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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconstruction de la végétation et du climat durant le Quaternaire récent à partir de deux tourbières en zone subtropicale en Chine / Vegetation and climate reconstruction of the late Quaternary from two mountain peat boreholes in subtropical zone of China

Li, Jie 05 June 2012 (has links)
La chine subtropicale est considérée comme une zone riche en biodiversité ainsi qu'une réserve naturelle abritant plusieurs espèces de plantes endémiques sous l'influence de la Mousson Asiatique (MA). Les enregistrements paléoclimatiques continus dans cette région sont trop peu nombreux pour comprendre l'évolution floristique liée aux changements climatiques qui demeure ainsi méconnue, particulièrement durant le DMG. Dans ce contexte, ce travail a pour objectifs d'étudier, au cours des derniers 40000 ans, la variabilité floristique et climatique enregistrées dans les zones humides montagneuse sub-tropicales chinoises. Notre étude s'appuie sur l'étude de deux carottes sédimentaires ou la variabilité est reconstituée à partir de l'étude palynologique. L'enregistrement le plus long (derniers 42000 ans) a été obtenu sur une carotte prélevée dans la zone humide sub-alpine de Dajiuhu, dans les montagnes Shennongjia situées en Chine centrale. Cette région est fortement influencée par la Mousson Est Asiatique (MEA) et caractérisée par des forets tempérées décidues associées à quelques taxons de conifères. L'autre enregistrement concerne une carotte (GT-2), qui quant à elle enregistre les derniers 21000 ans, prélevée dans la zone humide de Gutian, province de Guangxi au sud de la chine sous l'influence de la mousson indienne (MI). L'objectif de ce travail est de reconstituer les variations régionales de la végétation et les variations climatiques liées aux deux systèmes de mousson (MEA et MI). L'étude palynologique de nos deux carottes est complétée et renforcée par une approche multi-proxy s'appuyant sur les spores, le δ13C, l'analyse de l'échelle de gris, la susceptibilité magnétique ainsi que le degré d'humification. L'analyse du pollen dans la carotte DJH-1 révèle que le climat et la végétation ont significativement varié tout au long de ces derniers 42000 ans. La région de Dajiuhu, caractérisée aujourd'hui par des forêts denses était autrefois couvertes par des prairies alpine associés à une forêt clairsemée durant le DMG comme le laisse suggérer la prédominance des Cyperaceae et Poaceae dans les spectres polliniques. De faibles teneurs en matière organique (MOT) ainsi qu'un niveau de gris bas ont été aussi signalés durant la période glaciaire. La foret commençait à se reconstituer à partir de 14ka BP et les forets à arbre persistant ont atteint leur niveau maximale entre 10ka et 4ka BP, correspondant au maximum thermique de l'holocène. Les changements survenus après 4000BP ont été explorés aussi. La carotte GT-2 au sud de la chine sub-tropicale révèle quant à elle une végétation différente durant le dernier maximum glaciaire. Les spectres polliniques indiquent que cette période était caractérisée par des forêts de conifères associées à des forêts décidues. La prépondérance des genres décidus comme Carpinus, Betula et Corylus semble indiquer des conditions froides, alors que les pluies restaient abondantes. L'abondance du genre Tsuga, particulièrement entre 21 et 17ka BP suggère la descente de la limite forestière à des altitudes beaucoup plus basses. Les successions de biomes dans montagnes subtropicale du sud de la chine s'est étalée sur plusieurs phases : (1) la première se caractérise par des forêts décidues associées à des conifères (17-12.5ka BP), (2) la deuxième phase est dominée par les forêts decidues, (3) la troisième se caractérise par des forêts à arbres persistants associées à des arbres a feuilles caduques (12.5-9ka BP). Les deux dernières phases voient se succéder des forêts à arbres persistants (9-2.5ka BP) puis une forêt mixte, probablement liée à l'activité humaine. La comparaison entre les deux sites d'étude confirme que les changements de végétation durant le DMG étaient importants. / Subtropical China is considered as an important region for biodiversity and a great natural reserve for endemic plant species, where the climate is mainly controlled by Asian Monsoon (AM). Since the recent decades, few continuous records so far covering the last glacial period in this area have been studied. In consequence, the past floristic evolution and vegetation-climate changes during particularly the Last Glacial period are still unclear. In this study, two cores from subtropical mountain wetlands were studied by means of palynology and other multidisciplinary proxies. The longer studied material covering the last 42 ka was obtained from a sub-alpine wetland in Dajiuhu, Shennongjia Mountains of central China, where the present-day vegetation is temperate deciduous forest mixed with some conifer taxa, and the climate is greatly influenced by the East Asian monsoon (EAM). The other material, core GT-2, collected in Gutian wetland of Guangxi Province in south China has an age of 21 ka can reflect the changes of evergreen forest and climate which is controled by the Indian monsoon (IM) overlapped with EAM. The aim of the current study is to reconstruct the regional vegetation and climate changes, and better understand the variability of two monsoon system (EAM and IM) since the last glacial period. Multi-proxy analysis including pollen and spore, stable carbon isotope (δ13C), sediment gray-scale (GS), magnetic suscepbitility (MS),peat humification (HD) and so on were perfomed for evaluating the regional environment changes. The overall result can be summarized as below: The pollen analysis from the DJH-1 core reveals that the past vegetation and climate in northern subtropical zone of central China varied significantly over the last 42 ka. The vegetation in Dajiuhu region, dominated by dense temperate forest today, was an alpine meadow with sparse mixed forest during the last glacial characterized by predominant Cyperaceae and Poaceae in the pollen spectra. Other proxies show that the lowest TOC content and lighter gray-scale in the glacial interval. The broadleaved forest began to return since 14 cal ka BP, and the evergreen broadleaved trees attained their highest level between ~10 and 4 cal ka BP, accordance in timing with the Holocene thermal maximum. A change at 4000 cal BP in pollen spretra was also investigated. The results from the core GT-2 in southern subtropical zone of China suggest a different replacement of vegetation during the last glacial. Pollen data indicate that a dense mixed forest of coniferous and deciduous broadleaved forest covered the southern subtropical mountains during the LGM (21-12.5 cal ka BP). The grass was however in low percentage. The high percentage of deciduous taxa such as Carpinus, Betula and Corylus indicate a colder condition, whereas the rainfall maintains abundant. The relatively high amount of Tsuga particularly during 21-17 cal ka BP suggests an important lowering of vertical forest belt. The biome changes in the southern subtropical mountains since the last glacial maximum can be outlined as follow: (1) deciduous and coniferous mixed forest (21-17 ka BP); (2) deciduous broadleaved forest (17-12.5 ka BP); (3) deciduous and evergreen mixed forest (12.5-9 ka BP); (4) evergreen broadleaved forest (9-2.5 cal ka BP) and (5) Mixed forest (from 2.5 cal ka BP) possible caused by human activity. The comparison of the two studied sites confirms that the shift of vegetation zone during the last glacial period is important. The alpine tree line might decend at an amplitude of more than 1000 m lower than that of today, and the temperate zone of deciduous broadleaved forest moved southwards to Guangxi Province (e.g. from about 30 to 22 latitude N ). The rapid increase of braodleved forest in central China began at about 10 cal ka BP, whereas the return to evergreen forest in Guangxi of southern subtropical zone took place at ca. 9 cal ka BP.

Variabilidade milenar da Corrente do Brasil e do clima da América do Sul durante o último período glacial / Millennial variability of the Brazil Current and South American climate during the last glacial period

Campos, Marília de Carvalho 01 July 2016 (has links)
A Corrente do Brasil (CB) representa o ramo sul da bifurcação da Corrente Sul Equatorial que interage com a margem continental sudeste do Brasil. A temperatura da superfície do mar na região da CB exerce um importante papel no controle da intensidade e posição da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul, um dos principais componentes do Sistema de Monção da América do Sul (SMAS). Tal sistema atmosférico é responsável pela precipitação de verão em grande parte do continente sul-americano, sendo, portanto, uma feição natural de grande importância para o contexto político-econômico nacional e internacional. Além disto, a CB é marcantemente influenciada pela Atlantic Meridional Overturnig Circulation (AMOC), cujas oscilações pretéritas foram responsáveis por mudanças abruptas no clima global. Atualmente, os poucos registros paleoceanográficos disponíveis no sudoeste do Atlântico Sul não permitem uma reconstituição detalhada das mudanças ocorridas na CB durante o último período glacial. Esta Dissertação de Mestrado visou reconstituir a variabilidade da CB ao redor de 32°S durante os eventos Heinrich Stadial (HS) 3 e 2, bem como seus impactos no clima da porção sudeste da América do Sul. Para tanto, foi investigado um testemunho sedimentar marinho coletado na margem continental sul do Brasil sob a influência da CB. Para este testemunho foram produzidos modelo de idades baseado em datações 14C, análises de isótopos estáveis de carbono e oxigênio, bem como análises de Mg/Ca, ambas em testas de foraminíferos planctônicos e análises de fluorescência de raios-X em amostras de sedimento total. Os resultados mostram que durante os eventos HS (notadamente durante o HS2) ocorreu marcante aumento na taxa de sedimentação bem como nas razões ln(Ti/Ca) e ln(Fe/Ca), e diminuição na composição dos isótopos estáveis de carbono bem como na temperatura e salinidade da superfície do mar. Tais alterações foram relacionadas à desintensificação da AMOC, à intensificação da ressurgência do Oceano Austral e ao fortalecimento do SMAS. A ocorrência de uma estrutura em w nos registros dos HSs apresentados aqui, bem como em registros do Atlântico Norte e da América do Sul, sugere que esta estrutura é uma característica do HS2, e possivelmente também do HS3 / The Brazil Current (BC) represents the southern branch of the bifurcation of the South Equatorial Current that interacts with the southeastern Brazilian continental margin. Sea surface temperature at BC region plays an important role in controlling the intensity and position of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone, which represents one of the main componets of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS). This atmospheric system is responsible for summer precipitation in a large sector of South America, and, therefore, it is a natural feature of great importance for the national and international political-economic context. Moreover, the BC is markedly influenced by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) whose past oscillations generated marked global abrupt climatic changes. Presently, the few paleoceanographic records available from the western South Atlantic do not allow a detailed reconstruction of the changes that happened in the BC during the last glacial cycle. This MSc. dissertation aimed at reconstructing the variability of the BC around 32°S during the events Heinrich Stadial (HS) 3 and 2, as well as its impacts on the climate of southeastern South America. Therefore, we investigated one marine sediment core collected in the southern Brazilian continental margin, under the influence of the BC. For this core we produced an age model based on 14C ages, downcore records of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes and Mg/Ca, both in tests of planktonic foraminifera, and X-ray fluorescence in bulk sediment samples. During HSs (notably during HS2), the records show marked increases in sedimentation rate as well as in ln(Ti/Ca) and ln(Fe/Ca), and decrease in the stable carbon isotopic composition as well as sea surface temperature and salinity. Such changes were releted to the weakening of the AMOC, the intensification of the Southern Ocean upwelling, and the strengthening of the SAMS. The occurrence a w-structure in our HS records as well as in North Atlantic and South American records, suggest that such structure is a pervasive feature of HS2, and possibly also HS3

Les systèmes turbidiques du Golfe d'Oman et de la marge est-africaine : architecture, évolution des apports au Quaternaire terminal et impact de la distribution sédimentaire sur les propriétés géoacoustiques des fonds

Bourget, Julien 08 December 2009 (has links)
Ce travail présente une analyse des systèmes turbiditiques actuels du Golfe d’Oman et de la marge est-africaine (océan Indien occidental), auparavant méconnus. Il se base sur une base de données acoustique (bathymétrie, imagerie multifaisceaux, sismique THR et multitraces) et sédimentologique (carottes küllenberg et calypso) issues de campagnes successives réalisées par le SHOM et l’IFP. L’architecture des systèmes de dépôts profonds et les processus associés ont révélé une grande diversité selon le contexte géodynamique et physiographique des marges étudiées (marge passive, marge transformante, marge active). Les différents systèmes étudiés illustrent notamment le rôle du contexte tectonique régional sur la répartition et la morphologie des dépocentres à plusieurs échelles d’observation. L'analyse détaillée des faciès et séquences sédimentaires a permis de mettre en évidence le fonctionnement sédimentaire des différents systèmes en lien avec les conditions physiographiques et environnementales régionales (influence des crues liées à la mousson sur le transfert sédimentaire). A travers la reconstruction des transferts sédimentaires dans ces systèmes turbiditiques, nous discutons de l’impact relatif des différents facteurs forçant la sédimentation gravitaire sous-marine à haute-fréquence (eustatisme, climat, et tectonique). Pour cela, une étude stratigraphique détaillée a été réalisée sur la base de différents outils (datation radiocarbone, géochimie élémentaire, biostratigraphie) permettant de contraindre dans le temps les séries sédimentaires gravitaires. L’évolution des apports sédimentaires et des processus de dépôt au cours du Quaternaire terminal, en relation avec les modifications paléo-environnementales continentales, a permis d’identifier l’impact, l’importance relative et les interactions entre les forçages externes sur le développement à haute-fréquence (103-104ans) de systèmes de dépôt gravitaires, dans divers contextes géodynamiques. Les connaissances acquises sur la sédimentation du Golfe d’Oman ont finalement permis d’alimenter une base de données sédimentologique conséquente. L’intégration de cette base dans un modèle numérique géoacoustique (« simulateur ») développé par le SHOM a permis d’évaluer quantitativement l’impact des variations sédimentaires à différentes échelles (distribution spatiale, lithologie, stratification, processus de dépôt) sur la propagation du signal acoustique pour différentes gammes de fréquence (de 300 Hz jusqu’à 3 kHz) et angles d’émission (de 0 à 90°). Ces travaux constituent une base pour la réalisation d’un modèle géoacoustique régional robuste. / This study focuses on the Late Quaternary turbidite systems of the Gulf of Oman and the East-African margin (western Indian Ocean), previously poorly studied. It is based upon a compilation of acoustic data (bathymetry, multibeam imagery, 3.5 kHz and multi-channel seismic) and sedimentological data (küllenberg and calypso piston cores) recovered during several cruises leaded by the SHOM and IFP institutes. Turbidite system architecture and sedimentary processes revealed a strong variability primarily related to the physiographic, hydro-climatic and geodynamic context of each margin. High-resolution stratigraphy has been achieved using a combination of radiocarbon dating, XRF geochemistry, biostratigraphy). This allowed to investigate the impact, the interaction and the relative importance of the external forcings on deep water sedimentation (i.e. tectonics, climate and eustasy) at high- frequency (103 -104 yrs) in different tectonic setting (active & passive margins). Finally, integration of the sedimentological data set in a geoacoustic numerical modelling leaded to a first quantitative estimation of the regional relationship between sea-floor properties (lithology, depositional environment, stratification) and propagation of acoustic signal at 300 Hz- 3kHz frequencies and 0-90°. This work constitutes a basis for future geoacoustic modelling in the area.

Variabilidade milenar da Corrente do Brasil e do clima da América do Sul durante o último período glacial / Millennial variability of the Brazil Current and South American climate during the last glacial period

Marília de Carvalho Campos 01 July 2016 (has links)
A Corrente do Brasil (CB) representa o ramo sul da bifurcação da Corrente Sul Equatorial que interage com a margem continental sudeste do Brasil. A temperatura da superfície do mar na região da CB exerce um importante papel no controle da intensidade e posição da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul, um dos principais componentes do Sistema de Monção da América do Sul (SMAS). Tal sistema atmosférico é responsável pela precipitação de verão em grande parte do continente sul-americano, sendo, portanto, uma feição natural de grande importância para o contexto político-econômico nacional e internacional. Além disto, a CB é marcantemente influenciada pela Atlantic Meridional Overturnig Circulation (AMOC), cujas oscilações pretéritas foram responsáveis por mudanças abruptas no clima global. Atualmente, os poucos registros paleoceanográficos disponíveis no sudoeste do Atlântico Sul não permitem uma reconstituição detalhada das mudanças ocorridas na CB durante o último período glacial. Esta Dissertação de Mestrado visou reconstituir a variabilidade da CB ao redor de 32°S durante os eventos Heinrich Stadial (HS) 3 e 2, bem como seus impactos no clima da porção sudeste da América do Sul. Para tanto, foi investigado um testemunho sedimentar marinho coletado na margem continental sul do Brasil sob a influência da CB. Para este testemunho foram produzidos modelo de idades baseado em datações 14C, análises de isótopos estáveis de carbono e oxigênio, bem como análises de Mg/Ca, ambas em testas de foraminíferos planctônicos e análises de fluorescência de raios-X em amostras de sedimento total. Os resultados mostram que durante os eventos HS (notadamente durante o HS2) ocorreu marcante aumento na taxa de sedimentação bem como nas razões ln(Ti/Ca) e ln(Fe/Ca), e diminuição na composição dos isótopos estáveis de carbono bem como na temperatura e salinidade da superfície do mar. Tais alterações foram relacionadas à desintensificação da AMOC, à intensificação da ressurgência do Oceano Austral e ao fortalecimento do SMAS. A ocorrência de uma estrutura em w nos registros dos HSs apresentados aqui, bem como em registros do Atlântico Norte e da América do Sul, sugere que esta estrutura é uma característica do HS2, e possivelmente também do HS3 / The Brazil Current (BC) represents the southern branch of the bifurcation of the South Equatorial Current that interacts with the southeastern Brazilian continental margin. Sea surface temperature at BC region plays an important role in controlling the intensity and position of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone, which represents one of the main componets of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS). This atmospheric system is responsible for summer precipitation in a large sector of South America, and, therefore, it is a natural feature of great importance for the national and international political-economic context. Moreover, the BC is markedly influenced by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) whose past oscillations generated marked global abrupt climatic changes. Presently, the few paleoceanographic records available from the western South Atlantic do not allow a detailed reconstruction of the changes that happened in the BC during the last glacial cycle. This MSc. dissertation aimed at reconstructing the variability of the BC around 32°S during the events Heinrich Stadial (HS) 3 and 2, as well as its impacts on the climate of southeastern South America. Therefore, we investigated one marine sediment core collected in the southern Brazilian continental margin, under the influence of the BC. For this core we produced an age model based on 14C ages, downcore records of carbon and oxygen stable isotopes and Mg/Ca, both in tests of planktonic foraminifera, and X-ray fluorescence in bulk sediment samples. During HSs (notably during HS2), the records show marked increases in sedimentation rate as well as in ln(Ti/Ca) and ln(Fe/Ca), and decrease in the stable carbon isotopic composition as well as sea surface temperature and salinity. Such changes were releted to the weakening of the AMOC, the intensification of the Southern Ocean upwelling, and the strengthening of the SAMS. The occurrence a w-structure in our HS records as well as in North Atlantic and South American records, suggest that such structure is a pervasive feature of HS2, and possibly also HS3

La mer Ionienne : évolution de l'activité sédimentaire au cours des derniers 400 000 ans dans un système en contexte tectonique convergent et influence de la sédimentation sur les propriétés géoacoustiques des fonds / The Ionian Sea : evolution of the sedimentary activity over the last 400 000 years in a convergent tectonic setting and influence of the sedimentation on the seabed’s geoacoustic properties

Köng, Eléonore 09 December 2016 (has links)
La mer Ionienne est une zone à la géodynamique active en raison de la convergence entre les plaques Nubie et Eurasie. Elle correspond aux derniers stades de vie d’un océan, la Téthys. De ce fait, la tectonique et la sédimentation y sont très réduites ; et les faibles flux sédimentaires permettent ainsi d’enregistrer une multiplicité de processus sédimentaires.Néanmoins, c’est une zone encore peu étudiée d’un point de vue sédimentaire, notamment sur les échelles de temps de l’ordre de la centaine de milliers d’années. Ce travail est basé sur une étude sédimentologique d’archives marines complétée par des données acoustiques (bathymétrie et multi-faisceau) issue de campagnes océanographiques du SHOM. L’analyse détaillée des faciès et des séquences sédimentaire a permis, dans un premier temps, d’établir un calendrier des risques naturels (séismes, tsunamis, volcanisme), leurs sources et leurs processus de dépôt dans le bassin pour les derniers 330 000 ans. Puis, dans un second temps, de retracer l’évolution sur les derniers 400 000 ans de la circulation et de l’oxygénation des eaux de fond dans le bassin ionien et l’influence du détroit de Sicile, et notamment de la plate-forme de Malte, sur les échanges entre les bassins occidental et oriental. L’intégration des données sédimentologiques dans un modèle géoacoustique développé par le SHOM a finalement permis de déterminer l’impact des variations sédimentaires (distribution spatiale, lithologie, stratification) sur la propagation des ondes acoustique pour différentes gammes de fréquences (300 Hz - 3000 Hz) et d’angle d’incidence (0 -90°) et d’établir une cartographie de la réponse sédimentaire du le signal acoustique. / The Ionian Sea is an active geodynamic area because of the convergence between theNubia and the Eurasia plate. It corresponds to the last stage of the Tethys ocean life. Therefore,the tectonics and the sedimentation are much reduced; and the low sedimentary supply enables torecord a multiplicity of sedimentary processes. Nevertheless, this area still poorly studied from asedimentary point of view, in particular on timescales on the order of hundred thousand years.This work is based on a sedimentological study of marine archives supplemented by acoustic data(bathymetry and multibeam imagery) recovered during oceanographic campaign leaded by theSHOM. The detailed sedimentary analysis of facies and sequences allows, at first, to established acalendar of the natural hazard (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanism), their origins and theirdepositional processes into the basin over the last 330 000 years. Then, secondly, to reconstructthe evolution over the last 400 000 years of the circulation and the oxygenation of bottom waterthrough the Ionian basin and the influence of the strait of Sicily, in particular of the Malta Plateau,on the exchanges between the western and the eastern basins. The integration of thesedimentological data in a geoacoustic modelling developed by the SHOM finally allowed todetermine the impact of the sedimentary variability (special distribution, lithology, stratification)on the acoustic waves propagation for various frequency bands (300 Hz - 3000 Hz) and incidentangle (0 - 90°) and to established a mapping of the sedimentary answer of the acoustic signal.

Traçage isotopique (36CI, 4He, 234U) et modélisation hydrogéologique du Système Aquifère du Sahara Septentrional. Application à la recharge Quaternaire du Continental Intercalaire / Isotopic tracing (36Cl, 4He, 234U) and hydrogeologic modeling of the North Western Saharan Aquifer System. Application to the Quaternary recharge of the Continental Intercalaire

Petersen, Jade Oriane 02 July 2014 (has links)
L'exploitation des réserves d'eau douce, principalement contenues dans les aquifères est une préoccupation croissante dans les zones où elle se traduit par une baisse des niveaux piézométriques.Ce travail de thèse propose de caractériser l'évolution du Système Aquifère du Saharan Septentrional (SASS), et plus particulièrement le Continental Intercalaire (CI) à l'aide d'un couplage entre des outils de modélisation hydrogéologique et de traceurs géochimiques (36Cl, 234U/238U). Situé dans une région semi-aride à aride et s'étendant sur plus d'un million de km2, le CI présente un potentiel d'enregistrement d'une variabilité climatique à grande échelle en plus des baisses piézométriques anthropiques.Nous avons amélioré la définition de la recharge moderne du SASS à l'aide d'une méthode basée sur des données de télédection (entre 0 et 6.75 mm an−1 sur la période 2003-2010) ainsi que de la localisation zones de recharge du Sud Tunisien à l'aide de traceurs isotopiques (14C, 36Cl, 234U). Ces traceurs fournissant un lien évident mais complexe entre les conditions hydrodynamiques présentes et passées, nous nous sommes efforcés d'interpréter les informations paléoenvironnementales apportées par le 36Cl et le 4He sur l'ensemble de la zone tunisienne du CI. Introduites dans un modèle hydrogéologique du CI, les données de 36Cl nous ont permis d'améliorer des hypothèses sur des scénarios de recharge (variant entre 0.5 et 60 mm an−1) pendant les huit derniers cycles interglaciaires-glaciaires (0-775 ka).A partir d'informations complémentaires (échantillons d'eau, affleurements, zone climatique) nous avons finalement construit une représentation "hydro-climato-geochimique" du CI. / Concerns about freshwater availability increase with the rise of populations demands and decrease of piezometric levels in some aquifers. However, this "instantaneous" variability is complicated by a long-term climatic variability that impacts hydrodynamics on timescales of thousands to hundred of thousands of years.This study characterizes the evolution of a large aquifer (extending over more than a million of km2), the Continental Intercalaire (CI), from hydrogeological and geochemical viewpoints, over several hundreds thousand years. For this purpose, we combined hydrogeologic modeling and geochemical tracing methods (36Cl, 234U/238U. . .).The CI is the main aquifer of the North Western Saharan Aquifer System (NWSAS). Located in a semi-arid to arid region, its presence suggests potential records of climatic variability on large temporal and spatial scales. Our results corroborate previous assessment of the modern recharge, which fluctuates between 0 and 6.75 mm yr−1, over the entire NWSAS. We also improve the understanding of previously poorly characterized recharge areas in the South of Tunisia. Isotopic tracers can provide a strong but complex link between past and present hydrodynamic conditions, so we struggled to investigate chlorine-36 and helium-4 paleorecords. In our hydrogeologic model of the CI, chlorine-36 data allowed us to propose some hypotheses about recharge scenarios (varying between 0.5 and 60 mm yr−1) during height of the last interglacial-glacial cycles (0-775 ky). By using multi-scale information (groundwater samples, outcrops and climatic areas), we developed a "hydro-climatic-geochemical" representation of the CI.

Estudo interdisciplinar em sedimentos lacustres da região sul do estado de São Paulo. Reconstrução da vegetação e do clima no Quaternário tardio / Interdisciplinary study of lacustrine sediments from Southeastern São Paulo state (Brazil). Late Quaternary vegetation and climate changes

Passarini Junior, Jaime Rissi 28 August 2009 (has links)
O estudo de um testemunho coletado às margens de uma lagoa situada em meio a vegetação de Mata Atlântica no Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira, sul do estado de São Paulo, permitiu a reconstituição da história da vegetação local ao longo dos últimos 2500 anos. Para isso, foram realizadas análises elementares, isotópicas e palinológicas. Também a partir de material retirado deste testemunho procedeu-se a comparação entre dois protocolos de tratamento químico para análises palinológicas do Quaternário. Os protocolos utilizados seguiram as metodologias propostas por Faegri e Iversen, 1989 (Protocolo 2) e por Colinvaux et al., 1999 (Protocolo 1). Foi desenvolvido um método de comparação que envolveu a quantidade de palinomorfos e a quantidade de matéria orgânica amorfa encontrados em 450 pontos escolhidos aleatoriamente em lâminas de ambos os protocolos e também foram levados em consideração o tempo, a praticidade de aplicação em rotina laboratorial, os custos e as quantidades e tipos de resíduos para cada protocolo. Cinco amostras de sedimento foram utilizadas para comparação e o Protocolo 1 apresentou em média 10% menos matéria orgânica amorfa e quase três vezes mais palinomorfos que o Protocolo 2. Os resultados das análises isotópicas e da palinologia mostraram que a vegetação da área em estudo teve uma fisionomia florestal pelo menos desde os últimos 2550 anos. Os valores de \'delta\'13C, em torno de - 29%o, indicaram a presença de plantas C3 em todo o período estudado e registraram um enriquecimento isotópico (-24,9%o) entre aproximadamente 1650 e 1480 anos AP. A análise palinológica apontou para a ocorrência de um clima mais frio que o atual entre 2550 anos AP e 2000 anos AP, com aumento na freqüência de Araucaria e diminuição de Arecaceae. Também foi detectada a ocorrência de um período de clima mais quente e mais úmido entre aproximadamente 1000 anos AP e 680 anos AP, com desaparecimento de Araucaria e aumento de Arecaceae, Weinmannia e de pteridófitas. A maior umidade deste período também é apontada pelos valores de C/N que indicam aumento de influência terrestre no sedimento e pelo aumento de Botryococcus. Em todas as camadas foram encontradas partículas carbonizadas, indicando períodos de ocorrência de paleoincêndios e de abertura florestal provavelmente associados à presença humana na região / One sediment core collected at the margins of a lake surrounded by Atlantic rainforest vegetation at Parque Estadual do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), southern São Paulo state (Brazil), was analyzed, in order to reconstruct the history of the local vegetation over the last 2500 years. Elemental (Total Organic Carbon TOC and Total Organic Nitrogen), isotopic (C and N), pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating were integrated on this work. Also was made a comparison of two protocols for Quaternary pollen chemical treatment. The tested protocols were proposed by Faegri and Iversen, 1989 (Protocol 2) and by Colinvaux et al., 1999 (Protocol 1). The comparison methods developed in this study checked the protocols performance on the quantity of palinomorphs and of organic matter found in 450 random areas of microscope slides of each protocol. The time consuming, laboratory routine, costs and residue production by the protocols were considered for comparison. Five samples were used for comparison and the Protocol 1 showed an average of 10% less organic matter and more palinomorphs than Protocol 2. According to the isotopic and pollen results, the study area vegetation maintained as a forest for the last 2500 years BP. \'delta\'13C values of -29%o indicated the presence of C3 plants during all the sediment study and a isotopic enrichment (- 24,9%o) was observed between 1650 and 1480 yrs BP. Pollen analysis suggested the occurrence of colder climatic conditions between 2550 and 2000 yrs BP and a warmer and humid period was suggested between 1000 and 680 yrs BP. Charcoal particles were found since 2550 yrs BP indicating paleofire probably associated to the human activities

Studies of vegetation, fire and climate dynamics during the late Quaternary as contribution towards conservation and management of the biodiversity hotspot Mata Atlântica in southern Brazil / Studien zur Vegetations-, Feuer- und Klimadynamik im Spätquartär als Beitrag zum Schutz und Management des Biodiversitätszentrums Mata Atlantica in Südbrasilien

Jeske-Pieruschka, Vivian Luciana 20 January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo interdisciplinar em sedimentos lacustres da região sul do estado de São Paulo. Reconstrução da vegetação e do clima no Quaternário tardio / Interdisciplinary study of lacustrine sediments from Southeastern São Paulo state (Brazil). Late Quaternary vegetation and climate changes

Jaime Rissi Passarini Junior 28 August 2009 (has links)
O estudo de um testemunho coletado às margens de uma lagoa situada em meio a vegetação de Mata Atlântica no Parque Estadual Turístico do Alto Ribeira, sul do estado de São Paulo, permitiu a reconstituição da história da vegetação local ao longo dos últimos 2500 anos. Para isso, foram realizadas análises elementares, isotópicas e palinológicas. Também a partir de material retirado deste testemunho procedeu-se a comparação entre dois protocolos de tratamento químico para análises palinológicas do Quaternário. Os protocolos utilizados seguiram as metodologias propostas por Faegri e Iversen, 1989 (Protocolo 2) e por Colinvaux et al., 1999 (Protocolo 1). Foi desenvolvido um método de comparação que envolveu a quantidade de palinomorfos e a quantidade de matéria orgânica amorfa encontrados em 450 pontos escolhidos aleatoriamente em lâminas de ambos os protocolos e também foram levados em consideração o tempo, a praticidade de aplicação em rotina laboratorial, os custos e as quantidades e tipos de resíduos para cada protocolo. Cinco amostras de sedimento foram utilizadas para comparação e o Protocolo 1 apresentou em média 10% menos matéria orgânica amorfa e quase três vezes mais palinomorfos que o Protocolo 2. Os resultados das análises isotópicas e da palinologia mostraram que a vegetação da área em estudo teve uma fisionomia florestal pelo menos desde os últimos 2550 anos. Os valores de \'delta\'13C, em torno de - 29%o, indicaram a presença de plantas C3 em todo o período estudado e registraram um enriquecimento isotópico (-24,9%o) entre aproximadamente 1650 e 1480 anos AP. A análise palinológica apontou para a ocorrência de um clima mais frio que o atual entre 2550 anos AP e 2000 anos AP, com aumento na freqüência de Araucaria e diminuição de Arecaceae. Também foi detectada a ocorrência de um período de clima mais quente e mais úmido entre aproximadamente 1000 anos AP e 680 anos AP, com desaparecimento de Araucaria e aumento de Arecaceae, Weinmannia e de pteridófitas. A maior umidade deste período também é apontada pelos valores de C/N que indicam aumento de influência terrestre no sedimento e pelo aumento de Botryococcus. Em todas as camadas foram encontradas partículas carbonizadas, indicando períodos de ocorrência de paleoincêndios e de abertura florestal provavelmente associados à presença humana na região / One sediment core collected at the margins of a lake surrounded by Atlantic rainforest vegetation at Parque Estadual do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), southern São Paulo state (Brazil), was analyzed, in order to reconstruct the history of the local vegetation over the last 2500 years. Elemental (Total Organic Carbon TOC and Total Organic Nitrogen), isotopic (C and N), pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating were integrated on this work. Also was made a comparison of two protocols for Quaternary pollen chemical treatment. The tested protocols were proposed by Faegri and Iversen, 1989 (Protocol 2) and by Colinvaux et al., 1999 (Protocol 1). The comparison methods developed in this study checked the protocols performance on the quantity of palinomorphs and of organic matter found in 450 random areas of microscope slides of each protocol. The time consuming, laboratory routine, costs and residue production by the protocols were considered for comparison. Five samples were used for comparison and the Protocol 1 showed an average of 10% less organic matter and more palinomorphs than Protocol 2. According to the isotopic and pollen results, the study area vegetation maintained as a forest for the last 2500 years BP. \'delta\'13C values of -29%o indicated the presence of C3 plants during all the sediment study and a isotopic enrichment (- 24,9%o) was observed between 1650 and 1480 yrs BP. Pollen analysis suggested the occurrence of colder climatic conditions between 2550 and 2000 yrs BP and a warmer and humid period was suggested between 1000 and 680 yrs BP. Charcoal particles were found since 2550 yrs BP indicating paleofire probably associated to the human activities

Ancient environmental DNA as a means of understanding ecological restructuring during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in Yukon, Canada

Murchie, Tyler James January 2021 (has links)
Humans evolved in a world of giant creatures. Current evidence suggests that most ice age megafauna went extinct around the transition to our current Holocene epoch. The ecological reverberations associated with the loss of over 65% of Earth’s largest terrestrial animals transformed ecosystems and human lifeways forever thereafter. However, there is still substantial debate as to the cause of this mass extinction. Evidence variously supports climate change and anthropogenic factors as primary drivers in the restructuring of the terrestrial biosphere. Much of the ongoing debate is driven by the insufficient resolution accessible via macro-remains. To help fill in the gaps in our understandings of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, I utilized the growing power of sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) to reconstruct shifting signals of plants and animals in central Yukon. To date, sedaDNA has typically been analyzed by amplifying small, taxonomically informative regions. However, this approach is not ideally suited to the degraded characteristics of sedaDNA and ignores most of the potential data. Means of isolating sedaDNA have also suffered from the use of overly aggressive purification techniques resulting in substantial loss. To address these limitations, I first experimentally developed a novel means of releasing and isolating sedaDNA. Secondly, I developed a novel environmental bait-set designed to simultaneously capture DNA informative of macro-scale ecosystems. When combined, we identify a substantial improvement in the quantity and breadth of biomolecules recovered. These optimizations facilitated the unexpected discovery of horse and mammoth surviving thousands of years after their supposed extirpation. I followed up these results by extracting DNA from multiple permafrost cores where we confirm the late survival signal and identify a far more complex and high-resolution dataset beyond those identifiable by complementary methods. I was also able to reconstruct mitochondrial genomes from multiple megafauna simultaneously solely from sediment, demonstrating the information potential of sedaDNA. / Dissertation / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / A new addition to the rapidly growing field of palaeogenetics is environmental DNA (eDNA) with its immense wealth of biomolecules preserved over millennia outside of biological tissues. Organisms are constantly shedding cells, and while most of this DNA is metabolized or otherwise degraded, some small fraction is preserved through sedimentary mineral-binding. I experimentally developed new ancient eDNA methods for recovery, isolation, and analysis to maximize our access to these biomolecules and demonstrate that this novel approach outperforms alternative protocols. Thereafter, I used these methods to extract DNA from ice age permafrost samples dating between 30,000–6,000 years before present. These data demonstrate the power of ancient eDNA for reconstructing ecosystem change through time, as well as identifying evidence for the Holocene survival of caballine horse and woolly mammoth in continental North America. This late persistence of Pleistocene fauna has implications for understanding the human ecological and climatological factors involved in the Late Pleistocene mass extinction event. This effort is paralleled with megafaunal mitogenomic assembly and phylogenetics solely from sediment. This thesis demonstrates that environmental DNA can significantly augment macro-scale buried records in palaeoecology.

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