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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Single- and entangled-photon emission from strain tunable quantum dots devices

Zhang, Jiaxiang 08 September 2015 (has links) (PDF)
On demand single-photon and entangled-photon sources are key building-blocks for many proposed photonic quantum technologies. For practical device applications, epitaxially grown quantum dots (QDs) are of increasing importance due to their bright photon emission with sharp line width. Particularly, they are solid-state systems and can be easily embedded within a light-emitting diode (LED) to achieve electrically driven sources. Therefore, one would expect a full-fledged optoelectronic quantum network that is running on macroscopically separated, QD-based single- and entangled-photon devices. An all-electrically operated wavelength-tunable on demand single-photon source (SPS) is demonstrated first. The device consists of a LED in the form of self-assembled InGaAs QDs containing nanomembrane integrated onto a piezoelectric crystal. Triggered single photons are generated via injection of ultra-short electrical pulses into the diode, while their energy can be precisely tuned over a broad range of about 4.8 meV by varying the voltage applied to the piezoelectric crystal. High speed operation of this single-photon emitting diode up to 0.8 GHz is demonstrated. In the second part of this thesis, a fast strain-tunable entangled-light-emitting diode (ELED) is demonstrated. It has been shown that the fine structure splitting of the exciton can be effectively overcome by employing a specific anisotropic strain field. By injecting ultra-fast electrical pulses to the diode, electrically triggered entangled-photon emission with high degree of entanglement is successfully realized. A statistical investigation reveals that more than 30% of the QDs in the strain-tunable quantum LED emit polarization-entangled photon-pairs with entanglement-fidelities up to f+ = 0.83(5). Driven at the highest operation speed ever reported so far (400 MHz), the strain-tunable quantum LED emerges as unique devices for high-data rate entangled-photon applications. In the end of this thesis, on demand and wavelength-tunable LH single-photon emission from strain engineered GaAs QDs is demonstrated. Fourier-transform spectroscopy is performed, from which the coherence time of the LH single-photon emission is studied. It is envisioned that this new type of LH exciton-based SPS can be applied to realize an all-semiconductor based quantum interface in the foreseeable distributed quantum networks.

Strain-tuning of single semiconductor quantum dots

Plumhof, Johannes David 06 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Polarization entangled photon pairs on demand are considered to be an important building block of quantum communication technology. It has been demonstrated that semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), which exhibit a certain spatial symmetry, can be used as a triggered, on-chip source of polarization entangled photon pairs. Due to limitations of the growth, the as-grown QDs usually do not exhibit the required symmetry, making the availability of post-growth tuning techniques essential. In this work first the QD-morphology of hundreds of QDs is correlated with the optical emission of neutral excitons confined in GaAs/AlGaAs QDs. It is presented how elastic anisotropic stress can be used to partially restore the symmetry of self-assembled GaAs/AlGaAs and InGaAs/GaAs QDs, making them as candidate sources of entangled photon pairs. As a consequence of the tuning of the QD-anisotropy we observe a rotation of the polarization of the emitted light. The joint modification of polarization orientation and QD anisotropy can be described by an anticrossing of the so-called bright excitonic states. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that anisotropic stress can be used to tune the purity of the hole states of the QDs by modifying the degree of heavy and light hole mixing. This ability might be interesting for applications using the hole spin as a so-called quantum bit.

Inkjet printing of photonic structures and thin-film transistors based on evaporation-driven material transportation and self-assembly / Inkjetdruck von photonischen Strukturen und Dünnschichttransistoren durch verdunstungsgetriebenen Materialtransport und Selbstassemblierung

Sowade, Enrico 21 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Inkjet printing has emerged from a digital graphic arts printing technology to become a versatile tool for the patterned deposition of functional materials. This thesis contributes to the research in the area of functional inkjet printing by focusing on two different topics: (i) inkjet printing of colloidal suspensions to study the principles of deposit formation and to develop deposits with photonic properties based on self-assembly, and (ii) the development of a reliable manufacturing process for all-inkjet-printed thin-film transistors, highlighting the importance of selection of materials and inks, print pattern generation, and the interplay between ink, substrate and printing conditions. (i) Colloidal suspensions containing nanospheres were applied as ink formulation in order to study the fundamental processes of layer formation and to develop structures with periodically arranged nanospheres allowing the modulation of electromagnetic waves. Evaporation-driven self-assembly was found to be the main driver for the formation of the final deposit morphology. Fine-tuning of inkjet process parameters allows the deposition of highly ordered structures of nanospheres to be arranged as monolayer, multilayer or even three-dimensional assemblies with a microscopic spherical shape. (ii) This thesis demonstrates the development of a manufacturing process for thin-film transistors based on inkjet printing. The knowledge obtained from the study with the colloidal nanospheres is used to generate homogeneous and continuous thin films that are stacked well-aligned to each other to form transistors. Industrial printheads were applied in the manufacturing process, allowing for the up-scaling of the manufacturing by printing of several thousands of devices, and thus the possibility to study the process yield as a function of printing parameters. The discrete droplet-by-droplet nature of the inkjet printing process imposes challenges on the control of printed patterns. Inkjet printing of electronic devices requires a detailed understanding about the process and all of the parameters that influence morphological or functional characteristics of the deposits, such as the selection of appropriate inks and materials, the orientation of the print pattern layout to the deposition process and the reliability of the inkjet process.

Vibrational properties of epitaxial silicene on Ag(111) / Die Schwingungseigenschaften von epitaktischen Silicen auf Ag(111)

Solonenko, Dmytro Ihorovych 18 December 2017 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation works out the vibrational properties of epitaxial silicene, which was discovered by Vogt et al. in 2012 by the epitaxial synthesis on the silver substrate. Its two-dimensional (2D) character is modified in comparison to the free-standing silicene due to its epitaxial nature, since the underlying substrate alters the physical properties of silicene as a result of the strong hybridization of the electronic levels of the substrate and adlayer. The growth of silicene layers is complicated by the sensitivity of the Si structures to the experimental conditions, mainly temperature, resulting in the formation of several seemingly different surface reconstructions. Another Si structure appears on the Ag surface at a supramonolayer coverage. The Raman spectroscopy was utilized to understand the relation between different Si structures and reveal their origin as well as to investigate the phonon-related physical properties of two-dimensional Si sheets. The central core of this work is the growth and characterization of these 2D silicene monolayers on the Ag (111) surface as well as the formation of silicene multilayer structures. The characterization of these materials was performed using in situ surface-sensitive measurement methods such as Raman spectroscopy and low-energy electron diffraction under ultra-high vacuum conditions due to high chemical reactivity of epitaxial silicene. Additional characterization was done ex situ by means of scanning force microscopy. The experimentally determined spectral signature of the prototypical epitaxial (3x3)/(4x4) silicene structure was confirmed by ab initio calculations, in collaboration with theory groups. The Raman signatures of the other 2D and 3D Si phases on Ag (111) were determined which allowed us to provide a clear picture of their formation depending on the preparation conditions. The monitoring of the silicene multi-layer growth yielded the vibrational signature of the top layer, reconstructed in a (√3x√3) fashion. It was compared to the inverse, (√3x√3)-Ag/Si(111), system showing the vast amount of similarities, which suggest that the (√3x√3) reconstruction belong to the silver layer. The chemical and physical properties of this surface structure additionally strengthen this equivalence. The possibility of functionalization of epitaxial silicene was demonstrated via exposure to the atomic hydrogen under UHV conditions. The adsorbed hydrogen covalently bonds to the silicene lattice modifying it and reducing its symmetry. As shown by Raman spectroscopy, such modification can be reversed by thermal desorption of hydrogen. The excitation-dependent Raman measurements also suggest the change of the electronic properties of epitaxial silicene upon hydrogenation suggesting that its originally semi-metallic character is modified into a semiconducting one. / Die experimentellen Forschungsarbeiten zum Thema Silicen basieren auf den 2012 von Vogt et al. durchgeführten Untersuchungen zu dessen Synthese auf Silbersubstraten. Diese Untersuchungen lieferten die Grundlage, auf der zweidimensionales (2D) epitaktisches Silicen sowie weitere 2D Materialien untersucht werden konnten. In den anfänglichen Arbeiten konnte dabei gezeigt werden, dass sich die Eigenschaften von epitaktischem Silicen gegenüber den theoretischen Vorhersagen von frei-stehendem Silicen unterscheiden. Darüber hinaus verkomplizieren sich die experimentellen Untersuchungen dieses 2D Materials, da auf dem Ag(111) Wachstumssubstrat sechs verschiedene 2D Si Polytypen existieren. Eine detaillierte Darstellung dieser Untersuchungen findet sich in dem einführenden Kapitel der vorliegen Promotionsschrift. Der zentrale Kern dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Wachstum und der Charakterisierung dieser 2D Silicen Monolagen auf Ag(111) Oberflächen sowie der Bildung von Silicen- Multilagen Strukturen. Die Charakterisierung dieser Materialien wurde in situ mit oberflächenempfindlichen Messmethoden wie der Raman Spektroskopie und der niederenergetischen Elektronenbeugung unter Ultrahochvakuum-Bedingungen durchgeführt. Eine zusätzliche Charakterisierung erfolgte ex situ mittels Raster-KraftMikroskopie. Die experimentell bestimmte spektrale Raman-Signatur der prototypischen epitaktischen (3x3)/(4x4) Silicene Struktur wurde durch ab initio Rechnungen, in Zusammenarbeit mit Theoriegruppen, bestätigt. Durch diesen Vergleich wir die zweidimensionale Natur der epitaktischen Silicen-Schichten vollständig bestätigt, wodurch andere mögliche Interpretationen ausgeschlossen werden können. Darüber hinaus wurden die Ramans-Signaturen der weiteren 2D und 3D Siliziumphasen auf Ag(111) bestimmt, wodurch sich ein klares Bild der Bildung dieser Strukturen in Abhängigkeit von den Präparationsbedingungen ergibt. Um die Möglichkeit der Funktionalisierung von Silicen und der weiteren 2D Si Strukturen zu testen, wurden diese unter UHV Bedingungen atomarem Wasserstoff ausgesetzt. Durch die Bindung zu den Wasserstoffamen wird die kristalline Struktur der Silicen-Schichten modifiziert und die Symmetrie reduziert, was sich deutlich in der spektralen Raman-Signatur zeigt. Wie mittels Raman Spektroskopie gezeigt werden konnte, kann diese Modifikation durch thermische Desorption des Wasserstoffs rückgängig gemacht werden, ist also reversibel. Raman Messungen mit verschiedenen Anregungswellenlängen deuten darüber hinaus auf die Änderung der elektronischen Eigenschaften der Silicen-Schichten durch die Hydrierung hin. Der ursprüngliche halbmetallische Charakter der epitaktischen Silicen-Schicht geht möglicherweise in einen halbleitenden Zustand über. Das Wachstum von Silicen Multilagen wurde ebenfalls mit in situ Ramanspektroskopie verfolgt. Die sich dabei ergebene Raman-Signatur wurde mit der Raman-Signatur von Ag terminiertem Si(111) verglichen. Hier zeigen sich große Ähnlichkeiten, die auf eine ähnliche atomare Struktur hindeuten und zeigen, dass Ag Atome für die Ausbildung der Oberflächenstruktur während des Wachstums der Si-Lagen verantwortlich sind. Die chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften dieser Struktur bestärken zusätzlich diese Äquivalenz.

Strain-tuning of single semiconductor quantum dots

Plumhof, Johannes David 03 February 2012 (has links)
Polarization entangled photon pairs on demand are considered to be an important building block of quantum communication technology. It has been demonstrated that semiconductor quantum dots (QDs), which exhibit a certain spatial symmetry, can be used as a triggered, on-chip source of polarization entangled photon pairs. Due to limitations of the growth, the as-grown QDs usually do not exhibit the required symmetry, making the availability of post-growth tuning techniques essential. In this work first the QD-morphology of hundreds of QDs is correlated with the optical emission of neutral excitons confined in GaAs/AlGaAs QDs. It is presented how elastic anisotropic stress can be used to partially restore the symmetry of self-assembled GaAs/AlGaAs and InGaAs/GaAs QDs, making them as candidate sources of entangled photon pairs. As a consequence of the tuning of the QD-anisotropy we observe a rotation of the polarization of the emitted light. The joint modification of polarization orientation and QD anisotropy can be described by an anticrossing of the so-called bright excitonic states. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that anisotropic stress can be used to tune the purity of the hole states of the QDs by modifying the degree of heavy and light hole mixing. This ability might be interesting for applications using the hole spin as a so-called quantum bit.

A family of 2D and 3D coordination polymers involving a trigonal tritopic linker

Hauptvogel, Ines Maria, Bon, Volodymyr, Grünker, Ronny, Baburin, Igor A., Senkovska, Irena, Müller, Uwe, Kaskel, Stefan January 2012 (has links)
Five new coordination polymers, namely, [Zn2(H2O)2(BBC)](NO3)(DEF)6 (DUT-40), [Zn3(H2O)3(BBC)2] (DUT-41), [(C2H5)2NH2][Zn2(BBC)(TDC)](DEF)6(H2O)7 (DUT-42), [Zn10(BBC)5(BPDC)2(H2O)10](NO3)(DEF)28(H2O)8 (DUT-43), and [Co2(BBC)(NO3)(DEF)2(H2O)](DEF)6(H2O) (DUT-44), where BBC – 4,4′,4′′-(benzene-1,3,5-triyl-tris(benzene-4,1-diyl))tribenzoate, TDC – 2,5-thiophenedicarboxylate, BPDC – 4,4′-biphenyldicarboxylate, DEF – N,N-diethylformamide, were obtained under solvothermal conditions and structurally characterized. It has been shown that compounds DUT-40, DUT-41 and DUT-44 exhibit 2D layered structures with large hexagonal channels. Utilization of additional angular dicarboxylic TDC linker led to the formation of the DUT-42 compound with the structure consisting of three interpenetrated 3D networks. Using the linear co-linker dicarboxylic BPDC, DUT-43 was obtained which forms a complicated 3D architecture arising from the polycatenation of triple-layered 2D building units and 2D single layer units. The pore accessibility of the synthesized compounds in the liquid phase was proved by the adsorption of dye molecules. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Inkjet printing of photonic structures and thin-film transistors based on evaporation-driven material transportation and self-assembly

Sowade, Enrico 09 June 2017 (has links)
Inkjet printing has emerged from a digital graphic arts printing technology to become a versatile tool for the patterned deposition of functional materials. This thesis contributes to the research in the area of functional inkjet printing by focusing on two different topics: (i) inkjet printing of colloidal suspensions to study the principles of deposit formation and to develop deposits with photonic properties based on self-assembly, and (ii) the development of a reliable manufacturing process for all-inkjet-printed thin-film transistors, highlighting the importance of selection of materials and inks, print pattern generation, and the interplay between ink, substrate and printing conditions. (i) Colloidal suspensions containing nanospheres were applied as ink formulation in order to study the fundamental processes of layer formation and to develop structures with periodically arranged nanospheres allowing the modulation of electromagnetic waves. Evaporation-driven self-assembly was found to be the main driver for the formation of the final deposit morphology. Fine-tuning of inkjet process parameters allows the deposition of highly ordered structures of nanospheres to be arranged as monolayer, multilayer or even three-dimensional assemblies with a microscopic spherical shape. (ii) This thesis demonstrates the development of a manufacturing process for thin-film transistors based on inkjet printing. The knowledge obtained from the study with the colloidal nanospheres is used to generate homogeneous and continuous thin films that are stacked well-aligned to each other to form transistors. Industrial printheads were applied in the manufacturing process, allowing for the up-scaling of the manufacturing by printing of several thousands of devices, and thus the possibility to study the process yield as a function of printing parameters. The discrete droplet-by-droplet nature of the inkjet printing process imposes challenges on the control of printed patterns. Inkjet printing of electronic devices requires a detailed understanding about the process and all of the parameters that influence morphological or functional characteristics of the deposits, such as the selection of appropriate inks and materials, the orientation of the print pattern layout to the deposition process and the reliability of the inkjet process.:Bibliography II Abstract III Preface and acknowledgements IV On the major results and novelty of the thesis VII Table of contents VIII List of abbreviations and symbols X List of figures XII List of tables XX 1 Introduction 1 2 Fundamentals 6 2.1 Inkjet printing – an overview 6 2.2 Piezoelectric inkjet technology and a historical overview of inkjet printing 10 2.3 Pattern and film formation in inkjet printing under the scheme of self-assembly 20 2.4 Inkjet printing of colloidal nanospheres 27 2.5 Spherical colloidal assemblies 29 2.6 All-inkjet-printed thin film transistors 31 3 Experimental section 35 3.1 Inkjet printing systems and accessories 35 3.2 Inks and substrates 38 3.3 Print patterns 43 3.4 Post-processing 46 3.5 Optical, morphological and functional characterization 47 4 Inkjet printing of colloidal nanospheres: Evaporation-driven self-assembly based on ink-substrate interaction 49 4.1 Single droplet deposit morphology: Interaction of substrate and ink 49 4.2 Optical properties of inkjet-printed single droplet monolayers and multilayers 54 5 Inkjet printing of colloidal nanospheres: Evaporation-driven self-assembly of SCAs independent on substrate properties 58 5.1 Inkjet printing of spherical colloidal assemblies and their identification 58 5.2 Fine-tuning of the waveform applied to the printhead 60 5.3 Interaction of substrate and ink 66 5.4 Structures, morphologies and materials of SCAs 68 5.5 Optical properties of SCAs 76 6 Inkjet printing of TFTs: Process development and process reliability 80 6.1 Influence of print layout design 80 6.2 Selection of materials and inks 91 6.3 Manufacturing workflow and electrical TFT parameters 108 6.4 Manufacturing yields and failure origins 113 7 Summary and conclusion 124 References 127 Documentation of authorship and contribution of third persons 149 List of publications 151 APPENDIX A Formation of colloidal hemispheres on hydrophobic PTFE substrates 161 APPENDIX B Inkjet-printed higher-order cluster with N < 100 using BL280 162 APPENDIX C Inkjet-printed SCAs based on BS305 with similar sizes and inkjet-printed SCA based on PSC221 163 APPENDIX D Microreflectance spectra of SCAs and the processing of the spectra using the Savitzky-Golay filter with a second-order polynomial and a moving window of 100 data points 164 APPENDIX E Waveform, drop ejection and photographs of the printed patterns of Sun Chemical EMD5603 and UTDots UTDAgIJ1 165 APPENDIX F Smoothening of profiles obtained by profilometry of EMD5603 and UTDAgIJ1 and dependency of print resolution of layer height 166 APPENDIX G Percentage of area increase based on a 4 mm x 4 mm digital print pattern using the ink Harima NPS-JL and influence of print resolution and post-treatment temperature on sheets resistance 168 APPENDIX H Cross-sectional view of a TFT stack printed with the dielectric Sun Chemical EMD6415 that shows high layer thickness due to ink contraction after the deposition as presented in Figure 46 169 APPENDIX I Influence of printing parameters on the dielectric layer applied in the TFT 170 APPENDIX J Reduction of channel length by decreasing the S-D electrode channel length in the print pattern layout 171

Beitrag zur Analyse von Disklinationsstrukturen in plastisch verformten Metallen

Motylenko, Mykhaylo 09 April 2010 (has links)
Gegenstand der Arbeit ist die Analyse der bei hohen Verformungsgraden in Werkstoffen durch kollektive Bewegung der Versetzungen entstandenen neuen Defektkonfigurationen, die auf der mesoskopischen Skala agieren. Diese so genannte Disklinationen rufen neben starken Gitterdehnungen auch erhebliche lokale Gitterrotationen hervor. Es wurde der Nachweis der Existenz der Disklinationen in plastisch verformten Kristallen geliefert sowie die qualitative und quantitative Analyse der Disklinationskonfigurationen und der Disklinationsstärke durchgeführt. Die Untersuchungen an stark verformten Ein- und Vielkristallen wurden mittels sowohl lokalen Methoden der Transmissions- (TEM, CBED) und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (REM, EBSD) als auch der integralen Methoden der Röntgenstrukturanalyse (XRD) durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass die Entwicklung der Zellblockstruktur mit erheblichem Anstieg der Desorientierungen und Versetzungsdichten in Versetzungswänden verbunden ist und durch die Bildung der Netzwerke von Disklinationen gefördert wird.

Ionene and ionene alkyl sulfate stoichiometric complexes: Temperature and humidity sensitive materials

Yu, Quanwei 28 October 2004 (has links)
Stoichiometric polyelectrolyte-surfactant complexes represent a type of comb-shaped polymers, in which every polymer chain unit has an electrostatically bound &amp;quot;side chain&amp;quot;. These complexes are water-insoluble. In the solid state they assemble spontaneously into mesogenic structures. The [X,Y]-ionenes ([(CH2)XN+(CH3)2(CH2)YN+(CH3)2]nBr-2n) investigated formed stoichiometric complexes with alkyl sulfates. The ionene alkyl sulfate complexes display mesogenicity, i.e. optically isotropic dry complexes underwent lyotropic and thermotropic phase transitions to the optically anisotropic phase (and vice versa) under controlled relative humidity. The optically anisotropic phases exhibited hexagonal textures as revealed by polarizing microscopy. A new feature is the lyotropic transition brought about by the uptake of water through the gas phase. The complexes were all sensitive to both humidity and temperature. In principle, the effects can be applied to measure humidity.

Low Energy Ion Beam Synthesis of Si Nanocrystals for Nonvolatile Memories - Modeling and Process Simulations

Müller, Torsten 19 October 2005 (has links)
Metal-Oxide-Silicon Field-Effect-Transistors with a layer of electrically isolated Si nanocrystals (NCs) embedded in the gate oxide are known to improve conventional floating gate flash memories. Data retention, program and erase speeds as well as the memory operation voltages can be substantially improved due to the discrete charge storage in the isolated Si NCs. Using ion beam synthesis, Si NCs can be fabricated along with standard CMOS processing. The optimization of the location and size of ion beam synthesized Si NCs requires a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved, which determine (i) the built-up of Si supersaturation by high-fluence ion implantation and (ii) NC formation by phase separation. For that aim, process simulations have been conducted that address both aspects on a fundamental level and, on the other hand, are able to avoid tedious experiments. The built-up of a Si supersaturation by high-fluence ion implantation were studied using dynamic binary collision calculations with TRIDYN and have lead to a prediction of Si excess depth profiles in thin gate oxides of a remarkable quality. These simulations include in a natural manner high fluence implantation effects as target erosion by sputtering, target swelling and ion beam mixing. The second stage of ion beam synthesis is modeled with the help of a tailored kinetic Monte Carlo code that combines a detailed kinetic description of phase separation on atomic level with the required degree of abstraction that is necessary to span the timescales involved. Large ensembles of Si NCs were simulated reaching the late stages of NC formation and dissolution at simulation sizes that allowed a direct comparison with experimental studies, e.g. with electron energy loss resolved TEM investigations. These comparisons reveal a nice degree of agreement, e.g. in terms of predicted and observed precipitate morphologies for different ion fluences. However, they also point clearly onto impact of additional external influences as, e.g., the oxidation of implanted Si by absorbed humidity, which was identified with the help of these process simulations. Moreover, these simulations are utilized as a general tool to identify optimum processing regimes for a tailored Si NC formation for NC memories. It is shown that key properties for NC memories as the tunneling distance from the transistor channel to the Si NCs, the NC morphology, size and density can be adjusted accurately despite of the involved degree of self-organization. Furthermore, possible lateral electron tunneling between neighboring Si NCs is evaluated on the basis of the performed kinetic Monte Carlo simulations.

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