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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reagentes organometálicos: preparação e reatividade de compostos orgânicos de telúrio / Organometallic reagents: preparation and reactivity of organic compounds of tellurium

Márcio Santos da Silva 18 November 2011 (has links)
Nesta tese foram desenvolvidas metodologias sintéticas para a preparação de compostos orgânicos de telúrio empregando reagentes organometálicos. Primeiramente, foi estudada a abertura tipo SN2 de lactonas, por organoiltelurolatos de lítio ou magnésio para obtenção dos respectivos ácidos telurocarboxílicos. Os organoiltelurolatos foram preparados a partir da reação do telúrio elementar com o organometálico desejado, evitando a manipulação de diteluretos alquílicos que apresentam odores desagradáveis. As reações de abertura de lactonas são de fácil execução e levam aos produtos em bons rendimentos (60 - 88 %). Além disso, há a possibilidade de transformação funcional dos produtos para alcoóis, a partir de uma redução in situ, ou para acil derivados, por meio da esterificação de Steglich. Os alcoóis obtidos são precursores sintéticos das respectivas espécies dilitiadas. Adicionalmente, foram preparados teluretos de alquil arila funcionalizados a partir da reação entre alquiltelurolatos de lítio com iodetos de arila catalisada por CuI (5 mol %). Também foi explorada a influência de ligantes, o que levou a um aumento do rendimento das reações testadas. Também foi estudada a reatividade de n-butilteluretos vinílicos e arílicos com reagentes organometálicos. Ou seja, foi estudada a reação de troca telúrio/metal com compostos organoilzinco e organoilmanganês. As reações com compostos de organoilzinco apresentaram resultados insatisfatórios, devido à baixa seletividade de transferência de grupos ligados ao zinco. As reações com compostos de manganês apresentaram bons resultados, com seletividade na transferência de ligantes e bons rendimentos dos produtos de captura dos compostos de organoilmanganês com eletrófilos. Foi estudada também a reação de acoplamento cruzado entre compostos de aril Grignard e teluretos de butil-vinila na presença de cloreto de manganês e iodeto de cobre (MnCl2/CuI). A reação ocorreu com elevada estereosseletividade e com rendimentos de moderados a bons. / In this PhD thesis synthetic methodologies for the preparation of organic compounds of tellurium employing organometallic reagents were developed. Initially, the SN2 type opening reaction of lactones by means of lithium or magnesium organotellurolates leading to the corresponding carboxylic acids was studied. The metal organotellurolates were prepared by reacting elemental tellurium with organolithium or Grignard reagents, avoiding the manipulation of bad smelling dialkylditellurides. The opening reactions occured easily, leading to the products in good yields (60 - 88 %). The tellurocarboxylic acids were transformed into alcohols by in situ reduction or into acyl derivatives, by a Steglich esterification. The obtained alcohols are precursors of the corresponding dilithium species by reaction with n-butyllithium. Additionally, functionalized arylbutyltellurides were prepared by reacting lithium alkyltellurolates with functionalized aryl iodides in the presence of CuI (5 mol %). The influence of ligands was also explored, leading to improved yields. It was also investigated the reactivity of vinyl butyltellurides with organometallic reagents. The tellurium/metal exchange reaction with organozinc and organomanganese compounds was studied. The reactions with organozinc compounds presented unsatisfactory results, in view of the low selectivity transfer of the groups linked to zinc. The reaction with organomanganese compounds presented better results in view of the fast Te/Mn exchange reaction, selectivity in the ligand transfer and good yields of the organomanganese capture products with electrophiles. It was also studied the cross-coupling reaction between aryl Grignard reagents and vinyl butyl tellurides in the presence of manganese chloride and copper iodide (MnCl2/CuI). The reaction occuried with high stereosselectivity and in moderate to good yields.

Etude comparative de la réactivité des β-lactones et β-thiolactones. Synthèse stéréosélective d'α-C- et S-glycosides à partir de dérivés de l'acide N-acétylneuraminique

Noël, Amandine 13 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les β-lactones étant présentes dans de nombreux composés naturels biologiquement actifs, cette famille de molécules a été intensivement étudiée aussi bien d'un point de vue structural que pour leur réactivité, contrairement aux β-thiolactones. Afin d'établir un parallèle entre ces deux familles, nous avons étudié leur stabilité thermique en comparant les vitesses d'extrusion de CO2 et COS. Le suivi réactionnel a été réalisé par UV-spectrométrie de masse sur des β-lactones di-, tri- et tétrasubstituées et les β-thiolactones correspondantes, dans deux solvants (un polaire, l'autre apolaire). Utilisant la même stratégie, nous nous sommes intéressés à l'ouverture de ces hétérocycles par différents nucléophiles ainsi que la formation cinétique compétitive des β-(thio)lactones à partir d'un intermédiaire commun. Les similitudes entre les β-lactones et β-thiolactones soulignées par ces investigations, ont révélé la possible utilisation de ces dernières comme substitut des premières. La deuxième partie de ce manuscrit concerne la synthèse de mimes des O-sialosides présents dans de nombreux processus biologiques mais sensibles à l'hydrolyse enzymatique. A partir de dérivés de l'acide N-acétylneuraminique, nous avons développé des méthodes de C- et S-glycosylations électrophiles α-sélectives, et efficaces malgré la présence d'un groupement électroattracteur en C2 et du méthylène en C3 favorisant la formation du glycal. Ces techniques de synthèse, conduisant à des rendements et sélectivités excellents, pourront trouver des applications pour la synthèse de glycomimétiques.

Quorum Sensing Signals Produced by Heterotrophic Bacteria in Black Band Disease (BBD) of Corals and Their Potential Role in BBD Pathogenesis

Bhedi, Chinmayee D. 30 June 2017 (has links)
Black band disease (BBD) of corals is a temperature dependent, highly virulent, polymicrobial disease affecting reef-building corals globally. The microbial consortium of BBD is primarily comprised of functional physiological groups that include photosynthetic cyanobacteria, sulfate reducers, sulfide oxidizers and a vast repertoire of heterotrophic bacteria. Quorum sensing (QS), the cell-density dependent communication phenomenon in bacteria, is known to induce expression of genes for a variety of virulence factors in diseases worldwide. Microbes capable of QS release signals such as acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) and autoinducer-2 (AI-2), which coordinate microbial interaction. The focus of the present study was to investigate the presence and potential role of QS in BBD pathogenicity, utilizing culture dependent and independent methodologies. Isolates across coral health states including BBD, were screened for production of QS signals, and AHL and AI-2 production capabilities were analyzed via LC-MS/MS. The effect of temperature on AHLs was also examined. Additionally, antimicrobial production capabilities of isolates were tested. BBD metagenomes were utilized to screen for sequences related to QS, antimicrobial synthesis, and antimicrobial resistance genes. BBD isolates represented a significantly higher proportion of isolates capable of producing QS signals in comparison to healthy coral isolates. Several AHLs produced by coral derived bacterial cultures were identified, and three AHLs, specifically 3OHC4, 3OHC5 and 3OHC6, showed a significant increase in production at an elevated temperature of 30 °C, which correlates with increased BBD incidence on reefs with increasing water temperature. Most of the BBD cultured isolates were identified as vibrios. Several sequences related to QS, antimicrobial synthesis and resistance genes were detected in the BBD metagenomes. Based on the findings of this study, a model for potential microbial interactions amongst BBD heterotrophs, centered around QS, is proposed. Taken together, the findings from this study provide a clearer understanding of the potential role of QS in BBD, and serve as the basis for further studies aimed at elucidating the pathogenesis of an intricate coral disease.

Investigating the Intercarbonyl X...C' (X=O/S/N) Interactions in Short Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Evidence of charge->II* Interactions. Synthesis and Characterization of Thioimidate Isostere Containing Peptidomimetics

Tumminakatti, Shama January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis entitled “Investigating the Intercarbonyl X···C′ (X = O/S/N) Interactions in Short Peptides and Peptidomimetics. Evidence of Charge→π* Interactions. Synthesis and Characterization of Thioimidate Isostere Containing Peptidomimetics” is divided into two chapters. First chapter is further subdivided into four sections where investigation of the nature of intercarbonyl X···C′ (X = O/S/N) interactions in short peptides and peptidomimetics has been described. The second chapter also has been subdivided into three parts where the syntheses and characterization of thioimidate (1,3-thiazine) and imidate (1,3-oxazine) isostere containing peptidomimetics have been discussed. Chapter 1: Section A: Revisiting the earlier models for the intercarbonyl O···C′ interactions The proximity between carbonyls is ubiquitous in crystals. Here we review the key reports that have assigned an n→π* nature to interactions between carbonyl oxygen (O) atoms and adjacent carbonyl carbon (C′) atoms (O···C′). Based on earlier hypotheses (by Burgi-Dunitz) that suggest that “the minimum energy trajectory of a nitrogen nucleophile adding to the C′ of carbonyl is at N···C′ distances of ≤ 3.2 Å and along N···C′=O angles of 109±10o”, the optimum trajectory for addition of an O to an adjacent C′ has also been assigned to be the same (O···C′ distance ≤ 3.2 Å and O···C′=O angle is 109±10o). Additionally, all O and C′ atoms within these boundary conditions in crystal structures were assigned a status of interacting and those outside of the same as non-interacting. Based on quantum mechanical models for electronic orbitals that contain the valence electrons of such proximal O and C′ atoms – derived through NBO (Natural Bond Order) calculations (on crystal structures) – it has been proposed that the filled non-bonding lone pair orbital of the O (donor) overlaps with the empty π* orbital of the carbonyl C′ (acceptor), in these O···C′ interactions. Hence, these have been termed as n→π* interactions. Using DFT (Density Functional Theory) calculations energies for these interactions have been predicted to range from 0.5 to 5.0 kcal mol-1, which are similar to those for other strong non-covalent interactions such as H-bonding, weak cation-π, etc. This n→π* interaction model is assumed to prevail between adjacent carbonyls (Oi-1···C′i) at Xaa-Pro dipeptide motifs and to be exclusively responsible for the changes in equilibrium constant values (Kc/t) for the trans to cis isomerisation reaction at Xaa-Pro peptide bond in chosen analogue molecules. Based on this assumption, these Kc/t values have been used as direct experimental equivalents for the energies of these n→π* interactions. Simultaneous to such review of literature, this chapter highlights several anomalies in this n→π* model for the intercarbonyl O···C′ interactions. We discuss the alternate models that also exist for the O···C′ proximities and show that several features – such as improved pyramidalization at the acceptor carbonyl; decrease in Kc/t values at Xaa-Pro peptide bonds; and small changes in 13C NMR chemical shift values for the acceptor carbonyls; etc. – that accompany the shortening of O···C′ distance, can be explained without invoking the n→π* interaction model. Moreover, we discuss key observations such as the presence of near-symmetric antiparallel short contacts between carbonyl groups (C=O) in crystal structures, which cannot be explained by the quantum mechanical n→π* model for the O···C′ interactions. Chapter 1: Section B: Spectroscopic and kinetic investigations into the nature of X···C′ (X = O/S) interactions in N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) In this section the key interactions involving the adjacent carbonyls in model N-acyl homoserine lactones (AHLs) (which are signalling molecules in quorum sensing) in solution, their electronic nature and their influence on solvolysis of the lactone ring have been investigated. Earlier, in the crystal structures of two sterically encumbered synthetic AHL analogues N-trimethyl acetyl homoserine lactone and N-tribromoacetyl homosrine lactone the presence of an n→π* orbital overlap type interaction between Oacyl and C′lact had been suggested. Based primarily on this, the operation of similar OacylC′lact interaction was proposed in all AHLs in their solution conformations as well. More intriguingly, the interaction was hypothesized to decrease the rates of lactone hydrolysis, rendering AHLs with longer biological half-life. This is contrary to physical organic understanding of nucleophilic catalysis of addition to carbonyls. Here we synthesize a variety of AHLs and analyze their NMR and FT-IR data in solution. The spectral data reveal that the role of the N-acyl group in AHLs is to withdraw eˉs from lactone C=O inductively and to improve electronic shielding at C′lact. Lack of appreciable changes in C=O stretching frequencies of lactone and 13C NMR chemical shift values of C′lact indicate the absence of electronic perturbation of the π* of the lactone. Similar non-variance of spectral bands with improvement in nucleophilicity of the N-acyl group indicates the absence of any evidence for n→π* nature for the O···C′ interactions (between the lone pair of eˉs from Oacyl to π* at C′lact). Further the spectroscopic data indicate that any change in charge at the acyl O is felt by C′lact and this weak interaction releases energy in the order of ≤ 0.05 kcal mol-1. The combined influence of the electron withdrawing N-acyl group and the weak Oacyl···C′lact interaction in AHLs is that, increasing the charge at Oacyl increases the rate of solvolysis of lactone. Analysis of the conformation of the lactone ring in the LuxR receptor-bound and unbound crystal structure forms reveals the flattening of the puckered ring in the LuxR bound state – facilitated by several interactions with the receptor. Conserved interactions between LuxR and AHLs lock the N-acyl carbonyl motif such that they are orthogonal to the lactone carbonyl and intramolecular interaction between Oacyl and C′lact is precluded. We propose the design of flat cyclic analogues of γ-butyrolactone bearing electron withdrawing side chains as potential molecules for taking advantage of bacterial quorum sensing in environmental applications and biotechnology. Chapter 1: Section C: Spectroscopic investigation into the nature of intercarbonyl X•••C′ (X = O/S/N) interactions: Carbamyl-cisPro model systems In this section we investigate the nature of intercarbonyl X···C′ interactions in carbamyl-Pro model systems using spectroscopic methods like FT-IR and 1D NMR. Further we derive the enthalpic and entropic contributions towards the free energy for trans to cis isomerization (Kc/t) at these model carbamyl-Pro systems. Our results reveal that changes in Kc/t values cannot always be used as proof for the presence or absence of electronic interactions, and hence to unambiguously suggest the nature of these interactions. Cis/trans isomerism exists at Xaa-Pro amide and carbamate motifs, and it was proposed that in acyl-Pro systems the O···C′ interactions are responsible for the stability of either cis or trans depending upon their direction of operation (Forward direction: O of Xaa is the donor of electrons to π* at C′ of Pro; Reverse direction: O of Pro is the donor of electrons to π* at C′ of Xaa). Investigation of the carbamyl-Pro systems can shed further light on this hypothesis. Hence we undertook the first spectroscopic and Van’t Hoff analysis of homologous carbamyl-Pro model systems. The Kc/t of the homologous series surprisingly increased with increase in the bulk at R (R varies from Me to tBu). The spectroscopic data revealed the presence of charge→σ* interactions at carbamyl groups. This interaction locks the carbamyl motif in the s-transoid conformation, along the C′-O σ-bond. Such conformational lock is observed to be greater in carbamyl groups where R has at least one Cα-H bond. Interestingly, we observe the absence of X···C′ electronic interactions that may selectively stabilize the cisPro conformer in these molecules. Van’t Hoff analyses on the other hand showed that as the number of Me substituents in R increases (R = Me to iPr), there is a favorable increase in entropy ( So) associated with the transPro to cisPro conformational isomerism. As a result, the population of the cisPro conformer improves significantly as the steric bulk at R increases. We note that the enthalpy of cisPro is however relatively small and remains unfavourable as R-bulk increases (Me to iPr). These data reveal the influence of electrostatic interactions between charged groups, on the change in entropy associated with cis/trans isomerism at carbamayl-Pro motifs. This not only opposes the n→π* model, but also provides an example for the important point that changes in Kc/t can/should not be taken as direct evidences of any single electronic interaction. Importantly, this study provides another example where electronic interactions between charged, polarized carbonyl motif rather than nonbonding lone pair eˉs of carbonyl motifs influence cis/trans isomerism at Xaa-Pro systems. Chapter 1: Section D: Investigation of the stereoelectronic nature of the X···C′ (X = O/S) contacts In this section we provide experimental evidence for the existence of inverse correlation between the charge on the O nucleophile and the O···C′ distances. We show that O and C′ atoms (of adjacent carbonyls), which are separated at distances > 3.20 Å in carefully chosen analogues, come together to σ-bonding distances when the charge on O is increased to -1. Additionally, the influence of backbone steric factors on these charge→π* interactions is investigated. A partial covalent nature was proposed for the O···C′ interactions. Our study showed that the shortest intercarbonyl O···C′ distances between the O of 1°, 2° and 3° amide carbonyls and proximal C′ in molecules found in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) (v5.36, November 2014) show an inverse linear correlation with the partial negative charge (δ‾) on the amide carbonyl O rendered by natural amide carbonyl polarization. These data suggest the interaction of charge on the nucleophilic O with π* of the acceptor carbonyl. Further on increasing the charge on nucleophilic carbonyl O to -1 in the model compound, we achieved the formation of σ-bond through non-native (natively disallowed) Oi‾¹→C′i-1 interaction. Here we provide the first experimental evidences that suggest the interaction between charge of O and π* at adjacent C′ (the charge→π* interaction) and the latent covalent nature of the O···C′ interactions. This charge→π* model explains the origins of variations in O···C′ distances (3.20 Å–1.43 Å) in proteins and complexes that occur to suit biological functions; and the mutual interactions between antiparallel carbonyls. Further the effect of 3 key steric factors – namely the allowed τ (N-Cα-C′) angle, entropy and allowed (ϕ,ψ) angles – on the non-native Oi→C′i-1 interactions were investigated in the model compounds. Our kinetic data revealed that, the allowed τ angles have the greatest influence on charge→π* interaction, followed by entropy. Importantly the allowed (ϕ,ψ) torsional angles for residues, that govern protein folding pathways, have little influence on the O···C′ electronic interactions. Chapter 2: Section A: Design and synthesis of novel 1,3-Thiazine containing peptidomimetics This section describes the first synthesis of peptidomimetics containing the 1,3-thiazine isostere (thioimidate isostere for the peptide bond), at the C-terminus and also at the middle of the peptide. The synthesis of the 6-membered heterocycles – 1,3-oxazine (Oxa) – have earlier been reported. Oxa motifs constrain preceding amino acid backbones into natively disallowed conformations. Here we present the first synthesis of peptidomimetics containing the 1,3-thiazine (Thi) (the thioimidate analogue of Oxa) motif, by the treatment of N-(3-hydroxypropyl)thioamides with MsCl/Et3N, which leads to intramolecular S-alkylation / cyclization. When placed at the C-terminus of acyl-Pro motifs the Thi group selectively improves the stability of the rare s-cis conformation of the acyl-Pro peptide bond. Further this method has been used to synthesize peptidomimetics in which an endogenous peptide bond is replaced with the Thi isostere. These Thi analogues are shown to be stable to standard conditions of peptide coupling and N- and C- terminus protection, deprotection and can be extended selectively at their N- or C- termini. Chapter 2: Section B: Epimerization in 1,3-Thiazine containing peptidomimetics The epimerization in 1,3-thiazine containing peptidomimetics and its mechanism has been described in this section. Further the aggregation behaviour of these thiazines, in solution and crystal structures, has been studied. It has been well-documented that epimerization (Racemization) occurs at the chiral centers at the C(2) exo methine of 1,3-thiazolines and 1,3-thiazoles. Similar epimerizations in 1,3-thiazines have however not been explored. Here we report our observation of epimerization in chiral aminoacid (non Pro) containing 1,3-thiazine peptidomimetics. Our studies revealed that, the epimerization happens at C2 positions of chiral (non-Pro) amino acids-derived 1,3-thiazine containing peptiomimetics. And NH of chiral (non-Pro) amino acid fused to Thi ring at C2 position is necessary for the epimerization. Further we investigated the Boc-Xaa*-Thi analogues in solution, which showed two resonances for the carbamate N-H (HN) and the H of Xaa*, irrespective of the side chain in Xaa, in CDCl3 a weakly polar solvent. The integral ratios of the major : minor peak increased with increase in concentration for Boc-Val*-Thi, indicating the formation of H-bonded aggregates. Even in the polar aprotic (DMSO-d6) and polar protic (D2O) solvents the two sets of resonances were observed for Boc-Val*-Thi in 1H NMR. But when the thioimidate N is protonated (N of Thi is no longer a H-bond acceptor), showed only a single set of resonances. Formation of intermolecular H-bonds involving N of Thi in solution is thus evident in the aggregates. This is further suggested by the crystal structures obtained for the peptide mimetics Boc-Val*-Thi, Boc-Leu*-Thi and Boc-Phe*-Thi in which the racemic pair, instead of one enantiomer of it, are present in the unit cell and are locked in a pair of intermolecular 10 membered H-bonding interactions between NThi and HLeu* similar to an antiparallel β-sheet. A mechanism for racemization is proposed, where this strong H-bond assists enamination/racemization process. Chapter 2: Section C: Influence of a disallowed conformation of Aib on the structure of a 310-helical fold In this section, the effect of the presence of a disallowed conformation of Aib at the C-terminus of a 310-helical peptide, on the structure and fold of the rest of the peptide body has been studied in solution. We constrain the C-terminal Aib in the Aib-rich octapeptide (N-tert-butoxycarbonyl-Leu1-Aib2-Ala3-Leu4-Aib5-Ala6-Phe7-Aib8-CO2Me (1), which adopts a complete 310-helical conformation throughout the peptide body in the crystal structure and in solution) in one of its disallowed conformations using a method earlier developed in our group. This involves the synthetic modification of the C-terminal ester (Aib8-CO2Me) in 1 to an Oxa (Aib*8-Oxa) in 2 and the study of its effect on the peptide body. Analyses of the solution FT-IR, CD, ¹H, 2D (TOCSY, HSQC, HMBC and ROESY) and solvent polarity dependent NMR data reveal that 2 adopts a 310-helical conformation similar to that of 1. The C-terminal CO2Me → Oxa (E → O) modified Aib*8-Oxa motif is constrained in a unique conformation where the two Cβ atoms of Aib*8 are staggered with respect to the Aib*8 C=O and are both interacting with the two Hβ of Phe7. Here the Aib* backbone is constrained by a 5-membered ring NOxa∙∙∙HAib* H-bond, in a C5i structure. Solvent polarity dependent ¹H NMR data indicate the formation and persistence of C5i H-bond at the Aib*8-Oxa motif in 2. Analyses of the ROESY, solvent polarity dependent ¹H NMR and CD spectra reveal that four crucial changes in ROESY cross peaks occur at the Phe7-Aib*8 motif of 2, compared to that in 1. From these spectroscopic data it has been confirmed that there is no change in the structure of 2 from Leu1 to Ala6. Whatever the crucial changes happened are at Phe7-Aib*8 motif of 2. Hence our study showed that the significant structural consequences of this disallowed conformation of Aib* are primarily observed to occur in the residue in its immediate vicinity, rather than in the whole peptide body. Presence of a disallowed fold at a residue need not result in disruption of the structure, or the overall fold, in the rest of the peptide body.

Impact de l'ivermectine sur les systèmes de détoxification des xénobiotiques : régulations chez l'hôte et chez le nématode / Impact of ivermectin on xenobiotic detoxification systems : regulations in host and nematode

Albérich, Mélanie 16 December 2014 (has links)
Les infections par les nématodes gastro-intestinaux entrainent des baisses en productions animales et des pertes économiques majeures pour les éleveurs. Les lactones macrocycliques (LMs) sont parmi les antiparasitaires les plus utilisés dans la lutte contre les nématodes gastro-intestinaux en médecine vétérinaire. De part une utilisation intensive, des résistances aux LMs chez les parasites gastro-intestinaux se sont développées au sein des élevages du monde entier mettant en péril l'efficacité thérapeutique de ces molécules. Par ailleurs, le développement de nouveaux antiparasitaires est limité. Ainsi, un des enjeux pour assurer le contrôle de ces parasites est de ralentir les phénomènes de résistance aux LMs afin de prolonger leur efficacité. Le succès d'une telle stratégie repose sur les connaissances précises des mécanismes impliqués dans la résistance. Parmi eux, la modulation des systèmes de détoxification est décrite lors de phénomènes de résistance aux LMs. Au cours de ces travaux, nous avons étudiés la régulation des systèmes de détoxification, en réponse à l'ivermectine chez l'hôte. Nous avons montré, en comparaison à une administration unique, qu'une administration répétée d'ivermectine par voie orale chez la souris est responsable de l'induction de l'expression de certains gènes transporteurs ABC et cytochromes impliqués dans son métabolisme. Ceci entraîne, à la fois, une diminution de la concentration de la molécule parentale et une augmentation de la teneur de son métabolite principal dans le plasma et l'intestin. Ensuite, nous avons étudié l'implication des mécanismes de régulation des systèmes de détoxification, et notamment les récepteurs nucléaires, dans la tolérance à l'ivermectine chez le nématode C.elegans. Nous avons montré que le récepteur nucléaire nhr-a est important pour la tolérance et le développement de la résistance à l'ivermectine. Enfin, nous avons étudié l'impact d'inhibiteurs des transporteurs ABC sur l'efficacité de l'ivermectine. Nous avons mis en évidence la capacité de certains flavonoïdes et de l'ivermectine aglycone à potentialiser l'efficacité de l'ivermectine chez le nématode. Une exposition d'ivermectine induit la surexpression des systèmes de détoxification chez l'hôte. Ceci pourrait être la base des mécanismes moléculaires de la résistance chez le nématode. Cibler les systèmes de détoxification ou les mécanismes de résistance, par des inhibiteurs adaptés, représente une stratégie pertinente pour potentialiser l'efficacité de l'ivermectine. / Infections with gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs) in livestock leads to major losses in production and consequently impact economically farmers. Their intensive use has led to widespread anthelmintic resistance which is nowadays the main threat on the sustainable control of GINs in livestock. The development of new anthelmintic is limited due to the cost of such process. Then, the challenge remains in optimizing the use of existing molecules. Therefore, it is urgent to limit and control MLs resistance in order to extend their efficacy and to avoid therapeutic failure. Resistance mechanisms remain to be elucidated. In that context, we investigated regulatory mechanism of detoxification systems of ivermectin implicated in therapeutic efficacy in host and resistance development in nematode. Therapeutic combinations of ivermectin with flavonoïds have been evaluated to potentiate its efficacy in nematode. We showed that repeated oral administration of ivermectin induced gene expression encoding some ABC efflux transporters and cytochromes involved in its metabolism. Compared with single administration, repeated ivermectin administration lowered plasma, liver and intestine drug concentration, while increasing main metabolite content in plasma and intestine. We have also shown that nuclear receptor nhr-a was important for ivermectin tolerance and ivermectin development of resistance in C. elegans. Finally, we demonstrated the ability of the flavonoïd phloretin to potentiate ivermectin efficacy in the nematode C. elegans. Taken together, these data suggest that induction of detoxification systems impact on ivermectin distribution and targeting their regulation could be an appropriate strategy to potentiate ivermectin efficacy in host and to reverse resistance in nematode.

Prirodni stiril-laktoni, njihovi derivati i analozi kao potencijalni antitumorski agensi: Dizajn, sinteza i SAR ispitivanja / Natural styryl-lactones, their derivatives and analogues as potential antitumour agents: Design, synthesis and a SAR study

Kovačević Ivana 29 April 2015 (has links)
<p>U radu je ostvarena sinteza četiri prirodna proizvoda, goniobutenolida A i B,<br />krasalaktona D i 3-deoksi-kardiobutanolida i 32 derivata i analoga polazeći iz<br />D-glukoze. Sinteza prirodnog stiril-laktona, kardiobutanolida&nbsp; i njegova 4<br />derivata je izvedena polazeći iz&nbsp; D-ksiloze.&nbsp; Ispitan je uticaj sintetizovanih<br />jedinjenja&nbsp; na inhibiciju rasta 10 tumorskih i jedne zdrave ćelijske linije.<br />Uspostavljene su i&nbsp; korelacije izmedju strukture i antiproliferativne aktivnosti&nbsp;(SAR) i ispitan je mehanzam antitumorskog dejstva.</p> / <p>Synthesis of four natural products: goniobutenolide A and B,&nbsp;crassalactone D, 3-deoxy-cardiobutanolide and their 32 analogues&nbsp;and derivatives is accomplished starting from&nbsp; D-glucose. Synthesis of natural styryl lactone cardiobutanolide and its four derivatives is &nbsp;achieved&nbsp; starting&nbsp; from&nbsp; D-xylose.&nbsp; Synthesized natural lactones, their analogues and derivatives were evaluated for their antiproliferative activity against ten malignant cell lines&nbsp; as well as against a single normal cell line. Influence of functional groups on antitumour activity was established by correlating structures of synthesized compounds&nbsp; with&nbsp; their&nbsp; biological&nbsp; activity (SAR).&nbsp; Also, mechanism of antitumour action was investigated.</p>

Weight management in Hong Kong Chinese adults. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / ProQuest dissertations and theses

January 2004 (has links)
Sea Man Mei. / "September 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 194-218). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest dissertations and theses, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

Enantiodivergentna totalna sinteza odabranih stiril laktona i preliminarno ispitivanje njihove citotoksičnosti / Enantiodivergent total synthesis of selected styryl lactones and preliminary evaluation of their cytotoxicity

Benedeković Goran 11 October 2012 (has links)
<p>U radu je ostvarena enantiodivergentna totalna sinteza oba enantiomera goniofufurona, 7-epi-goniofufurona i krasalaktona C polazeći iz D-glukoze. Ključne faze u sintezi 7-epi-(+)-goniofufurona bile su stereoselektivna adicija fenilmagnezijum bromida na aldehidnu grupu pogodno za&scaron;tićene dialdoze, i stereospecifično formiranje furano-laktonskog prstena ciklokondenzacijom odabranog hemiacetalnog derivata sa Meldrum-ovom kiselinom. Sinteza (+)-goniofufurona i (+)-krasalaktona C zahtevala je inverziju konfiguracije na C-5<br />u zajedničkom intermedijeru, koja je efikasno ostvarena u uslovima Mitsunobu-ove reakcije, ili alternativno oksidacijom benzilne hidroksilne grupe u prohiralni keton, uz naknadnu stereoselektivnu redukcijom sa borohidridom. Sličan pristup je zatim primenjen za sintezu neprirodnih (&minus;)-enantiomera goniofufurona, 7-epi-goniofufurona i krasalaktona C, dva nova konformaciono ograničena analoga (+)- i (&minus;)-goniofufurona (oksetani 36 i ent-36), kao i odgovarajućih 7-deoksigenovanih derivata (31 i ent-31). Takodje je razvijena i prva totalna sinteza prirodnog (+)-krasalaktona B (3) i alternativna sinteza (+)-krasalaktona C (4) polazeći iz D-glukoze. Selektivni pristup molekulima 3, odnosno 4 omogućen je promenom uslova za TBDPS deprotekciju u finalnom intermedijeru 53. Osnovna karakteristika pomenutih pristupa je njihova generalnost i fleksibilnost. Na taj način je omogućena sinteza serije analoga i derivata (+)-goniofufurona, ili 7-epi-goniofufurona, uključujući i do sada nepoznate 7-epi-(+)-krasalaktone B (6) i C (7), 5,7-di-O-cinamoil derivate 8 i 9, 5,7-di-O-izopropilidenske derivate 5 i 10, kao i vi&scaron;e lipofilnih derivata (jedinjenja 26, 30, 33, 65, ent-30 i ent-33). Konačno, u drugom delu rada, ispitan je uticaj sintetizovanih stiril-laktona na rast odabranih tumorskih ćelijskih linija in vitro.</p> / <p> Enantiodivergent total syntheses of both (+)- and (&minus;)-enantiomers of goniofufurone, 7-epi-goniofufurone and crassalactone C have been accomplished starting from D-glucose. The key steps of the synthe-sis of 7-epi-(+)-goniofufurone were a stereo-selective addition of&nbsp;<br /> phenyl magnesium bromide to a protected dialdose, followed by a stereospecific furano-lactone ring formation by condensation of a partially protected lactole with Meldrum&rsquo;s acid. The synthesis of (+)-goniofufurone and (+)-crassalactone C required a configurational inversion at C-5 in the common intermediate that was efficiently achieved under the standard Mitsunobu conditions, or alternatively through a sequential oxidation of the benzylic hydroxyl group followed by a stereo-selective reduction with borohydride. A similar approach was applied to the synthesis of the unnatural enantiomers of goniofufurone, 7-epi-goniofufurone and crassalactone C, two novel, conformationally constrained analogues of both (+)- and (&minus;)-goniofufurone (oxetanes 34 and ent-34). as well as the corresponding 7-deoxygenated derivatives (31 and ent-31). We have also developed the first total synthesis of (+)-crassalactone B (2) and an alternative synthesis of (+)-crassalactone C (3) starting from D-glucose. Finally, the synthesized styryl-lactones were evaluated for their antiproliferative activity against a panel of human tumor cell lines.</p>

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