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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oligo(3-hexylthiophene) Wires for needs of Single-Molecule Nanoelectronics

Öktem, Gözde 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
A material to function as a molecular electronic device should have a strong coupling with electrodes through appropriate and well-defined anchoring groups and have to support an effective traveling of charges via a conjugated molecular backbone. Oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s are π-conjugated molecules having large applicability in several areas of organic electronics owing interesting semiconducting properties and they also hold great promises in the field of single-molecule electronics. Polymerization methods, in principle, allow construction of long conjugated systems in a single synthetic step, however, most of them lack precision. This work uses externally initiated chain-growth Kumada Catalyst - Transfer Polycondensation (KCTP) for the synthesis of semiconductive oligo(3-hexylthiophene) wires with controllable molecular weights, low polydispersities, high regioregularities as well as with well-defined starting and end groups. In such a way, the synthetic efforts were compromised to obtain relatively easy a series of very complex molecular wires with a reasonable structural precision. To modulate the electronic function of oligomer backbones, specific charge-transfer moieties (DMA-TCBD and Fc-TCBD) were inserted as side chains or end groups. In-situ termination of KCTP with ZnCl-functionalized electron rich alkynes followed by Diederich-type click reaction resulted in the synthesis of asymmetrical oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s having thiolate-functionalized starting groups and donor-functionalized end-groups with a high degree of end-group functionalizations. Side chains of double-thiolate functionalized oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s, on the other hand, were further modified with the insertion of charge-transfer groups by post-polymerization functionalization. While the facile synthesis and modification of oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s enable the control over the molecular backbone, the specific starting and end anchoring groups allow the control over the electrode oligomer interface. To assure the formation of alligator clips between oligomer backbone and Au electrode, the optimizations including proper end-group conversion into mild counterparts followed by in-situ deprotection into thiolates and the binding abilities on gold were investigated. Finally, the conductance of bis-end functionalized oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s was preliminarily studied through oligomer backbone by Mechanically Controllable Break Junctions (MCBJs) setup and through oligomer-attached DNA origami-templated gold nanowires by individual electrical contacts. The developed KCTP-based synthetic route, at the end, presents new opportunities for the facile synthesis, the ease of modification and the feasibility of asymmetrical and side chain functionalized oligo(3-hexylthiophene) wires for needs of molecular electronics.

Oligo(3-hexylthiophene) Wires for needs of Single-Molecule Nanoelectronics

Öktem, Gözde 09 August 2017 (has links)
A material to function as a molecular electronic device should have a strong coupling with electrodes through appropriate and well-defined anchoring groups and have to support an effective traveling of charges via a conjugated molecular backbone. Oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s are π-conjugated molecules having large applicability in several areas of organic electronics owing interesting semiconducting properties and they also hold great promises in the field of single-molecule electronics. Polymerization methods, in principle, allow construction of long conjugated systems in a single synthetic step, however, most of them lack precision. This work uses externally initiated chain-growth Kumada Catalyst - Transfer Polycondensation (KCTP) for the synthesis of semiconductive oligo(3-hexylthiophene) wires with controllable molecular weights, low polydispersities, high regioregularities as well as with well-defined starting and end groups. In such a way, the synthetic efforts were compromised to obtain relatively easy a series of very complex molecular wires with a reasonable structural precision. To modulate the electronic function of oligomer backbones, specific charge-transfer moieties (DMA-TCBD and Fc-TCBD) were inserted as side chains or end groups. In-situ termination of KCTP with ZnCl-functionalized electron rich alkynes followed by Diederich-type click reaction resulted in the synthesis of asymmetrical oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s having thiolate-functionalized starting groups and donor-functionalized end-groups with a high degree of end-group functionalizations. Side chains of double-thiolate functionalized oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s, on the other hand, were further modified with the insertion of charge-transfer groups by post-polymerization functionalization. While the facile synthesis and modification of oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s enable the control over the molecular backbone, the specific starting and end anchoring groups allow the control over the electrode oligomer interface. To assure the formation of alligator clips between oligomer backbone and Au electrode, the optimizations including proper end-group conversion into mild counterparts followed by in-situ deprotection into thiolates and the binding abilities on gold were investigated. Finally, the conductance of bis-end functionalized oligo(3-hexylthiophene)s was preliminarily studied through oligomer backbone by Mechanically Controllable Break Junctions (MCBJs) setup and through oligomer-attached DNA origami-templated gold nanowires by individual electrical contacts. The developed KCTP-based synthetic route, at the end, presents new opportunities for the facile synthesis, the ease of modification and the feasibility of asymmetrical and side chain functionalized oligo(3-hexylthiophene) wires for needs of molecular electronics.

TNIP1 regulates myddosome dynamics during IL-1β signaling

Gerpott, Fenja Helga Ursel 03 May 2023 (has links)
Die Interleukin 1β (IL-1β) vermittelte Signaltransduktion ist für die akute Entzündung von entscheidender Bedeutung, muss aber gleichzeitig streng reguliert werden. Wie setzt das intrazelluläre IL-1β-Signalnetzwerk den extrazellulären Nachweis von IL-1β effizient in eine präzise und angemessene zelluläre Reaktion um? Welche Kontrollmechanismen kommen zum Einsatz, um eine angemessene Antwort zu gewährleisten und eine Hypo- oder Hyperantwort zu verhindern? Diese Arbeit charakterisiert die IL-1β-vermittelte Signalwegdynamik in EL4-Zellen mithilfe der Immunpräzipitations-Massenspektrometrie (IP-MS), konkret von MyD88, IRAK4 und IRAK1. Statistischer Analysen identifizierten das Interaktom dieser Proteine nach 15-, 30- und 60-minütiger IL-1β-Stimulation, sowie Proteine, die potenziell an der Runterregulierung des IL-1β-Signalwegs beteiligt sind. Um zu verstehen, wie das IL-1β-Signalwegnetzwerk die Translationsmaschinerie in EL4 Zellen beeinflusst, um eine angemessene Reaktion zu gewährleisten, untersuchte ich den IL-1β-abhängigen Proteinumsatz mittels gepulste stabile Isotopenmarkierung durch Aminosäuren in der Zellkultur (pSILAC) in Kombination mit Azidohomoalanin (AHA)- Klickchemie und MS nach IL-1β-Stimulation. Das Ergebnis aller Proteomik-Untersuchungen war die Identifizierung des TNFα-induzierten Proteins 3 (Tnfaip3) interagierendes Protein 1 (TNIP1) als potenziellen Kandidaten für die Herunterregulierung des IL-1β-Signalwegs. Nach IL-1β-Stimulation kolokalisiert TNIP1 mit allen Myddosomen-Proteinen sowie mit der Deubiquitinase Tnfaip3. Mittels CRISPR/Cas9 erzeugte ich eine TNIP1-KO-EL4 Zelllinie. Nach IL-1β Stimulation zeigten TNIP1-KO-Zellen vermehrt phosphoryliertes p65, aber verringertes phosphoryliertes JNK sowie eine langfristig verringerte IL-2-Sekretion. Daher ist TNIP1 nicht nur an der Herunterregulierung des NF-κB-Signalwegs beteiligt, sondern aktiviert auch den MAPK-Signalweg. / Interleukin 1β (IL-1β)-mediated signal transduction is crucial for acute inflammation, but at the same time needs tight regulation. The IL-1β-mediated signal transduction is encoded by the spatial and temporal dynamics of downstream signaling networks. How does the intracellular IL-1β signaling network efficiently convert the extracellular detection of IL-1β into a precise and proportionate cellular response? What control mechanisms apply in order to ensure a proportionate response and pre- vent a hypo- or hyper response? This study characterizes the IL-1β mediated signaling dynamics using immunoprecipitation purification mass spectrometry (IP-MS). specifically, of MyD88, IRAK4, and IRAK1. Statistical analyses identified the interactome of these proteins after 15-, 30-, and 60-minute of IL-1β stimulation, as well as proteins potentially involved in IL-1β signaling downregulation using pathway annotation analysis. Further, in order to understand how the IL-1β signaling network affects the translational machinery in EL4 cells to ensure a proportionate response, , I investigated IL-1β-dependent protein turnover in EL4 cells. Specifically, I applied pulsed stable isotope labeling by amino acids in the culture (pSILAC) combined with azidohomoalanine (AHA)-click chemistry and MS after 30-, 60-, 120- and 240-min of IL-1β stimulation. The result of these proteomics approaches was the identification of TNFα induced protein 3 (Tnfaip3) interacting protein 1 (TNIP1) as a potential candidate in IL-1β signal downregulation. TNIP1 co-localizes with all myddosome proteins and the deubiquitinase Tnfaip3 after IL-1β stimulation. I generated a TNIP1 KO EL4 cell line using CRISPR/Cas9. After IL-1β stimulation, TNIP1 KO cells show increased levels of phosphorylated p65, but decreased levels of phosphorylated JNK as well as decreased levels of long-term IL-2 secretion. Therefore, TNIP1 is not only involved in downregulatory NF-κB signaling but activates MAPK pathway.

Neuartige Triazol-basierte aromatische Rückgrate für die Makromolekulare und Supramolekulare Chemie

Meudtner, Robert M. 05 January 2010 (has links)
Ein Ansatz der Darstellung von neuartigen funktionalen Materialien basiert auf der Synthese von Foldameren mit charakteristischen Eigenschaften, die eine Kontrolle über Formgebung und Gestaltung der Makromoleküle und derer Aggregate zulassen. Bislang sind gerade größere Foldamerstrukturen definierter Größe und Form meist schwer darstellbar und eine strukturelle Modifizierbarkeit nicht ohne weiteres möglich. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die hohe Effizienz der seit 2002 bekannten Kupfer(I)-katalysierten 1,3-dipolaren Azid-Alkin-Cycloaddition, kurz “Klick“-Reaktion genannt, verwendet werden kann, um neuartige heteroaromatische Gerüste für die Konstruktion von diversen (makromolekularen) Strukturen zu generieren. Hierbei wird der bei der Reaktion entstehende Triazol-Ring gezielt als funktionale und strukturgebende Einheit genutzt. Zunächst wurden auf einfache und hochmodulare Weise 2,6-Bis(1-aryl-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)pyridine (BTPs) dargestellt, die in einer hufeisenförmigen, planaren Konformation vorliegen und sich daher als helikogene Einheiten für die Konstruktion von helikalen aromatischen Foldameren eignen. Zudem stellen die BTP-Strukturen eine neue Klasse von pyridinzentrierten, tridentaten Liganden dar. Sie koordinieren an eine Vielzahl von Übergangsmetallionen unter Ausbildung von Metallkomplexen, die über interessante magnetische und lumineszierende Eigenschaften verfügen. Durch die Koordination, aber auch bei Protonierung, lassen sich die BTP-Gerüste von der gebeugten anti-anti-Konformation in eine gestreckte syn-syn-Konformation schalten. Dies wurde in Lösung, im kristallinen Festkörper und an der Flüssig-Fest-Grenzfläche zu Graphit untersucht. Über Selbstorganisation großflächig ausgebildete hochgeordnete BTP-Monoschichten an der Graphitoberfläche lassen sich mit Hilfe der Rastertunnel-Mikroskopie visualisieren und durch oben genannte externe Stimuli umstrukturieren. Eine neue Klasse von (BTP-basierten) responsiven heteroaromatischen oligomeren und polymeren Foldameren wurde mit Hilfe der „Klick“-Reaktion generiert. Die Oligomeren, sogenannte ”Klickamere“, mit einer Länge von 17 aromatischen Ringen zeigen in polaren Lösungsmitteln ein ausgeprägtes helikales Faltungsverhalten. Ein aus 17 aromatischen Ringen bestehender Foldamerstrang ist gegenüber Chloridionen responsiv, wobei es durch die Wechselwirkung mit diesem achiralen Stimulus bemerkenswerter Weise zu einer Helixinversion kommt. Die entsprechenden responsiven Polymere falten in eine stabile helikale Konformation, die bei Zugabe von Metallionen aufbricht und zu der Bildung von koordinativ kreuzverlinkten, stark viskosen Gelen führt. / One approach to develop novel functional materials is based on the synthesis of macromolecules with characteristic properties, in particular foldamers. However, preparation and structural variation of macromolecules of controllable size and specific shape are often cumbersome and versatile synthetic routes are still needed. In this dissertation, the high efficiency of the so called “click”-reaction, i.e. the Cu(I)-catalyzed Huisgen-type 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition, has been used to design a novel class of heteroaromatic (macromolecular) scaffolds. In these structures the formed triazole moieties constitute an essential integral part rather than a mere connecting unit. In a first step, structurally varying 2,6-Bis(1-aryl-1,2,3-triazolyl-4-yl)pyridines (BTPs) have been generated in an easy and modular way. The BTP scaffold adopts a kinked conformation and therefore functions as helicogenic building block for the construction of helical foldamers. Additionally, the BTP framework is responsive towards protonation and transition metal ion complexation, thereby undergoing a significant structural change from the kinked anti-anti into the extended syn-syn conformation. The conformational switching has been investigated in solution and in the solid state but can also be visualized at the liquid-solid interface on graphite by STM imaging. The BTPs represent a novel class of pyridine-centered, tridentate ligands, which form complexes with interesting magnetic and luminescent properties by the coordination to numerous transition metal ions. Varying heteroaromatic oligomeric and polymeric foldamers with remarkable properties have been generated using the “click”-reaction as synthesis tool. The BTP building blocks, which have (partly) been integrated into the backbones, support the stability of the helical conformation and provide responsiveness towards external stimuli. Three oligomer series of different length have been synthesized and analyzed. Oligomers consisting of 17 aromatic rings, termed clickamers, fold into a helical conformation in polar solvents. One of the three clickamers shows an unexpected phenomenon of helix inversion upon interaction with chloride ions as an achiral stimulus. The corresponding polymeric strands fold into an even more stable helical conformation, which breaks up upon exposure to transition metal ions leading to coordinatively crosslinked, highly viscous gels.

New peptid-mimicking scaffolds

Hartwig, Sebastian 19 June 2009 (has links)
Inspiriert von den natürlich vorkommenden Antibiotika der Gramicidin Familie und ihrer d-(alt)-l Aminosäuresequenz, die es diesen Oligopeptiden ermöglicht, eine beta–helikale Sekundärstruktur einzunehmen, war das Hauptziel dieser Arbeit die Synthese und Charakterisierung von Peptiden und diversen Pseudopeptiden mit regulärer all-l und d-(alt)-l Sequenz und die Untersuchung des Einflusses dieser stereochemischen Variation auf die Strukturen und Eigenschaften dieser Verbindungen. Zusätzlich ergab der Austausch von Amid-Bindungen im Peptid-Rückgrat durch verschiedene Isostere diverse, teils einzigartige Pseudopeptid-Strukturen, wohingegen Verzweigung des linearen Peptid-Rückgrates zu sphärischen Molekülen führte. Alle Projekte zielten auf die Entwicklung und Synthese diskreter Oligomere für Strukturuntersuchungen, sowie auf die Einbindung der jeweiligen Strukturelemente in Polymere. Die Polymerization geeigneter Monomere zu Polymeren soll zu makro- und supramolekularen Nano-Objekten führen. Die divergent/konvergente Synthese einer Serie von Oligo-d-(alt)-l-lysinen zielte auf die Generierung hydrophiler, pH-sensitiver nanotubularer Strukturen. Schrittweiser Austausch von Amid-Bindungen des Peptid-Rückgrates durch Ester-(alt)-Urea-Einheiten führte zu all-l und d-(alt)-l Oligopseudoleucinen mit 50% und 0% Amid-Bindungs-Anteil. Design, Synthese und Polymerisation von AB-“Click”-Monomeren, basierend auf all-l and l-(alt)-d lysin Dipeptiden, ergaben hochmolekulare, Triazol-enthaltende Polypseudopeptide, deren Seitenketten mit Pyrenbuttersäure quantitativ postfunktionalisiert werden konnten. Die Einführung von Verzweigung in Glutamat-Peptide ergab chirale Dendrimere mit adressierbaren fokalen und periphären Funktionalitäten, sowie variabler Ladungsdichte. Design, Synthese und Polymerisation eines Glutamat basierenden AB2-“Click”-Monomers lieferte verwandte chirale hyperverzweigte Polypseudopeptide. / Inspired by the naturally occurring antibiotics of the Gramicidin family and their d-(alt)-l amino acid sequence, enabling these oligopeptides to adopt a beta–helical secondary structure, the work presented in this thesis targeted the syn-thesis and characterization of peptides and diverse pseudopeptides with regular all-l and d-(alt)-l sequences and the influence of this stereochemical variation on the compounds’ structures and properties. Further diversification of the struc-tures as obtained by replacing amide bonds in the peptide backbone with differ-ent isosteres, affording unique pseudopeptide structures. In addition spherical molecules were generated by introducing branching into the linear peptide scaf-fold. Throughout all projects, the aim was the design and synthesis of discrete oligomers for structural investigations and the incorporation of the respective structural elements into polymers via the polymerization of suitable monomers, in order to generate nanoscale macromolecular and supramolecular objects. The divergent/convergent synthesis of a series of oligo-d-(alt)-l-lysines targeted the generation of hydrophilic, pH-sensitive nanotubular structures. The stepwise replacement of peptide backbone amide bonds with ester-(alt)-urea moieties afforded all-l and d-(alt)-l oligopseudoleucines with 50% and 0% amide content. The design, synthesis, and polymerization of an AB-“Click”-monomer, based on all-l and l-(alt)-d lysine dipeptides afforded high molecular weight, triazole con-taining polypseudopeptides. Quantitative coupling to pyrene butyric acid afforded the respective side chain labeled polymers. The introduction of branching into glutamate peptides afforded fully chiral den-drimers with addressable focal and peripheral functionalities and variable charge density. The design, synthesis, and polymerization of a glutamate based AB2-“Click”-monomer led to related chiral hyperbranched polypseudopeptides.

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