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Närståendes upplevelser efter att en anhörig har begått suicid : En litteraturstudie baserad på självbiografier / Relatives’ experiences after a next of kin commits suicide : Literature study based on autobiographiesAden, Najmo, Luwedde, Jalia January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund:Suicid är en självdestruktiv handling som leder till döden och som ofta är en konsekvens av psykiskt lidande och sjukdom. Suicid leder till ett stort lidande för efterlevande närstående. Därför behöver sjuksköterskor sträva efter att fånga upp dessa närstående och hjälpa dem. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva närståendes upplevelser efter att en person har begått suicid för att skapa förståelse för hur sjuksköterskor kan bemöta närståendes behov. Metod: Studien är baserad på sju självbiografier som analyserades enligt Dahlborg-Lyckhages metod att analysera berättelser. Resultat: Närstående beskriver en stor sorg över suiciden, känslor som skuld, skam men även lättnad upplevs efter en anhörigs suicid. Närstående beskriver hur omgivningen undviker dem och att de upplever sig utpekade och isolerade efter en anhörigs suicid. Närstående beklagar sig också över att det inte erbjuds professionellt stöd och hjälp utan att de själva måste söka det. Konklusion: De närstående är främst i behov av professionellt stöd i form av stödsamtal och gemensamma samtal med resten av familjen. Dessutom är de närstående i behov av socialt stöd i form av stödgrupper från till exempel SPES. Sjuksköterskans roll blir att stödja de närstående i deras sorgeprocess. / Background: Suicide is self-destructive act that leads to death and is usually a consequence of mental illness and disease. Suicide also leads to great suffering for the relatives left behind. The nurse’s role in cases like these is therefore to acknowledge and support relatives in their grieving process. Aim: Is to describe relatives’ lived experiences after their next of kin commits suicide in order to create an understanding on how nurses can respond to their needs. Method: The study was based on seven autobiographies. Dahborg-lyckhage’s method for analyzing narratives was used to analyze the chosen biographies. Results: The results describe the relatives’ feelings like guilt, shame, relief among others and reactions after their next of kin’s suicide. They experienced avoidance by people in their surroundings. They also lacked professional support to assist them in their bereavement and had to reach out for it themselves. Conclusion: Nurses have a role to fulfill with supporting relatives in their grieving process with aim to help on improving their wellbeing and relieve their suffering. Information about support groups and helpful organizations like SPES as a form of social support can be very helpful in achieving this.
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Organ and tissue donation and transplantation : a perspective of South African Baptists from Baptist Northern Association and its implication for preachingVan den Berg, Leon 02 October 2007 (has links)
South Africans are in dire need of organs and tissues for transplantation. The impact is felt by many, irrespective of colour, creed or religion. No known studies have been conducted amongst Baptists in South Africa to determine their point of view on the subject. My own personal experience as both a Baptist pastor and now as procurement operations manager of a bone tissue centre, has shown that most people are ignorant and uninformed about bone tissue donation and also, to a lesser degree about organ donation. This study seeks to ascertain what a representative group of Baptist delegates who attended the annual Northern Baptist Association Assembly in June 2005 think about organ and tissue donation. Their views were obtained by means of an empirical study. The results are interpreted to determine if they are in favour of or against organ and tissue donation. It is important to note their beliefs regarding the Scriptural position on donation and whether Christians could be encouraged from the Word to become organ and tissue donors or not. Donation of organs and tissue benefits not only the recipient or patient, but also affects the donor family, or next-of-kin. The study aims to determine if the respondents felt that organ and tissue donation holds pastoral benefits to the donor families and recipients. Baptists and other Christian denominations have a responsibility to preach God’s Word and to apply it to real-world situations. Death and donation of organs and tissue is a reality that our people face, often unprepared and less than properly informed. I trust that the findings of this study will be of assistance to pastors and teachers whose desire it is to inform and educate their congregations about the selfless gift of organ and tissue donation. / Dissertation (MA (Research in Practical Theology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Practical Theology / MA / unrestricted
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The Bestseller Effect: Do Successful Books Become Box Office Hits? / "The Bestseller Effect": Stávají se z úspěšných knih kasovní trháky kin?Smyčková, Renée January 2015 (has links)
The thesis investigates a connection between the publishing industry and the film industry. It analyses whether films based on best-selling books have higher revenues and return on investment compared to films based on unsuccessful books or original scripts. Data for years 2009 -- 2015, focusing on the U.S. entertainment industry, show that film adaptations of best-selling books reach higher revenues during their opening weekend of the theatrical release. The Bestseller Effect weakens once the information about film's quality becomes available to the audience. The success of a book plays negligible role in film's returns on investment. The results of analysis also show great positive significant impact of the production budget, the star cast, films quality and sequels on the films'financial performance.
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Närståendes upplevelser av delaktighet vid cancervård - En litteraturstudieBang, Tove, Malmgren, Amelie January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cancer drabbar årligen mer än 50 000 familjer och när en person insjuknar drabbas alla runtomkring. Cancervård är en stor del av svensk sjukvård och har flera aktörer som patienter, närstående och sjukvårdspersonal. Cancervården innefattar många aspekter som diagnosbesked, behandling och psykosocialomvårdnad samt vilka aktörer som är involverade i de olika faserna och hur de ser på delaktighet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa närståendes upplevelser av delaktighet vid cancervård.Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på 10 vetenskapliga artiklar med kvalitativ ansats för att få fram ett resultat. De valda artiklarna relevans- och kvalitetsgranskades med hjälp av SBU:s mall för kvalitetsgranskning av studier med kvalitativ forskningsmetodik. Detta resulterade i sex artiklar med hög kvalitet och fyra artiklar av medel kvalitet. Databassökningar utfördes i CINAHL och PubMed. Resultat: Studien gav en bred bild av närståendes upplevelser av delaktighet och resultatet presenteras i fyra kategorier: Kommunikationens betydelse, känsla av otillräcklighet, delaktighet genom stöttning och att bli inkluderad.Konklusion: Närstående är en viktig del i vården av personer diagnosticerade med cancer. Närstående upplever i viss mån att de är inkluderade men att sjukvården bör bli ännu bättre på att inkludera dem. Sjukvården behöver bli bättre på att kommunicera och bli bättre på att se vad närstående behöver. / Background: Cancer affects more than 50 000 families every year and when a person is diagnosed everyone around is affected. Cancer care is a big part of the Swedish health care system and has multiple participants, such as patients, health care professionals and next of kin. Cancer care has many aspects, delivering the diagnosis, treatment and psychosocial care and who participates in what part.Aim: The aim with the literature review was to illuminate the next of kin perception of participation in cancer care.Method: A literature review based on 10 scientific articles with a qualitative approach to get a result. The chosen articles were reviewed for quality with the help of SBU:s reviewing templet. This resulted in six articles with high quality and four articles with medium quality. The database searches were performed in CINAHL and PubMed. Result: The review provided a broad picture of the next of kin experiences of participation and the result is presented in four separate categories: Communication, feeling of inadequacy, participation through support and to be included.Conclusion: Next of kin are an important part of the care of people diagnosed with cancer. Next of kin has a perception of participation to a certain degree, but the health care system needs to be more inclusive of next of kin, they need to improve their communication skills and to see what needs next of kin has.
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Upplevelser av att vara närstående till en person med cancerAndersson, Linn, Milton, Nellie January 2020 (has links)
Andersson, L & Milton, N. Upplevelser av att vara närstående till en person med cancer. En litteraturstudie i omvårdnad. Examensarbete i omvårdnad 15 högskolepoäng. Malmö universitet: Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle, institutionen för vårdvetenskap, 2020.Bakgrund: Antalet personer som drabbas av cancer ökar och därmed även antalet närstående till personer med cancer. Tidigare studier påvisar vikten av att patienter med cancer har en närstående. Vidare visade en studie att de närstående som var involverade i patientens vård själva hade ett ökat vårdbehov. Det framkom även från en studie att det fanns samband mellan sjuksköterskors självsäkerhet och deras bemötande av närstående. Utifrån studierna kan kunskap om närståendes upplevelser behöva utvecklas för att kunna förbättra vården för närstående och eventuellt även för patienterna.Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att sammanställa upplevelser av att vara närstående till en person med cancer.Metod: Uppsatsen är baserad på en litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats. Inklusionskriterier och exklusionskriterier genomfördes. Vidare gjordes sökningar i databaserna PubMed och Cinahl. Studiernas kvalitet granskades utifrån SBU:s kvalitetsgranskningsmall och analyserades med hjälp av Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalys. Slutligen återstod 13 studier som användes i föreliggande litteraturstudie.Resultat: Resultatet består av tre huvudkategorier vilka är upplevelser av behov, känslor och strategier samt förändrad relation. Samtliga huvudkategorier hade underkategorier och totalt blev det sju underkategorier.Konklusion: Att vara närstående är en komplex situation där flera olika aspekter är inkluderade. För att på bästa sätt kunna bemöta närståendes upplevelser, krävs det att sjuksköterskan har förståelse kring närståendes upplevelser.Nyckelord: Cancer, hantering, närstående, omvårdnad, upplevelser / Andersson, L & Milton, N. Experiences of being the next of kin to a person with cancer. A literature review in nursing. Degree project in nursing 15 Credits. Malmö university: Faculty of Health and Society Department of Care Science, 2020.Background: The number of people affected by cancer increases and thereby also the number of next of kin to people with cancer. Previous studies showed the importance for patients with cancer to have next of kin. Furthermore, a study showed that the next of kin were involved in patients care also had an increasing need for care themselves. In another study the data revealed that there is a connection between nurses’ confidence and their approach to the next of kin. With this in mind there is a need for knowledge about the next of kin’s experiences, to try to improve the care for next of kin and perhaps also for the patients.Aim: To compile studies about next of kin’s experiences about being the next of kin to a person with a cancer diagnosis.Method: The literature study is based on a qualitative approach. Inclusion criterias and exclusion criterias were made. Furthermore, searches were made in the databases PubMed and Cinahl. The quality of the studies were examined with SBU:s reviewed templet and the content were then analysed by using Graneheim and Lundman’s analysis model. Finally, only 13 studies remained.Results: The result is based on three headlines which are the experiences of needs, emotions and strategies and changed relationship. All of the headline’s hade subheadings and in total there were seven subheadings.Conclusion: To be the next of kin is a complex situation, with many different aspects. In order to best deal with the situation of the next of kin, it is necessary that the nurse understands the next of kin’s experiences.Keywords: Cancer, experiences, handling, next of kin, nursing.
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Närståendes upplevelse av att vårda en anhörig med demenssjukdom : en litteraturöversikt / Next of kin’s experience of caring for a relative with dementia : a literature reviewDjurberg, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund:Alzheimers sjukdom leder till nedsatta kognitiva förmågor. Det påverkar framförallt minne och kommunikationsförmåga och begränsar gradvis individens förmåga att klara vardagen själv. Närstående är viktiga i vården av den drabbade och det innebär ett stort ansvar eftersom vårdbehovet hos den drabbade ökar ju mer sjukdomen fortskrider. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa närståendes upplevelser av att vårda en anhörig med Alzheimers sjukdom. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt baserad på nio vetenskapliga artiklar och hämtad från databaserna Cinahl Complete och PubMed. Resultat: Resultat visade både negativa och positiva upplevelser men de negativa upplevelserna dominerade Utmaningar orsakade av vårdrollen ledde till varierande känslor av börda, ensamhet, isolering, förlust och sorg. Vikten av att få stöd beskrevs. Utveckling i vårdarrollen ledde till acceptens av situationen och acceptens av den anhörige oavsett vilken fas hon/han befann sig i. Diskussion: Ökad kunskap hos vårdpersonal samt bättre förståelse av symtomen som manifestera tidigt i sjukdomens förlopp kan leda till tidigt diagnos. Anhöriga och närstående behöver känna sig sedda och behöver mötas med empati och lyhördhet. Detta i sin tur kan leda till tidiga insatser av resurser och stöd som behövs. Kompetens och god kommunikation är väsentlig för att sätta in de specifika resurser och stöd som behövs och därmed främja hälsa hos närstående och anhöriga. / Background: Alzheimer's disease leads to impaired cognitive abilities. It mainly affects memory and communication skills and gradually limits the individual's ability to cope with everyday life itself. Relatives are very important in the care of the affected person and this means a great responsibility since the need for care of the affected person increases as the disease progresses. Aim: The aim was to illuminate the experiences of loved ones caring for a relative with Alzheimer's disease Method: A qualitative review of literature based on nine scientific articles from the databases Cinahl complete and PubMed. Results: Results showed both negative and positive experience, however, the negative experiences were in majority. Challenges caused by the caring role led to feelings of burden, loneliness, isolation, loss and grief. The importance of receiving support was described. Development in role of caregiver led, to the acceptance of the situation, and the acceptance of the relative no matter what phase of the illness he/she was in. Discussion: Increased knowledge of healthcare professionals and a better understanding of the symptoms that manifest early in the course of the disease can lead to early intervention by relatives. Relatives and their loved ones need to feel seen and need to be met with empathy and sensitivity. This in turn can lead to early deployment of the resources and support needed. Competence and good communication are essential for putting in place these specific resources and support that is needed and thereby promoting the health of the relatives and their loved ones.
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My Oh My Myoma! : An Autoethnographical Experiment of Thinking My Personal Reproductive Struggles with Haraway’s Planetary Ethic of Making Kin, Not BabiesRichter, Anika January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis I explore Donna Haraway’s planetary ethic of making kin, not babies (2016) and how it could be put into practice by way of my own struggles with myoma (common muscle knots in the uterine tissue) and the question of having children or not. The personal reflections herein are based on my own thoughts and concerns, drawn from diary entries and personal conversations, on the issue of birthing and raising children on “a damaged earth” (Haraway, 2016, p. 2). In doing this exposé of feminist reproductive politics and theory in a climate changed and environmentally altered world –Haraway’s ethos in particular– and juxtaposing this with my own localized and particular situation, the starting point for this thesis is that the personal is political, but also vice versa. Simply put, I seek a better understanding of what Haraway’s vision might look like if juxtaposed to a female central European, feminist 28-year old’s life (my own) in order to put theory to the test of lived experience. In my thesis I draw methodologically on both historiographical accounts of feminist science and technology studies and this field’s long-standing research traditions on reproductive politics, and on autoethnographic accounts of living with myoma and a desire for children thereby “connecting the personal to the cultural” (Ellis and Bochner, 2000, p. 739). Consider this thesis an invitation to watch me play string figures with myoddkin, to see us compose, re-compose, and decompose relational patterns among us.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av delaktiga anhöriga ien akutsituation prehospitalt och påakutmottagning : En litteraturstudie / Nurse`s experience of involved relatives in an emergency situationprehospital and in emergency department : A literature studyHansson, Moa, Runberg, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Akutmottagningen är en central punkt i hälso- och sjukvården och där sker en ständig samverkan med andra vårdenheter så som ambulansen. Sjuksköterskor som arbetar inom akutsjukvården behöver kompetens som innefattar avancerade kliniska färdigheter, förmåga att skapa ett helhetsgrepp i en akut situation och medicinska kunskaper. Enligt tidigare studier framkommer anhörigas behov av information, kommunikation och bemötande inom akutsjukvården. Sjuksköterskan bör eftersträva ett partnerskap med övriga professioner samt patient och anhöriga inom akutsjukvården. Syfte Syftet med litteraturstudien är att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av när anhöriga är delaktiga i det akuta omhändertagandet prehospitalt och på akutmottagning. Metod Examensarbetet har genomförts som en strukturerad litteraturstudie med inslag av den metodologi som används vid systematiska översikter. I litteraturstudien har kvalitativa orginalstudier inkluderats Resultat Från analysen identifieras två tydliga huvudkategorier; sjuksköterskors positiva och negativa upplevelser av delaktiga anhöriga i det akuta omhändertagandet. Orealistiska förväntningar, kommunikationshinder, exkludering av anhöriga, tidskrävande, en potentiell ojämlik omvårdnad, informationsutbyte och tidssparande, integrerat partnerskap, närvaro av anhöriga skapar en bättre omvårdnad och det känslomässiga utbytet var underkategorier som identifierades. Sjuksköterskor såg det som positivt när anhöriga deltog och kunde förmedla information kring patienten, samtidigt fanns negativa upplevelser kring att anhöriga förmedlade irrelevant information. Slutsats Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av delaktiga anhöriga skiljer sig åt. Både fördelar och nackdelar med anhörigas närvaro beroende på hur den akuta situationen ser ut framkom. Upplevelserna är individuella och skulle kunna bero på olika personlighetstyper hos sjuksköterskor / Background The emergency department is a central point in the health care system and there is a constant collaboration with other units such as the ambulance. Nurses working in emergency care need skills that include advanced clinical skills, the ability to create a holistic approach to an emergency situation and medical knowledge. According to previous studies, relatives need for information, communication and treatment in emergency care emerge. The nurse should strive for a partnership with other professions as well as the patient and relatives in the emergency care. Aim The aim of the literature study is to describe nurses’ experiences of when relatives areinvolved in the acute care prehospitalt and in the emergency department.MethodThe degree project has been carried out as a structured literature study whit elements ofthe methodology used in systematic reviews. Qualitative original studies have beenincluded in the literature study.ResultsFrom the analysis two clear main categories were identified; nurses` positive and negativeexperiences of participating relatives in the emergency care.: Unrealistic expectations,communication barriers, exclusion of relatives, time consuming, a potentially unequalcare, information exchange and time saving, integrated partnership, presence of relatives creates better care and the exchange were subcategories that were identified. Nurses saw it as positive when relatives participated and were able to convey information about the patient, at the same time there were negative experience about relatives conveying irrelevant information. Conclusions Nurses´ experiences of participating relatives differ. Both advantages and disadvantages of the presence of relatives depending on what the emergency situation looks like emerged. The experiences are individual and could depend on different personality types of nurses.
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Ecological Correlates of Effective Foster CareHenderson, Daphne, Scannapieco, Maria 27 December 2006 (has links)
Providing effective foster care is a major undertaking that continues to plague this country. The ultimate goal of substitute care is to provide child victims of maltreatment with a safe and nurturing home environment. The goal of this theory driven research project was to identify ecological factors correlated with effective non-kin family foster care. Various levels of analysis were considered including individual, family and community. The findings of this study identified three factors as significant predictors of effective foster care. Included are implications for social work in the areas of practice, policy, and research.
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Conflict and Conflict-Resolution in Lower Termite SocietiesHoffmann, Katharina 23 November 2011 (has links)
Conflicts over reproduction are common in animal societies and they are especially pronounced in groups of totipotent individuals. Workers in the drywood termite Cryptotermes secundus are totipotent. They can gain direct fitness via dispersal as winged sexual or inheritance of the natal nest as neotenic replacement reproductive. In this study we examined the actual conflict behaviour in C. secundus, possible mechanism of conflict-regulation, and factors influencing the conflict intensity.
Cuticular hydrocarbons provided the information about nestmates which is required for mechanisms of conflict-resolution to work: they were (i) caste-specific, (ii) honest signal of fertility in neotenic queens, as they are reflecting the underlying JH titres mediated via caste-specific Neofem4 expression, and (iii) may also be informative enough to allow kin discrimination. Kin discrimination in C. secundus depended on social context and the individuals’ developmental potential. Sterile soldiers for example showed nepotistic grooming independent from the social context, but affected by wood resource, in contrast to workers that did not react to varying relatedness. Individuals showed distinct behavioural profiles before and during conflict, reflecting their reproductive potential: most prominent in the distinction were the dominance behaviour butting and proctodeal trophallaxis. The proposed role of trophallaxis as honest signal and inhibitory means in regulating reproductive development in C. secundus could be confirmed. Conflict intensity was greatly influenced by wood resource: workers were more likely to stay and fight for inheritance within nests that are resource rich, while when food gets limited dispersal conflict was most pronounced.
Thus, individuals did continually assess the ecological (resources) and societal conditions (presence of reproductives, relatedness) and adjusted their developmental decisions in order to maximize own fitness. The developmental potential is linked to the moulting interval, as only individuals in the sensitive phase are able to react to a changing situation like orphaning. Thus the sensitive phase, besides honest signalling (via cuticular hydrocarbon profiles and trophallaxis) might be an further mechanism potentially regulating conflict in C. secundus, as it restricts the number of individuals capable of becoming neotenic in a ‘fair lottery’ process.
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