual evidence, I consider how the literature of Playboy magazine responds to the construction of Cold War discourses regarding sexuality and space. In particular, I examine how Playboy contributions from Jack Kerouac, Vladimir Nabokov, and James Baldwin detail models of masculinity informed by Cold War culture. Playboy's emphasis was obviously Playmates, but fiction always appeared in its pages. As its largest component, fiction became the backbone of Playboy. Therefore, Hefner's educated, sexual male identity included, and still includes, reading a wide array of literature--from Ian Fleming to Ursula le Guin. "Cold War Playboys" asks: How did literature gain primacy in Hefner's ideal male identity? What purposes does reading this literature serve when appealing to a particular masculinity? Answering these questions allows me to explore how one mass-produced magazine and specific literary figures participated in and resisted the construction of Cold War discourses regarding space and sexuality.
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"Backwards saints" the jazz musician as hero-figure in James Baldwin's 'Sonny's blues' and John Clellon Holmes' The horn /Oliver, Stephen Blake. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Acadia University, 2000. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 120-124). Also available on the Internet via the World Wide Web.
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Road novel, road movie : approche intermédiale du récit de la route / Road novel, road movie. : Intermedial approach of road narrativesBrasebin, Jenny 20 September 2013 (has links)
Apparu au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale avec la publication en 1957 d’On the Road de Jack Kerouac et la sortie, 12 ans plus tard, d’Easy Rider de Dennis Hopper, le road novel et le road movie constituent à nos yeux les deux versants de ce que nous avons choisi de nommer le récit de la route. Devant l’absence de réelle étude conjointe entre les deux formes et la persistance d’amalgames, nous souhaitons mettre en évidence ce qui permettrait de distinguer le road novel et le road movie d’autres récits d’errance. Un tel travail nécessite la mise au jour d’un outil d’analyse intermédial permettant d’embrasser de concert des oeuvres relevant d’expressions médiatiques différentes. Nous proposons donc de recourir au concept de chronotope développé par Bakhtine en littérature, et dont il a été démontré il y a peu qu’il est aussi susceptible de s’appliquer à un objet cinématographique. Nous posons que road novel et road movie reposent sur la combinaison d’un ensemble de chronotopes fondamentaux : celui de la route, dans le contexte de la motorisation et des non-lieux de la postmodernité, et celui du seuil, compris comme l’expression du tournant d’une vie. La présence d’une dimension parodique nous amène en outre à mobiliser un autre concept bakhtinien : celui de carnavalesque, qui s’articulerait justement autour des chronotopes de la route et du seuil définis précédemment. Afin de procéder à cette analyse chronotopique, nous nous appuyons sur un corpus d’oeuvres empruntées au répertoire américain, québécois et allemand, en raison notamment des multiples passerelles susceptibles d’être érigées entre ces différentes cultures. / Appearing in the wake of World War II, with the publication in 1957 of On the Road by Jack Kerouac,followed 12 years later with the screening of Denis Hopper’s Easy Rider, the road novel and road movie constitute, we argue, two sides of what we call the road narrative. Faced with a lack of comprehensive studies embracing both sides concurrently, and with recurrent amalgams, we reflect on the components differentiating the road novel and road movie from other types of wandering stories. Such a project calls for the construction of an intermedial apparatus, enabling us to jointly encompass artworks belonging to different media formats. Consequently, we build on the concept of the chronotope, as developed by Bakhtin as a tool for literarycriticism, and recently extended by scholars to cinematographic objects. We show how road novels and roadmovies emerge from the combination of two fundamental chronotopes: that of the road, exemplified by a postmodern universe dominated by motor vehicles and non-places, and that of the threshold, understood as the expression of a critical turn in one’s life. The noted presence of a parodic dimension in road narrativescalls for the introduction of an additional bakhtinian concept: the carnivalesque, which, as we show, can be articulated in relation to the previously defined road and threshold chronotopes. For this chronotopical analysis, we selected artworks from the American, Quebecois and German repertoires, a choice justified by the numerous potential connections to be established between those three different cultures.
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Human/Nature: American Literary Naturalism and the AnthropocenePolefrone, Phillip Robert January 2020 (has links)
“Human/Nature: American Literary Naturalism and the Anthropocene” examines works of fiction from the genre of American literary naturalism that sought to represent the emergence of the environmental crisis known today as the Anthropocene. Reading works by Jack London, Frank Norris, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and Charles W. Chesnutt, I show how the genre’s well-known tropes of determinism, atavism, and super-individual scales of narration were used to create narratives across vast scales of space and time, spanning the entire planet as well as multi-epochal stretches of geologic time. This reading expands existing definitions of American literary naturalism through a combination of literary analysis, engagement with contemporary theory, and discussion of the historical context of proto-Anthropocenic theories of the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Whereas most earlier understandings of naturalism have focused on human nature as it is determined by environmental conditions, I follow the inverse: the impact of collective human action on the physical environment. Previous definitions of naturalism have only told part of the story of determinism, making it impossible to recognize until now the genre’s unusual capacity to aesthetically capture humanity’s pervasive impact on the planet.
Each of the dissertation’s four chapters focuses on a single author, a single aesthetic strategy, and a single problematic in Anthropocene discourse. My first chapter argues that Jack London’s late work (1906–1916) balanced his attempts to understand the human as a species with a growing interest in sustainable agriculture, resulting in a planetary theorization of environmental destruction through careless cultivation. But London’s human-centered environmental thinking ultimately served his well-known white supremacism, substantiating recent critiques that the Anthropocene’s universalism merely reproduces historical structures of wealth and power. Rather than the human per se, Frank Norris put his focus on finance capitalism in his classic 1901 novel The Octopus, embodying the hybrid human/natural force that he saw expanding over the face of the planet in the figure of the Wheat, a cultivated yet inhuman force that is as much machine as it is nature. I show how Norris turned Joseph LeConte’s proto-Anthropocenic theory of the Psychozoic era (1877) into a Capitalocene aesthetics, a contradictory sublimity in which individuals are both crushed by and feel themselves responsible for the new geologic force transforming the planet. While London and Norris focus on the destructive capacities of human agency, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s 1915 novel Herland takes a utopian approach, depicting a society of women with total control of their environment that anticipates conceptions of a “good Anthropocene.” Gilman built on the theories of sociologist and paleobotanist Lester Ward as well as her own experience in the domestic reform movement to imagine a garden world where the human inhabitants become totally integrated into the non-human background. Yet Gilman’s explicitly eugenic system flattens all heterogeneity of culture, wealth, and power into a homogenous collective. My final chapter builds on the critique of the Anthropocene’s universalism that runs through the preceding chapters by asking whether and how the Anthropocene can be approached with more nuance and less recourse to universals. I find an answer in the stories of Charles W. Chesnutt’s The Conjure Woman (1899) and the theory of the Plantationocene, which sees the sameness of the Anthropocene not as “natural” but as produced by overlapping forms of racial, economic, and biological oppression. Registering this production of homogeneity and its counterforces at once, Chesnutt models what I call Anthropocene heteroglossia, juxtaposing multiple dialects and narrative forms in stories set on a former plantation, depicting heterogeneous social ecologies as they conflict and coexist in markedly anthropogenic environments.
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Návrh manipulačního zařízení výrobní linky / Design of production line handling equipmentMacháček, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on the design of handling and lifting equipment of production line. This thesis deals with the design of the frame for transverse feed of 100 mm and longitudinal feed of 1500 mm. The thesis deals with the design of several lifting equipment for load capacity 1450 kg and stroke 120 mm. The main part of this thesis is focused on appropriate calculations for selected variants of lifting equipment. The conclusion contains comparison lifting constructions and description equipment in the production line. The thesis contains assembly drawings of several lifting equipment variants and assembly drawings of equipment.
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Hydraulické posunovače / Hydraulic pullersVotava, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of the hydraulic puller. Furthermore, the diploma thesis presents the analysis of possible design solutions. It includes processing the selected design of the hydraulic puller with parameters: maximum pushing force 50 kN, speed of work movement 0,05 m.s-1. The analysis by using finite element method (FEM) is made. The next part of thesis includes the design of hydraulic circuit of puller. In the last part of thesis there is the design for replacement of hydraulic puller by mechanical systems.
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