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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gymnasielärarnas förståelse för kunskapsområdet lag och rätt i samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ undersökning om samhällskunskapslärares uppfattning av ämnesområdet lag och rätt. / The upper secondary school teachers' understanding of the knowledge area law and order in social studies : A qualitative study of social studies teachers' perception of the subject area law and order.

Odisho, Noel Nores January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien handlar om att undersöka samhällskunskapslärares förståelse för kunskapsområdet, lag och rätt. Syftet besvarades genom forskningsfrågorna som lyfte vilket undervisningsinnehåll och målsättning läraren har med sin undervisning inom kunskapsområdet, lag och rätt. Studiens bygger på intervju av fyra samhällskunskapslärare på gymnasiet för att därmed ta del av deras uppfattningar och förståelse för kunskapsområdet, lag och rätt. Studien ska ses mot bakgrund av det alltmer eskalerande gängrelaterade skjutningarna och sprängningarna i samhället. Materialet analyserades utifrån Lindmarks fyra ämneskonceptioner, nämligen fakta- och begreppsinriktad förståelse, -värdegrundsinriktad, -samhällsanalytiskt inriktad och medborgarfärdighetsinriktad förståelse. Studien visar att lärarna uttryckte en kombination för olika ämneskonceptioner, främst med betoning på medborgarfärdighetsinriktad ämneskonception med inslag av fakta och begreppsinriktad ämneskonception. Samtliga lärare gav uttryck för medborgarfärdighetsinriktad förståelse för kunskapsämnet, lag och rätt. Framförallt skulle kunskapsområdet rusta eleverna och ge dem handlingsberedskap för att vara och verka i ett komplext samhälle. Det tyder på att fostransuppdraget stod i centrum i de intervjuade lärarnas undervisning. Även om alla gav uttryck för medborgarfärdighetsinriktad förståelse för kunskapsområdet, lag och rätt, så fanns det en variation i lärarnas målsättning och innehåll sinsemellan. Detta belyser lärarnas friutrymme, där de utifrån sin tolkning av styrdokumenten fattar beslut om hur målet och innehållet i undervisningen inom kunskapsområdet, lag och rätt ska utformas.  Vidare framkom det att lärarna i studien undervisade om kunskapsområdet lag och rätt, men de framhöll att det inte är ett prioriterat kunskapsområde i samhällskunskapsämnet på gymnasiet. Framförallt betonade lärarna i studien att det inte står framskrivet i det centrala innehållet i Samhällskunskap 1b, som är den mest förekomna kursen på programmen på gymnasiet, att man ska studera kunskapsområdet lag och rätt. Därmed går det att urskilja att det skiljer sig en del åt utifrån vilket program som man läser på gymnasiet och vilken kurs det är som man då ska behandlas samt vad läraren lägger i sitt friutrymme vid uttolkandet av det centrala innehållet. Det avgör i sig vad det är som eleven får med sig från kunskapsområdet lag och rätt.

Identifying Factors affecting the Presence and Abundance of Invasive Tree Species in Mississippi

Zhai, Jun 11 August 2017 (has links)
The presence and spread of invasive tree species have caused great ecological and economic damages. Previous studies usually ignored the role of socioeconomic factors and seldom treated presence and abundance as different phenomena. Using Classification and Regression Trees (CART) analysis, important driving factors affecting the presence and abundance of invasive tree species in Mississippi were identified. Then these selected important factors were spatially analyzed using a spatial lag model at the plot and county levels. The empirical results from the spatial lag model showed that: 1) presence was associated with elevation, ownership, population density and per capita annual income; 2) abundance was related to stand age, elevation, growing stock and per capita annual income. These findings suggested that socioeconomic factors besides ecological factors played a significant role and factors affecting the presence and abundance were different. Thus, management prescriptions to monitor and control invasions should depend on difference factors.

Exploring the Dynamics of Damage Costs Inflation on Insurance Matters : An In-depth Regression Analysis on Macroeconomic Variables

Liljestrand, Jacob, Nyberg, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this thesis consist of three parts. Firstly, the aim was to developan accurate historical inflation index suitable for the insurance business, usinginformation about insurance matters. The calculated inflation index was compared to an in-house benchmark at the insurance company Gjensidige, it wasfound to be a good match. Secondly, to determine the best model for explainingthe Swedish CPI inflation shocks, the thesis employed Multi Linear, RandomForest and XGBoost Regression. Thirdly, feature importance estimation wasconducted to identify which macroeconomic variables that were the most important in explaining inflation. Also, a time lag analysis was implemented tobetter understand with what delay these features best explain the inflation. Theresults revealed that Random Forest and Multi Linear Regression were the mostsuitable model candidates in terms of performance and transparency based onthe available dataset. Furthermore, the study found that unemployment rate,interest rate, and energy were the most crucial features in explaining inflation.It was also found that features with a low time lag entailed a high importance.The belief is that the study’s findings can assist insurance companies in developing a more agile product pricing process and sharpen their awareness towardsimportant macroeconomic variables. Overall, this study can be a valuable resource for insurance companies seeking to avoid underwriting risk and gain abetter understanding of the inflation’s underlying drivers.

Sannolikhet genom simulering : En Learning study om att utveckla elevers kunskaper inom sannolikhet / Probability through simulation : A Learning study about developing students’knowledge of probability

Säleby, William January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att visa på hur simuleringsbaserade aktiviteter kan användas för att lära ut stora talens lag till elever på mellanstadiet. Studiens kan förhoppningsvis vidare kunna bidra till en ökad kunskap om hur elever kan lära sig om sannolikhet. För att uppnå syftet användes två olika frågeställningar. Frågeställningarna var följande: Hur kan elever på mellanstadiet utveckla sina kunskaper om de stora talens lag med hjälp av simuleringar? Vilka kritiska aspekter om sannolikhet är möjliga för eleverna att urskilja med hjälp av simuleringsaktiviteter? Vilka övriga aspekter av matematikundervisningen synliggörs under studiens gång?  Studien utgår ifrån variationsteorins syn på lärande och därav valdes metoden Learning study till studien. Variationsteorin belyser variationens betydelse för att möjliggöra ett lärande. Learning study syftar till att nå ett lärande vilket är i linje med det den här studien vill uppnå.  Resultatet i studien visar både att det både finns för- och nackdelar med arbete genom simulering. En fördel var att växande stickprov visade sig vara ett bra sätt för elever att urskilja olika kritiska aspekter. En nackdel var att vissa kritiska aspekter var svåra för eleverna att urskilja. Exempelvis var den kritiska aspekten om begreppen tur och skicklighet fortsatt en svårighet för många elever även efter studien.

A Novel Constant Volume System for Determining Transport Properties in Polymeric Membranes

Leszczynski, Peter Jr. 05 July 2023 (has links)
Membrane gas separation became an industrial reality in the late 1970s with Monsanto's first commercial asymmetric hollow fiber membrane modules. Innovations in membrane separations result from new materials that exhibit an improved permeability and are more selective than their predecessors, with materials commonly compared to the "upper bound line." Accurate determination of the three transport properties which characterize a membrane, permeability (P), diffusivity (D), and solubility (S), is thus of great interest to exceed the current upper bound line. Also, proper characterization of membrane materials enables enhancing current commercial membrane processes or allows for new applications. All three transport properties, P, S, and D, can be determined using a single dynamic gas permeation experiment in a constant volume (CV) system, commonly called the time-lag method. This work presents the next-generation CV system that utilizes the two-tank volume concept, namely a reference volume and a working volume. Compared to the previous iteration, the pressure in the reference volume can be reduced to the anticipated pressure in the working volume after initiating the gas permeation experiment. This allows monitoring of the pressure decay in the working volume (i.e., gas permeation into the membranes) using a high-resolution differential pressure transducer (DPT) right after initiating the experiment. The new system's operation is demonstrated by simultaneous monitoring of the upstream pressure decay and the downstream pressure rise during the time-lag experiments using a polyphenylene oxide (PPO) membrane. The values determined using the pressure decay method are compared to those determined using the downstream method to identify any limitations still present in the current iteration of the CV system. To set a reliable benchmark value to compare against, the downstream receiver was redesigned, and an optimal configuration was identified, which was associated with negligible resistance to gas accumulation and, thus, a minor error in the experimental time lag downstream from the membrane. Furthermore, a temperature enclosure was built to minimize errors caused by the constant temperature assumption during the time lag analysis. Additionally, the temperature-controlled enclosure allows for transport properties temperature dependence to be quantified by determining the activation energy of permeability, diffusion, and the enthalpy of solution for a given gas/polymer system.

Selecting Variability in Interlocking Behavioral Contingencies

Urbina, Tomas, III 12 1900 (has links)
The current study explored how the variability or lack thereof in interlocking behavioral contingencies (IBC) may be brought under contextual control. Four undergraduates (two dyads) students participated in the current study. Dyads were instructed to play a game on a computer screen with the goal to earn as many "Congratulations" as possible. An ABABAB reversal design was used. A Lag 1 schedule of cultural consequence delivery for IBC topography was set in the variability (VAR) condition. During the repeated (REP) condition only one IBC topography was reinforced. For one of the two dyads, the variability of IBC topography was brought under contextual control. It is important to explore the behavioral processes at the cultural level to understand prediction and control of cultural phenomena.

Hantering av skredrisk i lagstiftningen : En komperativ studie som jämför Sveriges och Norges lagstiftning / Management of landslide risk in legislation : A comparative study comparing the legislation of Sweden and Norway

Rällfors Danielsson, William, Engevall, Sixten January 2024 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker och jämför riskhanteringen för skred i Sverige och Norge, särskilt mot bakgrund av dagens och framtida klimatförändringar. Båda länderna upplever ökade risker för naturkatastrofer, där skred utgör en av de mest allvarliga farorna på grund av vissa delar av ländernas specifika topografi och geologiska sammansättningar. Uppsatsen syftar att analysera de specifika lagstiftningsmässiga strategierna som varje land tillämpar för att hantera farorna, där Sverige framhäver vikten av lokala översiktsplaner och detaljplaner, samtidigt som Norge implementerar mer rigorösa tillsynsprocessen och breda undersökningar genom offentliga och privata samarbeten.Studien använde en kvalitativ forskningsansats, där omfattande dokumentanalys av både svenska och norska lagtexter kompletteras med intervjuer för att få insikt i de två systemen. Intervjuerna belyser betydelsen av kontinuerlig uppdatering av riktlinjer för geoteknisk analys och större integrering av klimatförändringar modeller i riskbedömningar.En framträdande aspekt som arbetet identifierar är behovet av större samverkan mellan nationella och regionala myndigheter för att standardisera säkerhetsprotokoll och förbättra informationsflödet om potentiella skredrisker till allmänheten och beslutsfattare. Arbetet föreslår också behovet av mer resursfördelning till forskning inom geoteknisk stabilitet och systematiska klimatanpassningsåtgärder för att skapa mer motståndskraftiga samhällsstrukturer. / This thesis explores the comparative legislative strategies of Sweden and Norway in managing landslide risks, with a particular focus on adapting to contemporary and future climate changes. As geographical and geological conditions predispose the Scandinavian countries to heightened risks of landslides, both nations have developed distinctive legislative frameworks that address these hazards. The Swedish approach emphasizes the role of municipal planning in the form of comprehensive and detailed local plans, while Norway enforces more stringent supervisory processes and broad investigations through both public and private collaborations.Employing a qualitative research methodology, this study incorporates an extensive review of legislative documents from both countries, supplemented by expert interviews to gain deeper insights into their respective systems. These discussions highlight the importance of regularly updating geological analysis guidelines and integrating more comprehensive models of climate change into risk assessments.A key issue identified by this research is the need for improved cooperation among national and regional authorities to standardize safety protocols and enhance the flow of information regarding potential landslide risks to public and local policymakers. Additionally, the thesis recommends increased allocation of resources towards geotechnical stability research and systematic climate adaptation measures to foster more resilient community structures.

Impacto da incorporação de ômega 3 na funcionalidade da lipoproteína de alta densidade: ensaio clínico aleatorizado, paralelo e controlado / Impact of omega 3 incorporation on the functionality of high-density lipoprotein: randomized, parallel and controlled clinical trial

Cartolano, Flavia de Conti 26 September 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Apesar de classicamente a lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL) ser descrita como um fator de risco independente para as doenças cardiovasculares (DCV), devido ao seu papel no transporte reverso de colesterol (TRC), atualmente sabe-se que esta partícula exerce múltiplos mecanismos biológicos que podem contribuir para esta cardioproteção, com estudos indo além do conteúdo de colesterol associada à HDL (HDL-C). OBJETIVO: Avaliar o impacto da suplementação de ?-3 no perfil de ácidos graxos, tamanho e capacidade antioxidante da HDL. MÉTODOS: Estudo clínico, aleatorizado, controlado, duplo cego e paralelo, onde foram incluídos 147 indivíduos adultos, com fatores de risco cardiovascular, que foram alocados no grupo ?-3 (n=77 - 3,0 g/dia contendo 1,8 g de EPA+DHA) ou no grupo ?-6 (n=70 - 3,0 g/dia de óleo de girassol contendo 1,95 g de ácido linoleico). No início (T0) e após 8 semanas (T8) amostras de sangue foram coletadas e, a partir do plasma ou soro, foram analisados o perfil lipídico (CT, HDL-C, LDL-C, TG), as apolipoproteínas AI, CII e CIII, as subfrações da HDL (Lipoprint®), a atividade da paraoxonase (PON1) e da proteína transportadora de éster de colesterol (CETP), a capacidade antioxidante da HDL (método experimental) e o perfil de ácidos graxos e conteúdo de AGNEs da HDL. Os resultados do efeito do tempo, da intervenção e das interações entre os parâmetros monitorados e os desfechos foram realizados com o auxílio do programa SPSS® versão 20.0. O valor de significância considerado foi de p<0,05. RESULTADOS: Os grupos ?-3 e ?-6 eram semelhantes entre si em relação a idade, sexo, tabagismo e uso de medicamentos, ambos apresentando alta prevalência de hipertensão e dislipidemia. Nos dois grupos, houve redução em todos os marcadores lipídicos, exceto a concentração de HDL-C, que aumentou. Observou-se o efeito do tempo no conteúdo de HDLAGNEs (?=-16,2%), no percentual de HDLGRANDE (?=20,1%) e de HDLPEQUENA (?=-5,0%). O aumento de EPA na HDL se associou à menor chance de ter elevação da atividade da PON1 (OR=0,446; IC=0,200-0,994), da concentração de HDLAGNEs (OR=0,275; IC=0,113-0,660) e do percentual de HDLPEQUENA (OR=0,337; IC=0,146-0,782). Observou-se ainda que o EPA se associou a, aproximadamente, 3,5 mais chances de aumento no percentual da HDLGRANDE (OR=3,522; IC=1,652-7,507). Quanto ao aumento de DHA na HDL, este esteve associado de maneira significativa à diminuição da concentração de Apo AI (OR=0,351; IC=0,150-0,821), além da atividade da PON1 (OR=0,226; IC=0,110-0,639) e da concentração de HDLAGNEs (OR=0,275; IC=0,113-0,668). Resultados similares aos obtidos com o EPA foram observados para o DHA e o tamanho da HDL. Não foi constatado efeito da incorporação de EPA e DHA na resistência à oxidação. CONCLUSÃO: A intervenção com ?-3 promoveu mudanças na composição da partícula de HDL, aumentando o percentual das subfrações maiores, sem, contudo, modificar sua capacidade antioxidante. / BACKGROUND: Although high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is classically described as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD), because of its role in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), currently, it is known that this particle exerts multiple biological mechanisms that may contribute to this cardioprotection, with studies going beyond HDL cholesterol content (HDL-C). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of ?-3 supplementation on the fatty acid profile, size and antioxidant capacity of HDL. METHODS: A randomized, controlled, double-blind, parallel clinical study involving 147 adult subjects with cardiovascular risk factors, who were allocated into the ?-3 group (n=77 -3.0 g/day containing 1.8 g EPA + DHA) or the ?-6 group (n=70 -3.0 g/day of sunflower oil containing 1.95 g of linoleic acid). In the beginning (T0) and after 8 weeks (T8) blood samples were collected and, from plasma or serum, were analyzed lipid profile (TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, TG), apolipoproteins AI, CII and CIII, HDL subfractions (Lipoprint®), paraoxonase (PON1) and cholesterol ester carrier protein (CETP) activities, antioxidant capacity of HDL (experimental method), the fatty acid profile and NEFAs content HDL. Results of the effect of time, intervention and interactions between monitored parameters and outcomes were performed with the aid of SPSS® software version 20.0. The significance level considered was p<0.05. RESULTS: The ?-3 and ?-6 groups were similar in relation to age, sex, smoking and medication use, both presenting high prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia. In both groups, there was a reduction in all lipid markers except HDL-C concentration, which increased. The effect of time on HDLNEFAs content (?=-16.2%), and on the percentage of HDLLARGE (?=20.1%) and HDLSMALL (?=-5.0%) were observed. Increasing EPA in HDL was associated with a lower chance of enhance PON1 activity (OR=0.446, CI=0.200-0.994), HDLNEFAs concentration (OR=0.275, CI=0.113-0.660), and HDLSMALL (OR=0.337, CI=0.146- 0.782). It was also observed that EPA was associated with approximately 3.5 more chances of raising the percentage of HDLLARGE (OR=3.522, CI=1.652-7.507). Increasing DHA in HDL was significantly associated with a decrease in Apo AI concentration (OR=0.351, CI=0.150- 0.821), and also PON1 activity (OR=0.226, CI=0.110-0.639) and concentration of HDLNEFAs (OR=0.275, CI=0.113-0.668). Similar results obtained with EPA were observed for DHA and HDL size. No effect of the incorporation of EPA and DHA on oxidation resistance was observed. CONCLUSION: The ?-3 intervention promoted changes in the composition of the HDL particle, increasing the percentage of the larger subfractions, without, however, modifying its antioxidant capacity.

Air pollution and mortality : an investigation into the lag structure between exposure to air pollution, temperature and mortality from pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, & ischaemic heart disease

Gittins, Matthew January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: The association between daily air pollution exposure and risk of mortality is well established. Few studies have investigated in detail the associations beyond a seven day lag. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the change in risk across longer (30 day) periods post exposure for three specific causes of death: pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and ischaemic heart disease (IHD). Methods: Daily Scottish mortality data (1980-2011) was matched to measurements from local fixed site pollution (Black smoke, PM10, PM2.5, SO2, & NO2) and temperature monitors. Exposure on subjects' 'day of death' was compared with control days in a time-stratified case-crossover analysis. Exposure effects on 30 days prior to day of death were modelled using distributed lag non-linear, lag stratified, and cubic distributed lag models. Matching hospital admissions data inferred subject location during exposure, further analyses investigated extreme outliers and missing data using multiple imputation techniques. The analysis accounted for several confounders including accurately modelling temperature relationships unique for each cause of death. Results: Of the 919,301 deaths, 20% were classified as being caused by pneumonia, 9.5% as COPD, and 30% as IHD in the 'any' cause of death field. Non-linear effects for temperature and linear effects for the pollutants were present across all 30 days. Temperature-mortality was observed to be U-shaped at shorter lags. Consistently increased risk occurred for longer in cold temperatures with 1oC increase (30 days lag) = %RR -0.35% Pneumonia, -0.62% COPD, and -0.26% IHD. PM2.5 on all three outcomes, and all pollutants on COPD showed the greatest effect sizes. In general, COPD risk only occurred after a delay, peaking between 12-18 days. COPD risk due to PM2.5 was immediate (%RR (95% C.I.) = 1.05% (0.14%,2.01%)) and lasted the full 30 days. Pneumonia risk often reported the shortest lag of 10-15 days, whereas IHD risk occurred 2 days after exposure but lasted the remaining 30 days. There was some evidence especially for pneumonia of a smaller association between air pollution on mortality when subjects included were present in hospital. A simulation study indicated slight improvement in accuracy when 'multiple imputation' was performed compared to 'complete cases' analysis; though both techniques reported similarly underestimated effect estimates. Extreme outliers in the main analysis of pollution exposure did not appear to have a strong influence on the risk. However, large variability between monitor measurements of pollution exposure was present and appeared to be influencing the results. Conclusion: This study provides additional evidence on the link between air pollution, and temperature, and acute mortality. Particular focus was on three causes of death (pneumonia, COPD, and IHD) that are shown to be influenced by air pollution in subtly different ways. Results also indicated that the 'true' effect of air pollution on mortality might be greater than shown by mortality studies which do not use hospital admission location during exposure into account.

O efeito modulatório de ações motoras em latências perceptivas visuais. / The modulation of visual perceptual latencies by motor actions.

Haddad Junior, Hamilton 10 November 2008 (has links)
Organismos são capazes de diferenciar estímulos sensoriais gerados independentemente pelo ambiente dos estímulos causados por sua própria ação no mundo. Esse processo depende de mecanismos neurais e cognitivos que unam suas ações às percepções por elas geradas. Objetivo desse trabalho foi investigar a interação da ação com a percepção visual no domínio temporal. Em cinco experimentos psicofísicos, foi estudado o efeito modulatório da ação no efeito flash-lag e em tarefas envolvendo estimativas de intervalos temporais. Nossos resultados mostraram que o planejamento e/ou execução de atos motores voluntários são capazes de reduzir em algumas dezenas de milissegundos as latências com que estímulos visuais são percebidos e também de reduzir as estimativas de intervalos temporais. A redução dessas latências é maior quando a conseqüência sensorial da ação é apresentada na fóvea, assim como quando existe um atraso entre a ação e o estímulo por ela causado. / Organisms are able to distinguish between sensory stimuli from the environment and sensory stimuli they cause. This process depends on neural and cognitive mechanisms that link actions to perceptions generated by these actions. This work aimed to investigate the interaction of action and perception in the temporal domain. In five psychophysical experiments, we have assessed the modulation of action in the flash-lag effect and in tasks involving temporal interval estimations. Our results showed that the planning and execution of a voluntary motor action are capable of reducing both visual perceptual latencies and temporal interval estimations. This reduction increases when the sensory consequences of motor actions are presented on the fovea and when a delay is injected between the action and the stimuli caused by it.

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