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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studie logistické koncepce ve výrobním podniku / Study Logistic Concept in Manufacturing Company

Flídr, Jan January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the implementation of kanban system in the company Daikin Device Czech Republic s.r.o. The theoretical part describes the principles of logistics, lean production and inventory management, including their basic tools and methods. In the practical part of the thesis, Daikin Device Czech Republic Ltd. is introduced, where the analysis of the current state of supply logistics in the production hall is performed. Based on the analysis is designed kanban system including the way of its implementation. Furthermore, the risks of kanban system implementation are analyzed. Finally, the economic and uneconomic benefits of the kanban system for the company are evaluated.

Tvorba logistické koncepce ve vybraném podniku / Creation of a Logistics Concept in a Selected Company

Kubisová, Iveta January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the logistics concept in a selected company, which deals with the production of air conditioners. The theoretical part clarifies the basic concepts and issues related to logistics, material flows, warehousing, and inventory. The practical part introduces the company, performer individual analyzes and created research. Based on this analytical part, proposals are derived for optimization and changes in the logistics area, which will help improve the management of distribution, but also warehousing in a selected manufacturing company.

Tillämpning av just-in-time i byggproduktion : En fallstudie inom logistik & materialhantering i byggbranschen

Kassabian, Shant January 2021 (has links)
All production companies strive for efficiency, which means that you want to achieve a certain quality with the least possible use of resources. The construction industry is facing an exciting future where production strives to develop in line with lean production. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate how a construction company work with their material management at a construction site and to study what challenges and opportunities the company come across in the application of just-in-time deliveries. Method: This is a qualitative case study where data were collected via literature, interviews and observations. Observations were made at the construction site on three occasions to collect more data that strengthens the validity of the results. Lean production, lean construction and just-in-time is chosen as the degree project theoretical frame of reference that is compared in relation to the study's empirical data. Findings: In this study, it appears that the construction company experiences certain problems with the side contractor and that the pandemic has played its role in the production flow. The company sees opportunities with just-in-time deliveries to avoid unnecessary material handling, while it also happens that missed deliveries create unnecessary costs and that just-in-time can be risky to use if complications arise with the deliveries. Limitations: The research is limited to a medium-sized a construction company with a turnover of approximately SEK 600 million / year and is limited to material handling and just-in-time deliveries. Interviews were conducted with the site manager and two supervisors. / All produktion strävar efter effektivitet vilket innebär att man vill uppnå en viss kvalitet med minsta möjliga resursanvändning. Byggbranschen står inför en spännande framtid där produktionen strävar efter att utvecklas i linje med lean production. Syftet: Syftet med examensarbetet är undersöka hur ett byggföretag arbetar med sin materialhantering på en byggarbetsplats samt studera vilka utmaningar och möjligheter företaget möter vid en tillämpning av just-in-time leveranser. Metod: Detta är en kvalitativ fallstudie där data samlats in via litteraturer, intervjuer och observationer. Observationer gjordes på byggarbetsplatsen vid tre tillfällen för att samla in mer data som stärker resultatets validitet. Lean production, lean construction och jus-in-time har valt som examenarbetet teoretiska referensram som jämförs i relation till studiens empiriska data. Resultat: I denna studie framkommer att byggföretaget upplever viss problematik med sidoentreprenören och att pandemin har spelat sin roll i produktionsflödet. Företaget ser möjligheter med just-in-time leveranser för att undvika onödig materialhantering samtidigt som det även förekommer att uteblivna leveranser skapar onödiga kostnader och att just-in-time kan vara riskabelt att använda om det uppstår komplikationer med leveranserna. Begränsningar: Arbetet är begränsat till ett medelstort byggföretag som omsätter ca 600 Milj/år och avgränsat till materialhantering och just-in-time leveranser. Intervjuer gjorde med platschefen och två arbetsledare.

Studie zavedení štíhlé výroby ve vybraném provozu / The Study of the Lean Production Implementation in the Selected Operation

Vaňous, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the description of the current state of the UNIPLUS TOOL FACTORY division belonging to the ALEMA Lanškroun a.s. company, where I focus on the production process optimization. This thesis includes tool factory production process analysis focused on sub-goals to achieve the manufacturing process optimization in relation to the European Union customer.

Návrh štíhlé výroby ve vybraném provozu / Proposal for a Lean Manufacturing Operation in Selected Company

Bistrá, Vendula January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the implementation of a lean component in the manufacturing process of First Brno Machinery Velká Bíteš, Ltd. With the help of lean componant Value Stream Mapping (VSM – value stream mapping) an analysis of the current status is determined that underlies the bottleneck analysis in the manufacturing process. Based on that analysis the optimal future state of the manufacturing process is designed which leads to a production efficiency. This thesis focuses on increasing customer value and reducing waste in manufacturing.

Analýza hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis

Perutka, Michal January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis “Value stream mapping” is to analyse the montage workplace of the company IFE-CR, a.s. with focus on the value stream and the methods of lean production. The thesis aims to identify priorities for applying lean production methods at the montage workplace and to propose concrete measures in order to reduce different types of wasting. The first part of the thesis is dealing with the theory, understanding the main principles and methods of lean production, as well as with the method of value stream mapping. The second part is dealing with value stream analysis of the montage workplace and proposes concrete measures to reduce wasting and to increase the production effectiveness, respectively to improve the material stream trough implementation of selected lean production methods in the montage workplace.

Analýza hodnotového toku / Value stream analysis

Hrnčíř, Roman January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis: „Analysis of the value stream“ deals with the mapping of production processes in terms of flow value, their analysis and application of possible improvements that should be task to speed up and improve process. Finally, correctness will be proved with process audit of proposed solutions and will be quantified also possible savings. The goal of this work is to design, implement and validate methods of lean production in working process.

Návrh a nastavení standardů materiálového toku pro vybrané komponenty z 3 produktových skupin ve firmě Edwards a následné vyhodnocení / Proposal and set up of material flow standards for selected components from 3 product groups in the Edwards company and their subsequent analysis

Zapletal, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with setting standards of material flow and its optimization according to the principles of lean production at Edwards Ltd. The first part is devoted to theoretical introduction to the problems of logistics and lean manufacturing with a brief description of their tools. Then, it is made introduction of company Edwards and analyse of current state of the material flow. In the last part of the thesis it is proposed steps, which should lead to efficiency and standardization of material flow.

Optimalizace procesů ve společnosti / Company Processes Optimization

Lindovská, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on optimization of working processes in Witzenmann Opava by using Value Stream Map. The aim of the thesis is on a basis current status of value stram propose to suitable actions and draw them into new value stream map. The thesis is devided into three parts – theoretical, analytical and proposal part. In the first part of the thesis are compiled theoretical knowledge about lean management sphere, tools for elimination of wastings and theory about mapping value stream by using VSM. Analytical part is deal with characterictic of company Witzenmann Opava, its internal and external factors of developments and implementation of lean production. In this part there is also characteristic of choosed product. Proposal part is deal with value stream analysis of choosed product and specific actions to reduce wasting and getting production more effective with the help of lean production methods.

Implementing tracking and tracing methods for returnable containers / Implementering av spårningsmetoder för återvändningsbara containers

Felix, Ahlström Jönsson January 2019 (has links)
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