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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3Cu / 3Cu

Berg, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
En studie av kopparvävens egenskaper i kombination med ljus.A study of the copper weave characteristics, in combination with light. / Program: Textildesignutbildningen

Förorenad mark Förekomst och spridning av koppar och zink i Gräsdalenanläggningens närområde, Gusum, Östergötland. / Polluted soil Occurence and spread of copper and zinc in the surroundings of the Gräsdalen establishment, Gusum, Östergötland

Ahl, Helga, Nilsson, Leif January 2004 (has links)
<p>Förorenade områden kan utgöra en stor risk för den omgivande miljön. Föroreningar som tungmetaller kan påverka det mikrobiologiska livet samt genom urlakning föras ut i grundvatten och vidare förorena omgivande miljö och dricksvatten. Tungmetaller tas även upp i organismer och sprids vidare i näringskedjor och kan också nå människan genom föda som växer eller odlas på förorenad mark. Föroreningar i mark härstammar oftast från gammal industriell produktion, så även i och omkring samhället Gusum i Östergötland. Här har verksamhet med smältverk bedrivits sedan 60-talet och ända fram till början av 80-talet var rökgaserna från verket orenade från metaller och har kraftigt förorenat och skadat närområdet kring bruket. </p><p>Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur allvarligt förorenat området kring bruket är av metallerna koppar och zink, samt om metallerna riskerar att spridas ned i markprofilen och om denna risk förefaller öka ju högre halter marken har utsatts för. Information om området har samlats in och provtagningar i marken har genomförts på två olika avstånd från bruket. Provtagningarna omfattade totalt 8 st provgropar, 4 st på vardera provtagningsplats. Proverna har tagits från 4 olika djup i varje enskild grop. </p><p>Resultaten av studien visar att tillståndet i marken är allvarligt till mycket allvarligt enligt Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för förorenad mark. Vidare visar mätningarna att det mesta av metallföroreningarna är bundet i markens organiska lager. Metallkoncentrationen i markens övre skikt verkar ha liten betydelse i detta fall för spridningen nedåt i markprofilen och spridningen sker mycket långsamt.</p>

Riskbedömning vid Saltvikens kopparverk

Hellqvist, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
<h1>Abstract</h1><p>At Saltvikens copperindustry, which is located in the municipality of Oskarshamn, copper was refined from sulphiteore some hundred years ago. The ore underwent several steps in the process before the final product was received. These steps all had an influence on the environment through discharge of heavy metals. The area where the copper industry was located is today considered to be of specific national interest due to its valuable nature and cultural values, as well as its value for recreational outdoor activities. Therefore, it is important to determine the present level of contamination and if any transport of contaminants have occurred, and to identify the risks that are associated with the site both at present and in a longer time perspective.</p><p>Thirtynine soil samples and 16 sediment samples have been analyzed. All samples have undergone two different leaching procedures before the analyis; one with nitric acid for determination of total concentration and one with acidic acid to analyze the plant available part. The analysis was perfomed through Atomicabsorptionsspectrofotometry. In addition, pH and loss on ignition have been measured on all samples. The chemical values were then compared to reference values in order to establish the level of contamination. Within the risk assessment framework where then also a exposure modelling conducted. This was made both for an average exposure situation, and for a reasonable maximum exposure. For both these scenarios, one calculation was made based on the soil use of today and one was made based on an assumed future usage of the area for establishment of residential buildings.</p><p>The results show that both the land area and sediment have been affected by the copper industry. From 48 sediment samples, 46 generated concentrations above the assumed effect level levels given by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The results also indicated that a significant contaminant transport has occurred, and is still occurring. This is supported by high metal concentrations in deep soil layers and by high concentrations in the sediment. The condition is considered to be very much serious in the case of copper and zinc and serious to less serious for lead, depending on the ground use. Some of the metals are very easy to leach and can thus contaminate adjacent areas for a long time.</p><p>Already at the present ground use, there is a risk for children to become exposed to  zinc and lead in doses that can generate negative health effects. At the potential future ground use the TDI for both copper, zinc and lead will be exceeded if a child is exposed. For adults, however, the TDI value for zinc and lead is exceeded only in the scenario with the potential future ground use.</p>

Kopparprisförändringars inverkan på lönsamhet i ett kabelföretag - modellering av risk

Rasmusson, Kristina, Rasmusson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Kopparprisförändringars inverkan på lönsamhet i ett kabelföretag - modellering av risk

Rasmusson, Kristina, Rasmusson, Maria January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Avsättningsalternativ för avloppsslam från Gästrike Vatten : Möjligheter att återföra fosforföreningar i avloppsslam till produktiv mark / Alternative management options for sewage sludge from Gästrike Vatten : Possible options for reutilization of phosphorus compounds in sewage sludge as fertiliser in agriculture and forestry

Andersson, Louise January 2012 (has links)
Gästrike Vatten är ett kommunalägt driftbolag bildat 2008. Bolaget har avloppsreningsverk i Gävle, Hofors, Ockelbo och Älvkarleby kommuner som tillsammans renar avloppsvatten från cirka 120 000 personer. Totalt producerar Gästrike Vatten cirka 11 000 ton slam per år som renderar en total kostnad om 5 000 000 kr. Med anledning av riksdagens uppsatta miljömål om återföring av 60 % av fosforn till produktiv mark vill Gästrike Vatten undersöka hur deras avsättningsmöjligheter ser ut. I dag går slam från samtliga Gästrike Vattens reningsverk till kompostering till anläggningsjord eller som täckmaterial på deponier. Slammet från fem av sex avloppsreningsverk har metallhalter under, i SFS 1998:944 ansatta, gränsvärden för att få spridas på produktiv mark. Det reningsverk som innehåller för höga metallhalter är Duvbackens reningsverk som tar emot spillvatten från Gävle kommun med omnejd och bidrar med mer än 60 % av den totala slammängden från Gästrike Vatten. Av den anledningen kommer Gästrike Vatten ha svårt att nå riksdagens ansatta miljömål avseende återföring av fosfor till produktiv mark. Syftet med denna studie var att utreda vilka avsättningsalternativ som är hållbara miljömässigt och ekonomiskt. Studien beskriver Gästrike Vattens avloppsreningsverk och avsättningsalternativ för slammet. En massbalansstudie har upprättats för utvalda metaller i spillvatten från olika upptagningsområden och producerat slam. Studien visade att det enda avsättningsalternativ som i dag gör det möjligt att nå riksdagens miljömål avseende återföring av fosfor till produktiv mark, till en rimlig kostnad, är en kvalitetssäkring av slammet enligt REVAQ med påföljande återföring till åkermark. Sålunda fokuserades studien på att utreda möjligheterna att REVAQ-certifiera Duvbackens reningsverk. En ökning av Cd, Cu och Zn i slammet på Duvbackens reningsverk de senaste åren tyder på ökade utsläpp till spillvattennätet, vilket är ett troligt resultat av bristande underhåll av oljeavskiljare då Gävle kommuns monopol på hämtning av farligt avfall togs bort 2007. Genom en kartläggning av spillvattennätet och de påkopplade verksamheterna samt en provtagning i större noder på spillvattennätet konstaterades att de största relativa metallmängderna kommer från industriområden i Gävle. Verksamheter som använder Cd, Cu och Zn är fordonstvättar, verkstadsindustrier och ytbehandlingar. Samtliga industriområden där dessa verksamheter finns är därför viktiga att studera närmre. / Gästrike Vatten is owned by the municipalities of Gävle, Hofors, Ockelbo and Älvkarleby and established in 2008. The company is responsible for handling and treating wastewater in the municipalities. Gästrike Vatten elutes wastewater from approximately 120,000 persons and all in all they handle 11,000 tonnes sewage sludge per year to a total cost of 5,000,000 SEK. Because of the Swedish Parliament’s environmental objectives reutilization of 60 % of the phosphorus from sewage sludge to agricultural soils, Gästrike Vatten now want to investigate possible options for reutilization of their sewage sludge. Gästrike Vatten has six wastewater treatment plants. Except for Duvbacken sewage treatment plant all of them produce sewage sludge with metal concentrations below the maximum permissible value for spreading sewage sludge on agricultural soils. The sewage sludge from Duvbacken comprises of more than 60 % of the total amount managed at Gästrike Vatten. As a result of this, Gästrike Vatten has difficulties reaching the Swedish Parliament’s environmental objectives for reutilization of phosphorous. Today, all sewage sludge from Gästrike Vatten is composted for later use as covering material for landfills. The objective of the present study was to investigate the possible options for environmental and economic sustainable reutilization of sewage sludge. This thesis describes Gästrike Vatten’s treatment plants and possible options for reutilization of sewage sludge. A mass balance study was conducted for Duvbacken as well as a detailed study on cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) content in the sludge. The study showed that the only option for Gästrike Vatten to meet the Swedish Parliament’s environmental objectives on reutilization phosphorous is certifying the sewage sludge according to REVAQ with subsequent reutilization to agricultural soils. Consequently, this study focuses on the possibility to implement REVAQ. An increase in concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn in the sewage sludge from Duvbacken during the last years indicates an increase of emissions to the sewerage. The reason may be the abolition of the municipal monopoly on emptying the oil separators. Mapping the sewerage catchment areas and associated industries as well as sampling the effluent, it was found that the major metal contribution to the sewage sludge comes from industrial activities. Industries that can be expected to contribute to excessive release of Cd, Cu and Zn to the sewerage are engineering industries and surface treatment industries. Thus, all the industrial areas containing these industries are of interest in further studies.

Riskbedömning vid Saltvikens kopparverk

Hellqvist, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
Abstract At Saltvikens copperindustry, which is located in the municipality of Oskarshamn, copper was refined from sulphiteore some hundred years ago. The ore underwent several steps in the process before the final product was received. These steps all had an influence on the environment through discharge of heavy metals. The area where the copper industry was located is today considered to be of specific national interest due to its valuable nature and cultural values, as well as its value for recreational outdoor activities. Therefore, it is important to determine the present level of contamination and if any transport of contaminants have occurred, and to identify the risks that are associated with the site both at present and in a longer time perspective. Thirtynine soil samples and 16 sediment samples have been analyzed. All samples have undergone two different leaching procedures before the analyis; one with nitric acid for determination of total concentration and one with acidic acid to analyze the plant available part. The analysis was perfomed through Atomicabsorptionsspectrofotometry. In addition, pH and loss on ignition have been measured on all samples. The chemical values were then compared to reference values in order to establish the level of contamination. Within the risk assessment framework where then also a exposure modelling conducted. This was made both for an average exposure situation, and for a reasonable maximum exposure. For both these scenarios, one calculation was made based on the soil use of today and one was made based on an assumed future usage of the area for establishment of residential buildings. The results show that both the land area and sediment have been affected by the copper industry. From 48 sediment samples, 46 generated concentrations above the assumed effect level levels given by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. The results also indicated that a significant contaminant transport has occurred, and is still occurring. This is supported by high metal concentrations in deep soil layers and by high concentrations in the sediment. The condition is considered to be very much serious in the case of copper and zinc and serious to less serious for lead, depending on the ground use. Some of the metals are very easy to leach and can thus contaminate adjacent areas for a long time. Already at the present ground use, there is a risk for children to become exposed to  zinc and lead in doses that can generate negative health effects. At the potential future ground use the TDI for both copper, zinc and lead will be exceeded if a child is exposed. For adults, however, the TDI value for zinc and lead is exceeded only in the scenario with the potential future ground use.

Miljöpåverkan av Cu från mjölkkors klövbad

Rüdow, Lina January 2015 (has links)
Klövsjukdomen digital dermatit hos kor ger upphov till smärta hos djuren samt störningar i produktionen. För att förebygga och behandla klövsjukdomen används olika preparat, däribland CuSO4-lösning. Syftet med studien är att undersöka om och i så fall i vilken omfattning spridande av kopparförorenad gödsel påverkar Cu-halten i jordbruksmark. Studien genomfördes med provtagning av två oberoende jordbruksmarker där ett av områdena gödslas med kopparförorenad gödsel. Resultaten visar att jordbruksmark där förbrukad CuSO4 spridits med stallgödseln ger upphov till en signifikant ökad Cu-halt i markens översta lager, 0-25 cm. / The hoof disease digital dermatitis rise pain with the cows as well as production disruption. To prevent and treat the hoof disease different substances are used, including CuSO4 solutions. The purpose of this study is to examine if, and in that case in which incidence, the spread of copper contaminated manure affects the copper content in agricultural land. The study was performed sampling two independent agricultural areas. One of the areas was fertilized with copper contaminated manure. The results show that agricultural land where CuSO4 has been spread with the manure has a significant higher content of Cu in the upper level of the soil, 0-25 cm.

Grundvattenmodellering och föroreningstransport från en rullstensås med artificiell grundvattenbildning

Hedenborg, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Groundwater is an important natural resource in Sweden due to almost 50 % of the produced drinking water origins from groundwater, 50 % of the groundwater is artificially made. Artificial recharge is necessary in some areas in Sweden to enable enough groundwater extraction for the drinking water supply. Artificial recharge will affect the groundwater levels in the system. The infiltration of water can also affect the spread of pollution in the area. The effect of pollution spreading is due to the change in available oxygen in the system. When infiltrating water, the soil can go from anaerobic- to aerobic conditions, which in turn can cause mobilization of pollutants. This master project was carried out in collaboration with the consultancy company WSP. In this thesis, an esker assessed as suitable for artificial recharge from a hydrogeological point of view, is investigated regarding the contamination spread. Stockholm vatten och avlopp (SVOA) is investigating the possibilities for producing drinking water by artificial recharge in the esker. The area has been identified as a potential hazardous area by the Swedish environmental protection agency and increased levels of zinc, lead and copper have been found in the soil. The aim with this project is to investigate how zinc, lead and copper could spread in the groundwater for the current situation. This project also aims to investigate how the artificial recharge would affect the groundwater levels in the system as well as the effect of the spread of zinc, lead and copper regarding the mass transport, transportation time and the contaminant plume. A hydrogeological model was created in MODFLOW where the effect of infiltration was simulated. Models for groundwater transport as well as mass transport was created in MODPATH respectively in MT3DMS. The hydrogeological model´s Normalized root mean square (nRMS) was 7,4 % and the maximal residual between observed and simulated groundwater levels was 0, 16 meters. Two different scenarios for artificial recharge were investigated, one called pilotförsöket and the other called fullskaleanläggningen. For the pilotförsöket was 100 L/s infiltrated and for fullskaleanläggningen was 280 L/s infiltrated, the amount of extracted groundwater was assumed to be equal as the amount of infiltrated surface water. The simulations were indicating that the groundwater levels could rise up to 7 meters locally around the infiltration area. The groundwater levels closer to the extraction wells could decrease by 4 meters in pilotförsöket and decrease by 10-15 meters in fullskaleanläggningen. The simulations of zinc, copper and lead in the infiltration area, are indicating an increase in maximal concentration as well as an increase for the plume of contaminants as a result of infiltration. The maximal concentrations in the simulations of pilotförsöket were found to be in the following ranges 4x10-5 to 2,8x10-8 mg/L for lead; 8 x10-4 to 2,5x10-6 mg/L for copper and 0,012 to 9x10-4 mg/L for zinc. Fullskaleanläggningen resulted in the highest concentrations of the simulated scenarios. The following ranges were observed in the simulations of fullskaleanläggningen 4,5x10-5 to 4x10-8 mg/L for lead; 0,014 till 2,5x10-6 mg/L for copper, and 0,035 till 3x10-3 mg/L for zinc. The plume of contaminants was observed to increase with an increasing amount of infiltrated water. During the simulation period of 10 years, the simulation implies that zinc, copper and lead mainly will be transported close to the infiltration area. The results for simulations in all scenarios indicate that the plume of contaminant will not reach the extraction wells. These results can be due to longer transportation times than 10 years, as well as that the increase volume of water in the system will dilute the levels of metals. This master project indicates that the artificial recharge in the area will affect the groundwater levels in the system. Due to the change in groundwater levels can also the spread of zinc, copper and lead increase in magnitude and in size. This master project also indicates that zinc, copper and lead would not reach the extraction wells in high levels within a 10 years period. The simulations indicate that the area could be appropriate to use for artificial recharge, when considering zinc, copper and lead. This assessment is only based on the simulations of the mass transport of zinc, copper and lead and with the assumption that the contaminated soil would be excavated if an infiltration area is built. Even though the simulations indicate that the area could be appropriate. Other pollutants that was found, but not simulated, at increased levels could have a different transportation time as well as mass transport from the infiltration area. Regarding the age of the landfill it is likely in the methanogenic phase and leaching of contaminants could already have happened decades ago. With these two aspects in mind, my recommendation is that more investigations are made regarding the spread of other pollutants as well as the level of zinc, lead and copper in the groundwater closer to the extraction wells.

Individuella koppar : Co-design, mänskliga behov och teknikbaserad produktdesign

Hultman, Annelie January 2018 (has links)
Projektet "Individuella Koppar" - som jag sammanfattar i denna rapport - är uppbyggd kring ett antal teman, dessa är: teknik, användarbehov, co-creation och gestaltning.   Mitt arbete grundar sig i hur majoriteten av massproducerade produkter i dagens samhälle inte tar hänsyn till de olikheter, begränsningar och möjligheter som våra kroppar har. Jag valde utifrån detta att arbeta med olika funktionsvariationer och fokusera på användarens händer och deras relation till koppen och handtaget. Handen är den mest anpassningsbara kroppsdelen vi människor har, men också drycken som grunden för vår överlevnad. Syftet var att koppens och handtagens former mer effektivt ska kunna ge stöd och utgå från användarens olika behov. Min metod är den additiva produktionsmetoden - 3D printning i porslinslera - där jag har utforskat möjligheten till att fler produkter anpassas med och utifrån individen.

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