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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparison of intravenous and gaseous induction of anaesthesia : the clinical and pharmacoeconomic benefits in day-case patients

Smith, Ian January 2001 (has links)
The very first anaesthetics were gaseous. These early slow, irritant or flammable drugs were ultimately displaced by intravenous agents, despite other beneficial properties. Preliminary work with two new insoluble, potentially rapid-acting nonflammable anaesthetics showed desflurane, the less soluble, to be too irritant while sevoflurane was smooth and well-tolerated. This thesis set out to examine possible clinical andlor financial benefits from the use of sevoflurane in day case patients. A double-blind comparison showed sevoflurane to induce anaesthesia almost as rapidly as the most common intravenous drug, but to minimise apnoea and hypotension, with a smoother transition to the maintenance phase and faster emergence from brief day case anaesthesia. While a few patients found gaseous induction unpleasant, this was not confirmed by an audit of sevoflurane's more widespread use. Further work evaluated alternative, vital capacity, induction techniques. However, simple tidal breathing was found to be equally effective but more consistent, appearing to be the method of choice, even compared with the most recent, optimised delivery of intravenous anaesthetics. Gaseous induction was shown to facilitate airway maintenance with either a face mask or laryngeal mask. Double-blind comparisons showed that it also provided acceptable conditions for tracheal intubation in the small minority of day case patients in whom this is required. Compared to the usual intravenous anaesthetic, gaseous induction with sevoflurane was shown to be less expensive under most common circumstances. Gaseous induction also reduced anaesthetic consumption during the subsequent maintenance phase, making it the most efficient way in which to use inhalation anaesthetics. Having reestablished gaseous induction as an important technique with clinical and financial benefits in modem day case practice, this thesis concludes with suggestions for future research to further refine the process and find solutions to some minor problems, such as occasional patient reticence and the possibility of increased postoperative nausea.

O uso da máscara laríngea pelo enfermeiro na ressuscitação cardiopulmonar: revisão integrativa da literatura / Nurses use of the laryngeal mask in cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an integrative literature review.

Pedersoli, Cesar Eduardo 30 July 2009 (has links)
A parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) é uma situação que requer atuação imediata dos profissionais da saúde. Na maioria dos hospitais e unidades de saúde, a equipe de enfermagem é a primeira a chegar em casos de PCR, devendo ser competente em iniciar as manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP). Dentre os procedimentos durante a RCP, a intubação endotraqueal é o padrão ouro para abordagem das vias aéreas, mas nem todos os profissionais de saúde estão aptos a realizá-la. A máscara laríngea é um dispositivo que permite a formação de um selo ao redor da laringe, oferecendo uma satisfatória alternativa para manejo das vias aéreas. O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado foi o da Prática Baseada em Evidências, que preconiza a aplicação de resultados de pesquisas na prática profissional do enfermeiro. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre a abordagem de vias aéreas por meio da inserção da máscara laríngea pelo enfermeiro, na RCP, em pacientes adultos. A metodologia adotada foi a revisão integrativa da literatura cujo propósito é reunir e sintetizar o conhecimento sobre a temática proposta. As bases de dados acessadas foram: LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL e COCHRANE com os descritores controlados laryngeal masks AND cardiopulmonary resuscitation AND nursing. Após leitura exaustiva dos artigos foram selecionadas 18 referencias. Os resultados evidenciaram que 66,5% dos estudos foram oriundos do Reino Unido, o periódico que apresentou maior número de publicações foi a Resuscitation (cinco), 50% dos estudos foram realizados somente por médicos, 28% somente por enfermeiros e 11% por ambos, conjuntamente. Em relação ao delineamento de pesquisa foram encontrados seis estudos (33,5%) de delineamento quaseexperimental, 12 (66,5%) de delineamento não-experimental, sendo três do tipo survey/descritivo/exploratório (25%), um prospectivo (8,5%) e oito relatos de experiência/opinião de especialista (66,5%). Os estudos foram agrupados em três momentos históricos (antes da publicação das diretrizes de RCP de 2000, entre as diretrizes de 2000 e 2005 e após as diretrizes de 2005). Verificou-se que o grande impacto dos estudos publicados na década de 90 foi evidenciado nas diretrizes de 2005, pois as embasaram e foram citados nas mesmas (estudos 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 e 9). Conclui-se que a mascara laríngea é de fundamental importância para manejo de vias aéreas em situações criticas, necessita de treinamento para sua utilização e, quando testada em manequins, mostrou-se eficaz, atingindo taxas de sucesso em sua inserção e nas ventilações, próximas a 100%. É um dispositivo de fácil manuseio e inserção, minimiza o risco de distensão gástrica, regurgitação e aspiração em relação à unidade bolsa-valva-máscara. A ausência de estudos com delineamento experimental acerca da temática, evidencia a necessidade de investigações cientificas envolvendo mascara laríngea, ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e enfermagem, com o intuito de subsidiar a pratica clínica do enfermeiro e sua tomada de decisão acerca do cuidado prestado ao paciente. Os enfermeiros atuaram nos estudos como sujeitos e puderam identificar, compreender e sinalizar aspectos relevantes dos atributos cognitivo, técnicos e demais habilidades para executarem tal intervenção, permitindo-se prestar assistência de enfermagem com qualidade e embasamento técnico-científico em situações de emergência. / Heart arrest (HA) is a situation that demands immediate action from health professionals. In most hospitals and health units, the nursing team is the first to arrive in cases of HA, and should be competent to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers. In CPR procedures, endotracheal intubation is the gold standard for the airways, but not all health professionals are apt to perform this procedure. The laryngeal mask is a device that permits forming a seal around the larynx, offering a satisfactory alternative for airway management. The theoretical-methodological reference framework of Evidence-Based Practice was used, which recommends that research results be applied in nurses professional practice. This study aimed to identify available evidence in literature about airway management by nurses through the insertion of the laryngeal mask, during CPR, in adult patients. The integrative literature review method was adopted, which aims to join and synthesize knowledge on the proposed theme. The following databases were accessed: LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL and COCHRANE, using the controlled descriptors laryngeal masks AND cardiopulmonary resuscitation AND nursing. After exhaustive reading of the articles, 18 references were selected. The results evidenced that 66.5% of the studies came from the United Kingdom; the journal with the largest number of publications was Resuscitation (five); 50% of the studies was performed by physicians only, 28% by nurses only and 11% by both, in cooperation. As to research design, six studies (33.5%) had a quasiexperimental design and 12 (66.5%) a non-experimental design, with three survey/descriptive/exploratory studies (25%), one prospective study (8.5%) and eight experience reports/expert opinions (66.5%). Studies were grouped at three moments in time (before the publication of the 2000 CPR guidelines, between the 2000 and 2005 guidelines and after the 2005 guidelines). The strong impact of the studies published in the 1990s was evidenced in the 2005 guidelines, which constituted the base and were cited in that document (studies 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9). It is concluded that the laryngeal mask is fundamentally important for airway management in critical situations, requires training for its use and showed its efficiency when tested on manikins, reaching success levels of nearly 100% for insertion and ventilations. The device is easy to manage and insert, minimizes the risk of gastric distension, regurgitation and aspiration of the bag-valve-mask unit. The lack of studies about the theme with an experimental design evidences the need for scientific research involving laryngeal mask, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and nursing, with a view to supporting clinical nursing practice and nurses decision making about patient care delivery. Nurses participated in the studies and could identify, understand and signal relevant aspects of the cognitive and technical attributes and other skills to perform this intervention, with a view to nursing care delivery with quality and theoretical-scientific support in emergency situations.

O uso da máscara laríngea pelo enfermeiro na ressuscitação cardiopulmonar: revisão integrativa da literatura / Nurses use of the laryngeal mask in cardiopulmonary resuscitation: an integrative literature review.

Cesar Eduardo Pedersoli 30 July 2009 (has links)
A parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR) é uma situação que requer atuação imediata dos profissionais da saúde. Na maioria dos hospitais e unidades de saúde, a equipe de enfermagem é a primeira a chegar em casos de PCR, devendo ser competente em iniciar as manobras de ressuscitação cardiopulmonar (RCP). Dentre os procedimentos durante a RCP, a intubação endotraqueal é o padrão ouro para abordagem das vias aéreas, mas nem todos os profissionais de saúde estão aptos a realizá-la. A máscara laríngea é um dispositivo que permite a formação de um selo ao redor da laringe, oferecendo uma satisfatória alternativa para manejo das vias aéreas. O referencial teórico-metodológico utilizado foi o da Prática Baseada em Evidências, que preconiza a aplicação de resultados de pesquisas na prática profissional do enfermeiro. O estudo teve como objetivo identificar as evidências disponíveis na literatura sobre a abordagem de vias aéreas por meio da inserção da máscara laríngea pelo enfermeiro, na RCP, em pacientes adultos. A metodologia adotada foi a revisão integrativa da literatura cujo propósito é reunir e sintetizar o conhecimento sobre a temática proposta. As bases de dados acessadas foram: LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL e COCHRANE com os descritores controlados laryngeal masks AND cardiopulmonary resuscitation AND nursing. Após leitura exaustiva dos artigos foram selecionadas 18 referencias. Os resultados evidenciaram que 66,5% dos estudos foram oriundos do Reino Unido, o periódico que apresentou maior número de publicações foi a Resuscitation (cinco), 50% dos estudos foram realizados somente por médicos, 28% somente por enfermeiros e 11% por ambos, conjuntamente. Em relação ao delineamento de pesquisa foram encontrados seis estudos (33,5%) de delineamento quaseexperimental, 12 (66,5%) de delineamento não-experimental, sendo três do tipo survey/descritivo/exploratório (25%), um prospectivo (8,5%) e oito relatos de experiência/opinião de especialista (66,5%). Os estudos foram agrupados em três momentos históricos (antes da publicação das diretrizes de RCP de 2000, entre as diretrizes de 2000 e 2005 e após as diretrizes de 2005). Verificou-se que o grande impacto dos estudos publicados na década de 90 foi evidenciado nas diretrizes de 2005, pois as embasaram e foram citados nas mesmas (estudos 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 e 9). Conclui-se que a mascara laríngea é de fundamental importância para manejo de vias aéreas em situações criticas, necessita de treinamento para sua utilização e, quando testada em manequins, mostrou-se eficaz, atingindo taxas de sucesso em sua inserção e nas ventilações, próximas a 100%. É um dispositivo de fácil manuseio e inserção, minimiza o risco de distensão gástrica, regurgitação e aspiração em relação à unidade bolsa-valva-máscara. A ausência de estudos com delineamento experimental acerca da temática, evidencia a necessidade de investigações cientificas envolvendo mascara laríngea, ressuscitação cardiopulmonar e enfermagem, com o intuito de subsidiar a pratica clínica do enfermeiro e sua tomada de decisão acerca do cuidado prestado ao paciente. Os enfermeiros atuaram nos estudos como sujeitos e puderam identificar, compreender e sinalizar aspectos relevantes dos atributos cognitivo, técnicos e demais habilidades para executarem tal intervenção, permitindo-se prestar assistência de enfermagem com qualidade e embasamento técnico-científico em situações de emergência. / Heart arrest (HA) is a situation that demands immediate action from health professionals. In most hospitals and health units, the nursing team is the first to arrive in cases of HA, and should be competent to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) maneuvers. In CPR procedures, endotracheal intubation is the gold standard for the airways, but not all health professionals are apt to perform this procedure. The laryngeal mask is a device that permits forming a seal around the larynx, offering a satisfactory alternative for airway management. The theoretical-methodological reference framework of Evidence-Based Practice was used, which recommends that research results be applied in nurses professional practice. This study aimed to identify available evidence in literature about airway management by nurses through the insertion of the laryngeal mask, during CPR, in adult patients. The integrative literature review method was adopted, which aims to join and synthesize knowledge on the proposed theme. The following databases were accessed: LILACS, PUBMED, CINAHL and COCHRANE, using the controlled descriptors laryngeal masks AND cardiopulmonary resuscitation AND nursing. After exhaustive reading of the articles, 18 references were selected. The results evidenced that 66.5% of the studies came from the United Kingdom; the journal with the largest number of publications was Resuscitation (five); 50% of the studies was performed by physicians only, 28% by nurses only and 11% by both, in cooperation. As to research design, six studies (33.5%) had a quasiexperimental design and 12 (66.5%) a non-experimental design, with three survey/descriptive/exploratory studies (25%), one prospective study (8.5%) and eight experience reports/expert opinions (66.5%). Studies were grouped at three moments in time (before the publication of the 2000 CPR guidelines, between the 2000 and 2005 guidelines and after the 2005 guidelines). The strong impact of the studies published in the 1990s was evidenced in the 2005 guidelines, which constituted the base and were cited in that document (studies 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9). It is concluded that the laryngeal mask is fundamentally important for airway management in critical situations, requires training for its use and showed its efficiency when tested on manikins, reaching success levels of nearly 100% for insertion and ventilations. The device is easy to manage and insert, minimizes the risk of gastric distension, regurgitation and aspiration of the bag-valve-mask unit. The lack of studies about the theme with an experimental design evidences the need for scientific research involving laryngeal mask, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and nursing, with a view to supporting clinical nursing practice and nurses decision making about patient care delivery. Nurses participated in the studies and could identify, understand and signal relevant aspects of the cognitive and technical attributes and other skills to perform this intervention, with a view to nursing care delivery with quality and theoretical-scientific support in emergency situations.

Risk Factors for Laryngospasm in Children During General Anesthesia

Flick, Randall, Wilder, Robert T., Pieper, Stephen F., Vankoeverden, Kevin, Ellison, Kyle M., Marienau, Mary E.S., Hanson, Andrew C., Schroeder, Darrell R., Sprung, Juraj 01 April 2008 (has links)
Background: Laryngospasm is a common and often serious adverse respiratory event encountered during anesthetic care of children. We examined, in a case control design, the risk factors for laryngospasm in children. Material and Methods: The records of 130 children identified as having experienced laryngospasm under general anesthesia were examined. Cases were identified from those prospectively entered into the Mayo Clinic performance improvement database between January 1, 1996 and December 31, 2005. Potential demographic, patient, surgical and anesthetic related risk factors were determined in a 1 : 2 case-control study. Results: No individual demographic factors were found to be significantly associated with risk for laryngospasm. However, multivariate analysis demonstrated significant associations between laryngospasm and intercurrent upper respiratory infection (OR 2.03 P = 0.022) and the presence of an airway anomaly (OR = 3.35, P = 0.030). Among those experiencing laryngospasm during maintenance or emergence, the use of a laryngeal mask airway was strongly associated even when adjusted for the presence of upper respiratory infection and airway anomaly (P = 0.019). Ten patients experienced postoperatively one or more complications whereas only three complications were observed among controls (P = 0.008). No child required cardiopulmonary resuscitation and there were no deaths in either study cohort. Conclusions: In our pediatric population, the risk of laryngospasm was increased in children with upper respiratory tract infection or an airway anomaly. The use of laryngeal mask airway was found to be associated with laryngospasm even when adjusted for the presence of upper respiratory tract infection and airway anomaly.

Postoperative sore throat and hoarseness : clinical studies in patients undergoing general anasthesia

Jaensson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
A common problem following general anesthesia is postoperative sore throat (POST) and postoperative hoarseness (PH). Symptoms directly correlated with less satisfaction according to the patients. The overall aim of this thesis was to describe patients' postoperative sore throat and hoarseness after general anesthesia with endotracheal intubation or laryngeal mask airway. As well as to investigate the risk factors that are associated with the symptoms, and to test methods that may prevent sore throat and hoarseness after a general anaesthetics. A total of 889 patients are included in the four studies. Incidence of POST varied from 21% up to 52 % depending on endotracheal tube (ETT) size in women (I-IV) and in men was the incidence 32-38% (III-IV). There were no gender difference in POST in study III and IV. The overall incidence of PH varied from 42- 59% (I-IV) in all patients, with no gender differences (III-IV). Following a laryngeal mask airway (LMA) 19% of the patients had POST and 33% of the patients reported PH. Patients with POST do seem to be able to localize their pain in the throat (IV). Different risk factors are shown to contribute to both POST and PH in men and women (II-III). To intubate with a smaller ETT size, 6.0 vs. 7.0 decreased POST in women in the early postoperative period as well as their discomfort from their POST (I). Only 6% of men who needed a laryngeal mask airway had POST compared to 26% of women. The symptoms are more discomforting after an ETT vs. an LMA up to 24 hours (IV). More patients have sore throat and hoarseness in the early postoperative period, but the symptoms can remain up to almost 5 days postoperatively (I, IV). In summary, sore throat and hoarseness following general anesthesia, affects many patients postoperatively. To intubate women with endotracheal size 6.0 decreases both sore throat and hoarseness postoperatively. Women are more likely than men to have a sore throat when a laryngeal mask airway is used.

Larynxmask : - en metod för att möjliggöra fri luftväg och adekvat ventilation / Laryngeal mask airway : - a method to secure the airway management and adequate ventilation

Björnstad, Maria, Karlsson, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Ofri luftväg kan uppstå på grund av bakåtfallen tunga hos den medvetslösa patienten eller om luftvägen blir tilltäppt av sekret, blod, maginnehåll eller främmande kropp. Att kunna säkerställa fri luftväg hos den medvetandesänkta patienten är en kompetens som varje anestesisjuksköterska måste behärska för att kunna säkerställa adekvat ventilation. Syftet med studien var att beskriva om larynxmask (LMA) är en patientsäker metod för att skapa fri luftväg och upprätthålla adekvat ventilation. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 19 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Resultatet av de granskade artiklarna gav följande fem teman; LMA är en säker metod för att skapa fri luftväg, LMA är en säker metod för att upprätthålla adekvat ventilation, personalens kompetens vid användning av LMA, aspirationsrisk vid användning av LMA med undertema LMA vid övervikt samt LMA vid elektiva- och akuta situationer. Litteraturstudiens resultat visar att LMA är en säker metod för att skapa fri luftväg och upprätthålla adekvat ventilation. Framtida studier skulle kunna belysa om LMA kan användas vid kirurgi till patienter med ökad aspirationsrisk, till exempel vid sectio och obesitaskirurgi. Studier skulle också kunna fokuseras på patienternas postoperativa upplevelser av att ha haft LMA jämfört med trakeal intubation. / Airway obstruction can in the case of an unconsciousness patient be caused by the tounge that falls back in the throat or by secretion, blood, stomach fluid or foreign body. The knowledge of airway management of the unconsciousness patient is a necessary qualification in every nurse anesthetist. The purpose of this study was to describe if laryngeal mask airway is a safe method to establish a secure airway and adequate ventilation. The study was performed as a literature study in which 19 articles were analysed. During the analyse five themes occurred: LMA is a secure way for airway management, LMA is a secure way to maintain adequate ventilation, the staff competence when using LMA, the risk of aspiration when using LMA with subtheme LMA in overweight and LMA in elective and acute situations. The result of the study shows that LMA is a secure way to establish a safe airway and adequate ventilation. Further studies could study if LMA can be used to elective patients with increased risk of aspiration, for example in cesarean and obesity surgery. Studies could also focuse on the patients´ postoperative experiences between LMA and tracheal intubation.

Postoperativa halsbesvär efter larynxmask : en jämförande pilotstudie / Postoperative throat discomfort after laryngeal mask : a comparative pilot study

Adolfsson, Josefin, Lindström, Jeanette January 2010 (has links)
Litteraturen beskriver larynxmask som ett skonsamt alternativ till intubation med endotrakealtub. Tidigare studier visar dock att det inte är ovanligt med halsbesvär postoperativt, i form av halsont och/eller heshet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka förekomst och karaktär av halsbesvär postoperativt efter användning av två olika larynxmasker. Författarna genomförde en pilotstudie där nitton vuxna patienter, både män och kvinnor, som erhållit Pro-Breathe® eller I-gel® larynxmask under anestesin ingick. Patienterna intervjuades 60 minuter respektive 24 timmar efter uttagandet av larynxmasken. Intervjun bestod av två slutna frågor om halsont och heshet samt en öppen fråga om hur det kändes i halsen. Den öppna frågan visade att andra typer av halsbesvär förekommer, bland annat irritabilitet, svårigheter att svälja, torrhet och svullnadskänsla. Pilotstudiens metod lämpade sig att använda och svarade mot studiens syfte. Resultatet visade att olika typer av halsbesvär var vanligt postoperativt. Åtta av tio patienter som haft Pro-Breathe® samt sju av nio patienter som haft I-gel® hade någon typ av halsbesvär. / The literature describes the laryngeal mask as a gentle alternative to intubation with endotracheal tube. Previous studies show that it is not unusual with throat discomfort postoperatively, in terms of sore throat and/or hoarseness/dysphonia. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and nature of throat discomfort postoperatively after the use of two different laryngeal masks. The authors conducted a pilot study in which nineteen adult patients, both men and women, who received Pro-Breathe® or I-gel® laryngeal mask during anesthesia was included. The patients were interviewed 60 minutes and 24 hours after the laryngeal mask were removed. The interview consisted of two sealed questions about sore throat and hoarseness/dysphonia and one open question about how it felt in the throat. The open question showed that other types of throat discomforts occurred, including irritability, difficulty swallowing, dryness and swelling sensation. The method of the pilot-study was suitable to use and responded to the study's purpose. The results showed that different types of throat discomfort were common postoperatively. Eight out of ten patients who received Pro-Breathe® and seven out of nine patients who received I-gel® had some type of throat discomfort.

När hjärtat slutar slå - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om prehospital luftvägshantering vid hjärtstopp

Modin, Erik, Nadia, Ameur January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund Ambulanssjuksköterskans hantering av luftvägen och ventilering vid hjärtstopp är av stor vikt för att en patient ska kunna återupplivas. Många hjälpmedel finns för att underlätta detta arbete, men prehospitalt finns det åtskilliga faktorer att ta hänsyn till som inte existerar på sjukhus och som kan inverka på ambulanssjuksköterskans val av metod för ventilering. Syfte Att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar ambulanssjuksköterskans val av metod för ventilering vid hjärtstopp. Metod En kvalitativ design användes med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Åtta intervjuer med specialistsjuksköterskor inom intensivvård och ambulanssjukvård genomfördes. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera materialet.  Resultat Dataanalysen resulterade i fyra kategorier med tillhörande underkategorier. I kategorin Tiden prioriterades snabb ventilering för patienten samtidigt som avståndet till sjukhus också påverkade val av metod. Patienten och dennes förutsättningar är en kategori där bakomliggande orsaker till hjärtstoppet, patientens anatomiska förutsättningar samt om hjärtstoppet avslutades på plats eller inte påverkade ambulanssjuksköterskans metodval. Tredje kategorin var resurser som påverkade metodvalet genom att antalet enheter på plats och deras kompetens och erfarenhet hade en inverkan på metodval. Den fjärde kategorin användarvänlighet handlar om miljöfaktorer som påverkade metodvalet samt transport av patienten där avancerade metoder föredrogs för att underlätta förflyttningen. Slutsats Många av dessa faktorer är sådant som inte är något problem på sjukhus men som ambulanssjuksköterskan behöver vara medveten om. Vissa av faktorerna kan avhjälpas av verksamheten med ökad utbildning och modern utrustning men andra faktorer är sådant som ambulanssjuksköterskan behöver vara redo för att hantera. / Background Airway management is of great importance to the resuscitation in patients with cardiac arrest. There are a lot of tools to alleviate this task, but there are several factors to consider in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, that doesn't exists within the hospital walls, that may influence the ambulance nurse method for managing the ventilation. Aim To study witch factors that influence the ambulance nurse choice of method to ventilate an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Methods A qualitative design was used with semi-structured interviews. Eight interviews were conducted with nursing specialists within intensive- and prehospital care. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the collected data. Results Data analysis resulted in four categories with associated under-categories. In the category Time distance to hospital had an effect on the choice of ventilation and fast ventilation was prioritized. The Patient was a category where the cause of the cardiac arrest, the patient anatomy and if the resuscitation was terminated on the spot or not was identified to have an impact on the method of airway management. The third category was Resources that influenced the airway approach was the amount of units on the scene and their competence and experience. The fourth category was ease-of-use where environment had an influence on airway management as well as the transportation of the patient. Conclusion Even though these factors often are a none-issue in the hospital it's vital to the ambulance nurse to be aware of these. Some factors can be alleviated by the agency with increased education and modern equipment but other factors are just something the ambulance nurse needs to be aware of and able to handle.

The comparison of cost-effectiveness between Laryngeal Mask and Endotracheal.

Tsai, Yih-shang 20 August 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to compare the cost-effectiveness between the 2 types of general anesthesia, namely, laryngeal mask (LMA) and endotracheal intubation (ETT). The study included 353 patients who received general anesthesia during operation in a medical center in Kaohsiung City. Of these, 183 patients were assigned to the LMA group, while the remaining 170 were assigned to the ETT group. The norm of cost adopted by this study was calculated as the average expense per hour incurred by using the anesthetic and hygienic materials for medicinal use. The indices of effectiveness were physical reactions that were tracked at 2 h and 8¡V10 h postoperatively; these indices were acute pain, dizzyness, sore throat, nausea, and vomiting. These 5 indices were rated on a scale of 0¡V10. A low score was considered to represent lesser side-effects and greater effectiveness of the anesthetic. Besides, the shorter the recovery time of the patient was, the higher the effectiveness would be. The conclusion showed that the cost of the average expense per hour produced by the anesthesia and hygienic materials of medicinal use in the LMA group was 531 dollars while in the ETT group was 1,017 dollars. In the LMA group, at 2 h postoperatively, the mean tracking score for acute pain was 2.9 ¡Ó 2.6; for dizzyness, 1.4 ¡Ó 1.9; for sore throat, 0.4 ¡Ó 1.1; for nausea, 0.5 ¡Ó 1.4; and for vomiting, 0.2 ¡Ó 0.9. In the LMA group, at 8¡V10 h postoperatively, the mean tracking score for acute pain was 0.9 ¡Ó 1.5; for dizzyness, 0.6¡Ó1.3; for sore throat, 0.2 ¡Ó 0.7; for nausea, 0.1 ¡Ó 0.6; and for vomiting, 0.07 ¡Ó 0.4. In the ETT group, at 2 h postoperatively, the mean tracking score for acute pain was 4.9 ¡Ó 3.2; for dizzyness, 2.6 ¡Ó 2.5; for sore throat, 2.0 ¡Ó 2.1; for nausea, 1.3 ¡Ó 2.4; and for vomiting, 0.7 ¡Ó 1.9. In the ETT group, at 8¡V10 h postoperatively, the mean tracking score for acute pain was 2.82¡Ó 2.5; for dizzyness, 1.9 ¡Ó 1.9; for sore throat, 1.3 ¡Ó 1.9; for nausea, 1.1 ¡Ó 2.1; and for vomiting, 0.7 ¡Ó 1.9. The mean postoperative recovery time of the patients in the LMA group was 11.5¡Ó13.2 min and that for the patients in the ETT group was 25.9¡Ó16.0 min. T-test was performed to examine the hypothesis that LMA is more cost-effective than ETT when the same variables as those mentioned above are used; the results of all variables support the hypothesis that the p-value of every index was .000. Results of stepwise regression showed that LMA plays a significant positive role in every cost-effectiveness index.

Untersuchung zum Beatmungserfolg mittels einer Larynxmaske und einer Gesichtsmaske durch in der Atemwegssicherung unerfahrene Studierende - eine Lehrevaluation vom Atemwegstrainer zum Patienten / Investigation on success of ventilation with a laryngeal mask or facemask by medical students unexperienced in airway management - a teaching evaluation from manikin training to patient

Bollinger, Matthias 17 November 2015 (has links)
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