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Expressão da substância P e de seu receptor Neuroquinina-1 em carcinomas espinocelulares de boca e sua implicação na atividade proliferativa tumoral / Expression of the substance P and its receptor NK-1 in oral squamous cell carcinoma and its tumor proliferative activitySylvie Brener 04 December 2009 (has links)
A substância P (SP) é um neuropeptídeo da família das taquicininas que regula numerosas funções biológicas por meio da ligação ao seu receptor altamente específico neuroquinina-1 (NK-1R). Este complexo SP/NK-1R está envolvido em diversos processos relacionados à oncogênese, como a mitogênese, angiogênese, migração celular e metástase. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a expressão de substância P e de seu receptor NK-1 e sua correlação com o índice de proliferação celular em 73 pacientes portadores de 90 carcinomas espinocelulares de boca, diagnosticados e tratados no Hospital General e Hospital de La Princesa, Jaen, Espanha, durante o período de 1995 a 2008. Todos os tumores foram corados pela técnica imunoistoquímica da estreptavidina-biotina-peroxidase com os anticorpos anti-SP, anti-NK-1R e anti-Ki-67. As alterações celulares epiteliais das margens cirúrgicas livres de doença também foram registradas. A expressão imunoistoquímica da substância P e do seu receptor neurokinina-1 foi avaliada na membrana, no citoplasma e no núcleo das células epiteliais malignas e do epitélio da mucosa bucal adjacente ao tumor, nos linfócitos e nos vasos sanguíneos dos tumores. O índice de proliferação celular tumoral foi determinado pela expressão imunoistoquímica de Ki-67 identificada no núcleo das células neoplásicas. As correlações entre as diversas localizações da SP, de seu receptor NK-1R e do índice de proliferação tumoral determinado pelo Ki-67 foram determinadas estatísticamente utilizando-se o Crosstab, Regress e Descript de SUDAAN. A expressão de SP foi identificada no estroma de 77% dos tumores, na membrana de 71% das células malignas e no citoplasma de 81,2% dos tumores. A maioria dos tumores apresentou altas taxas de proliferação das células neoplásicas com mais de 50% das células imunopositivas para o Ki-67. Ao analisar as margens cirúrgicas livres de doença, observou-se expressão da SP, sobretudo no terço inferior e médio, tanto no núcleo, como no citoplasma e na membrana celular. A expressão concomitante de substância P e do receptor neurokinina-1 no citoplasma das células neoplásicas ocorreu mais frequentemente nas células tumorais em proliferação. Verificou-se que expressão de SP no câncer bucal ocorre juntamente com o aumento da expressão de NK-1R, sugerindo que as células neoplásicas epiteliais bucais podem utilizar esta via para tornarem-se mais susceptíveis aos estímulos mediados pela SP. A expressão de substância P nos linfócitos do infiltrado inflamatório e vasos sanguíneos intratumorais e peritumorais se associaram a tumores de menor tamanho, menor estádio clínico e com menor frequência metástase ganglionar. Concluiu-se que as células neoplásicas epiteliais bucais podem utilizar a via substância P/NK-1R para tornarem-se mais susceptíveis aos estímulos mediados pela SP, particularmente aqueles associados à proliferação celular. Além disso, a expressão epitelial, citoplasmática e nuclear da substância P é um evento precoce na carcinogênese bucal podendo ser considerado um marcador da presença e intensidade de displasia epitelial. / The substance P (SP) is a neuropeptide of the tachykinin family that regulates multiple biological functions by binding to the highly specific receptor neurokinin-1. This complex SP/NK-1 is involved in several processes related to oncogenesis, such as mitogenesis, angiogenesis, cell migration and metastasis. This study investigated the expression of substance P and its receptor NK-1 and its correlation with the cell proliferation index in 73 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma, diagnosed and treated at the General Hospital and Princess Hospital at Jaen, Spain, during the period 1995 to 2008. All tumors were stained immunohistochemically by the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase technique using the antibodies anti-SP, anti-NK-1R and anti-Ki-67. The epithelial cell alterations on the disease-free surgical margins were registered. The immunohistochemical expression of SP and its receptor neurokinin-1 were evaluated on the membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus of malignant epithelial cells and cells of healthy oral mucosa adjacent to the tumor, as well as on the infiltrating lymphocytes and peritumoral or intratumoral blood vessels. The tumor cell proliferation index was determined by the immunohistochemical expression of Ki- 67 identified on the malignant cell nucleus. The correlations between the distinct localizations of SP, its receptor NK-1 and the proliferation index Ki-67 were statistically analyzed using the Sudaan Crosstab, Regress and Descript tests. The SP expression was identified on the stroma of 77% of tumors, on the membrane of 71% of malignant cells and cytoplasm of 81.2% of tumors. Most tumors presented high proliferation rates of neoplastic cells, with more than 50% of cells immunopositive for Ki-67. Analysis of the disease-free surgical margins revealed SP expression especially on the lower and medium third, both on the nucleus, cytoplasm and cell membrane. The simultaneous expression of substance P and its receptor NK-1 on the cytoplasm of neoplastic cells occurred more frequently in proliferating malignant cells. The expression of SP in oral cancer occurred simultaneously to an increased expression of NK-1R, suggesting that the oral malignant epithelial cells might use this pathway to become more susceptible to the stimuli mediated by the SP. The substance P expression on infiltrating lymphocytes and intratumoral or peritumoral blood vessels was associated with tumors of small size, lower clinical stage and less frequent node metastasis. It was concluded that the oral neoplastic epithelial cells may use the pathway SP/NK-1R to become more susceptible to the stimuli mediated by the SP, particularly those associated with cell proliferation. Additionally, the epithelial, cytoplasmic and nuclear expression of substance P is an early event in oral carcinogenesis and may be considered a marker of the presence and intensity of epithelial dysplasia.
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Histologische und molekulargenetische Analyse von Darmgeweben aus mit dem humanrelevanten Kanzerogen 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-<i>b</i>]pyridine (PhIP) behandelten F344-Ratten / Histological and moleculargenetical analysis of colon tissue from rats treated with the humanrelevant cancinogen 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP)Kühnel, Dana January 2005 (has links)
Die Entwicklung von Dickdarmkrebs wird durch eine Reihe von Lebens- und Essgewohnheiten sowie Umweltfaktoren begünstigt. Den letzteren beiden sind Substanzen zuzurechnen, die bei der Zubereitung der Nahrung entstehen und mit ihr aufgenommen werden. Zu diesen Verbindungen gehört das 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridin (PhIP) aus der Substanzklasse der heterozyklischen aromatischen Amine. Es entsteht bei der Erhitzung zahlreicher proteinhaltiger Nahrungsmittel und die Zielorgane in Nagerstudien stimmen mit der Häufung von Krebsinzidenzen in westlichen Industrienationen überein. Dieser Zusammenhang konnte jedoch bis heute nicht endgültig bewiesen werden. Fütterungsversuche mit Ratten wurden mit Konzentrationen der Substanz durchgeführt, die weit über der menschlichen Exposition liegen. Durch das Verfüttern einer humanrelevanten Dosis PhIP sollte geklärt werden, ob auch geringe Konzentrationen dickdarmkrebstypische Mutationen, präneoplastische Läsionen oder Tumore induzierten. Die mit humanrelevanten Dosen gefütterten Tiere wiesen weniger Läsionen als die Hoch-Dosis-PhIP-Gruppe auf, in der allerdings keinerlei maligne Tumoren des Dickdarms auftraten. Hinweise auf dickdarmkrebstypische Mutationen fanden sich ebenfalls in beiden Gruppen, wobei hier keine Dosisabhängigkeit beobachtet werden konnte. Die Sequenzierung ergab ein deutlich von Literaturdaten abweichendes Spektrum. In Bezug auf das verwendete Tiermodell wurden erhebliche Abweichungen in der Empfindlichkeit der Tiere gegenüber der Substanz im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Studien festgestellt. Beide Fütterungsgruppen zeigten deutlich weniger Läsionen; als mögliche Gründe wurden Unterschiede in der Futterzusammensetzung und –zubereitung sowie in der Tierhaltung und –herkunft ausgemacht. Es konnte erstmalig ein Zusammenhang zwischen PhIP in niedrigen Dosen in der Nahrung und der Induktion von Entzündungen gezeigt werden. Diese waren sowohl makroskopisch als auch histologisch sichtbar, der genaue Mechanismus ihrer Entstehung ist jedoch unbekannt.<br><br>
Die zusammenfassende Betrachtung aller Ergebnisse lässt vermuten, dass PhIP allein über lange Zeiträume aber in geringen Dosen verabreicht nicht für die hohe Zahl an Krebserkrankungen in westlichen Industrienationen ursächlich ist. / The development of colon cancer is associated with several nutritional, life style, and environmental factors. Among the environmental factors probably involved are substances formed during food processing and taken up with food. One of these substances is the heterocyclic aromatic amine (HAA) 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP), which is formed during the heating of proteinaceous food such as meat and fish. In rodent studies the target organs for HAA-derived cancer development are identical with human organs showing high tumor incidences in western countries. Whether there is an association between exposure to PhIP and high tumor incidences in humans is still uncertain. The amount of PhIP administred to rodents in several studies was far above the levels of human exposure towards HAA. Thus, the aim of this study was to elucidate whether low concentrations of the substance are able to induce finger-print colon cancer gene mutations, preneoplastic lesions or tumors in rats. Animals fed with high amounts of PhIP developed fewer lesions than animals fed with a human-relevant concentration of PhIP. However none of the groups developed tumors of the colon. Both groups showed finger-print mutations for colon cancer, but not in a dose-dependent manner. Sequencing showed that the mutations were different from the known mutation spectum of PhIP. The susceptibility of the F344 rats to PhIP used in this study differed from that in previous feeding studies, with both groups showing much less lesions of the colon. Differences in composition and processing of the animal diets as well as animal maintenance and –origin may explain this discrepancy. For the first time an association between low doses of PhIP in the diet and induction of inflammation was shown. Signs of inflammation were observed macroscopically as well as in histological slices, but the mechanism of its induction remains to be clarified.<br><br>
Taken together the results suggest that a chronical exposure to low doses of PhIP alone is not sufficient to explain the high incidences of colon cancer in western countries.
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(Nos) labirintos imagéticos de Time (Shigan) de Kim Ki Duk : olhar, corpo e discurso amorosoSantos, Melissa Rubio dos January 2015 (has links)
O tema da pesquisa da presente dissertação é investigar a poética narrativa do cineasta sulcoreano Kim Ki Duk a partir dos elementos nomeados labirintos imagéticos presentes na narrativa fílmica Time (Shigan)-2006. O ponto de partida do estudo é a análise da narrativa focalizando o trânsito entre textos e os jogos de significantes no discurso amoroso e na criação de corpos orgânicos, imagéticos, simbólicos e ficcionais. Sendo assim, foram explorados os labirintos do discurso amoroso e os labirintos do corpo como os responsáveis pela formação dos labirintos imagéticos que permeiam a narrativa fílmica em análise. Ao longo do estudo do objeto híbrido— narrativa fílmica, pontuaram-se questionamentos sobre Intertextualidade, Interdisciplinaridade, Imagem, Olhar e o objeto a. Pretendo estabelecer diálogos entre Teoria Literária, Psicanálise, Antropologia, Filosofia, Estudos Intermídias e Estudos Culturais, uma vez que a narrativa fílmica do cineasta Kim Ki Duk é tecida e mediada por elementos de uma poética dos limiares, de jogos vertiginosos das imagens e de provocação dos limites da linguagem, oscilando entre a presença e a ausência de significantes. / The theme of this thesis is discuss the visual poetic in narratives of South Korean filmmaker Kim Ki Duk through elements named mazes imagistic in film narrative Time (Shigan) -2006. The starting point of the study is the analysis of narrative focusing on transit between texts and significants in love speech also in the constructions of organic bodies, imagery, symbolic and fictional. Thereby, the labyrinths of love's speech and the labyrinths of the body were exploited, as responsible for the formation of imagistic mazes that permeate the film narrative in analysis. Throughout the study of hybrid object- film narrative, some questions emerged about Intertextuality, Interdisciplinary, Image, Gaze and the object a. I intend to establish dialogues between Literary Theory, Psychoanalysis, Anthropology, Philosophy, Intermídias Studies and Cultural Studies, since the film narrative filmmaker Kim Ki Duk create elements of a poetics of the transit of images and limits of language, through oscillations between the presence and the absence of significants.
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(Nos) labirintos imagéticos de Time (Shigan) de Kim Ki Duk : olhar, corpo e discurso amorosoSantos, Melissa Rubio dos January 2015 (has links)
O tema da pesquisa da presente dissertação é investigar a poética narrativa do cineasta sulcoreano Kim Ki Duk a partir dos elementos nomeados labirintos imagéticos presentes na narrativa fílmica Time (Shigan)-2006. O ponto de partida do estudo é a análise da narrativa focalizando o trânsito entre textos e os jogos de significantes no discurso amoroso e na criação de corpos orgânicos, imagéticos, simbólicos e ficcionais. Sendo assim, foram explorados os labirintos do discurso amoroso e os labirintos do corpo como os responsáveis pela formação dos labirintos imagéticos que permeiam a narrativa fílmica em análise. Ao longo do estudo do objeto híbrido— narrativa fílmica, pontuaram-se questionamentos sobre Intertextualidade, Interdisciplinaridade, Imagem, Olhar e o objeto a. Pretendo estabelecer diálogos entre Teoria Literária, Psicanálise, Antropologia, Filosofia, Estudos Intermídias e Estudos Culturais, uma vez que a narrativa fílmica do cineasta Kim Ki Duk é tecida e mediada por elementos de uma poética dos limiares, de jogos vertiginosos das imagens e de provocação dos limites da linguagem, oscilando entre a presença e a ausência de significantes. / The theme of this thesis is discuss the visual poetic in narratives of South Korean filmmaker Kim Ki Duk through elements named mazes imagistic in film narrative Time (Shigan) -2006. The starting point of the study is the analysis of narrative focusing on transit between texts and significants in love speech also in the constructions of organic bodies, imagery, symbolic and fictional. Thereby, the labyrinths of love's speech and the labyrinths of the body were exploited, as responsible for the formation of imagistic mazes that permeate the film narrative in analysis. Throughout the study of hybrid object- film narrative, some questions emerged about Intertextuality, Interdisciplinary, Image, Gaze and the object a. I intend to establish dialogues between Literary Theory, Psychoanalysis, Anthropology, Philosophy, Intermídias Studies and Cultural Studies, since the film narrative filmmaker Kim Ki Duk create elements of a poetics of the transit of images and limits of language, through oscillations between the presence and the absence of significants.
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Le spectre de l'histoire : une généalogie du corps médiumnique dans le cinéma taïwanais / The spectre of history : a genealogy of mediumistic body in Taiwan cinemaShih, Wei-Chu 27 June 2016 (has links)
Existe-t-il une histoire du cinéma à Taiwan, une île qui connaît une longue et riche histoire coloniale, qui échapperait aux diverses formes imposées par les colonisateurs ? N’y a-t-il pas un cinéma résistant et indigénisé qui pourrait, en réaction aux contraintes sociales, politiques et culturelles, proposer une stratégie esthétique participant à l'émergence d'un sentiment national ? Ou faut-il attendre l'avènement d'un Nouveau Cinéma Taïwanais pour connaître un cinéma indigénisé dit “national” ?Afin de nourrir cette réflexion, la présente étude propose un retour sur l'une des formes originelles du cinéma taïwanais, au travers du personnage du benshi, en vue d’établir une histoire figurative. Deux autres figures, tâng-ki et kuso, nous permettent de développer la théorie du corps médiumnique. Cette dernière a pour objectif de construire une stratégie afin de résister aux troubles identitaires, autant dans l’espace public que dans l’espace privé. En conséquence, benshi, tâng-ki et kuso mettent en lumière une histoire cachée, une esthétique survivante, les bases d'une stratégie de résistance pour le cinéma taiwanais. / In Taiwan, the island of Formosa, where it holds a long history of colonization, is it possible for a history of cinema to escape from the various forms imposed by the colonists ? Could there be a resistant and indigenousized cinema, which offers an aesthetic strategy responding to the social, political and cultural issues ? At the meantime, also evokes a national sentiment ? Do we have to wait for the arrival of New Taiwan Cinema, which is known as indigenousized cinema to form a national cinema ?In order to explore these ideas, we will trace back to one of the original forms of Taiwan cinema, through the role of Benshi, to establish a figurative history. The other two roles, Tâng-ki and Kuso, will also allow us to develop the theory of mediumistic body, which will build a strategy responding to the identity crisis, both in public and private spaces. As a conclusion, Benshi, Tâng-ki and Kuso, which surface a previously hidden history and the surviving esthetics, become the funding bases of the resistance against colonization for Taiwan cinema.
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(Nos) labirintos imagéticos de Time (Shigan) de Kim Ki Duk : olhar, corpo e discurso amorosoSantos, Melissa Rubio dos January 2015 (has links)
O tema da pesquisa da presente dissertação é investigar a poética narrativa do cineasta sulcoreano Kim Ki Duk a partir dos elementos nomeados labirintos imagéticos presentes na narrativa fílmica Time (Shigan)-2006. O ponto de partida do estudo é a análise da narrativa focalizando o trânsito entre textos e os jogos de significantes no discurso amoroso e na criação de corpos orgânicos, imagéticos, simbólicos e ficcionais. Sendo assim, foram explorados os labirintos do discurso amoroso e os labirintos do corpo como os responsáveis pela formação dos labirintos imagéticos que permeiam a narrativa fílmica em análise. Ao longo do estudo do objeto híbrido— narrativa fílmica, pontuaram-se questionamentos sobre Intertextualidade, Interdisciplinaridade, Imagem, Olhar e o objeto a. Pretendo estabelecer diálogos entre Teoria Literária, Psicanálise, Antropologia, Filosofia, Estudos Intermídias e Estudos Culturais, uma vez que a narrativa fílmica do cineasta Kim Ki Duk é tecida e mediada por elementos de uma poética dos limiares, de jogos vertiginosos das imagens e de provocação dos limites da linguagem, oscilando entre a presença e a ausência de significantes. / The theme of this thesis is discuss the visual poetic in narratives of South Korean filmmaker Kim Ki Duk through elements named mazes imagistic in film narrative Time (Shigan) -2006. The starting point of the study is the analysis of narrative focusing on transit between texts and significants in love speech also in the constructions of organic bodies, imagery, symbolic and fictional. Thereby, the labyrinths of love's speech and the labyrinths of the body were exploited, as responsible for the formation of imagistic mazes that permeate the film narrative in analysis. Throughout the study of hybrid object- film narrative, some questions emerged about Intertextuality, Interdisciplinary, Image, Gaze and the object a. I intend to establish dialogues between Literary Theory, Psychoanalysis, Anthropology, Philosophy, Intermídias Studies and Cultural Studies, since the film narrative filmmaker Kim Ki Duk create elements of a poetics of the transit of images and limits of language, through oscillations between the presence and the absence of significants.
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Estudos funcionais e estruturais da proteina reguladora humana Ki-1/57 / Functional and structural studies of human regulatory protein Ki-1/57Nery, Flavia Cristina 05 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Jorg Kobarg / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T15:24:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: Ki-1/57 é um antígeno humano de 57kDa reconhecido pelo anticorpo Ki-1, o qual também reconhece CD30. Ki-1/57 se encontra no núcleo e no citoplasma sendo fosforilado nos resíduos de serina e de treonina após a ativação das células. Quando Ki-1/57 foi isolado da linhagem L540 de células de linfoma de Hodgkin, ela co-imunoprecipitou com atividade quinase em resíduos de Ser/Thr. Além disso, foi relatado que Ki-1/57 interage com o ácido hialurônico e conseqüentemente foi denominada de ¿proteína intracelular que se liga a hialuronato 4¿ (IHABP4). Nós usamos o sistema de duplo híbrido em levedura e encontramos que Ki-1/57 interage especificamente com a proteína com domínios cromo-helicase e de ligação ao DNA 3 (CHD3), uma proteína nuclear envolvida em remodelagem da cromatina e regulação da transcrição, e com RACK1 (¿proteína adaptadora para quinase C ativada¿). A interação entre Ki-1/57 e seus ligantes foi confirmada por outros experimentos in vitro e in vivo. Interessantemente, a interação entre Ki-1/57 e RACK1 foi abolida após fosforilação da Ki-1/57 e observamos que o estímulo de células L540 e HeLa com 4 a -forbol 12-miristato 13-acetato (PMA) resulta na saída de Ki-1/57 do núcleo. Ki-1/57 também demonstrou ser um substrato para proteína quinase C (PKC) quando ativada com PMA, e sua fosforilação foi confirmada in vitro e in vivo. Esses dados sugerem que Ki-1/57 está associada com a via de sinalização celular de RACK1/PKC e isto pode ser importante para a regulação de suas funções nucleares. Sua interação com CHD3 e com outras proteínas envolvidas na regulação transcricional, tais como: Topors, Daxx e Tip60, entre outras, sugere que Ki-1/57 pode ter uma função neste contexto funcional. RACK1 interage com p73, um parálogo de p53, inibindo sua ativação transcricional. Nós ainda encontramos que Ki-1/57 também interage com p53 não fosforilada e pode inibir sua ativação transcricional. A estrutura tridimensional da proteína Ki-1/57 é desconhecida, mas nossos estudos espectroscópicos mostraram que a proteína Ki-1/57 é predominantemente constituída por folhas b-pregueadas. Além disso, Ki-1/57(122-413) apagou o sinal do espectro de CD de RACK1 entre 229-300 nm, que é característico de proteínas ricas em triptofanos, e também diminuiu a intensidade de emissão de fluorescência de RACK1. Isso sugere que Ki-1/57 interage com os triptofanos na superfície de RACK1 / Abstract: Ki-1/57, the 57-kDa human protein antigen recognized by the CD30 antibody Ki-1, is a cytoplasmic and nuclear protein, which is phosphorylated on serine and threonine residues upon cell activation. When isolated from the Hodgkin¿s lymphoma analogous cell line L540 Ki-1/57 was co-immunoprecipitated with a Thr/Ser protein kinase activity. It has been also found to interact with hyaluronic acid and has therefore been termed intracellular hyaluronan binding protein 4 (IHABP4). We used the yeast-two-hybrid system to identify proteins interacting with Ki-1/57 and found that Ki-1/57 engages in specific interactions with the Chromatin-Helicase-DNA-binding domain protein 3 (CHD3), a nuclear protein involved in chromatin remodeling and transcription regulation, and with the adaptor protein Receptor of Activated Kinase-1 (RACK1). Next, we confirmed these interactions by in vitro and in vivo experiments. Interestingly, the interaction of Ki-1/57 with RACK1 is abolished upon activation of L540 cells with 4a-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), which results in the phosphorylation of Ki-1/57 and its exit from the nucleus. We demonstrated that Ki-1/57 also co-precipitates with protein kinase C (PKC) when isolated from PMA activated L540 tumor cells and is a substrate for PKC phosphorylation in vitro and in vivo. These events associate Ki-1/57 with the RACK1/PKC pathway and may be important for the regulation of its nuclear functions. Its interaction with chromatin remodeling factors such as CHD3 and other proteins involved in transcriptional regulation including Topors, Daxx and Tip 60 may suggest that Ki-1/57 has also a function in this context and that this function is subject to regulatory events involving the PKC/RACK1 signaling pathway. RACK1 also interacts with the p53 paralogue p73. In that case, the physical binding of RACK1 to p73 can inhibit its transcription activation function. We found out that Ki-1/57 interacts with unphosphorylated p53 and that this binding inhibits p53 transcription activation function. The three-dimensional structure of Ki-1/57 is still unknown but our spectroscopic studies demonstrated that Ki-1/57 consists predominantly of b-sheets. Binding of Ki-1/57(122-413) to RACK1 abolishes its positive ellipticity at 229-300 nm, which is characteristic for tryptophan-rich proteins, and decreases its emission fluorescence. This suggests that surface tryptophans of RACK1 are involved in the interaction with Ki-1/57 / Doutorado / Genetica Humana e Medica / Doutor em Genetica e Biologia Molecular
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Analyse fonctionnelle de la protéine Ki-67 dans le cycle cellulaire / Functional analysis of Ki-67 protein in the cell cycleSobecki, Michal 11 December 2014 (has links)
Ki-67 maintient l'hétérochromatine constitutive lors de la prolifération cellulaire. La protéine Ki-67 est fortement exprimée dans le noyau des cellules de mammifères en prolifération. Sa présence est devenue un marqueur de référence en histopathologie diagnostic dans le cancer avec 330 millions de références sur des sites Internet et plus de 18 000 articles indexés avec le mot clé Ki-67 dans PubMed. Malgré son utilisation comme référence incontestable de la prolifération cellulaire, les rôles fonctionnels, les régulations et les mécanismes moléculaires où Ki-67 est impliquée demeurent obscurs. Depuis l'identification de Ki-67 en 1983, les différentes études avec l'utilisation d'outils moléculaires (anticorps, oligonucléotide antisens, shRNA, siRNA) qui inhibent l'expression de Ki-67 dans des cellules cancéreuses de tous types ont mis en évidence une forte régression à leur prolifération. La localisation prédominate de Ki-67 est dans le nucléole, son inactivation photodynamique abroge la transcription de l'ARN ribosomal qui est requis pour la prolifération cellulaire. Le consensus est que Ki-67 favorise la prolifération cellulaire, mais à ce jour aucune étude n'a mis en évidence ni un mécanisme d'action, ni un rôle essentiel de Ki-67 dans la prolifération cellulaire in vivo. Dans notre travail, nous abordons la question du rôle de Ki-67 dans les cellules humaines cancéreuses non transformées en culture ainsi qu'in vivo chez la souris. Nous avons montré que Ki-67 n'est pas nécessaire pour la prolifération cellulaire. En revanche, Ki-67 est indispensable pour maintenir la structure de l'hétérochromatine constitutive. Nous avons mis en évidence des nouveaux mécanismes de régulation de l'expression de Ki-67 au cours du cycle cellulaire, sa transcription étant contrôlé par CDK4/6 via la phosphorylation de la protéine rétinoblastome, et sa dégradation en G1 tardive via APC/C-Cdh1. Après extinction de l'expression de Ki-67 par ARNi ou par ablation du gène de Ki-67 par la nouvelle approche TALEN, nous n'avons observé aucun effet sur la synthèse de l'ARN ribosomique, sur le déroulement normal du cycle cellulaire, sur le développement embryonnaire ou la fertilité de la souris. Par contre, son extinction inhibe la progression des tumeurs dans des modèles de Xénogreffes, et induit un remodelage du paysage de l'expression de certain gènes. Notre étude par protéomique des protéines interragissant avec Ki-67 a identifié des protéines nucléolaires à l'interface entre l'hétérochromatine périnucléolaires et les composants granulaires nucléolaires. Ces complexes protéiques empêchent la dispersion de l'hétérochromatine constitutive au cours du cycle cellulaire. Au vu de nos résultats, nous concluons que dans les cellules non-proliférantes l'anémie de Ki-67 est associée à la diffusion de l'hétérochromatine constitutive. Ki-67 est indispensable à la maintenance de cette hétérochromatine qui serait essentielle pour le développement des tumeurs. / Ki-67 links constitutive heterochromatin maintenance to cell proliferation.Ubiquitous nuclear expression of Ki-67 in proliferating mammalian cells has led to its use as a benchmark diagnostic marker for cell proliferation, especially in cancer histopathology. Its importance is reflected by over 330 million hits when searching using the keyword “Ki-67” on Google, and over 18,000 papers on PubMed. In spite of its use as a surrogate marker for cell proliferation, the mechanisms of regulation of Ki-67 expression and its physiological functions in cell proliferation remain obscure. Early functional studies found that inhibition of Ki-67 expression by injection of antisense oligonucleotides or inactivating antibodies into cultured cancer cells inhibited cell proliferation. This is in agreement with later results obtained by peptide-nucleic acid, antisense oligonucleotide, siRNA or shRNA experiments in various cancer cell lines. Photodynamic inactivation of Ki-67 abrogates ribosomal RNA transcription, consistent with its predominantly nucleolar localisation and apparent requirement for cell proliferation. However, a recent study in HeLa cells found only minor effects on the cell cycle distribution upon Ki-67 knockdown. Nevertheless, Ki-67 is required for localising several nucleolar proteins to the mitotic chromosome periphery, potentially providing a mechanism for nucleolar assembly, as previously suggested by segregating nucleolar components upon cell division and chromosome segregation. Therefore, although the consensus is that Ki-67 promotes cell proliferation, this has not been clearly demonstrated, and no studies have ascertained requirements for Ki-67 in vivo.In this work, we address these questions in non-transformed human cells and cancer cells in culture and in vivo in mice. We have shown that Ki-67 is dispensable for cell proliferation but is required to maintain constitutive heterochromatin. We found that Ki-67 expression is cell cycle-dependent due to dynamic control by CDK4/6 and Cdh1. However, silencing of Ki-67 by RNAi or a TALEN-mediated Ki-67 gene ablation had no effect on ribosomal RNA synthesis, cell cycling, mouse development or fertility, but prevented tumour progression and led to remodelling of the gene expression landscape in cycling cells. Interaction proteomics and functional assays revealed that Ki-67 defines the boundary between perinucleolar heterochromatin and the nucleolar granular components, and prevents dispersal of constitutive heterochromatin during cell cycling. Conversely, Ki-67 downregulation in non-proliferating cells is associated with constitutive heterochromatin dispersal. The results suggest that Ki-67 mediates organisation of heterochromatin, and allows efficient tumour progression.
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Avaliação de indicadores de prognóstico para mastocitoma canino: estudo clínico-cirúrgico, histológico, imunoistoquímico, estereológico e de expressão gênica / Evaluation of prognostic factors of canine mast cell tumors: clinical-surgical, histopathological, stereological, immunohistochemical and genical expression studyCasagrande, Thais Andrade Costa 14 June 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os indicadores de prognóstico para o mastocitoma canino, na tentativa de melhorar o tratamento oferecido aos animais acometidos por esta neoplasia. Foram analisados os parâmetros clínicos dos animais e do mastocitoma, parâmetros de evolução da doença e parâmetros histológicos, imunoistoquímicos, estereológicos e de expressão gênica. Para isso, 81 cães portadores de mastocitoma cutâneo foram submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica para excisão dos tumores. Após a operação os cães foram acompanhados e avaliados por um período mínimo de 12 meses para a colheita de dados sobre a evolução. Os tumores foram graduados por histopatologia, tiveram seus bordos investigados quando a eficiência da cirurgia e foram submetidos à imunomarcação com ki-67, c-kit. Destes, 20 casos passaram por avaliação estereológica, nos parâmetros volume total do tumor, densidade numérica, número total de mastócitos, volume de célula e de núcleo e a relação núcleo/célula. Além disso, 22 casos tiveram seus tumores quantificados quanto a expressão gênica de c-kit e do seu ligante. Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: idade, sexo, raça, localização, tempo de evolução, tamanho do tumor, velocidade de crescimento, presença de ulceração, sangramento, eritema, temperatura, hiperpigmentação, consistência tumoral, base de inserção, abrangência de tecido, aderência a planos profundos, formato, superfície, presença de alopecia, número de tumores, além de investigar a presença de alteração em linfonodos, sinais clínicos e metástases e calcular a taxa de crescimento tumoral. Foram associados a piora do prognóstico os pacientes que apresentaram os parâmetros: animais idosos, presença de eritema, ulceração, aumento de temperatura, presença de aderência, superfície irregular, tumores firmes, crescimento rápido, presença de sinais clínicos e metástases. O diâmetro foi associado a maior taxa de óbito. As demais variáveis clínicas não foram associadas ao prognóstico. O grau histopatológico, a presença de sinais clínicos e metástase foram considerados marcadores preditivos independentes de recidiva e óbito, pela análise multivariada. Na avaliação por estereologia, as variáveis: volume do tumor e número total de mastócitos neoplásicos também foram associados à redução de sobrevida livre de recidiva, assim como uma maior porcentagem de núcleos imunomarcados com ki-67. A diminuição da expressão do ligante de c-kit, também conhecido como fator de crescimento do c-kit também foi associado aos eventos combinados óbito e recidiva. Os resultados demonstraram que mesmo parâmetros clínicos, de fácil investigação fornecem dados para a interpretação dos mastocitomas de grau intermediário, podendo oferecer melhor tratamento aos animais acometidos. Os parâmetros laboratoriais como imunomarcação com ki-67, parâmetros estereológicos podem ajudar a estabelecer uma nova classificação destes tumores que ficam à margem de classificação. Porém, mais uma vez a graduação preconizada por Patnaik e al. (1984) se mostrou de grande eficiência na previsão da evolução dos mastocitomas. As expressões gênicas de c-kit e seu ligante e a expressão por imunomarcação de c-kit devem ser melhores avaliadas e comparadas a análises de mutação destes genes. / The aim of this study was to evaluate prognostic markers for canine mast cell tumors to improve treatment options offered to animals affected by this cancer. We evaluated animals and clinical parameters of the tumors, parameters from clinical outcomes, and histological, immunohistochemical, stereological, and gene expression parameters. To this end, 81 dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumors underwent surgical excision of tumors. After surgery, the dogs were monitored and evaluated for a minimum of 12 months for the collection of outcome data. The tumors were graded histologically, had their surgical margins investigated regarding the efficacy of surgery, and were immunostained with Ki-67 and c-kit. Of these specimens, 20 cases underwent stereological assessment: total tumor volume, numerical density, total number of mast cells, cell and nucleus volume, and the nucleus/cell relationship were investigated. In addition, gene expression of c-kit and its ligand was measured in tumors from 22 cases. Examined clinical parameters included age, sex, breed, location, duration of evolution, tumor size, growth rate, presence of ulceration, bleeding, erythema, temperature, hyperpigmentation, tumor consistency, insertion base, range of tissues, adherence to deep levels, shape, surface, presence of alopecia, and number of tumors. We also investigated the presence of changes in lymph nodes, metastases, clinical signs and metastases. We observed that tumors with erythema, ulceration, increased temperature, adherence, irregular surface, solidity, rapid growth, presence of metastases and clinical signs were associated with worse prognostic. A larger tumor diameter was associated with a higher death rate. The other clinical variables were not associated with the prognosis. A multivariate analysis revealed that the histopathological grade and the presence of clinical signs and metastasis were independent predictive markers of the progression-free survival time. The stereological analysis indicated that a larger tumor volume, a larger total number of neoplastic mast cells, and a higher percentage of nuclei immunostained for Ki-67 were also associated with a reduced survival time and a higher recurrence rate. The reduction of c-kit ligand expression, also called the growth factor c-kit, was also associated with the death and recurrence rates. Our results demonstrate that clinical parameters that are easy to determine can provide useful data for assessing intermediate-grade mast-cell tumors and thereby be useful in determining better treatments for affected animals. Stereological parameters and laboratory parameters such as immunostaining for Ki-67 could help to establish a new classification of those tumors that are at the margin of existing classifications. However, the histopathological classification established by Patnaik et al. (1984) proved very efficient in predicting the evolution of mast-cell tumors. The gene expressions of c-kit and its ligand, and the KIT immunostaining should be further evaluated and compared in order to analyze mutations in these genes.
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Avaliação de indicadores de prognóstico para mastocitoma canino: estudo clínico-cirúrgico, histológico, imunoistoquímico, estereológico e de expressão gênica / Evaluation of prognostic factors of canine mast cell tumors: clinical-surgical, histopathological, stereological, immunohistochemical and genical expression studyThais Andrade Costa Casagrande 14 June 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os indicadores de prognóstico para o mastocitoma canino, na tentativa de melhorar o tratamento oferecido aos animais acometidos por esta neoplasia. Foram analisados os parâmetros clínicos dos animais e do mastocitoma, parâmetros de evolução da doença e parâmetros histológicos, imunoistoquímicos, estereológicos e de expressão gênica. Para isso, 81 cães portadores de mastocitoma cutâneo foram submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica para excisão dos tumores. Após a operação os cães foram acompanhados e avaliados por um período mínimo de 12 meses para a colheita de dados sobre a evolução. Os tumores foram graduados por histopatologia, tiveram seus bordos investigados quando a eficiência da cirurgia e foram submetidos à imunomarcação com ki-67, c-kit. Destes, 20 casos passaram por avaliação estereológica, nos parâmetros volume total do tumor, densidade numérica, número total de mastócitos, volume de célula e de núcleo e a relação núcleo/célula. Além disso, 22 casos tiveram seus tumores quantificados quanto a expressão gênica de c-kit e do seu ligante. Os parâmetros clínicos avaliados foram: idade, sexo, raça, localização, tempo de evolução, tamanho do tumor, velocidade de crescimento, presença de ulceração, sangramento, eritema, temperatura, hiperpigmentação, consistência tumoral, base de inserção, abrangência de tecido, aderência a planos profundos, formato, superfície, presença de alopecia, número de tumores, além de investigar a presença de alteração em linfonodos, sinais clínicos e metástases e calcular a taxa de crescimento tumoral. Foram associados a piora do prognóstico os pacientes que apresentaram os parâmetros: animais idosos, presença de eritema, ulceração, aumento de temperatura, presença de aderência, superfície irregular, tumores firmes, crescimento rápido, presença de sinais clínicos e metástases. O diâmetro foi associado a maior taxa de óbito. As demais variáveis clínicas não foram associadas ao prognóstico. O grau histopatológico, a presença de sinais clínicos e metástase foram considerados marcadores preditivos independentes de recidiva e óbito, pela análise multivariada. Na avaliação por estereologia, as variáveis: volume do tumor e número total de mastócitos neoplásicos também foram associados à redução de sobrevida livre de recidiva, assim como uma maior porcentagem de núcleos imunomarcados com ki-67. A diminuição da expressão do ligante de c-kit, também conhecido como fator de crescimento do c-kit também foi associado aos eventos combinados óbito e recidiva. Os resultados demonstraram que mesmo parâmetros clínicos, de fácil investigação fornecem dados para a interpretação dos mastocitomas de grau intermediário, podendo oferecer melhor tratamento aos animais acometidos. Os parâmetros laboratoriais como imunomarcação com ki-67, parâmetros estereológicos podem ajudar a estabelecer uma nova classificação destes tumores que ficam à margem de classificação. Porém, mais uma vez a graduação preconizada por Patnaik e al. (1984) se mostrou de grande eficiência na previsão da evolução dos mastocitomas. As expressões gênicas de c-kit e seu ligante e a expressão por imunomarcação de c-kit devem ser melhores avaliadas e comparadas a análises de mutação destes genes. / The aim of this study was to evaluate prognostic markers for canine mast cell tumors to improve treatment options offered to animals affected by this cancer. We evaluated animals and clinical parameters of the tumors, parameters from clinical outcomes, and histological, immunohistochemical, stereological, and gene expression parameters. To this end, 81 dogs with cutaneous mast cell tumors underwent surgical excision of tumors. After surgery, the dogs were monitored and evaluated for a minimum of 12 months for the collection of outcome data. The tumors were graded histologically, had their surgical margins investigated regarding the efficacy of surgery, and were immunostained with Ki-67 and c-kit. Of these specimens, 20 cases underwent stereological assessment: total tumor volume, numerical density, total number of mast cells, cell and nucleus volume, and the nucleus/cell relationship were investigated. In addition, gene expression of c-kit and its ligand was measured in tumors from 22 cases. Examined clinical parameters included age, sex, breed, location, duration of evolution, tumor size, growth rate, presence of ulceration, bleeding, erythema, temperature, hyperpigmentation, tumor consistency, insertion base, range of tissues, adherence to deep levels, shape, surface, presence of alopecia, and number of tumors. We also investigated the presence of changes in lymph nodes, metastases, clinical signs and metastases. We observed that tumors with erythema, ulceration, increased temperature, adherence, irregular surface, solidity, rapid growth, presence of metastases and clinical signs were associated with worse prognostic. A larger tumor diameter was associated with a higher death rate. The other clinical variables were not associated with the prognosis. A multivariate analysis revealed that the histopathological grade and the presence of clinical signs and metastasis were independent predictive markers of the progression-free survival time. The stereological analysis indicated that a larger tumor volume, a larger total number of neoplastic mast cells, and a higher percentage of nuclei immunostained for Ki-67 were also associated with a reduced survival time and a higher recurrence rate. The reduction of c-kit ligand expression, also called the growth factor c-kit, was also associated with the death and recurrence rates. Our results demonstrate that clinical parameters that are easy to determine can provide useful data for assessing intermediate-grade mast-cell tumors and thereby be useful in determining better treatments for affected animals. Stereological parameters and laboratory parameters such as immunostaining for Ki-67 could help to establish a new classification of those tumors that are at the margin of existing classifications. However, the histopathological classification established by Patnaik et al. (1984) proved very efficient in predicting the evolution of mast-cell tumors. The gene expressions of c-kit and its ligand, and the KIT immunostaining should be further evaluated and compared in order to analyze mutations in these genes.
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