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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La couronne dans les sources iconographiques et textuelles juives et chrétiennes : significations d’un symbole tardo-antique / The crown in Jewish and Christian textual and iconographic sources : meanings of a late-antique symbol

Amsellem, Roxane 06 June 2017 (has links)
Le motif de la couronne, fortement présent dans les corpus iconographiques juifs et chrétiens, a été majoritairement perçu comme une contamination païenne des dits répertoires. Par la même, son interprétation symbolique est jugée secondaire et son emploi serait essentiellement d’ordre décoratif. Par la constitution d’un double corpus sélectif, l’un iconographique et l’autre textuel, notre démontrons que ce motif connaît une signification symbolique profonde et propre aux deux religions. Mes travaux permettent, d’une part, une meilleure compréhension des évolutions iconographiques et religieuses si caractéristiques de l’Antiquité tardive, et, d’autre part, de cerner les interactions entre les groupes religieux juifs et chrétiens du monde gréco-romain. En effet, la prise en compte et la confrontation de l’ensemble des sources textuelles et iconographiques tardoantiques juives et chrétiennes ont tout d’abord montré que le thème de la couronne est omniprésent. Cette omniprésence s’explique dans la mesure où les significations symboliques qu’elle véhicule sont fondamentales et multiples. Attribut de pouvoir (celui du roi celui du prêtre), attribut et sceau divin, attribut christique, angélique et céleste, la couronne est au cœur de la pensée juive et chrétienne de la rétribution. Ce symbolisme puissant s’enracine dans la Bible. C’est à partir des passages bibliques, pourtant peu nombreux, mentionnant la couronne, que les exégèses ultérieures se sont constamment développées ; cela en insistant toujours plus sur la dimension céleste de la signification de ce motif, au détriment de ses connotations terrestres liées historiquement à la royauté davidique et à la prêtrise aaronienne. Le motif de la couronne et son interprétation de plus en plus eschatologique sont présents dans tous les corpus littéraires ou épigraphiques que nous avons étudiés. Les premiers témoins de cet accroissement de la valeur symbolique de la couronne sont les littératures intertestamentaire, pseudépigraphique et qumrânienne au tournant de notre ère, dans lesquelles l’attention se focalise sur le sort des justes. / The motif of the crown, strongly present in the Jewish and Christian iconographic corpus, was mainly perceived as a pagan contamination of the said repertoires. By the same token, its symbolic interpretation is considered secondary and its use essentially decorative. By the constitution of a selective double corpus, one iconographic and the other textual, we demonstrate that this motif knows a deep symbolic meaning specific to both religions. My work makes it possible, on the one hand, to better understand the iconographic and religious evolutions so characteristic of late antiquity, and, on the other hand, to identify the interactions between the Jewish and Christian religious groups of the Greco-Roman world.Indeed, taking into account and confronting all Jewish and Christian late antique textual and iconographic sources initially showed that the theme of the crown is omnipresent. This omnipresence is explained insofar as the symbolic meanings which it conveys are fundamental and multiple. Attribute of power (that of the king that of the priest), attribute and divine seal, attribute Christic, angelic and celestial, the crown is at the heart of the Jewish and Christian thought of retribution.This powerful symbolism is rooted in the Bible. It is from the biblical passages, however few in number, mentioning the crown, that the subsequent exegeses have been constantly developed; With an increasing emphasis on the heavenly dimension of the meaning of this motif, to the detriment of its terrestrial connotations historically related to the Davidic kingdom and the Aaronic priesthood. The motif of the crown and its increasingly eschatological interpretation are present in all the literary or epigraphic corpuses that we have studied. The first witnesses to this increase in the symbolic value of the crown are the intertestamental, pseudepigraphic and qumranian literatures at the turn of our era, in which attention focuses on the fate of the righteous.

Sidoine Apollinaire et la Gaule chrétienne au Ve siècle / Sidonius Apollinaris and christian Gaul in the fifth century

Desbrosses, Lucie 18 October 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de doctorat s'inscrit dans le champ d'étude de l'histoire des identités religieuses et culturelles et a pour objectif premier d'analyser comment l'oeuvre poétique et épistolaire de Sidoine Apollinaire éclaire la spécificité de l'identité chrétienne gauloise durant la période tardo-antique ; il s'agit aussi de montrer comment ce corpus contribue à définir une identité sociale et religieuse dans la Gaule chrétienne au Ve siècle, en tenant compte des renoncements et des compromis culturels qu'implique la conversion. Nous nous intéressons notamment aux évolutions de la christianité qui sont perceptibles au cours des années d'activité de Sidoine Apollinaire qui se présente comme une source de premier plan sur ces questions puisqu'il est d'abord apparenté à l'élite sociale laïque, puis au monde clérical gaulois, sphères entre lesquelles il nous permet de mettre en évidence les rapports de continuité ou de rupture. Cette approche adopte une démarche diachronique et inscrit en premier lieu l'auteur dans le contexte historique et géographique d'un christianisme occidental qui trouve son ancrage à Rome, mais qui dispose de centres de rayonnement en Gaule, à une époque qui est encore exposée aux mutations culturelles et religieuses. Deux problématiques de recherches ont orienté notre propos : Quelle christianité se forge en Gaule au Ve siècle, et quels sont les faciès de cette religion d'après Sidoine, son réseau, ses lectures? Quels renoncements et quels compromis implique la conversion chrétienne à l'égard des composantes de l'ancien monde, qu'elles soient d'ordre idéologique, sociale ou esthétiques ? / This dissertation examines how poetic and epistolary works of Sidonius Apollinaris brings light upon christian Gaul identity during late Antiquity, and how this author takes part in defining it. This essay focuses on christian speeches, behaviours and duties towards former culture and especially pagan background, paying peculiar attention to claims of renunciation and actual compromises towards past patterns. This essay firstly tries to paint a picture of fifth-century christianity in Gaul, studying how and how much the religio noua has penetrated gallic provincies, and showing remanence of heterodox and «pagan» believes. It also examines the cultural continuity and discontinuity that occurs during religious transition from laity to conversion and clerical status, for which Sidonius Apollinaris, belonging first to lay social élite, then to thee cleric world, appears like a key-figure. This work especially focuses on the importance of poems-writing to enhance a christian identity but also to express one's nostalgic attachement to the ancient world, its litterature, its culture and its erstwhile pleasures.

Da aurora da história nacional ao estudo da história da igreja. Os Decem Libri Historiarum na historiografia / Of the dawn of national history to the study of the history of the Church. The Decem Libri Historiarum in the historiography

Oliveira, Natália Codo de 22 November 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação cujo objetivo é examinar criticamente a historiografia sobre Gregório de Tours nos séculos XIX e XX. Busca-se tal objetivo através da análise de autores, principalmente da tradição germânica, que estudaram Gregório de Tours como historiador dos francos, historiador nacional ou como historiador da sociedade cristã (historiador da Igreja). Mapeando o século VI, a biografia de Gregório de Tours e sua obra Decem Libri Historiarum na historiografia, pretende-se identificar e analisar essa mudança de enfoque sobre a obra do principal historiador do período merovíngio. / This work consists of an investigation which aims to critically examine the historiography about Gregory of Tours in XIX and XX centuries through the study of authors, specially of the germanic tradition, which studied Gregory of Tours as historian of the franks, national historian or as historian of the church and historian of christian society. Analyzing the VI century, Gregory of Tours biography and his work Decem libri Historiarum, it is intended to identify and analyze the change of focus on the work of the most important Merovingian historian.

Aux marges du royaume. Étude archéologique sur la période de transition postméroïtique / On the margins of the Kingdom. Archaeological study of the period of Post-Meroitic transition

Sakamoto, Tsubasa 21 April 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une synthèse sur la « Fin de Méroé ». L’enjeu est cependant considérable. La genèse des tumuli « royaux » d’el-Hobagi ne faisait-elle pas l’objet d’une discussion critique entre les spécialistes, lors de la 8e conférence des études méroïtiques à Londres ? Partice Lenoble n’avait-il pas déjà établi, avec toutes ses connaissances sur le terrain, l’histoire « postpyramidale » de la Nubie après la clôture des cimetières royaux de Méroé ? Aujourd’hui, il pourrait pour certains être inutile de rattraper le retard et de relancer une nouvelle recherche dans ce domaine. Rien n’a changé dit-on, parce que, en réalité, l’on ne dispose toujours pas de cimetières comparables à celui d’el-Hobagi ; il est ainsi effectivement impossible d’appréhender leur genèse, d’approfondir son histoire « postpyramidale ». La thèse présentée ici est là pour répondre à cette question. Constituée par sept chapitres principaux, allant du méroïtique au postméroïtique, ces derniers nous amèneront les uns et les autres aux enjeux auxquels se confrontaient Lenoble et ses collègues. Sans doute, pour notre part, la genèse des tumuli « royaux » d’el-Hobagi, et la chronologie des nécropoles royales de Qoustoul et de Ballana se situent-elles au cœur de la confrontation. / This thesis proposes a synthesis of the “End of Meroe”. The challenge, however, is considerable. The genesis of the “royal” mounds of el-Hobagi was the subject of a critical discussion between experts at the 8th Conference of the Meroitic Studies in London. Partice Lenoble had already established, with all of his knowledge in the field, the “postpyramidal” history of Nubia after the end of the royal cemeteries of Meroe. Today, it might be useless for someone to launch a new research in this domain. Nothing has been changed, one says, because we still lack cemeteries comparable to that of al-Hobagi; thus, it is effectively impossible to understand their genesis, to investigate his “postpyramidal” history. The thesis presented here is to answer this question. Consists of seven main chapters, they bring us to the issues confronted by Lenoble and his colleagues. No doubt, the genesis of the “royal” mounds of el-Hobagi, and the chronology of the royal necropolis of Qoustoul and Ballana are at the heart of our confrontation.

A correspondência entre São Jerônimo e Santo Agostinho: tradução e estudo (edição bilíngue) / The correspondence between Saint Jerome and Saint Augustine: ranslation and study

Guarnieri, Felipe de Medeiros 18 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação compreende a tradução, descrição, análise e anotação crítica das cartas que compõem a correspondência, produzida de ca. 394/395 a 419, entre Aurélio Agostinho (Tagaste, atual Souk Ahras, 354 - Hipona, atual Annaba, 430/431), presbítero e posteriormente bispo em Hipona, e Eusébio Jerônimo (Estridão, atual Liubliana, 331 - Belém, 419/420), monge então residente em Belém. Esta dissertação também compreende um estudo introdutório dessa correspondência, dividido em duas partes: uma interpretação de elementos nas cartas à luz do gênero epistolar helenístico, sua teoria e prática, conforme estas foram descritas tanto por outros escritores gregos e latinos, antigos e cristãos, quanto por críticos modernos; em seguida, uma contextualização histórica do texto, por sua vez fundamentada nos estudos da correspondência e na historiografia moderna, com enfoque na biografia de nossos autores, os quais viveram em uma época marcada por questões caras ao desenvolvimento da patrística latina como a discussão acerca da interpretação e tradução das Sagradas Escrituras, o combate às heresias, e, mais importante, o papel político e social da Igreja Católica na busca por uma doutrina cristã unívoca e ortodoxa durante a Antiguidade Tardia. / This dissertation comprehends the translation, analysis, and critical annotation of the letters that compose the correspondence of Aurelius Augustine (Thagast, modern day Souk Ahras, 354 - Hippo Regius, modern day Annaba, 430/431), presbyter and then bishop of Hippo, with Eusebius Jerome (Stridon, modern day Ljubliana, 331 - Bethlehem, 419/420), a monk then living in Bethlehem, and which were changed between the years of ca. 394/395 and 419. This dissertation also comprehends an introductory study, in two parts, of the correspondence: first, an interpretation of elements from it in light of the Hellenistic epistolary genre, according to its theory and practice, as described both by Greek and Roman, ancient and christian writers, and by contemporary scholars; afterwards, a historical analysis of the text, supported by studies of the correspondence and modern historiographic scholarship, with emphasis on biographies of our authors, who lived in an age marked by important causes to the development of Latin Patristics, such as the correct interpretation and translation of the Holy Scripture, the battle against heresies, and most importantly the political and social role played by the Church, in the search for a unified, catholic and orthodox christian doctrine during Late Antiquity.

A correspondência entre São Jerônimo e Santo Agostinho: tradução e estudo (edição bilíngue) / The correspondence between Saint Jerome and Saint Augustine: ranslation and study

Felipe de Medeiros Guarnieri 18 December 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação compreende a tradução, descrição, análise e anotação crítica das cartas que compõem a correspondência, produzida de ca. 394/395 a 419, entre Aurélio Agostinho (Tagaste, atual Souk Ahras, 354 - Hipona, atual Annaba, 430/431), presbítero e posteriormente bispo em Hipona, e Eusébio Jerônimo (Estridão, atual Liubliana, 331 - Belém, 419/420), monge então residente em Belém. Esta dissertação também compreende um estudo introdutório dessa correspondência, dividido em duas partes: uma interpretação de elementos nas cartas à luz do gênero epistolar helenístico, sua teoria e prática, conforme estas foram descritas tanto por outros escritores gregos e latinos, antigos e cristãos, quanto por críticos modernos; em seguida, uma contextualização histórica do texto, por sua vez fundamentada nos estudos da correspondência e na historiografia moderna, com enfoque na biografia de nossos autores, os quais viveram em uma época marcada por questões caras ao desenvolvimento da patrística latina como a discussão acerca da interpretação e tradução das Sagradas Escrituras, o combate às heresias, e, mais importante, o papel político e social da Igreja Católica na busca por uma doutrina cristã unívoca e ortodoxa durante a Antiguidade Tardia. / This dissertation comprehends the translation, analysis, and critical annotation of the letters that compose the correspondence of Aurelius Augustine (Thagast, modern day Souk Ahras, 354 - Hippo Regius, modern day Annaba, 430/431), presbyter and then bishop of Hippo, with Eusebius Jerome (Stridon, modern day Ljubliana, 331 - Bethlehem, 419/420), a monk then living in Bethlehem, and which were changed between the years of ca. 394/395 and 419. This dissertation also comprehends an introductory study, in two parts, of the correspondence: first, an interpretation of elements from it in light of the Hellenistic epistolary genre, according to its theory and practice, as described both by Greek and Roman, ancient and christian writers, and by contemporary scholars; afterwards, a historical analysis of the text, supported by studies of the correspondence and modern historiographic scholarship, with emphasis on biographies of our authors, who lived in an age marked by important causes to the development of Latin Patristics, such as the correct interpretation and translation of the Holy Scripture, the battle against heresies, and most importantly the political and social role played by the Church, in the search for a unified, catholic and orthodox christian doctrine during Late Antiquity.

Yazdgird I - He Who Maintains Peace in His Dominion: Re-examining the Rise and Fall of Romano-Iranian Relations in the Early Fifth Century

Amanatidis-Saadé, George 16 April 2019 (has links)
It is generally acknowledged among scholars in the field of Late Antiquity that relations between the Roman and Iranian Empires reached its climax in the early fifth century. Countless sources report a variety of co-operative events depicting positive dealings between the Iranian shah Yazdgird and the Roman emperors Arcadius and Theodosius II. On the other hand, there exist just as many accounts that Yazdgird persecuted the Christians of his realm towards the end of his life. We are thus left with opposing narratives about the Iranian monarch, and no clarification about what truly transpired. This thesis seeks to clarify the ambiguities surrounding Yazdgird‟s reign. In order to achieve this goal, the events and circumstances that led to the apogee of Roman-Iranian relations is first retraced. An examination of potential sources of tension follows this, with the thesis culminating in the final chapter directly engaging the question of whether Yazdgird persecuted the Christians of his realm or not. The focus of this study is not solely to answer the question outlined above, but also to analyze and revise the entire topic utilizing a more holistic approach. Recent scholarship on East Syrian Christianity and the Sasanian Empire aided in providing alternative perspectives to the traditionally unilateral Roman views of the outlined issues. These different viewpoints in turn helped shape new interpretations and conclusions concerning the apogee and decline of RomanoIranian relations in the early fifth century.

Nuovi dati sulla sinagoga di Bova Marina nel contesto dell’archeologia ebraica della Calabria tardo antica / Nouvelles données sur la synagogue de Bova Marina dans le contexte de l'archéologie juive de la Calabre dans l'Antiquité tardive / New data about the synagogue of Bova Marina in the context of the Jewish archeology of Calabria in late antiquity

Tromba, Enrico 08 September 2015 (has links)
La recherche vise à revoir et analyser la situation du site archéologique de San Pasquale de Bova Marina (RC). Le site, découvert en 1983, a fait l'objet de fouilles archéologiques depuis 1985 qui ont révélé des structures légères de grande importance, parmi lesquelles se trouve un bâtiment classé comme une synagogue juive et daté du IVe siècle de notre ère. À côté de la structure juive ont été mis au jour d'autres bâtiments légers et deux zones de sépulture. Jusqu'à présent, la vie de la synagogue avait été datée du quatrième au sixième siècle de notre ère et les zones funéraires ont été mises en phase avec elle. Grâce à cette recherche, menée sur des documents et à travers une série de fouilles archéologiques, nous avons montré que la durée de vie de la synagogue ne va pas au-delà du milieu du Ve siècle et les deux cimetières ne sont pas reliés à elle. Nous reconstituons aussi plus précisément les différentes phases de la vie du bâtiment juif et leur développement. L'accent est mis sur des reconstructions tridimensionnelles de la mosaïque et de la salle de prière. Nous avons également constaté des différences profondes avec l'autre synagogue découverte en Italie, à Ostie, tandis que nous avons trouvé des points de contact avec les synagogues de la terre d'Israël, en particulier celles de la vallée de Beth Shéan. Le site de S. Pasquale di Bova Marina a donc connu une présence juive à partir du quatrième siècle jusqu’au milieu du cinquième lorsque la zone a continué à être utilisée principalement comme zone d'inhumation, puis l’arrêt de tout type de fréquentation au septième siècle, à l’instar d'autres sites sur la côte ionienne de la Calabre. / The research aims to reconsider and analyze the situation of the archaeological site of San Pasquale of Bova Marina (RC). The site, discovered in 1983, was the subject of archaeological investigations since 1985 and brought to light structures of great importance, among which is a building identified as a Jewish synagogue and dated to the fourth century of our era. Along with the Jewish structure, were brought to light other buildings and two burial areas. Until now, the life of the synagogue had been dated from the fourth to the sixth century of our era and burial areas were put in phase with it. Through this research, carried out on documents and through a series of archaeological excavations, we have shown that the life of the synagogue does not go beyond the middle of the fifth century and the two cemeteries are not connected to it. We also reconstruct more accurately the various phases of Jewish building life and their development. Fundamental point were the three-dimensional reconstructions of the mosaic floor of the classroom and of the hall of the prayer. We also found profound differences with the other synagogue discovered in Italy, at Ostia, while we found important points of contact with the synagogues of the Land of Israel, in particular those of the valley of Beth She'an. The site of S. Pasquale of Bova marina, then, saw a Jewish attendance from the fourth century to the middle of the fifth when the area continued to be used primarily as a burial area and then stop any type of attendance in the seventh century, as other sites places on the Ionian coast of Calabria.

O som e a fúria: o Eucharisticos de Paulino de Pella e o problema do fim da antiguidade / The sound and the fury: the Eucharisticos of Paulinus of Pella and the problem of the end of Antiquity

Silva, Uiran Gebara da 08 April 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta uma investigação cujo objetivo é examinar o problema do confronto de paradigmas explicativos a respeito do fim da Antiguidade: a ascensão da Antiguidade Tardia, uma nova Forma da História, e o Declínio do Império Romano. Busca realizar isso através da compreensão do relato feito por um monge cristão, na forma de poema, sobre sua vida como aristocrata e proprietário de terras na Gália do século V d.C., o Eucharisticos de Paulino de Pella. A pesquisa teve como preocupações teórica e metodológica entender as diferentes mediações necessárias para a composição do poema, principalmente o instrumental literário disponível ao autor, como os gêneros literários clássicos. Estas também buscaram lidar com a relação indivíduo e sociedade na Antiguidade, propondo os limites e potencialidades que a compreensão do poema como expressão ideológica de seu autor e consequentemente de sua consciência de suas posições de classe e de status como critério da parcialidade de sua visão sobre a realidade na qual viveu. / This work consists of an investigation which aims to examine the issue of the opposing explanatory paradigm used to explain the end of Antiquity: the rise of Late Antiquity, a new Form of History, and the Fall of Roman Empire, through the understanding of a narrative poem written by a christian monk about his life as an aristocracy member and landowner in Gaul during the V century AD, Paulinus Paelleus\' Eucharisticus. The research methodological concerns aimed at the understanding of the poem composition through different mediations, mainly the literary background available to the author as, for instance, the classical genres of literature. Methodological and theoretical concerns also aimed to deal with the relation between individual and society in Antiquity, proposing the limits and potentialities that the poem understanding as its author\'s ideological expression - and consequently his consciousness about his class and status within it - as criteria for his biased view about the reality he lived in.

Ps. -Apulée, "Herbier", introduction, traduction et commentaire / Translation of the "Herbarius" of Pseudo-Apuleius with notes and commentary

Pradel-Baquerre, Mylène 13 December 2013 (has links)
Mon travail a consisté essentiellement à proposer une traduction moderne et scientifique de l’herbier du Ps.-Apulée, un texte du IVe siècle qui contient des recettes médicales associées à diverses plantes médicinales. Cet ouvrage a connu un grand succès au Moyen Âge et il en existe de nombreux manuscrits. Néanmoins, il a longtemps été méprisé et considéré comme une simple compilation d’ouvrages grecs. L’édition commentée la plus récente est celle d’Ackermann en 1788 et il n’y a pas de traduction française qui tienne compte l’édition d’E. Howald et H. Sigerist en 1927 et des progrès accomplis depuis dans la connaissance de ce texte. Nous avons donc essayé de traduire le texte de l’Herbier édité par ces deux savants tout en expliquant, critiquant et parfois contestant certains de leurs choix. Nous avons aussi cherché dans l’introduction et dans les notes à situer l’oeuvre dans la tradition médicale en travaillant à la fois sur les sources de l’oeuvre et sur sa postérité et nous avons joint à la traduction en annexes un certain nombre de nos outils de travail. Nous espérons que ce travail permettra de mieux comprendre ce que représentaient les plantes médicinales, « les simples », dans l’Antiquité tardive. / The primary objective of my research was to offer a modern and technical translation of the Herbarius of Pseudo-Apuleius. This document dates back to the 4th century and contains medical prescriptions associated with plants. During the Middle Age, the book was quite successful as numerous copies are available. For a long time, however, it was despised and considered as a simple compilation of Greek works. The most recent edition with commentaries is from Ackermann in 1788 and there is unfortunately no sufficient French translation to fully benefit from the 1927 commentaries of E. Howald and H. Sigerist and from more recents studies on this text. We have therefore attempted to translate the text edited by these two experts and have tried to explain as well as critique and at times dispute their choices. In the Introduction and the notes section, we have been mindful to respect the text’s medical tradition, researching its original sources and its posterity. We hope this research will help better understand the role and importance of medicinal plants, also known as “the simple ones”, in the late antiquity.

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