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Psychological Abuse in Same-Sex Couples Compared to Heterosexual Couples: Implications for Depression OutcomesOravec, Kristyn 04 June 2019 (has links)
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Sexual Minority Women's Experiences of Living & Coping with Internalized HeterosexismSchlesinger, Rebecca A. 29 August 2019 (has links)
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"Translation Students' and Professional Translators' Strategies and Ideologies in Response to a LGBT-Themed Storybook for Children"Gomez, Hannelore 21 April 2020 (has links)
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Difficulties of Coming Out Amoung Japanese Elite Athletes : A media-studies inquiry into the case of soccer player Shiho ShimoyamadaStröm, Anni-Ruffina January 2020 (has links)
The 2020 Summer Olympicsand the Paralympic Games were scheduledto take placein Tokyo. This sporting mega-event has affected change in the public and social spheres of the host country, Japan, but with regard to athletes’ gender and sexual orientation Japan’s mainstream media seem still considerably biased. Little has been reported on openly LGBTpro athletes from Japan and their involvement in advocating the Olympic values:diversity, inclusiveness and equality.This thesis investigates howLGBTiconsare portrayed by the media, or more specifically,the national newspapers, LGBTcommunity sources and social media, and withregard to the first it questions whetherthere are differences in the portrayalof Shiho Shimoyamada, the first openly homosexual female soccer athlete fromJapan, between Japanese and English language media.In the attempt to interrelate sports studies, queer studies and media studies, this thesis investigates in the main the representationof Shiho ShimoyamadainAsahi Shimbun, Japan’s second largest newspaper, and inthe English-language newspaperThe Japan Times. It also provides an overview of the athlete’s self-representation on Twitter which relates closely to her LGBT activism.Investigation of the media sources is executed by qualitative and quantitative analysis of data collected within 13 months(January 1, 2019 -February 28,2020). Categorizing tweets bygroups, the findingsdemonstrategaps in media representation ofsociallyimportant activism and presents the social media self-promotion strategies used by the athlete.
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Vad innebär HBT-kunskap för sjuksköterskor?Dautaj, Saranda, Thurell, Susanna January 2009 (has links)
Enligt tidigare forskning upplever homosexuella, bisexuella och transpersoner (HBT) att de blir diskriminerade och osynliggjorda i vården till skillnad från heterosexuell befolkning. HBT-personer undviker delvis att uppsöka vården, samt att vara öppna med sin sexuella läggning av rädsla för negativt bemötande vilket får konsekvenser för deras hälsa. Därför efterfrågas mer HBT-kunskap i vården av dessa patienter. HBT-patienter efterfrågar en öppenhet för att kunna tala om livet i alla dess aspekter i vården. Studiens syfte var att undersöka vad sjuksköterskor innefattar i HBT-kunskap och hur det påverkar vården, bemötande för denna patientgrupp i praktiken. Studien genomfördes som en empirisk kvalitativ intervjustudie. Intervjuer gjordes med åtta legitimerade sjuksköterskor som har erfarenhet av HBT-patienter och/eller har genomgått kurs i HBT-kunskap. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalytisk ansats. Analysen resulterade i ett tema – förhållningssätt, två huvudkategorier – vård på lika villkor, kompetens och fyra underkategorier – att förhålla sig öppen, medvetenhet om heteronormativitet, att känna till HBT-personers hälsa/levnadsvillkor, att ha utbildning/erfarenhet om sexuell mångfald. Av studiens resultat framgår att viljan att ta till sig och behovet av HBT-kunskap är stort hos sjuksköterskor. Men det finns också en brist i hur vården uppfyller de ramlagar som finns, som säger att vård skall ges på lika villkor till hela befolkningen. / According to previous studies, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons (LGBT) feel discriminated and made invisible in the healthcare sector apart from the heterosexual population. They partly avoid seeking healthcare and being open with their sexuality for fear of negative reception, which has consequences for their health. Therefore more LGBT-knowledge is demanded in healthcare by this patients. LGBT-patients is asking for an openness from healthcare personnel so they can be able to talk about life in every aspect. The aim of the study is to examine what LGBT-knowledge means for nurse practitioners, how it affects healthcare for this group of patients. The study was carried out as an empirical interview study. Interviews were done with eight registered nurse practitioners who have experience of LGBT-patients or/and had taken a course in LGBT-knowledge. The analysis has an approach to qualitative content analysis. The analysis resulted in a theme – attitudes with two main categories – healthcare on equal conditions and competence – and four secondary categories – to be open minded, to be conscious of heteronormativity, to be aware of LGBT-persons health and living conditions and to have knowledge about sexual multitude. The result shows that there is a strong will to learn and a need for LGBT-knowledge among nurse practitioners. But there is also a lack of willingness to accept the general rules to provide equal healthcare to the entire population.
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"Man pratar ju inte om äldres sexualitet". Hur äldreomsorgen belyser HBTQ-frågorEdqvist, Susanne, Lind, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur olika yrkeskategorier inom äldreomsorgen arbetar med HBTQ-frågor. Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer och inkluderar fem informanter med olika arbetsuppgifter inom äldreomsorgen. Resultaten från intervjuerna har analyserats utifrån olika teman i en intervjuguide, med hjälp av queerteorin. Intervjuernas resultat visar att HBTQ-frågor inte blir belysta som enskilda frågor, men skulle vid behov kunna diskuteras under mångfalds- och jämlikhetsfrågor. Informanterna beskrev vikten av ett gott bemötande, oavsett vilken läggning brukaren hade. Samtliga informanter hade uppmärksammat en avsexualisering av äldre individer. De beskrev även ett antagande om att fyrtiotalister kommer att vara en generation med högre krav på att kunna vara öppen med sin sexuella läggning. Studien visar även att samtliga yrkeskategorier upplever att det i framtiden kommer finnas behov av att belysa HBTQ-frågan, samt att implementera denna i utbildningar såsom i nuvarande undersköterskeutbildningen. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how various professionals in eldercare are working with LGBT issues. The study is based on qualitative interviews and includes five informants with different tasks in eldercare. Interview results were analyzed based on various themes in an interview guide, using queer theory. The results show that LGBT issues are not illuminated as individual issues, but could if necessary be discussed in diversity and equality issues. The informants described the importance of good treatment, no matter what sexual orientation the patient had. All informants had noticed a desexualization of older individuals. They also described an assumption that people born in the 1940´s will be a generation with higher requirements to be able to be open with their sexual orientation. The study also shows that all professions are experiencing that, in the future, there will be a need to lift the LGBT issue and to implement it in education programs.
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Racial Regulations and Queer Claims to Livable LivesDasGupta, Debanuj, DasGupta January 2016 (has links)
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SOGIE minority organisations in Africa and their relation to European donorsMagnusson, Evelina January 2023 (has links)
The situation for sexual orientation, gender identity or expression (SOGIE) minority persons is difficult in many places and in much of Africa their lives are illegal in some form. This thesis focuses on how local organisations and European actors address this problem and what local actors believe could be done better to improve the situation for SOGIE minorities. This includes mapping the work conducted by the actor groups and how it intersects. An abductive, qualitative, desk study has been conducted studying the internet presence of relevant organisations. The main data sources have been the websites of the organisations, but other resources have been used for more nuance. The thesis used postcolonial theory and a human rights framework. Postcolonial theory explains some of the actions taken by African governments but also sheds light on the power structure between the African and European organisations. The findings underline that there are improvements in the relationship between the two groups compared to previous literature on the topic, including better dialogues, more local control in projects and some efforts to fund the organisations’ functional needs. However, the local organisations still feel that too much money and decision making power go to Western actors. The local organisations often focus on economic stability, health and legal assistance, as well as research about the groups they are working with and attempting to influence governments and improve local perceptions. The European organisations also focus on health, legal and economic assistance as well as media training and security.
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Stories I Told Myself: A MemoirCrimmins, Brian 01 January 2014 (has links)
Stories I Told Myself: A Memoir explores the experience of growing up gay in the 1980s. It is one boy's journey toward self-acceptance set against the conservative backdrop of a rural community on California's central coast. The story illuminates the hunger for a life different than the one being lived, and the ever-present sense of being different exacerbated by bullying and unrequited love. It is a narrative of evolving identity, and includes cultural insights and societal context of the time period. The author poses a fundamental question, "How did I make it out of the 80's alive?" and he explores the answer with poignant humor and self-examination. Mr. Crimmins shows that, beyond the constraints of time and place, the process of coming out remains an important and consistent element of the queer experience.
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A Grounded Theory Study of the Experiences of Gender and Sexually Diverse High School Students: Balancing School EthosHuff, Frankie 01 January 2015 (has links)
Anti-bullying campaigns and legislation are on the rise, and school districts are fighting in favor of and against various forms of support for gay and sexually diverse (GSD) students, creating very distinct experienced ethoses in their prospective schools. At times, these ethoses stand in direct opposition of the aspirational ethoses of those same schools. The purpose of this grounded theory study is to understand how schools interact with the educational policies in place to create a balanced ethos. This study uses Charmaz*s (2014) constructivist approach to grounded theory methods to answer the following questions: How, if at all, does the aspirational ethos balance with the experienced ethos in high schools for GSD students, and, how, if at all, are schools creating positive high school ethoses for GSD students? Two themes emerged from this study. The first theme, don*t ask, don*t tell, showed that GSD students are often expected to be silent about themselves and their issues. The second theme, policy is just a beginning, revealed that inclusive policy alone is not enough, administration must interact with these policies and GSD students. The findings of this study indicate that for schools to provide a balanced aspirational and experienced ethos for GSD students, these students must be included in the policies, actions, and interactions of the high school. Schools create a positive ethos for GSD students when the balance is achieved. This study has practical and theoretical implications for anti-oppressive educational practices and discourse regarding GSD students.
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