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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intera??es em sala de aula : auxiliando crian?as a aprender uma segunda l?ngua

M?ller, Gislaine 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-06-29T14:37:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_GISLAINE_MULLER_COMPLETO.pdf: 1110017 bytes, checksum: b0e5140ffa564272a42fdd741fc1521f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-29T14:37:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_GISLAINE_MULLER_COMPLETO.pdf: 1110017 bytes, checksum: b0e5140ffa564272a42fdd741fc1521f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / This study was developed from the sociocultural theory of Vygostsky, directed in this research for studies of second language and foreign language, with the support of authors such as Lantolf (2006), Donato (2006), Swain (2001, 2011) and Storch (2002) , which state that learning occurs through interaction in a given social context. The objective of this study was to observe the learning that took place in the interactions in the classroom of English language teaching, when using the Learning Fun method, and to analyze how the activities developed in the educational environment by the teacher favored learning of second language. This research had as participants a teacher and seven apprentices, aged 4 to 6 years, and occurred in the period of November 2015 to July 2016. In addition, this was complemented by filling out a questionnaire with open and closed answers by the parents of these children. It is also worth mentioning that this researsh was carried out in a private school of Early Childhood Education in the city of Porto Alegre. The unsystematic observations were recorded by the researcher in a Field Dairy. Subsequently, these records were categorized with Bardin's Content Analysis Technique in three categories of a priori analysis: (i) student / peer review; (ii) teacher and post-teacher progress: (i) learning episodes. The data obtained from the questionnaire were important to characterize the group of students participating, as well as for the development of the pilot project. The data suggest that the assistance to the production and comprehension of the target language occurred through the provision of training, both by the teacher and the students, reinforcing the collaboration in the learning process. In addition, from the excerpts analyzed, it was shown that the way to develop the lessons and playful material of the Learning Fun method favor the acquisition of English as a second language. / Este estudo foi desenvolvido a partir da teoria sociocultural de Vygostsky, direcionada, nesta pesquisa, para estudos de segunda l?ngua e l?ngua estrangeira, com apoio de autores como Lantolf (2006), Donato (2006), Swain (2001, 2011) e Storch (2002), os quais afirmam que a aprendizagem ocorre atrav?s da intera??o em um dado contexto social. O objetivo deste estudo foi observar as aprendizagens ocorridas nas intera??es em sala de aula de ensino de l?ngua inglesa, quando utilizado o m?todo Learning Fun, e analisar como as atividades desenvolvidas no ambiente educacional pela professora favoreceram aprendizagens de segunda l?ngua. Essa pesquisa teve como participantes uma docente e sete aprendizes, com idade entre 4 e 6 anos, e ocorreu no per?odo de novembro de 2015 a julho de 2016. Al?m disso, dados foram coletados atrav?s do preenchimento de um question?rio com respostas abertas e fechadas pelos os pais dessas crian?as. Vale ressaltar, ainda, que toda a pesquisa foi realizada em uma escola privada de Educa??o Infantil no munic?pio de Porto Alegre. As observa??es assistem?ticas foram registradas pela pesquisadora em Di?rio de Campo e, posteriormente, esses registros foram categorizados com a T?cnica de An?lise de Conte?do de Bardin em tr?s categorias de an?lise a priori: (i) andaimento entre alunos/colegas e; (ii) andaimento por parte do professor e a posteriori: (i) epis?dios de aprendizagem. Os dados obtidos a partir do question?rio foram importantes para caracterizar o grupo de alunos participantes, bem como para o desenvolvimento do projeto piloto. Os dados sugerem que o auxilio para a produ??o e compreens?o da l?ngua alvo ocorreu mediante o fornecimento de andaimento, tanto por parte da professora como dos alunos, refor?ando a colabora??o no processo de aprendizagem. Ainda, a partir dos excertos analisados, evidenciou-se que a maneira de desenvolver as aulas e o material l?dico do m?todo Learning Fun favorecem a aquisi??o de l?ngua inglesa como segunda l?ngua.

Cart?es de sauda??es em l?ngua inglesa: uma pr?tica de letramento em an?lise

Costa, Silvana Moura da 06 June 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2015-11-26T13:12:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SilvanaMouraDaCosta_TESE.pdf: 2297193 bytes, checksum: 7ef9793e4f8c94e46be40ae05e322812 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Elisangela Moura (lilaalves@gmail.com) on 2015-11-26T15:40:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SilvanaMouraDaCosta_TESE.pdf: 2297193 bytes, checksum: 7ef9793e4f8c94e46be40ae05e322812 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-26T15:40:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SilvanaMouraDaCosta_TESE.pdf: 2297193 bytes, checksum: 7ef9793e4f8c94e46be40ae05e322812 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-06 / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo os cart?es de sauda??o, aqui entendidos como uma pr?tica de letramento largamente utilizada na sociedade americana dos Estados Unidos. Esses cart?es configuram-se, na cultura americana, como fontes de informa??o e de mem?ria sobre os ciclos de vida das pessoas, suas experi?ncias e seus la?os de sociabilidade, ativadas por meio dos sentidos que a imagem e a palavra comportam. O principal prop?sito deste trabalho ? descrever como essa pr?tica de letramento se efetiva na cultura americana. Teoricamente, esta pesquisa se fundamenta nos estudos de letramento (BARTON; HAMILTON, 1998; BAYHAM, 1995; HAMILTON, 2000; STREET, 1984, 1985, 1993, 2003), nas contribui??es da semi?tica social, associadas ? gram?tica sist?mico-funcional (HALLIDAY; HASAN, 1978, 1985; HALLIDAY, 1994; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004), e na gram?tica do design visual (KRESS; LEITE-GARCIA; VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2000; KRESS; van LEEUWEN, 2006; HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). Metodologicamente, trata-se de um estudo que se insere no paradigma qualitativo de car?ter interpretativista, que adota instrumentos de natureza etnogr?fica na gera??o dos dados. Nessa perspectiva, lan?a m?o das ?t?cnicas do olhar e do perguntar? (ERICKSON, 1981 apud CAN?ADO, 1994, p. 56), complementadas pela t?cnica do ?registrar?, proposta por Paz (2008). O corpus compreende um contingente de 104 cart?es impressos, fornecidos por usu?rios desse artefato, dos quais selecionamos 24, de 11 cart?es eletr?nicos, extra?dos da internet, assim como de verbaliza??es obtidas mediante a aplica??o de question?rio elaborado com perguntas abertas, feitas no intuito de reunir informa??es acerca das percep??es e a??es dos usu?rios desses cart?es. A an?lise dos dados revela aspectos culturais, econ?micos e sociais dessa pr?tica e a convic??o de que a pr?tica de letramento dos cart?es de sauda??o impressos, a despeito dos virtuais, ainda ? muito prof?cua na sociedade americana. O estudo permite tamb?m compreender que os usu?rios dos cart?es se posicionam e constroem identidades que s?o manifestadas na intera??o verbo-visual, com vistas a alcan?ar o efeito pretendido. Em raz?o disso, entende-se que os cart?es de sauda??o n?o s?o despretensiosos, mas carregados de ideologia e de rela??es de poder, dentre outros aspectos que lhes s?o constitutivos. / This research aims at studying the use of greeting cards, here understood as a literacy practice widely used in American society of the United States. In American culture, these cards become sources of information and memory about people?s cycles of life, their experiences and their bonds of sociability enabled by means of the senses that the image and the word comprise. The main purpose of this work is to describe how this literacy practice occurs in American society. Theoretically, this research is based on studies of literacy (BARTON, HAMILTON, 1998; BAYHAM, 1995; HAMILTON, 2000; STREET, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1993, 2003), the contributions of social semiotics, associated with systemic-functional grammar (HALLIDAY; HASAN 1978, 1985, HALLIDAY, 1994, HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004), and the grammar of visual design (KRESS; LEITE-GARCIA, VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2004, 2006; KRESS; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). Methodologically, it is a study that falls within the qualitative paradigm of interpretative character, which adopts ethnographic tools in data generation. From this perspective, it makes use of ?looking and asking? techniques (ERICKSON, 1986, p. 119), complemented by the technique of "registering", proposed by Paz (2008). The corpus comprises 104 printed cards, provided by users of this cultural artifact, from which we selected 24, and 11 e-cards, extracted from the internet, as well as verbalizations obtained by applying a questionnaire prepared with open questions asked in order to gather information about the perceptions and actions of these cards users with respect to this literacy practice. Data analysis reveals cultural, economic and social aspects of this practice and the belief that literacy practice of using printed greeting cards, despite the existence of virtual alternatives, is still very fruitful in American society. The study also allows users to comprehend that the cardholders position themselves and construct identities that are expressed in verbal and visual interaction in order to achieve the desired effect. As a result, it is understood that greeting cards are not unintentional, but loaded with ideology and power relations, among other aspects that are constitutive of them.

A utiliza??o de readers em aulas de l?ngua inglesa no ensino m?dio

Oliveira, Alb?ris Eron Fl?vio de 05 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-04-03T13:58:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AlberisEronFlavioDeOliveira_TESE.pdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-04-03T14:07:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AlberisEronFlavioDeOliveira_TESE.pdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-03T14:07:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AlberisEronFlavioDeOliveira_TESE.pdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-05 / Esta pesquisa busca investigar o uso de fic??o adaptada a partir de textos educacionais conhecidos como readers como ferramentas de ensino em sala de aula de L?ngua Inglesa. Este recurso ? introduzido em nossas aulas a partir da hip?tese de que s?o instrumentos capazes de enfrentar o contexto de falhas e fracassos no processo de ensino e aprendizado de l?nguas observado em nossa pr?tica e confirmado em trabalhos de estudiosos como Moreira (2002), Bohn (2003), Rajagopalan (2003), Oliveira (2007), Jorge (2009) e Borges (2009). Os participantes desta pesquisa s?o 144 alunos do Ensino M?dio de uma escola p?blica do Rio Grande do Norte/Brasil e a metodologia utilizada ? uma pesquisa-a??o (KEMMIS; McTAGGART, 1988). Para a interven??o na sala de aula, utilizamos sequ?ncias did?ticas envolvendo atividades baseadas em um reader. Os dados foram coletados por meio de question?rios com perguntas abertas e fechadas. O referencial te?rico apoia-se em Larsen-Freeman (2000), Hill (2001), Kramsch (2001), Brown (2007), Marcuschi (2008), Oliveira e Kleiman (2008), Almeida Filho (2007), entre outros. As orienta??es curriculares nacionais (BRASIL, 1996; 1998; 2006), bem como o Quadro Europeu Comum de Refer?ncia para as L?nguas (CONSELHO DA EUROPA, 2001) s?o utilizados como pontos de partida para esta pesquisa. Os resultados de nosso trabalho mostram que o uso de readers em sala de aula ? uma maneira efetiva de combater o d?ficit de aprendizagem percebido pelos pesquisadores acima mencionados, confirmando assim a nossa hip?tese. / This research aims to investigate the use of adapted fiction in the kind of educational texts known as ?readers? as a teaching tool in the English-language classroom. This resource is introduced in our classrooms on the hypothesis that it would address failures in the teaching and learning process which had been observed in practice and which corresponded to similar failings identified in Moreira (2002), Bohn (2003), Rajagopalan (2006), Oliveira (2007), Jorge (2009), and Borges (2009). The participants in this research are 144 Secondary School students from a state school in Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil and the methodology used is action research (KEMMIS; McTAGGART, 1988). For the classroom intervention we use didactic sequences involving activities based on a reader. The data has been gathered by means of questionnaires with both open and closed questions. The theoretical framework is based on Larsen-Freeman (2000), Hill (2001), Kramsch (2001), Brown (2007), Marcuschi (2008), Oliveira and Kleiman (2008), Almeida Filho (2007), among others. The national curriculum guidelines (BRASIL, 1996; 1998; 2006), as well as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (COUNCIL OF EUROPE, 2001) are used as points of departure for this research. The results of our research show that the use of readers in the classroom is an effective way of combating the learning deficit noticed by the aforementioned researchers thus confirming our hypothesis.

Autoavalia??o: uma proposta para a aprendizagem de l?ngua inglesa no ensino m?dio

Paiva, Vit?ria Maria Avelino da Silva 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-06-13T18:51:50Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VitoriaMariaAvelinoDaSilvaPaiva_TESE.pdf: 1343104 bytes, checksum: 5f2884b05e3bec3ccd19be14d7852870 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-13T23:25:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 VitoriaMariaAvelinoDaSilvaPaiva_TESE.pdf: 1343104 bytes, checksum: 5f2884b05e3bec3ccd19be14d7852870 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-13T23:25:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VitoriaMariaAvelinoDaSilvaPaiva_TESE.pdf: 1343104 bytes, checksum: 5f2884b05e3bec3ccd19be14d7852870 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Este trabalho ? resultado de um estudo sobre o uso da autoavalia??o nas aulas de l?ngua inglesa a partir de duas perspectivas: como estrat?gia de aprendizagem (O?MALLEY; CHAMOT, 1990) de l?nguas estrangeiras e como uma forma de promover a participa??o do estudante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem-avalia??o, possibilitando-lhe mais autonomia (ALVES, 2004; SOARES, 2007) na constru??o de sua aprendizagem. Para tanto, adotamos neste estudo os conceitos de autoavalia??o enquanto ferramenta para autorregula??o dos saberes (BANDURA, 1977; BLANCHE; MERINO, 1989; DUKE; SANCHEZ, 1994; SOARES, 2013) e para promo??o da aprendizagem (ELLIS, 2001; BLACK; WILLIAN, 2006; FERREIRA, 2007; PAIVA, 2012). A investiga??o desenvolveu-se com vinte e seis estudantes de uma escola p?blica na cidade de Natal, capital do Rio Grande do Norte, e usou como m?todo a pesquisa-a??o (ELLIOT, 2005), sob a abordagem da pesquisa pedag?gica qualitativa (LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2008; SILVERMAN, 2010). O principal objetivo do estudo foi, a partir da implementa??o da pr?tica da autoavalia??o na disciplina de l?ngua inglesa da escola pesquisada, analisar os efeitos dessa implementa??o enquanto uma estrat?gia para a promo??o da aprendizagem desse idioma dentro da escola e fora dela e contribuir com a ?rea de estudos da linguagem a partir da elabora??o de um prot?tipo de autoavalia??o adapt?vel ?s realidades das escolas p?blicas brasileiras. Os resultados alcan?ados apontam para a confirma??o de nossa hip?tese, de que a autoavalia??o configurase como uma estrat?gia pr?tica e eficaz de aux?lio ao estudante de Ensino M?dio no desenvolvimento da aprendizagem de l?ngua inglesa e na sua inser??o no processo de ensinoaprendizagem-avalia??o de forma aut?noma e consciente, pois destacam que a autoavalia??o pode fornecer indicativos de presen?a ou aus?ncia de aprendizagem da l?ngua estudada; pode ser promotora da participa??o estudantil no processo de aprendizagem; e pode gerenciar as a??es de aprendizagem individuais dos aprendizes. / This work is the result of a study about the use of self-assessment in English-language classes from two perspectives: as a learning strategy (O?MALLEY & CHAMOT, 1990) of foreign languages and as a manner to promote the student?s participation in the teaching-learning process (ALVES, 2004; SOARES, 2007) toward the construction of their learning. For this purpose, we adopted the concepts of self-assessment as a tool for the self-regulation of knowledge (BANDURA, 1977; BLANCHE & MERINO, 1989; DUKE & SANCHEZ, 1994; SOARES, 2006) and for the promotion of learning. (ELLIS, 2001; BLACK; WILLIAN, 2006; FERREIRA, 2007; PAIVA, 2012). The research was developed with twenty-six students from a public school in the city of Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, and used the Action research (ELLIOT, 2005 ) as the chosen investigative method, under the Qualitative Pedagogical research approach (LANKSHEAR, KNOBEL, 2008; SILVERMAN, 2010). The main objective of the study was to implement the self-assessment practice in the English language subject of the school where the research has been conducted and, therefore, proceed with the analysis of the effects that such implementation brings about as a strategy to promote the learning of English within and outside the school. It was also within our scope to contribute to the area of Language studies by means of the elaboration of a prototype of selfassessment which can be adaptable to the real situations faced in the Brazilian public schools. The achieved results confirm our hypothesis, which states that the self-assessment is a practical and effective strategy that helps high school students develop their English language learning and insert themselves in the teaching-learning-evaluation process in an autonomous and conscious way. The outcomes emphasize that the self-assessment can provide indicatives of the presence or absence of learning of the language studied; it can be the promoter of the student participation in the learning process; and it also can function as a tool for managing the learners? individual learning actions.

Leitura hipertextual nas aulas de l?ngua inglesa: estrat?gias de leitura no ensino t?cnico em enfermagem / Hypertextual reading in English language classes: reading strategies in technical teaching in nursing

Oliveira Junior, Renato C?sar 28 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-28T13:00:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Renato Cesar Oliveira Junior.pdf: 1280531 bytes, checksum: 33e7f8b34f056c73a875bf157b622129 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-28T13:00:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Renato Cesar Oliveira Junior.pdf: 1280531 bytes, checksum: 33e7f8b34f056c73a875bf157b622129 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-28 / This research sought to investigate the reading practices in printed texts and hypertexts of the students of the Basic Module of the Technical Course in Nursing of the Cajazeiras Health Technical School, in Campina Grande, analyzing, in this sense, the differences and similarities between both practices. In addition, the study sought to discuss the potential of the use of Information and Communication Technologies at English Language classes, specifically, regarding the use of hypertexts as a proposal of foreign language teaching based on innovative practices and the use of these Technologies. The collected data were analyzed to the lights of important authors. Regarding the use of hypertext, we highlight Levy (1995), Snyder (1997), Xavier (2003) and Cosacarelli (2006). In the reading process, we present Leffa (1996), Sol? (1998) and Correia (2011). With regard to reading strategies, in the shadows of Celce-Murcia (2001), Brown (2007) and Marcuschi (2009). Technological advances have contributed significantly to new ways of thinking about educational practices, in particular, the advent of Information and Communication Technologies - ICT has gained space as an innovative element in the teaching-learning process of curricular subjects. The Internet presents itself as a strong ally in optimizing the potential of these technological devices, since the space of the worldwide network allows the exchange of experiences between its users and constant interaction with current and authentic information content. One of these innovative possibilities is the hypertextual reading, which will be assumed as an inherent practice of using the computer or device of the genre connected to the Internet. The research was carried out with the Basic Module of Nursing Technical Education, totalizing a universe of 25 students. This work is qualitative and is characterized as a descriptive / exploratory study. As the data collection instrument, we used two semi-structured questionnaires, called Questionnaire 1 and Questionnaire 2. In the first questionnaire, we focus the research to the relationships that students establish with Information and Communication Technologies, and in the second questionnaire , we directed our research to the students' positioning in relation to the reading in English of printed texts and hypertext, in order to analyze the similarities and divergences of both reading practices. From the collected data, it is inferred that, despite the challenges that surround it and the resistance, although veiled, to the new technologies, the reading of hypertext in the classes of English Language can represent a new proposal for the teaching of a foreign language in the Institutions in Brazil / Esta pesquisa procura investigar as pr?ticas leitoras ? tanto em textos impressos quanto em hipertextos ? dos estudantes do M?dulo B?sico do Curso T?cnico em Enfermagem da Escola T?cnica de Sa?de de Cajazeiras, em Campina Grande, Para?ba, analisando poss?veis diferen?as e semelhan?as entre ambas as pr?ticas. Al?m disso, o estudo buscou discutir sobre as potencialidades do uso das Tecnologias da Informa??o e Comunica??o nas aulas de L?ngua Inglesa, especificamente, no que diz respeito ao uso de hipertextos como uma proposta de ensino de l?ngua estrangeira balizada pelas pr?ticas inovadoras e pelo uso destas tecnologias. Para balizar as an?lises, as perspectivas de diversos autores foram seguidas: no tocante ao uso do hipertexto destacam-se Levy (1995), Snyder (1997), Xavier (2003) e Cosacarelli (2006). Em rela??o ao processo de leitura, apresentam-se Leffa (1996), Sol? (1998) e Correia (2011). No que diz respeito ?s estrat?gias de leitura, Celce-Murcia (2001), Brown (2007) e Marcuschi (2009). Os avan?os tecnol?gicos v?m contribuindo significativamente com novas formas de se pensar as pr?ticas educacionais; em especial, o advento das Tecnologias da Informa??o e Comunica??o - TIC ganha espa?o como elemento inovador no processo de ensinoaprendizagem das disciplinas curriculares. A Internet, nesse sentido, apresenta-se como forte aliada na otimiza??o do potencial desses dispositivos tecnol?gicos, j? que o espa?o da rede mundial possibilita a troca de experi?ncias entre seus usu?rios e constante intera??o com conte?do informativo atual e aut?ntico. Uma dessas possibilidades inovadoras ? a leitura hipertextual, que por sua vez ? assumida como uma pr?tica inerente ao uso do computador ou dispositivo do g?nero conectado ? Internet. A pesquisa foi realizada com uma turma do M?dulo B?sico do Ensino T?cnico em Enfermagem, totalizando um universo de 25 alunos. Este trabalho ? de cunho qualitativo e caracteriza-se como um estudo descritivo/ explorat?rio. Como instrumento de coleta de dados, utilizamos dois question?rios semi-estruturados, denominados Question?rio 1 e Question?rio 2. No primeiro question?rio, voltamos o foco da pesquisa para as rela??es que os estudantes estabelecem com as Tecnologias da Informa??o e Comunica??o, e, no segundo question?rio, direcionamos os olhares de nossa investiga??o para o posicionamento dos alunos em rela??o ? leitura em L?ngua Inglesa de textos impressos e de hipertexto, para an?lise das semelhan?as e diverg?ncias de ambas as pr?ticas leitoras. A partir dos dados coletados, infere-se que a leitura de hipertexto nas aulas de L?ngua Inglesa pode representar uma nova proposta para o ensino de uma l?ngua estrangeira nas institui??es de ensino do Brasil, apesar dos desafios que circundam e da resist?ncia, ainda que velada, ?s novas tecnologias

Letramentos cr?ticos, ensino de l?ngua inglesa e forma??o integral no curso t?cnico em agropecu?ria integrado ao ensino m?dio / Critical writing, teaching of English language and integral training in the technical course in agriculture integrated with the secondary education

Feitoza, Veronica DAmasceno de Souza 26 June 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-09-19T12:36:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Veronica Damasceno de Souza Feitoza.pdf: 2782036 bytes, checksum: c536de687b019541962aed082056c5ad (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-19T12:36:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2017 - Veronica Damasceno de Souza Feitoza.pdf: 2782036 bytes, checksum: c536de687b019541962aed082056c5ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-06-26 / IFPA - Campus Castanhal / Technical Professional Education projects in Brazil have always been focused on meeting the interests of economic market and aimed at workers as a compensatory training for those who would not have access to higher education, without taking into account their needs as subjects and citizens. Decree 5,154 / 04, while more recent legislation aimed at this stage of Basic Education, despite also being influenced by economic interests, advances in the sense of allowing Technical Professional Education to be offered in the modality Integrated to High School under the articulation of the axes Work, Science, Technology and Culture (BRASIL, 2007). Thus, it is intended that the pedagogical practices of the curricular components for this modality of education surpass the purely technical knowledge for a practice with sights to the broad formation of the subjects. The Curriculum Guidelines for Higher Education (CGHE) in the section on Foreign Languages suggest that the teaching practices of this curricular component should be based on Critical Literacies Theories in order that such practices become the means for the development of a sense of citizenship, creative, critical and open mind (BRAZIL, 2006), in short, knowledge that equips subjects to deal with the current context of constant change and diverse subjects. In this way, this research has sought to investigate in what ways, when they are based on theories of Critical Literacies, the teaching practices in English Language classes - EL - of the Technical Course in Farming Integrated to High School can better contribute to the integral formation of the students of the IFPA ? Castanhal Campus, as advocated by the pertinent legislation. The data collected comes from participant observation and audio recording of EL classes during the execution of a didactic sequence elaborated by me as a researcher teacher, based on these theoretical principles and using authentic multimodal texts. Theoretical studies and research have shown that pedagogical practices guided by Critical Literacies principles can contribute to an education beyond linguistic instrumentation and job market preparation by encouraging students to read themselves and the world critically / Os projetos de Educa??o Profissional T?cnica no Brasil sempre estiveram voltados para atender aos interesses do mercado econ?mico e destinados aos trabalhadores como uma forma??o compensat?ria para aqueles que n?o teriam acesso ao ensino superior, sem levar em conta suas necessidades enquanto sujeitos e cidad?os. O Decreto 5.154/04, enquanto legisla??o mais recente voltada para essa etapa da educa??o B?sica, apesar de tamb?m sofrer influ?ncias de interesses econ?micos, avan?a no sentido de permitir que a Educa??o Profissional T?cnica seja ofertada na modalidade Integrada ao Ensino M?dio sob a articula??o dos eixos Trabalho, Ci?ncia, Tecnologia e Cultura (BRASIL, 2007). Dessa forma, objetiva-se que as pr?ticas pedag?gicas dos componentes curriculares para essa modalidade de ensino superem os conhecimentos puramente t?cnicos para uma pr?tica com vistas ? forma??o ampla dos sujeitos. As Orienta??es Curriculares para o Ensino M?dio ? OCEM ?, na se??o destinada ?s L?nguas Estrangeiras sugerem que as pr?ticas de ensino desse componente curricular sejam embasadas nas Teorias dos Letramentos Cr?ticos com a finalidade de que tais pr?ticas tornemse meios para o desenvolvimento de senso de cidadania, mente aberta, criativa e cr?tica (BRASIL, 2006), enfim, conhecimentos que equipem os sujeitos para lidarem com o contexto atual de mudan?as constantes e sujeitos diversificados. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa buscou investigar de que modos, ao serem balizadas nas teorias dos Letramentos Cr?ticos, as pr?ticas docentes em aulas de l?ngua inglesa ? LI ? do Curso T?cnico em Agropecu?ria Integrado ao Ensino M?dio podem melhor contribuir para a forma??o integral dos alunos do IFPA ? Campus Castanhal, como preconizam as legisla??es pertinentes. Os dados coletados prov?m de observa??o participante e grava??o de ?udio das aulas de LI durante a execu??o de uma sequ?ncia did?tica elaborada por mim, enquanto professora pesquisadora, com base nesses princ?pios te?ricos e utilizando textos multimodais aut?nticos. Os estudos te?ricos e a investiga??o demonstraram que pr?ticas pedag?gicas direcionadas por princ?pios dos Letramentos Cr?ticos podem contribuir com uma forma??o para al?m da instrumenta??o lingu?stica e a prepara??o para o mercado de trabalho por estimularem os alunos a lerem a si mesmos e ao mundo criticamente

Tramas discursivas em cena: o espet?culo da l?ngua inglesa em uma institui??o universit?ria

Maldaner, Priscila Steffens Orth 12 November 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Diego dos Santos Borba (dborba@uffs.edu.br) on 2017-04-12T19:21:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MALDANER.pdf: 1048251 bytes, checksum: a6d832eb6388213d4c7610570e755f65 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-12T19:21:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MALDANER.pdf: 1048251 bytes, checksum: a6d832eb6388213d4c7610570e755f65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-12 / Esta pesquisa tem como aporte a perspectiva te?rica da An?lise de Discurso que considera a l?ngua como constitutiva do sujeito e como inscrita na hist?ria. O objetivo deste trabalho ? compreender como emergem representa??es de l?ngua inglesa e como elas s?o sustentadas por diferentes discursividades que circulam em uma institui??o universit?ria (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul), a partir do lugar social servidor p?blico. Nesse sentido, para an?lise das sequ?ncias discursivas que articulamos neste estudo, tomamos como refer?ncia um question?rio de dimensionamento respondido por servidores, cuja finalidade inicial foi a participa??o em um curso de capacita??o em l?ngua inglesa, oferecido pela institui??o. A partir disso, com base nas regularidades, as principais propriedades discursivas que problematizamos s?o: a l?ngua inglesa como instrumento de ascens?o pessoal/profissional; o tempo e o espa?o em conson?ncia com a mobilidade do sujeito na contemporaneidade; e a emerg?ncia do sujeito em rela??o ? flu?ncia e ao ?dom?nio? da l?ngua designada como universal. Com base nas tramas mobilizadas, interpretamos que o discurso sobre a l?ngua inglesa aponta para uma l?ngua-instrumento que sustenta diferentes demandas, posi??essujeito e cujo ilus?rio ?dom?nio? funciona como uma ponte entre o tempo e os espa?os fluidos. Ainda, como efeito das for?as pol?ticas vigentes, entendemos que nesse processo h? uma tentativa constante de apagar a heterogeneidade, para que essa l?ngua universal se sustente na ilus?ria homogeneidade / This dissertation has as its background the theoretical perspective Discursive Analysis, which considers language as constitutive of the subject and, at the same time, embedded in history. The main goal is to get to understand how English Language representations emerge and how they are sustained by different discourses, that surround a university (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul), from the social place public server. Thus, for the analysis of the discourse strings that we have articulated in this study, our reference is a dimensioning questionnaire answered by servers, whose objective was to take place in an English Language Course, provided by the institution. Furthermore, based on the regularities, the main discursive properties that we questioned are: English Language as a tool for personal/professional rising; the time and space linked to the subject mobility in contemporary times; and the emerging subject in relation to the fluency and domain of the language named as universal. Based on the net mobilized, we interpreted that the discourse about English Language points out a toollanguage that supports different demand, subject-position, whose illusionary 'domain' works as a bridge between time and fluid spaces. Still, as an effect of current policies strength, we understand that in this process there is a frequent attempt to decline the heterogenic, so that this universal language can be supported in the illusionary homogeny.

Exame de profici?ncia em l?ngua inglesa: an?lise da compreens?o e da avalia??o responsiva ativa

Sarmento, Maria Edileuda do Rego 19 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-01-27T12:15:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaEdileudaDoRegoSarmento_TESE.pdf: 1897928 bytes, checksum: bce65d269cfae23f33985279c130a790 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-01-27T15:08:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaEdileudaDoRegoSarmento_TESE.pdf: 1897928 bytes, checksum: bce65d269cfae23f33985279c130a790 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-01-27T15:08:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaEdileudaDoRegoSarmento_TESE.pdf: 1897928 bytes, checksum: bce65d269cfae23f33985279c130a790 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-19 / Esta pesquisa se prop?e a analisar alguns Exames de Profici?ncia (EPs) em L?ngua Inglesa (LI), na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), no que concerne ?s suas quest?es e respostas. Para tanto, nos ancoramos na perspectiva bakhtiniana, tendo como base as concep??es sobre o enunciado concreto, as rela??es dial?gicas e a compreens?o responsiva ativa. Inserida no campo da Lingu?stica Aplicada (LA), ela contempla as ?reas de CI?NCIAS AGR?RIAS (CA); CI?NCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA (CET); CI?NCIAS BIOL?GICAS (CB); CI?NCIAS HUMANAS E SOCIAIS (CH); CI?NCIAS DA SA?DE (CS) E ENGENHARIAS (ENG), num total de 30 provas. Esses exames visam avaliar a capacidade de compreens?o e tradu??o de fragmentos textuais. Para tanto, buscamos identificar o entendimento das quest?es desse exame, aplicadas a textos, quanto ?s respostas dos candidatos; problematizar a constru??o dos enunciados dos EPs em LI no que concerne a propiciar a responsividade; analisar se o direcionamento da pergunta orienta ou determina a responsividade; averiguar se h? marcadores lingu?stico/discursivos que demonstrem responsividade por parte dos candidatos. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa em foco ? de cunho qualitativo, interpretativista, de car?ter s?cio-hist?rico, haja vista a gera??o dos dados e a sistematiza??o da an?lise. Adotamos como aporte te?rico para as discuss?es e a an?lise os estudos de Bakhtin/Volochinov (2006); Faraco (2009); Bakhtin (2011; 2013) dentre outros. Destacamos, por seu car?ter qualitativo, procedimentos de an?lise do corpus (por meio das provas), conforme Martins (2004), Denzin e Lincoln 2006), Flick (2009) Rom?o (2011); na abordagem hist?rico-cultural, Rojo (2006), Freitas (2010); na vis?o de Lingu?stica Aplicada e interpretativista, Moita-Lopes (1994). Conclu?mos que houve respostas satisfat?rias ? an?lise, haja vista que, ao se posicionar perante um questionamento, o candidato, mesmo sem o conhecimento exato das teorias, est? nelas incurso. Esperamos que este trabalho possa oferecer subs?dios para uma reformula??o da proposta em vigor do referido exame, de forma a contribuir para sua poss?vel reformula??o, tendo em vista a constru??o da responsividade por parte do candidato. / This research aims to analyze some Proficiency Tests (PTs) in English Language (EL) at the Universidade Federal Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), with respect to its questions and answers. To this end, we based on Bakhtin?s perspective, anchored on the concepts of the concrete utterance, the dialogical relations and active responsive understanding. It is inserted in the field of Applied Linguistics (AL) and covers areas, such as AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES; EXACT AND EARTH SCIENCES; BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES; HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL; HEALTH SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, a total of 30 tests. These tests aim to assess the ability of understanding and translation of textual fragments. Therefore it sought to identify the understanding of the issues that test applied to texts, for the answers of the candidates; problematize the utterance construction of PTs in EL with respect to providing responsiveness; analyze whether the instructions of the question has guided or determined responsiveness; verify whether there is linguistic/discourse markers that demonstrate responsiveness by candidates. Methodologically, the research focus is qualitative and interpretive approach, in socio-historical nature, due to the generation of data and systematic analysis. We adopted as theoretical framework for the discussion and analysis studies by Bakhtin/Voloshinov (2006); Faraco (2009); Bakhtin (2011, 2013) among others. We emphasize, by its qualitative nature, corpus analysis procedures (through the tests), as Martin (2004), Denzin and Lincoln (2006), Flick (2009) Rom?o (2011); the historical-cultural approach, Rojo (2006), Freitas (2010); in Applied Linguistics vision and interpretive, Moita-Lopes (1994). We conclude that there were relevant answers to the analysis, given that, by positioning themselves before questioning the candidates, even without exact knowledge of the theories is convicted them. We hope that this work can provide insight to a proposal from the reformulation into that test, in order to contribute to its possible overhaul, with a view to building responsiveness by the candidate.

Avalia??o do ensino de l?ngua inglesa: um estudo na academia da For?a A?rea / Evaluation of teaching english Language: a study in Air Force Academy

Nazareth, Luciane Maris Urvaneja 24 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:33:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LUCIANE MARIS URVANEJA NAZARETH.pdf: 388657 bytes, checksum: 1e35f0f72e570b5c3f90f97996dcb570 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-24 / The need to learn a foreign language becomes increasingly present in both the day-to-day as in the world of work. The Training Course for Officers at Air Force Academy (AFA) in Pirassununga lasts four years and offers within its curriculum, English classes to the cadets. The field of oral mode of language is of paramount importance in the lives of future military pilots, since it is used in talk radio (phraseology) inside the aircraft and missions abroad. The dominance of English in the operational area of aviation is a key issue in terms of security. Several aircraft accidents, either on the ground or in flight, that were caused by miscommunication or misunderstandings between pilots and control tower. This study investigated the extent to which English course offered the cadets of the AFA (Course of general education and specific training), allows the acquisition of fluency in English required for competent performance of cadet airman. To achieve this goal we performed the documental analysis of Curriculum of English Language and English Instrumental Assessment Plan of the Air Force Academy and assessment tools applied to a class of 188 cadets at the end of 2nd and 4th years, between 2004 and 2006, aiming to derive if the targets with regard to the fluency of English were affected. Characterized, as well as a qualitative research, and was adopted as a methodological procedure to document analysis of curriculum in English with a focus on oral mode of language based on the Plan of Teaching Units, the Plan Evaluation Force Academy Air and Reports Analysis and assessment of quality teaching of the language course as well as official documents of the Air Force Academy and Air Force Command. After analyzing the results, the research indicates that between 2004 and 2006 the emphasis of the English course was in developing the skills of reading and writing, listening and speaking relegating the real focus of the course according to the Teaching Units Plan, the background. Thus, we obtained that the general objectives of the discipline, that would be to interpret written texts and oral presentations, and use speech acts in English and writing at advanced level were not achieved at the level proposed, which may have caused an insufficient learning and which might have affected the field of oral language. / A necessidade de aprender uma L?ngua Estrangeira se faz cada vez mais presente tanto no dia-a-dia como no mundo do trabalho. O Curso de Forma??o de Oficiais na Academia da For?a A?rea (AFA), em Pirassununga, tem dura??o de 4 (quatro) anos e oferece, dentro do seu curr?culo, aulas de L?ngua Inglesa aos cadetes. O dom?nio da modalidade oral da l?ngua ? de suma import?ncia na vida desses futuros pilotos militares, uma vez que ela ? usada na conversa via r?dio (fraseologia) dentro da aeronave e em miss?es no exterior. O dom?nio da L?ngua Inglesa no ?mbito operacional na ?rea da avia??o ? uma quest?o fundamental em termos de seguran?a. S?o v?rios os acidentes com aeronaves tanto em solo quanto em voo que ocorreram por falha de comunica??o ou mal-entendidos entre torre de controle e pilotos. O presente trabalho investigou at? que ponto o curso de Ingl?s oferecido as cadetes da AFA (Curso de forma??o geral e forma??o espec?fica), possibilita a aquisi??o da flu?ncia necess?ria em L?ngua Inglesa para a atua??o competente do cadete aviador. Para atingir este objetivo realizamos a analise documental do Curr?culo de L?ngua Inglesa e de Ingl?s Instrumental, do Plano de Avalia??o da Academia da For?a A?rea e dos instrumentos de avalia??o aplicados a uma turma de 188 cadetes, ao final do 2? e 4? anos, entre os anos de 2004 e 2006, visando auferir se as metas no que tange ? flu?ncia da L?ngua Inglesa foram atingidas. Caracterizou-se, assim, como uma pesquisa qualitativa, e adotou-se como procedimento metodol?gico a an?lise documental do curr?culo de L?ngua Inglesa com foco na modalidade oral da l?ngua tendo como base o Plano de unidades Did?ticas, o Plano de Avalia??o da Academia da For?a A?rea, e os Relat?rios de an?lise e avalia??o da qualidade pedag?gica do curso de idiomas, al?m de documentos oficiais da Academia da For?a A?rea e do Comando da Aeron?utica. Ap?s a an?lise dos resultados, a pesquisa aponta que entre os anos 2004 e 2006 a ?nfase do curso de ingl?s estava no desenvolvimento das habilidades de leitura e escrita, relegando audi??o e fala, os verdadeiros focos do curso segundo o Plano de Unidades Did?ticas, a um segundo plano. Dessa forma, pudemos auferir que os objetivos gerais da disciplina, que seriam interpretar textos escritos e exposi??es orais e empregar atos de fala e reda??es na l?ngua inglesa em n?vel avan?ado, n?o foram atingidos no n?vel proposto, fato que pode ter provocado uma aprendizagem insuficiente e que pode ter comprometido o dom?nio da modalidade oral da l?ngua.

Refer?ncias culturais e heterogeneidade discursiva :Uma proposta para o ensino-aprendizagem de l?ngua inglesa

Canan, Ana Gra?a 30 March 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:07:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnaGC.pdf: 540481 bytes, checksum: 193518383be508c442825d2a26edcfd9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-03-30 / The purpose of this research is to approach the English literary text from the point of view of the culture and the heterogeneity of discourse in its role as a source of elements that facilitate the teaching/learning process of English as a foreign language. Several instances of discourse heterogeneity are analyzed through cultural references in the original texts of the following English novels: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Bront? (1816-1855), published in 1847; The Mill on the Floss, by George Eliot (1819-1890), published in 1860 and Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens (1812-1870), published between 1860 and 1861. Theoretical support was sought in Kramsch, Bakhtin, Maingueneau, Authier-Revuz, Widdowson and Larsen-Freeman. Activities in English are proposed in the end whereby it can be seen that the questions at issue can be used extensively in the classroom. / Esta pesquisa busca abordar o texto liter?rio em l?ngua inglesa na perspectiva da cultura e da heterogeneidade discursiva, enquanto fonte de elementos facilitadores do processo ensinoaprendizagem de ingl?s l?ngua estrangeira. A an?lise se dedica ?s diversas ocorr?ncias da heterogeneidade discursiva, atrav?s das refer?ncias culturais, no original em ingl?s dos seguintes romances: Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Bront? (1816-1855), publicado em 1847; The mill on the Floss, de George Eliot (1819-1890), publicado em 1860 e Great expectations, de Charles Dickens (1812-1870), publicado entre 1860 e 1861. O referencial te?rico ap?ia-se em Kramsch, Bakhtin, Maingueneau, Authier-Revuz, Widdowson e Larsen-Freeman. Ao final, propomos atividades em l?ngua inglesa, mostrando que as quest?es apontadas podem ser largamente exploradas em sala de aula.

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