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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Samråden i samband med slutförvaret för använt kärnbränsle i Östhammars kommun

Lindstrand, Åsa January 2018 (has links)
Detta är en fallstudie där SKBs genomförda samråd i Östhammars kommun under åren 2002-2011 har studerats. Inför den ansökan som SKB lämnade till mark- och miljödomstolen 2011 behövde bolaget upprätta en miljökonsekvensbeskrivning (MKB). För att kunna göra detta behövde samråd genomföras. Det planerade slutförvaret är en komplex verksamhet och kan upplevas besvärlig att samråda kring, både av verksamhetsutövaren och av deltagare. Syftet med samrådet är att få in synpunkter och frågor kring den tänkta verksamheten som sedan kan användas till att utveckla och förbättra miljökonsekvensbeskrivningen. Vanliga sätt att bedriva samråd är att hålla informationsmöten, vilket också var det sätt som SKB valde. Det material som finns från dessa samråd är sammanställningar som SKB själva har gjort. När SKB lämnade in sin ansökan lämnades det också in en samrådsredogörelse där de genomförda samråden beskrivs. SKB har genomfört sina samråd på ett ganska förutsägbart sätt. Då det bara finns skriftligt material från samråden så är det svårt att avgöra om de har återgivits på ett rättvisande sätt. Det är med tveksamhet som syftet med samråd kan ses som uppfyllt. / This is a case study where Swedish nuclear fuel and waste management company's (SKB) consultations in the municipality of Östhammar during the years 2002-2011 have been studied. Together with the application submitted by SKB to the Land and Environmental Court in 2011, the company needed an environmental impact assessment (EIA). In order to do this, consultations was a necessity. The planned repository is a complex activity and may be difficult to consult, both by the operator and by participants. The purpose of the consultation is to bring in comments and questions about the intended activities, which can then be used to develop and improve the environmental impact assessment. Common ways of conducting consultations are holding information meetings, which was also the way SKB chose. The material available from these consultations is summaries that SKB itself has made. When SKB submitted its application, a consultation report was also submitted, describing the consultations conducted. SKB has conducted its consultations in a fairly predictable manner. Since there is only written material from the consultations, it is difficult to determine whether they have been reproduced in a fair way. It is with hesitation that the purpose of the consultations can be seen as fulfilled. / <p>2019-09-13</p>

A Knowledge-based system framework for semantic enrichment and automated detailed design in the AEC projects

Aram, Shiva 08 June 2015 (has links)
Adoption of a streamlined BIM workflow throughout the AEC projects’ lifecycle will provide the project stakeholders with the rich information embedded in the parametric design models. Users can incorporate this rich information in various activities, improving efficiency and productivity of project activities and potentially enhancing accuracy and reducing errors and reworks. Two main challenges for such a streamlined information flow throughout the AEC projects that haven’t been sufficiently addressed by previous research efforts include lack of semantic interoperability and a large gap and misalignment of information between available BIM information provided by design activities and the required information for performing preconstruction and construction activities. This research effort proposes a framework for a knowledge-based system (KBS) that encapsulates domain experts’ knowledge and represents it through modularized rule set libraries as well as connected design automation and optimization solutions. The research attempts to provide a methodology for automatic semantic enrichment of design models as well as automated detailed design to fill the information gap between design and preconstruction project activities, streamlining BIM workflow and enhancing its value in the AEC projects.

Slutförvaring av högradioaktivt kärnavfall : En studie av Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB:s behandling av alternativa slutförvaringsmetoder

Loukkola, Sarah, Groth, Isabelle January 2012 (has links)
Kärnkraften tillgodoser idag en stor del av Sveriges behov av elektricitet, men med kärnkraften kommer även ett avfall som är långlivat och högradioaktivt. Omhändertagande av detta avfall är omdiskuterat och det är kärnkraftindustrins ansvar att ta hand om avfallet. För att lyckas med detta har ett gemensamt bolag för den svenska kärnkraftindustrin skapats, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB). Syftet med studien har varit att utreda i vilken omfattning alternativa metoder till Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB:s metod för slutförvaring av högradioaktivt kärnavfall har studerats. Resultatet och diskussionen visar att ovissheterna kring slutförvaring av högradioaktivt kärnavfall är stora på grund av den långa förvaringstiden. En ansökan om slutförvaring av högradioaktivt avfall enligt KBS-3-metoden är inskickad till Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten och till mark- och miljödomstolen i Nacka Tingsrätt för bedömning och beslut. Alternativa metoder till KBS-3-metoden har inte utretts tillräckligt, vilket bland annat beror på att större delen av den forskning som utförts har fokuserat på KBS-3-metoden och utvecklingen av denna. Innan alternativ som djupa borrhål kan räknas bort helt behövs närmare forskning och uppföljning på området, då tekniska framsteg gjorts de senaste åren. Alternativ som innebär kvittblivning kräver en ändring i lagen, då alternativen strider mot principen om nationellt ansvar. Metoden skulle innebära slutförvaring på internationell mark. När det gäller transmutation krävs långsiktiga satsningar på kärnkraften och då främst på nya typer av reaktorer. Transmutation bidrar till att ansvaret överförs på kommande generationer, då kärnkraften kommer att vara i drift ytterligare en lång period. Det medför att kärnavfallet inte kommer kunna tas om hand av den generationen som har genererat det. Därför anses detta alternativ i nuläget inte vara aktuellt. Information till kommande generationer kan ses som en säkerhetsrisk men för lite information kan även det ses som en risk, därför behövs ett väl utbyggt informationssystem för slutförvaret som håller i flera generationer. / Nuclear power is currently supplying large parts of the Swedish electricity demand, but with nuclear power there will also be a waste that is long-lived and highly radioactive. The disposal of this waste is controversial and it is the nuclear industry's responsibility to take care of. A joint company for the Swedish nuclear industry was created to achieve this, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB (SKB). The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent alternative methods to Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB:s method for final storage of highly radioactive nuclear waste has been studied. The aim of this research was to study how Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB has been studying the alternative methods for the final disposal of highly radioactive nuclear waste. The results and discussion show that the uncertainties about the final disposal of highly radioactive nuclear waste are large due to the long storage time. An application for disposal of highly radioactive nuclear waste according to the KBS-3 method is submitted to Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten and to the Land and Environmental court in Nacka district court, for assessment and decision. The study shows that alternative approaches to the KBS-3 method have not been sufficiently investigated, which is due to the larger part of the research conducted being focused on the KBS-3 method and its development. Before options like deep boreholes can be discounted entirely there is a need of further research and follow up in the area, as new technological advances have been made in recent years. Options involving disposal requires a change in the law, because the options are contrary to the principle of national responsibility. The method would involve disposal on international territory. The option of transmutation requires long term investments in nuclear power, mainly in new types of reactors. Transmutation contributes to the transfer of responsibilities to future generations, because the nuclear power will be in operation for a long period. This means that the nuclear waste will not be taken care of by the generation that has generated it. Therefore, this alternative is currently not an option. Information for further generations can be seen as a security risk, but too little information can also be seen as a danger, therefore, a well-developed information system for the final disposal that will last for many generations is necessary.

Planning and Analysis of Knowledge Intensive Enterprise Resource Planning Systems

Basit, Syed Abdul, Malik, Omar January 2008 (has links)
ERP software and applications have become basic requirement of almost every organization in order to compete with each other and in time constraint. In order to develop an efficient application, project planning and analysis play very important role in better understanding of the problem domain and to provide a risk free solution. There are many different approaches which software developers used to develop the systems. These traditional approaches have some drawbacks and constraints. Either these are ad-hoc basis or have some fixed patterns and rules. We discussed all these techniques and suggest that planning and analysis of ERP application during its development can be done by applying more appropriate knowledge engineering commonKADS model. CommonKADS is a structured approach, It comprises of different model suites. Thesis presents that by using commonKADS model for project planning and analysis, real problem domain and efficient solution can be identified. Also domain process is identified. Tasks related to each process in the domain are identified. Knowledge assets related to each task are identified. These features help in defining real knowledge specification. In this way, ERP applications can be made knowledge based. ERP systems were introduced to solve different organizational problems and provide integrated structure. Although ERP packages offer advantages to enterprises, they have not achieved many of their anticipated benefits. Autonomous and heterogeneous applications co-exist in companies with ERP systems and integration problem having not been addressed. This thesis seeks to make some suggestions to this area by studying and analyzing ERP problems, through mapping commonKADS methodology in a case study. Thesis in start, presents an overview about ERP applications, Knowledge Engineering and commonKADS methodology. In the end, thesis presents our contribution a case study ―online courses Registration Portal for BTH which shows that planning and analysis of ERP applications by using commonKADS methodology helps in reaching knowledge based and more accurate solutions. / Syed Abdul Basit basitbth@gmail.com, Omar Malik omar_m20@hotmail.com.

Knowledge-based Lean Six Sigma Maintenance System for Sustainable Buildings

Al Dairi, Jasim S.S., Khan, M. Khurshid, Munive-Hernandez, J. Eduardo 27 June 2016 (has links)
Yes / Purpose– This paper develops a Knowledge-based (KB) System for Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Maintenance in environmentally Sustainable Buildings (Lean6-SBM). Design/methodology/approach– The Lean6-SBM conceptual framework has been developed using the rule base approach of KB system and joint integration with Gauge Absence Prerequisites (GAP) technique. A comprehensive literature review is given for the main pillars of the framework with a typical output of GAP analysis. Findings– Implementation of LSS in the sustainable building maintenance context requires a pre-assessment of the organisation’s capabilities. A conceptual framework with a design structure is proposed to tackle this issue with the provision of an enhancing strategic and operational decision making hierarchy. Research limitations/implications– Future research work might consider validating this framework in other type of industries. Practical implications– Maintenance activities in environmentally sustainable buildings must take prodigious standards into consideration and, therefore, a robust quality assurance measure has to be integrated. Originality/value– The significance of this research is to present a novel use of hybrid KB/GAP methodologies to develop a Lean6-SBM system. The originality and novelty of this approach will assist in identifying quality perspectives while implementing different maintenance strategies in the sustainable building context. / Ministry of Defence Engineering Services (Sultanate of Oman)

The development of a hybrid knowledge-based system for the design of a Low Volume Automotive Manufacturing (LVAM) system

Mohamed, N.M.Z.Nik, Khan, M. Khurshid January 2012 (has links)
No / A conceptual design approach is an important stage for the development of a hybrid Knowledge-Based System (KBS) for Low Volume Automotive Manufacturing (LVAM). The development of a hybrid KBS, which is a blend of KBS and Gauging Absences of Pre-requisites (GAP), is proposed for LVAM research. The hybrid KB/GAP system identifies all potential elements of LVAM issues throughout the development of this system. The KBS used in the system design stage of the LVAM system analyses the gap between the existing and the benchmark organisations for an effective implementation through the GAP analysis technique. The proposed KBLVAM model at the design stage explores three major components, namely LVAM car body parts manufacturing perspective, LVAM competitive priorities perspective and LVAM lean environment perspective. Initial results reveal that the KBLVAM system has identified, for each perspective modules and sub-modules, the Problem Categories (PC) in a prioritised manner. / The financial support by the Malaysian Government, Universiti Malaysia Pahang and University of Bradford for this research is grateful acknowledged.

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