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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Are You Judging Me? Exploring Legitimacy Through the Lens of Black Travelers

Tucker, Charis Nicole 09 April 2024 (has links)
In recent years, the focus on the Black travel market has increased exponentially. While some may consider this to be a new market segment, Black travelers have been in the travel industry for years, however their legitimacy as a viable market segment has been questionable. This dissertation uses a three article approach to further the scholarship on Black travelers. The first paper uses a qualitative approach to explore the evolution of the Black travel market as represented in Black print media from 1920-2020. It further uncovers the tensions that exist between the socio-cultural and political norms of the times. The second article develops a valid and reliable measure of legitimacy using cognitive, pragmatic, and relational dimensions. The third article uses an experiment to investigate Black travelers' perceptions of racial justice advocacy statements made by destination marketing organizations (DMOs). Results from this dissertation indicate the longstanding engagement in the travel industry primarily through entrepreneurial endeavors. It also showcases Black travelers' ability to disrupt institutions and systems due to their willingness to share personal accounts of discrimination and through activism travel. As it relates to the evaluations of the tourism industry, Black travelers like to be recognized and represented in tourism-related products and services. Thus, their evaluations of DMOs' response to racial justice warranted a more detailed approach than what was often displayed. / Doctor of Philosophy / This dissertation explores the past, present, and future of the Black travel movement and the ways in which the tourism industry can develop more inclusive products and services. Three papers make up this dissertation. The first uses three forms of Black print media to understand how Black travel was represented between 1920-2020. The second develops a measurement scale to explore the dimensions that make up legitimacy from the perspective of Black travelers. The final article uses elements of that scale to measure the Black travelers' perceptions of racial justice advocacy statements.

How privacy practices affect customer commitment in the sharing economy: A study of Airbnb through an institutional perspective

Chen, S., Tamilmani, Kuttimani, Tran, K.T., Waseem, Donia, Weerakkody, Vishanth J.P. 28 October 2022 (has links)
Yes / Privacy is an emerging issue for home-sharing platforms such as Airbnb. Home-sharing providers (business customers) are subject to both digital privacy risks (e.g., data breaches and unauthorized data access) and physical privacy risks (e.g., property damage and invasion of their personal space). Therefore, platforms need to strengthen their institutions of privacy management to protect the interests of providers and maintain their commitment. By applying the micro-level psychological aspect of institutional theory, our research investigates how providers decide their level of commitment to a platform by evaluating the institutions of the platform’s privacy management. Our survey recruited 380 Airbnb providers from the Prolific panel. Structural equation modeling analysis shows that both physical and digital privacy practices strengthen providers’ legitimacy judgment of the platform’s privacy management and subsequently increase their commitment to the platform. Our theoretical contribution lies in revealing the effects of physical and digital privacy practices on B2B relationships from an institutional perspective. Our research is among the first to provide an integrative framework illustrating providers’ psychological process of legitimacy judgement. It also has practical implications for sharing economy platforms to manage privacy. / The authors gratefully acknowledge the Seed Corn Funding from University of Bradford and the Research Productivity Support Scheme from Macquarie University.

Revitalizing Sustainable Reshoring Brands: Understanding the Customer Perspective on the Roles of Motivation Attributions and the Institutionalization Process

Yuan, R., Luo, J., Liu, M., Sivarajah, Uthayasankar, Yannopoulou, N. 18 June 2023 (has links)
Yes / Reshoring can be theorized as a brand revitalizing process for fostering companies’ ability to create value in the home country. The question of how to maintain sustainable reshoring implementation strategies by developing favorable brand responses is an important but underexplored field. Given that reshoring brand meanings are socially constructed and causally inferenced by consumers, we advocate that a reshoring brand revitalization should begin by understanding what constitutes customers’ attributions to reshoring motives. We identify values-driven, stakeholder-driven, and strategic-driven attributions as determinants of the sense of the institutionalization process (brand authenticity, legitimacy, and sustainability). These institutional logics comprise drivers that influence brand love and brand advocacy. We conduct an empirical study (n=1043) in China. The findings indicate that institutionalized reshoring branding activity is significantly influenced by customers’ attributions to underlying reshoring decisions. Reshoring brands that achieve institutional recognition are more likely to generate brand love and advocacy. In addition, our study provides empirical evidence that nostalgia (1) strengthens the influences of stakeholder-driven attributions on brand authenticity and sustainability, (2) inhibits the influence of values-driven attributions on brand authenticity, and (3) inhibits the influence of strategic-driven attributions on brand authenticity, legitimacy, and sustainability. Reshoring brand managers should consider these connections when designing their reshoring implementation strategies in the home country. / Major Humanities and Social Sciences Research Projects in Zhejiang higher education institutions (Grant No. 2023QN033), National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 72101131,71972112) and Zhejiang Soft Science Programme (Grant No. 2022C35003) / The full-text of this article will be released for public view at the end of the publisher embargo on 30 Jun 2025.

Epistemic theories of democracy, constitutionalism and the procedural legitimacy of fundamental rights

Allard-Tremblay, Yann January 2012 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to assess the legitimacy of constitutional laws and bills of rights within the framework of procedural epistemic democracy. The thesis is divided into three sections. In the first section, I discuss the relevance of an epistemic argument for democracy under the circumstances of politics: I provide an account of reasonable disagreement and explain how usual approaches to the authority of decision-making procedures fail to take it seriously. In the second part of the thesis, I provide an account of the epistemic features of democracy and of the requirements of democratic legitimacy. I develop a revised pragmatist argument for democracy which relies on three presumptive aims of decision-making: justice, sustainability and concord. In the third and last section, I first argue for the desirability of constitutionalism. I then explain why constitutionalism, as it is usually understood, is incompatible with my procedural epistemic account of democratic legitimacy. In the last chapter, I offer a two-pronged solution to the apparent incompatibility of constitutionalism and epistemic democracy. I first argue for the appropriateness of political constitutionalism, as opposed to legal constitutionalism, in understanding the relationship between rights and democracy. I then provide an account of rights protection and judicial review compatible with epistemic democratic legitimacy. Finally, I use the notion of pragmatic encroachment to explain how constitutional laws can achieve normative supremacy through the increased epistemic credentials of the procedure.

Arbetet med arbetsgivarvarumärkets attraktivitet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie i tre företag om hur arbetet med "Employer branding" ser ut och implementeras i företag. / The work with the Employer brand attractiveness : A qualitative study in three companies about their work with "Employer branding" and how it´s implemented in the organizations.

Drugge, Marie, Bernelind, Diana January 2013 (has links)
Arbetet med att stärka ett arbetsgivarvarumärkes attraktivitet, både internt och externt, det alltmer välbekanta begreppet “Employer branding”, är ett vanligt förekommande koncept i dagens organisationer. Syftet med studien är att försöka ta reda på vad fenomenet “Employer branding” är och hur organisationer kan bedriva arbetet med att göra sitt arbetsgivarvarumärket attraktiv på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Tieto, COWI och Klarna AB är de företag som deltar i studien. Begreppen legitimitet och löskoppling från den institutionella- och nyinstitutionella teorin kommer att ligga som teoretisk utgångspunkt för att besvara studiens frågeställningar och syfte. Den metod som har använts är en kvalitativ intervjustudie, där totalt åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer utifrån ett strategiskt urval har genomförts med de tre företagen. För att bearbeta materialet har transkriberingsmetoden använts där vi utgår från en deduktiv ansats och har kodat materialet efter på förhand formulerade begrepp som var ställda i relation till den teoretiska utgångspunkten. Det empiriska materialet visar att alla tre företagen är medvetna om både den interna och framförallt den externa sidan av Employer branding och påstår att de är aktiva i arbetet med att öka attraktiviteten internt inom organisationen såväl som externt. / The work with Employer branding, both external and internal, is a frequent used concept in organizations today. The purpose of our study is to try to find out what the phenomenon of “Employer branding” is and how organizations can pursue efforts to make its employer brand attractive on the Swedish labor market. Tieto, COWI and Klarna AB are the companies participating in our study. The terms legitimacy and loose coupling from the institutional- and new institutional theory is going to be our theoretical base to enable us to answer our questions and purpose of our study. The used method is a qualitative study, where a total of eight semi-structured interviews based on a strategic selection were carried out with the three companies. In order to process the material have transcription-method been used that is based on a deductive approach and the material has been coded after pre-formulated concepts that were made out in relation to the theoretical starting point. The empirical material indicates that all three companies are aware of both the internal and especially the external side of Employer branding and states that they are active in the work to increase attractiveness internally within the organization as well as the extern.

Hållbara fonder och fondbolagens legitimitet : En studie om sambandet mellan ekonomistudenters preferenser och hållbart fondsparande / Sustainable funds and the fund companies legitimacy

Gylling, Annie, Larsson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Områdesbeskrivning: Hållbara fonder har med tiden blivit ett alltmer populärt investeringsalternativ för fondsparare. Tillsammans med en högre hållbarhetsmedvetenhet bland konsumenter, har företag behövt anpassa sina strategier för att nå upp till samhällets förväntningar kring hållbarhet. Den högre efterfrågan på hållbara alternativ, har bidragit till att antalet hållbara fonder har ökat med tiden. Fondbolagens implementering av mer hållbara strategier, medför en positiv marknadsföring för de bolagen och därigenom även en större lönsamhet. Samtidigt som hållbarhetsaspekten har blivit ett alltmer populärt fokuseringsområde för fondbolagen, har populariteten bidragit till striktare förordningar, för huruvida fondbolagen ska kunna marknadsföra sina fonder som hållbara. Bland annat innebär de nya förordningarna att fondbolagen har större upplysningsplikt gentemot investerarna, som ska få möjligheten att granska om fondbolagens ageranden, når upp till deras preferenser eller inte. Unga personer har genom tidigare undersökningar, visat på högt hållbarhetsmedvetande. Därav anses det intressant att studera hur unga vuxnas preferenser är och hur det påverkar deras inställning till att investera i hållbara fonder.  Syfte: Undersökningen syftar till att undersöka huruvida ekonomistudenter värdesätter hållbara fonder idag och om de anser det som troligt att de kommer att investera i hållbara fonder i framtiden. Studenternas preferenser om hållbara fonder, kan ge en indikation på hur fondbolagen kan skapa legitimitet gällande investeringar i hållbara fonder, gentemot studiens målgrupp. Metod: En kvantitativ metodundersökning har gjorts för att studera ekonomistudenters inställning till hållbara investeringar. Det empiriska materialet har insamlats med hjälp av en enkät online, vilken skickades ut till hela populationen. Hypoteser har framställts gällande huruvida studenters preferenser om hållbarhet och fonder, påverkar deras inställning till att investera i hållbara fonder.Resultat: Studiens resultat framhäver att studenternas preferenser om hållbarhet och fonder, har en positiv påverkan på hur deras inställning är kring investeringar i hållbara fonder. Resultatet från studien bekräftas av tidigare forskning, att privata investerare efterfrågar fonder som uppfyller deras etiska värderingar. Studien visar att unga vuxna, trots att de är i början av sitt livssparande, eftersträvar hållbara alternativ. Exempelvis anser de flesta studenterna, att de är villiga att få en lägre avkastning, om deras investeringar överensstämmer med deras etiska ställningstaganden. För fondbolagens sida visar det att hållbara strategier gynnar deras legitimitetssökande. Samtidigt visar resultatet att om hållbara fonders förvaltningar inte anses vara hållbara, kan det bidra till ett legitimitetsgap gentemot studiens population. Begränsningar: Studien är avgränsad till att studera preferenserna hos ekonomistudenter på Högskolan i Borås, vilka hör till gruppen unga vuxna. Avgränsningen gjordes, eftersom en studie där alla unga vuxna hade inkluderats, hade blivit alltför omfattande. Samma tanke låg till grund för valet att endast inkludera ekonomistudenter på en högskola, istället för alla högskolor i Sverige. Anledningen till att ekonomistudenter valdes till populationen, var framförallt för att de studenterna ansågs ha ett större intresse i studiens ämnesområde. / Area description: With time, sustainable funds have become a more popular investment alternative for fund savers. Together with a higher sustainable awareness among consumers, companies have had to adapt their strategies to reach up to the sustainable expectations from the society. The higher demand on sustainable alternatives, have contributed to that the number of sustainable funds have increased with time. The fund companies implementation of more sustainable alternatives, results in a positive marketing for those companies and thereby even a larger profitability. In the same time as the sustainability aspect has become a more popular focus area for the fund companies, the popularity have contributed to more strict regulations. These regulations include that the fund companies have a duty of disclosure towards the investors, who will get the possibility to examine if the fund companies actions, reach up to the investors preferences or not. Young adults have in previous studies, showed to have high sustainable awareness. With that in mind, it seems interesting to study how young adults preferences are and how these affect their attitude to invest in sustainable funds. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to study how students of economics, value sustainable funds today and if they see it likely that they will invest in sustainable funds in the future. The students preferences about sustainable funds, can give an indication on how fund companies can create legitimacy concerning investments in sustainable funds, towards the population in this research. Method: A quantitative research method have been used to study the students of economics, attitudes about investments in sustainable funds. The empirical material have been collected with an online survey, which was sent to the entire population in this study. Hypotheses have been made about how students preferences about sustainability and funds, affects their attitudes on investing in sustainable funds. Result: The results of this study highlights that the students preferences about sustainability and funds, have a positive effect on how their attitudes are about investments in sustainable funds. The result from this study confirms from previous research, that many private investors request funds which fulfill their ethical values. The study shows that young adults, even if they are in the beginning of their life savings, seek after sustainable alternatives. For example, most students consider that they are willing to get a lower return on their savings, if their investments corresponds with their ethical values. Regarding the fund companies, this study shows that sustainable strategies benefits their legitimacy seeking. At the same time, the results from this study shows that if the investments from the sustainable funds are not sustainable, a legitimacy gap can arise towards the population of this study.Limitations: This research is limited to study the preferences of economics students at Högskolan i Borås, which belong to the group of young adults. The limitation was made because a study with all young adults included, would have become to comprehensive. The same thought was behind the decision to only include economics students on one university, instead of including all universities in Sweden. The reason that economics students was choicen to the population, was mainly because these students seems to have more interests in the subject matter of this research.

Att försvara sin existens på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om hur Voi Technology kommunicerar externt för att uppfattas som en legitim aktör

Blennå, Anna, Jansson, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
In the past few years, the number of e-scooter rental services has rapidly increased in Sweden and across Europe. The increased usage of e-scooters has created problems, for example with accessibility on sidewalks and traffic safety. Consequently, the e-scooter industry has become a highly debated topic. This case study examined how Voi Technology communicate to profile themselves as legitimate, based on Max Weber’s principles of legitimation and Mark C. Suchman’s legitimation strategies. Three research questions were formulated to be able to fulfill the aim of the study: 1) Which of Suchman’s strategies to maintain legitimacy can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 2) Which of Suchman’s strategies to repair legitimacy can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 3) Which of Weber’s principles of legitimation can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 30 posts from Voi’s social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis and a semiotic analysis. The results showed that Voi are using the strategies “protect accomplishments” and “perceive change” to maintain legitimacy and the strategies “normalize” and “restructure” to repair legitimacy. The study did also find the legal-rational and charismatic principles of legitimation in Voi’s communication. The traditional principle of legitimation could not be found. Instead, Voi often presented themselves as non-traditional and innovative. This study contributes with more knowledge about how organizations can communicate to get legitimacy, when an organization or market is being questioned.

Governing the Rurals: Food Security and Governance in the 21st Century

Rico Mendez, Gina Paola 09 December 2016 (has links)
This dissertation develops a theory about the consolidation of state legitimacy given transformations in food security. Food security has moved from a national food maximization effort to the provision of food to households and individuals, regardless of the production source. This definitional change was triggered by urbanization, industrialization of agriculture and liberalization of trade. These dynamics altered the formula for balance and control of a country’s territory; as agricultural output moved into a global context, urban centers became less reliant on its periphery for sustenance and thus governments have fewer incentives to provide governance of any quality to rural areas. Hence, the expansion of industrialized production has led to an increasing volume of international food exchanges and reliance on transnational networks for food provision. This, I argue, produced a decoupling of rural and urban areas, yielding a new form of governance in the periphery, which relies on negative legitimacy and the expansion of large-scale agriculture under public-private partnerships. This dissertation challenges conventional approaches to modern state consolidation in the sense that the monopoly of violence in the territory is no longer the core of state legitimacy. Rather, alternatives now exist that make possible the consolidation of state political power. Methodologically, this dissertation follows the critical case study approach. While it may sacrifice some external validity in terms of generalizability, it maximizes internal validity through careful process tracing. By tracing the trajectory of rural areas for state formation, agricultural policies, the concept of rural citizen and the interaction between rural and urban areas, this dissertation expresses in-depth knowledge of policy outcomes due to the change in food security. Utilizing findings from Colombia, before and after the 1990´s, this dissertation illustrates the impacts of a change in the concept of food security and its effects on the administrative capacity in rural areas. Findings indicate that large scale agricultural policies and violence concentrated rural land ownership into export productive commodities and altered the structure of rural governance. While food security initiatives and policies has been a boon to world health, this dissertation illustrates how it has also brought about changes in state consolidation.

Hållbarhetsredovisning i spelbranschen : Valet av legitimitetsstrategi och dess inverkan på konsumenterna / Sustainability reporting in the gambling industry : The choice of legitimacy strategy and its impact on consumers

Andersson, Håkan, Norlöv, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Spelbranschen är, enligt många, en kontroversiell bransch där företagens vinster motsvarar konsumenternas förluster. Spelandet kan även, till följd av spelberoende, leda till hälsoproblem. För att motverka dessa problem tog den svenska staten fram en ny lag som började gälla vid årsskiftet mellan 2018 och 2019. Huvudsyftet med lagen var att företagen skulle hjälpa till att skydda konsumenterna. En undersökning gjord av Sustainable Brand Index belyser spelbranschens stora problem gällande hållbarhet, då de flesta spelbolagen återfinns i botten på rankingen gällande hållbarhet. Vad som är än mer anmärkningsvärt är att de olika spelbolagen placerar sig väldigt olika på rankingen, trots att de verkar inom samma bransch. Denna studie har, med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod, studerat sex olika spelbolag verksamma på den svenska spelmarknaden. Studien har utgått från spelbolagens hållbarhetsredovisningar för att skapa en förståelse för varför företag som verkar inom samma bransch kan uppfattas så olika gällande hållbarhet av konsumenterna. Ett annat syfte med studien var att undersöka hur spelbolagens hållbarhetsredovisning påverkas av ett ökat externt tryck från staten. Studien kommer fram till att företagens val av legitimitetsstrategi i deras hållbarhetsredovisning inte kan förklara den stora skillnad i legitimitet som de får av konsumenter. Studien kunde inte heller identifiera någon direkt påverkan av det ökade externa trycket på spelbolagens hållbarhetsrapportering. Däremot fann studien mönster som indikerar att företagens val av strategi när det gäller utmaningen med att hantera sin legitimitet kan ha att göra med hur de betraktas av sina konsumenter. / The gambling industry is, according to many, a controversial industry where the companies' winnings equals the losses of their customers. Gambling may also lead to health issues for the gamblers following addiction. To counteract these problems, the Swedish state enacted a new law that came into force at the turn of the year 2018-2019. The main purpose of the law is for companies to protect their customers in different ways. A survey conducted by the Sustainable Brand Index highlights the gambling industry's major problems with sustainability, where most gambling companies are found in the absolute bottom tier of their ranking regarding sustainability. What is even more remarkable is that the different gambling companies are ranked very differently despite the fact that they operate in the same criticised industry. This study has, using a qualitative method, studied the sustainability reports from six companies operating in the Swedish gambling market to create an understanding of why companies in the same industry can be perceived so differently regarding sustainability by consumers. Another purpose of the study was to examine how the gambling companies' sustainability reporting was affected by increased external pressure from the state. The study has concluded that companies' choice of legitimacy strategy in their sustainability report cannot explain the large difference in legitimacy that they receive from their customers. The study also did not find any direct impact by the increased external pressure in the companies' sustainability reports. On the other hand, the study found patterns between how they handle the challenges of managing legitimacy and how they are perceived by consumers.

Dynasty and collegiality : representations of imperial legitimacy, AD 284-337

FitzGerald, Taylor Grace January 2017 (has links)
This thesis investigates representations of dynastic legitimacy and imperial power in the later Roman Empire (AD 284-337). It explores the continuity and change in expressions of dynastic legitimacy by, for and about the emperors of this period, which were presented in coinage, panegyrics, and other literary and material evidence. I argue that familial relationships were used throughout this period to make legitimation claims or to counter claims made by rivals, rejecting the notion of clear breaks between the third century, the Tetrarchy and the reign of Constantine. The Tetrarchy’s creation of familial links through adoption and marriage led to a web of inter-familial relationships that they and later emperors used in promoting their own claims to imperial legitimacy. At the same time, the presentation of these imperial colleges as harmonious co-rulership relied heavily on the adaptation of pre-existing strategies, which in turn would be adapted by the emperors of the early fourth century. This thesis proceeds roughly chronologically, focusing on the regimes of individual emperors and their collaborators when possible. Chapter 1 examines the creation of the Tetrarchy as an extended ‘family’ and the adaptation of ideologies of third-century co-rulership. Chapter 2 explores the changes in the Second Tetrarchy, with an especial focus on the ‘Iovian’ family of Galerius and Maximinus Daza. Chapter 3 looks at Maxentius’ claims to both ‘retrospective’ and ‘prospective’ dynastic legitimacy. Chapter 4 examines Licinius’ legitimacy both as a co-ruler and brother-in-law of Constantine, and as the beginning of a new ‘Iovian’ dynasty. Chapter 5 delves deeper into the different claims to dynastic legitimacy made by Constantine over the course of his thirty-year reign. Taken together, these chapters offer a new approach by arguing against the dichotomy between ‘dynasty’ and ‘collegiality’ that tends to dominate scholarship of this period. Instead they focus on the similarities and continuities between the representations of imperial families and imperial colleges in order to understand how perceptions of dynastic legitimacy evolved in the third and fourth centuries.

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