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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating the economic viability of Perovskite – SHJ monolithically integrated photovoltaic modules

Vernon, Marwyn January 2018 (has links)
In this study, the financial and economic viable of perovskite-SHJ tandem solar cells were determined using a detailed bottom-up cost model and energy-yield calculations. Attention to specific advancements in perovskite solar cell layer technology and large-scale deposition have been taken into account to create a realistic, viable commercial scale option for tandem production. A reference tandem technology is used to determine the overall manufacturing cost and minimum sustainable price. Models used show that the tandem technology has the potential to be cost competitive with existing silicon technology given the uncertainty and sensitivity of the values used in this study. It was examined further how non-STC energy yield and service life contributes to the overall economic viability of the tandem module within residential, commercial and utility scale of application. Given the reference tandem module, it is expected to be competitive at the residential level with existing silicon technology if perovskite layers' service life is greater than 20 years. In commercial and utility application, the tandem model is not economically viable due to the reductions seen in the area- and project-related installation costs for existing technology. This thesis concludes by presenting the current limitations in perovskite technology that would inhibit adaptation of this into commercial-scale production and presents alternative applications in which tandem modules would be more favourable.

Optimization of floating PV systems : Case study for a shrimp farm in Thailand

Louise, Wästhage January 2017 (has links)
The use of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have expanded rapidly the last decade and today’s market includes several different solar utilizations, where floating PV is one of them. Previous studies have shown how floating PV systems increase the PV efficiency and at the same time reduce the water evaporation. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and optimize energy solutions using floating PV systems for a shrimp farm cultivation in Thailand, where the technical, environmental and economic aspects will be included. The optimizations have been done in the open source model OptiCE, where genetic algorithm (AG) have been used to maximize the renewable reliability and minimize the Levelized Costs of Electricity (LCOE). In order to find the optimal renewable solution for the investigated shrimp farm, four scenarios have been compared considering different PV system combinations. The simulated results showed how the scenarios considering floating PV system generated a higher reliability than the scenarios considering ground-mounted PV system. The scenario considered tracking PV system increased the system´s renewable reliability compared to fixed PV system. However the shrimp farm is connected to the national electric grid or not will have a huge impact on the LCOE due to the low electric price and the implemented feed-in-tariff (FIT) program. The size of the installed PV capacity significantly affects the reliability results were the capacity of 200 kWp reaches a reliability of almost 100%. The optimal solution for the investigated shrimp farm to become independent is therefore to install a combined floating PV and battery storage system.

Forecasting the Cost of Electricity Generated by Offshore Wind Turbines

Costa, Timothy 02 July 2019 (has links)
To impede the progress of climate change, many policy makers are considering avenues to decarbonize electricity production. In addition to decarbonization, policy makers must consider how the cost of electricity will impact various stakeholders, balancing cost and social benefits. Offshore wind farms have the potential to produce affordable, carbon-free electricity, but they are a relatively new technology. The relative juvenescence of offshore wind lends itself to an uncertain future, regarding production costs. In this thesis, we seek to understand cost drivers behind offshore wind electricity by analyzing historic trends in offshore wind levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) through learning curves, characterizing how learning from producing a technology can lead to decreases in production costs. Additionally, we explore how the maturity of component technologies can affect the learning rate, and consequently the benefits of learning, of offshore wind. Finally, we create a robust data set to inform decision makers and researchers by marrying historic data to forward-looking expert elicitations.

Solcellsanläggningar : Optimering och lönsamhet / Photovoltaic systems : Optimization and profitability

Landenstad, Henrik, Rokka, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Rapporten har utförts i samarbete med Vinnergi som är ett konsultbolag inom både el-, fiber- och mobilnät. Syftet är att undersöka hur elnätet påverkas av det ökade antalet solcellsanläggningar samt försöka svara på vad som grundar elnätsägarnas godkännande av dessa anläggningar. Rapporten kommer också att undersöka vad som driver en investering av solceller och hur leverantören på bästa sätt dimensionerar solcellsanläggningen för specifika byggnader. Information gällande påverkan på elnätet har samlats in dels från tryckta källor och dels genom intervjuer av personer som idag arbetar med dessa frågor på elnätsbolag. För dimensioneringen av solcellsanläggningar har data samlats in byggnadernas verkliga elförbrukning och sedan har denna sammanställts till ett timmedelvärde som använts i simuleringsprogrammet PVSyst. Kalkyler gällande kostnaden har gjorts utifrån simuleringsprogrammets utdata som har matats in i en LCOE-kalkyl. Arbetet har lett till en sammanställning av vad som verkar vara de största problemen gällande elkvaliteten. Det har även lett till färdiga dimensioneringar och kalkyler av anläggningar i olika verksamheter. Resultatet visar även på om det finns fördelar i att använda öst-/västorientering på panelerna istället för sydorientering. / The report has been carried out in collaboration with Vinnergi, a consulting company in both electricity, fiber and mobile networks. The purpose is to investigate how the electricity grid is affected by the increased number of photovoltaic systems and try to answer what is the basis of the grid owners' approval of these systems. The report will also investigate what drives an investment of solar cells and how the supplier best dimensions the plant for specific systems. Information regarding the impact on the electricity grid has been collected partly from printed sources and partly through interviews of people who are currently working on these issues at electricity grid companies. For the design of photovoltaic systems, data has been collected on the buildings' actual electricity consumption and then compiled to an hourly value used in the PVSyst simulation program. Costs calculations have been made on the basis of the simulation program's output, which has been entered into an LCOE calculation. The paper has resulted in a compilation of what appears to be the biggest problems regarding electricity quality. This has also led to the finished dimensions and calculations of systems in different operations. The result also shows if there are advantages in using east / west orientation on the panels instead of south orientation.

Lönsamhetskalkylering för solenergi i flerbostadshus : Med tre presenterade investeringsstrategier / Profitability calculation for solar energy in apartment buildings

Shamoun, Steve, Wenström, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
För att klara av FN:s klimatmål, innefattandes begränsningar av den globala uppvärmningen, krävs det drastiska åtgärder inom samtliga sektorer. Energianvändningen måste effektiviseras och användningen av förnybara energikällor måste utökas och motsvara 100 procent av energibehovet inom en snar framtid. Solenergi, som är en förnybar energikälla, anses vara högst fördelaktig med anseende till dess utvecklingspotential. Denna potential återspeglas i att den installerade effekten av solceller ökade, mellan 2010 – 2015, med hela 1 000 procent i Sverige (Axelsson, Blomqvist, Dvali, Ludvig, & Unger, 2017). Urvalet av solcellspaneler förekommer i ett flertal typer och modeller. Dessa kommer med varierande verkningsgrader vilket påverkar energiproduktionen. I denna studie har tre olika investeringsstrategier, med avsikt att genomföra en lönsamhetsberäkning gällande en solcellsinvestering, presenterats. Studien grundas i att identifiera om en investering i solceller på ett fastighetsbestånd, som Fastighets AB Balder äger, är ekonomiskt lönsamt. Beräkningar har därmed genomförts med hänsyn till egenskaper och förutsättningar på två flerbostadshus i Bergsjön, Göteborg. Resultatet utifrån de olika investeringsstrategierna har fastställts genom lönsamhetsberäkningar som grundas i en LCOE-kalkylmall (Levelized cost of electricity). Vidare har en utökad LCOE-kalkylgenomförts för att presentera utfallet med hänsyn till implementering av ett gemensamhetsabonnemang för respektive flerbostadshus. Vid analys av resultatet har en investeringsstrategi, av tre utförda, presenterat en ekonomisk lönsamhet där intentionen är att försörja flerbostadshusets fastighets- och hushållsel, tillsammans med en komplettering av ett gemensamhetsabonnemang. För Fastighets AB Balder innebär denna investeringsstrategi att en solcellsinvestering med rådande förutsättningar skulle generera en ekonomisk lönsamhet, motsvarandes ett nuvärde på sammanlagt 173 955 kr på 25 år, för de två undersökta flerbostadshusen. Underlaget för lönsamhetskalkyleringarna innefattar en identifiering av flerbostadshusens energibehov genom en analys av dokumenterade energiförbrukningsdata från databasen Entro Optima. Denna data har sedan tagits i beaktning i förhållande till antalet tillgängliga soltimmar under respektive månad för båda flerbostadshusen. Beräkningen har tagit hänsyn till de avkastningskrav, förutsättningar och egenskaper som råder. Resultatet av lönsamheten för respektive investeringsstrategi är klart beroende av flertalet centrala faktorer såsom solinstrålning, flerbostadshusens energiförbrukning, elpriset och skattereduktion enligt studien.

Optimal Pitch Distance and Tilt Angleof PV Power Plant for Different Climate

Alsulaiman, Mohamad, Mohammadi, Najmeh January 2020 (has links)
Finding the optimum inter-row spacing and installation tilt for tilted or ground mounted PV systems is a big issue in designing the large-scale PV systems. Increasing the array spacing leads to higher annual generated energy because of the reduced impact of row-shading, but on the other hand, it increases costs of land purchase/lease and wiring costs. Many compromises between performance and cost should be done to design an optimum large-scaled solar plant. One of the criteria in designing of solar power plants is reducing of LCOE, which reflects the cost of every unit of generated energy. Site locations have large impacts on the optimal design of pitch distance and title angles, but such impacts have not been studied extensively in the existing studies, so it is going to bridge this research gap in this thesis.   The main purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of climate conditions on the pitch distance and tilt angle for large-scale PV plant and finding the optimal pitch distance and tilt according to the least cost of production. The impact of climate and meteorological data on the self-shading loss and yield of energy are investigated through a simulation tool, which is PVsyst software here, in different tilt angles and distances between rows. The different climates can be considered by choosing site locations in different latitudes to cover all climate zones. Six cities in temperate climate, three cities in tropic climate and one city in polar climate have been selected. LCOE minimizing is a measure in finding the optimum tilt and pitch distance for a 1 MW solar system installed in different latitudes. In this study the type, size and cost of components have been assumed constant in different climate conditions. There is a wide range of variability in some economic indicators like interest rate and discount rate as well as the cost of land in different climates or even countries in the same climate; then to highlight the impacts of climate conditions on the optimal tilt and pitch distance, these parameters were assumed to be constant in this study.   The results show the optimal tilt of angles increases with getting far of equator in a range between 0° and 40° to capture more direct sunlight, and the optimal raw spacing grows in further locations to equator in a range between 4 m to 11 m to reduce self- shading loss. Moreover, the best module configuration for PV arrays (portrait or landscape) can be different in different climates.

Optimering av en flytande vindkraftspark

Blavier, Mattias, Granath, Elin, Jin, Emelie, Johansson, Elin, Svensson, Axel, Thylin, Kristina January 2023 (has links)
This paper presents a study on the optimization of floating offshore wind farms. The aim of this study is mainly to create a tool that can help determine the most profitable layout option for the floating offshore wind power company Windeed. This report contains an overview of wind power theory including wind roses, wake losses, fatigue loading, and construction theory. The methodology used for modeling and optimization is the programming language Python together with additional tools such as TopFarm and PyWake. Challenges in the process of designing the layout of a floating wind farm are discussed and the two mathematical models, Bastankhah Gaussian and NOJ, are compared for their ability to recreate wake effects. In the results, the discoveries of the study and the tool created for the company are presented. It was found that allowing freely placed turbines rather than placing the turbines in a strict hexagonal pattern, with shared anchors, gave notably higher annual power production for examined wind farms. Although the levelized cost of energy of the farms with hexagonal patterns were lower for some of the investigated scenarios. Some of the key factors that need to be considered when choosing layout for an off shore wind farm, as well as the potential improvements of the tool are also highlighted in the discussion chapter. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the design and optimization of floating offshore wind farms.

Modelling and Techno-economic Analysis of a Hybrid CSP/PV System using Solid Oxide Electrolyser for Hydrogen Production

Tang, Chuanyin January 2023 (has links)
This project proposes a solar-driven hybrid system for electricity generation and hydrogen production, which includes concentrated solar power (CSP), photovoltaic (PV), solid oxide electrolyser (SOEC). Electricity from the CSP and PV provides a continuous 24/7 supply to meet demand-side power consumption. When demand-side power consumption is low, the excess power is used to electrolyse water in the SOEC system. In this study, an SOEC is modelled, operation strategy for the solar-driven hybrid system is developed, the techno-economic performance of the overall system is evaluated, and sensitivity analysis is performed. For the modelling part, first develop an SOEC component in Matlab and Trnsys by considering the electrochemical model, thermal model and electric model. Second, design the hybrid system layout and simulate the system under 8760 hours in Matlab and Trnsys. The hybrid system is divided into five blocks: Heat Energy Source Block, Thermal Energy Storage Block, Rankine Cycle Block, Photovoltaic Block, Power to Hydrogen (PtH) Block. The operation strategy is: the heat is collected using a tower solar receiver and stored in tanks by heat transfer fluid molten salt. These thermal energy heats the water in heat exchangers and the resulting high temperature water vapour is used in steam turbine to generate electricity; at the same time part of the heat transfer fluid heats the feedwater in the PtH block and the resulting high temperature water vapour is used in SOEC for hydrogen production, if the operation temperature of steam in SOEC is not reached after heat exchange, the electric heater will heat the steam to raise the temperature. The CSP and PV provide electricity to demand side and SOEC. The produced hydrogen will be transported by truck or ship after compressed. For results part, the minimum CSP configurations to provide a 24/7 demand-side electricity consumption is a solar multiple (SM) with 2 and thermal storage (TES) size of 14 hours. SOEC stack has the best techno-economic performance at a nominal power of 275 Watt. The hybrid system has a levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) at 0.219 USD/kWh and a levelised cost of hydrogen (LCOH) at 7.5 USD/Kg. There are several sensitivity parameters for increase the energy productivity and decrease levelised cost. The larger the SM, the better the ability to generate power. The larger the TES size, the more the hourly generation is similar, otherwise it will fluctuate more. Increasing the SM results in a higher LCOE and a significantly lower LCOH. Increasing TES size also increases the LCOE, whereas the TES size has a marginal impact on the decrease of LCOH. Increased installed capacity inevitably leads to increased power generation. The increasing total power capacity makes the surplus power at the same demand side increase, so the SOEC runs at higher input power and the total hydrogen production increases, resulting in a lower LCOH. The effect of SOEC capacity on LCOH depends on the relationship between input power and SOEC nominal power. Higher operation temperature of SOEC leads to the lower the reversible voltage and an increasing consumption for water vapour. However, when the water vapour concentration is too high, the electrolysis current will instead drop, meaning that the rate of hydrogen production will drop.

The implementation of a solar photovoltaic park with potential energy storage on SSAB's industrial area and its impact onthe internal electricity system

Abdelmageed, Rana January 2023 (has links)
The global push for increased renewable energy in power production is reshaping how industries approach energy systems. As the urgency to combat climate change grows, industries are integrating alternative power pathways alongside existing systems. This shift is driven by factors such as renewable energy adoption, energy storage advances, decentralization, electrification, circular economy principles, regulatory support, sustainability goals, and technological progress. These changes not only yield economic benefits but also enhance environmental and social impact. Integrating alternative pathways necessitates strategic planning, optimization, and a phased approach for seamless integration. Through these transformations, industries position themselves as sustainability leaders, align with climate goals, and ensure long-term energy security. The proposed implementation of a photovoltaic (PV) system at SSAB's steel production plant in Borlänge, specifically for forming line 4's electricity needs, will have a positive impact. This integration introduces renewable energy generation, offsetting the load and reducing reliance on the grid during peak hours, potentially leading to lower costs. It aligns with SSAB's environmental goals by curbing emissions, bolsters energy resilience, and aiding peak demand management. However, challenges in grid integration and infrastructure adjustments must be addressed for successful implementation. Overall, this move embodies SSAB's commitment to sustainability and efficient operations.  Through the utilization of simulation tools such as PVsyst and Homer Pro, an extensive study was conducted to investigate diverse scenarios involving combinations of a PV system, hydrogen modules, batteries, and a grid-connected load. The primary aim was to assess the feasibility of these scenarios within the energy system context. By leveraging PVsyst's capabilities for photovoltaic system analysis and Homer Pro's system optimization features, the study comprehensively examines interactions between electricity generation, storage, and consumption. This simulation-driven approach provided valuable insights into the performance dynamics, energy balance, and economic viability of each configuration, aiding in the informed selection of optimal combinations that align with the project's feasibility objectives. The results obtained suggest that the ideal size for the PV system in this context is 2.7 MW, allowing for an annual energy generation of 2.5 GWh. The electricity output aligns well with the yearly demand of 2.4 GWh for Forming Line 4 The results from different scenarios offer valuable insights into how integrating renewable energy and incorporating energy storage affect the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the system. Each scenario was assessed in comparison to the base case of grid connection, uncovering a spectrum of LCOE values. It is noteworthy that the highest LCOE, reaching 0.12 €/kWh, was observed when all renewable resources were combined, whereas the lowest LCOE, at 0.059 €/kWh, was achieved with the PV system-only configuration.

Estudo de localização de usina solar termoelétrica no estado de Pernambuco

AZEVÊDO, Verônica Wilma Bezerra 29 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2016-08-19T12:20:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE N 127 - PROTEN DEN UFPE - VERONICA AZEVEDO.pdf: 11747677 bytes, checksum: a2779760a6f763a69e1f529900e5dfdf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-19T12:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) TESE N 127 - PROTEN DEN UFPE - VERONICA AZEVEDO.pdf: 11747677 bytes, checksum: a2779760a6f763a69e1f529900e5dfdf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-29 / CAPEs / Notadamente nos últimos anos, a geração de eletricidade a partir de fontes renováveis de energia tem mostrado contínuo aumento que está relacionado, sobretudo, às preocupações com as variações climáticas, à dependência dos combustíveis fósseis e à necessidade de suprir a geração de energia elétrica com recursos que produzam menos impactos ao meio ambiente. A capacidade instalada da energia renovável no mundo, que foi de 800GW em 2004, alcançou 1.712GW em 2014 e a participação na matriz energética global também aumentou, atingindo o percentual de 22,8% em 2014. O Brasil possui uma matriz energética predominantemente renovável. Somente em 2014, aproximadamente 74,6% da eletricidade gerada procedeu das fontes renováveis de energia. O percentual restante (25,4%) proveio dos combustíveis fósseis e das fontes nucleares. Mas, muito embora o País possua uma matriz energética tipicamente renovável, nota-se que o principal sistema de geração é o aproveitamento hidráulico, que é bem vulnerável às variações climáticas globais e pode apresentar, em função disso, redução de sua capacidade instalada em longo prazo. Visando contribuir para a diversificação da matriz energética brasileira, esta pesquisa apresenta dois métodos distintos e macroespaciais para auxiliar a seleção de áreas potenciais para a inserção de usinas solares termoelétricas: o Método baseado no Processo Analítico Hierárquico, que trata o problema da localização sob uma organização hierárquica de critérios, como pressupõe os axiomas do Método AHP; e o Método do Custo de Produção de Eletricidade, que define os locais aptos em função do custo nivelado da eletricidade (LCOE – Levelised Cost of Electricity). Ambas as metodologias foram aplicadas para Pernambuco, localizado na região Nordeste do Brasil, e considerou a implantação de usinas de coletores parabólicos de 80MWe, tipo SEGS, operando somente em modo solar, sem armazenadores térmicos. Com base nas análises realizadas, confirmou-se que Pernambuco apresenta grande potencial para a implantação de usinas solares, principalmente no Sertão Pernambucano, onde foram encontrados os ambientes mais favoráveis à instalação. Na aplicação do Método AHP, por exemplo, o Sertão apresentou alto potencial de instalação em todos os cenários avaliados, inclusive no cenário Ponto de Partida, onde os pesos não foram considerados. No Método do Custo de Produção de Eletricidade, o Sertão também mostrou alto potencial de instalação uma vez que os custos de geração de energia elétrica encontrados foram os menores do estado (da ordem de R$ 337,16/MWh). Este custo é elevado quando comparado com o preço da eletricidade gerada pela fonte hidráulica no país (R$ 182,09/MWh), por exemplo, mas estão em conformidade quanto ao esperado para sua inserção no mercado brasileiro. De modo geral, as abordagens apresentadas se mostraram muito consistentes e revelaram um potencial bastante promissor para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia em Pernambuco. Este potencial deverá ser avaliado detalhadamente e incluir a medição local da radiação solar por pelo menos cinco anos. / Notably in recent years, the generation of electricity using energy from renewable resources has presented continuous increase, which is due to, especially, the concerns about climate changes, the dependency in fossil fuel and the necessity of production of electric energy with resources to decrease the negative impacts in the environmental. The global renewable power generation capacity, which presented 800GW on the beginning of 2004, reaching an estimated 1,712GW at year’s end 2014, and the renewable electricity global production in 2014 presented 22.8%. Brazil has a mainly renewable energy matrix. In 2014, 74.6% of the electricity produced came from renewable sources of energy. The remaining percentage comes from fossil fuels and nuclear sources (25.4%). Although it shows a remarkably renewable character, it is notable that the main source of generation of electricity is the water source, which is susceptible the climate changes, and should present the reduction in your capacity installed in a long term. As a way of contributing to diversify the energy matrix Brazilian, this work presents two different methodologies macro spatial for the selection of the best sites for insertion of solar thermal power plants: the methodologies based on analytic hierarchy process (AHP) where the selection the best site was based on means of the hierarchical organization of criteria according to axioms of the AHP method; and the method based on cost of electricity generation where the best site were selected according to Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE). Both studies were made in Pernambuco, located in Northeastern Region of Brazil and considered the implementation of a parabolic trough solar power plant, of 80MWe, operating exclusively in solar mode, without thermal stores. The analyzes performed confirmed that the Pernambuco presents great potential for the installation of solar thermal power plants, especially, in the Sertão Pernambucano where the best sites were located. In the methodologies AHP, for example, this region presented great potential for the installation in all scenarios analyzed, including the Ponto de Partida scenarios where weights are not used. In the method based on cost of electricity, the Sertão presented great potential also. In this region it is possible to find electric energy generation costs by MWh of the order of R$ 337.16. This costs are still high when comparing the cost of generation of the hydraulic source (R$ 182.09/MWh) in Brazil, although, they comply as to expected for its insertion in the Brazilian Market. The methodologies used demonstrated very consistent and identified a promising potential for solar thermal power generation in Pernambuco. This potential should be analyzed in details and include the local measurement of the incident direct normal solar irradiation for at least five years.

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