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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finite element modeling of electric field distributions around a resistive glazed post station insulator covered with ice = Modélisation par éléments finis de la distribution du champ électrique autour d'un isolateur de poste avec une couche semi-conductrice recouvert de glace /

Jaiswal, Vinay Kumar, January 2005 (has links)
Thèse (D.Ing.) -- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2005. / Bibliogr.: f. 133-137. Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Παρατηρησιακή και αριθμητική μελέτη των δυναμικών και φυσικών διεργασιών που συνδέονται με τη θερινή καταιγιδοφόρο δραστηριότητα στον ελλαδικό χώρο

Μαζαράκης, Νικόλαος 02 February 2011 (has links)
Το αντικείμενο της διατριβής είναι η παρατηρησιακή και αριθμητική μελέτη των δυναμικών και φυσικών διεργασιών που συνδέονται με τη θερινή καταιγιδοφόρο δραστηριότητα στον Ελλαδικό χώρο. Αναλυτικότερα τα εξεταζόμενα αντικείμενα είναι τα εξής: 1. Η μελέτη των ηλεκτρικών εκκενώσεων στον Ελλαδικό χώρο κατά τη θερινή περίοδο για 4 τουλάχιστον έτη. Για την πραγματοποίηση των στόχων του παραπάνω αντικειμένου έχει ήδη γίνει η συλλογή και η επεξεργασία των ηλεκτρικών εκκενώσεων στη περιοχή του ευρύτερου Ελλαδικού χώρου για τις θερινές περιόδους των ετών 2003 έως και 2006. Τα δεδομένα που έχουν χρησιμοποιηθεί προέρχονται από το σύστημα καταγραφής των ηλεκτρικών εκκενώσεων της Βρετανικής Μετεωρολογικής Υπηρεσίας ATD (Arrival Time Difference). Τα γεγονότα τα οποία κατεγράφησαν στον Ελλαδικό χώρο για την περίοδο μελέτης, μετά τον απαραίτητο έλεγχο ποιότητας, κατανεμήθηκαν σε πλέγμα διαστάσεων 0,1° x 0,1° και υπολογίστηκε η πυκνότητα των ηλεκτρικών εκκενώσεων ανά τετραγωνικό χιλιόμετρο ανά θερινή περίοδο. Στις περιοχές με τις υψηλότερες τιμές πυκνότητας ηλεκτρικών εκκενώσεων συγκαταλέγονται η Μακεδονία, η Ήπειρος, ο ορεινός κεντρικός ηπειρωτικός κορμός καθώς και οι ορεινές περιοχές της Πελοποννήσου, γεγονός που αποτελεί μία πρώτη ένδειξη της σύνδεσης που υπάρχει μεταξύ της θέρμανσης του εδάφους, λόγω της ηλιακής ακτινοβολίας, και της ανάπτυξης θερινών καταιγίδων. Η άποψη αυτή ενισχύεται και από το γεγονός ότι το μέγιστο της δραστηριότητας παρατηρείται τις μεσημεριανές και πρώτες απογευματινές ώρες. 2. Η μελέτη των παραμετροποιήσεων ανοδικών κινήσεων (convection) και μικροφυσικής των αριθμητικών μοντέλων πρόγνωσης καιρού με στόχο την ορθότερη πρόβλεψη της θερινής καταιγιδοφόρου δραστηριότητας που συνοδεύεται από έντονη ηλεκτρική δραστηριότητα. Στο αντικείμενο αυτό κύριος στόχος είναι η σύγκριση τριών διαφορετικών σχημάτων παραμετροποίησης που χρησιμοποιούνται στο αριθμητικό μοντέλο πρόγνωσης καιρού MM5. Τα σχήματα αυτά είναι τα κάτωθι: Kain – Fritch, Betts – Miller – Janjic και Grell και χρησιμοποιούνται στην παραμετροποίηση του μοντέλου για τον υπολογισμό της βροχόπτωσης που προέρχεται από τις κατακόρυφες κινήσεις μεταφοράς. Κατά τη σύγκριση των τριών σχημάτων παραμετροποίησης τα καλύτερα στατιστικά σκορ εμφανίζει το σχήμα Kain – Fritch ενώ τα αποτελέσματα που δίνει το σχήμα του Grell είναι αρκετά κοντά με αυτά του προαναφερθέντος σχήματος. 3. Η τροποποίηση του σχήματος παραμετροποίησης κατακόρυφων κινήσεων στην ατμόσφαιρα των Kain – Fritsch με στόχο τη βελτιστοποίηση των αποτελεσμάτων της προβλεπόμενης βροχόπτωσης στην περιοχή του Ελλαδικού χώρου, κατά τη θερμή περίοδο του έτους Στο αντικείμενο αυτό έχει μελετηθεί στατιστικά η ικανότητα πρόβλεψης του πεδίου της βροχόπτωσης, εφαρμόζοντας ποικίλες τροποποιήσεις του σχήματος παραμετροποίησης Kain – Fritsch. Πιο συγκεκριμένα πέρα από την βασική έκδοση του σχήματος που χρησιμοποιείται στην επιχειρησιακή αλυσίδα του προγνωστικού μοντέλου ΜΜ5, αναπτύχθηκαν οκτώ συνολικά τροποποιήσεις. Εφαρμόζοντας τις παραπάνω τροποποιήσεις, πραγματοποιήθηκαν συνολικά 180 πειράματα για συνολικά 20 διαφορετικές ημέρες με έντονη βροχόπτωση κατά την θερμή περίοδο των ετών 2005 – 2007. Η σύγκριση των αποτελεσμάτων παρείχε ενθαρρυντικά στοιχεία, καθώς ωθώντας το σχήμα να παράξει περισσότερο υετό παρατηρήθηκε βελτίωση στην ικανότητα του μοντέλου να προβλέπει τον υετό. / The present Ph.D. Thesis is divided into three main parts. In the first part the lightning activity over Greece during the warm season (May-September) of the years 2003 through 2006 is investigated, in relation with the synoptic meteorological conditions that prevailed in the region. The study is based on the use of cloud-to-ground lightning activity data and of upper-air analyses. The analysis of the spatial variability of lightning shows that the highest “relative” flash densities are observed in Northern and Western Greece and in Central and Western Peloponnissos. The study of the synoptic patterns related to lightning is based on the analysis of 60 active and 60 inactive days in terms of lightning activity over Greece. The days with high lightning activity are characterised by a short wave trough at the 500 hPa level over the Ionian Sea. On the other hand, during the days with no lightning a northwest flow prevails over Greece. It was also found that high lightning activity is related with high values of absolute vorticity, equivalent potential temperature and convective available potential energy. In the second part the sensitivity of numerical model quantitative precipitation forecasts to the choice of the convective parameterization scheme (CPS) is examined for twenty selected cases characterized by intense convective activity over Greece, during the warm period of 2005 – 2007. Namely, the study is conducted using MM5 model and the following three different CPSs: Kain – Fritsch, Grell and Betts – Miller – Janjic. Sixty numerical simulations were carried out. The simulated precipitation was verified against raingauge measurements and lightning data. Verification results showed that for all three schemes the model presented a tendency to overestimate light to moderate rain while in general it underestimated the high precipitation amounts. The validation against both sources of data showed that among the three CPSs, the more consistent behaviour in quantitative precipitation forecasting was obtained by the Kain – Fritsch scheme that provided the best statistical scores. However, the differences of the results of statistical analysis between the Kain – Fritsch and Grell schemes were not large. In the third part the sensitivity of quantitative precipitation forecasts to various modifications of the Kain – Fritsch (KF) convective parameterization scheme (CPS) is examined for twenty selected cases characterized by intense convective activity and widespread precipitation over Greece, during the warm period of 2005-2007. The modifications include: (i) the maximization of the convective scheme precipitation efficiency, (ii) the change of the convective time step, (iii) the forcing of the convective scheme to produce more/less cloud material, (iv) changes to the trigger function and (v) the alteration of the vertical profile of updraft mass flux detrainment. In general, forcing the model to produce less cloud material improves the precipitation forecast for the moderate and high precipitation amounts.

Μελέτη σφαλμάτων σε γραμμές μεταφοράς

Εξαδάκτυλος, Κωνσταντίνος 07 June 2013 (has links)
Σε αυτή τη διπλωματική εργασία γίνεται μελέτη του δικτύου διανομής και των σφαλμάτων που συμβαίνουν στις γραμμές μεταφοράς. Τα σφάλματα αναφέρονται σε ένα χρονικό διάστημα 15 ετών, από το 1989 ως το 2003 και καλύπτουν 35 γραμμές της Δυτικής Ελλάδας. Στη συνέχεια γίνεται επεξεργασία των δεδομένων και ταξινόμηση τους, ανάλογα με το έτος, την γραμμή μεταφοράς και το αίτιο που προκάλεσε το σφάλμα. Αναλυτικότερα, στο 1ο κεφάλαιο της διπλωματικής εργασίας γίνεται: - γενική ανάλυση των στοιχείων μιας γραμμής μεταφοράς. - συνοπτική παρουσίαση των αγωγών, των μονωτήρων, των μετασχηματιστών και των πυλώνων που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη λειτουργία μιας γραμμής μεταφοράς. - κατηγοριοποίηση των εναέριων γραμμών μεταφοράς ανάλογα με το μήκος τους. Επίσης, αναφέρονται οι απαιτήσεις των γραμμών μεταφοράς αλλά και οι τύποι που υπάρχουν. Τέλος, αναπτύσσεται διεξοδικότερα ο ρόλος που παίζει η διαδρομή της γραμμής στην αντικεραυνική συμπεριφορά. Στο 2ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται σύντομη αναφορά στο κλίμα της Ελλάδας, στην κεραυνική συχνότητα και σε βασικά χαρακτηριστικά των γραμμών και των πυλώνων στο υπό εξέταση δίκτυο. Στη συνέχεια, παρατίθενται κάποια τεχνικά στοιχεία του συστήματος μεταφοράς, όπως το πλήθος των εναέριων, υπόγειων και υποβρύχιων γραμμών μεταφοράς και κάποια βασικά μεγέθη του δικτύου ηλεκτρισμού. Τέλος τα χαρακτηριστικά του δικτύου είναι μια ευγενική παραχώρηση της Δ.Ε.Η. όπως βέβαια και όλα τα στοιχειά που εξετάζουμε. Το 3ο κεφάλαιο αναφέρεται στον εντοπισμό σφαλμάτων και αφιερώνεται σε μια γενική θεώρηση της λογική και της χρησιμότητας του εντοπισμού σφαλμάτων. Στο κεφάλαιο αυτό γίνεται: - ιστορική αναδρομή για τη συγκεκριμένη θεωρία και παρουσιάζονται συνοπτικά τα πλεονεκτήματα της. - μικρή αναφορά στα είδη σφαλμάτων που συμβαίνουν στους αγωγούς. - παρουσίαση πλεονεκτημάτων του “fault locator”. - αναφορά των μεθόδων εντοπισμού σφαλμάτων. Στο 4ο κεφάλαιο αναφέρονται τα είδη σφαλμάτων(χωρίζονται σε κατηγορίες με βάση τη χρονική τους διάρκεια και τις επιπτώσεις αυτών στο δίκτυο) που παρουσιάζονται στις γραμμές και γίνεται επεξεργασία αυτών. Οι κατηγορίες των σφαλμάτων είναι: - Παροδικά - Παραμένοντα - Μόνιμα Τα κριτήρια κατηγοριοποίησης είναι η διάρκεια των σφαλμάτων και το ύψος της ζημιάς που προκαλούν. Βέβαια οι δυο αυτές ποσότητες είναι αλληλένδετες και ανάλογες. Μια ζημιά που θα καταστρέψει παραδείγματος χάρη έναν πυλώνα θα διαρκέσει ως βλάβη, στην καλύτερη , περίπτωση μερικές μέρες. Έτσι τα παροδικά σφάλματα διαρκούν το πολύ μερικά δευτερόλεπτα και το δίκτυο στο οποίο εμφανίζεται το σφάλμα επανέρχεται σε λειτουργία από μόνο του, δίχως την ανάγκη παρέμβασης. Τα μόνιμα σφάλματα είναι τα σοβαρότερα και τα πλέον απευκταία. Απαιτούν την παρέμβαση συνεργείου της Δ.Ε.Η. στη συντριπτική πλειονότητα των περιπτώσεων τους. Τα παροδικά είναι τα σφάλματα με χαρακτηριστικά κάπου ενδιάμεσα των δυο προηγούμενων κατηγοριών. Στο 5ο κεφάλαιο παρουσιάζονται τα αιτία που προκαλούν τα σφάλματα στις γραμμές. Η πλειονότητα των σφαλμάτων προκαλείται εξαιτίας κακών ατμοσφαιρικών συνθηκών. Με τον όρο αυτό στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση εννοούμε κυρίως τα κεραυνικά πλήγματα πάνω σε μια γραμμή ή πολύ κοντά σε αυτή. Αρκετά πιο σπάνια μπορεί να προκαλέσει σοβαρό σφάλμα σε μια γραμμή ο δυνατός αέρας. Γίνεται, επίσης, ταξινόμηση σε πίνακες, ακολουθούμενα από διαγράμματα, των σφαλμάτων από το 1989 ως το 2003 ανάλογα με την γραμμή μεταφοράς και τον υποσταθμό που εμφανίστηκαν. Τέλος, στο 6ο κεφάλαιο γίνεται: - αναφορά της ανάγκης κατασκευής ενός ΣΑΠ (Σύστημα Αντικεραυνικής Προστασίας) - αναφορά σε ορισμούς που αφορούν ένα ΣΑΠ - αναφορά στο σχεδιασμό ενός ΣΑΠ - παρουσίαση διάφορων μεθόδων προστασίας από κεραυνούς, που όπως αναλύθηκε είναι ένα από τα βασικότερα αίτια πρόκλησης σφαλμάτων - ανάλυση της συχνότητας των κεραυνών και πόσο συχνά πλήττουν τις γραμμές μεταφοράς - παρουσίαση μεθόδων υπολογισμού σφαλμάτων - θεωρητικός υπολογισμός σφαλμάτων για τις γραμμές R-11 και R-23. / This diploma thesis studies the transmission network and the faults that happened on the transmission lines. The faults referred to an interval of 15 years, between years 1989 and 2003 and they are about 35 transmission lines of Western Greece. Also, there is a treatment and a clarification of the data according to the year, the transmission line and the reason that caused the fault. Specifically, in the first chapter of the diplomatic there is: - a general analysis of the data transmission lines. - a summary of the actions of insulators, transformers and posts used in the operation of a transmission line. - a classification of overhead transmission lines according to their length. Also, there is a reference of the requirements of transmission lines and the types of them. Finally, is developed more extensively the role that has the path of the line (routing) in the protection of lines of high voltage. In the second chapter follows short report in the climate of Greece, in the thunder frequency and in basic characteristics of lines and pylons in the network under review. After that, there are the technical date of the transmission system, such as the amount of airspace, underground and underwater transmission lines and some key figures of electricity network. Finally the characteristics of network are a polite concession of Δ.Ε.Η. as of course and the data that we examine. The third chapter referred to debug devoted to an overview about the logic and usefulness of the fault location. In this chapter: - originally presented a history that had to accept the theory and summarizes the advantages - there is also a small reference to the types of faults that occur in the ducts - a summary of advantages of “fault locator” - reference to the methods of faults locating. In the fourth chapter are reported the types of faults (are separated in categories with base their time duration and the repercussions of these in the network) that are presented in the lines and takes place treatment of these. The categories of faults are: - Transitory - Remaining - Permanently The criteria of categorization are the duration of faults and the height of damage that they cause. Of course these two quantities are interrelated and proportional. A damage that will destroy for example pylon will last as damage, in better, case certain days. Thus the transitory faults lasts at maximum certain seconds and the network in which is presented the fault is back on line on his own, without the need of intervention. The permanent faults are most serious. They require the intervention of repair crew of Δ.Ε.Η. in the overwhelming majority of their cases. Transitory are the faults with characteristically somewhere in-between the two previous categories. In the fifth chapter is presented the reason that cause the faults in the lines. The majority of faults are caused because of the bad atmospheric conditions. With this term in the particular case we mainly mean the thunder strokes on a line or a lot near it. Enough more seldom it can cause serious fault in a line the strong air wind. There is, also, a clarification in tables (with the corresponding charts) of the faults between years 1989 and 2003 depending on the transmission line and the substation they took place. Finally, in the sixth chapter there is: - a reference to the construction need of lightning protection system (LPS) - a reference to definitions about the LPS - a reference to the designing of LPS - a presentation of several methods of protection from lightning, which is one of the main reasons faults. - an analysis of lightning frequency and how often they strike the transmission lines. - a presentation of methods of faults calculation - A theoretical calculation of faults in transmission lines R-11 and R-23.

Lightning on exoplanets and brown dwarfs

Hodosán, Gabriella January 2017 (has links)
Lightning is an important electrical phenomenon, known to exist in several Solar System planets. Amongst others, it carries information on convection and cloud formation, and may be important for pre-biotic chemistry. Exoplanets and brown dwarfs have been shown to host environments appropriate for the initiation of lightning discharges. In this PhD project, I aim to determine if lightning on exoplanets and brown dwarfs can be more energetic than it is known from Solar System planets, what are the most promising signatures to look for, and if these "exo-lightning" signatures can be detected from Earth. This thesis focuses on three major topics. First I discuss a lightning climatology study of Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. I apply the obtained lightning statistics to extrasolar planets in order to give a first estimate on lightning occurrence on exoplanets and brown dwarfs. Next, I introduce a short study of potential lightning activity on the exoplanet HAT-P-11b, based on previous radio observations. Related to this, I discuss a first estimate of observability of lightning from close brown dwarfs, with the optical Danish Telescope. The final part of my project focuses on a lightning radio model, which is applied to study the energy and radio power released from lightning discharges in hot giant gas planetary and brown dwarf atmospheres. The released energy determines the observability of signatures, and the effect lightning has on the local atmosphere of the object. This work combines knowledge obtained from planetary and earth sciences and uses that to learn more about extrasolar systems. My main results show that lightning on exoplanets may be more energetic than in the Solar System, supporting the possibility of future observations and detection of lightning activity on an extrasolar body. My work provides the base for future radio, optical, and infrared search for "exo-lightning".

Modeling Wildfire and Ignitions for Climate Change and Alternative Land Management Scenarios in the Willamette Valley, Oregon

Sheehan, Timothy J. 12 1900 (has links)
xii, 127 p. : ill. (some col.) / I developed software to incorporate the FlamMap fire model into an agent-based model, Envision, to enable the exploration of relationships between wildfire, land use, climate change, and vegetation dynamics in the Willamette Valley. A dynamic-link library plug-in utilizing row-ordered compressed array lookup tables converts parameters between polygon-based Envision data and grid-based FlamMap data. Modeled fires are determined through Monte-Carlo draws against a set of possible fires by linking historic fire data to future climate projections. I used classification and regression tree (CART) and logistic regression to relate ignitions to human and land use factors in the Willamette Valley above the valley floor from 2000-2009. Both methods showed decreasing distance to major and minor roads as key factors that increase ignition probability for human ignitions but not for lightning ignitions. The resulting statistical model is implemented in the FlamMap plug-in to provide a dynamic ignition probability map over time. / Committee in charge: Dr. Bart Johnson, Co-Chair; Dr. Scott Bridgham ,Co-Chair; Dr. John Bolte; Member

Développement d'un modèle mécanique pour la prédiction des dommages de panneaux composites aéronautiques soumis à un choc foudre / Development of a lightning strike mechanical model for the prediction of damage of aeronautical composite panels

Soulas, Floriane 02 March 2016 (has links)
Dans un contexte industriel où l’utilisation de matériaux composites s’est généralisée jusqu’à atteindre les structures primaires, la menace foudre se révèle être une problématique majeure.Avec un coup de foudre en moyenne par an et par avion en service, les nouvelles structures composites, moins bonnes conductrices que leurs prédécesseurs en métal, doivent être protégées. Les protections mises en œuvre par les fabricants et les équipementiers sont des couches minces ajoutées à l’empilement composite, initialement choisi pour le compromis optimal qu’il offre entre résistance et légèreté. L’optimisation et le conseil concernant les protections foudre deviennent alors un enjeu industriel d’importance. Dans ce cadre, le travail de thèse a porté sur l’étude et la compréhension des dommages issus des chocs foudre sur des structures protégées dans le but ultérieur d’optimiser ou de créer des protections adaptées.Nous proposons une méthode qui permet de déterminer les caractéristiques d’un impact mécanique sur une plaque composite nue, équivalent à un choc foudre sur une structure protégée. Une campagne d’essais d’impacts avec un canon du laboratoire couplé à une campagne numérique ont permis de conclure que la stratégie et la méthode d’équivalence sont fondées, et permettent de prendre en compte les paramètres constitutifs de la protection de surface. Les modèles proposés permettront d’aborder les questions de conception des protections. / In an industrial context where more and more composite materials are integrated into primary structures, the lightning threat has become a major issue for aircraft manufacturers. As lightning strikes in service airplane about once a year, the new composite structures, with a lower electrical conductivity than their metallic predecessors, must be protected. The protections already integrated by manufacturers are mainly made of expanded metallic foil layered above the composite lay-up, thus adding weight on the low density structures and reducing the gain of weight. The optimization of such structures and counsel concerning lightning protection become a major industrial stake. In the scope of the PhD work, the proposed work focused on the study of the damage mechanisms due to lightning strikes on protected composite panels in order to optimize or offer adequate protections against this threat. A methodology is proposed to determine a mechanical impact on a bare composite plate equivalent to a protected and even painted structure submitted to a lightning impact. An experimental campaign of mechanical impacts using a canon gas gun coupled to a numerical plan is led and allows concluding on the strategy and its validity by taking into account the state surface of the lightning samples.

Do medo de morrer ao medo no viver: um estudo sobre o sequestro relâmpago e suas vítimas.

Azevedo, Letícia Rodrigues de 14 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-08-04T18:24:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE Leticia Azevedo. 2015.pdf: 1407474 bytes, checksum: 007588f254324a55b93e9fc4c9df645a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Creuza Silva (mariakreuza@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-08-04T18:24:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE Leticia Azevedo. 2015.pdf: 1407474 bytes, checksum: 007588f254324a55b93e9fc4c9df645a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-04T18:24:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE Leticia Azevedo. 2015.pdf: 1407474 bytes, checksum: 007588f254324a55b93e9fc4c9df645a (MD5) / O presente trabalho busca conhecer a experiência de vitimização e repercussões do sequestro relâmpago, procurando uma compreensão sobre as interações que permeiam o evento vitimógenoe suas características como delito. Para cumprir o desafio, estudamos o fenômeno a partir de quatro objetivos específicos: caracterizar os eventos de sequestro relâmpago; analisar as vitimizações secundárias; compreender a influência do sequestro relâmpagono curso de vida e saúde das vítimas; e conhecer as repercussões nos familiares das vítimas.O estudo possui um desenho metodológico qualitativo, com entrevistas individuais, guiadas por roteirossemi-estruturados. Participaram da pesquisa 35 vítimas, quatro familiares e quatro ofensores cujas entrevistas geraram dados posteriormente triangulados com reportagens de jornais e observações de campo realizadas na delegacia e na penitenciária. O sequestro relâmpago manifesta-se, ainda na década de 1990, como uma modalidade de violência criminal cujas vítimas são submetidas a um enquadramento coercitivo e mantidas reféns dentro do veículo. Firma-se como um delito moldado pela realidade das cidades cada vez mais ajustadas à sociedade do consumo, e seus objetivos são em grande parte instrumentais, voltados à aquisição material e financeira. Os episódios são geridos majoritariamente por ameaças à integridade física, mas podem ser compostos por violências mais expressivas, particularmente as sexuais, denotando mais um mecanismo de reprodução da violência de gênero. Ofensores e vítimas desenvolvem um contrato coercitivo-cooperativo que rege suas expectativas e atitudes, propondo uma transação na qual há conversão dos bens obtidos em garantia de integridade física das vítimas. A maioria das vítimas coopera, aderindo ao contrato e negociando seus termos. Elas “trabalham a mente” dos ofensores e tentam criar empatia. O não cumprimento do contrato pelos ofensores ou a ausência de um que assegure minimamente a intenção instrumental do delito pode implicar em tentativa de reação e fuga por parte da vítima. Após a vitimização, o ex-refém geralmente percorre um itinerário de reparação e cuidados que começa pela delegacia de polícia e pode ou não prosseguir por outros órgãos públicos ou empresas – judiciário, seguradora do veículo, estabelecimento onde ocorreu a captura, etc. Raramente se recorre a serviços de saúde pois não há o “dano ao corpo”. Nestes espaços, é recorrente a exposição a vitimizações secundárias. As vítimas engajam-se em mecanismos de enfrentamento como resposta à vitimização. Elas engendram defesas e criam seus próprios “manuais de segurança” para protegerem a si e aqueles com quem compartilham laços afetivos. Familiares e amigos são fundamentais na co-construção de novos sentidos e ressignificação da experiência. As crenças religiosas e a necessidade de se retomar as obrigações da vida, como o trabalho e o cuidado com a família também mobilizam ao enfrentamento contínuo da vitimização. Nesse processo, os próprios familiares sofrem vitimização indireta, apresentando,muitas vezes, repercussões semelhantes às da vítima direta e ansiedade atrelada à possibilidade de perda do familiar sequestrado. Isto os impulsiona a reconfigurar a própria concepção de mundo e relação com o ente amado, pois a vida fica “marcada”.

Implementação computacional para avaliar os níveis de sobretensões atmosféricas induzidas em linhas de distribuição

Thomazella, Rogério [UNESP] 03 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004-12-03Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:52:41Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 thomazella_r_me_bauru_prot.pdf: 788309 bytes, checksum: a630d7e9326542247d07d560a3da2dd5 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional confiável na análise e estimação dos níveis de tensões induzidas em linhas de distribuição. Neste contexto, utilizam-se ferramentas computacionais consolidadas, como o ATP (Alternative Transients Program), que combinado a um software desenvolvido em Visual Basic, permitem quantificar e avaliar o nível de sobretensões nas linhas de distribuição. Por meio de modificações nas técnicas clássicas de modelagem das descargas atmosféricas, foi possível a construção de um software em Visual Basic capaz de quantificar os valores das tensões induzidas em linhas de distribuição finitas. A avaliação dos níveis de sobretensões induzidas nas mesmas foi implementada pela associação deste software a um programa de simulação (ATP), a fim de se obter resultados fidedignos deste transitório. Tais resultados foram utilizados para se avaliar o desempenho das... / The present work aims at the development of a trustworthy computacional tool in the analysis and estimate of the levels of induced overvoltage in distribution network. In this context, consolidated computacional tools are used, as ATP (Alternative Transients Program), that combined with a software developed in Visual Basic (beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code), they allow to quantify and to evaluate the level of overvoltage in the distribution network. By the means of modifications in the classic techniques of modeling of the atmospheric discharges, the construction of a software in Visual Basic was possible to quantify the values of the induced overvoltage in a finite... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

A influência da resistência de terra nos efeitos das descargas atmosféricas

Santos, Camila Guesine dos 30 May 2009 (has links)
There is great concern by the power systems utilities related to disturbances that generate induced overvoltages in the power network, as they reach the consumer sensitive equipment, causing damage and losses. In consequence of this framework, the power systems utilities get large financial losses every year due to indemnity for damage to such equipments. Among the disturbances that lead to induced overvoltages are lightning. Thus, in this work it was developed the study and analysis of the lightning´s effect on loads allocated on average (11kV/15kV) and low voltage (below 600V) under the influence caused by the resistance of grounding. For modeling and simulation of the system under analysis, the program for transient study ATP (Alternative Transient Program) was used. To develop the study, it was designed a system comprising of an 88kV transmission line, a substation, a distribution line of 13.8 kV and loads representing residential consumers. It was also analyzed the use of surge suppressor in the low voltage distribution transformers as a way to mitigate the induced overvoltages that reach consumers. / Existe uma grande preocupação por parte das concessionárias de energia relacionada aos distúrbios que geram sobretensões induzidas na rede elétrica, pois estas atingem os equipamentos sensíveis dos consumidores, causando danos e perdas. Em conseqüência deste quadro, as concessionárias contraem grandes prejuízos financeiros todos os anos devido ao ressarcimento por danos a tais equipamentos. Dentre os distúrbios causadores de sobretensões induzidas destacam-se as descargas atmosféricas. Sendo assim, neste trabalho foi desenvolvido o estudo e análise do efeito de descargas atmosféricas em cargas alocadas em média (11kV/15kV) e baixa tensão (abaixo de 600V) relacionada a influência causada pela resistência de aterramento. Para a modelagem e simulações do sistema sob análise utilizou-se o programa para estudo de transitórios ATP (Alternative Transient Program). Para a realização do estudo modelou-se um sistema composto de uma linha de transmissão de 88kV, uma subestação, uma linha de distribuição de 13,8kV e cargas que representam os consumidores residenciais. É analisada também a utilização de supressores de surto na baixa tensão dos transformadores de distribuição como forma de atenuar as sobretensões induzidas que atingem os consumidores. / Mestre em Ciências

Eletrificação dos sistemas precipitantes na região Amazônica: processos físicos e dinâmicos do desenvolvimento de tempestades / Electrification of precipitating systems over the Amazon: Physical and dynamical processes of thunderstorm development

Rachel Ifanger Albrecht 13 June 2008 (has links)
Os sistemas convectivos da região Amazônica possuem características microfísicas peculiares, que variam de um caráter convectivo marítimo (estação chuvosa) a continental (estação de transição seca-chuvosa). Essas características modulam a eletrificação desses sistemas, porém ainda não se sabe quais são os processos dominantes que intensificam o número de descargas elétricas de uma estação para outra: efeito dos aerossóis, termodinâmico, grande-escala ou topografia? Para responder à essa pergunta, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e quantificar a importância de cada um desses efeitos na eletrificação dos sistemas convectivos da Amazônia. A metodologia foi baseada em análises de dados observacionais do experimento de campo DRYTOWET e em um modelo numérico com parametrizações de transferências de cargas e descargas elétricas. A análise do ciclo anual das descargas elétricas do tipo nuvem-solo (CGs) mostrou que a atividade elétrica dos sistemas precipitantes da região sudoeste da Amazônia aumenta durante a transição da estação seca para a estação chuvosa (Agosto a Setembro), associada aos sistemas convectivos com maior desenvolvimento vertical que acontecem nesse período. Com o estabelecimento da estação chuvosa (Novembro a Março), o número de CGs diminui porém a atividade elétrica ainda se mantêm. A porcentagem desses totais de CGs que tinham polaridade positiva (+CGs) tem média de 12% durante todo o ano, aumentando drasticamente para até 25% em Setembro, durante a transição entre as estações secas e chuvosa. Esse aumento da %+CGs ocorreu simultaneamente ao aumento da poluição atmosférica provocada pela queima de biomassa das pastagens realizada pelos fazendeiros locais, que as preparam para a agricultura e pecuária durante o início das primeiras chuvas. Por outro lado, o aumento da %+CGs das tempestades também ocorreu preferencialmente sobre a área de pastagem do estado de Rondônia. Através da análise de dados de radar dos sistemas precipitantes que ocorreram durante o experimento DRYTOWET, foi constatado que as tempestades positivas (tempestades que produzem mais de 50% de +CGs em 50% de seu tempo de vida) se formaram em ambientes mais secos e com alturas do nível de convecção por levantamento (NCL, altura da base da nuvem) maiores do que as demais tempestades (tempestades negativas), durante todo o experimento mas com maiores diferenças durante o final da estação seca (Setembro-Outubro). Com altura da base da nuvem mais elevada, a espessura da camada quente (ECQ - base da nuvem até a isoterma de 0oC) diminui, aumentando assim a velocidade das correntes ascendentes através de um melhor processamento da energia potencial disponível para convecção (CAPE) devido a um menor entranhamento. O aumento da velocidade das correntes ascendentes dentro da nuvem resulta em tempestades mais profundas e mais intensas. O efeito do aumento do NCL é uma característica das regiões com vegetação de pastagem, onde a razão entre o calor sensível e latente na superfície é maior do que as áreas florestadas, aumentando a altura da camada limite planetária. As diferenças de concentração total e distribuição de tamanho dos aerossóis devido ao aumento da poluição durante a transição entre as estações seca e chuvosa não foram conclusivas quanto a um possível efeito na distribuição de hidrometeoros das tempestade positivas e negativas, uma vez que o ciclo diurno da concentração dos aerossóis acompanha o ciclo diurno da camada limite planetária, que também regula o efeito da ECQ. Simulações numéricas com um modelo 1D de nuvem, acoplado à parametrizações de transferências de cargas elétricas entre hidrometeoros e raios, mostraram que a estrutura termodinâmica da atmosfera foi a maior responsável pela eletrificação das tempestades simuladas, aumentando a velocidade das correntes ascendentes. O efeito do aumento do número de aerossóis, que inibe da fase quente da nuvem e conseqüentemente fortalece a da fase fria da nuvem fornecendo mais vapor e gotículas de nuvem para essa região, provocou a diminuição da quantidade de granizo nas tempestades simuladas e o aumento de partículas agregadas menores, como os flocos de neve e graupel, diminuindo a freqüência de raios. / Amazonian convective systems have unique microphysical characteristics, varying from a maritime convective behavior (rainy season) to a continental behavior (wet-dry transition season). These characteristics modulate the electrification of these systems, however it is still not well understood which are the dominant processes that intensify the frequency of lightning from one season to another: aerosol effect, thermodynamics, large-scale variability, landscape or topography? To answer this question, the objective of this study was to identify and quantify the importance of each one of these effects on the electrification of convective systems over the Amazon. The methodology was based on the analysis of observational data from the field experiment DRYTOWET and a numerical model with charge transfer parameterizations and lightning discharges. The cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning discharges annual cycle presented that the electrical activity of the southwestern Amazonian precipitating systems increased during the transition between the dry and wet seasons (August to September), in association with the convective systems deepening. With the establishment of the wet season (November to March), the number of CGs decreased but the electrical activity continued. The mean annual percentage of cloud-to-ground lightning of positive polarity (+CGs) was 12%, increasing drastically to 25% in September during the transition between the dry and wet seasons. This percentage of +CGs raise happened simultaneously with the increase in the atmospheric pollution due to the pasture biomass burning, held by local farmers to prepare the soil for agriculture and livestock during the begging of first rains. On the other hand, the increase in %+CGs also occurred preferentially over pasture areas of Rondonia state. Through the analysis of radar precipitating systems that occurred during the field campaign DRYTOWET, it was noted that positive thunderstorms (storms that produced more than 50% of +CGs over 50% of their life time) were initiated in drier and higher lift condensation levels (cloud base height) environments than other storms (negative thunderstorms) during all the field experiment, especially in the end of the dry season (September-October). A higher cloud base height is associated with a shallower warm cloud depth (cloud base height to the 0oC isotherm) and consequently less entrainment, increasing the updrafts due to a more efficient processing of the convective available potential energy (CAPE). This increase in updrafts inside the clouds results in deeper and stronger thunderstorms. The higher cloud base heights is a characteristic from pasture regions, where the ratio between sensible and latent heats at surface is greater than forested areas, which increases the top of the planetary boundary layer. The differences in the aerosol total concentration and size distribution, due to the increase in the atmospheric pollution during the transition between the dry and wet seasons, were inconclusive in a possible aerosol effect in the strength of positive and negative thunderstorms, once the aerosol concentration diurnal cycle follows the cycle of the planetary boundary layer, that also regulates the warm cloud depth effect. Numerical simulation of an 1D cloud model, coupled with charge transfer between the hydrometeors, showed that the thermodynamic structure was the main responsible feature for cloud electrification, increasing the updraft velocities. The pollution effect was masked in simulations, which inhibit the warm precipitation and consequently strength the the mixed and cold regions of the cloud, was responsible for an increase in the number of smaller aggregated particles, like snow flakes and graupel, decreasing the electrification and lightning frequency.

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