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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relative impact of an argumentation-based instructional intervention programme on Grade 10 learners' conceptions of lightning and thunder

Moyo, Partson Virira January 2012 (has links)
<p><span style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family: &quot / Times New Roman&quot / ,&quot / serif&quot / mso-bidi-font-family:&quot / Times New Roman&quot / mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi / mso-bidi-font-weight:bold">The basic premise of this study was that when a learner is confronted with two contradictory explanations of the same phenomenon, there is cognitive dissonance in the learner as the learner tries to determine which of the two explanations is correct. An argumentation-based instructional intervention programme (ABIIP) was created for and used on and by the Grade 10 learners in order to attempt to ameliorate this cognitive conflict. </span><span style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family: &quot / Times New Roman&quot / ,&quot / serif&quot / mso-bidi-font-family:&quot / Times New Roman&quot / mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi">The purpose of this study was to determine the relative impact of that intervention programme on Grade 10 learners&rsquo / conceptions of lightning and thunder. The programme was designed to help learners to develop argumentative skills and use the acquired skills to negotiate and harmonise divergent and conflicting explanations of the nature of lightning and thunder that are propounded by different worldviews (Science and indigenous knowledge).</span><span style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family: &quot / Times New Roman&quot / ,&quot / serif&quot / mso-bidi-font-family:&quot / Times New Roman&quot / mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi">The research design was primarily a case study of 16 Grade 10 learners of the Xhosa ethnic group at a high school in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The Xhosa people are a typical example of a people whose cultural values were undermined and whose voice was silenced by the colonisers and whose local knowledge has been repressed and replaced by forms of Western privileged knowledge and understandings but who remain, deeply and resolutely, steeped in their cultural values and practices, making them a classic example of a people who would battle to harmonise the indigenous and the scientific explanations of natural phenomena. The research instruments used were questionnaires which were administered to learners, educators, community leaders, indigenous knowledge holders and experts to solicit information on causes, dangers and prevention of lightning / individual and group activities as learners went through the lessons on both argumentation and on lightning / follow up interviews and discussions with learners individually or in groups to seek further clarification of the ideas the learners would have raised in their earlier responses to questionnaires or group discussions / guided and reflective essays by the learners to determine the learners&rsquo / levels of understanding of the major tenets of the two thought systems and the relationship between the two worldviews and to determine the qualitative gain, if any, that the learners got from the intervention programme / observation schedules used by the researcher during participant observation of group discussions and during the lessons on lightning / an achievement test on lightning / field notes used by the researcher for memoing observations and reflections as the research process proceeded / informal and serendipitous sources of information. <span style="font-size:12.0pt / line-height:150% / font-family: &quot / Times New Roman&quot / ,&quot / serif&quot / mso-bidi-font-family:&quot / Times New Roman&quot / mso-bidi-theme-font: minor-bidi">The collected data were analysed, mostly, qualitatively. Frequencies, percentages and t-test values were used to express and analyse quantitative data. Aspects of several analytical frameworks that included Toulmin&rsquo / s Argumentation Pattern (TAP) [and its modified versions such as that of Leitao (2000) and that of Osborne et al (2004)] and Contiguity Argumentation Theory (CAT) were used to attach meaning to the collected data and to address the research questions.</span></span></p>

Spectroscopie optique de l'oxyde de zinc / Zinc oxide optical spectroscpy

Marotel, Pascal 10 June 2011 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur l'étude des propriétés optiques de l'oxyde de zinc (ZnO), matériau semi-conducteur à grand gap. La technique de caractérisation principale de ce travail est la spectroscopie par photoluminescence, technique non destructive permettant d'obtenir des informations relatives à la structure électronique d'un matériau. Après avoir présenté les propriétés du ZnO, de ses alliages, et rappelé quelques principes de base associés à la luminescence des matériaux semi-conducteurs., nous comparerons dans un premier temps les propriétés optiques de différents types de ZnO monocristallin, selon leur mode d'élaboration : matériaux massifs de différentes origines, couches épitaxiées et nanofils. Ces comparaisons ainsi que l'étude des effets sur les spectres de photoluminescence des traitements tels que recuit et passivation nous permettront d'avancer différentes hypothèses quant à l'origine de la luminescence visible dans ce matériau grand gap, sujet encore controversé dans la littérature. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présenterons notre contribution à l'étude du dopage p du matériau, qui est encore aujourd'hui le verrou pour l'obtention de diodes électroluminescentes à base de ZnO. Nous examinerons le problème du dopage intrinsèque de type n et de la compensation, préalable indispensable avant d'aborder le dopage de type p. Le dopage p est traité ici principalement au travers des études optiques d'échantillons implantés et recuits. Plusieurs variantes liées à l'implantation d'azote seront présentées et l'obtention de paires donneur accepteurs clairement mise en évidence pour des conditions de recuit optimisées. La nature des accepteurs présents est discutée par référence aux travaux antérieurs. . / We have studied the optical properties of Zinc Oxide (ZnO), a wide band gap semiconductor material. The main characterization technique used in this work is the photoluminescence spectroscopy, a non destructive technique which gives information about the electronic structure of the material. After presenting the properties of ZnO, its alloys, and reminding some basic principles relative to the luminescence in semiconductor materials, we will compare the optical properties of ZnO single-crystals from different growth methods: bulk material from different origins, epitaxial layers and nanowires. These comparisons and the effects of different treatments (annealing, passivation...) on the PL spectra unable us to emit hypothesis about the origin of the visible luminescence, which is a controversial subject in the literature. Secondly, we will present our contribution to the study of the p doping of ZnO, which is indispensable for device applications based on the p–n junction. We will take a look at the n type intrinsic doping problem before examining the p type doping. We investigate here p type doping through optical studies of implanted and annealed samples. We present here some variants of nitrogen implantation and the presence of donor acceptor pairs has been proven, leading to the optimization of the annealing conditions. Nature of the acceptors is discussed with the literature.

Fotoquímica de derivados de azuleno: estudo mecanístico de derivados 4-halometil substituídos em solventes apolares e polares / Photochemical of azulene derivatives: mechanistic study of 4-halometil derivatives substituted in apolar and polar solvents

Ruiz, Carlos Alberto Alves 03 February 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho relata um estudo da fotólise de 4-clorometil-6,8-dimetil-azuleno (1), 4-bromometil-6,8-dimetil-azuleno (2) e 4-clorometil-1-metil-7-isopropilazuleno (3), em solventes polares e apoiares. Os fotoprodutos foram analisados e identificados ou por cromatografia a gás, comparando-se com padrões autênticos, ou por espectrometria de massas. Em solventes polares, foram obtidos somente produtos provenientes de clivagem heterolítica da ligação C-halogênio, enquanto, em solventes apoiares foi observada somente a presença de fotoprodutos de origem radicalar. O produto majoritário na fotólise de 1 em solventes apoiares, em todas as condições experimentais, foi identificado como 1-cloro-4,6,8-trimetil-azuleno, um isômero do reagente, cuja formação não é afetada pela presença de doadores de hidrogênio. Entretanto, este isômero não foi observado em solventes polares, em nenhuma condição experimental. Resultados similares foram obtidos nas fotólises de 2 e de 3. Com base nestas observações, foi possível formular um mecanismo geral para a fotólise dos derivados de azuleno estudados. Em solventes apoiares ocorre clivagem homolítica, levando exclusivamente a produtos provenientes de reações radicalares. Em solventes polares, ao contrário dos mecanismos propostos na maioria dos trabalhos de literatura, ocorre clivagem heterolítica direta, sem o envolvimento de um par radicalar inicial que levaria à formação do carbocátion via transferência de elétron. Foram feitos, ainda, estudos de fotólise por pulso de laser utilizando-se soluções do derivado 1 em solventes apoiares e polares. Entretanto, em nenhuma condição experimental foi possível detectar absorção transiente. / This work reports a study on the photolysis of 4-chloromethyl-6,8-dimethylazulene (1), 4-bromomethyl-6,8-dimethylazulene (2) and 4-chloromethyl-1-methyl-7-isopropylazulene (3) in polar and apolar solvents. The obtained photoproducts were analyzed and identified by gas chromatography, in comparison to authentic standards or by mass spectrometric analysis. In polar solvents, only products formed by the heterolytic cleavage of the C-X (X = Cl and Br) bond are obtained, whilst, in apolar solvents, only photoproducts originated from radical reactions are observed. The major product in apolar solvents in the photolysis of 1, in all experimental conditions, was identified as 1-chloro-4,6,8-trimethylazulene, an isomer of the reagent, whose formation is not affected by the presence of hydrogen donors. However, this isomer is not observed in polar solvents in any experimental conditions. Similar results are obtained in the photolysis of 2 and 3. These observations allowed us to formulate a general mechanism for the photolysis of the azulene derivatives studied. In apolar solvents, homolytic bond cleavage occurs leading exclusively to the formation of products originated from radical reactions. However, in polar solvents direct heterolytic bond cleavage occurs, without the involvement of an initial radical par which would lead to carbocation formation by electron transfer, in oposition to the mechanism proposed in most of the literature works. Flash photolysis studies with 1 in apolar and polar solvents were also performed. However, it was not possible to detect any transient absorption in all experimental conditions used.

Eletrificação dos sistemas precipitantes na região Amazônica: processos físicos e dinâmicos do desenvolvimento de tempestades / Electrification of precipitating systems over the Amazon: Physical and dynamical processes of thunderstorm development

Albrecht, Rachel Ifanger 13 June 2008 (has links)
Os sistemas convectivos da região Amazônica possuem características microfísicas peculiares, que variam de um caráter convectivo marítimo (estação chuvosa) a continental (estação de transição seca-chuvosa). Essas características modulam a eletrificação desses sistemas, porém ainda não se sabe quais são os processos dominantes que intensificam o número de descargas elétricas de uma estação para outra: efeito dos aerossóis, termodinâmico, grande-escala ou topografia? Para responder à essa pergunta, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar a importância de cada um desses efeitos na eletrificação dos sistemas convectivos da Amazônia. A metodologia foi baseada em análises de dados observacionais do experimento de campo DRYTOWET e em um modelo numérico com parametrizações de transferências de cargas e descargas elétricas. A análise do ciclo anual das descargas elétricas do tipo nuvem-solo (CGs) mostrou que a atividade elétrica dos sistemas precipitantes da região sudoeste da Amazônia aumenta durante a transição da estação seca para a estação chuvosa (Agosto a Setembro), associada aos sistemas convectivos com maior desenvolvimento vertical que acontecem nesse período. Com o estabelecimento da estação chuvosa (Novembro a Março), o número de CGs diminui porém a atividade elétrica ainda se mantêm. A porcentagem desses totais de CGs que tinham polaridade positiva (+CGs) tem média de 12% durante todo o ano, aumentando drasticamente para até 25% em Setembro, durante a transição entre as estações secas e chuvosa. Esse aumento da %+CGs ocorreu simultaneamente ao aumento da poluição atmosférica provocada pela queima de biomassa das pastagens realizada pelos fazendeiros locais, que as preparam para a agricultura e pecuária durante o início das primeiras chuvas. Por outro lado, o aumento da %+CGs das tempestades também ocorreu preferencialmente sobre a área de pastagem do estado de Rondônia. Através da análise de dados de radar dos sistemas precipitantes que ocorreram durante o experimento DRYTOWET, foi constatado que as tempestades positivas (tempestades que produzem mais de 50% de +CGs em 50% de seu tempo de vida) se formaram em ambientes mais secos e com alturas do nível de convecção por levantamento (NCL, altura da base da nuvem) maiores do que as demais tempestades (tempestades negativas), durante todo o experimento mas com maiores diferenças durante o final da estação seca (Setembro-Outubro). Com altura da base da nuvem mais elevada, a espessura da camada quente (ECQ - base da nuvem até a isoterma de 0oC) diminui, aumentando assim a velocidade das correntes ascendentes através de um melhor processamento da energia potencial disponível para convecção (CAPE) devido a um menor entranhamento. O aumento da velocidade das correntes ascendentes dentro da nuvem resulta em tempestades mais profundas e mais intensas. O efeito do aumento do NCL é uma característica das regiões com vegetação de pastagem, onde a razão entre o calor sensível e latente na superfície é maior do que as áreas florestadas, aumentando a altura da camada limite planetária. As diferenças de concentração total e distribuição de tamanho dos aerossóis devido ao aumento da poluição durante a transição entre as estações seca e chuvosa não foram conclusivas quanto a um possível efeito na distribuição de hidrometeoros das tempestade positivas e negativas, uma vez que o ciclo diurno da concentração dos aerossóis acompanha o ciclo diurno da camada limite planetária, que também regula o efeito da ECQ. Simulações numéricas com um modelo 1D de nuvem, acoplado à parametrizações de transferências de cargas elétricas entre hidrometeoros e raios, mostraram que a estrutura termodinâmica da atmosfera foi a maior responsável pela eletrificação das tempestades simuladas, aumentando a velocidade das correntes ascendentes. O efeito do aumento do número de aerossóis, que inibe da fase quente da nuvem e conseqüentemente fortalece a da fase fria da nuvem fornecendo mais vapor e gotículas de nuvem para essa região, provocou a diminuição da quantidade de granizo nas tempestades simuladas e o aumento de partículas agregadas menores, como os flocos de neve e graupel, diminuindo a freqüência de raios. / Amazonian convective systems have unique microphysical characteristics, varying from a maritime convective behavior (rainy season) to a continental behavior (wet-dry transition season). These characteristics modulate the electrification of these systems, however it is still not well understood which are the dominant processes that intensify the frequency of lightning from one season to another: aerosol effect, thermodynamics, large-scale variability, landscape or topography? To answer this question, the objective of this study was to identify and quantify the importance of each one of these effects on the electrification of convective systems over the Amazon. The methodology was based on the analysis of observational data from the field experiment DRYTOWET and a numerical model with charge transfer parameterizations and lightning discharges. The cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharges annual cycle presented that the electrical activity of the southwestern Amazonian precipitating systems increased during the transition between the dry and wet seasons (August to September), in association with the convective systems deepening. With the establishment of the wet season (November to March), the number of CGs decreased but the electrical activity continued. The mean annual percentage of cloud-to-ground lightning of positive polarity (+CGs) was 12%, increasing drastically to 25% in September during the transition between the dry and wet seasons. This percentage of +CGs raise happened simultaneously with the increase in the atmospheric pollution due to the pasture biomass burning, held by local farmers to prepare the soil for agriculture and livestock during the begging of first rains. On the other hand, the increase in %+CGs also occurred preferentially over pasture areas of Rondonia state. Through the analysis of radar precipitating systems that occurred during the field campaign DRYTOWET, it was noted that positive thunderstorms (storms that produced more than 50% of +CGs over 50% of their life time) were initiated in drier and higher lift condensation levels (cloud base height) environments than other storms (negative thunderstorms) during all the field experiment, especially in the end of the dry season (September-October). A higher cloud base height is associated with a shallower warm cloud depth (cloud base height to the 0oC isotherm) and consequently less entrainment, increasing the updrafts due to a more efficient processing of the convective available potential energy (CAPE). This increase in updrafts inside the clouds results in deeper and stronger thunderstorms. The higher cloud base heights is a characteristic from pasture regions, where the ratio between sensible and latent heats at surface is greater than forested areas, which increases the top of the planetary boundary layer. The differences in the aerosol total concentration and size distribution, due to the increase in the atmospheric pollution during the transition between the dry and wet seasons, were inconclusive in a possible aerosol effect in the strength of positive and negative thunderstorms, once the aerosol concentration diurnal cycle follows the cycle of the planetary boundary layer, that also regulates the warm cloud depth effect. Numerical simulation of an 1D cloud model, coupled with charge transfer between the hydrometeors, showed that the thermodynamic structure was the main responsible feature for cloud electrification, increasing the updraft velocities. The pollution effect was masked in simulations, which inhibit the warm precipitation and consequently strength the the mixed and cold regions of the cloud, was responsible for an increase in the number of smaller aggregated particles, like snow flakes and graupel, decreasing the electrification and lightning frequency.

Estudo de metodologia para modelagem e simulação de tensões induzidas de origem atmosférica em linhas de distribuição protegidas por para-raios de \'ZN\'O\' / Study of methodology for modeling and simulation of induced voltages of atmospheric origin in distribution lines protected by \'ZN\'O\' surge arresters

Araújo, Marcel Ayres de 18 July 2013 (has links)
As tensões induzidas e sobretensões geradas por descarga atmosféricas diretas e indiretas são um dos principais causadores de desligamentos não programados em redes de transmissão e distribuição. Estes desligamentos comprometem o fornecimento de energia a milhares de consumidores, sobretudo em regiões com constantes variações climáticas e com características orográficas bastante diversificadas, como apresentado no território brasileiro. Desse modo, cada vez mais esses fenômenos são estudados a fim de desenvolverem-se procedimentos para proteção contra distúrbios causados por descargas atmosféricas. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa contempla o estudo do estabelecimento das descargas atmosféricas indiretas e das tensões por elas induzidas em linhas de distribuição, assim como o assentamento das mesmas nestas redes de energia. Não obstante, utilizando-se um software capaz de representar transitórios eletromagnéticos são modelados e implementados um alimentador teste de distribuição e um sistema para estimação de tensões induzidas no domínio do tempo baseado no modelo de Sune Rusck. Também são modelados e implementados para-raios de óxido de zinco, de forma a representar suas características dinâmicas, para proteger a linha sob apreciação dos distúrbios provocados pelas tensões induzidas. A partir de uma análise comparativa entre a operação do sistema de distribuição em regime permanente e frente aos desdobramentos promovidos pelas tensões induzidas, é determinada a melhor configuração, localização e quantificação dos para-raios a serem instalados para proteção do sistema teste. Por meio da avaliação dos resultados das simulações computacionais observa-se a robustez da subestação e quais os ramos e cargas mais suscetíveis a perturbações frente às tensões induzidas, bem como a maior proteção oferecida pelos para-raios aos elementos conectados próximos aos seus nós de alocação. / The induced voltages and overvoltages generated by direct and indirect lightning are a major cause of not programmed shutdowns in transmission and distribution networks. These shutdowns compromise the power supply of thousands of consumers, especially in regions with frequent climatic variations and quite diverse orographic characteristics, as occurred on Brazilian soil. Thus, these phenomena are more and more studied in order to develop procedures for protection against disturbances caused by lightning. In this context, this research focuses on the study of the establishment of indirect lightning and the voltage induced by them on distribution lines, as well as their settlement on energy networks. However, using a software able to represent electromagnetic transients, a distribution test feeder and a system for estimating induced voltages in the time domain based on the Sune Rusck model are modeled and implemented. In addition, metal oxide surge arresters are modeled and implemented to represent its dynamic characteristics, in order to protect the line under consideration of disturbances caused by induced voltages. From a comparative analysis between the operation of the distribution system in steady state and facing the developments promoted by induced voltages, it is determined the best configuration, as well as the location and quantification of the surge arrester to be installed to protect the test system. Through evaluation of the results of computer simulations, it is observed the robustness of the substation and which branches and loads are more susceptible to the disturbances facing the induced voltages, and the greater protection offered by the surge arresters elements connected near to its nodes allocation.

Estudo de metodologia para modelagem e simulação de tensões induzidas de origem atmosférica em linhas de distribuição protegidas por para-raios de \'ZN\'O\' / Study of methodology for modeling and simulation of induced voltages of atmospheric origin in distribution lines protected by \'ZN\'O\' surge arresters

Marcel Ayres de Araújo 18 July 2013 (has links)
As tensões induzidas e sobretensões geradas por descarga atmosféricas diretas e indiretas são um dos principais causadores de desligamentos não programados em redes de transmissão e distribuição. Estes desligamentos comprometem o fornecimento de energia a milhares de consumidores, sobretudo em regiões com constantes variações climáticas e com características orográficas bastante diversificadas, como apresentado no território brasileiro. Desse modo, cada vez mais esses fenômenos são estudados a fim de desenvolverem-se procedimentos para proteção contra distúrbios causados por descargas atmosféricas. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa contempla o estudo do estabelecimento das descargas atmosféricas indiretas e das tensões por elas induzidas em linhas de distribuição, assim como o assentamento das mesmas nestas redes de energia. Não obstante, utilizando-se um software capaz de representar transitórios eletromagnéticos são modelados e implementados um alimentador teste de distribuição e um sistema para estimação de tensões induzidas no domínio do tempo baseado no modelo de Sune Rusck. Também são modelados e implementados para-raios de óxido de zinco, de forma a representar suas características dinâmicas, para proteger a linha sob apreciação dos distúrbios provocados pelas tensões induzidas. A partir de uma análise comparativa entre a operação do sistema de distribuição em regime permanente e frente aos desdobramentos promovidos pelas tensões induzidas, é determinada a melhor configuração, localização e quantificação dos para-raios a serem instalados para proteção do sistema teste. Por meio da avaliação dos resultados das simulações computacionais observa-se a robustez da subestação e quais os ramos e cargas mais suscetíveis a perturbações frente às tensões induzidas, bem como a maior proteção oferecida pelos para-raios aos elementos conectados próximos aos seus nós de alocação. / The induced voltages and overvoltages generated by direct and indirect lightning are a major cause of not programmed shutdowns in transmission and distribution networks. These shutdowns compromise the power supply of thousands of consumers, especially in regions with frequent climatic variations and quite diverse orographic characteristics, as occurred on Brazilian soil. Thus, these phenomena are more and more studied in order to develop procedures for protection against disturbances caused by lightning. In this context, this research focuses on the study of the establishment of indirect lightning and the voltage induced by them on distribution lines, as well as their settlement on energy networks. However, using a software able to represent electromagnetic transients, a distribution test feeder and a system for estimating induced voltages in the time domain based on the Sune Rusck model are modeled and implemented. In addition, metal oxide surge arresters are modeled and implemented to represent its dynamic characteristics, in order to protect the line under consideration of disturbances caused by induced voltages. From a comparative analysis between the operation of the distribution system in steady state and facing the developments promoted by induced voltages, it is determined the best configuration, as well as the location and quantification of the surge arrester to be installed to protect the test system. Through evaluation of the results of computer simulations, it is observed the robustness of the substation and which branches and loads are more susceptible to the disturbances facing the induced voltages, and the greater protection offered by the surge arresters elements connected near to its nodes allocation.

Estudo dos efeitos de parâmetros meteorológicos nas estruturas elétricas de uma linha de instabilidade e de um complexo convectivo de mesoescala na região Sudeste do Brasil / Study of the Effects of Meteorological Parameters in Electrical Structures of Squall line and a Mesoscale Convective Complex in the Southeastern Brazil

Moreira, Gabriela Lameu, Moreira, Gabriela Lameu 12 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Beatriz Vieira (mbeatriz.vieira@gmail.com) on 2017-05-12T16:01:36Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_gabriela_lameu_moreira.pdf: 48934124 bytes, checksum: 7e62f6ed70d4fb9e308cbc0b8671374f (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Aline Batista (alinehb.ufpel@gmail.com) on 2017-05-12T21:23:26Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_gabriela_lameu_moreira.pdf: 48934124 bytes, checksum: 7e62f6ed70d4fb9e308cbc0b8671374f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T21:23:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) dissertacao_gabriela_lameu_moreira.pdf: 48934124 bytes, checksum: 7e62f6ed70d4fb9e308cbc0b8671374f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-12 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar uma Linha de Instabilidade (LI) e um Complexo Convectivo de Mesoescala (CCM) e as condições atmosféricas que conduziram à sua formação, desenvolvimento e geração de descargas elétricas atmosféricas. Estes sistemas ocorreram entre os dias 17 e 19 de outubro de 2007, na região Sudeste do Brasil. A análise dos casos de estudo foi feita em quatro períodos: pré-formação, ocorrência da LI, período de transição e ocorrência do CCM. Para a obtenção dos resultados, a base de dados foi composta por dados de descargas atmosféricas e dados simulados, obtidos com o modelo WRF. As simulações com o modelo WRF foram feitas com três grades aninhadas, de resoluções horizontais de 36, 12 e 4km, que permitiram extrair os campos meteorológicos à grande escala, mesoescala e microescala, respectivamente, bem como o cálculo e análises de alguns parâmetros meteorológicos. Os dados de descargas atmosféricas foram obtidos pela RINDAT (Rede Integrada Nacional de Detecção de Descargas Atmosféricas), que foram sobrepostas às imagens de satélite e aos campos meteorológicos. Dentre os resultados obtidos, observou-se que a região onde os sistemas se formaram e desenvolveram estava propícia para a ocorrência de tempestades, apresentando grande umidade, confluência de ventos, índices de instabilidades com valores que atestavam o potencial de desenvolvimento de tempestades. As condições de grande escala associadas à ocorrência da LI e do CCM apresentaram diferenças e semelhanças, mas em ambos os casos, a atividade elétrica máxima esteve associada ao período mais favorável ao desenvolvimento de correntes ascendentes intensas. / This study had as main objective to analyze a Squall Lines (SL) and a Mesoscale Convective Complex (MCC) and the weather conditions that conducted to its formation, development and generation of lightning. These systems occurred between 17 and 19 October 2007, in Southeastern Brazil. The analysis of the case studies was done in four periods: pre-initiation, occurrence of SL, transition period and occurrence of MCC. To obtain the results, the database consisted of data lightning and simulated data, obtained using the WRF model. The simulations with the WRF model were made with three nested grids with horizontal resolutions of 36, 12 and 4 km, which allowed extracting the meteorological fields to large-scale, mesoscale and microscale, respectively, and an evaluation and analysis of some meteorological parameters. The lightning data were obtained by RINDAT (Rede Integrada Nacional de Detecção de Descargas Atmosféricas), which were superimposed on satellite images and meteorological fields. Among the results, it was observed that the region where the systems were formed and developed was favorable to the occurrence of storms, with high humidity, confluence of winds, instability indices with values that attested to the potential development of storms. The large-scale conditions for the occurrence of SL and MCC showed differences and similarities, but in both cases the maximum electrical activity was associated with more favorable period for the development of intense updrafts.

Modèles numérique et stochastique des fixations pour la contrainte foudre des lignes d’assemblages sur avion / Numerical and stochastic models of fasteners for the lightning constraints on the airplane assemblies

Monferran, Paul 18 December 2018 (has links)
Les effets de la foudre sur les lignes d'assemblage des avions peuvent s'avérer catastrophiques. L'un des phénomènes redoutés est l'étincelage au niveau d'une fixation bien souvent associé à un défaut sur les résistances de contact. Au vu des contraintes normatives, du manque de connaissance de cette problématique multi-physiques et de l'incapacité structurelle à avoir une approche uniquement expérimentale, les avionneurs se sont notamment tournés vers la modélisation. Dans ce manuscrit, on s'intéresse particulièrement à la modélisation des lignes d'assemblage pour le dimensionnement de la contrainte locale sur celles-ci. La méthode des différences finies dans le domaine temporel (FDTD), couramment utilisée pour la problématique foudre en aéronautique, nous sert de méthode de résolution. De multiples modèles de fixations allant de modèles simplifiés, représentant par exemple la fixation par un fil résistif, à des modèles plus complexes, représentant l'ensemble des résistances de contact, sont développés et validés. Par ailleurs, pour répondre aux incertitudes associées aux résistances de contact des fixations, des modèles statistiques sont appliqués aux paramètres résistifs des modèles de fixation. Ces mêmes modèles statistiques découlent de l'étude d'une base de données issue d’une campagne de mesures menée par Dassault Aviation sur un ensemble d’éprouvettes tests. A l'aide de ces modèles, la contrainte sur les fixations d'un caisson représentant un réservoir de carburant d'un avion est étudiée de manière stochastique. / The lightning effects on the fastening assemblies of an airplane may be critical. One of the most critical phenomenon is the sparking effect around the fasteners. This effect is usually associated to the contact resistances. Due to the standards, the lack of knowledge about this multiphysics issue and the inability to follow only an experimental approach, the aircraft manufacturers have chosen a modelling way. In this manuscript, we model the fastening assemblies in order to understand the local constraint on these assemblies. The finite difference time domain (FDTD) method mostly used for the lightning issue in the aircraft industry is chosen as the solving method. Several fastener models are developed and validated. We present simplified models, as the resistive wire model for instance, up to complex one with all the contact resistance of the fastener. Furthermore, due to the large uncertainties from one fastener to the other one in the same family, the fastener models are supplemented with statistical models. Thanks to a data base measurement created from several measurement campaigns made by Dassault Aviation, distribution laws are established to characterize the lightning injection effects or the state after lightning injection on the fasteners. Using this statistical models, a stochastic study is presented in order to evaluate the uncertainties in a fuel tank modelling.

Analytic and Numerical Methods for the Solution of Electromagnetic Inverse Source Problems

Popov, Mikhail January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Ontario boreal fire regimes in the context of lightning-caused ignition point spatial patterns

Ashiq, Muhammad Waseem January 2011 (has links)
Lightning-caused forest fires are one of the major natural disturbances in Ontario managed boreal forests. Survival of these forests with fires for centuries shows that such disturbances are integral to the boreal ecosystem and its ecological functioning. Characterizing the fire regimes defined by fire ignition frequency, fire sizes and their spatial distribution patterns etc. thus can help to improve our understanding of the boreal forest dynamics and provide guidance for management practices attempting to maintain biodiversity and achieve sustainability. In this thesis the lightning-caused fire ignitions data for four ecoregions in Ontario managed boreal forests (3E, 3W, 3S and 4S) for 1960–2009 were analyzed using pattern analysis and density estimation to determine the spatial nature of fire ignitions. These fire ignition spatial patterns were further used (as weighted ignition scenario) to simulate forest fire regimes in the study area. Fire regimes were also simulated using spatially unweighted ignitions (unweighted ignition scenario). Non-spatial (total number of fires, total burn area, number of fires by size classes, annual burn fraction) and spatial (spatial burn probability) indicators of the simulated fire regimes under both ignition scenarios were compared to test the null hypothesis that modeled forest fire regime is not affected by the spatial patterns of input fire ignitions. All data analysis were performed for individual ecoregions. Spatial pattern of ignitions were analyzed using the nearest neighbour index and Ripley’s K-function. Ignition densities were estimated using the adaptive kernel density estimation method and the fire regimes were simulated using BFOLDS (Boreal Forests Landscape Dynamics Simulator). Results showed that lightning-caused fire ignitions are clustered in all ecoregions. Fire ignition density also varied spatially within ecoregions. Overall fire ignition density was highest in the northwestern ecoregion (4S) and lowest in the eastern ecoregion (3E), which corresponds to the combined gradient of effective humidity and temperature in Ontario. For each ecoregion, comparison of non-spatial simulated fire regime indicators showed statistically non-significant differences between unweighted and weighted ignitions. The spatial burn probability however captured clear spatial differences between unweighted and weighted ignitions. Spatial differences in spatial burn probability between both ignition scenarios were more prominent in ecoregions of high fire occurrence. Results of the weighted ignition scenario closely followed the spatial patterns of the estimated fire ignition density in the study area. Based on these results this thesis rejects the null hypothesis and emphasizes that ignition patterns must be considered in simulating fire regime in Ontario boreal forests.

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