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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den bortglömda förhandlaren : Sultanen av Sulus agens och handlingsutrymme under amerikansk kolonisering 1899-1904 / The forgotten negotiator : The Sultan of Sulu's agency and room for manoeuvre during U.S coloinzation 1899-1904

Ottosson, Simon January 2021 (has links)
The purpose and aim of this study is to offer a hitherto lacking perspective on the Sulu Archipelago’s history during the early years of American colonial rule – that of the native Sulu Sultan. Existing research, albeit new, tends to favour a U.S centred view. With concurrences as a theoretical framework and a theoretical understanding of the social and political power dynamics in the Sultanate, this study aims to challenge that perspective by examining the last Sultan of Sulu, Jamalul Kiram II’s agency and room for manoeuvre in relation to the bilateral Kiram-Bates treaty between the Sultanate of Sulu in the southern Philippines and the United States, represented by Colonel John C. Bates. Through a qualitative analysis of letters, official documents and a memoire originating from, or regarding, the time period, this study indicates that the Sultan’s agency and room for manoeuvre in relation to the Kiram-Bates treaty has been overlooked by scholars, and his position somewhat poorly understood. The Sultan did not simply sign the treaty according to American wishes. He negotiated terms, and influenced the outcome of above all the signing, and he at least reacted to and navigated the abrogation of the agreement in a way that has not been sufficiently described before. These findings prompt further research from a concurrences perspective to more thoroughly understand the history, and perhaps even the contemporary state, of the Sulu Archipelago and the Sulu Sultanate.

Korupce, daňové úniky a finanční tajemství / Corruption, Tax Abuse, and Financial Secrecy

Palanský, Miroslav January 2020 (has links)
Corruption, Tax Abuse, and Financial Secrecy PhD Dissertation, Miroslav Palanský, IES CUNI, 2020 Abstract This dissertation is composed of three papers that focus on different aspects of the relationship between the public sector and individuals who do not comply with the norms and regulations set by the government. I classify the ways in which individuals do so into two categories - corruption and tax abuse. Corruption, defined as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain, results in individuals obtaining more benefits from the public sector than is intended. Tax abuse, on the other hand, is defined as contributing less to the public sector than is intended. The last chapter of the dissertation focuses on financial secrecy, which I argue is the key facilitator of the two channels. In Chapter 2, I show that companies that donate money to Czech political parties subsequently report abnormally high profits, pointing to preferential treatment that these firms enjoy as a result of their political connections: I conservatively estimate that the connected firms outperform their non-connected but otherwise similar competitors by 8 to 12% following the establishment of the connection, which is a higher effect than found previously for more developed economies. Importantly, however, I find that the effect...

Essais sur la formation de juridictions et la ségrégation / Juridictions formation and segregation

Oddou, Remy 31 October 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude de la formation endogène des juridictions et en particulier ses propriétés ségrégatives suite à l'introduction de différents facteurs susceptibles de les intensifier ou de les réduire. Le premier chapitre est consacré à une revue de la littérature sur la formation endogène de juridictions basée sur les intuitions formulées par Tiebout: les ménages choisissent leur commune en fonction de la quantité de bien public disponible et du montant de taxe à y acquitter. Les différentes modélisations de ces hypothèses, les conditions sous lesquelles un équilibre existera, les possibles définitions de la ségrégation et les facteurs pro et anti-ségrégation développés par la littérature sont résumés et confrontés. Le deuxième chapitre étudie l'impact de l'introduction d'un gouvernement central mettant en oeuvre une politique de péréquation fiscale suivant un objectif bien-êtriste. Le gouvernement central peut ainsi taxer les ménages et/ou certaines communes afin de verser des subventions à d'autres communes. Bien que la péréquation fiscale soit susceptible de modifier l'ensemble des structures de juridictions stables, la condition nécessaire et suffisante pour que toute structure de juridictions stable soit ségrégée n'est pas affectée par l'introduction du gouvernement central si celui-ci cherche à maximiser une fonction de bien-être social utilitariste généralisée. La présence d'un marché compétitif du logement et l'existence de plusieurs biens publics locaux sont introduites dans le chapitre 3. Si la condition nécessaire et suffisante à la ségrégation de toute structure de juridictions stable n'est pas affectée par l'introduction du marché du logement, et reste nécessaire s'il existe plusieurs biens publics locaux, une hypothèse sur les préférences doit être ajoutée pour que la condition reste suffisante. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre relaxe l'hypothèse selon laquelle un bien public local ne souffre pas de problèmes de congestion et ne peut être consommé que par les membres de la juridiction qui le produit. Ainsi, s'il semble apparaître que la congestion favorise la ségrégation, alors que l'existence d'externalités positives générées par le bien public d'une juridiction dans les autres juridictions la réduit, la condition nécessaire et suffisante à la ségrégation de toute structure de juridictions stable est robuste à cette généralisation du modèle. / This thesis analyzes the endogenous formation of jurisdictions and in particular its segregative properties after the introduction of several factors that may mitigate or increase them. The first chapter is devoted to a survey of the literature on the endogenous formation of jurisdictions based on Tiebout's intuitions: households choose their place of residence according to a trade-off between the available amount of public good and the tax rate. The different models of these assumptions, the conditions under which an equilibrium exists, the possible definitions of segregation and the factors pro and anti-segregation developed in the literature are summarized and compared. The second chapter examines the impact of the introduction of a welfarist central government implementing a equalization payments policy. The central government can tax the household and/or certain jurisdictions in order to subsidize other jurisdictions. Although the equalization payments policy is likely to modify stable jurisdictions structures, the necessary and sufficient condition to have any stable jurisdiction structure segregated is not affected by the introduction of the central government if it pursues a generalized utilitarian objective. The presence of a competitive housing market and the existence of several local public goods are introduced in Chapter 3. If the necessary and sufficient condition for the segregation of any stable jurisdiction structure is not affected by the introduction of the housing market, and remains necessary if there are several local public goods, an additional assumption on the preference must be made for the condition to remain sufficient. Finally, the fourth chapter relaxes the assumption that a local public good does not suffer from congestion and can be consumed only by the members of the jurisdiction that produces it. Although it seems that the congestion favors segregation, while the existence of positive externalities generated by a jurisdiction's public good in other jurisdictions mitigates them, the necessary and sufficient condition to ensure the segregation of any stable jurisdictions structure is robust to this generalization of the model.

“Tax evasion as a predicate offence for money laundering”

Zoppei, Verena January 2012 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM

Le droit pénal camerounais et la criminalité internationale / Cameroonian criminal law and international crime

Keubou, Philippe 18 October 2012 (has links)
La facilité de communication et de télécommunication a pour corollaire l'accroissement de la criminalité et plus particulièrement de la criminalité internationale. On peut se poser la question de savoir si le droit camerounais répond aux exigences de la mondialisation en matière de lutte contre la criminalité internationale. Le constat peut en premier lieu se décliner en un sentiment de satisfaction en ce qui concerne les normes internes de lutte contre la criminalité, qui ont une incidence sur la sphère internationale. Ensuite, il est décevant en ce qui concerne l'intégration des normes d'incrimination des infractions internationales par nature et des modalités de collaboration avec les juridictions pénales internationales, d'où la nécessité de l'amélioration de la législation pénale camerounaise. / The development of communication and telecommunication has as a corollary the increase in crimes and in particular international crimes. The question may there for be raised whether Cameroonian penal law responses to the exigencies of the world in the fight against international criminality. A close examination of the above question reveals that at first sight, it seems satisfactory as regards internal norms for fight against crime, which in certain circumstances have an incident on the international atmosphere. On the other sight, it is not satisfactory because international offences by their nature have been simply ignored in Cameroonian criminal law. The state of Cameroon is not in the mode to cooperate with this jurisdiction. There is the need for reforms to ameliorate the penal legislation of the country.

A arbitragem em juízo / When arbitration meets the courts.

Valença Filho, Clávio de Melo 13 April 2015 (has links)
Situado no centro do sistema jurídico transnacional da lex mercatoria, o árbitro é autoridade estrangeira em relação ao juiz nacional do foro. O sistema da lex mercatoria se distingue do nacional pela sensibilidade de suas reações aos ruídos provenientes do sistema da economia, não pelo vinculo a território. O árbitro não tem foro, tem setor; fora dele, a arbitragem se adapta mal. Por impor limites à função jurisdicional do Estado-juiz, a convenção de arbitragem constitui regra de competência internacional do juiz do foro e, de competência internacional indireta do árbitro e dos juízes estrangeiros. Profere sentença inexistente o juiz nacional que atropela as regras de sua jurisdição internacional. Também não ingressam no sistema do foro as decisões proferidas por quem não se adeque às regras de jurisdição internacional indireta do foro. Isso ocorre quando a sentença arbitral ou o julgamento estrangeiro em lide cujo objeto é a própria arbitragem agridem a intensidade que o foro atribui aos efeitos negativos da competência-competência e da convenção de arbitragem. O efeito negativo da competência-competência não decorre da convenção de arbitragem, mas da proteção que o ordenamento outorga à mera aparência. Os efeitos da convenção de arbitragem dizem respeito ao mérito das lides, o negativo e o positivo. Aquele, como o negativo da competência-competência, ostenta natureza de direito público subjetivo. Este, de direito privado subjetivo. Todos constituem direito subjetivo em sentido técnico, na medida em que permitem provocar o Estado-juiz com o fito de apoiar a instauração da instância ou assegurar o afastamento do próprio Estado-juiz. O paralelismo processual tem origens distintas segundo ocorra entre autoridades vinculadas ao mesmo sistema ou a sistemas distintos. Na primeira hipótese, decorre de error in judicando; na segunda, é consequência natural da ausência de harmonia entre os sistemas. Entre árbitro e juiz, não se resolve com remédios concebidos para o conflito de competências, como a litispendência ou o incidente constitucional perante o STJ. Só uma estrutura convencional de acoplamento entre sistemas permitiria a harmonização. Já o efeito negativo da convenção de arbitragem pode ser mitigado em função de risco de denegação de justiça, para devolver ao Estado-juiz a jurisdição de urgência ou a necessária ao julgamento de pretensões do devedor em dificuldades. A abertura da falência não interfere na capacidade do credor ou na natureza de seus bens ou direitos, não suspende a tramitação da arbitragem e não impede a instauração de novas instâncias. É válida a convenção de arbitragem estipulada após a falência e a massa tem o direito de participar da arbitragem, junto com o devedor. / The transnational legal system of lex mercatoria is not linked to a given territory. Its differentiation from the civil justice system is based upon its capacity to react to the needs of the economy. The fact that the arbitrator is positioned in the center of the lex mercatoria system makes the arbitrator foreign to the courts and its legal system. By imposing limits upon the jurisdictional State function, the arbitration agreement and its regulation serves as an international jurisdiction rule for the forum court. It also works as an indirect international jurisdiction rule through which the national court inspects the jurisdiction of an arbitrator or a given foreign court. National courts decisions that are rendered in disregard of international jurisdiction rules are non-existent. Foreign decisions that are incompatible with indirect international jurisdiction rules must be set aside by the forum courts. This is the case when arbitral awards and foreign judgments related to arbitration are disrespectful to the forum criterions binding the negative effect of the competence-competence and to the negative effect of the arbitration agreement. The negative effect of competence-competence is not a consequence of the agreement to arbitrate, but of the protection that the legal system gives to its mere appearance. The effects of the arbitration agreement concern the merits of the disputes, the negative and the positive. The former, as well as the negative effect of the competence-competence principle, are in nature of subjective public law. The latter is of the nature of subjective private law. All constitute subjective rights in the technical sense, in the way in which they allow the court system to support the commencement of proceedings or to ensure the removal of the national courts. Procedural parallelism has different origins depending upon whether it occurs among arbitrator and courts belonging to the same legal system of the court deciding the conflict or to a different one. In the first hypothesis, it originates from error in judicando; in the second, it is a natural consequence of the lack of harmony between the systems. Between arbitrator and judge, such lack of harmony cannot be resolved through the remedies created to address jurisdictional conflict, such as lis pendens or the constitutional incident before Brazils STJ. Only by coupling different legal systems through conventional structure would harmonization arise. The negative effect of the arbitration agreement is mitigated by conferring upon courts jurisdiction for the grant of interim and provisional measures based on the risk of denial of justice. By its turn, a bankruptcy filing does not interfere with the creditors capacity nor with the nature of its assets or rights, and it does not suspend the arbitration proceeding or the commencement of new proceedings. The agreement to arbitrate after the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings is valid and the estate-in-bankruptcy may participate in the arbitration along with the debtor.

Jurisdicciones mineras en tensión. El impacto de la minería en la puna jujeña y en el valle de Yocavil durante el periodo colonial (siglos XVII y XVIII)

Estruch, Dolores, Rodríguez, Lorena B., Becerra, María Florencia 12 April 2018 (has links)
In the late seventeenth century the mayors of the cities of Jujuy and Catamarca confronted the mining authorities of Puna de Jujuy and the Yocavil valley. Documents relating to both areas describe, in almost identical ways, how the magistrates defended the scope of their respective jurisdictions by insisting on their jurisdictional rights. The object of this article is, from a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective, to analyze the impact of mining in these two regions of northwest Argentina during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Mining was the motivation for occupying these new territories, but it also formed the background for battles over jurisdiction and territorial rights. / A fines del siglo XVII, los alcaldes de las ciudades de Jujuy y Catamarca se enfrentaron a las autoridades mineras de la puna jujeña y del valle de Yocavil, respectivamente. Documentos relativos a ambos espacios describen, casi por duplicado, cómo todos esos funcionarios defendieron el alcance de sus jurisdicciones alzando sus varas de justicia. A partir de lo anterior, el objetivo de este artículo es, desde una perspectiva comparativa e interdisciplinaria, analizar el impacto que tuvo la minería en aquellas dos regiones del actual noroeste argentino durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, entendiendo dicha actividad como motor de ocupación de nuevos territorios y conformación de jurisdicciones específicas, así como de generación de conflictos y nuevos ordenamientos espaciales.

A arbitragem em juízo / When arbitration meets the courts.

Clávio de Melo Valença Filho 13 April 2015 (has links)
Situado no centro do sistema jurídico transnacional da lex mercatoria, o árbitro é autoridade estrangeira em relação ao juiz nacional do foro. O sistema da lex mercatoria se distingue do nacional pela sensibilidade de suas reações aos ruídos provenientes do sistema da economia, não pelo vinculo a território. O árbitro não tem foro, tem setor; fora dele, a arbitragem se adapta mal. Por impor limites à função jurisdicional do Estado-juiz, a convenção de arbitragem constitui regra de competência internacional do juiz do foro e, de competência internacional indireta do árbitro e dos juízes estrangeiros. Profere sentença inexistente o juiz nacional que atropela as regras de sua jurisdição internacional. Também não ingressam no sistema do foro as decisões proferidas por quem não se adeque às regras de jurisdição internacional indireta do foro. Isso ocorre quando a sentença arbitral ou o julgamento estrangeiro em lide cujo objeto é a própria arbitragem agridem a intensidade que o foro atribui aos efeitos negativos da competência-competência e da convenção de arbitragem. O efeito negativo da competência-competência não decorre da convenção de arbitragem, mas da proteção que o ordenamento outorga à mera aparência. Os efeitos da convenção de arbitragem dizem respeito ao mérito das lides, o negativo e o positivo. Aquele, como o negativo da competência-competência, ostenta natureza de direito público subjetivo. Este, de direito privado subjetivo. Todos constituem direito subjetivo em sentido técnico, na medida em que permitem provocar o Estado-juiz com o fito de apoiar a instauração da instância ou assegurar o afastamento do próprio Estado-juiz. O paralelismo processual tem origens distintas segundo ocorra entre autoridades vinculadas ao mesmo sistema ou a sistemas distintos. Na primeira hipótese, decorre de error in judicando; na segunda, é consequência natural da ausência de harmonia entre os sistemas. Entre árbitro e juiz, não se resolve com remédios concebidos para o conflito de competências, como a litispendência ou o incidente constitucional perante o STJ. Só uma estrutura convencional de acoplamento entre sistemas permitiria a harmonização. Já o efeito negativo da convenção de arbitragem pode ser mitigado em função de risco de denegação de justiça, para devolver ao Estado-juiz a jurisdição de urgência ou a necessária ao julgamento de pretensões do devedor em dificuldades. A abertura da falência não interfere na capacidade do credor ou na natureza de seus bens ou direitos, não suspende a tramitação da arbitragem e não impede a instauração de novas instâncias. É válida a convenção de arbitragem estipulada após a falência e a massa tem o direito de participar da arbitragem, junto com o devedor. / The transnational legal system of lex mercatoria is not linked to a given territory. Its differentiation from the civil justice system is based upon its capacity to react to the needs of the economy. The fact that the arbitrator is positioned in the center of the lex mercatoria system makes the arbitrator foreign to the courts and its legal system. By imposing limits upon the jurisdictional State function, the arbitration agreement and its regulation serves as an international jurisdiction rule for the forum court. It also works as an indirect international jurisdiction rule through which the national court inspects the jurisdiction of an arbitrator or a given foreign court. National courts decisions that are rendered in disregard of international jurisdiction rules are non-existent. Foreign decisions that are incompatible with indirect international jurisdiction rules must be set aside by the forum courts. This is the case when arbitral awards and foreign judgments related to arbitration are disrespectful to the forum criterions binding the negative effect of the competence-competence and to the negative effect of the arbitration agreement. The negative effect of competence-competence is not a consequence of the agreement to arbitrate, but of the protection that the legal system gives to its mere appearance. The effects of the arbitration agreement concern the merits of the disputes, the negative and the positive. The former, as well as the negative effect of the competence-competence principle, are in nature of subjective public law. The latter is of the nature of subjective private law. All constitute subjective rights in the technical sense, in the way in which they allow the court system to support the commencement of proceedings or to ensure the removal of the national courts. Procedural parallelism has different origins depending upon whether it occurs among arbitrator and courts belonging to the same legal system of the court deciding the conflict or to a different one. In the first hypothesis, it originates from error in judicando; in the second, it is a natural consequence of the lack of harmony between the systems. Between arbitrator and judge, such lack of harmony cannot be resolved through the remedies created to address jurisdictional conflict, such as lis pendens or the constitutional incident before Brazils STJ. Only by coupling different legal systems through conventional structure would harmonization arise. The negative effect of the arbitration agreement is mitigated by conferring upon courts jurisdiction for the grant of interim and provisional measures based on the risk of denial of justice. By its turn, a bankruptcy filing does not interfere with the creditors capacity nor with the nature of its assets or rights, and it does not suspend the arbitration proceeding or the commencement of new proceedings. The agreement to arbitrate after the initiation of bankruptcy proceedings is valid and the estate-in-bankruptcy may participate in the arbitration along with the debtor.

Le pluralisme juridictionnel en droit du travail / Jurisdictional pluralism in labour law

Galy, Marion 04 December 2017 (has links)
La dispersion du contentieux du travail en première instance est souvent décriée. La thèse examine cette complexité et dépasse le présupposé selon lequel l’unique solution réside dans l’unité juridictionnelle en recourant à la notion de pluralisme juridictionnel. Entendu comme la proposition d’un ordonnancement de la pluralité juridictionnelle plus respectueux des droits des justiciables, le pluralisme suppose en effet de limiter le risque de conflits de compétences et d’unifier le règlement des litiges actuellement éclaté entre plusieurs juridictions. La confrontation du contentieux du travail à ces exigences révèle qu’un pluralisme juridictionnel est envisageable en droit du travail mais qu’il ne peut qu’être circonscrit. Pleinement réalisable dans l’ordre judiciaire, sa mise en place semble en effet plus délicate au sein du dualisme juridictionnel. L’unité juridictionnelle devra dès lors être recherchée à l’égard des litiges pour lesquels le pluralisme s’avère impossible. / The scattering of labour litigation in France between different first degree jurisdictions is often subject to criticism. The present thesis examines this complexity and goes beyond the preconception according to which the only solution resides in the unity of jurisdiction. That is achieved by using the notion of jurisdictional pluralism. That notion is therefore envisaged in a way that better respects the rights of the citizen. Indeed, pluralism implies limiting the chances of seeing conflicts of jurisdiction arise while simultaneously unifying litigation resolution that is presently split between different jurisdictions. Confronting labour litigation as it exists today to such requirements reveals that jurisdictional pluralism, even though possible in labour law, has to be restricted. Albeit fully applicable in the judicial order its implementation appears to be more difficult within the jurisdictional dualism. Therefore, unity of jurisdiction will need to be sought in litigations where applying pluralism appears impossible.

Le contrat international de consommation, comparaison franco-brésilienne / The international consumer contract, a compartive study of french and brazilian laws

Serra Freire, Paula 26 November 2015 (has links)
L’internationalisation de la consommation de produits ou services est un phénomène qui peut être observé dans les pays développés, comme la France, mais aussi, en grande mesure, dans les pays en voie de développement comme le Brésil. Cette internationalisation a des effets importants sur la protection du consommateur, considéré dans la plupart des pays comme une partie faible qui mérite protection. Cette internationalisation soulève aussi des questions intéressantes de droit international privé. Dans ce travail, nous allons étudier les questions liées à la détermination de la juridiction compétente et celle de la loi applicable à ces contrats, depuis la perspective du droit français et du droit brésilien. / The internationalization of the consumption of products and services is a phenomenon that can be seen in developed countries, like the case of France, but also to a large extent in developing countries like Brazil. Such internationalization has important implications for the protection of consumers, which are considered in most countries as a weak party that deserves to be protected. This internationalization also raises interesting private international law issues. In this work, we will study the issues related to the determination of the competent jurisdiction and the law applicable to such contracts, from both the French and the Brazilian law perspectives.

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