Spelling suggestions: "subject:"want, emmanuel, 172411804"" "subject:"want, emmanuel, 172431804""
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Freedom in Kantian ethics.Williams, Ivor D. January 1942 (has links)
No description available.
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La liberté comme l'un des paradigmes d'antinomies dans la dialectique transcendantale de la Critique de la raison pureCormier, Robin 22 October 2021 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche veut faire l'analyse de la notion de liberté dans la Dialectique transcendantale de la Critique de la raison pure. Il se divise en trois partie qui tentent: premièrement de situer la place qu'occupe ce concept dans la CRR: deuxièmement d'étudier les antinomies en général, et en particulier celle où la liberté est exposée; et troisièmement d'analyser exhaustivement ce concept dans la Dialectique et de faire une synthèse des considérations le concernant. À travers ces trois étapes, nous distinguerons la causalité par liberté de la causalité naturelle, nous cifférencierons la liberté cosmologique-transcendantale de la liberté pratique, nous saisirons l'importance des idées transcendantales et de la métaphysique comme science pour toute la connaissance humaine et, en terminant, nous comprendrons l'importante distinction entre le phénomène et l'objet transcendantal.
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Métaphysique et ontologie chez Kant et HeideggerTremblay, Réjean, Tremblay, Réjean 16 December 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Le concept de finalité dans la critique de la faculté de juger téléologique de KantDoyon, Stéphane 22 October 2021 (has links)
Nous avons étudié dans ce travail le statut de la notion de finalité telle qu'elle est décrite par Kant dans l'Analytique de la faculté de juger téléologique de la Critique de la faculté de juger. Nous avons circonscrit la portée de cette notion, nous avons montré ses limites et nous avons défini le rôle que Kant lui assigne au sein de sa philosophie transcendantale. Les liens unissant la finalité logique de la nature avec la finalité objective matérielle ont été soulignés, de même que ceux qui s'établissent entre le mécanisme et la finalité en général. Nous avons fait le point sur diverses interprétations de l'antinomie de la faculté de juger téléologique et nous nous sommes livrés, autant que cela nous fut possible, à une critique des thèses de Kant relatives à la finalité.
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Moral rules and the deontological-teleological controversyMoss, Wayne Cowan January 2011 (has links)
Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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Exposición de las ideas principales de Kant, contenidas en la “Crítica de la razón pura”Carrillo, Leopoldo, Carrillo, Leopoldo January 1891 (has links)
Aborda la doctrina de Kant, el conocimiento sensible o estética trascendental, el conocimiento trascendental, el conocimiento de la razón pura o dialéctica trascendental. La doctrina de Kant contenida en la Critica de la razón pura es profundamente original. Su mérito principal es haber solucionado el problema del conocimiento e introducir en la filosofía el elemento crítico. Su gran defecto consiste en abandonar la conciencia, como único medio para estudiar el conocimiento humano y sus facultades, de aquí al negar a la razón su carácter impersonal y condenar su filosofía al subjetivismo y a la abstracción. / Tesis
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El mal radical del corazón humano: problemas fundamentales de la ética de KantValdez Oyague, Martín 05 November 2013 (has links)
Este trabajo constituye una investigación sobre el mal radical tal como aparece en la
primera parte de La religión dentro de los límites de la mera razón (en adelante, Religión).
De lo que se trata es de presentar de forma crítica la tesis de Immanuel Kant que afirma una
maldad innata en la naturaleza humana (R 6:32-39). Y si bien la tesis aparece de forma
explícita y sistemática únicamente en dicha obra, nos preocuparemos en mostrar que,
mutatis mutandis, atraviesa toda la filosofía moral kantiana, dado que articula una visión
del ser humano que se hace presente en todas sus obras de moral, así como en sus escritos
de antropología y de historia. / Tesis
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Ética e liberdade em Michel Foucault: uma leitura de Kant / Ethics and liberty in Foucault: one lecture of KantKraemer, Celso 10 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-03-10 / The complementary thesis to the doctorate of Foucault about the Anthropology
of Immanuel Kant opens some theoretical and methodological perspectives in
his work. Among them the present research investigates the possibility of Ethics
and the notion of Liberty in Foucault. The guide line that goes throughout the
chapters is the lecture of Kant which appears in the minor texts, being the first
just the complementary thesis at the beginning of the intellectual career of
Foucault, and the last about Kant s Aufklärung at the end of his career. The
data treatment attends the procedure of Foucault in the complementary thesis:
facing the minor texts with the more canonical ones. In the complementary
thesis Foucault related the Anthropology to the Critics of Kant. In the present
research the parallels are settled between the minor texts where Foucault
deals with Kant in his books, emphasizing Madness and Civilization and The
Order of things. The result shows that there are some kantism in Foucault, one
can recognize it in the archeology and in the genealogy. The kantian Critic looks
to get a new strength in them. This one suffers an actualization by Foucault.
Thus, the archeological and genealogical Critic looks for the conditions of
possibility of the origin , the duration and the disappearance of different
discursive and non-discursive strategies of practices of knowledge-power that
he calls historical empiricities. On the other side, the realm of empiricities is
signed by Aperture; in it the Truth shows its reciprocal dependency with
Freedom. These three realms (Critic, empiricity and Aperture) establish the
proper field for the question of ethics and freedom in the immanence of
knowledge-power relations. In the game of subjection and autonomy grows the
esthetic of existence as art of the self; in this function it requires the care
of the self, the know yourself and the practices of the self / A tese complementar ao doutorado de Foucault, sobre a Antropologia de
Immanuel Kant, abre algumas perspectivas teóricas e metodológicas sobre seu
trabalho. Dentre estas, a presente pesquisa investiga as possibilidades da ética
e da noção de liberdade em Foucault. O fio condutor que perpassa todos os
capítulos é a leitura de Kant que aparece em diversos textos menores , sendo
o primeiro justamente a tese complementar, no início do percurso intelectual de
Foucault, e o último, sobre a Aufklärung kantiana, no final deste percurso. O
tratamento dos dados segue o procedimento de Foucault na tese
complementar: confrontar textos menores com textos mais canônicos do
autor. Na tese complementar Foucault relacionou a Antropologia com as
Críticas de Kant. No presente trabalho, estabelecem-se paralelos entre os
textos menores , em que Foucault aborda Kant, com os livros, com destaque
para História da loucura e As Palavras e as coisas. O resultado mostra que há
certo kantismo em Foucault, podendo-se apontá-lo na arqueologia e na
genealogia. Nelas a Crítica kantiana parece obter novo vigor. Ela não deixa de
sofrer certa atualização com Foucault. Assim, a Crítica arqueológica e
genealógica busca as condições de possibilidade do surgimento, da duração e
do desaparecimento de diferentes estratégias discursivas e não-discursivas
das práticas do saber-poder, no que ele chama de empiricidades históricas. Na
outra extremidade, o domínio das empiricidades encontra-se marcado pela
Abertura; nela, a Verdade mostra sua recíproca dependência com a Liberdade.
Estes três domínios (Crítica, empiricidade e Abertura) constituem o espaço
próprio também para a questão da ética e da liberdade, na imanência das
relações de saber-poder. No jogo sujeição e autonomia se constitui a estética
da existência, enquanto arte de si; em função disso ela requer o cuidado de si,
o conhece-te a ti mesmo e as práticas de si
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O conceito de vontade na filosofia moral de Immanuel KantLuiz, Ademir 18 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-10-04T11:03:01Z
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Ademir Luiz.pdf: 611921 bytes, checksum: 119dda0c1d43f60adef7c03603d6c2b5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-10-04T11:03:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-09-18 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The goal of this dissertation is study the concept of will in Immanuel Kant’s foundation of Metaphysics of the customs and to explain how he, based in this principle, support the possibility of the determination of the human action by pure practical reason / O objetivo desta dissertação é realizar um estudo acerca do conceito da vontade na Fundamentação da Metafísica dos Costumes de Immanuel Kant e explicitar como ele, a partir deste princípio, fundamenta a possibilidade da determinação da ação humana pela razão prática pura
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Hanging-Together: Kant, Goethe, and the Theory of Aesthetic ModernismShields, Ross Gillum January 2019 (has links)
My dissertation, titled Hanging-Together: Kant, Goethe, and the Theory of Aesthetic Modernism, observes that many of the composers, artists, and writers working in the early twentieth century developed theories of aesthetic coherence (Zusammenhang) that contradict the canonical interpretation of the period in terms of discontinuity and fragmentation. I show that the modernists drew on Goethe’s morphology in order to conceive of the inner coherence of the work of art as neither an aggregate (in which the parts precede the whole), nor as a system (in which an idea of the whole precedes its parts), but as a morphological nexus of formal variations. My thesis is that aesthetic modernism negates the ‘outer coherence’ of the work of art in order to reveal its ‘inner coherence,’ and that this morphological concept of inner coherence does not entail the totalizing ideal maintained by the poetic and aesthetic tradition from Aristotle to Kant. I develop this argument over the course of five chapters: the first examines Kant’s concept of systematic unity; the second focuses on Goethe’s critical response to Kant’s philosophy of nature; while the last three trace Goethe’s morphology through the theoretical reflections of a modernist composer, painter, and writer—Arnold Schönberg, Wassily Kandinsky, and Alfred Döblin. What emerges is a theory of aesthetic modernism that takes into account the historical specificity of the period without reducing its significance to the ‘break’ it supposedly effects with tradition.
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