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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investerare, hållbarhet & ESG : En fråga om legitimitet och autopoiesis?

Ridne Ahlqvist, Martin, Fredriksson, Timmy January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Hållbara investeringar : Vad driver efterfrågan? / Sustainable investments : What drives the demand?

Eriksson, Andreas, Holmstedt, Tim, Lind, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dagligen kan vi läsa om människans överkonsumtion och ohållbara levnadssätt. Det finns ett ökat intresse för hållbara placeringsalternativ bland privatpersoner. Bland den svenska befolkningen sparar 8 av 10 myndiga personer aktivt i värdepapper, varav en tredjedel valde en investering med fokus på hållbarhet under 2020. Efterfrågan och finansiella flöden till hållbara produkter har de senaste åren ökat, varför det ter sig både aktuellt och intressant att undersöka varför det skett. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera ett specifikt urval av variabler för att se vilka faktorer som påverkar privatpersoner att investera hållbart eller inte. Metod: En deduktiv ansats har genomsyrat metodarbetet och studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ enkätundersökning som vidare kompletterats med kvalitativa intervjuer. Enkätundersökningen besvarades av 86 respondenter varav 5 respondenter senare valdes ut till intervju. Data har bearbetats med univariata analyser samt bi- och multivariata analyser bestående av 1 beroende variabel, bestämd till “vikten av hållbarhet” som förklarats med hjälp av 18 oberoende variabler. Resultat: Studiens regressionsanalys utmynnade i 5 signifikanta respektive 13 ickesignifikanta oberoende variabler. De variabler som föreföll signifikanta på lägst signifikansnivå blev social påverkan följt av överavkastning i förhållande till hållbarhet. Slutsats: Analysen av resultatet gav indikationer på att avkastning inte behöver var en motsättning till hållbarhet, samtidigt som de som väljer att inte beakta hållbarhet är av denna åsikt. Hållbara investeringar görs i högre grad, trots att investeraren har ett lägre förtroende för hållbarhetsrapportering / Background: We can daily read about human overconsumption and unsustainable lifestyles. An increased interest in sustainable investment alternatives has been seen among private investors. Among the Swedish population, 8 out of 10 adults actively save in securities, of which a third chose an investment with a focus on sustainability in 2020. The demand for sustainable products has increased in recent years, which also seems current and interesting to examine why it has happened.  Purpose: The purpose of the study is to examine and analyse a specific selection of variables to see which factors influence individuals to invest sustainably or not.  Methodology: A deductive approach has permeated the methodological work and the study has been carried out with a quantitative survey which is further supplemented with qualitative interviews. The questionnaire was answered by 86 respondents, of which 5 were later selected for an interview. A regression analysis was pursued consisting of 1 dependent variable, “importance of sustainability”, which was explained using 18 independent variables.  Results: The study's regression analysis resulted in 5 significant and 13 non-significant independent variables, respectively, where the most significant variables were social impact followed by excess return in relation to sustainability.  Conclusion: The analysis of our findings indicate that financial return does not have to be a contradiction to sustainability, as well as those who do not value sustainability values the financial return. Sustainable investments are being made, even though the credibility for the sustainability reports is somewhat low.

Carbon Risk and Swedish Mutual Funds / Koldioxidrisk och svenska fonder

Lindén, Edward, Nilson, Kasper January 2020 (has links)
This paper analyzes sustainable investments of Swedish mutual funds. Morningstar’s CarbonRisk Score (CRS) - funds exposure to a future of low-carbon economy - is analysed in termsof returns, management fees and flows. The CRS measure was introduced March 2018 with ahistorical series from March 2017, without the market being aware. Analysing CRS before theintroduction is therefore greenwashing-bias free. An empirical approach with regressions findthat there is a payoff between return and alignment with a low-carbon economy future, CRS.A 1% increased abnormal return causes a 0.13 standard deviations higher CRS. Regressionsalso find no relationship between management fee and CRS. A correlation between flow andCRS is found but no causality. The shown payoff between return and CRS implies that fundswhich are well-performing are less sustainable. Fund managers maximising their returnthereby lead to unsustainable investments. To handle this, a policy of tax relief or subsidyshould be implemented for investing sustainable. The tax relief or subsidy should beproportional to the increased return renounced when investing sustainable.

Financování boje proti změně klimatu: Cena zelených dluhopisů a její detereminanty / Financing Climate Action: The Pricing of Green Bonds and Its Determinants

Kortusová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Green bonds present a promising tool enabling investors in fixed-income mar- kets to finance environmental projects. Yet, the pricing of green bonds with respect to conventional bonds remains an open question. This thesis in- vestigates the existence of a yield differential between green and equivalent conventional bonds in the secondary market. By matching green bonds with synthetic conventional bonds and performing a fixed effects panel regression of the yield spread, we find evidence of a small negative premium associ- ated with green bonds ("green premium"): as a result of high demand from value-seeking investors, the yield of green bonds is on average 1.12 basis points lower than that of their conventional counterparts. The variation in the magnitude of the green premium with bond characteristics is further examined through a cross-sectional regression. We show that external ver- ification of the bond's green credentials and assurance on its post-issuance allocation report significantly increase the estimated green premium. Finally, the green bond's yield seems to decrease in case proceeds are used to finance new projects, while refinancing existing projects results in an increase in the bond's yield. Our findings provide valuable insights into the field of green bond pricing. While the...

Searching for the Bluenium: An Empirical Analysis of the Yield Spread of Blue Bonds

Erixon, Olle, Sidstedt, Vilma January 2024 (has links)
Blue bonds are gaining global traction as innovative financial instruments to tackle marine sustainability, yet their yield spreads compared to conventional bonds remain unexplored. Based on the growing interest in sustainable investments and the concept of the greenium, this study introduces and searches for a bluenium, the analogous premium for blue bonds. Hence, the purpose of this research is to investigate whether blue bonds exhibit a lower yield at issuance compared to conventional bonds. This examination is intended to contribute to the literature on impact investment risk and return, particularly in the context of marine sustainability, providing valuable insights for investors, issuers, researchers, and policymakers. The study employs the propensity score matching (PSM) method to ensure robust comparative analysis between blue bonds and comparable conventional bonds. The empirical analysis identifies a yield spread of 47 basis points (bps) favouring higher yields for blue bonds, though these results lack statistical significance. Hence, there is no significant evidence of lower yields for blue bonds compared to conventional bonds. The insignificant results could stem from the relatively small sample size, reflecting the fact that blue bonds are in their early stage, suggesting that they may require further development, similar to what green bonds experienced. Future research should consider larger samples and additional variables to enhance the robustness and applicability of the findings. This study informs stakeholders of the complexities and development potential of the blue bond market.

Investing for a sustainable future : drivers and barriers for sustanable venture capital investement decisions

Möller, Eva, Öquist, Samuel January 2019 (has links)
Venture Capital can play a key role for our future by placing their capital in sustainable investments. They have the capacity to fuel new ventures, sprung from ideas on how to solve the sustainability challenges we face today. In this paper we research the drivers and barriers for sustainable venture capital investment decisions. Our findings show that increased knowledge on sustainability issues is affecting the general public opinion, policies and governance and the way we choose to live, consume and do business. This in turn increases the market potential for sustainable businesses. Therefore, sustainable investments are more and more considered as a good investment, not only in regard to social and ecological aspects but also financial returns. A model with our findings showing the drivers and barriers for sustainable venture capital investment decisions will be presented aiming encourage and push toward a more sustainable future.

Den gröna obligationens premie : En studie om den gröna svenska obligationsmarknaden / The Green Bond Premium : A study of the Swedish Green Bond market

Krog, Kezia, Haglund, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Hållbarhet är i fokus och hållbara investeringar är en förutsättning för att utvecklingen av det globala hållbarhetsarbetet ska lyckas. Ett hållbart investeringsalternativ är gröna obligationer, som idag är en efterfrågad produkt av investerare. Obligationsmarknaden används av företag som ett alternativ till finansiering i form av banklån. Här möts företag och investerare i syfte att utbyta pengar mot räntebärande värdepapper, där investeraren erhåller ränteutbetalningar för sitt utlånade kapital. År 2008 emitterades världens första gröna obligation och utvecklingen i antal emitterade gröna obligationer har sedan dess varit extraordinär. Gröna obligationer är likt konventionella obligationer ett räntebärande värdepapper, med skillnaden att emissionskapitalet för gröna obligationer är avsett att användas till att minska miljö- och klimatpåverkan. Genom en investering i gröna obligationer är investeraren med och finansierar gröna projekt och bidrar till en mer hållbar utveckling. Tidigare forskning har lett till varierande slutsatser där majoriteten antyder att det finns en premie förknippat med gröna obligationer. Många av de tidigare forskningarna har studerat obligationsmarknaden på global nivå. Denna studie avser att undersöka premiens förhållande på den svenska obligationsmarknaden och se huruvida svenska bolag emitterar gröna obligationer till en lägre avkastning. Syftet med studien är att påvisa huruvida det finns skillnader i spread mellan gröna obligationer och konventionella obligationer på den svenska obligationsmarknaden. Detta förhållande undersöks genom en kvantitativ studie som bygger på en deduktiv ansats. I studien används en matchningsmetod för att studera fenomenet om en premie för gröna obligationer existerar. Gröna och konventionella obligationers spread jämförs inom bolagen och resultatet sammanfattas i en övergripande marknadsanalys. De slutsatser som dras av studien är att det inte finns någon statistiskt signifikant skillnad mellan gröna och konventionella obligationers spread, och därmed att gröna obligationer inte emitteras med en sämre avkastning än jämförbara konventionella obligationer. Från denna studie drar vi därmed slutsatsen att gröna obligationer på den svenska obligationsmarknaden inte emitteras med någon premie. / Sustainability is in focus and sustainable investments are a prerequisite for the progress of global sustainability work. Green bonds are an example of a sustainable investment alternative and is today a sought-after product by investors. The bond market is used by companies as an alternative to financing projects through bank loans. Organizations and investors meet for the purpose of exchanging money for interest-bearing securities, where the investor receives interest payments for his lent capital. In 2008, the world's first green bond was issued and the development in the number of issued green bonds since then has been extraordinary. Like conventional bonds, green bonds are an interest-bearing security, with the difference that the issued capital for green bonds is intended to be used to reduce the environmental and climate impact. Through an investment in green bonds, the investor participates in and finances green projects and contributes to a more sustainable development. Previous research has led to varying conclusions where the majority suggest that there is a premium associated with green bonds. Many of the previous researches have studied the bond market on a global level. This study intends to examine the premium relationship in the Swedish bond market and conclude whether or not Swedish companies issue green bonds at a lower return. The purpose of the study is to demonstrate whether there are differences in spreads between green bonds and conventional bonds in the Swedish bond market. This relationship is investigated through a quantitative study based on an deductive approach. The study uses a matching method to study the phenomenon of a premium for green bonds. The spreads of green and conventional bonds are compared within the companies and the results are summarized in an overall market analysis. The first conclusion drawn from this study is that there is no statistically significant difference between the spread of green and conventional bonds, seen across the entire Swedish bond market. This indicates that green bonds are not issued with a lower return than comparable conventional bonds. The second conclusion drawn from this study is that green bonds in the Swedish bond market are not issued with any premium. The study shows that green bonds are as profitable as conventional bonds from the same company, and also lead to a more diversified portfolio. This paper is written in Swedish.

En grönare investeringsbedömning : En fallstudie om Södra Skogsägarnas hållbara investeringsbedömning / A greener investment appraisal : A case study on Södra Skogsägarna's sustainable investment appraisal

Johansson, Josefin, Aggerstam, Ida January 2019 (has links)
Inledning: Studien har sin utgångspunkt i ett praktisk problem på Södra Skogsägarna angående en upplevd svårighet att bedöma hållbara investeringar. Att göra investeringar med hållbarhetshänsyn har blivit allt vanligare vilket kan bero på den ökade uppmärksamheten kring ämnet. Södras verksamhet präglas av en mängd investeringar vilka är betydelsefulla för företagets framtid och överlevnad. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att definiera och kartlägga vad hållbara investeringar är. Författarna ska även analysera Södras investeringsbedömning och hur de hanterar hållbarhetsaspekter i den. Studien ska bidra till att ge ett förslag på hur företag kan anpassa sin investeringsbedömning för att bättre ta hänsyn till hållbarhetsaspekter. Metod: Denna studien är en empiriskt driven fallstudie av kvalitativ karaktär. Det teoretiska materialet baseras på vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur från Linnéunivesitets bibliotek. Det empiriska materialet grundar sig på semistrukturerade intervjuer och dokument. För att studien ska anses vara trovärdig har vi beaktat ett antal kvalitetskriterier och forskningsetiska överväganden.  Slutsats: Slutligen ges rekommendationer på hur Södra Skogsägarna kan anpassa sin inventeringshandbok och investeringsrutin för att beakta hållbara investeringar. Huvudsakligen handlar det om hur företaget ska hantera klassindelning, kalkylmetoder, kalkylränta och kvalitativ information. / Introduction: The study is based on a practical problem at Södra Skogsägarna regarding a perceived difficulty in consider sustainable investments. Making investments with sustainability considerations has become increasingly common, which may be due to the increased attention to the subject. Södra's operations are characterized by a large number of investments which are important for the company's future and survival. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to define and map what sustainable investments are. The authors will also analyze Södra's investment appraisal and how they handle sustainability aspects in it. The study will help to give a suggestion on how companies can adapt their investment assessment to better take into account sustainability aspects. Method: This study is an empirically driven case study of qualitative character. The theoretical material is based on scientific articles and literature from the library at Linnaeus University. The empirical material is based on semi-structured interviews and documents. For the study to be considered credible, we have considered a number of quality criteria and research ethical considerations. Conclusion: Finally recommendations are made on how Södra Skogsägarna can adapt their investment manual and investment routine to consider sustainable investments. It is mainly about how the company should handle class division, calculation methods, interest rate and qualitative information.

Does Sustainable Behaviour make you a Sustainable Investor? : A quantitative study on Sustainable Investments in relation to one’s Ecological Footprint.

Hörth, Jan, Leiditz Thorsson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
Background and Problem: Global climate change presents the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. As the Ecological Footprint metric and behaviour towards sustainable investment can present essential contributions to humanity’s sustainability transition, they have gained significant importance over the last years. However, it is largely unexplored if living and consuming sustainably also affects how savings are allocated when investing.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to contribute to the current body of knowledge by studying the motivations and backgrounds that drive the decision of individuals to invest sustainably. Thus, we investigate the relationship between people’s Ecological Footprint and their sustainable investment behaviour. Method: This study follows a positivist research approach where quantitative data is gathered through a structured questionnaire from 290 respondents with financial literacy and sustainability awareness. The results are analysed through a logistic regression and then interpreted and discussed in the context of the frame of reference.  Conclusion: The results indicate that individuals with a lower Ecological Footprint and thus a higher awareness of sustainability are more likely to invest sustainably. Consequently, this study showed that individuals who consumed more sustainably tend to act more sustainably in other areas and levels. Moreover, this study adds new knowledge to the literature regarding individual’s consumption behaviour and its relationship with sustainable investments.

A critical Analysis of ESG Investments during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Motschmann, Laura January 2022 (has links)
This study deals with the critical analysis of sustainable investments and, therefore, ESG practices on financial performance during the year 2020, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the financial market. The analysis examines sustainable investments in terms of their actual sustainability, risk, and earnings potential. For an improved tangibility of the findings, the overall market of the developed countries is represented by the two sample indices MSCI World and its sustainable benchmark MSCI World SRI. The analysis focuses on performance, volatility, and gross returns. Additionally, the knowledge of three financial experts supplements the analysis and connects the findings with their professional experience. The interview questions focused on the transparency and traceability of a sustainable investment product, the movement from shareholder-value to the stakeholder approach, the risk of sustainable investments, and the return analysis. The analysis shows that the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced the behavior of investors through the increasing importance of social and environmental topics. The analysis determines that intransparency and greenwashing of sustainable investments pose a danger to investors and are favored by a lack of legal framework conditions. Furthermore, the results reveal that ESG engagement reduces the agency problem and can be considered a stakeholder issue. An examination of market data shows that sustainable investments have a lower extreme risk and are thus subject to lower fluctuations in value during the year of the pandemic. In addition, sustainable investments show an abovemarket average development of value growth and gross returns. The conclusion is that sustainable investments are still in the development stage and need quickly binding legal regulations. Nevertheless, the lower risk, the above-market average performance, and the increasing demand point to a long-term establishment of sustainable investments in the market.

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