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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Povolání apoštola Pavla. Exegeze a teologické aspekty Sk 9; 22; 26 a Gal 1 / The Vocation of the Apostle Paul: Exegesis and Theological Aspects of Acts 9, 22, 26 and Gal 1

Rejšková, Marta January 2014 (has links)
Aim of this diploma thesis "The Vocation of the Apostle Paul: Exegesis and Theological Aspects of Acts chs. 9, 22, 26 and Gal 1" is briefly present historical data of the Apostle Paul, present his personality. Especially it is concentrating on his conversion and vocation and New Testament texts that refer about this events (Acts chs. 9, 22, 26 and Gal 1). Part of this work is to analyze four reports of Paul's vocation. Thesis points on difference or conections between them. The thesis exposes vocation in context of biblical theology and symbol of light. This diploma thesis attempt to present St. Paul's personality and to show his merit for present. Keywords the Apostle Paul, the St. Paul, the Damascus, vocation, conversion, light, the Jesus Christ

"Itt heligt gestebodh" : En studie av Laurentius Petris syn på prästens roll i nattvarden samt Kristi närvaro i densamma. / "Convivium sacrum" : A Study of Laurentius Petri's Approach to the Priest's Role in the Eucharist and Christ's Presence in it.

Stark, Tobias January 2010 (has links)
<p>Den här uppsatsen är en studie av nattvardssynen hos Sveriges förste evangeliske ärkebiskop Laurentius Petri. I huvudsak behandlas hur Laurentius Petri ser på Kristi närvaro i nattvarden och vilken roll som prästen har vid nattvardsfirandet. Utgångspunkten är Laurentius Petris syn på det allmänna prästerskapet. Genom det allmänna prästerskapet menar Petri att varje döpt har möjlighet att konsekrera nattvarden, men att man för ordningens skull ska utse vissa som har offentlig tjänst i församlingen. För Kristi närvaro i nattvarden krävs bröd, vin och instiftelseorden. Det är vid instiftelseordens detta är min kropp och detta är mitt blod som Kristi närvaro inträder. Kristi närvaro är, enligt Laurentius Petri, bestående fram till dess att alla kommunikanter har tagit emot sakramentet. Kristi närvaro betecknar Laurentius Petri som verklig men obeskrivlig. Han ser nattvarden som ett heligt gästabud, där prästen tjänar gästerna, vilka är kommunikanterna och kommunikanternas uppgift blir att som gäster ta emot måltiden, Kristi kropp och blod samt att tacka värden som är Kristus själv.</p>

Stigmata a stigmatizovaní ve středověku / Stigmata and stigmatized persons in the Middle Age

Janatová, Nikola January 2014 (has links)
(in English): The diploma thesis examines phenomenon of stigmas and stigmatised persons in the Middle Ages. This diploma thesis contains of three parts. The goal of first part is description of Crucifixion symbolism from beginning of Christianity up to first stigmas about Francis of Assisi from 1224. Main part presents its own phenomenon of stigmas: their definition, base and reception in religious and expert field. Final part focuses on significant middle-aged holders of stigmas and analysis of their hagiography. Klíčová slova (anglicky): Stigmas, Jesus Christ, cross, crucifixion, bloody sweat, bloody tears, thorn crown, mysticism, self-identification.

Posvátnost ve výtvarném umění / Holiness in Fine Arts

Podlahová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of holiness in fine arts in all three parts, namely in theoretical, didactic and fine arts level. The first part of the theoretical level focuses on the concept of holiness and individualization of experience with holiness with respect to manifestation of the category in a broad art context. With the use of specialist literature, the second section of the theoretical research follows on obtained findings about the holiness concept and it also deals with sacral space of The St. Wenceslas' Chapel at The Cathedral of St. Vitus and The Chapel of St. Cross at The Karlštejn Castle with regard to the possibility of a strong psychological effect from these venues. The didactic level is the logical outcome and a free inspiration of the theoretical part. It follows not only on the sacral space of both chapels but it also deals with secular usage of pupils. The main aim of all tasks is to guide pupils to think about category of holiness via their own visual expression in cross-subjects connection, that is with regard to social, cultural and historical context. The authorial fine arts part takes account of many impacts coming from the previous parts. The result is a series of six paintings out of which two can be considered primary experiments. It is mainly personal...

Eschatologie u významných teologických postav v období české reformace / Eschatology in the case of eminent personalities in the Bohemian Reformatory movement

Müllerová, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The work offers a comprehensive preview of opinion streams on the theme of eschatology, final things or also the end of time , in various stages of the development of human society, whether Jewish or Christian, with an emphasis on the medieval period in the Lands of the Bohemian Crown. Iťs based on the biblical texts of the Old and New Testaments, particularly on the New T estament text of the Book of Revelations. It deals with religious situation in the Middle Ages and simultaneously also with political, cultural and social factors. It reveals certain sources of heretical teachings, especially the Vaudois Church, from which eminent theologists' opinions crystallized and mentions the status of heretics in medieval society. It also covers the teachings of John Wycliffe. The work is divided into six parts, in which eschatological moods and vision that reigned i n contemporary societies are substantiated. It analyses them, and literary woeks document the main ideas and opinions of eminent reformátory scholars, such as for example Milíč of Kroměříž, Matěj of Janov, Master Jan Hus and Petr Chelčický. The work presen ts the teachings of these theological and philosophical personalities in the way that they are linked to one another in the issue of eschatology. The individual parts of the work present and...

Sociálně- etické aspekty Ježíšova Kázání na hoře / Social- Ethical Aspects of the Jesus's Sermon on the Mount

Ducháč, Jakub January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Social-Ethical Aspects of the Jesus' Sermon on the Mount" reflects on chapters 5 - 7 of Mathew 's Gospel. It is based on the Greek translation of the Gospel and aims to express the supertemporal prehension of Jesus' ethical requirements by a man of any century, meaning by a man of our current days too. The paper verges on biblical studies and practical and spiritual theology. Diploma thesis focuses on relation between Jesus' requirements and ancient Hebrew ethical and social norms described in Torah and updated in Old Testament Prophets' scriptures. This paper shows their cohesion but emphasizes the Jesus original approach which reveals a deeper meaning of all Torah ethical norms and rules. Following the chapters of Sermon on the Mount , it is described how St. Matthew uses this intention . Social and ethical aspects of this text are highlighted and covered by many Old Testament citations which are related to the background of Jesus' Teachings. This paper also describes basic approaches to the Sermon on the Mount interpretation and shows the reader the direction. But no final conclusion of this topic can be made as we have been dealing with the secret.

Kříž v proměnách věků a jeho význam v lidské společnosti / The Cross in Changing of Times and its Significance in Ancient Society

Roule, Radek January 2016 (has links)
The Cross in Changing of Times and its Significance in Ancient Society The cross is the most widespread symbol appearing worldwide right from the prehistoric times. Though being formed of a very simple shape of two intersecting lines the significance is far reaching. This dissertation looks at the cross both as a sign pointing beyond itself and concentrates on the diversity of its visual appearance. It tries to trace back the possible factors preceding Antiquity influencing the formation of the actual shape in that particular period of history. Although for most part the cross is understood in its connection with the Crucifixion of Christ its history is far more complex beginning in pre-Christian era. The biblical texts present more or less mere allusions of the cross itself. Seen typologically the cross may be understood as the element connecting both Old and New Testament creating a sort of a bridge between them. The careful analysis of the Early Christian documents brings several terms used for the same reality. The most significant are - σταυρός with the Latin equivalent crux and ξύλου (wood) with the Latin equivalent lignum. Later on these give a way to a more general term of σημεῖον (sign) and finally to a symbolic expression "σύμβολον σωτηρίας" (sign-symbol of salvation). The early Christian writers...

Silní a slabí podle Římanům 14-15 / The Strong and the Weak in Romans 14-15

Majtán-Černák, Marek January 2017 (has links)
The present diploma thesis is an exegetical attempt to interpret Paul's parenesis in his Letter to the Romans 14,1-15,13. It tries to find answers to the following questions: Who are the "strong in faith" (15:1)? Who are the "weak in faith" (14:1)? What "day" is meant in chapter 14:5? What kind of dietary restrictions are in the background of 14:2? What is the solution that Paul suggests? The analysis has led to the following conclusions: Paul is trying to resolve a particular dispute between two groups of believers in Rome. The "weak" probably had a problem with the "strong" eating the meat and drinking the wine defiled with idolatry (14:21) and not keeping fasting days, or certain Jewish feast days (14:3). So, the "weak" may be identified as the Jewish Christians and the "strong" with the Christians of gentile origins. Paul tries to move both groups away from judging each other (14:3) to respect the opinion of the other group (14:4) and leads them above all to mutually build loving relationships to each other (14:19). Key words: weak in faith, strong in faith, day, food, dietetary restriction, Lord, Christ, Kingdom of heaven

Kristusgestaltning i Narnia och Härskarringen

Liljestrand, Eva January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med föreliggande uppsats var att, genom litteraturstudier av C. S. Lewis Narnia-serie samt J. R. R. Tolkiens <em>Härskarringen, </em>undersöka förekomsten av kristusgestaltning i nämnda litteratur. Genom att studera nämnda verk var avsikten även att undersöka de eventuella kristna influenser som återspeglar författarnas egen tro och närmare studera de tänkbara paralleller med Bibelns Kristus som förekommer. Utifrån de analyser som görs av texterna i arbetet blir slutsatsen att även om det finns klara influenser från Bibelns Kristusgestalt kan man inte i båda böckerna se en klar kristusgestalt. När det gäller <em>Härskarringen </em>finns där inte en klart framträdande Kristus även om de kristna influenserna är många. När det gäller Narnia är de kristna influenserna tydligare och parallellerna med Kristus framträder klarare.</p>

"Itt heligt gestebodh" : En studie av Laurentius Petris syn på prästens roll i nattvarden samt Kristi närvaro i densamma. / "Convivium sacrum" : A Study of Laurentius Petri's Approach to the Priest's Role in the Eucharist and Christ's Presence in it.

Stark, Tobias January 2010 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en studie av nattvardssynen hos Sveriges förste evangeliske ärkebiskop Laurentius Petri. I huvudsak behandlas hur Laurentius Petri ser på Kristi närvaro i nattvarden och vilken roll som prästen har vid nattvardsfirandet. Utgångspunkten är Laurentius Petris syn på det allmänna prästerskapet. Genom det allmänna prästerskapet menar Petri att varje döpt har möjlighet att konsekrera nattvarden, men att man för ordningens skull ska utse vissa som har offentlig tjänst i församlingen. För Kristi närvaro i nattvarden krävs bröd, vin och instiftelseorden. Det är vid instiftelseordens detta är min kropp och detta är mitt blod som Kristi närvaro inträder. Kristi närvaro är, enligt Laurentius Petri, bestående fram till dess att alla kommunikanter har tagit emot sakramentet. Kristi närvaro betecknar Laurentius Petri som verklig men obeskrivlig. Han ser nattvarden som ett heligt gästabud, där prästen tjänar gästerna, vilka är kommunikanterna och kommunikanternas uppgift blir att som gäster ta emot måltiden, Kristi kropp och blod samt att tacka värden som är Kristus själv.

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